mirror of
synced 2024-11-24 00:42:28 +03:00
Refactor modules.
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ library
@ -4,91 +4,24 @@ Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
This defines the architecture-specific information needed for code discovery.
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Data.Macaw.Architecture.Info
( ArchitectureInfo(..)
, DisassembleFn
, archPostSyscallAbsState
-- * Unclassified blocks
, Block(..)
, TermStmt(..)
, module Data.Macaw.CFG.Block
) where
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Parameterized.Classes
import Data.Parameterized.Nonce
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Word
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as PP hiding ((<$>))
import Data.Macaw.AbsDomain.AbsState as AbsState
import Data.Macaw.CFG
import Data.Macaw.CFG.Block
import Data.Macaw.CFG.Core
import Data.Macaw.CFG.DemandSet
import Data.Macaw.CFG.Rewriter
import Data.Macaw.Memory
import Data.Macaw.Types
-- TermStmt
-- A terminal statement in a block
data TermStmt arch ids
-- | Fetch and execute the next instruction from the given processor state.
= FetchAndExecute !(RegState (ArchReg arch) (Value arch ids))
-- | Branch and execute one block or another.
| Branch !(Value arch ids BoolType) !Word64 !Word64
-- | The syscall instruction.
-- We model system calls as terminal instructions because from the
-- application perspective, the semantics will depend on the operating
-- system.
| Syscall !(RegState (ArchReg arch) (Value arch ids))
-- | The block ended prematurely due to an error in instruction
-- decoding or translation.
-- This contains the state of the registers when the translation error
-- occured and the error message recorded.
| TranslateError !(RegState (ArchReg arch) (Value arch ids)) !Text
instance ( OrdF (ArchReg arch)
, ShowF (ArchReg arch)
=> Pretty (TermStmt arch ids) where
pretty (FetchAndExecute s) =
text "fetch_and_execute" <$$>
indent 2 (pretty s)
pretty (Branch c x y) =
text "branch" <+> ppValue 0 c <+> text (show x) <+> text (show y)
pretty (Syscall s) =
text "syscall" <$$>
indent 2 (pretty s)
pretty (TranslateError s msg) =
text "ERROR: " <+> text (Text.unpack msg) <$$>
indent 2 (pretty s)
-- Block
-- | The type for code blocks returned by the disassembler.
-- The discovery process will attempt to map each block to a suitable ParsedBlock.
data Block arch ids
= Block { blockLabel :: !Word64
-- ^ Index of this block
, blockStmts :: !([Stmt arch ids])
-- ^ List of statements in the block.
, blockTerm :: !(TermStmt arch ids)
-- ^ The last statement in the block.
instance ArchConstraints arch => Pretty (Block arch ids) where
pretty b = do
text (show (blockLabel b)) PP.<> text ":" <$$>
indent 2 (vcat (pretty <$> blockStmts b) <$$> pretty (blockTerm b))
-- ArchitectureInfo
@ -1,694 +1,15 @@
Copyright : (c) Galois, Inc 2015-2017
Copyright : (c) Galois, Inc 2017
Maintainer : Joe Hendrix <jhendrix@galois.com>
Defines data types needed to represent values, assignments, and statements from Machine code.
This is a low-level CFG representation where the entire program is a
single CFG.
This exports the main CFG modules
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Data.Macaw.CFG
( -- * Stmt level declarations
, Assignment(..)
, AssignId(..)
, AssignRhs(..)
, MemRepr(..)
, memReprBytes
-- * Value
, Value(..)
, BVValue
, valueAsApp
, valueWidth
, asBaseOffset
, asInt64Constant
, mkLit
, bvValue
, ppValueAssignments
, ppValueAssignmentList
-- * App
( module Data.Macaw.CFG.Core
, module Data.Macaw.CFG.App
-- * RegState
, RegState
, regStateMap
, boundValue
, cmpRegState
, curIP
, mkRegState
, mkRegStateM
, traverseRegsWith
, zipWithRegState
-- * Pretty printing
, ppAssignId
, ppLit
, ppValue
, PrettyF(..)
, ArchConstraints(..)
, PrettyRegValue(..)
-- * Architecture type families
, ArchAddr
, ArchSegmentedAddr
, ArchFn
, ArchReg
, ArchStmt
, RegAddr
, RegAddrWidth
-- * RegisterInfo
, RegisterInfo(..)
, asStackAddrOffset
-- * References
, StmtHasRefs(..)
, FnHasRefs(..)
, refsInValue
, refsInApp
, refsInAssignRhs
-- ** Synonyms
, ArchAddrWidth
, ArchAddrValue
, Data.Macaw.Memory.SegmentedAddr
) where
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Bits
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Maybe (isNothing, catMaybes)
import Data.Parameterized.Classes
import Data.Parameterized.Map (MapF)
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as MapF
import Data.Parameterized.NatRepr
import Data.Parameterized.Nonce
import Data.Parameterized.Some
import Data.Parameterized.TraversableF
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import GHC.TypeLits
import Numeric (showHex)
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as PP hiding ((<$>))
import Data.Macaw.CFG.App
import Data.Macaw.Memory (MemWord, MemWidth, SegmentedAddr(..), Endianness(..))
import Data.Macaw.Types
-- Note:
-- The declarations in this file follow a top-down order, so the top-level
-- definitions should be first.
type Prec = Int
colonPrec :: Prec
colonPrec = 7
plusPrec :: Prec
plusPrec = 6
-- | Class for pretty printing with a precedence field.
class PrettyPrec v where
prettyPrec :: Int -> v -> Doc
-- | Pretty print over all instances of a type.
class PrettyF (f :: k -> *) where
prettyF :: f tp -> Doc
-- | Pretty print a document with parens if condition is true
parenIf :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc
parenIf True d = parens d
parenIf False d = d
bracketsep :: [Doc] -> Doc
bracketsep [] = text "{}"
bracketsep (h:l) = vcat $
[text "{" <+> h]
++ fmap (text "," <+>) l
++ [text "}"]
-- AssignId
-- | An 'AssignId' is a unique identifier used to identify assignment
-- statements, in a manner similar to SSA (single static assignment)
-- form. 'AssignId's are typed, and also include a type variable @ids@
-- that intuitively denotes the set of identifiers from which they are
-- drawn.
newtype AssignId (ids :: *) (tp :: Type) = AssignId (Nonce ids tp)
ppAssignId :: AssignId ids tp -> Doc
ppAssignId (AssignId w) = text ("r" ++ show (indexValue w))
instance Eq (AssignId ids tp) where
AssignId id1 == AssignId id2 = id1 == id2
instance TestEquality (AssignId ids) where
testEquality (AssignId id1) (AssignId id2) = testEquality id1 id2
instance OrdF (AssignId ids) where
compareF (AssignId id1) (AssignId id2) = compareF id1 id2
instance ShowF (AssignId ids) where
showF (AssignId n) = show n
instance Show (AssignId ids tp) where
show (AssignId n) = show n
-- Type families for architecture specific components.
-- | Width of register used to store addresses.
type family RegAddrWidth (r :: Type -> *) :: Nat
-- | The value used to store
type RegAddr r = MemWord (RegAddrWidth r)
-- | Type family for defining what a "register" is for this architecture.
-- Registers include things like the general purpose registers, any flag
-- registers that can be read and written without side effects,
type family ArchReg (arch :: *) :: Type -> *
-- | A type family for architecture specific functions.
-- These function may return a value. They may depend on the current state of
-- the heap, but should not affect the processor state.
-- The function may depend on the set of registers defined so far, and the type
-- of the result.
type family ArchFn (arch :: *) :: * -> Type -> *
-- | A type family for defining architecture-specific statements.
-- The second type parameter is the ids phantom type used to provide
-- uniqueness of Nonce values that identify assignments.
type family ArchStmt (arch :: *) :: * -> *
-- | The type to use for addresses on the architecutre.
type ArchAddr arch = RegAddr (ArchReg arch)
-- | Number of bits in addreses for architecture.
type ArchAddrWidth arch = RegAddrWidth (ArchReg arch)
-- | A segmented addr for a given architecture.
type ArchSegmentedAddr arch = SegmentedAddr (ArchAddrWidth arch)
-- Value, Assignment, AssignRhs declarations.
-- | A value at runtime.
data Value arch ids tp
= forall n
. (tp ~ BVType n)
=> BVValue !(NatRepr n) !Integer
-- ^ A constant bitvector
| ( tp ~ BVType (ArchAddrWidth arch))
=> RelocatableValue !(NatRepr (ArchAddrWidth arch)) !(ArchSegmentedAddr arch)
-- ^ A given memory address.
| AssignedValue !(Assignment arch ids tp)
-- ^ Value from an assignment statement.
| Initial !(ArchReg arch tp)
-- ^ Represents the value assigned to the register when the block started.
type BVValue arch ids w = Value arch ids (BVType w)
-- | A address value for a specific architecture
type ArchAddrValue arch ids = BVValue arch ids (ArchAddrWidth arch)
-- | An assignment consists of a unique location identifier and a right-
-- hand side that returns a value.
data Assignment arch ids tp =
Assignment { assignId :: !(AssignId ids tp)
, assignRhs :: !(AssignRhs arch ids tp)
-- | The type stored in memory.
-- The endianess indicates whether the address stores the most
-- or least significant byte. The following indices either store
-- the next lower or higher bytes.
data MemRepr (tp :: Type) where
BVMemRepr :: !(NatRepr w) -> !Endianness -> MemRepr (BVType (8*w))
instance Pretty (MemRepr tp) where
pretty (BVMemRepr w BigEndian) = text "bvbe" <+> text (show w)
pretty (BVMemRepr w LittleEndian) = text "bvle" <+> text (show w)
-- | Return the number of bytes this takes up.
memReprBytes :: MemRepr tp -> Integer
memReprBytes (BVMemRepr x _) = natValue x
instance TestEquality MemRepr where
testEquality (BVMemRepr xw xe) (BVMemRepr yw ye) =
if xe == ye then do
Refl <- testEquality xw yw
Just Refl
instance HasRepr MemRepr TypeRepr where
typeRepr (BVMemRepr w _) = BVTypeRepr (natMultiply n8 w)
-- | The right hand side of an assignment is an expression that
-- returns a value.
data AssignRhs (arch :: *) ids tp where
-- An expression that is computed from evaluating subexpressions.
EvalApp :: !(App (Value arch ids) tp)
-> AssignRhs arch ids tp
-- An expression with an undefined value.
SetUndefined :: (tp ~ BVType n)
=> !(NatRepr n) -- Width of undefined value.
-> AssignRhs arch ids tp
-- Read memory at given location.
ReadMem :: !(ArchAddrValue arch ids)
-> !(MemRepr tp)
-> AssignRhs arch ids tp
-- Call an architecture specific function that returns some result.
EvalArchFn :: !(ArchFn arch ids tp)
-> !(TypeRepr tp)
-> AssignRhs arch ids tp
-- Type operations on assignment AssignRhs, and Value
instance HasRepr (AssignRhs arch ids) TypeRepr where
typeRepr rhs =
case rhs of
EvalApp a -> typeRepr a
SetUndefined w -> BVTypeRepr w
ReadMem _ tp -> typeRepr tp
EvalArchFn _ rtp -> rtp
instance ( HasRepr (ArchReg arch) TypeRepr
=> HasRepr (Value arch ids) TypeRepr where
typeRepr (BVValue w _) = BVTypeRepr w
typeRepr (RelocatableValue w _) = BVTypeRepr w
typeRepr (AssignedValue a) = typeRepr (assignRhs a)
typeRepr (Initial r) = typeRepr r
valueWidth :: ( HasRepr (ArchReg arch) TypeRepr
=> Value arch ids (BVType n) -> NatRepr n
valueWidth v =
case typeRepr v of
BVTypeRepr n -> n
-- Value equality
instance OrdF (ArchReg arch)
=> OrdF (Value arch ids) where
compareF (BVValue wx vx) (BVValue wy vy) =
case compareF wx wy of
EQF -> fromOrdering (compare vx vy)
compareF BVValue{} _ = LTF
compareF _ BVValue{} = GTF
compareF (RelocatableValue _ x) (RelocatableValue _ y) =
fromOrdering (compare x y)
compareF RelocatableValue{} _ = LTF
compareF _ RelocatableValue{} = GTF
compareF (AssignedValue x) (AssignedValue y) =
compareF (assignId x) (assignId y)
compareF AssignedValue{} _ = LTF
compareF _ AssignedValue{} = GTF
compareF (Initial r) (Initial r') =
case compareF r r' of
instance OrdF (ArchReg arch)
=> TestEquality (Value arch ids) where
testEquality x y = orderingF_refl (compareF x y)
instance OrdF (ArchReg arch)
=> Eq (Value arch ids tp) where
x == y = isJust (testEquality x y)
instance OrdF (ArchReg arch)
=> Ord (Value arch ids tp) where
compare x y = toOrdering (compareF x y)
instance OrdF (ArchReg arch)
=> EqF (Value arch ids) where
eqF = (==)
-- Value operations
mkLit :: NatRepr n -> Integer -> Value arch ids (BVType n)
mkLit n v = BVValue n (v .&. mask)
where mask = maxUnsigned n
bvValue :: KnownNat n => Integer -> Value arch ids (BVType n)
bvValue i = mkLit knownNat i
valueAsApp :: Value arch ids tp -> Maybe (App (Value arch ids) tp)
valueAsApp (AssignedValue (Assignment _ (EvalApp a))) = Just a
valueAsApp _ = Nothing
asInt64Constant :: Value arch ids (BVType 64) -> Maybe Int64
asInt64Constant (BVValue _ o) = Just (fromInteger o)
asInt64Constant _ = Nothing
asBaseOffset :: Value arch ids (BVType w) -> (Value arch ids (BVType w), Integer)
asBaseOffset x
| Just (BVAdd _ x_base (BVValue _ x_off)) <- valueAsApp x = (x_base, x_off)
| otherwise = (x,0)
-- RegState
-- | This represents the state of the processor registers.
newtype RegState (r :: k -> *) (f :: k -> *) = RegState (MapF.MapF r f)
deriving instance (OrdF r, EqF f) => Eq (RegState r f)
deriving instance FunctorF (RegState r)
deriving instance FoldableF (RegState r)
instance TraversableF (RegState r) where
traverseF f (RegState m) = RegState <$> traverseF f m
-- | Return underlying map of register state.
regStateMap :: RegState r f -> MapF.MapF r f
regStateMap (RegState m) = m
-- | Traverse the register state with the name of each register and value.
traverseRegsWith :: Applicative m
=> (forall tp. r tp -> f tp -> m (g tp))
-> RegState r f
-> m (RegState r g)
traverseRegsWith f (RegState m) = RegState <$> MapF.traverseWithKey f m
-- | Get a register out of the state.
boundValue :: forall r f tp
. OrdF r
=> r tp
-> Simple Lens (RegState r f) (f tp)
boundValue r = lens getter setter
where getter (RegState m) =
case MapF.lookup r m of
Just v -> v
Nothing -> error "internal error in boundValue given unexpected reg"
setter (RegState m) v = RegState (MapF.insert r v m)
-- | Compares if two register states are equal.
cmpRegState :: OrdF r
=> (forall u. f u -> g u -> Bool)
-- ^ Function for checking if two values are equal.
-> RegState r f
-> RegState r g
-> Bool
cmpRegState p (RegState x) (RegState y) = go (MapF.toList x) (MapF.toList y)
where go [] [] = True
go [] (_:_) = False
go (_:_) [] = False
go (MapF.Pair xk xv:xr) (MapF.Pair yk yv:yr) =
case testEquality xk yk of
Nothing -> False
Just Refl -> p xv yv && go xr yr
-- RegisterInfo
-- | This class provides access to information about registers.
class ( OrdF r
, ShowF r
, MemWidth (RegAddrWidth r)
, HasRepr r TypeRepr
) => RegisterInfo r where
-- | List of all arch registers.
archRegs :: [Some r]
-- | The stack pointer register
sp_reg :: r (BVType (RegAddrWidth r))
-- | The instruction pointer register
ip_reg :: r (BVType (RegAddrWidth r))
-- | The register used to store system call numbers.
syscall_num_reg :: r (BVType (RegAddrWidth r))
-- | Registers used for passing system call arguments
syscallArgumentRegs :: [r (BVType (RegAddrWidth r))]
-- The value of the current instruction pointer.
curIP :: RegisterInfo r
=> Simple Lens (RegState r f) (f (BVType (RegAddrWidth r)))
curIP = boundValue ip_reg
mkRegStateM :: (RegisterInfo r, Applicative m)
=> (forall tp . r tp -> m (f tp))
-> m (RegState r f)
mkRegStateM f = RegState . MapF.fromList <$> traverse g archRegs
where g (Some r) = MapF.Pair r <$> f r
-- Create a pure register state
mkRegState :: RegisterInfo r -- AbsRegState r
=> (forall tp . r tp -> f tp)
-> RegState r f
mkRegState f = runIdentity (mkRegStateM (return . f))
zipWithRegState :: RegisterInfo r
=> (forall u. f u -> g u -> h u)
-> RegState r f
-> RegState r g
-> RegState r h
zipWithRegState f x y = mkRegState (\r -> f (x ^. boundValue r) (y ^. boundValue r))
-- | Returns a offset if the value is an offset of the stack.
asStackAddrOffset :: RegisterInfo (ArchReg arch)
=> Value arch ids tp
-> Maybe (BVValue arch ids (ArchAddrWidth arch))
asStackAddrOffset addr
| Just (BVAdd _ (Initial base) offset) <- valueAsApp addr
, Just Refl <- testEquality base sp_reg = do
Just offset
| Initial base <- addr
, Just Refl <- testEquality base sp_reg =
case typeRepr base of
BVTypeRepr w -> Just (BVValue w 0)
| otherwise =
-- Pretty print Assign, AssignRhs, Value operations
ppLit :: NatRepr n -> Integer -> Doc
ppLit w i
| i >= 0 = text ("0x" ++ showHex i "") <+> text "::" <+> brackets (text (show w))
| otherwise = error "ppLit given negative value"
-- | Pretty print a value.
ppValue :: ShowF (ArchReg arch) => Prec -> Value arch ids tp -> Doc
ppValue p (BVValue w i) = assert (i >= 0) $ parenIf (p > colonPrec) $ ppLit w i
ppValue p (RelocatableValue _ a) = parenIf (p > plusPrec) $ text (show a)
ppValue _ (AssignedValue a) = ppAssignId (assignId a)
ppValue _ (Initial r) = text (showF r) PP.<> text "_0"
instance ShowF (ArchReg arch) => PrettyPrec (Value arch ids tp) where
prettyPrec = ppValue
instance ShowF (ArchReg arch) => Pretty (Value arch ids tp) where
pretty = ppValue 0
instance ShowF (ArchReg arch) => Show (Value arch ids tp) where
show = show . pretty
class ( RegisterInfo (ArchReg arch)
, PrettyF (ArchStmt arch)
) => ArchConstraints arch where
-- | A function for pretty printing an archFn of a given type.
ppArchFn :: Applicative m
=> (forall u . Value arch ids u -> m Doc)
-- ^ Function for pretty printing vlaue.
-> ArchFn arch ids tp
-> m Doc
-- | Pretty print an assignment right-hand side using operations parameterized
-- over an application to allow side effects.
ppAssignRhs :: (Applicative m, ArchConstraints arch)
=> (forall u . Value arch ids u -> m Doc)
-- ^ Function for pretty printing value.
-> AssignRhs arch ids tp
-> m Doc
ppAssignRhs pp (EvalApp a) = ppAppA pp a
ppAssignRhs _ (SetUndefined w) = pure $ text "undef ::" <+> brackets (text (show w))
ppAssignRhs pp (ReadMem a repr) =
(\d -> text "read_mem" <+> d <+> PP.parens (pretty repr)) <$> pp a
ppAssignRhs pp (EvalArchFn f _) = ppArchFn pp f
instance ArchConstraints arch => Pretty (AssignRhs arch ids tp) where
pretty = runIdentity . ppAssignRhs (Identity . ppValue 10)
instance ArchConstraints arch => Pretty (Assignment arch ids tp) where
pretty (Assignment lhs rhs) = ppAssignId lhs <+> text ":=" <+> pretty rhs
-- Pretty print a value assignment
-- | Helper type to wrap up a 'Doc' with a dummy type argument; used to put
-- 'Doc's into heterogenous maps in the below
newtype DocF (a :: Type) = DocF Doc
-- | This pretty prints a value's representation while saving the pretty
-- printed repreentation of subvalues in a map.
collectValueRep :: forall arch ids tp
. ArchConstraints arch
=> Prec
-> Value arch ids tp
-> State (MapF (AssignId ids) DocF) Doc
collectValueRep _ (AssignedValue a :: Value arch ids tp) = do
let lhs = assignId a
mr <- gets $ MapF.lookup lhs
when (isNothing mr) $ do
let ppVal :: forall u . Value arch ids u ->
State (MapF (AssignId ids) DocF) Doc
ppVal = collectValueRep 10
rhs <- ppAssignRhs ppVal (assignRhs a)
let d = ppAssignId lhs <+> text ":=" <+> rhs
modify $ MapF.insert lhs (DocF d)
return ()
return $! ppAssignId lhs
collectValueRep p v = return $ ppValue p v
-- | This pretty prints all the history used to create a value.
ppValueAssignments' :: State (MapF (AssignId ids) DocF) Doc -> Doc
ppValueAssignments' m =
case MapF.elems bindings of
[] -> rhs
(Some (DocF h):r) ->
let first = text "let" PP.<+> h
f (Some (DocF b)) = text " " PP.<> b
in vcat (first:fmap f r) <$$>
text " in" PP.<+> rhs
where (rhs, bindings) = runState m MapF.empty
-- | This pretty prints all the history used to create a value.
ppValueAssignments :: ArchConstraints arch => Value arch ids tp -> Doc
ppValueAssignments v = ppValueAssignments' (collectValueRep 0 v)
ppValueAssignmentList :: ArchConstraints arch => [Value arch ids tp] -> Doc
ppValueAssignmentList vals =
ppValueAssignments' $ do
docs <- mapM (collectValueRep 0) vals
return $ brackets $ hcat (punctuate comma docs)
-- Pretty printing RegState
-- | This class provides a way of optionally pretty printing the contents
-- of a register or omitting them.
class PrettyRegValue r (f :: Type -> *) where
-- | ppValueEq should return a doc if the contents of the given register
-- should be printed, and Nothing if the contents should be ignored.
ppValueEq :: r tp -> f tp -> Maybe Doc
instance ( PrettyRegValue r f
=> Pretty (RegState r f) where
pretty (RegState m) = bracketsep $ catMaybes (f <$> MapF.toList m)
where f :: MapF.Pair r f -> Maybe Doc
f (MapF.Pair r v) = ppValueEq r v
instance ( PrettyRegValue r f
=> Show (RegState r f) where
show s = show (pretty s)
instance ( OrdF r
, ShowF r
, r ~ ArchReg arch
=> PrettyRegValue r (Value arch ids) where
ppValueEq r (Initial r')
| Just _ <- testEquality r r' = Nothing
ppValueEq r v
| otherwise = Just $ text (showF r) <+> text "=" <+> pretty v
-- Stmt
-- | A statement in our control flow graph language.
data Stmt arch ids
= forall tp . AssignStmt !(Assignment arch ids tp)
| forall tp . WriteMem !(ArchAddrValue arch ids) !(MemRepr tp) !(Value arch ids tp)
-- ^ This denotes a write to memory, and consists of an address to write to, a `MemRepr` defining
-- how the value should be stored in memory, and the value to be written.
| PlaceHolderStmt !([Some (Value arch ids)]) !String
| Comment !Text
| ExecArchStmt !(ArchStmt arch ids)
-- ^ Execute an architecture specific statement
instance ArchConstraints arch => Pretty (Stmt arch ids) where
pretty (AssignStmt a) = pretty a
pretty (WriteMem a _ rhs) = text "*" PP.<> prettyPrec 11 a <+> text ":=" <+> ppValue 0 rhs
pretty (PlaceHolderStmt vals name) = text ("PLACEHOLDER: " ++ name)
<+> parens (hcat $ punctuate comma
$ map (viewSome (ppValue 0)) vals)
pretty (Comment s) = text $ "# " ++ Text.unpack s
pretty (ExecArchStmt s) = prettyF s
instance ArchConstraints arch => Show (Stmt arch ids) where
show = show . pretty
-- References
-- | Return refernces in a stmt type.
class StmtHasRefs f where
refsInStmt :: f ids -> Set (Some (AssignId ids))
-- | Return refernces in a function type.
class FnHasRefs (f :: * -> Type -> *) where
refsInFn :: f ids tp -> Set (Some (AssignId ids))
refsInValue :: Value arch ids tp -> Set (Some (AssignId ids))
refsInValue (AssignedValue (Assignment v _)) = Set.singleton (Some v)
refsInValue _ = Set.empty
refsInApp :: App (Value arch ids) tp -> Set (Some (AssignId ids))
refsInApp app = foldApp refsInValue app
refsInAssignRhs :: FnHasRefs (ArchFn arch)
=> AssignRhs arch ids tp
-> Set (Some (AssignId ids))
refsInAssignRhs rhs =
case rhs of
EvalApp v -> refsInApp v
SetUndefined _ -> Set.empty
ReadMem v _ -> refsInValue v
EvalArchFn f _ -> refsInFn f
import Data.Macaw.CFG.Core
import Data.Macaw.Memory
@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ import Data.Macaw.Types
-- | App defines builtin operations on values.
data App (f :: Type -> *) (tp :: Type) where
Mux :: !(NatRepr n)
Mux :: (1 <= n)
=> !(NatRepr n)
-> !(f BoolType)
-> !(f (BVType n))
-> !(f (BVType n))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
Copyright : (c) Galois, Inc 2017
Maintainer : Joe Hendrix <jhendrix@galois.com>
This exports the pre-clasisification term statement and block data
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Data.Macaw.CFG.Block
( Block(..)
, TermStmt(..)
) where
import Data.Parameterized.Classes
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Word
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as PP hiding ((<$>))
import Data.Macaw.CFG.Core
import Data.Macaw.Types
-- TermStmt
-- | A terminal statement in a block
-- This is the unclassified definition that is generated directly from
-- the architecture specific disassembler.
data TermStmt arch ids
-- | Fetch and execute the next instruction from the given processor state.
= FetchAndExecute !(RegState (ArchReg arch) (Value arch ids))
-- | Branch and execute one block or another.
| Branch !(Value arch ids BoolType) !Word64 !Word64
-- | The syscall instruction.
-- We model system calls as terminal instructions because from the
-- application perspective, the semantics will depend on the operating
-- system.
| Syscall !(RegState (ArchReg arch) (Value arch ids))
-- | The block ended prematurely due to an error in instruction
-- decoding or translation.
-- This contains the state of the registers when the translation error
-- occured and the error message recorded.
| TranslateError !(RegState (ArchReg arch) (Value arch ids)) !Text
instance ( OrdF (ArchReg arch)
, ShowF (ArchReg arch)
=> Pretty (TermStmt arch ids) where
pretty (FetchAndExecute s) =
text "fetch_and_execute" <$$>
indent 2 (pretty s)
pretty (Branch c x y) =
text "branch" <+> ppValue 0 c <+> text (show x) <+> text (show y)
pretty (Syscall s) =
text "syscall" <$$>
indent 2 (pretty s)
pretty (TranslateError s msg) =
text "ERROR: " <+> text (Text.unpack msg) <$$>
indent 2 (pretty s)
-- Block
-- | The type for code blocks returned by the disassembler.
-- The discovery process will attempt to map each block to a suitable ParsedBlock.
data Block arch ids
= Block { blockLabel :: !Word64
-- ^ Index of this block
, blockStmts :: !([Stmt arch ids])
-- ^ List of statements in the block.
, blockTerm :: !(TermStmt arch ids)
-- ^ The last statement in the block.
instance ArchConstraints arch => Pretty (Block arch ids) where
pretty b = do
text (show (blockLabel b)) PP.<> text ":" <$$>
indent 2 (vcat (pretty <$> blockStmts b) <$$> pretty (blockTerm b))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,691 @@
Copyright : (c) Galois, Inc 2015-2017
Maintainer : Joe Hendrix <jhendrix@galois.com>
Defines data types needed to represent values, assignments, and statements from Machine code.
This is a low-level CFG representation where the entire program is a
single CFG.
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Data.Macaw.CFG.Core
( -- * Stmt level declarations
, Assignment(..)
, AssignId(..)
, AssignRhs(..)
, MemRepr(..)
, memReprBytes
-- * Value
, Value(..)
, BVValue
, valueAsApp
, valueWidth
, asBaseOffset
, asInt64Constant
, mkLit
, bvValue
, ppValueAssignments
, ppValueAssignmentList
-- * RegState
, RegState
, regStateMap
, boundValue
, cmpRegState
, curIP
, mkRegState
, mkRegStateM
, traverseRegsWith
, zipWithRegState
-- * Pretty printing
, ppAssignId
, ppLit
, ppValue
, PrettyF(..)
, ArchConstraints(..)
, PrettyRegValue(..)
-- * Architecture type families
, ArchAddr
, ArchSegmentedAddr
, ArchFn
, ArchReg
, ArchStmt
, RegAddr
, RegAddrWidth
-- * RegisterInfo
, RegisterInfo(..)
, asStackAddrOffset
-- * References
, StmtHasRefs(..)
, FnHasRefs(..)
, refsInValue
, refsInApp
, refsInAssignRhs
-- ** Synonyms
, ArchAddrWidth
, ArchAddrValue
) where
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Bits
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Maybe (isNothing, catMaybes)
import Data.Parameterized.Classes
import Data.Parameterized.Map (MapF)
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as MapF
import Data.Parameterized.NatRepr
import Data.Parameterized.Nonce
import Data.Parameterized.Some
import Data.Parameterized.TraversableF
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import GHC.TypeLits
import Numeric (showHex)
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as PP hiding ((<$>))
import Data.Macaw.CFG.App
import Data.Macaw.Memory (MemWord, MemWidth, SegmentedAddr(..), Endianness(..))
import Data.Macaw.Types
-- Note:
-- The declarations in this file follow a top-down order, so the top-level
-- definitions should be first.
type Prec = Int
colonPrec :: Prec
colonPrec = 7
plusPrec :: Prec
plusPrec = 6
-- | Class for pretty printing with a precedence field.
class PrettyPrec v where
prettyPrec :: Int -> v -> Doc
-- | Pretty print over all instances of a type.
class PrettyF (f :: k -> *) where
prettyF :: f tp -> Doc
-- | Pretty print a document with parens if condition is true
parenIf :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc
parenIf True d = parens d
parenIf False d = d
bracketsep :: [Doc] -> Doc
bracketsep [] = text "{}"
bracketsep (h:l) = vcat $
[text "{" <+> h]
++ fmap (text "," <+>) l
++ [text "}"]
-- AssignId
-- | An 'AssignId' is a unique identifier used to identify assignment
-- statements, in a manner similar to SSA (single static assignment)
-- form. 'AssignId's are typed, and also include a type variable @ids@
-- that intuitively denotes the set of identifiers from which they are
-- drawn.
newtype AssignId (ids :: *) (tp :: Type) = AssignId (Nonce ids tp)
ppAssignId :: AssignId ids tp -> Doc
ppAssignId (AssignId w) = text ("r" ++ show (indexValue w))
instance Eq (AssignId ids tp) where
AssignId id1 == AssignId id2 = id1 == id2
instance TestEquality (AssignId ids) where
testEquality (AssignId id1) (AssignId id2) = testEquality id1 id2
instance OrdF (AssignId ids) where
compareF (AssignId id1) (AssignId id2) = compareF id1 id2
instance ShowF (AssignId ids) where
showF (AssignId n) = show n
instance Show (AssignId ids tp) where
show (AssignId n) = show n
-- Type families for architecture specific components.
-- | Width of register used to store addresses.
type family RegAddrWidth (r :: Type -> *) :: Nat
-- | The value used to store
type RegAddr r = MemWord (RegAddrWidth r)
-- | Type family for defining what a "register" is for this architecture.
-- Registers include things like the general purpose registers, any flag
-- registers that can be read and written without side effects,
type family ArchReg (arch :: *) :: Type -> *
-- | A type family for architecture specific functions.
-- These function may return a value. They may depend on the current state of
-- the heap, but should not affect the processor state.
-- The function may depend on the set of registers defined so far, and the type
-- of the result.
type family ArchFn (arch :: *) :: * -> Type -> *
-- | A type family for defining architecture-specific statements.
-- The second type parameter is the ids phantom type used to provide
-- uniqueness of Nonce values that identify assignments.
type family ArchStmt (arch :: *) :: * -> *
-- | The type to use for addresses on the architecutre.
type ArchAddr arch = RegAddr (ArchReg arch)
-- | Number of bits in addreses for architecture.
type ArchAddrWidth arch = RegAddrWidth (ArchReg arch)
-- | A segmented addr for a given architecture.
type ArchSegmentedAddr arch = SegmentedAddr (ArchAddrWidth arch)
-- Value, Assignment, AssignRhs declarations.
-- | A value at runtime.
data Value arch ids tp
= forall n
. (tp ~ BVType n)
=> BVValue !(NatRepr n) !Integer
-- ^ A constant bitvector
| ( tp ~ BVType (ArchAddrWidth arch))
=> RelocatableValue !(NatRepr (ArchAddrWidth arch)) !(ArchSegmentedAddr arch)
-- ^ A given memory address.
| AssignedValue !(Assignment arch ids tp)
-- ^ Value from an assignment statement.
| Initial !(ArchReg arch tp)
-- ^ Represents the value assigned to the register when the block started.
type BVValue arch ids w = Value arch ids (BVType w)
-- | A address value for a specific architecture
type ArchAddrValue arch ids = BVValue arch ids (ArchAddrWidth arch)
-- | An assignment consists of a unique location identifier and a right-
-- hand side that returns a value.
data Assignment arch ids tp =
Assignment { assignId :: !(AssignId ids tp)
, assignRhs :: !(AssignRhs arch ids tp)
-- | The type stored in memory.
-- The endianess indicates whether the address stores the most
-- or least significant byte. The following indices either store
-- the next lower or higher bytes.
data MemRepr (tp :: Type) where
BVMemRepr :: !(NatRepr w) -> !Endianness -> MemRepr (BVType (8*w))
instance Pretty (MemRepr tp) where
pretty (BVMemRepr w BigEndian) = text "bvbe" <+> text (show w)
pretty (BVMemRepr w LittleEndian) = text "bvle" <+> text (show w)
-- | Return the number of bytes this takes up.
memReprBytes :: MemRepr tp -> Integer
memReprBytes (BVMemRepr x _) = natValue x
instance TestEquality MemRepr where
testEquality (BVMemRepr xw xe) (BVMemRepr yw ye) =
if xe == ye then do
Refl <- testEquality xw yw
Just Refl
instance HasRepr MemRepr TypeRepr where
typeRepr (BVMemRepr w _) = BVTypeRepr (natMultiply n8 w)
-- | The right hand side of an assignment is an expression that
-- returns a value.
data AssignRhs (arch :: *) ids tp where
-- An expression that is computed from evaluating subexpressions.
EvalApp :: !(App (Value arch ids) tp)
-> AssignRhs arch ids tp
-- An expression with an undefined value.
SetUndefined :: (tp ~ BVType n)
=> !(NatRepr n) -- Width of undefined value.
-> AssignRhs arch ids tp
-- Read memory at given location.
ReadMem :: !(ArchAddrValue arch ids)
-> !(MemRepr tp)
-> AssignRhs arch ids tp
-- Call an architecture specific function that returns some result.
EvalArchFn :: !(ArchFn arch ids tp)
-> !(TypeRepr tp)
-> AssignRhs arch ids tp
-- Type operations on assignment AssignRhs, and Value
instance HasRepr (AssignRhs arch ids) TypeRepr where
typeRepr rhs =
case rhs of
EvalApp a -> typeRepr a
SetUndefined w -> BVTypeRepr w
ReadMem _ tp -> typeRepr tp
EvalArchFn _ rtp -> rtp
instance ( HasRepr (ArchReg arch) TypeRepr
=> HasRepr (Value arch ids) TypeRepr where
typeRepr (BVValue w _) = BVTypeRepr w
typeRepr (RelocatableValue w _) = BVTypeRepr w
typeRepr (AssignedValue a) = typeRepr (assignRhs a)
typeRepr (Initial r) = typeRepr r
valueWidth :: ( HasRepr (ArchReg arch) TypeRepr
=> Value arch ids (BVType n) -> NatRepr n
valueWidth v =
case typeRepr v of
BVTypeRepr n -> n
-- Value equality
instance OrdF (ArchReg arch)
=> OrdF (Value arch ids) where
compareF (BVValue wx vx) (BVValue wy vy) =
case compareF wx wy of
EQF -> fromOrdering (compare vx vy)
compareF BVValue{} _ = LTF
compareF _ BVValue{} = GTF
compareF (RelocatableValue _ x) (RelocatableValue _ y) =
fromOrdering (compare x y)
compareF RelocatableValue{} _ = LTF
compareF _ RelocatableValue{} = GTF
compareF (AssignedValue x) (AssignedValue y) =
compareF (assignId x) (assignId y)
compareF AssignedValue{} _ = LTF
compareF _ AssignedValue{} = GTF
compareF (Initial r) (Initial r') =
case compareF r r' of
instance OrdF (ArchReg arch)
=> TestEquality (Value arch ids) where
testEquality x y = orderingF_refl (compareF x y)
instance OrdF (ArchReg arch)
=> Eq (Value arch ids tp) where
x == y = isJust (testEquality x y)
instance OrdF (ArchReg arch)
=> Ord (Value arch ids tp) where
compare x y = toOrdering (compareF x y)
instance OrdF (ArchReg arch)
=> EqF (Value arch ids) where
eqF = (==)
-- Value operations
mkLit :: NatRepr n -> Integer -> Value arch ids (BVType n)
mkLit n v = BVValue n (v .&. mask)
where mask = maxUnsigned n
bvValue :: KnownNat n => Integer -> Value arch ids (BVType n)
bvValue i = mkLit knownNat i
valueAsApp :: Value arch ids tp -> Maybe (App (Value arch ids) tp)
valueAsApp (AssignedValue (Assignment _ (EvalApp a))) = Just a
valueAsApp _ = Nothing
asInt64Constant :: Value arch ids (BVType 64) -> Maybe Int64
asInt64Constant (BVValue _ o) = Just (fromInteger o)
asInt64Constant _ = Nothing
asBaseOffset :: Value arch ids (BVType w) -> (Value arch ids (BVType w), Integer)
asBaseOffset x
| Just (BVAdd _ x_base (BVValue _ x_off)) <- valueAsApp x = (x_base, x_off)
| otherwise = (x,0)
-- RegState
-- | This represents the state of the processor registers.
newtype RegState (r :: k -> *) (f :: k -> *) = RegState (MapF.MapF r f)
deriving instance (OrdF r, EqF f) => Eq (RegState r f)
deriving instance FunctorF (RegState r)
deriving instance FoldableF (RegState r)
instance TraversableF (RegState r) where
traverseF f (RegState m) = RegState <$> traverseF f m
-- | Return underlying map of register state.
regStateMap :: RegState r f -> MapF.MapF r f
regStateMap (RegState m) = m
-- | Traverse the register state with the name of each register and value.
traverseRegsWith :: Applicative m
=> (forall tp. r tp -> f tp -> m (g tp))
-> RegState r f
-> m (RegState r g)
traverseRegsWith f (RegState m) = RegState <$> MapF.traverseWithKey f m
-- | Get a register out of the state.
boundValue :: forall r f tp
. OrdF r
=> r tp
-> Simple Lens (RegState r f) (f tp)
boundValue r = lens getter setter
where getter (RegState m) =
case MapF.lookup r m of
Just v -> v
Nothing -> error "internal error in boundValue given unexpected reg"
setter (RegState m) v = RegState (MapF.insert r v m)
-- | Compares if two register states are equal.
cmpRegState :: OrdF r
=> (forall u. f u -> g u -> Bool)
-- ^ Function for checking if two values are equal.
-> RegState r f
-> RegState r g
-> Bool
cmpRegState p (RegState x) (RegState y) = go (MapF.toList x) (MapF.toList y)
where go [] [] = True
go [] (_:_) = False
go (_:_) [] = False
go (MapF.Pair xk xv:xr) (MapF.Pair yk yv:yr) =
case testEquality xk yk of
Nothing -> False
Just Refl -> p xv yv && go xr yr
-- RegisterInfo
-- | This class provides access to information about registers.
class ( OrdF r
, ShowF r
, MemWidth (RegAddrWidth r)
, HasRepr r TypeRepr
) => RegisterInfo r where
-- | List of all arch registers.
archRegs :: [Some r]
-- | The stack pointer register
sp_reg :: r (BVType (RegAddrWidth r))
-- | The instruction pointer register
ip_reg :: r (BVType (RegAddrWidth r))
-- | The register used to store system call numbers.
syscall_num_reg :: r (BVType (RegAddrWidth r))
-- | Registers used for passing system call arguments
syscallArgumentRegs :: [r (BVType (RegAddrWidth r))]
-- The value of the current instruction pointer.
curIP :: RegisterInfo r
=> Simple Lens (RegState r f) (f (BVType (RegAddrWidth r)))
curIP = boundValue ip_reg
mkRegStateM :: (RegisterInfo r, Applicative m)
=> (forall tp . r tp -> m (f tp))
-> m (RegState r f)
mkRegStateM f = RegState . MapF.fromList <$> traverse g archRegs
where g (Some r) = MapF.Pair r <$> f r
-- Create a pure register state
mkRegState :: RegisterInfo r -- AbsRegState r
=> (forall tp . r tp -> f tp)
-> RegState r f
mkRegState f = runIdentity (mkRegStateM (return . f))
zipWithRegState :: RegisterInfo r
=> (forall u. f u -> g u -> h u)
-> RegState r f
-> RegState r g
-> RegState r h
zipWithRegState f x y = mkRegState (\r -> f (x ^. boundValue r) (y ^. boundValue r))
-- | Returns a offset if the value is an offset of the stack.
asStackAddrOffset :: RegisterInfo (ArchReg arch)
=> Value arch ids tp
-> Maybe (BVValue arch ids (ArchAddrWidth arch))
asStackAddrOffset addr
| Just (BVAdd _ (Initial base) offset) <- valueAsApp addr
, Just Refl <- testEquality base sp_reg = do
Just offset
| Initial base <- addr
, Just Refl <- testEquality base sp_reg =
case typeRepr base of
BVTypeRepr w -> Just (BVValue w 0)
| otherwise =
-- Pretty print Assign, AssignRhs, Value operations
ppLit :: NatRepr n -> Integer -> Doc
ppLit w i
| i >= 0 = text ("0x" ++ showHex i "") <+> text "::" <+> brackets (text (show w))
| otherwise = error "ppLit given negative value"
-- | Pretty print a value.
ppValue :: ShowF (ArchReg arch) => Prec -> Value arch ids tp -> Doc
ppValue p (BVValue w i) = assert (i >= 0) $ parenIf (p > colonPrec) $ ppLit w i
ppValue p (RelocatableValue _ a) = parenIf (p > plusPrec) $ text (show a)
ppValue _ (AssignedValue a) = ppAssignId (assignId a)
ppValue _ (Initial r) = text (showF r) PP.<> text "_0"
instance ShowF (ArchReg arch) => PrettyPrec (Value arch ids tp) where
prettyPrec = ppValue
instance ShowF (ArchReg arch) => Pretty (Value arch ids tp) where
pretty = ppValue 0
instance ShowF (ArchReg arch) => Show (Value arch ids tp) where
show = show . pretty
class ( RegisterInfo (ArchReg arch)
, PrettyF (ArchStmt arch)
) => ArchConstraints arch where
-- | A function for pretty printing an archFn of a given type.
ppArchFn :: Applicative m
=> (forall u . Value arch ids u -> m Doc)
-- ^ Function for pretty printing vlaue.
-> ArchFn arch ids tp
-> m Doc
-- | Pretty print an assignment right-hand side using operations parameterized
-- over an application to allow side effects.
ppAssignRhs :: (Applicative m, ArchConstraints arch)
=> (forall u . Value arch ids u -> m Doc)
-- ^ Function for pretty printing value.
-> AssignRhs arch ids tp
-> m Doc
ppAssignRhs pp (EvalApp a) = ppAppA pp a
ppAssignRhs _ (SetUndefined w) = pure $ text "undef ::" <+> brackets (text (show w))
ppAssignRhs pp (ReadMem a repr) =
(\d -> text "read_mem" <+> d <+> PP.parens (pretty repr)) <$> pp a
ppAssignRhs pp (EvalArchFn f _) = ppArchFn pp f
instance ArchConstraints arch => Pretty (AssignRhs arch ids tp) where
pretty = runIdentity . ppAssignRhs (Identity . ppValue 10)
instance ArchConstraints arch => Pretty (Assignment arch ids tp) where
pretty (Assignment lhs rhs) = ppAssignId lhs <+> text ":=" <+> pretty rhs
-- Pretty print a value assignment
-- | Helper type to wrap up a 'Doc' with a dummy type argument; used to put
-- 'Doc's into heterogenous maps in the below
newtype DocF (a :: Type) = DocF Doc
-- | This pretty prints a value's representation while saving the pretty
-- printed repreentation of subvalues in a map.
collectValueRep :: forall arch ids tp
. ArchConstraints arch
=> Prec
-> Value arch ids tp
-> State (MapF (AssignId ids) DocF) Doc
collectValueRep _ (AssignedValue a :: Value arch ids tp) = do
let lhs = assignId a
mr <- gets $ MapF.lookup lhs
when (isNothing mr) $ do
let ppVal :: forall u . Value arch ids u ->
State (MapF (AssignId ids) DocF) Doc
ppVal = collectValueRep 10
rhs <- ppAssignRhs ppVal (assignRhs a)
let d = ppAssignId lhs <+> text ":=" <+> rhs
modify $ MapF.insert lhs (DocF d)
return ()
return $! ppAssignId lhs
collectValueRep p v = return $ ppValue p v
-- | This pretty prints all the history used to create a value.
ppValueAssignments' :: State (MapF (AssignId ids) DocF) Doc -> Doc
ppValueAssignments' m =
case MapF.elems bindings of
[] -> rhs
(Some (DocF h):r) ->
let first = text "let" PP.<+> h
f (Some (DocF b)) = text " " PP.<> b
in vcat (first:fmap f r) <$$>
text " in" PP.<+> rhs
where (rhs, bindings) = runState m MapF.empty
-- | This pretty prints all the history used to create a value.
ppValueAssignments :: ArchConstraints arch => Value arch ids tp -> Doc
ppValueAssignments v = ppValueAssignments' (collectValueRep 0 v)
ppValueAssignmentList :: ArchConstraints arch => [Value arch ids tp] -> Doc
ppValueAssignmentList vals =
ppValueAssignments' $ do
docs <- mapM (collectValueRep 0) vals
return $ brackets $ hcat (punctuate comma docs)
-- Pretty printing RegState
-- | This class provides a way of optionally pretty printing the contents
-- of a register or omitting them.
class PrettyRegValue r (f :: Type -> *) where
-- | ppValueEq should return a doc if the contents of the given register
-- should be printed, and Nothing if the contents should be ignored.
ppValueEq :: r tp -> f tp -> Maybe Doc
instance ( PrettyRegValue r f
=> Pretty (RegState r f) where
pretty (RegState m) = bracketsep $ catMaybes (f <$> MapF.toList m)
where f :: MapF.Pair r f -> Maybe Doc
f (MapF.Pair r v) = ppValueEq r v
instance ( PrettyRegValue r f
=> Show (RegState r f) where
show s = show (pretty s)
instance ( OrdF r
, ShowF r
, r ~ ArchReg arch
=> PrettyRegValue r (Value arch ids) where
ppValueEq r (Initial r')
| Just _ <- testEquality r r' = Nothing
ppValueEq r v
| otherwise = Just $ text (showF r) <+> text "=" <+> pretty v
-- Stmt
-- | A statement in our control flow graph language.
data Stmt arch ids
= forall tp . AssignStmt !(Assignment arch ids tp)
| forall tp . WriteMem !(ArchAddrValue arch ids) !(MemRepr tp) !(Value arch ids tp)
-- ^ This denotes a write to memory, and consists of an address to write to, a `MemRepr` defining
-- how the value should be stored in memory, and the value to be written.
| PlaceHolderStmt !([Some (Value arch ids)]) !String
| Comment !Text
| ExecArchStmt !(ArchStmt arch ids)
-- ^ Execute an architecture specific statement
instance ArchConstraints arch => Pretty (Stmt arch ids) where
pretty (AssignStmt a) = pretty a
pretty (WriteMem a _ rhs) = text "*" PP.<> prettyPrec 11 a <+> text ":=" <+> ppValue 0 rhs
pretty (PlaceHolderStmt vals name) = text ("PLACEHOLDER: " ++ name)
<+> parens (hcat $ punctuate comma
$ map (viewSome (ppValue 0)) vals)
pretty (Comment s) = text $ "# " ++ Text.unpack s
pretty (ExecArchStmt s) = prettyF s
instance ArchConstraints arch => Show (Stmt arch ids) where
show = show . pretty
-- References
-- | Return refernces in a stmt type.
class StmtHasRefs f where
refsInStmt :: f ids -> Set (Some (AssignId ids))
-- | Return refernces in a function type.
class FnHasRefs (f :: * -> Type -> *) where
refsInFn :: f ids tp -> Set (Some (AssignId ids))
refsInValue :: Value arch ids tp -> Set (Some (AssignId ids))
refsInValue (AssignedValue (Assignment v _)) = Set.singleton (Some v)
refsInValue _ = Set.empty
refsInApp :: App (Value arch ids) tp -> Set (Some (AssignId ids))
refsInApp app = foldApp refsInValue app
refsInAssignRhs :: FnHasRefs (ArchFn arch)
=> AssignRhs arch ids tp
-> Set (Some (AssignId ids))
refsInAssignRhs rhs =
case rhs of
EvalApp v -> refsInApp v
SetUndefined _ -> Set.empty
ReadMem v _ -> refsInValue v
EvalArchFn f _ -> refsInFn f
Reference in New Issue
Block a user