Update to support new elf-edit changes.

This commit is contained in:
Joe Hendrix 2017-06-14 16:03:04 -07:00
parent 1e2b47f015
commit 45b5c181e3
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 00F67DE32381DB9F
3 changed files with 93 additions and 57 deletions

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ This provides information about code discovered in binaries.
module Data.Macaw.Discovery
( -- * DiscoveryInfo
, State.emptyDiscoveryState
, State.memory
, State.exploredFunctions
, State.symbolNames
@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ module Data.Macaw.Discovery
, State.parsedBlocks
-- * SymbolAddrMap
, State.SymbolAddrMap
, State.emptySymbolAddrMap
, State.symbolAddrMap
, State.symbolAddrs
) where

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ module Data.Macaw.Discovery.State
, ParsedBlockRegion(..)
-- * SymbolAddrMap
, SymbolAddrMap
, emptySymbolAddrMap
, symbolAddrsAsMap
, symbolAddrMap
, symbolAddrs
@ -117,6 +118,10 @@ data FoundAddr arch
-- | Map from addresses to the associated symbol name.
newtype SymbolAddrMap w = SymbolAddrMap { symbolAddrsAsMap :: Map (SegmentedAddr w) BSC.ByteString }
-- | Return an empty symbol addr map
emptySymbolAddrMap :: SymbolAddrMap w
emptySymbolAddrMap = SymbolAddrMap Map.empty
-- | Return addresses in symbol name map
symbolAddrs :: SymbolAddrMap w -> [SegmentedAddr w]
symbolAddrs = Map.keys . symbolAddrsAsMap
@ -133,6 +138,7 @@ checkSymbolName sym_nm =
(c:_) | isDigit c -> Left "Symbol name that starts with a digit."
| otherwise -> Right ()
-- | This creates a symbol addr map after checking the correctness of
-- symbol names.

View File

@ -14,15 +14,15 @@ Operations for creating a view of memory from an elf file.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Data.Macaw.Memory.ElfLoader
( SectionIndexMap
, ElfWordWidth
, cancelElfWordType
, cancelElfWordWidth
, LoadStyle(..)
, LoadOptions(..)
, memoryForElf
-- * High-level exports
, readElf
, loadExecutable
-- * Symbol resolution utilities
, resolvedSegmentedElfFuncSymbols
, ppElfUnresolvedSymbols
) where
import Control.Lens
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import Data.Bits
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Data.ElfEdit
import Data.Foldable
import Data.IntervalMap.Strict (Interval(..), IntervalMap)
@ -41,9 +42,9 @@ import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Parameterized.Some
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Word
import GHC.TypeLits
import Numeric (showHex)
import System.IO
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen hiding ((<$>))
import Data.Macaw.Memory
import qualified Data.Macaw.Memory.Permissions as Perm
@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ sliceL (i,c) = L.take (fromIntegral c) . L.drop (fromIntegral i)
-- address and section contents.
-- The base address is expressed in terms of the underlying memory segment.
type SectionIndexMap v w = Map ElfSectionIndex (SegmentedAddr w, ElfSection v)
type SectionIndexMap w = Map ElfSectionIndex (SegmentedAddr w, ElfSection (ElfWordType w))
-- Flag conversion
@ -133,14 +134,14 @@ byteSegments m0 base0 contents0 = go base0 (Map.toList m) contents0
post = L.drop (fromIntegral (off + ptrSize)) contents
-- | Return a memory segment for elf segment if it loadable.
memSegmentForElfSegment :: (Integral v, MemWidth w)
memSegmentForElfSegment :: (MemWidth w, Integral (ElfWordType w))
=> LoadOptions
-> SegmentIndex
-> L.ByteString
-- ^ Complete contents of Elf file.
-> RelocMap (MemWord w)
-- ^ Relocation map
-> Phdr v
-> Phdr w
-- ^ Program header entry
-> MemSegment w
memSegmentForElfSegment opt idx contents relocMap phdr = mseg
@ -169,36 +170,36 @@ memSegmentForElfSection idx s = mseg
-- MemLoader
data MemLoaderState v w = MLS { _mlsIndex :: !SegmentIndex
data MemLoaderState w = MLS { _mlsIndex :: !SegmentIndex
, _mlsMemory :: !(Memory w)
, _mlsIndexMap :: !(SectionIndexMap v w)
, _mlsIndexMap :: !(SectionIndexMap w)
mlsIndex :: Simple Lens (MemLoaderState v w) SegmentIndex
mlsIndex :: Simple Lens (MemLoaderState w) SegmentIndex
mlsIndex = lens _mlsIndex (\s v -> s { _mlsIndex = v })
mlsMemory :: Simple Lens (MemLoaderState v w) (Memory w)
mlsMemory :: Simple Lens (MemLoaderState w) (Memory w)
mlsMemory = lens _mlsMemory (\s v -> s { _mlsMemory = v })
mlsIndexMap :: Simple Lens (MemLoaderState v w) (SectionIndexMap v w)
mlsIndexMap :: Simple Lens (MemLoaderState w) (SectionIndexMap w)
mlsIndexMap = lens _mlsIndexMap (\s v -> s { _mlsIndexMap = v })
relaWidthOfAddr :: AddrWidthRepr w -> RelaWidth w
relaWidthOfAddr Addr32 = Rela32
relaWidthOfAddr Addr64 = Rela64
initState :: forall w . AddrWidthRepr w -> MemLoaderState (ElfWordType w) w
initState :: forall w . AddrWidthRepr w -> MemLoaderState w
initState w = MLS { _mlsIndex = 0
, _mlsMemory = emptyMemory w
, _mlsIndexMap = Map.empty
memLoaderPair :: MemLoaderState v w -> (SectionIndexMap v w, Memory w)
memLoaderPair :: MemLoaderState w -> (SectionIndexMap w, Memory w)
memLoaderPair mls = (mls^.mlsIndexMap, mls^.mlsMemory)
type MemLoader v w = StateT (MemLoaderState v w) (Except String)
type MemLoader w = StateT (MemLoaderState w) (Except String)
loadMemSegment :: MemWidth w => String -> MemSegment w -> MemLoader v w ()
loadMemSegment :: MemWidth w => String -> MemSegment w -> MemLoader w ()
loadMemSegment nm seg =
StateT $ \mls -> do
case insertMemSegment seg (mls^.mlsMemory) of
@ -287,18 +288,13 @@ mkSymbolRef (sym, mverId) =
, symbolVersion = mkSymbolVersion <$> mverId
-- | Return the width of an elf word.
type family ElfWordWidth (w :: *) :: Nat where
ElfWordWidth Word32 = 32
ElfWordWidth Word64 = 64
-- | Creates a relocation map from the contents of a dynamic section.
relocMapOfDynamic :: ElfData
-> RelaWidth w
-> ElfMachine
-> VirtAddrMap (ElfWordType w)
-> VirtAddrMap w
-> L.ByteString -- ^ Contents of .dynamic section
-> MemLoader (ElfWordType w) w (RelocMap (MemWord w))
-> MemLoader w (RelocMap (MemWord w))
relocMapOfDynamic d w mach virtMap dynContents =
case (w, mach) of
(Rela64, EM_X86_64) -> do
@ -316,15 +312,16 @@ relocMapOfDynamic d w mach virtMap dynContents =
-- Elf segment loading
-- | Load an elf file into memory.
insertElfSegment :: (Integral v, MemWidth w)
=> LoadOptions
-> ElfFileSectionMap v
insertElfSegment :: LoadOptions
-> ElfFileSectionMap (ElfWordType w)
-> L.ByteString
-> RelocMap (MemWord w)
-- ^ Relocations to apply in loading section.
-> Phdr v
-> MemLoader v w ()
-> Phdr w
-> MemLoader w ()
insertElfSegment opt shdrMap contents relocMap phdr = do
w <- uses mlsMemory memAddrWidth
reprConstraints w $ do
idx <- use mlsIndex
mlsIndex .= idx + 1
let seg = memSegmentForElfSegment opt idx contents relocMap phdr
@ -345,32 +342,25 @@ insertElfSegment opt shdrMap contents relocMap phdr = do
_ -> fail "Unexpected shdr interval"
elfAddrWidth :: ElfClass v -> AddrWidthRepr (ElfWordWidth v)
elfAddrWidth :: ElfClass w -> AddrWidthRepr w
elfAddrWidth ELFCLASS32 = Addr32
elfAddrWidth ELFCLASS64 = Addr64
cancelElfWordType :: ElfClass v
-> ((ElfWordType (ElfWordWidth v) ~ v, Integral v, Bits v, MemWidth (ElfWordWidth v)) => a)
-> a
cancelElfWordType ELFCLASS32 x = x
cancelElfWordType ELFCLASS64 x = x
reprConstraints :: AddrWidthRepr w -> ((Bits (ElfWordType w), Integral (ElfWordType w), MemWidth w) => a) -> a
reprConstraints Addr32 x = x
reprConstraints Addr64 x = x
cancelElfWordWidth :: AddrWidthRepr w
-> ((ElfWordWidth (ElfWordType w) ~ w) => a)
-> a
cancelElfWordWidth Addr32 x = x
cancelElfWordWidth Addr64 x = x
-- | Load an elf file into memory. This uses the Elf segments for loading.
:: forall v
:: forall w
-- | Options that affect loading
. LoadOptions
-> Elf v
-> Either String (SectionIndexMap v (ElfWordWidth v), Memory (ElfWordWidth v))
memoryForElfSegments opt e =
cancelElfWordType (elfClass e) $ do
-> Elf w
-> Either String (SectionIndexMap w, Memory w)
memoryForElfSegments opt e = do
let w = elfAddrWidth (elfClass e)
reprConstraints w $ do
runExcept $ fmap memLoaderPair $ flip execStateT (initState w) $ do
let l = elfLayout e
let d = elfLayoutData l
@ -386,7 +376,7 @@ memoryForElfSegments opt e =
in relocMapOfDynamic d (relaWidthOfAddr w) (elfMachine e) virtMap dynContents
_ -> throwError "Multiple dynamic sections"
let intervals :: ElfFileSectionMap v
let intervals :: ElfFileSectionMap (ElfWordType w)
intervals = IMap.fromList $
[ (IntervalCO start end, sec)
| shdr <- Map.elems (l^.shdrs)
@ -401,10 +391,11 @@ memoryForElfSegments opt e =
-- Elf section loading
-- | Load an elf file into memory.
insertElfSection :: (Integral v, Bits v, MemWidth w)
=> ElfSection v
-> MemLoader v w ()
insertElfSection sec =
insertElfSection :: ElfSection (ElfWordType w)
-> MemLoader w ()
insertElfSection sec = do
w <- uses mlsMemory memAddrWidth
reprConstraints w $ do
when (elfSectionFlags sec `hasPermissions` shf_alloc) $ do
idx <- use mlsIndex
mlsIndex .= idx + 1
@ -418,9 +409,9 @@ insertElfSection sec =
-- Normally, Elf uses segments for loading, but the segment
-- information tends to be more precise.
memoryForElfSections :: Elf v
-> Either String (SectionIndexMap v (ElfWordWidth v), Memory (ElfWordWidth v))
memoryForElfSections e = cancelElfWordType (elfClass e) $ do
memoryForElfSections :: Elf w
-> Either String (SectionIndexMap w, Memory w)
memoryForElfSections e = do
let w = elfAddrWidth (elfClass e)
runExcept $ fmap memLoaderPair $ flip execStateT (initState w) $ do
traverseOf_ elfSections insertElfSection e
@ -433,8 +424,8 @@ memoryForElfSections e = cancelElfWordType (elfClass e) $ do
-- Normally, Elf uses segments for loading, but the segment
-- information tends to be more precise.
memoryForElf :: LoadOptions
-> Elf v
-> Either String (SectionIndexMap v (ElfWordWidth v), Memory (ElfWordWidth v))
-> Elf w
-> Either String (SectionIndexMap w, Memory w)
memoryForElf opt e =
case loadStyle opt of
LoadBySection -> memoryForElfSections e
@ -471,3 +462,40 @@ loadExecutable opt path = do
case se of
Elf64 e -> either fail (return . Some . snd) $ memoryForElf opt e
Elf32 e -> either fail (return . Some . snd) $ memoryForElf opt e
-- Elf symbol utilities
-- | The takes the elf symbol table map and attempts to identify segmented addresses for each one.
-- It returns a two maps, the first contains entries that could not be resolved; the second
-- contains those that could.
resolvedSegmentedElfFuncSymbols :: forall w
. Memory w
-> [ElfSymbolTableEntry (ElfWordType w)]
-> (Map (MemWord w) [BS.ByteString], Map (SegmentedAddr w) [BS.ByteString])
resolvedSegmentedElfFuncSymbols mem entries = reprConstraints (memAddrWidth mem) $
let -- Filter out just function entries
isCodeFuncSymbol ste = steType ste == STT_FUNC
&& isCodeAddr mem (fromIntegral (steValue ste))
func_entries = filter isCodeFuncSymbol entries
-- Build absolute address map
absAddrMap :: Map (MemWord w) [BS.ByteString]
absAddrMap = Map.fromListWith (++) $ [ (fromIntegral (steValue ste), [steName ste]) | ste <- func_entries ]
-- Resolve addresses
resolve (v,nms) =
case absoluteAddrSegment mem v of
Nothing -> Left (v, nms)
Just sv -> Right (sv, nms)
(u,r) = partitionEithers $ resolve <$> Map.toList absAddrMap
in (Map.fromList u, Map.fromList r)
ppElfUnresolvedSymbols :: forall w
. MemWidth w
=> Map (MemWord w) [BS.ByteString]
-> Doc
ppElfUnresolvedSymbols m =
text "Could not resolve addresses of ELF symbols" <$$>
indent 2 (vcat $ pp <$> Map.toList m)
where pp :: (MemWord w, [BS.ByteString]) -> Doc
pp (w, nms) = text (showHex w ":") <+> hsep (text . BSC.unpack <$> nms)