refactor assertPred to avoid duplicated checks

This commit is contained in:
Valentin Robert 2024-08-21 10:13:44 -07:00
parent 3dfc22bf41
commit 2e495d8de9

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@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ exprRangePred info e = do
lowerBound = truncUnsigned $ rangeLowerBound r
upperBound = truncUnsigned $ rangeUpperBound r
SomeRangePred (mkRangeBound w lowerBound upperBound)
SomeRangePred (mkRangeBound w lowerBound upperBound)
_ -> NoRangePred
-- | This returns a natural number with a computed upper bound for the
@ -674,16 +674,57 @@ addRangePred cns v p =
_ ->
Right $ branchAssignRangePred n p
-- | @addLowerBoundPred cns w l x@ adds a @l <= x@ constraint over the `w`-bit-truncated values.
-- Fails when the bound excludes all possible values (lower bound greater than the maximum `w`-bit
-- value).
-- Note: The arguments are ordered so that it reads more naturally, as the difference of type
-- between `l` and `x` prevents mistakes.
addLowerBoundPred ::
RegisterInfo (ArchReg arch) =>
BlockIntraStackConstraints arch ids -> NatRepr n -> Integer -> Value arch ids (BVType n) ->
Either String (BranchConstraints arch ids)
addLowerBoundPred cns w l x
| l > maxUnsigned w = Left "Lower bound excludes all possible values"
| otherwise = addRangePred cns (intraStackValueExpr cns x) $! mkLowerBound w (fromInteger l)
-- | @addUpperBoundPred cns w x u@ adds a @x <= u@ constraint over the `w`-bit-truncated values.
-- Fails when the bound excludes all possible values (`u` < 0).
addUpperBoundPred ::
RegisterInfo (ArchReg arch) =>
BlockIntraStackConstraints arch ids -> NatRepr n -> Value arch ids (BVType n) -> Integer ->
Either String (BranchConstraints arch ids)
addUpperBoundPred cns w x u
| u < 0 = Left "Upper bound excludes all possible values"
| otherwise = addRangePred cns (intraStackValueExpr cns x) $! mkUpperBound w (fromInteger u)
clamp :: NatRepr w -> Integer -> Integer
clamp w x
| x < 0 = 0
| x > maxUnsigned w = maxUnsigned w
| otherwise = x
-- | @addWithinRangePred cns w l x u@ adds a @l <= x <= u@ constraint over the `w`-bit-truncated values.
-- Fails when the bound excludes all possible values.
-- Note: The arguments are ordered so that it reads more naturally.
addWithinRangePred ::
RegisterInfo (ArchReg arch) =>
BlockIntraStackConstraints arch ids -> NatRepr n -> Integer -> Value arch ids (BVType n) -> Integer ->
Either String (BranchConstraints arch ids)
addWithinRangePred cns w l x u
-- Note: we could avoid this duplication by instead producing a conjunction of `addLowerBoundPred`
-- and `addUpperBoundPred`, but this produces a single range instead.
| l > maxUnsigned w = Left "Lower bound excludes all possible values"
| u < 0 = Left "Upper bound excludes all possible values"
| clamp w u < clamp w l = Left "Empty range excludes all possible values"
| otherwise =
addRangePred cns (intraStackValueExpr cns x) $! mkRangeBound w (fromInteger l) (fromInteger u)
-- | Assert a predicate is true/false and update bounds.
-- If it returns a new upper bounds, then that may be used.
-- Otherwise, it detects an inconsistency and returns a message
-- explaing why.
assertPred :: ( OrdF (ArchReg arch)
, HasRepr (ArchReg arch) TypeRepr
, MemWidth (ArchAddrWidth arch)
, ShowF (ArchReg arch)
assertPred :: RegisterInfo (ArchReg arch)
=> IntraJumpBounds arch ids
-> Value arch ids BoolType -- ^ Value representing predicate
-> Bool -- ^ Controls whether predicate is true or false
@ -691,72 +732,63 @@ assertPred :: ( OrdF (ArchReg arch)
assertPred bnds (AssignedValue a) isTrue = do
let cns = intraStackConstraints bnds
case assignRhs a of
EvalApp (Eq x (BVValue w c)) -> do
addRangePred cns (intraStackValueExpr cns x)
(mkRangeBound w (fromInteger c) (fromInteger c))
EvalApp (Eq (BVValue w c) x) -> do
addRangePred cns (intraStackValueExpr cns x)
(mkRangeBound w (fromInteger c) (fromInteger c))
-- Given x < c), assert x <= c-1
EvalApp (BVUnsignedLt x (BVValue _ c)) -> do
if isTrue then do
when (c == 0) $ Left "x < 0 must be false."
addRangePred cns (intraStackValueExpr cns x) $!
mkUpperBound (typeWidth x) (fromInteger (c-1))
else do
addRangePred cns (intraStackValueExpr cns x) $!
mkLowerBound (typeWidth x) (fromInteger c)
-- Given not (c < y), assert y <= c
EvalApp (BVUnsignedLt (BVValue w c) y) -> do
p <-
if isTrue then do
when (c >= maxUnsigned w) $ Left "x <= max_unsigned must be true"
pure $! mkLowerBound w (fromInteger (c+1))
else do
pure $! mkUpperBound w (fromInteger c)
addRangePred cns (intraStackValueExpr cns y) p
-- Given x <= c, assert x <= c
EvalApp (BVUnsignedLe x (BVValue w c)) -> do
p <-
if isTrue then
pure $! mkUpperBound w (fromInteger c)
else do
when (c >= maxUnsigned w) $ Left "x <= max_unsigned must be true"
pure $! mkLowerBound w (fromInteger (c+1))
addRangePred cns (intraStackValueExpr cns x) p
-- Given not (c <= y), assert y <= (c-1)
EvalApp (BVUnsignedLe (BVValue _ c) y)
| isTrue -> do
addRangePred cns (intraStackValueExpr cns y)
(mkLowerBound (typeWidth y) (fromInteger c))
| otherwise -> do
when (c == 0) $ Left "0 <= x cannot be false"
addRangePred cns
(intraStackValueExpr cns y)
(mkUpperBound (typeWidth y) (fromInteger (c-1)))
EvalApp (AndApp l r) ->
if isTrue then
EvalApp (Eq x (BVValue w c)) ->
-- x == c becomes c <= x <= c
addWithinRangePred cns w c x c
EvalApp (Eq (BVValue w c) x) ->
-- x == c becomes c <= x <= c
addWithinRangePred cns w c x c
EvalApp (BVUnsignedLt x (BVValue w c))
| isTrue ->
-- x < c becomes x <= c - 1
addUpperBoundPred cns w x (c - 1)
| otherwise ->
-- !(x < c) becomes c <= x
addLowerBoundPred cns w c x
EvalApp (BVUnsignedLt (BVValue w c) y)
| isTrue ->
-- c < y becomes c + 1 <= y
addLowerBoundPred cns w (c + 1) y
| otherwise ->
-- !(c < y) becomes y <= c
addUpperBoundPred cns w y c
EvalApp (BVUnsignedLe x (BVValue w c))
| isTrue ->
-- x <= c
addUpperBoundPred cns w x c
| otherwise ->
-- !(x <= c) becomes c + 1 <= x
addLowerBoundPred cns w (c + 1) x
EvalApp (BVUnsignedLe (BVValue w c) y)
| isTrue ->
-- c <= y
addLowerBoundPred cns w c y
| otherwise ->
-- !(c <= y) becomes y <= c - 1
addUpperBoundPred cns w y (c - 1)
EvalApp (AndApp l r)
| isTrue ->
-- l && r
<$> assertPred bnds l True
<*> assertPred bnds r True
| otherwise ->
-- !(l && r) becomes !l || !r
<$> assertPred bnds l False
<*> assertPred bnds r False
-- Given not (x || y), assert not x, then assert not y
EvalApp (OrApp l r) ->
if isTrue then
-- Assert l | r
EvalApp (OrApp l r)
| isTrue ->
-- l || r
<$> assertPred bnds l True
<*> assertPred bnds r True
-- Assert not l && not r
| otherwise ->
-- !(l || r) becomes !l && !r
<$> assertPred bnds l False
<*> assertPred bnds r False
EvalApp (NotApp p) ->
assertPred bnds p (not isTrue)
EvalApp (NotApp p) -> assertPred bnds p (not isTrue)
_ -> Right emptyBranchConstraints
assertPred _ _ _ =
Right emptyBranchConstraints