Merge branch 'refinement' of into refinement

This commit is contained in:
Kevin Quick 2019-02-06 17:51:21 -08:00
commit 36a8be1c4e
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: E6D7733599CC0A21
13 changed files with 407 additions and 280 deletions

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@ -245,13 +245,21 @@ filterStmtList stmtPred s = do
, stmtsTerm = term'
-- | Force each nonterminal statement in the list.
seqStmtList :: StatementList arch ids -> ()
seqStmtList stmts = foldr seq () (stmtsNonterm stmts)
-- | Eliminate all dead statements in blocks
dropUnusedCodeInParsedBlock :: ArchitectureInfo arch
-> ParsedBlock arch ids
-> ParsedBlock arch ids
dropUnusedCodeInParsedBlock ainfo b =
b { blockStatementList = filterStmtList stmtPred l }
where l = blockStatementList b
-- Important to force the result list here, since otherwise we
-- hold onto the entire input list
seqStmtList stmtList' `seq`
b { blockStatementList = stmtList' }
where stmtList' = filterStmtList stmtPred l
l = blockStatementList b
demandSet =
runDemandComp (archDemandContext ainfo) $ do
addStatementListDemands l

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@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import GHC.TypeLits
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import qualified Data.Macaw.Architecture.Info as MA
import qualified Data.Macaw.BinaryLoader as MBL
import Data.Macaw.CFG.AssignRhs
import qualified Data.Macaw.CFG as MC
import qualified Data.Macaw.Discovery as MD
@ -38,7 +39,8 @@ import Data.Parameterized.Classes
-- alternative to the same named function in Data.Macaw.Discovery.
:: (MS.SymArchConstraints arch, 16 <= MC.ArchAddrWidth arch, MonadIO m)
=> MD.DiscoveryState arch
=> MBL.LoadedBinary arch bin
-> MD.DiscoveryState arch
-> [ArchSegmentOff arch]
-- ^ Initial function entry points.
-> [(ArchSegmentOff arch, ArchSegmentOff arch)]
@ -47,9 +49,9 @@ cfgFromAddrsAndState
-- Each entry contains an address and the value stored in it.
-> m (DiscoveryState arch)
cfgFromAddrsAndState initial_state init_addrs mem_words =
cfgFromAddrsAndState bin initial_state init_addrs mem_words =
MD.cfgFromAddrsAndState initial_state init_addrs mem_words
& refineDiscovery
& refineDiscovery bin
-- | Construct an empty discovery state and populate it by exploring
-- from a given set of function entry points. This can be used as an
@ -57,7 +59,8 @@ cfgFromAddrsAndState initial_state init_addrs mem_words =
-- Data.Macaw.Discovery.
:: (MS.SymArchConstraints arch, 16 <= MC.ArchAddrWidth arch, MonadIO m)
=> MA.ArchitectureInfo arch
=> MBL.LoadedBinary arch bin
-> MA.ArchitectureInfo arch
-- ^ Architecture-specific information needed for doing
-- control-flow exploration.
-> MM.Memory (ArchAddrWidth arch)
@ -72,8 +75,8 @@ cfgFromAddrs
-- Each entry contains an address and the value stored in it.
-> m (DiscoveryState arch)
cfgFromAddrs ainfo mem addrSymMap =
cfgFromAddrsAndState (emptyDiscoveryState mem addrSymMap ainfo)
cfgFromAddrs bin ainfo mem addrSymMap =
cfgFromAddrsAndState bin (emptyDiscoveryState mem addrSymMap ainfo)
@ -89,7 +92,8 @@ cfgFromAddrs ainfo mem addrSymMap =
-- perform additional discovery for incomplete blocks.
:: (MS.SymArchConstraints arch, 16 <= MC.ArchAddrWidth arch, MonadIO m)
=> DiscoveryState arch
=> MBL.LoadedBinary arch bin
-> DiscoveryState arch
-> m (DiscoveryState arch)
refineDiscovery =
symbolicUnkTransferRefinement . symbolicTargetRefinement
refineDiscovery bin =
symbolicUnkTransferRefinement bin . symbolicTargetRefinement

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@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
module Data.Macaw.Refinement.FuncBlockUtils
( BlockIdentifier
( BlockIdentifier(..)
, blockID
, blockInFunction
, blockTransferTo
, funBlockIDs
, funForBlock
, getBlock
@ -13,16 +12,12 @@ import Control.Lens
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Macaw.CFG.AssignRhs ( ArchSegmentOff )
import Data.Macaw.Discovery.State ( DiscoveryFunInfo
, DiscoveryState
, ParsedBlock(..)
, ParsedTermStmt(..)
, funInfo
, parsedBlocks
, stmtsTerm
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe ( isJust )
import Data.Parameterized.Some
import Data.Semigroup
import Prelude
@ -31,48 +26,31 @@ import Prelude
-- | The local type used to identify blocks. Using a local
-- abstraction for this allows this code to be more independent of the
-- underlying block information.
type BlockIdentifier arch = ArchSegmentOff arch
newtype BlockIdentifier arch ids = BlockIdentifier
{ biArchSegmentOff :: ArchSegmentOff arch
deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- | Obtain the local 'BlockIdentifier' value for a block.
blockID :: Some (ParsedBlock arch) -> BlockIdentifier arch
blockID = viewSome pblockAddr
blockID :: ParsedBlock arch ids -> BlockIdentifier arch ids
blockID = BlockIdentifier . pblockAddr
-- | Return the ID's for all blocks in the function
funBlockIDs :: Some (DiscoveryFunInfo arch) -> [BlockIdentifier arch]
funBlockIDs (Some fi) = blockID . Some <$> Map.elems (fi ^. parsedBlocks)
-- | Given a block determine which function that block is a part of.
funForBlock :: Some (ParsedBlock arch)
-> DiscoveryState arch
-> Maybe (Some (DiscoveryFunInfo arch))
funForBlock pb ds =
let blkID = blockID pb
blkFuns = ds ^. funInfo ^.. folded . filtered (funIncludesBlock blkID)
in case blkFuns of
[Some f] -> Just $ Some f
_ -> Nothing -- should not be possible
funBlockIDs :: DiscoveryFunInfo arch ids -> [BlockIdentifier arch ids]
funBlockIDs fi = map blockID $ Map.elems (fi ^. parsedBlocks)
blockInFunction :: DiscoveryFunInfo arch ids
-> ArchSegmentOff arch
-> Maybe (BlockIdentifier arch)
blockInFunction fi addr = blockID . Some <$> (fi ^. parsedBlocks) Map.!? addr
funIncludesBlock :: BlockIdentifier arch
-> Some (DiscoveryFunInfo arch)
-> Bool
funIncludesBlock blkID (Some fi) =
isJust ((fi ^. parsedBlocks) Map.!? blkID)
-> Maybe (BlockIdentifier arch ids)
blockInFunction fi addr = blockID <$> (fi ^. parsedBlocks) Map.!? addr
-- | Returns the actual block (if it exists) from the Discovery State
-- (in the first function for which it exists).
getBlock :: DiscoveryState arch
-> BlockIdentifier arch
-> Maybe (Some (ParsedBlock arch))
getBlock ds blkID =
case filter (funIncludesBlock blkID) (ds ^. funInfo ^.. folded) of
((Some fi):_) -> Some <$> (fi ^. parsedBlocks) Map.!? blkID
[] -> Nothing
getBlock :: DiscoveryFunInfo arch ids
-> BlockIdentifier arch ids
-> Maybe (ParsedBlock arch ids)
getBlock fi blkID = (fi ^. parsedBlocks) Map.!? biArchSegmentOff blkID
-- | This function identifies the possible target addresses (of other
-- blocks within this function) from the terminal statement in the
@ -82,11 +60,10 @@ getBlock ds blkID =
-- function, but it is not required to, nor will it return other
-- external targets.
blockTransferTo :: DiscoveryFunInfo arch ids
-> BlockIdentifier arch
-> BlockIdentifier arch ids
-> [ArchSegmentOff arch]
blockTransferTo fi frm =
let frmBlk = (fi ^. parsedBlocks) Map.!? frm
lclTgtAddrs termStmt =
blockTransferTo fi blkID =
let lclTgtAddrs termStmt =
case termStmt of
ParsedCall _ mbTgt | Just tgt <- mbTgt -> [tgt]
| otherwise -> []
@ -100,6 +77,6 @@ blockTransferTo fi frm =
| otherwise -> []
ParsedTranslateError {} -> []
ClassifyFailure {} -> []
in case frmBlk of
in case getBlock fi blkID of
Just fBlk -> lclTgtAddrs $ stmtsTerm $ blockStatementList fBlk
Nothing -> error "block ID not valid" -- impossible

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@ -14,12 +14,11 @@ import Control.Applicative
import Data.Macaw.CFG.AssignRhs ( ArchAddrWidth, ArchSegmentOff )
import Data.Macaw.Discovery.State ( DiscoveryFunInfo )
import Data.Macaw.Memory ( MemWidth )
import Data.Macaw.Refinement.FuncBlockUtils ( BlockIdentifier
import Data.Macaw.Refinement.FuncBlockUtils ( BlockIdentifier(..)
, blockInFunction
, blockTransferTo
, funBlockIDs
import Data.Parameterized.Some
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as PP
@ -27,17 +26,16 @@ import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as PP
-- | This is the datatype that represents the back-path of blocks in
-- the function from the exit point(s) to either the entry point or a
-- loop point.
data FuncBlockPath arch =
(BlockIdentifier arch) -- ^ current block identifier
[FuncBlockPath arch] -- ^ next non-loop path elements (callees for
-- a ForwardPath, callers for a BackwardPath)
[BlockIdentifier arch] -- ^ next elements which would form a path
-- loop.
data FuncBlockPath arch ids = Path (BlockIdentifier arch ids) [FuncBlockPath arch ids] [BlockIdentifier arch ids]
-- (BlockIdentifier arch) -- ^ current block identifier
-- [FuncBlockPath arch] -- ^ next non-loop path elements (callees for
-- -- a ForwardPath, callers for a BackwardPath)
-- [BlockIdentifier arch] -- ^ next elements which would form a path
-- -- loop.
instance ( MemWidth (ArchAddrWidth arch) ) =>
Pretty (FuncBlockPath arch) where
Pretty (FuncBlockPath arch ids) where
pretty (Path bid anc loop) =
let label = [ pretty "Path", prettyBlkId bid
, parens $ hsep [ pretty $ length anc, pretty " callers" ]
@ -45,7 +43,7 @@ instance ( MemWidth (ArchAddrWidth arch) ) =>
looptxt = if null loop then []
else [parens (hsep [ pretty "loops from:"
, list ( prettyBlkId <$> loop )])]
prettyBlkId = pretty . show . PP.pretty
prettyBlkId = pretty . show . PP.pretty . biArchSegmentOff
in vsep [ hsep (label <> looptxt)
, nest 4 $ vsep (pretty <$> anc)
@ -60,9 +58,9 @@ instance ( MemWidth (ArchAddrWidth arch) ) =>
-- JMP targets; at the present time it is assumed that the latter
-- targets cannot be a mix of function-internal and function-external
-- targets.
buildFuncPath :: Some (DiscoveryFunInfo arch) -> [FuncBlockPath arch]
buildFuncPath sfi@(Some fi) =
let blks = funBlockIDs sfi
buildFuncPath :: DiscoveryFunInfo arch ids -> [FuncBlockPath arch ids]
buildFuncPath fi =
let blks = funBlockIDs fi
in fst $ bldFPath fi ([], blks)
@ -74,8 +72,8 @@ buildFuncPath sfi@(Some fi) =
-- recursive invocation takes the next BlockIdentifier and adds it to
-- an existing path or starts a new path for that BlockIdentifier.
bldFPath :: DiscoveryFunInfo arch ids
-> ([FuncBlockPath arch], [BlockIdentifier arch])
-> ([FuncBlockPath arch], [BlockIdentifier arch])
-> ([FuncBlockPath arch ids], [BlockIdentifier arch ids])
-> ([FuncBlockPath arch ids], [BlockIdentifier arch ids])
bldFPath _fi x@(_, []) = x
bldFPath fi (fs, b:bs) =
let nextBlkAddrs = blockTransferTo fi b
@ -90,10 +88,10 @@ bldFPath fi (fs, b:bs) =
bldFPath' :: DiscoveryFunInfo arch ids
-> BlockIdentifier arch
-> BlockIdentifier arch ids
-> ArchSegmentOff arch
-> [FuncBlockPath arch]
-> [FuncBlockPath arch]
-> [FuncBlockPath arch ids]
-> [FuncBlockPath arch ids]
bldFPath' fi b nextAddr fs =
let nextBlkID = blockInFunction fi nextAddr
@ -138,7 +136,9 @@ bldFPath' fi b nextAddr fs =
-- block might be reachable backward from several exit points, but the
-- inbound paths (i.e. above/forward to) the specified block must be
-- the same for all outbound paths (loops are elided).
pathTo :: BlockIdentifier arch -> [FuncBlockPath arch] -> Maybe (FuncBlockPath arch)
pathTo :: BlockIdentifier arch ids
-> [FuncBlockPath arch ids]
-> Maybe (FuncBlockPath arch ids)
pathTo blkID (p@(Path i anc _):ps) =
if blkID == i
then Just p
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ pathTo _ [] = Nothing
-- | Returns the first n levels (callers) for the specified Block path
-- in the Function.
takePath :: Int -> FuncBlockPath arch -> FuncBlockPath arch
takePath :: Int -> FuncBlockPath arch ids -> FuncBlockPath arch ids
takePath n (Path blkid anc loop) =
if n > 0
then Path blkid (takePath (n-1) <$> anc) loop
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ takePath n (Path blkid anc loop) =
-- | Returns the maximum length (depth) of all paths through the
-- function (ignoring loops)
pathDepth :: FuncBlockPath arch -> Int
pathDepth :: FuncBlockPath arch ids -> Int
pathDepth (Path _ [] _) = 0
pathDepth (Path _ anc _) = 1 + maximum (pathDepth <$> anc)
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ pathDepth (Path _ anc _) = 1 + maximum (pathDepth <$> anc)
-- > , [ 3, 7, 5, 4, 1 ]
-- > ]
pathForwardTrails :: FuncBlockPath arch -> [ [BlockIdentifier arch] ]
pathForwardTrails :: FuncBlockPath arch ids -> [ [BlockIdentifier arch ids] ]
pathForwardTrails (Path i [] _) = [[i]]
pathForwardTrails (Path i anc _) = let ft = concatMap pathForwardTrails anc
appendTo v l = l <> [v]

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@ -117,8 +117,10 @@ where
import GHC.TypeLits
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad ( foldM, forM )
import Control.Monad.ST ( RealWorld, stToIO )
import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( MonadIO, liftIO )
import qualified Data.Macaw.BinaryLoader as MBL
import qualified Data.Macaw.CFG as MC
import Data.Macaw.CFG.AssignRhs ( ArchSegmentOff )
import qualified Data.Macaw.CFG.Rewriter as RW
@ -135,23 +137,19 @@ import Data.Macaw.Discovery ( DiscoveryFunInfo
, parsedBlocks
, stmtsTerm
import Data.Macaw.Refinement.FuncBlockUtils ( BlockIdentifier, blockID
import Data.Macaw.Refinement.FuncBlockUtils ( BlockIdentifier(..), blockID
, funForBlock, getBlock )
import Data.Macaw.Refinement.Path ( FuncBlockPath(..)
, buildFuncPath, pathDepth, pathForwardTrails
, pathTo, takePath )
import qualified Data.Macaw.Symbolic as MS
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Macaw.Symbolic.Memory as MSM
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
import Data.Parameterized.Ctx (Ctx)
import Data.Parameterized.Nonce
import Data.Parameterized.Some
import Data.Proxy ( Proxy(..) )
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Lang.Crucible.Backend as C
import qualified Lang.Crucible.Backend.Online as C
import qualified Lang.Crucible.CFG.Core as C
@ -179,9 +177,13 @@ import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as PP hiding ((<$>))
-- information.
:: (MS.SymArchConstraints arch, 16 <= MC.ArchAddrWidth arch, MonadIO m)
=> DiscoveryState arch
=> MBL.LoadedBinary arch bin
-> DiscoveryState arch
-> m (DiscoveryState arch)
symbolicUnkTransferRefinement = refineTransfers []
symbolicUnkTransferRefinement bin inpDS = foldM
(\accDS (Some fi) -> refineTransfers bin accDS fi [])
(inpDS ^. funInfo)
-- | The main loop for transfer discovery refinement. The first
@ -194,37 +196,26 @@ symbolicUnkTransferRefinement = refineTransfers []
-- failure accumulation array.
:: (MS.SymArchConstraints arch, 16 <= MC.ArchAddrWidth arch, MonadIO m)
=> [BlockIdentifier arch]
-- ^ attempted blocks
=> MBL.LoadedBinary arch bin
-> DiscoveryState arch
-- ^ input DiscoveryState
-> DiscoveryFunInfo arch ids
-> [BlockIdentifier arch ids]
-> m (DiscoveryState arch)
-- ^ Possibly updated DiscoveryState
refineTransfers failedRefine inpDS = do
refineTransfers bin inpDS fi failedRefine = do
let unrefineable = flip elem failedRefine . blockID
unkTransfers = inpDS ^. funInfo
. to getAllFunctionsTransfers
. filtered (not . unrefineable)
unkTransfers = filter (not . unrefineable) $ getUnknownTransfers fi
thisUnkTransfer = head unkTransfers
thisId = blockID thisUnkTransfer
if null unkTransfers
then return inpDS
else refineBlockTransfer inpDS thisUnkTransfer >>= \case
Nothing -> refineTransfers (thisId : failedRefine) inpDS
Just updDS -> refineTransfers failedRefine updDS
then return inpDS
else refineBlockTransfer bin inpDS fi thisUnkTransfer >>= \case
Nothing -> refineTransfers bin inpDS fi (thisId : failedRefine)
Just updDS -> refineTransfers bin updDS fi failedRefine
getAllFunctionsTransfers :: Map (ArchSegmentOff arch)
(Some (DiscoveryFunInfo arch))
-> [Some (ParsedBlock arch)]
getAllFunctionsTransfers = concatMap getUnknownTransfers . Map.elems
getUnknownTransfers :: (Some (DiscoveryFunInfo arch))
-> [Some (ParsedBlock arch)]
getUnknownTransfers (Some fi) =
Some <$> (filter isUnknownTransfer $ Map.elems $ fi ^. parsedBlocks)
getUnknownTransfers :: DiscoveryFunInfo arch ids
-> [ParsedBlock arch ids]
getUnknownTransfers fi =
filter isUnknownTransfer $ Map.elems $ fi ^. parsedBlocks
isUnknownTransfer :: ParsedBlock arch ids -> Bool
isUnknownTransfer pb =
@ -243,16 +234,17 @@ refineBlockTransfer
, 16 <= MC.ArchAddrWidth arch
, MonadIO m
) =>
DiscoveryState arch
-> Some (ParsedBlock arch)
MBL.LoadedBinary arch bin
-> DiscoveryState arch
-> DiscoveryFunInfo arch ids
-> ParsedBlock arch ids
-> m (Maybe (DiscoveryState arch))
refineBlockTransfer inpDS blk =
let path = buildFuncPath <$> funForBlock blk inpDS
tgtPath = path >>= pathTo (blockID blk)
in case tgtPath of
Nothing -> error "unable to find function path for block" -- internal error
Just p -> do soln <- refinePath inpDS p (pathDepth p) 0 Nothing
return $ maybe Nothing (Just . updateDiscovery inpDS blk) soln
refineBlockTransfer bin inpDS fi blk =
case pathTo (blockID blk) $ buildFuncPath fi of
Nothing -> error "unable to find function path for block" -- internal error
Just p -> do soln <- refinePath bin inpDS fi p (pathDepth p) 1
return $ maybe Nothing (Just . updateDiscovery inpDS blk) soln
updateDiscovery :: ( MC.RegisterInfo (MC.ArchReg arch)
@ -260,7 +252,7 @@ updateDiscovery :: ( MC.RegisterInfo (MC.ArchReg arch)
, MC.ArchConstraints arch
) =>
DiscoveryState arch
-> Some (ParsedBlock arch)
-> ParsedBlock arch ids
-> Solution arch
-> DiscoveryState arch
updateDiscovery inpDS b@(Some pblk) soln =
@ -334,35 +326,32 @@ refinePath :: ( MS.SymArchConstraints arch
, 16 <= MC.ArchAddrWidth arch
, MonadIO m
) =>
DiscoveryState arch
-> FuncBlockPath arch
MBL.LoadedBinary arch bin
-> DiscoveryState arch
-> DiscoveryFunInfo arch ids
-> FuncBlockPath arch ids
-> Int
-> Int
-> Maybe (Solution arch)
-> m (Maybe (Solution arch))
refinePath inpDS path maxlevel numlevels prevResult =
refinePath bin inpDS fi path maxlevel numlevels =
let thispath = takePath numlevels path
smtEquation = equationFor inpDS thispath
in solve smtEquation >>= \case
Nothing -> return prevResult -- divergent, stop here
s@(Just soln) -> let nextlevel = numlevels + 1
bestResult = case prevResult of
Nothing -> s
Just prevSoln ->
if soln < prevSoln
then s
else prevResult
in if numlevels > maxlevel
then return bestResult
else refinePath inpDS path maxlevel nextlevel bestResult
smtEquation = equationFor inpDS fi thispath
in solve bin smtEquation >>= \case
Nothing -> return Nothing -- divergent, stop here
soln@(Just{}) -> if numlevels >= maxlevel
then return soln
else refinePath bin inpDS fi path maxlevel (numlevels + 1)
data Equation arch = Equation (DiscoveryState arch) [[Some (ParsedBlock arch)]]
data Equation arch ids = Equation (DiscoveryState arch) [[ParsedBlock arch ids]]
type Solution arch = [ArchSegmentOff arch] -- identified transfers
equationFor :: DiscoveryState arch -> FuncBlockPath arch -> Equation arch
equationFor inpDS p =
equationFor :: DiscoveryState arch
-> DiscoveryFunInfo arch ids
-> FuncBlockPath arch ids
-> Equation arch ids
equationFor inpDS fi p =
let pTrails = pathForwardTrails p
pTrailBlocks = map (getBlock inpDS) <$> pTrails
pTrailBlocks = map (getBlock fi) <$> pTrails
in if and (any (not . isJust) <$> pTrailBlocks)
then error "did not find requested block in discovery results!" -- internal
else Equation inpDS (catMaybes <$> pTrailBlocks)
@ -371,10 +360,13 @@ solve :: ( MS.SymArchConstraints arch
, 16 <= MC.ArchAddrWidth arch
, MonadIO m
) =>
Equation arch -> m (Maybe (Solution arch))
solve (Equation inpDS blk) = do
blockAddrs <- liftIO (withDefaultRefinementContext $ \context ->
smtSolveTransfer context inpDS blk)
MBL.LoadedBinary arch bin
-> Equation arch ids
-> m (Maybe (Solution arch))
solve bin (Equation inpDS paths) = do
blockAddrs <- concat <$> forM paths
(\path -> liftIO $ withDefaultRefinementContext bin $ \context ->
smtSolveTransfer context inpDS path)
return $ if null blockAddrs then Nothing else Just blockAddrs
--isBetterSolution :: Solution arch -> Solution arch -> Bool
@ -396,39 +388,54 @@ data RefinementContext arch t solver fp = RefinementContext
:: forall arch a m
:: forall arch a bin
. (MS.SymArchConstraints arch, 16 <= MC.ArchAddrWidth arch)
=> (forall t . RefinementContext arch t (W.Writer W.Z3) (C.Flags C.FloatIEEE) -> IO a)
=> MBL.LoadedBinary arch bin
-> (forall t . RefinementContext arch t (W.Writer W.Z3) (C.Flags C.FloatIEEE) -> IO a)
-> IO a
withDefaultRefinementContext k = do
withDefaultRefinementContext loaded_binary k = do
handle_alloc <- C.newHandleAllocator
withIONonceGenerator $ \nonce_gen ->
C.withZ3OnlineBackend nonce_gen C.NoUnsatFeatures $ \sym ->
case MS.archVals (Proxy @arch) of
Just arch_vals -> do
-- path_setter <- W.getOptionSetting W.z3Path (W.getConfiguration sym)
-- _ <- W.setOpt path_setter "z3-tee"
mem_var <- stToIO $ LLVM.mkMemVar handle_alloc
empty_mem <- LLVM.emptyMem LLVM.LittleEndian
let ?ptrWidth = W.knownNat
(base_ptr, allocated_mem) <- LLVM.doMallocUnbounded
-- empty_mem <- LLVM.emptyMem LLVM.LittleEndian
-- let ?ptrWidth = W.knownNat
-- (base_ptr, allocated_mem) <- LLVM.doMallocUnbounded
-- sym
-- LLVM.GlobalAlloc
-- LLVM.Mutable
-- "flat memory"
-- empty_mem
-- LLVM.noAlignment
-- let Right mem_name = W.userSymbol "mem"
-- mem_array <- W.freshConstant sym mem_name W.knownRepr
-- initialized_mem <- LLVM.doArrayStoreUnbounded
-- sym
-- allocated_mem
-- base_ptr
-- LLVM.noAlignment
-- mem_array
(mem, mapped_memory) <- MSM.newGlobalMemory
(Proxy @arch)
"flat memory"
let Right mem_name = W.userSymbol "mem"
mem_array <- W.freshConstant sym mem_name W.knownRepr
initialized_mem <- LLVM.doArrayStoreUnbounded
(MBL.memoryImage loaded_binary)
MS.withArchEval arch_vals sym $ \arch_eval_fns -> do
let ext_impl = MS.macawExtensions
(\_ _ _ off -> Just <$> LLVM.ptrAdd sym W.knownNat base_ptr off)
-- (\_ _ _ off -> Just <$> LLVM.ptrAdd sym W.knownNat base_ptr off)
-- (\_ _ base off -> return $ Just $ LLVM.LLVMPointer base off)
(\sym' mem' base off ->
MSM.mapRegionPointers mapped_memory sym' mem' base off >>= \case
Just ptr -> return $ Just ptr
Nothing -> return $ Just $ LLVM.LLVMPointer base off)
(MS.LookupFunctionHandle $ \_ _ _ -> undefined)
k $ RefinementContext
{ symbolicBackend = sym
@ -437,7 +444,8 @@ withDefaultRefinementContext k = do
, nonceGenerator = nonce_gen
, extensionImpl = ext_impl
, memVar = mem_var
, mem = initialized_mem
-- , mem = empty_mem
, mem = mem
Nothing -> fail $ "unsupported architecture"
@ -465,53 +473,65 @@ initRegs
=> MS.ArchVals arch
-> sym
-> C.RegValue sym (LLVM.LLVMPointerType (MC.ArchAddrWidth arch))
-> C.RegValue sym (LLVM.LLVMPointerType (MC.ArchAddrWidth arch))
-> m (C.RegMap sym (MS.MacawFunctionArgs arch))
initRegs arch_vals sym ip_val = do
initRegs arch_vals sym ip_val sp_val = do
let reg_types = MS.crucArchRegTypes $ MS.archFunctions $ arch_vals
reg_vals <- Ctx.traverseWithIndex (freshSymVar sym "reg") reg_types
let reg_struct = C.RegEntry (C.StructRepr reg_types) reg_vals
return $ C.RegMap $ Ctx.singleton $
(MS.updateReg arch_vals) reg_struct MC.ip_reg ip_val
(MS.updateReg arch_vals)
((MS.updateReg arch_vals) reg_struct MC.ip_reg ip_val)
:: forall arch t solver fp m
. ( MS.SymArchConstraints arch
:: ( MS.SymArchConstraints arch
, 16 <= MC.ArchAddrWidth arch
, C.IsSymInterface (C.OnlineBackend t solver fp)
, W.OnlineSolver t solver
, MonadIO m
=> RefinementContext arch t solver fp
-> DiscoveryState arch
-> [[Some (ParsedBlock arch)]]
-> [ParsedBlock arch ids]
-> m [ArchSegmentOff arch]
smtSolveTransfer rc ds blockPaths =
-- wrong thing: fix the handling of blockPaths
smtSolveTransfer' rc ds $ head $ head blockPaths
smtSolveTransfer RefinementContext{..} discovery_state blocks = do
let ?ptrWidth = W.knownNat
:: forall arch t solver fp m
. ( MS.SymArchConstraints arch
, C.IsSymInterface (C.OnlineBackend t solver fp)
, W.OnlineSolver t solver
, MonadIO m
=> RefinementContext arch t solver fp
-> DiscoveryState arch
-> Some (ParsedBlock arch)
-> m [ArchSegmentOff arch]
smtSolveTransfer' RefinementContext{..} discovery_state (Some block) = do
let arch = Proxy @arch
block_ip_val <- case MC.segoffAsAbsoluteAddr (pblockAddr block) of
let Right stack_name = W.userSymbol "stack"
stack_array <- liftIO $ W.freshConstant symbolicBackend stack_name C.knownRepr
stack_size <- liftIO $ W.bvLit symbolicBackend ?ptrWidth $ 2 * 1024 * 1024
(stack_base_ptr, mem1) <- liftIO $ LLVM.doMalloc
mem2 <- liftIO $ LLVM.doArrayStore
init_sp_val <- liftIO $ LLVM.ptrAdd symbolicBackend C.knownRepr stack_base_ptr stack_size
entry_ip_val <- case MC.segoffAsAbsoluteAddr $ pblockAddr $ head blocks of
Just addr -> liftIO $ LLVM.llvmPointer_bv symbolicBackend
=<< W.bvLit symbolicBackend W.knownNat (fromIntegral addr)
Nothing -> fail $ "unexpected block address: " ++ show (pblockAddr block)
init_regs <- initRegs archVals symbolicBackend block_ip_val
Nothing ->
fail $ "unexpected block address: " ++ show (pblockAddr $ head blocks)
init_regs <- initRegs archVals symbolicBackend entry_ip_val init_sp_val
some_cfg <- liftIO $ stToIO $ MS.mkBlockPathCFG
(MS.archFunctions archVals)
(W.BinaryPos "" . maybe 0 fromIntegral . MC.segoffAsAbsoluteAddr)
case some_cfg of
C.SomeCFG cfg -> do
let sim_context = C.initSimContext
@ -522,7 +542,7 @@ smtSolveTransfer' RefinementContext{..} discovery_state (Some block) = do
let global_state = C.insertGlobal memVar mem C.emptyGlobals
let global_state = C.insertGlobal memVar mem2 C.emptyGlobals
let simulation = C.regValue <$> C.callCFG cfg init_regs
let handle_return_type = C.handleReturnType $ C.cfgHandle cfg
let initial_state = C.InitialState

View File

@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ withBinaryDiscoveredInfo testinp useRefinement expFile arch_info bin = do
let baseCFG = MD.cfgFromAddrs arch_info (memoryImage bin) M.empty entries []
actualBase = cfgToExpected testinp bin (Just baseCFG) Nothing
if useRefinement
then do refinedCFG <- refineDiscovery baseCFG
then do refinedCFG <- refineDiscovery bin baseCFG
let refinedBase = cfgToExpected testinp bin Nothing (Just refinedCFG)
compareToExpected "refined" refinedBase expFile
else compareToExpected "base" actualBase expFile

View File

@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ termStmtToJump sl addr = sl { M.stmtsTerm = tm }
tm :: M.ParsedTermStmt arch ids
tm = case M.stmtsTerm sl of
tm0@M.ParsedJump{} -> tm0
M.ParsedJump r _ -> M.ParsedJump r addr
M.ParsedCall r _ -> M.ParsedJump r addr
M.ParsedReturn r -> M.ParsedJump r addr
M.ParsedLookupTable r _ _ -> M.ParsedJump r addr
@ -586,12 +586,12 @@ mkBlockPathCFG
-- ^ Map from region indices to their address
-> (M.ArchSegmentOff arch -> C.Position)
-- ^ Function that maps function address to Crucible position
-> M.ParsedBlock arch ids
-> [M.ParsedBlock arch ids]
-- ^ Block to translate
-> ST s (C.SomeCFG (MacawExt arch) (EmptyCtx ::> ArchRegStruct arch) (ArchRegStruct arch))
mkBlockPathCFG arch_fns halloc mem_base_var_map pos_fn blocks =
toCoreCFG arch_fns <$>
mkParsedBlockRegCFG arch_fns halloc mem_base_var_map pos_fn blocks
mkBlockPathRegCFG arch_fns halloc mem_base_var_map pos_fn blocks
-- | Translate a macaw function (passed as a 'M.DiscoveryFunInfo') into a
-- registerized Crucible CFG

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Maintainer : Joe Hendrix <>
This defines the core operations for mapping from Reopt to Crucible.
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
@ -13,6 +14,7 @@ This defines the core operations for mapping from Reopt to Crucible.
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
@ -74,6 +76,7 @@ module Data.Macaw.Symbolic.CrucGen
) where
import Control.Lens hiding (Empty, (:>))
import Control.Monad ( foldM )
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
@ -92,6 +95,7 @@ import Data.Parameterized.Map (MapF)
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as MapF
import Data.Parameterized.NatRepr
import Data.Parameterized.Nonce (Nonce, NonceGenerator, freshNonce)
import Data.Parameterized.Pair
import Data.Parameterized.Some
import qualified Data.Parameterized.TH.GADT as U
import Data.Parameterized.TraversableF
@ -180,6 +184,10 @@ data MacawSymbolicArchFunctions arch
:: !(forall a . ((M.RegisterInfo (M.ArchReg arch), MacawArchConstraints arch) => a) -> a)
, crucGenRegAssignment :: !(Ctx.Assignment (M.ArchReg arch) (ArchRegContext arch))
-- ^ Map from indices in the ArchRegContext to the associated register.
, crucGenRegStructType :: !(C.TypeRepr (ArchRegStruct arch))
-- ^ Type of structure with arch regs. This can be computed from
-- @crucGenRegAssignment@, but is cached here to save memory (A
-- LOT of memory---TypeReprs were dominating the heap).
, crucGenArchRegName :: !(forall tp . M.ArchReg arch tp -> C.SolverSymbol)
-- ^ Provides a solver name to use for referring to register.
, crucGenArchFn :: !(forall ids h s tp
@ -204,8 +212,8 @@ crucGenAddrWidth fns =
:: MacawSymbolicArchFunctions arch
-> Assignment C.TypeRepr (MacawCrucibleRegTypes arch)
crucArchRegTypes arch_fns = crucGenArchConstraints arch_fns $
typeCtxToCrucible $ fmapFC M.typeRepr $ crucGenRegAssignment arch_fns
crucArchRegTypes arch_fns = case crucGenRegStructType arch_fns of
C.StructRepr tps -> tps
-- MacawExprExtension
@ -550,14 +558,52 @@ data CrucGenState arch ids h s
-- ^ Label for this block we are translating
, codeOff :: !(M.ArchAddrWord arch)
-- ^ Offset
, codePos :: !C.Position
-- ^ Position (cached from 'codeOff')
, prevStmts :: ![C.Posd (CR.Stmt (MacawExt arch) s)]
-- ^ List of states in reverse order
, toBitsCache :: !(MapF (PtrAtom s) (BVAtom s))
, fromBitsCache :: !(MapF (BVAtom s) (PtrAtom s))
newtype PtrAtom s w = PtrAtom { getPtrAtom :: CR.Atom s (MM.LLVMPointerType w) }
instance TestEquality (PtrAtom s) where
testEquality x y =
testEquality (getPtrAtom x) (getPtrAtom y) <&> \Refl -> Refl
instance OrdF (PtrAtom s) where
compareF x y =
case compareF (getPtrAtom x) (getPtrAtom y) of
newtype BVAtom s w = BVAtom { getBVAtom :: CR.Atom s (C.BVType w) }
instance TestEquality (BVAtom s) where
testEquality x y =
testEquality (getBVAtom x) (getBVAtom y) <&> \Refl -> Refl
instance OrdF (BVAtom s) where
compareF x y =
case compareF (getBVAtom x) (getBVAtom y) of
crucPStateLens ::
Simple Lens (CrucGenState arch ids h s) (CrucPersistentState ids h s)
crucPStateLens = lens crucPState (\s v -> s { crucPState = v })
toBitsCacheLens ::
Simple Lens (CrucGenState arch ids h s) (MapF (PtrAtom s) (BVAtom s))
toBitsCacheLens = lens toBitsCache (\s v -> s { toBitsCache = v })
fromBitsCacheLens ::
Simple Lens (CrucGenState arch ids h s) (MapF (BVAtom s) (PtrAtom s))
fromBitsCacheLens = lens fromBitsCache (\s v -> s { fromBitsCache = v })
assignValueMapLens ::
Simple Lens (CrucPersistentState ids h s)
(MapF (M.AssignId ids) (MacawCrucibleValue (CR.Atom s)))
@ -585,7 +631,7 @@ instance Functor (CrucGen arch ids h s) where
instance Applicative (CrucGen arch ids h s) where
{-# INLINE pure #-}
pure r = CrucGen $ \s cont -> cont s r
pure !r = CrucGen $ \s cont -> cont s r
{-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
mf <*> ma = CrucGen $ \s0 cont -> unCrucGen mf s0
$ \s1 f -> unCrucGen ma s1
@ -608,15 +654,16 @@ archAddrWidth = crucGenAddrWidth . translateFns <$> get
-- | Get current position
getPos :: CrucGen arch ids h s C.Position
getPos = gets $ \s -> macawPositionFn s (codeOff s)
getPos = gets codePos
addStmt :: CR.Stmt (MacawExt arch) s -> CrucGen arch ids h s ()
addStmt stmt = seq stmt $ do
p <- getPos
s <- get
let pstmt = C.Posd p stmt
seq pstmt $ do
put $! s { prevStmts = pstmt : prevStmts s }
let prev = prevStmts s
seq pstmt $ seq prev $ do
put $! s { prevStmts = pstmt : prev }
addTermStmt :: CR.TermStmt s (MacawFunctionResult arch)
-> CrucGen arch ids h s a
@ -654,10 +701,11 @@ evalAtom av = do
p <- getPos
i <- freshValueIndex
-- Make atom
let !tp = CR.typeOfAtomValue av
let atom = CR.Atom { CR.atomPosition = p
, CR.atomId = i
, CR.atomSource = CR.Assigned
, CR.typeOfAtom = CR.typeOfAtomValue av
, CR.typeOfAtom = tp
addStmt $ CR.DefineAtom atom av
pure $! atom
@ -676,7 +724,15 @@ toBits ::
NatRepr w ->
CR.Atom s (MM.LLVMPointerType w) ->
CrucGen arch ids h s (CR.Atom s (C.BVType w))
toBits w x = evalMacawExt (PtrToBits w x)
toBits w x =
use (toBitsCacheLens . atF (PtrAtom x)) >>= \case
Just (BVAtom x') ->
return x'
Nothing -> do
x' <- evalMacawExt (PtrToBits w x)
assign (toBitsCacheLens . atF (PtrAtom x)) (Just (BVAtom x'))
assign (fromBitsCacheLens . atF (BVAtom x')) (Just (PtrAtom x))
return x'
-- | Treat a bit-vector as a register value.
fromBits ::
@ -684,7 +740,15 @@ fromBits ::
NatRepr w ->
CR.Atom s (C.BVType w) ->
CrucGen arch ids h s (CR.Atom s (MM.LLVMPointerType w))
fromBits w x = evalMacawExt (BitsToPtr w x)
fromBits w x =
use (fromBitsCacheLens . atF (BVAtom x)) >>= \case
Just (PtrAtom x') ->
return x'
Nothing -> do
x' <- evalMacawExt (BitsToPtr w x)
assign (fromBitsCacheLens . atF (BVAtom x)) (Just (PtrAtom x'))
assign (toBitsCacheLens . atF (PtrAtom x')) (Just (BVAtom x))
return x'
getRegs :: CrucGen arch ids h s (CR.Atom s (ArchRegStruct arch))
getRegs = gets crucRegisterReg >>= evalAtom . CR.ReadReg
@ -701,9 +765,8 @@ getRegValue r = do
Just idx -> do
reg <- gets crucRegisterReg
regStruct <- evalAtom (CR.ReadReg reg)
let tp = M.typeRepr (crucGenRegAssignment archFns Ctx.! macawIndex idx)
crucibleValue (C.GetStruct regStruct (crucibleIndex idx)
(typeToCrucible tp))
let tp = crucArchRegTypes archFns Ctx.! crucibleIndex idx
crucibleValue (C.GetStruct regStruct (crucibleIndex idx) tp)
v2c :: M.Value arch ids tp
-> CrucGen arch ids h s (CR.Atom s (ToCrucibleType tp))
@ -1077,7 +1140,9 @@ addMacawStmt baddr stmt =
void $ evalMacawStmt (MacawWriteMem w repr caddr cval)
M.InstructionStart off t -> do
-- Update the position
modify $ \s -> s { codeOff = off }
modify' $ \s -> s { codeOff = off
, codePos = macawPositionFn s off
let crucStmt :: MacawStmtExtension arch (CR.Atom s) C.UnitType
crucStmt = MacawInstructionStart baddr off t
void $ evalMacawStmt crucStmt
@ -1107,21 +1172,37 @@ createRegStruct :: forall arch ids h s
. M.RegState (M.ArchReg arch) (M.Value arch ids)
-> CrucGen arch ids h s (CR.Atom s (ArchRegStruct arch))
createRegStruct regs = do
(tps, fields) <- createRegStructAssignment regs
crucibleValue (C.MkStruct tps fields)
createRegStructAssignment :: forall arch ids h s
. M.RegState (M.ArchReg arch) (M.Value arch ids)
-> CrucGen arch ids h s (C.CtxRepr (CtxToCrucibleType (ArchRegContext arch)),
Assignment (CR.Atom s) (CtxToCrucibleType (ArchRegContext arch)))
createRegStructAssignment regs = do
archFns <- gets translateFns
-- IMPORTANT: The registers are never changed in the middle of the
-- block, ONLY at the ends. So 'startingVals' will have the value
-- of each register as it was at the beginning of the block.
startingVals <- do
regReg <- gets crucRegisterReg
evalAtom (CR.ReadReg regReg)
let addUpdate vals (Pair idx val) = do
let tps = crucArchRegTypes archFns
crucibleValue $ C.SetStruct tps vals idx val
updates <- createRegUpdates regs
foldM addUpdate startingVals updates
createRegUpdates :: forall arch ids h s
. M.RegState (M.ArchReg arch) (M.Value arch ids)
-> CrucGen arch ids h s
[Pair (Ctx.Index (MacawCrucibleRegTypes arch)) (CR.Atom s)]
createRegUpdates regs = do
archFns <- gets translateFns
idxMap <- gets crucRegIndexMap
crucGenArchConstraints archFns $ do
let regAssign = crucGenRegAssignment archFns
let tps = fmapFC M.typeRepr regAssign
let a = fmapFC (\r -> regs ^. M.boundValue r) regAssign
fields <- macawAssignToCrucM valueToCrucible a
return (typeCtxToCrucible tps, fields)
fmap catMaybes $ forM (M.regStateMap regs & MapF.toList) $ \(Pair reg val) ->
case val of
M.Initial _ ->
return Nothing
_ -> case MapF.lookup reg idxMap of
Nothing -> fail "internal: Register is not bound."
Just idx -> Just . Pair (crucibleIndex idx) <$> valueToCrucible val
addMacawTermStmt :: Map Word64 (CR.Label s)
-- ^ Map from block index to Crucible label
@ -1190,7 +1271,10 @@ runCrucGen archFns baseAddrMap posFn off lbl regReg action = crucGenArchConstrai
, macawPositionFn = posFn
, blockLabel = lbl
, codeOff = off
, codePos = posFn off
, prevStmts = []
, toBitsCache = MapF.empty
, fromBitsCache = MapF.empty
let cont _s () = fail "Unterminated crucible block"
(s, tstmt) <- mmExecST $ unCrucGen action s0 cont
@ -1249,6 +1333,8 @@ parsedBlockLabel blockLabelMap addr idx =
fromMaybe (error $ "Could not find entry point: " ++ show addr) $
Map.lookup (addr, idx) blockLabelMap
-- | DO NOT CALL THIS FROM USER CODE. We count on the registers not
-- changing until the end of the block.
setMachineRegs :: CR.Atom s (ArchRegStruct arch) -> CrucGen arch ids h s ()
setMachineRegs newRegs = do
regReg <- gets crucRegisterReg
@ -1268,8 +1354,8 @@ addMacawParsedTermStmt blockLabelMap thisAddr tstmt = do
crucGenArchConstraints archFns $ do
case tstmt of
M.ParsedCall regs mret -> do
(tps, fields) <- createRegStructAssignment regs
curRegs <- crucibleValue (C.MkStruct tps fields)
curRegs <- createRegStruct regs
let tps = typeCtxToCrucible $ fmapFC M.typeRepr $ crucGenRegAssignment archFns
fh <- evalMacawStmt (MacawLookupFunctionHandle (crucArchRegTypes archFns) curRegs)
newRegs <- evalAtom $ CR.Call fh (Ctx.singleton curRegs) (C.StructRepr tps)
case mret of

View File

@ -97,15 +97,16 @@ module Data.Macaw.Symbolic.Memory (
import GHC.TypeLits
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( MonadIO, liftIO )
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.IntervalMap.Strict as IM
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Semigroup
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Parameterized.NatRepr as PN
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
import qualified Data.Macaw.CFG as MC
import qualified Data.Macaw.Memory.Permissions as MMP
import qualified Lang.Crucible.Backend as CB
@ -120,6 +121,7 @@ import qualified Data.Macaw.Symbolic as MS
import Prelude
import Debug.Trace
-- | A configuration knob controlling how the initial contents of the memory
-- model are populated
@ -217,32 +219,21 @@ populateMemory :: ( CB.IsSymInterface sym
-- ^ The initial memory model (e.g., it might have a stack allocated)
-> m (CL.MemImpl sym, IM.IntervalMap (MC.MemWord (MC.ArchAddrWidth arch)) (Allocation sym (MC.ArchAddrWidth arch)))
populateMemory _ sym mmc mem memImpl0 = do
memImpl1 <- pleatM (memImpl0, IM.empty) (MC.memSegments mem) $ \impl1 seg -> do
pleatM impl1 (MC.relativeSegmentContents [seg]) $ \impl2 (addr, memChunk) ->
case memChunk of
MC.RelocationRegion {} -> error ("SymbolicRef SegmentRanges are not supported yet: " ++ show memChunk)
MC.BSSRegion sz -> do
nzero <- liftIO $ WI.natLit sym 0
bvzero <- liftIO $ WI.bvLit sym (PN.knownNat @8) 0
let val = CL.LLVMValArray (CL.bitvectorType 1) (V.fromList (replicate (fromIntegral sz) (CL.LLVMValInt nzero bvzero)))
addValueAt sym mmc mem seg addr sz val impl2
MC.ByteRegion bytes -> do
let sz = BS.length bytes
nzero <- liftIO $ WI.natLit sym 0
let fromWord8 w = do
llw <- liftIO $ WI.bvLit sym (PN.knownNat @8) (fromIntegral w)
return (CL.LLVMValInt nzero llw)
llvmWords <- mapM fromWord8 (BS.unpack bytes)
let val = CL.LLVMValArray (CL.bitvectorType 1) (V.fromList llvmWords)
addValueAt sym mmc mem seg addr sz val impl2
return memImpl1
pleatM (memImpl0, IM.empty) (MC.memSegments mem) $ \impl1 seg -> do
pleatM impl1 (MC.relativeSegmentContents [seg]) $ \impl2 (addr, memChunk) -> do
bytes <- case memChunk of
MC.RelocationRegion {} -> error $
"SymbolicRef SegmentRanges are not supported yet: " ++ show memChunk
MC.BSSRegion sz -> liftIO $
replicate (fromIntegral sz) <$> WI.bvLit sym PN.knownNat 0
MC.ByteRegion bytes -> liftIO $
mapM (WI.bvLit sym PN.knownNat . fromIntegral) $ BS.unpack bytes
addSegment sym mmc mem seg addr bytes impl2
-- | Add a new value (which is an LLVM array of bytes) of a given length at the given address.
addValueAt :: ( 16 <= w
addSegment :: ( 16 <= w
, MC.MemWidth w
, KnownNat w
, Integral a
, Show a
, CB.IsSymInterface sym
, MonadIO m
@ -251,39 +242,63 @@ addValueAt :: ( 16 <= w
-> MC.Memory w
-> MC.MemSegment w
-> MC.MemAddr w
-> a
-> CL.LLVMVal sym
-> [WI.SymBV sym 8]
-> (CL.MemImpl sym, IM.IntervalMap (MC.MemWord w) (Allocation sym w))
-> m (CL.MemImpl sym, IM.IntervalMap (MC.MemWord w) (Allocation sym w))
addValueAt sym mmc mem seg addr sz val (impl, ptrtable) = do
addSegment sym mmc mem seg addr bytes (impl, ptrtable) = do
-- We only support statically-linked binaries for now, so fail if we have a
-- segment-relative address (which should only occur for an object file or
-- shared library)
let Just absAddr = MC.asAbsoluteAddr addr
let ty = CL.arrayType (fromIntegral sz) (CL.bitvectorType 1)
szVal <- liftIO $ WI.bvLit sym (MC.memWidth mem) (fromIntegral sz)
let ?ptrWidth = MC.memWidth mem
let interval = IM.IntervalCO absAddr (absAddr + fromIntegral sz)
case MMP.isReadonly (MC.segmentFlags seg) of
True -> do
(ptr, impl1) <- liftIO $ CL.doMalloc sym CL.GlobalAlloc CL.Immutable ("Read only memory at " ++ show addr) impl szVal CLD.noAlignment
let alloc = Allocation { allocationPtr = ptr, allocationBase = absAddr }
impl2 <- liftIO $ CL.storeConstRaw sym impl1 ptr ty CLD.noAlignment val
return (impl2, IM.insert interval alloc ptrtable)
False ->
case mmc of
ConcreteMutable -> do
(ptr, impl1) <- liftIO $ CL.doMalloc sym CL.GlobalAlloc CL.Mutable ("Mutable (concrete) memory at " ++ show addr) impl szVal CLD.noAlignment
let alloc = Allocation { allocationPtr = ptr, allocationBase = absAddr }
impl2 <- liftIO $ CL.storeRaw sym impl1 ptr ty CLD.noAlignment val
return (impl2, IM.insert interval alloc ptrtable)
SymbolicMutable -> do
let Right alloc_name = WI.userSymbol ("symbolicAllocBytes_" <> show addr)
array <- liftIO $ WI.freshConstant sym alloc_name CT.knownRepr
(ptr, impl1) <- liftIO $ CL.doMalloc sym CL.GlobalAlloc CL.Mutable ("Mutable (symbolic) memory at " ++ show addr) impl szVal CLD.noAlignment
let alloc = Allocation { allocationPtr = ptr, allocationBase = absAddr }
impl2 <- liftIO $ CL.doArrayStore sym impl1 ptr CLD.noAlignment array szVal
return (impl2, IM.insert interval alloc ptrtable)
let Just abs_addr = MC.asAbsoluteAddr addr
let size = length bytes
let interval = IM.IntervalCO abs_addr (abs_addr + fromIntegral size)
let (store_fn, mut_flag, conc_flag, desc) =
case MMP.isReadonly (MC.segmentFlags seg) of
True ->
( CL.doArrayConstStore
, CL.Immutable
, True
, "Mutable (concrete) memory at " ++ show addr
False -> case mmc of
ConcreteMutable ->
( CL.doArrayStore
, CL.Mutable
, True
, "Mutable (concrete) memory at " ++ show addr
SymbolicMutable ->
( CL.doArrayStore
, CL.Mutable
, False
, "Mutable (symbolic) memory at " ++ show addr
let Right alloc_name = WI.userSymbol ("symbolicAllocBytes_" <> show addr)
array <- liftIO $ WI.freshConstant sym alloc_name CT.knownRepr
size_bv <- liftIO $ WI.bvLit sym (MC.memWidth mem) (fromIntegral size)
when conc_flag $
F.forM_ (zip [0 .. size - 1] bytes) $ \(idx, byte) -> do
index_bv <- liftIO $ WI.bvLit sym (MC.memWidth mem) (fromIntegral idx)
eq_pred <- liftIO $ WI.bvEq sym byte
=<< WI.arrayLookup sym array (Ctx.singleton index_bv)
prog_loc <- liftIO $ WI.getCurrentProgramLoc sym
liftIO $ CB.addAssumption sym $
CB.LabeledPred eq_pred $ CB.AssumptionReason prog_loc desc
(ptr, impl1) <- liftIO $ CL.doMalloc
let alloc = Allocation
{ allocationPtr = ptr
, allocationBase = abs_addr
impl2 <- liftIO $ store_fn sym impl1 ptr CLD.noAlignment array size_bv
return (impl2, IM.insert interval alloc ptrtable)
-- | The 'pleatM' function is 'foldM' with the arguments switched so
-- that the function is last.

View File

@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ mkRegIndexMap (a :> r) csz =
-- Misc types
-- | A Crucible value with a Macaw type.
data MacawCrucibleValue f tp = MacawCrucibleValue (f (ToCrucibleType tp))
newtype MacawCrucibleValue f tp = MacawCrucibleValue (f (ToCrucibleType tp))
instance FunctorFC MacawCrucibleValue where
fmapFC f (MacawCrucibleValue v) = MacawCrucibleValue (f v)

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ module Data.Macaw.X86.Generator
, runX86Generator
, X86GCont
, addStmt
, addTermStmt
, addArchStmt
, addArchTermStmt
, asAtomicStateUpdate
@ -335,13 +336,16 @@ addArchStmt = addStmt . ExecArchStmt
-- | execute a primitive instruction.
addArchTermStmt :: X86TermStmt ids -> X86Generator st ids ()
addArchTermStmt ts = do
addArchTermStmt ts = addTermStmt (ArchTermStmt ts)
-- | Terminate the current block immediately
-- This can be used to signal an error (e.g., by using the TranslateError terminator)
addTermStmt :: (RegState (ArchReg X86_64) (Value X86_64 ids) -> TermStmt X86_64 ids) -> X86Generator st ids a
addTermStmt ts =
X86G $ ContT $ \_ -> ReaderT $ \s0 -> do
-- Get last block.
let p_b = s0 ^. blockState
-- Create finished block.
let fin_b = finishBlock p_b $ ArchTermStmt ts
-- Return early
let fin_b = finishBlock p_b ts
return $! FinishedPartialBlock fin_b
-- | Are we in AVX mode?

View File

@ -51,10 +51,12 @@ module Data.Macaw.X86.Getters
import Control.Lens ((&))
import Data.Parameterized.NatRepr
import Data.Parameterized.Some
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Flexdis86 as F
import GHC.TypeLits (KnownNat)
import Data.Macaw.CFG
import Data.Macaw.CFG.Block ( TermStmt(TranslateError) )
import Data.Macaw.Types
import Data.Macaw.X86.Generator
import Data.Macaw.X86.Monad
@ -389,7 +391,10 @@ getCallTarget v =
F.JumpOffset _ joff -> do
s <- getState
pure $! resolveJumpOffset s joff
_ -> fail "Unexpected argument"
_ -> do
ipVal <- eval =<< get rip
let msg = "Data.Macaw.X86.Getters.getCallTarget: Unexpected argument: " ++ show v ++ " at " ++ show ipVal
addTermStmt (\regs -> TranslateError regs (T.pack msg))
-- | Return the target of a call or jump instruction.
doJump :: Expr ids BoolType -> F.Value -> X86Generator st ids ()
@ -413,7 +418,10 @@ doJump cond v =
rip .= ipVal
F.QWordImm w -> do
modify rip $ mux cond $ bvKLit (toInteger w)
_ -> fail "Unexpected argument"
_ -> do
ipVal <- eval =<< get rip
let msg = "Data.Macaw.X86.Getters.doJump: Unexpected argument: " ++ show v ++ " at " ++ show ipVal
addTermStmt (\regs -> TranslateError regs (T.pack msg))
-- Standard memory values

View File

@ -145,6 +145,10 @@ x86RegAssignment =
<++> (repeatAssign (M.X86_YMMReg . F.ymmReg . fromIntegral) :: Assignment M.X86Reg (CtxRepeat 16 (M.BVType 256)))
x86RegStructType :: C.TypeRepr (ArchRegStruct M.X86_64)
x86RegStructType =
C.StructRepr (typeCtxToCrucible $ fmapFC M.typeRepr x86RegAssignment)
regIndexMap :: RegIndexMap M.X86_64
regIndexMap = mkRegIndexMap x86RegAssignment
$ Ctx.size $ crucArchRegTypes x86_64MacawSymbolicFns
@ -306,6 +310,7 @@ x86_64MacawSymbolicFns =
{ crucGenArchConstraints = \x -> x
, crucGenRegAssignment = x86RegAssignment
, crucGenRegStructType = x86RegStructType
, crucGenArchRegName = x86RegName
, crucGenArchFn = crucGenX86Fn
, crucGenArchStmt = crucGenX86Stmt