mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 07:33:33 +03:00
Drop support for branches within blocks.
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,8 +28,7 @@ install:
# Here starts the actual work to be performed for the package under test;
# any command which exits with a non-zero exit code causes the build to fail.
# Build crucible with no -Werror
# Build packages that we do not want to check warnings on.
- stack build crucible
# Build packages
- stack build --ghc-options="-Wall -Werror"
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: macaw-base
version: 0.3.5
version: 0.3.6
author: Galois, Inc.
maintainer: jhendrix@galois.com
build-type: Simple
@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
Copyright : (c) Galois, Inc 2016
Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
This defines the architecture-specific information needed for code discovery.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
@ -19,11 +16,9 @@ module Data.Macaw.Architecture.Info
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Parameterized.Nonce
import Data.Parameterized.TraversableF
import Data.Semigroup ( (<>) )
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import Data.Macaw.AbsDomain.AbsState as AbsState
import Data.Macaw.CFG.App
import Data.Macaw.CFG.Block
import Data.Macaw.CFG.Core
import Data.Macaw.CFG.DemandSet
@ -51,7 +46,7 @@ type DisassembleFn arch
-- ^ Initial values to use for registers.
-> Int
-- ^ Maximum offset for this to read from.
-> ST s ([Block arch ids], Int, Maybe String)
-> ST s (Block arch ids, Int)
-- | This records architecture specific functions for analysis.
data ArchitectureInfo arch
@ -174,13 +169,6 @@ rewriteTermStmt info tstmt = do
case tstmt of
FetchAndExecute regs ->
FetchAndExecute <$> traverseF rewriteValue regs
Branch c t f -> do
tgtCond <- rewriteValue c
case () of
_ | Just (NotApp cn) <- valueAsApp tgtCond -> do
pure $ Branch cn f t
| otherwise ->
pure $ Branch tgtCond t f
TranslateError regs msg ->
TranslateError <$> traverseF rewriteValue regs
<*> pure msg
@ -190,16 +178,15 @@ rewriteTermStmt info tstmt = do
-- | Apply optimizations to code in the block
rewriteBlock :: ArchitectureInfo arch
-> (RewriteContext arch s src tgt, [Block arch tgt])
-> RewriteContext arch s src tgt
-> Block arch src
-> ST s (RewriteContext arch s src tgt, [Block arch tgt])
rewriteBlock info (rwctx,blks) b = do
(rwctx', newBlks, tgtStmts, tgtTermStmt) <- runRewriter rwctx $ do
-> ST s (RewriteContext arch s src tgt, Block arch tgt)
rewriteBlock info rwctx b = do
(rwctx', tgtStmts, tgtTermStmt) <- runRewriter rwctx $ do
mapM_ rewriteStmt (blockStmts b)
rewriteTermStmt info (blockTerm b)
-- Return rewritten block and any new blocks
let rwBlock = Block { blockLabel = blockLabel b
, blockStmts = tgtStmts
let rwBlock = Block { blockStmts = tgtStmts
, blockTerm = tgtTermStmt
in pure (rwctx', rwBlock : (newBlks <> blks))
pure (rwctx', rwBlock)
@ -9,18 +9,16 @@ types.
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Data.Macaw.CFG.Block
( Block(..), BlockLabel
( Block(..)
, ppBlock
, TermStmt(..)
) where
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Word
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as PP hiding ((<$>))
import Data.Macaw.CFG.Core
import Data.Macaw.Types
-- TermStmt
@ -32,8 +30,6 @@ import Data.Macaw.Types
data TermStmt arch ids
-- | Fetch and execute the next instruction from the given processor state.
= FetchAndExecute !(RegState (ArchReg arch) (Value arch ids))
-- | Branch and execute one block or another.
| Branch !(Value arch ids BoolType) !BlockLabel !BlockLabel
-- | The block ended prematurely due to an error in instruction
-- decoding or translation.
@ -52,8 +48,6 @@ instance ArchConstraints arch
pretty (FetchAndExecute s) =
text "fetch_and_execute" <$$>
indent 2 (pretty s)
pretty (Branch c x y) =
text "branch" <+> ppValue 0 c <+> text (show x) <+> text (show y)
pretty (TranslateError s msg) =
text "ERROR: " <+> text (Text.unpack msg) <$$>
indent 2 (pretty s)
@ -63,22 +57,15 @@ instance ArchConstraints arch
-- Block
-- | The type of labels for each block
type BlockLabel = Word64
-- | The type for code blocks returned by the disassembler.
-- The discovery process will attempt to map each block to a suitable ParsedBlock.
data Block arch ids
= Block { blockLabel :: !BlockLabel
-- ^ Index of this block
, blockStmts :: !([Stmt arch ids])
= Block { blockStmts :: !([Stmt arch ids])
-- ^ List of statements in the block.
, blockTerm :: !(TermStmt arch ids)
-- ^ The last statement in the block.
ppBlock :: ArchConstraints arch => Block arch ids -> Doc
ppBlock b =
text (show (blockLabel b)) PP.<> text ":" <$$>
indent 2 (vcat (ppStmt (text . show) <$> blockStmts b) <$$> pretty (blockTerm b))
ppBlock b = vcat (ppStmt (text . show) <$> blockStmts b) <$$> pretty (blockTerm b)
@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ module Data.Macaw.CFG.Rewriter
, rewriteApp
, evalRewrittenArchFn
, appendRewrittenArchStmt
, addNewBlockFromRewrite
) where
import Control.Lens
@ -51,7 +50,7 @@ import Data.STRef
import Data.Macaw.CFG
import Data.Macaw.Types
import Data.Macaw.CFG.Block ( TermStmt, Block(..), BlockLabel )
import Data.Macaw.CFG.Block (TermStmt)
-- | Information needed for rewriting.
data RewriteContext arch s src tgt
@ -90,11 +89,6 @@ data RewriteContext arch s src tgt
-- of the assignments can be eliminated this
-- should be done via a dead code elimination step
-- rather than during rewriting.
, rwctxBlockLabel :: BlockLabel
-- ^ The next assignable BlockLabel (used for
-- rewrites that create new blocks, as would be
-- needed for Branch TermStmts.
mkRewriteContext :: RegisterInfo (ArchReg arch)
@ -112,10 +106,8 @@ mkRewriteContext :: RegisterInfo (ArchReg arch)
-- Discovery.hs.
-> Map SectionIndex (ArchSegmentOff arch)
-- ^ Map from loaded section indices to their address.
-> BlockLabel
-- ^ next BlockLabel (useable for creating new Block entries)
-> ST s (RewriteContext arch s src tgt)
mkRewriteContext nonceGen archFn archStmt termStmt secAddrMap nextBlockLabel = do
mkRewriteContext nonceGen archFn archStmt termStmt secAddrMap = do
ref <- newSTRef MapF.empty
pure $! RewriteContext { rwctxNonceGen = nonceGen
, rwctxArchFn = archFn
@ -124,7 +116,6 @@ mkRewriteContext nonceGen archFn archStmt termStmt secAddrMap nextBlockLabel = d
, rwctxConstraints = \a -> a
, rwctxSectionAddrMap = secAddrMap
, rwctxCache = ref
, rwctxBlockLabel = nextBlockLabel
-- | State used by rewriter for tracking states
@ -132,21 +123,12 @@ data RewriteState arch s src tgt
= RewriteState { -- | Access to the context for the rewriter
rwContext :: !(RewriteContext arch s src tgt)
, _rwRevStmts :: ![Stmt arch tgt]
, _rwNewBlocks :: ![Block arch tgt]
-- | A list of statements in the current block in reverse order.
rwRevStmts :: Simple Lens (RewriteState arch s src tgt) [Stmt arch tgt]
rwRevStmts = lens _rwRevStmts (\s v -> s { _rwRevStmts = v })
-- | A list of newly created Blocks generated during the rewrite operation.
rwNewBlocks :: Simple Lens (RewriteState arch s src tgt) [Block arch tgt]
rwNewBlocks = lens _rwNewBlocks (\s v -> s { _rwNewBlocks = v })
-- | The next BlockLabel to use for newly created Blocks generated during the rewrite.
rwBlockLabel :: Simple Lens (RewriteState arch s src tgt) BlockLabel
rwBlockLabel = lens (rwctxBlockLabel . rwContext) (\s v -> s { rwContext = (rwContext s) { rwctxBlockLabel = v }})
-- | Monad for constant propagation within a block.
newtype Rewriter arch s src tgt a = Rewriter { unRewriter :: StateT (RewriteState arch s src tgt) (ST s) a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
@ -156,17 +138,15 @@ newtype Rewriter arch s src tgt a = Rewriter { unRewriter :: StateT (RewriteStat
runRewriter :: RewriteContext arch s src tgt
-> Rewriter arch s src tgt (TermStmt arch tgt)
-> ST s ( RewriteContext arch s src tgt
, [Block arch tgt]
, [Stmt arch tgt]
, (TermStmt arch tgt))
runRewriter ctx m = do
let s = RewriteState { rwContext = ctx
, _rwRevStmts = []
, _rwNewBlocks = []
m' = rwctxTermStmt ctx =<< m
(r, s') <- runStateT (unRewriter m') s
pure (rwContext s', _rwNewBlocks s', reverse (_rwRevStmts s'), r)
pure (rwContext s', reverse (_rwRevStmts s'), r)
-- | Add a statement to the list
appendRewrittenStmt :: Stmt arch tgt -> Rewriter arch s src tgt ()
@ -180,23 +160,6 @@ appendRewrittenStmt stmt = Rewriter $ do
appendRewrittenArchStmt :: ArchStmt arch (Value arch tgt) -> Rewriter arch s src tgt ()
appendRewrittenArchStmt = appendRewrittenStmt . ExecArchStmt
-- | If the rewriting needs to add a new 'Block' (e.g. for a 'Branch'
-- target) it does so by calling this function with that 'Block'.
addNewBlockFromRewrite :: [Stmt arch tgt]
-> TermStmt arch tgt
-> Rewriter arch s src tgt (BlockLabel)
addNewBlockFromRewrite stmts termstmt = Rewriter $ do
blkLabel <- use rwBlockLabel
let blk = Block { blockLabel = blkLabel
, blockStmts = stmts
, blockTerm = termstmt
rwNewBlocks %= (:) blk
rwBlockLabel += 1
return blkLabel
-- | Add an assignment statement that evaluates the right hand side and return the resulting value.
evalRewrittenRhs :: AssignRhs arch (Value arch tgt) tp -> Rewriter arch s src tgt (Value arch tgt tp)
evalRewrittenRhs rhs = Rewriter $ do
@ -169,8 +169,6 @@ addTermDemands t = do
case t of
FetchAndExecute regs -> do
traverseF_ addValueDemands regs
Branch v _ _ -> do
addValueDemands v
TranslateError regs _ -> do
traverseF_ addValueDemands regs
ArchTermStmt _ regs -> do
@ -812,8 +810,6 @@ data ParseContext arch ids =
-- ^ Address of function this block is being parsed as
, pctxAddr :: !(ArchSegmentOff arch)
-- ^ Address of the current block
, pctxBlockMap :: !(Map BlockLabel (Block arch ids))
-- ^ Map from block indices to block code at address.
-- | Get the memory representation associated with pointers in the
@ -1142,30 +1138,6 @@ parseBlock ctx idx initRegs b absProcState = do
let ainfo = pctxArchInfo ctx
withArchConstraints ainfo $ do
case blockTerm b of
Branch c lb rb -> do
let blockMap = pctxBlockMap ctx
-- FIXME: we should propagate c back to the initial block, not just b
let absProcState' = absEvalStmts ainfo absProcState (blockStmts b)
mapM_ (recordWriteStmt ainfo mem absProcState') (blockStmts b)
let Just l = Map.lookup lb blockMap
let l_regs = refineProcStateBounds c True $ refineProcState c absTrue absProcState'
let Just r = Map.lookup rb blockMap
let r_regs = refineProcStateBounds c False $ refineProcState c absFalse absProcState'
let l_regs' = absEvalStmts ainfo l_regs (blockStmts b)
let r_regs' = absEvalStmts ainfo r_regs (blockStmts b)
(parsedTrueBlock,trueIdx) <- parseBlock ctx (idx+1) initRegs l l_regs'
(parsedFalseBlock,falseIdx) <- parseBlock ctx trueIdx initRegs r r_regs'
let ret = StatementList { stmtsIdent = idx
, stmtsNonterm = blockStmts b
, stmtsTerm = ParsedIte c parsedTrueBlock parsedFalseBlock
, stmtsAbsState = absProcState'
pure (ret, falseIdx)
FetchAndExecute finalRegs -> do
parseFetchAndExecute ctx idx initRegs (Seq.fromList (blockStmts b)) absProcState finalRegs
@ -1200,49 +1172,44 @@ parseBlock ctx idx initRegs b absProcState = do
-- | This evaluates the statements in a block to expand the information known
-- about control flow targets of this block.
addBlocks :: ArchSegmentOff arch
-- ^ Address of these blocks
-> FoundAddr arch
-- ^ State leading to explore block
-> RegState (ArchReg arch) (Value arch ids)
-> Int
-- ^ Number of blocks covered
-> Map BlockLabel (Block arch ids)
-- ^ Map from labelIndex to associated block
-> FunM arch s ids ()
addBlocks src finfo initRegs sz blockMap =
case Map.lookup 0 blockMap of
Nothing -> do
error $ "addBlocks given empty blockRegion."
Just b -> do
mem <- uses curFunCtx memory
let regs = initAbsProcessorState mem (foundAbstractState finfo)
funAddr <- gets curFunAddr
s <- use curFunCtx
addBlock :: ArchSegmentOff arch
-- ^ Address of these blocks
-> FoundAddr arch
-- ^ State leading to explore block
-> RegState (ArchReg arch) (Value arch ids)
-> Int
-- ^ Number of bytes in block
-> Block arch ids
-- ^ Map from labelIndex to associated block
-> FunM arch s ids ()
addBlock src finfo initRegs sz b = do
s <- use curFunCtx
let mem = memory s
let regs = initAbsProcessorState mem (foundAbstractState finfo)
funAddr <- gets curFunAddr
let ctx = ParseContext { pctxMemory = memory s
, pctxArchInfo = archInfo s
, pctxKnownFnEntries = s^.trustedFunctionEntryPoints
, pctxFunAddr = funAddr
, pctxAddr = src
, pctxBlockMap = blockMap
let ps0 = ParseState { _writtenCodeAddrs = []
, _intraJumpTargets = []
, _newFunctionAddrs = []
let ((pblock,_), ps) = runState (parseBlock ctx 0 initRegs b regs) ps0
let pb = ParsedBlock { pblockAddr = src
, blockSize = sz
, blockReason = foundReason finfo
, blockAbstractState = foundAbstractState finfo
, blockStatementList = pblock
let pb' = dropUnusedCodeInParsedBlock (archInfo s) pb
id %= addFunBlock src pb'
curFunCtx %= markAddrsAsFunction (PossibleWriteEntry src) (ps^.writtenCodeAddrs)
. markAddrsAsFunction (CallTarget src) (ps^.newFunctionAddrs)
mapM_ (\(addr, abs_state) -> mergeIntraJump src abs_state addr) (ps^.intraJumpTargets)
let ctx = ParseContext { pctxMemory = memory s
, pctxArchInfo = archInfo s
, pctxKnownFnEntries = s^.trustedFunctionEntryPoints
, pctxFunAddr = funAddr
, pctxAddr = src
let ps0 = ParseState { _writtenCodeAddrs = []
, _intraJumpTargets = []
, _newFunctionAddrs = []
let ((pblock,_), ps) = runState (parseBlock ctx 0 initRegs b regs) ps0
let pb = ParsedBlock { pblockAddr = src
, blockSize = sz
, blockReason = foundReason finfo
, blockAbstractState = foundAbstractState finfo
, blockStatementList = pblock
let pb' = dropUnusedCodeInParsedBlock (archInfo s) pb
id %= addFunBlock src pb'
curFunCtx %= markAddrsAsFunction (PossibleWriteEntry src) (ps^.writtenCodeAddrs)
. markAddrsAsFunction (CallTarget src) (ps^.newFunctionAddrs)
mapM_ (\(addr, abs_state) -> mergeIntraJump src abs_state addr) (ps^.intraJumpTargets)
-- | Record an error block with no statements for the given address.
recordErrorBlock :: ArchSegmentOff arch -> FoundAddr arch -> Maybe String -> FunM arch s ids ()
@ -1286,30 +1253,22 @@ transfer addr = do
Left msg -> do
recordErrorBlock addr finfo (Just msg)
Right initRegs -> do
(bs0, sz, maybeError) <- liftST $ disassembleFn ainfo nonceGen addr initRegs maxSize
(b0, sz) <- liftST $ disassembleFn ainfo nonceGen addr initRegs maxSize
-- If no blocks are returned, then we just add an empty parsed block.
if null bs0 then do
recordErrorBlock addr finfo maybeError
else do
-- Rewrite returned blocks to simplify expressions
-- Rewrite returned blocks to simplify expressions
bs1 <- snd <$> do
let archStmt = rewriteArchStmt ainfo
let secAddrMap = memSectionIndexMap mem
termStmt <- gets termStmtRewriter <*> pure addr
let maxBlockLabel = maximum $ map blockLabel bs0
liftST $ do
ctx <- mkRewriteContext nonceGen (rewriteArchFn ainfo)
archStmt termStmt secAddrMap (maxBlockLabel + 1)
foldM (rewriteBlock ainfo) (ctx, []) bs0
(_,b) <- do
let archStmt = rewriteArchStmt ainfo
let secAddrMap = memSectionIndexMap mem
termStmt <- gets termStmtRewriter <*> pure addr
liftST $ do
ctx <- mkRewriteContext nonceGen (rewriteArchFn ainfo) archStmt termStmt secAddrMap
rewriteBlock ainfo ctx b0
bs1 <- pure bs0
b <- pure b0
-- Compute demand set
let bs = bs1 -- eliminateDeadStmts ainfo bs1
-- Call transfer blocks to calculate parsedblocks
let blockMap = Map.fromList [ (blockLabel b, b) | b <- bs ]
addBlocks addr finfo initRegs sz blockMap
-- Call transfer blocks to calculate parsedblocks
addBlock addr finfo initRegs sz b
-- Main loop
@ -264,22 +264,15 @@ addBlocksCFG :: forall h s arch ids
-- ^ Address of start of block
-> (M.ArchAddrWord arch -> C.Position)
-- ^ Function that maps offsets from start of block to Crucible position.
-> [M.Block arch ids]
-- ^ List of blocks for this region.
-> M.Block arch ids
-- ^ Macaw block for this region.
-> MacawMonad arch ids h s (CR.Label s, [CR.Block (MacawExt arch) s (MacawFunctionResult arch)])
addBlocksCFG archFns baseAddrMap addr posFn macawBlocks = do
addBlocksCFG archFns baseAddrMap addr posFn macawBlock = do
crucGenArchConstraints archFns $ do
-- Map block map to Crucible CFG
blockLabelMap <- fmap Map.fromList $ sequence $
[ mmFreshNonce >>= \n -> return (w, CR.Label n)
| w <- M.blockLabel <$> macawBlocks ]
entry <-
case Map.lookup 0 blockLabelMap of
Just lbl -> return lbl
Nothing -> fail "Unable to find initial block"
blks <- forM macawBlocks $ \b -> do
addMacawBlock archFns baseAddrMap addr blockLabelMap posFn b
return (entry, concatMap (uncurry (:)) blks)
entry <- CR.Label <$> mmFreshNonce
(blk,blks) <- addMacawBlock archFns baseAddrMap addr entry posFn macawBlock
return (entry, blk:blks)
-- | Create a registerized Crucible CFG from an arbitrary list of macaw blocks
@ -303,12 +296,12 @@ mkBlocksRegCFG :: forall s arch ids
-- ^ Address for start of block.
-> (M.ArchAddrWord arch -> C.Position)
-- ^ Function that maps offsets from start of block to Crucible position.
-> [M.Block arch ids]
-> M.Block arch ids
-- ^ List of blocks for this region.
-> ST s (CR.SomeCFG (MacawExt arch) (EmptyCtx ::> ArchRegStruct arch) (ArchRegStruct arch))
mkBlocksRegCFG archFns halloc memBaseVarMap nm addr posFn macawBlocks = do
mkBlocksRegCFG archFns halloc memBaseVarMap nm addr posFn macawBlock = do
mkCrucRegCFG archFns halloc nm $ do
addBlocksCFG archFns memBaseVarMap addr posFn macawBlocks
addBlocksCFG archFns memBaseVarMap addr posFn macawBlock
-- | Create a Crucible CFG from an arbitrary list of macaw blocks
@ -332,12 +325,12 @@ mkBlocksCFG :: forall s arch ids
-- ^ Address for start of block.
-> (M.ArchAddrWord arch -> C.Position)
-- ^ Function that maps offsets from start of block to Crucible position.
-> [M.Block arch ids]
-> M.Block arch ids
-- ^ List of blocks for this region.
-> ST s (C.SomeCFG (MacawExt arch) (EmptyCtx ::> ArchRegStruct arch) (ArchRegStruct arch))
mkBlocksCFG archFns halloc memBaseVarMap nm addr posFn macawBlocks =
mkBlocksCFG archFns halloc memBaseVarMap nm addr posFn macawBlock =
toCoreCFG archFns <$>
mkBlocksRegCFG archFns halloc memBaseVarMap nm addr posFn macawBlocks
mkBlocksRegCFG archFns halloc memBaseVarMap nm addr posFn macawBlock
-- | Create a map from Macaw @(address, index)@ pairs to Crucible labels
mkBlockLabelMap :: [M.ParsedBlock arch ids] -> MacawMonad arch ids h s (BlockLabelMap arch s)
@ -1215,16 +1215,6 @@ addMacawStmt baddr stmt =
crucStmt = MacawArchStateUpdate addr m
void $ evalMacawStmt crucStmt
lookupCrucibleLabel :: Map Word64 (CR.Label s)
-- ^ Map from block index to Crucible label
-> Word64
-- ^ Index of crucible block
-> CrucGen arch ids h s (CR.Label s)
lookupCrucibleLabel m idx = do
case Map.lookup idx m of
Nothing -> fail $ "Could not find label for block " ++ show idx
Just l -> pure l
-- | Create a crucible struct for registers from a register state.
createRegStruct :: forall arch ids h s
. M.RegState (M.ArchReg arch) (M.Value arch ids)
@ -1261,20 +1251,13 @@ createRegUpdates regs = do
Nothing -> fail "internal: Register is not bound."
Just idx -> Just . Pair (crucibleIndex idx) <$> valueToCrucible val
addMacawTermStmt :: Map Word64 (CR.Label s)
-- ^ Map from block index to Crucible label
-> M.TermStmt arch ids
addMacawTermStmt :: M.TermStmt arch ids
-> CrucGen arch ids h s ()
addMacawTermStmt blockLabelMap tstmt =
addMacawTermStmt tstmt =
case tstmt of
M.FetchAndExecute regs -> do
s <- createRegStruct regs
addTermStmt (CR.Return s)
M.Branch macawPred macawTrueLbl macawFalseLbl -> do
p <- valueToCrucible macawPred
t <- lookupCrucibleLabel blockLabelMap macawTrueLbl
f <- lookupCrucibleLabel blockLabelMap macawFalseLbl
addTermStmt (CR.Br p t f)
M.ArchTermStmt ts regs -> do
fns <- translateFns <$> get
crucGenArchTermStmt fns ts regs
@ -1356,8 +1339,8 @@ addMacawBlock :: M.MemWidth (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)
-- ^ Base address map
-> M.ArchSegmentOff arch
-- ^ Address of start of block
-> Map Word64 (CR.Label s)
-- ^ Map from block index to Crucible label
-> CR.Label s
-- ^ Crucible label for this bloclk.
-> (M.ArchAddrWord arch -> C.Position)
-- ^ Function for generating position from offset from start of this block.
-> M.Block arch ids
@ -1365,14 +1348,7 @@ addMacawBlock :: M.MemWidth (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)
( CR.Block (MacawExt arch) s (MacawFunctionResult arch)
, [CR.Block (MacawExt arch) s (MacawFunctionResult arch)]
addMacawBlock archFns baseAddrMap addr blockLabelMap posFn b = do
let idx = M.blockLabel b
lbl <-
case Map.lookup idx blockLabelMap of
Just lbl ->
pure lbl
Nothing ->
throwError $ "Internal: Could not find block with index " ++ show idx
addMacawBlock archFns baseAddrMap addr lbl posFn b = do
let archRegStructRepr = C.StructRepr (crucArchRegTypes archFns)
ng <- gets nonceGen
regRegId <- mmExecST $ freshNonce ng
@ -1389,7 +1365,7 @@ addMacawBlock archFns baseAddrMap addr blockLabelMap posFn b = do
fmap (\(b', bs, _) -> (b', bs)) $ runCrucGen archFns baseAddrMap posFn 0 lbl regReg $ do
addStmt $ CR.SetReg regReg regStruct
mapM_ (addMacawStmt addr) (M.blockStmts b)
addMacawTermStmt blockLabelMap (M.blockTerm b)
addMacawTermStmt (M.blockTerm b)
parsedBlockLabel :: (Ord addr, Show addr)
=> Map (addr, Word64) (CR.Label s)
@ -171,13 +171,12 @@ instance MemWidth w => Show (X86TranslateError w) where
initError :: MemSegmentOff 64 -- ^ Location to explore from.
-> RegState X86Reg (Value X86_64 ids)
-> X86TranslateError 64
-> ST st_s (Block X86_64 ids, MemWord 64, Maybe (X86TranslateError 64))
-> ST st_s (Block X86_64 ids, MemWord 64)
initError addr s err = do
let b = Block { blockLabel = 0
, blockStmts = []
let b = Block { blockStmts = []
, blockTerm = TranslateError s (Text.pack (show err))
return (b, segoffOffset addr, Just err)
return (b, segoffOffset addr)
-- | Disassemble memory contents using flexdis.
disassembleInstruction :: MemSegmentOff 64
@ -310,19 +309,17 @@ translateBlockImpl :: forall st_s ids
-- ^ Maximum offset for this addr from start of block.
-> [MemChunk 64]
-- ^ List of contents to read next.
-> ST st_s (Block X86_64 ids
-> ST st_s ( Block X86_64 ids
, MemWord 64
, Maybe (X86TranslateError 64)
translateBlockImpl gen pblock curIPAddr blockOff maxSize contents = do
r <- runExceptT $ translateStep gen pblock blockOff curIPAddr contents
case r of
Left err -> do
let b = Block { blockLabel = pBlockIndex pblock
, blockStmts = toList (pblock^.pBlockStmts)
let b = Block { blockStmts = toList (pblock^.pBlockStmts)
, blockTerm = TranslateError (pblock^.pBlockState) (Text.pack (show err))
pure (b, blockOff, Just err)
pure (b, blockOff)
Right (_, res, instSize, nextIP, nextContents) -> do
let blockOff' = blockOff + fromIntegral instSize
case unfinishedAtAddr res nextIP of
@ -331,7 +328,7 @@ translateBlockImpl gen pblock curIPAddr blockOff maxSize contents = do
, Just nextIPSegOff <- incSegmentOff curIPAddr (toInteger instSize) -> do
translateBlockImpl gen pblock' nextIPSegOff blockOff' maxSize nextContents
_ ->
pure (finishPartialBlock res, blockOff', Nothing)
pure (finishPartialBlock res, blockOff')
{-# DEPRECATED disassembleBlock "Planned for removal." #-}
@ -342,7 +339,7 @@ disassembleBlock :: forall s
-> ExploreLoc
-> MemWord 64
-- ^ Maximum number of bytes in ths block.
-> ST s (Block X86_64 s, MemWord 64, Maybe (X86TranslateError 64))
-> ST s (Block X86_64 s, MemWord 64)
disassembleBlock gen loc maxSize = do
let addr = loc_ip loc
let regs = initX86State loc
@ -469,13 +466,13 @@ tryDisassembleBlock :: forall s ids
-- ^ Maximum size of this block
-> ExceptT String (ST s) (Block X86_64 ids, Int, Maybe String)
tryDisassembleBlock gen addr initRegs maxSize = lift $ do
(b, sz, maybeError) <-
(b, sz) <-
case segoffContentsAfter addr of
Left msg -> do
initError addr initRegs (FlexdisMemoryError msg)
Right contents -> do
translateBlockImpl gen (emptyPreBlock addr initRegs) addr 0 (fromIntegral maxSize) contents
pure $! (b, fromIntegral sz, show <$> maybeError)
pure $! (b, fromIntegral sz, Nothing)
-- | Disassemble block, returning either an error, or a list of blocks
-- and ending PC.
@ -488,15 +485,15 @@ translateBlockWithRegs :: forall s ids
-> Int
-- ^ Maximum size of this block
-- ^ Abstract state of processor for defining state.
-> ST s ([Block X86_64 ids], Int, Maybe String)
-> ST s (Block X86_64 ids, Int)
translateBlockWithRegs gen addr initRegs maxSize = do
(b, sz, maybeError) <-
(b, sz) <-
case segoffContentsAfter addr of
Left msg -> do
initError addr initRegs (FlexdisMemoryError msg)
Right contents -> do
translateBlockImpl gen (emptyPreBlock addr initRegs) addr 0 (fromIntegral maxSize) contents
pure $! ([b], fromIntegral sz, show <$> maybeError)
pure $! (b, fromIntegral sz)
-- | Attempt to identify the write to a stack return address, returning
-- instructions prior to that write and return values.
@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ module Data.Macaw.X86.Generator
-- * PreBlock
, PreBlock
, emptyPreBlock
, pBlockIndex
, pBlockState
, pBlockStmts
, pBlockApps
@ -87,7 +86,6 @@ import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Word
import Data.Macaw.X86.ArchTypes
import Data.Macaw.X86.X86Reg
@ -153,8 +151,7 @@ asSignedBVLit _ = Nothing
-- PreBlock
-- | A block that we have not yet finished.
data PreBlock ids = PreBlock { pBlockIndex :: !Word64
, _pBlockStmts :: !(Seq (Stmt X86_64 ids))
data PreBlock ids = PreBlock { _pBlockStmts :: !(Seq (Stmt X86_64 ids))
, _pBlockState :: !(RegState X86Reg (Value X86_64 ids))
, _pBlockApps :: !(MapF (App (Value X86_64 ids)) (Assignment X86_64 ids))
, pBlockStart :: !(ArchSegmentOff X86_64)
@ -165,8 +162,7 @@ emptyPreBlock :: ArchSegmentOff X86_64
-> RegState X86Reg (Value X86_64 ids)
-> PreBlock ids
emptyPreBlock startAddr s =
PreBlock { pBlockIndex = 0
, _pBlockStmts = Seq.empty
PreBlock { _pBlockStmts = Seq.empty
, _pBlockApps = MapF.empty
, _pBlockState = s
, pBlockStart = startAddr
@ -186,8 +182,7 @@ finishBlock :: PreBlock ids
-> (RegState X86Reg (Value X86_64 ids) -> TermStmt X86_64 ids)
-> Block X86_64 ids
finishBlock preBlock term =
Block { blockLabel = pBlockIndex preBlock
, blockStmts = toList (preBlock^.pBlockStmts)
Block { blockStmts = toList (preBlock^.pBlockStmts)
, blockTerm = term (preBlock^.pBlockState)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user