Merge remote-tracking branch 'arm-reloc/master'

This commit is contained in:
Joe Hendrix 2018-08-12 23:30:23 -07:00
commit 4c21eb9a97
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 8DFA5FF784098C4F

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@ -133,6 +133,9 @@ module Data.Macaw.Memory
, bsWord64be
, bsWord64le
, AddrSymMap
-- * Memory search
, findByteStringMatches
, relativeSegmentContents
) where
import Control.Monad
@ -1397,3 +1400,75 @@ readWord64be mem addr = bsWord64be <$> readByteString mem addr 8
-- | Read a little endian word64
readWord64le :: Memory w -> MemAddr w -> Either (MemoryError w) Word64
readWord64le mem addr = bsWord64le <$> readByteString mem addr 8
-- Memory finding utilities
-- | Return list of segment content memory segment ranges with its
-- content's address offset relative to segment offsets
relativeSegmentContents :: (MemWidth w) => [MemSegment w] -> [(MemAddr w, SegmentRange w)]
relativeSegmentContents memSegs = concatMap relativeOffset memSegs
-- Each MemSegment has a segmentOffset indicating the offset from segmentBase its located.
-- This makes the offsets within the SegmentRange relative to that segmentOffset.
relativeOffset :: (MemWidth w) => MemSegment w -> [(MemAddr w, SegmentRange w)]
relativeOffset seg = map (\(contentOffset,r) -> (relativeAddr seg contentOffset, r)) $ (contentsRanges . segmentContents) seg
-- | Naive string matching algorithm identifies matches to given
-- pattern within the list of memory segments and their corresponding
-- offset within memory. Relocations are treated as wildcards.
findByteStringMatches :: MemWidth w
=> BS.ByteString
-- ^ Pattern to search for within memory segments
-> Integer
-- ^ Offset within the contents region where search is to start
-> [(MemAddr w, SegmentRange w)]
-- ^ Contents of memory along with its relative
-- address from the segment base address.
-> [MemAddr w]
findByteStringMatches _ _ [] = []
findByteStringMatches pat curIndex segs@((relOffset, chunk) : rest)
| BS.length pat == 0 = []
| otherwise =
if matchPrefix pat (map snd segs) then
(currentAddr : findByteStringMatches pat nextIndex remainingElems)
findByteStringMatches pat nextIndex remainingElems
currentAddr = incAddr curIndex relOffset
(nextIndex, remainingElems) = case chunk of
-- drop byte in region
ByteRegion bs ->
if BS.length bs > 0 then
(curIndex + 1, (relOffset, ByteRegion (BS.drop 1 bs)) : rest)
else (0, rest)
-- TODO: Increments within a relocation region
_ -> (0, rest)
-- | Returns True when the given ByteString matches the bytes at the
-- beginning of this segment range and false otherwise.
matchPrefix :: MemWidth w => BS.ByteString -> [SegmentRange w] -> Bool
matchPrefix _ [] = False
matchPrefix _ (BSSRegion _ : _) = False
matchPrefix pat (rel@(RelocationRegion r) : rest)
-- When pattern is greater than size of the relocation, skip
-- relocation bytes in the pattern and look for match in beginning
-- of the next range.
| BS.length pat > (fromIntegral sz) = matchPrefix (BS.drop (fromIntegral sz) pat) rest
-- When length of pattern is less than or equal to the size of the relocation => match
| otherwise = True
where sz = rangeSize rel
matchPrefix pat (ByteRegion bs : rest)
-- Enough bytes in region to check for match directly. This also
-- returns true when the search pattern is empty and stops recursion
| matchLen == prefixLen = pat == regionPrefix
-- There aren't enough bytes in region; we need to check that
-- the elems that do exist match the pattern prefix and
-- that a following regions contain the remaining search pattern.
-- NOTE: Assumes the regions are adjacent to each other.
| otherwise = regionPrefix == (BS.take prefixLen pat) && matchPrefix (BS.drop prefixLen pat) rest
matchLen = BS.length pat
regionPrefix = BS.take matchLen bs
prefixLen = BS.length regionPrefix