mirror of
synced 2024-12-29 17:17:05 +03:00
Convert macaw-symbolic to use CPS for CrucGen monad.
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
import Data.Parameterized.Ctx
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as MapF
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.String
@ -31,15 +30,10 @@ import System.IO (stdout)
import qualified Data.Macaw.CFG.Block as M
import Data.Macaw.Symbolic.App
data ReoptSimulatorState sym = ReoptSimulatorState
type family ArchRegContext (arch :: *) :: Ctx C.CrucibleType
type ArchRegStruct (arch :: *) = C.StructType (ArchRegContext arch)
type MacawFunctionArgs arch = EmptyCtx ::> ArchRegStruct arch
type MacawFunctionResult arch = ArchRegStruct arch
translateBlock :: Map Word64 (CR.Label s)
-- ^ Map from block indices to the associated label.
-> M.Block arch ids
@ -61,7 +55,10 @@ stepBlocks :: forall sym arch ids
-> Word64
-> Map Word64 (M.Block arch ids)
-- ^ Map from block indices to block
-> IO (C.ExecResult ReoptSimulatorState sym (C.RegEntry sym (C.StructType (ArchRegContext arch))))
-> IO (C.ExecResult
(C.RegEntry sym (C.StructType (ArchRegContext arch))))
stepBlocks sym regTypes addr macawBlockMap = do
let macawStructRepr = C.StructRepr regTypes
halloc <- C.newHandleAllocator
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
@ -24,8 +25,11 @@ import Data.Parameterized.Ctx
import Data.Parameterized.Map (MapF)
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as MapF
import Data.Parameterized.NatRepr
import Data.String
import Data.Text
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.String
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Word
import qualified Lang.Crucible.CFG.Expr as C
import qualified Lang.Crucible.CFG.Reg as C
@ -33,6 +37,13 @@ import qualified Lang.Crucible.FunctionHandle as C
import Lang.Crucible.ProgramLoc as C
import qualified Lang.Crucible.Types as C
type family ArchRegContext (arch :: *) :: Ctx C.CrucibleType
type ArchRegStruct (arch :: *) = C.StructType (ArchRegContext arch)
type MacawFunctionArgs arch = EmptyCtx ::> ArchRegStruct arch
type MacawFunctionResult arch = ArchRegStruct arch
type family ToCrucibleType (mtp :: M.Type) :: C.CrucibleType where
ToCrucibleType (M.BVType w) = C.BVType w
ToCrucibleType M.BoolType = C.BoolType
@ -56,7 +67,40 @@ type ArchConstraints arch
newtype SymbolicHandle f tp = SymbolicHandle (f (ToCrucibleType tp))
type ReadMemHandle arch = C.FnHandle (EmptyCtx ::> C.BVType (M.ArchAddrWidth arch))
type ArchAddrCrucibleType arch = C.BVType (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)
-- | Type
type ReadMemHandle arch = C.FnHandle (EmptyCtx ::> ArchAddrCrucibleType arch)
type WriteMemHandle arch tp
= C.FnHandle (EmptyCtx ::> ArchAddrCrucibleType arch ::> tp) C.UnitType
newtype WriteMemWrapper arch tp = WriteMemWrapper (WriteMemHandle arch (ToCrucibleType tp))
type FreshSymHandleMap = MapF M.TypeRepr (SymbolicHandle (C.FnHandle EmptyCtx))
type ReadMemHandleMap arch = MapF M.MemRepr (SymbolicHandle (ReadMemHandle arch))
type WriteMemHandleMap arch = MapF M.MemRepr (WriteMemWrapper arch)
-- | Structure for getitng information about what handles are used
data CrucGenHandles arch
= CrucGenHandles
{ freshSymHandleMap :: !FreshSymHandleMap
-- ^ Map type reprs to associated handle for creating symbolic values.
, readMemHandleMap :: !(ReadMemHandleMap arch)
-- ^ Maps memory repr to symbolic handle for reading memory.
, writeMemHandleMap :: !(WriteMemHandleMap arch)
-- ^ Maps mem repr to function for writing to memory.
freshSymHandleMapLens :: Simple Lens (CrucGenHandles arch) FreshSymHandleMap
freshSymHandleMapLens = lens freshSymHandleMap (\s v -> s { freshSymHandleMap = v})
readMemHandleMapLens :: Simple Lens (CrucGenHandles arch) (ReadMemHandleMap arch)
readMemHandleMapLens = lens readMemHandleMap (\s v -> s { readMemHandleMap = v})
writeMemHandleMapLens :: Simple Lens (CrucGenHandles arch) (WriteMemHandleMap arch)
writeMemHandleMapLens = lens writeMemHandleMap (\s v -> s { writeMemHandleMap = v})
-- | State used for generating blocks
data CrucGenState arch ids s
@ -74,10 +118,14 @@ data CrucGenState arch ids s
, translateArchFn :: !(forall tp
. M.ArchFn arch ids tp
-> CrucGen arch ids s (C.Atom s (ToCrucibleType tp)))
, freshSymHandleMap :: !(MapF M.TypeRepr (SymbolicHandle (C.FnHandle EmptyCtx)))
-- ^ Map type reprs to associated handle for creating symbolic values.
, readMemHandleMap :: !(MapF M.MemRepr (SymbolicHandle (ReadMemHandle arch)))
, prevStmts :: ![C.Stmt s]
-- ^ Function for translating an architecture specific function
, translateArchStmt :: !(M.ArchStmt arch ids -> CrucGen arch ids s ())
-- ^ Function for translating an architecture specific statement.
, blockLabel :: (C.Label s)
-- ^ Label for this block we are tranlating
, handleMap :: !(CrucGenHandles arch)
-- ^ Handles found so far
, prevStmts :: ![C.Posd (C.Stmt s)]
-- ^ List of states in reverse order
, valueCount :: !Int
-- ^ Counter used to get fresh indices for Crucible atoms.
@ -89,13 +137,66 @@ data CrucGenState arch ids s
-- ^ Map Macaw assign id to associated Crucible value.
type CrucGen arch ids s = StateT (CrucGenState arch ids s) (ST s)
handleMapLens :: Simple Lens (CrucGenState arch ids s) (CrucGenHandles arch)
handleMapLens = lens handleMap (\s v -> s { handleMap = v })
data CrucGenResult arch ids s
= CrucGenResult
{ resHandleMap :: !(CrucGenHandles arch)
, resBlock :: !(C.Block s (MacawFunctionResult arch))
newtype CrucGen arch ids s r
= CrucGen { unContGen
:: CrucGenState arch ids s
-> (CrucGenState arch ids s -> r -> ST s (CrucGenResult arch ids s))
-> ST s (CrucGenResult arch ids s)
instance Functor (CrucGen arch ids s) where
fmap f m = CrucGen $ \s0 cont -> unContGen m s0 $ \s1 v -> cont s1 (f v)
instance Applicative (CrucGen arch ids s) where
pure r = CrucGen $ \s cont -> cont s r
mf <*> ma = CrucGen $ \s0 cont -> unContGen mf s0
$ \s1 f -> unContGen ma s1
$ \s2 a -> cont s2 (f a)
instance Monad (CrucGen arch ids s) where
m >>= h = CrucGen $ \s0 cont -> unContGen m s0 $ \s1 r -> unContGen (h r) s1 cont
instance MonadState (CrucGenState arch ids s) (CrucGen arch ids s) where
get = CrucGen $ \s cont -> cont s s
put s = CrucGen $ \_ cont -> cont s ()
liftST :: ST s r -> CrucGen arch ids s r
liftST m = CrucGen $ \s cont -> m >>= cont s
getPos :: CrucGen arch ids s C.Position
getPos = undefined
addStmt :: C.Stmt s -> CrucGen arch ids s ()
addStmt stmt = seq stmt $ do
p <- getPos
s <- get
put $! s { prevStmts = stmt : prevStmts s }
let pstmt = C.Posd p stmt
seq pstmt $ do
put $! s { prevStmts = pstmt : prevStmts s }
addTermStmt :: C.TermStmt s (MacawFunctionResult arch)
-> CrucGen arch ids s a
addTermStmt tstmt = do
termPos <- getPos
CrucGen $ \s _ -> do
let lbl = C.LabelID (blockLabel s)
let stmts = Seq.fromList (reverse (prevStmts s))
let term = C.Posd termPos tstmt
let blk = C.mkBlock lbl Set.empty stmts term
let res = CrucGenResult
{ resHandleMap = handleMap s
, resBlock = blk
pure $! res
freshValueIndex :: CrucGen arch ids s Int
freshValueIndex = do
@ -172,7 +273,7 @@ valueToCrucible v = do
freshSymbolicHandle :: M.TypeRepr tp
-> CrucGen arch ids s (C.FnHandle EmptyCtx (ToCrucibleType tp))
freshSymbolicHandle repr = do
hmap <- gets freshSymHandleMap
hmap <- use $ handleMapLens . freshSymHandleMapLens
case MapF.lookup repr hmap of
Just (SymbolicHandle h) -> pure h
Nothing -> do
@ -180,12 +281,46 @@ freshSymbolicHandle repr = do
M.BoolTypeRepr -> "symbolicBool"
M.BVTypeRepr w -> fromString $ "symbolicBV" ++ show w
halloc <- gets handleAlloc
hndl <- lift $ C.mkHandle' halloc fnm Ctx.empty (typeToCrucible repr)
modify $ \s -> s { freshSymHandleMap =
MapF.insert repr (SymbolicHandle hndl) (freshSymHandleMap s)
hndl <- liftST $ C.mkHandle' halloc fnm Ctx.empty (typeToCrucible repr)
handleMapLens . freshSymHandleMapLens %= MapF.insert repr (SymbolicHandle hndl)
pure $! hndl
readMemHandle :: M.MemRepr tp
-> CrucGen arch ids s (ReadMemHandle arch (ToCrucibleType tp))
readMemHandle repr = do
hmap <- use $ handleMapLens . readMemHandleMapLens
case MapF.lookup repr hmap of
Just (SymbolicHandle r) -> pure r
Nothing -> do
cns <- gets archConstraints
cns $ do
halloc <- gets handleAlloc
let fnm = case repr of
M.BVMemRepr w _ -> fromString $ "readWord" ++ show (8 * natValue w)
wrepr <- gets archWidthRepr
let argTypes = Ctx.empty Ctx.%> C.BVRepr wrepr
hndl <- liftST $ C.mkHandle' halloc fnm argTypes (memReprToCrucible repr)
handleMapLens . readMemHandleMapLens %= MapF.insert repr (SymbolicHandle hndl)
pure hndl
writeMemHandle :: M.MemRepr tp
-> CrucGen arch ids s (WriteMemHandle arch (ToCrucibleType tp))
writeMemHandle repr = do
hmap <- use $ handleMapLens . writeMemHandleMapLens
case MapF.lookup repr hmap of
Just (WriteMemWrapper r) -> pure r
Nothing -> do
cns <- gets archConstraints
cns $ do
halloc <- gets handleAlloc
let fnm = case repr of
M.BVMemRepr w _ -> fromString $ "readWord" ++ show (8 * natValue w)
wrepr <- gets archWidthRepr
let argTypes = Ctx.empty Ctx.%> C.BVRepr wrepr Ctx.%> memReprToCrucible repr
hndl <- liftST $ C.mkHandle' halloc fnm argTypes C.UnitRepr
handleMapLens . writeMemHandleMapLens %= MapF.insert repr (WriteMemWrapper hndl)
pure hndl
runCall :: C.FnHandle args ret
-> Ctx.Assignment (C.Atom s) args
-> C.TypeRepr ret
@ -199,24 +334,6 @@ freshSymbolic repr = do
hndl <- freshSymbolicHandle repr
runCall hndl Ctx.empty (typeToCrucible repr)
readMemHandle :: M.MemRepr tp
-> CrucGen arch ids s (ReadMemHandle arch (ToCrucibleType tp))
readMemHandle repr = do
hmap <- gets readMemHandleMap
case MapF.lookup repr hmap of
Just (SymbolicHandle r) -> pure r
Nothing -> do
cns <- gets archConstraints
cns $ do
halloc <- gets handleAlloc
let fnm = case repr of
M.BVMemRepr w _ -> fromString $ "readWord" ++ show w
wrepr <- gets archWidthRepr
let argTypes = Ctx.empty Ctx.%> C.BVRepr wrepr
hndl <- lift $ C.mkHandle' halloc fnm argTypes (memReprToCrucible repr)
modify' $ \s ->
s { readMemHandleMap = MapF.insert repr (SymbolicHandle hndl) (readMemHandleMap s) }
pure hndl
readMem :: M.ArchAddrValue arch ids
-> M.MemRepr tp
@ -226,6 +343,17 @@ readMem addr repr = do
caddr <- valueToCrucible addr
runCall hndl (Ctx.empty Ctx.%> caddr) (memReprToCrucible repr)
writeMem :: M.ArchAddrValue arch ids
-> M.MemRepr tp
-> M.Value arch ids tp
-> CrucGen arch ids s ()
writeMem addr repr val = do
hndl <- writeMemHandle repr
caddr <- valueToCrucible addr
cval <- valueToCrucible val
let args = Ctx.empty Ctx.%> caddr Ctx.%> cval
void $ runCall hndl args C.UnitRepr
assignRhsToCrucible :: M.AssignRhs arch ids tp
-> CrucGen arch ids s (C.Atom s (ToCrucibleType tp))
assignRhsToCrucible rhs =
@ -245,10 +373,12 @@ addMacawStmt stmt = do
a <- assignRhsToCrucible (M.assignRhs asgn)
modify' $ \s -> s { assignValueMap = MapF.insert idx (WrappedAtom a) (assignValueMap s) }
M.WriteMem addr repr val -> do
undefined addr repr val
M.PlaceHolderStmt vals msg -> do
undefined vals msg
M.Comment txt -> do
undefined txt
writeMem addr repr val
M.PlaceHolderStmt _vals msg -> do
cmsg <- crucibleValue (C.TextLit (Text.pack msg))
addTermStmt (C.ErrorStmt cmsg)
M.Comment _txt -> do
pure ()
M.ExecArchStmt astmt -> do
undefined astmt
f <- gets translateArchStmt
f astmt
Reference in New Issue
Block a user