mirror of
synced 2024-12-29 17:17:05 +03:00
Add opt pass; Improve comments.
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ library
@ -11,28 +11,43 @@ This defines the architecture-specific information needed for code discovery.
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Data.Macaw.Architecture.Info
( ArchitectureInfo(..)
, ReadAddrFn
, DisassembleFn
, archPostSyscallAbsState
, Block(..)
) where
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Parameterized.Nonce
import Data.Word
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as PP hiding ((<$>))
import Data.Macaw.AbsDomain.AbsState as AbsState
import Data.Macaw.CFG
import Data.Macaw.Memory
-- ArchitectureInfo
-- Block
-- | The type for code blocks returned by the disassembler.
-- The discovery process will attempt to map each block to a suitable ParsedBlock.
-- | A basic block in a control flow graph.
data Block arch ids
= Block { blockLabel :: !Word64
-- ^ Index of this block
, blockStmts :: !([Stmt arch ids])
-- ^ List of statements in the block.
, blockTerm :: !(TermStmt arch ids)
-- ^ The last statement in the block.
instance ArchConstraints arch => Pretty (Block arch ids) where
pretty b = do
text (show (blockLabel b)) PP.<> text ":" <$$>
indent 2 (vcat (pretty <$> blockStmts b) <$$> pretty (blockTerm b))
-- | A function for reading an address from memory
type ReadAddrFn w
= MemSegment w
-- ^ Segment to read from
-> MemWord w
-- Offset to read from.
-> Either (MemoryError w) (MemWord w)
-- | Function for disassembling a block.
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Copyright : (c) Galois, Inc 2015-2017
Maintainer : Joe Hendrix <jhendrix@galois.com>
Defines data types needed to represent control flow graphs from machine code.
Defines data types needed to represent program generated from machine code.
This is a low-level CFG representation where the entire program is a
single CFG.
@ -22,9 +22,8 @@ single CFG.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Data.Macaw.CFG
( Block(..)
-- * Stmt level declarations
, Stmt(..)
( -- * Stmt level declarations
, TermStmt(..)
, Assignment(..)
, AssignId(..)
@ -726,21 +725,3 @@ refsInAssignRhs rhs =
SetUndefined _ -> Set.empty
ReadMem v _ -> refsInValue v
EvalArchFn f _ -> refsInFn f
-- Block
-- | A basic block in a control flow graph.
data Block arch ids
= Block { blockLabel :: !Word64
-- ^ Index of this block
, blockStmts :: !([Stmt arch ids])
-- ^ List of statements in the block.
, blockTerm :: !(TermStmt arch ids)
-- ^ The last statement in the block.
instance ArchConstraints arch => Pretty (Block arch ids) where
pretty b = do
text (show (blockLabel b)) PP.<> text ":" <$$>
indent 2 (vcat (pretty <$> blockStmts b) <$$> pretty (blockTerm b))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
Copyright : (c) Galois, Inc 2017
Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
This applies constant propagations to transfor
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Data.Macaw.Discovery.Opt
( -- * Basic types
, PropM
, runPropM
, propParsedBlock
-- * Functions for defining architecture-specific semantics.
, propValue
) where
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Parameterized.Map (MapF)
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as MapF
import Data.Parameterized.Nonce
import Data.Parameterized.Some
import Data.Parameterized.TraversableF
import Data.Macaw.CFG
import Data.Macaw.Discovery.State
-- | Information needed for propagation.
data PropContext arch src tgt
= PropContext { propNonceGen :: !(NonceGenerator (ST tgt) tgt)
, propArchStmt :: !(ArchStmt arch src -> PropM arch src tgt ())
, propArchFn :: !(forall tp . ArchFn arch src tp -> PropM arch src tgt (Value arch tgt tp))
-- | State used for
data PropState arch src tgt
= PropState { propContext :: !(PropContext arch src tgt)
, _propRevStmts :: ![Stmt arch tgt]
, _srcAssignedValues :: !(MapF (AssignId src) (Value arch tgt))
-- | A list of statements in the current block in reverse order.
propRevStmts :: Simple Lens (PropState arch src tgt) [Stmt arch tgt]
propRevStmts = lens _propRevStmts (\s v -> s { _propRevStmts = v })
-- | A list of statements in the current block in reverse order.
srcAssignedValues :: Simple Lens (PropState arch src tgt) (MapF (AssignId src) (Value arch tgt))
srcAssignedValues = lens _srcAssignedValues (\s v -> s { _srcAssignedValues = v })
-- | Monad for constant propagation within a block.
newtype PropM arch src tgt a = PropM { unPropM :: StateT (PropState arch src tgt) (ST tgt) a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
runPropM :: PropContext arch src tgt
-> PropM arch src tgt a
-> ST tgt a
runPropM ctx m = evalStateT (unPropM m) s
where s = PropState { propContext = ctx
, _propRevStmts = []
, _srcAssignedValues = MapF.empty
-- | Add a statment to the list
addStmt :: Stmt arch tgt -> PropM arch src tgt ()
addStmt stmt = PropM $ do
stmts <- use propRevStmts
let stmts' = stmt : stmts
seq stmt $ seq stmts' $ do
propRevStmts .= stmts'
-- | Add an assignment statement that evaluates the right hand side and return the resulting value.
evalAssignRhs :: AssignRhs arch tgt tp -> PropM arch src tgt (Value arch tgt tp)
evalAssignRhs rhs = PropM $ do
gen <- gets $ propNonceGen . propContext
aid <- lift $ AssignId <$> freshNonce gen
let a = Assignment aid rhs
unPropM $ addStmt $ AssignStmt a
pure $! AssignedValue a
addBinding :: AssignId src tp -> Value arch tgt tp -> PropM arch src tgt ()
addBinding srcId val = PropM $ do
srcAssignedValues %= MapF.insert srcId val
propApp :: App (Value arch tgt) tp -> PropM arch src tgt (Value arch tgt tp)
propApp app =
case app of
_ -> evalAssignRhs (EvalApp app)
propAssignRhs :: AssignRhs arch src tp -> PropM arch src tgt (Value arch tgt tp)
propAssignRhs rhs =
case rhs of
EvalApp app -> do
app' <- traverseApp propValue app
propApp app'
SetUndefined w -> evalAssignRhs (SetUndefined w)
ReadMem addr repr -> do
tgtAddr <- propValue addr
evalAssignRhs (ReadMem tgtAddr repr)
EvalArchFn archFn _repr -> do
f <- PropM $ gets $ propArchFn . propContext
f archFn
propValue :: Value arch src tp -> PropM arch src tgt (Value arch tgt tp)
propValue v =
case v of
BVValue w i -> pure (BVValue w i)
RelocatableValue w a -> pure (RelocatableValue w a)
AssignedValue (Assignment aid _) -> do
srcMap <- PropM $ use srcAssignedValues
case MapF.lookup aid srcMap of
Just tgtVal -> pure tgtVal
Nothing -> fail $ "Could not resolve source assignment " ++ show aid ++ "."
Initial r -> pure (Initial r)
-- | Apply optimizations to a statement.
-- Since statements may be introduced/deleted during optimization,
-- this should add new statements to the list of target statements
-- rather than return the optimized statement.
propStmt :: Stmt arch src -> PropM arch src tgt ()
propStmt s =
case s of
AssignStmt a -> do
v <- propAssignRhs (assignRhs a)
addBinding (assignId a) v
WriteMem addr repr val -> do
tgtAddr <- propValue addr
tgtVal <- propValue val
addStmt (WriteMem tgtAddr repr tgtVal)
PlaceHolderStmt args nm -> do
args' <- traverse (traverseSome propValue) args
addStmt (PlaceHolderStmt args' nm)
Comment cmt -> addStmt (Comment cmt)
ExecArchStmt astmt -> do
f <- PropM $ gets $ propArchStmt . propContext
f astmt
-- | Apply optimizations to a terminal statement.
propTermStmt :: ParsedTermStmt arch src -> PropM arch src tgt (ParsedTermStmt arch tgt)
propTermStmt tstmt = do
case tstmt of
ParsedCall regs mr -> do
ParsedCall <$> traverseF propValue regs
<*> pure mr
ParsedJump regs a -> do
ParsedJump <$> traverseF propValue regs
<*> pure a
ParsedLookupTable regs idx tbl -> do
ParsedLookupTable <$> traverseF propValue regs
<*> propValue idx
<*> pure tbl
ParsedReturn regs -> do
ParsedReturn <$> traverseF propValue regs
ParsedIte c t f ->
ParsedIte <$> propValue c
<*> propParsedBlock t
<*> propParsedBlock f
ParsedSyscall regs next ->
ParsedSyscall <$> traverseF propValue regs
<*> pure next
ParsedTranslateError txt -> pure (ParsedTranslateError txt)
ClassifyFailure regs -> ClassifyFailure <$> traverseF propValue regs
-- | Apply optimizations to code in the block
propParsedBlock :: ParsedBlock arch src -> PropM arch src tgt (ParsedBlock arch tgt)
propParsedBlock b = do
rstmts <- PropM $ use propRevStmts
PropM $ propRevStmts .= []
mapM_ propStmt (pblockStmts b)
tgtTermStmt <- propTermStmt (pblockTerm b)
-- Reset parent block stmts
tgtStmts <- PropM $ use propRevStmts
PropM $ propRevStmts .= rstmts
-- Return new block
pure $
ParsedBlock { pblockLabel = pblockLabel b
, pblockStmts = tgtStmts
, pblockTerm = tgtTermStmt
constPropRegion :: ParsedBlockRegion arch src
-> ParsedBlockRegion arch tgt
constPropRegion r =
r { regionBlockMap = constPropBlock <$> regionBlockMap r }
@ -238,10 +238,18 @@ instance ArchConstraints arch => Pretty (ParsedTermStmt arch ids) where
-- ParsedBlock
-- | This is a code block after we have classified the control flow
-- statement(s) that the block ends with.
data ParsedBlock arch ids
= ParsedBlock { pblockLabel :: !Word64
-- ^ An index for uniquely identifying the block.
-- This is primarily used so that we can reference
-- which branch lead to a particular next state.
, pblockStmts :: !([Stmt arch ids])
-- ^ The non-terminal statements in the block
, pblockTerm :: !(ParsedTermStmt arch ids)
-- ^ The terminal statement in the block.
deriving instance ArchConstraints arch
Reference in New Issue
Block a user