Implement postCallAbsState and absEvalArchStmt

absEvalArchStmt is trivial (for now)
This commit is contained in:
Tristan Ravitch 2017-10-04 15:53:03 -07:00
parent ac776b7340
commit 711eabc058
2 changed files with 17 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -59,8 +59,16 @@ absEvalArchStmt :: proxy ppc
-> AbsProcessorState (ArchReg ppc) ids
absEvalArchStmt _ s _ = s
postCallAbsState :: proxy ppc
-- | There should be no difference in stack height before and after a call, as
-- the callee pushes the return address if required. Return values are also
-- passed in registers.
postCallAbsState :: (PPCWidth ppc)
=> proxy ppc
-> AbsBlockState (ArchReg ppc)
-> ArchSegmentOff ppc
-> AbsBlockState (ArchReg ppc)
postCallAbsState = undefined
postCallAbsState proxy = MA.absEvalCall params
params = MA.CallParams { MA.postCallStackDelta = 0
, MA.preserveReg = \r -> S.member (Some r) (linuxCalleeSaveRegisters proxy)

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
module Data.Macaw.PPC.PPCReg (
) where
@ -77,6 +78,12 @@ linuxSystemCallPreservedRegisters :: (w ~ MC.RegAddrWidth (PPCReg ppc), 1 <= w)
linuxSystemCallPreservedRegisters _ =
S.fromList [ Some (PPC_GP (D.GPR rnum)) | rnum <- [14..31] ]
linuxCalleeSaveRegisters :: (w ~ MC.RegAddrWidth (PPCReg ppc), 1 <= w)
=> proxy ppc
-> S.Set (Some (PPCReg ppc))
linuxCalleeSaveRegisters _ =
S.fromList [ Some (PPC_GP (D.GPR rnum)) | rnum <- [14..31] ]
type instance MC.RegAddrWidth (PPCReg PPC32.PPC) = 32
type instance MC.RegAddrWidth (PPCReg PPC64.PPC) = 64