Merge branch 'master' of

This commit is contained in:
Tristan Ravitch 2018-07-24 16:54:37 -07:00
commit 1b74262fb5
3 changed files with 81 additions and 144 deletions

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@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ instance HasRepr SIMDWidth NatRepr where
-- RepValSize
-- | Rep value
-- | A value for distinguishing between 1,2,4 and 8 byte values.
data RepValSize w
= (w ~ 8) => ByteRepVal
| (w ~ 16) => WordRepVal
@ -807,40 +807,40 @@ x86PrimFnHasSideEffects f =
-- X86Stmt
-- | An X86 specific statement.
data X86Stmt (v :: Type -> *)
= forall tp .
WriteLoc !(X86PrimLoc tp) !(v tp)
| StoreX87Control !(v (BVType 64))
-- ^ Store the X87 control register in the given location.
| MemCopy !Integer
!(v (BVType 64))
!(v (BVType 64))
!(v (BVType 64))
!(v BoolType)
-- ^ Copy a region of memory from a source buffer to a destination buffer.
-- In an expression @MemCopy bc v src dest dir@
-- * @bc@ is the number of bytes to copy at a time (1,2,4,8)
-- * @v@ is the number of values to move.
-- * @src@ is the start of source buffer.
-- * @dest@ is the start of destination buffer.
-- * @dir@ is a flag that indicates whether direction of move:
-- * 'True' means we should decrement buffer pointers after each copy.
-- * 'False' means we should increment the buffer pointers after each copy.
| forall n .
MemSet !(v (BVType 64))
-- /\ Number of values to assign
!(v (BVType n))
-- /\ Value to assign
!(v (BVType 64))
-- /\ Address to start assigning from.
!(v BoolType)
-- /\ Direction flag
data X86Stmt (v :: Type -> *) where
WriteLoc :: !(X86PrimLoc tp) -> !(v tp) -> X86Stmt v
StoreX87Control :: !(v (BVType 64)) -> X86Stmt v
-- ^ Store the X87 control register in the given address.
-- ^ Empty MMX technology State. Sets the x87 FPU tag word to empty.
-- Probably OK to use this for both EMMS FEMMS, the second being a
-- a faster version from AMD 3D now.
RepMovs :: !(RepValSize w)
-> !(v (BVType 64))
-> !(v (BVType 64))
-> !(v (BVType 64))
-> !(v BoolType)
-> X86Stmt v
-- ^ Copy a region of memory from a source buffer to a destination buffer.
-- In an expression @RepMovs bc cnt src dest dir@
-- * @bc@ denotes the bytes to copy at a time.
-- * @cnt@ is the number of values to move.
-- * @src@ is the start of source buffer.
-- * @dest@ is the start of destination buffer.
-- * @dir@ is a flag that indicates whether direction of move:
-- * 'True' means we should decrement buffer pointers after each copy.
-- * 'False' means we should increment the buffer pointers after each copy.
MemSet :: !(v (BVType 64))
-- /\ Number of values to assign
-> !(v (BVType n))
-- /\ Value to assign
-> !(v (BVType 64))
-- /\ Address to start assigning from.
-> !(v BoolType)
-- /\ Direction flag
-> X86Stmt v
EMMS :: X86Stmt v
-- ^ Empty MMX technology State. Sets the x87 FPU tag word to empty.
-- Probably OK to use this for both EMMS FEMMS, the second being a a
-- faster version from AMD 3D now.
instance FunctorF X86Stmt where
fmapF = fmapFDefault
@ -853,7 +853,7 @@ instance TraversableF X86Stmt where
case stmt of
WriteLoc loc v -> WriteLoc loc <$> go v
StoreX87Control v -> StoreX87Control <$> go v
MemCopy bc v src dest dir -> MemCopy bc <$> go v <*> go src <*> go dest <*> go dir
RepMovs bc v src dest dir -> RepMovs bc <$> go v <*> go src <*> go dest <*> go dir
MemSet v src dest dir -> MemSet <$> go v <*> go src <*> go dest <*> go dir
EMMS -> pure EMMS
@ -862,9 +862,9 @@ instance IsArchStmt X86Stmt where
case stmt of
WriteLoc loc rhs -> pretty loc <+> text ":=" <+> pp rhs
StoreX87Control addr -> pp addr <+> text ":= x87_control"
MemCopy sz cnt src dest rev ->
text "memcopy" <+> parens (hcat $ punctuate comma args)
where args = [pretty sz, pp cnt, pp src, pp dest, pp rev]
RepMovs sz cnt src dest rev ->
text "repMovs" <+> parens (hcat $ punctuate comma args)
where args = [pretty (repValSizeByteCount sz), pp cnt, pp src, pp dest, pp rev]
MemSet cnt val dest d ->
text "memset" <+> parens (hcat $ punctuate comma args)
where args = [pp cnt, pp val, pp dest, pp d]

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@ -154,7 +154,6 @@ module Data.Macaw.X86.Monad
, Data.Macaw.X86.Generator.eval
, Data.Macaw.X86.Generator.evalArchFn
, Data.Macaw.X86.Generator.addArchTermStmt
, memcopy
, memset
, even_parity
, fnstcw
@ -1606,67 +1605,6 @@ modify r f = do
x <- get r
r .= f x
-- | Move n bits at a time, with count moves
-- Semantic sketch. The effect on memory should be like @memcopy@
-- below, not like @memcopy2@. These sketches ignore the issue of
-- copying in chunks of size `bytes`, which should only be an
-- efficiency concern.
-- @
-- void memcopy(int bytes, int copies, char *src, char *dst, int reversed) {
-- int maybeFlip = reversed ? -1 : 1;
-- for (int c = 0; c < copies; ++c) {
-- for (int b = 0; b < bytes; ++b) {
-- int offset = maybeFlip * (b + c * bytes);
-- *(dst + offset) = *(src + offset);
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- @
-- Compare with:
-- @
-- void memcopy2(int bytes, int copies, char *src, char *dst, int reversed) {
-- int maybeFlip = reversed ? -1 : 1;
-- /* The only difference from `memcopy` above: here the same memory is
-- copied whether `reversed` is true or false -- only the order of
-- copies changes -- whereas above different memory is copied for
-- each direction. */
-- if (reversed) {
-- /* Start at the end and work backwards. */
-- src += copies * bytes - 1;
-- dst += copies * bytes - 1;
-- }
-- for (int c = 0; c < copies; ++c) {
-- for (int b = 0; b < bytes; ++b) {
-- int offset = maybeFlip * (b + c * bytes);
-- *(dst + offset) = *(src + offset);
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- @
memcopy :: Integer
-- ^ Number of bytes to copy at a time (1,2,4,8)
-> BVExpr ids 64
-- ^ Number of values to move.
-> Addr ids
-- ^ Start of source buffer
-> Addr ids
-- ^ Start of destination buffer.
-> Expr ids BoolType
-- ^ Flag indicates direction of move:
-- True means we should decrement buffer pointers after each copy.
-- False means we should increment the buffer pointers after each copy.
-> X86Generator st ids ()
memcopy val_sz count src dest is_reverse = do
count_v <- eval count
src_v <- eval src
dest_v <- eval dest
is_reverse_v <- eval is_reverse
addArchStmt $ MemCopy val_sz count_v src_v dest_v is_reverse_v
-- | Set memory to the given value, for the number of words (nbytes
-- = count * typeWidth v)
memset :: (1 <= n)

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ module Data.Macaw.X86.Semantics
( execInstruction
) where
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Control.Monad (when)
import qualified Data.Bits as Bits
import Data.Foldable
@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ import Data.Parameterized.Classes
import qualified Data.Parameterized.List as P
import Data.Parameterized.NatRepr
import Data.Parameterized.Some
import Data.Parameterized.TraversableF
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Word
import qualified Flexdis86 as F
@ -1159,54 +1161,51 @@ def_ret = defVariadic "ret" $ \_ vs ->
-- FIXME: probably doesn't work for 32 bit address sizes
-- arguments are only for the size, they are fixed at rsi/rdi
exec_movs :: 1 <= w
=> Bool -- Flag indicating if RepPrefix appeared before instruction
-> NatRepr w -- Number of bytes to move at a time.
-> X86Generator st ids ()
exec_movs False w = do
let bytesPerOp = bvLit n64 (natValue w)
let repr = BVMemRepr w LittleEndian
-- The direction flag indicates post decrement or post increment.
df <- get df_loc
src <- get rsi
dest <- get rdi
v' <- get $ MemoryAddr src repr
MemoryAddr dest repr .= v'
rsi .= mux df (src .- bytesPerOp) (src .+ bytesPerOp)
rdi .= mux df (dest .- bytesPerOp) (dest .+ bytesPerOp)
exec_movs True w = do
-- FIXME: aso modifies this
let count_reg = rcx
bytesPerOp = natValue w
bytesPerOpv = bvLit n64 bytesPerOp
-- The direction flag indicates post decrement or post increment.
df <- get df_loc
src <- get rsi
dest <- get rdi
count <- get count_reg
let total_bytes = count .* bytesPerOpv
-- FIXME: we might need direction for overlapping regions
count_reg .= bvLit n64 (0::Integer)
memcopy bytesPerOp count src dest df
rsi .= mux df (src .- total_bytes) (src .+ total_bytes)
rdi .= mux df (dest .- total_bytes) (dest .+ total_bytes)
def_movs :: InstructionDef
def_movs = defBinary "movs" $ \ii loc _ -> do
case loc of
F.Mem8 F.Addr_64{} ->
exec_movs (F.iiLockPrefix ii == F.RepPrefix) (knownNat :: NatRepr 1)
F.Mem16 F.Addr_64{} ->
exec_movs (F.iiLockPrefix ii == F.RepPrefix) (knownNat :: NatRepr 2)
F.Mem32 F.Addr_64{} ->
exec_movs (F.iiLockPrefix ii == F.RepPrefix) (knownNat :: NatRepr 4)
F.Mem64 F.Addr_64{} ->
exec_movs (F.iiLockPrefix ii == F.RepPrefix) (knownNat :: NatRepr 8)
_ -> fail "Bad argument to movs"
let pfx = F.iiPrefixes ii
Some w <-
case loc of
F.Mem8{} -> pure (Some ByteRepVal)
F.Mem16{} -> pure (Some WordRepVal)
F.Mem32{} -> pure (Some DWordRepVal)
F.Mem64{} -> pure (Some QWordRepVal)
_ -> error "Bad argument to movs"
let bytesPerOp = bvLit n64 (repValSizeByteCount w)
df <- get df_loc
src <- get rsi
dest <- get rdi
case pfx^.F.prLockPrefix of
F.RepPrefix -> do
when (pfx^.F.prASO) $ do
fail "Rep prefix semantics not defined when address size override is true."
-- The direction flag indicates post decrement or post increment.
count <- get rcx
addArchStmt =<< traverseF eval (RepMovs w count src dest df)
-- We adjust rsi and rdi by a negative value if df is true.
-- The formula is organized so that the bytesPerOp literal is
-- passed to the multiply and we can avoid non-linear arithmetic.
let adj = bytesPerOp .* mux df (bvNeg count) count
rcx .= bvLit n64 (0::Integer)
rsi .= src .+ adj
rdi .= dest .+ adj
F.NoLockPrefix -> do
let repr = repValSizeMemRepr w
-- The direction flag indicates post decrement or post increment.
v' <- get $ MemoryAddr src repr
MemoryAddr dest repr .= v'
-- We adjust rsi and rdi by a negative value if df is true.
-- The formula is organized so that the bytesPerOp literal is
-- passed to the multiply and we can avoid non-linear arithmetic.
let adj = mux df (bvNeg bytesPerOp) bytesPerOp
rsi .= src .+ adj
rdi .= dest .+ adj
_ -> do
fail "movs given unsupported lock prefix"
-- FIXME: can also take rep prefix
-- FIXME: we ignore the aso here.
-- | CMPS/CMPSB Compare string/Compare byte string
-- CMPS/CMPSW Compare string/Compare word string
-- CMPS/CMPSD Compare string/Compare doubleword string