mirror of
synced 2024-12-29 00:59:09 +03:00
Update for crucible syntax-extensions.
This commit is contained in:
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ freshVarsForRegs sym nameFn a =
-- | An override that creates a fresh value with the given type.
runFreshSymOverride :: M.TypeRepr tp
-> C.OverrideSim MacawSimulatorState sym ret
-> C.OverrideSim MacawSimulatorState sym MacawExt ret
(ToCrucibleType tp)
(C.RegValue sym (ToCrucibleType tp))
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ runFreshSymOverride tp = do
-- | Run override that reads a value from memory.
runReadMemOverride :: M.AddrWidthRepr w -- ^ Width of the address.
-> M.MemRepr tp -- ^ Type of value to read.
-> C.OverrideSim MacawSimulatorState sym ret
-> C.OverrideSim MacawSimulatorState sym MacawExt ret
(EmptyCtx ::> C.BVType w)
(ToCrucibleType tp)
(C.RegValue sym (ToCrucibleType tp))
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ runReadMemOverride = undefined
-- | Run override that writes a value to memory.
runWriteMemOverride :: M.AddrWidthRepr w -- ^ Width of a pointer
-> M.MemRepr tp -- ^ Type of value to write to memory.
-> C.OverrideSim MacawSimulatorState sym ret
-> C.OverrideSim MacawSimulatorState sym MacawExt ret
(EmptyCtx ::> C.BVType w ::> ToCrucibleType tp)
(C.RegValue sym C.UnitType)
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ runWriteMemOverride = undefined
createHandleBinding :: M.AddrWidthRepr (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)
-> HandleId arch '(args, rtp)
-> C.OverrideSim MacawSimulatorState sym ret args rtp (C.RegValue sym rtp)
-> C.OverrideSim MacawSimulatorState sym MacawExt ret args rtp (C.RegValue sym rtp)
createHandleBinding w hid =
case hid of
MkFreshSymId repr -> runFreshSymOverride repr
@ -117,12 +117,12 @@ createHandleBinding w hid =
createHandleMap :: forall arch sym
. M.AddrWidthRepr (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)
-> UsedHandleSet arch
-> C.FunctionBindings MacawSimulatorState sym
-> C.FunctionBindings MacawSimulatorState sym MacawExt
createHandleMap w = MapF.foldrWithKey go C.emptyHandleMap
where go :: HandleId arch pair
-> HandleVal pair
-> C.FunctionBindings MacawSimulatorState sym
-> C.FunctionBindings MacawSimulatorState sym
-> C.FunctionBindings MacawSimulatorState sym MacawExt
-> C.FunctionBindings MacawSimulatorState sym MacawExt
go hid (HandleVal h) b =
let o = C.mkOverride' (handleIdName hid) (handleIdRetType hid) (createHandleBinding w hid)
in C.insertHandleMap h (C.UseOverride o) b
@ -161,9 +161,11 @@ mkCrucCFG :: forall s arch ids
-> C.FunctionName
-- ^ Name of function for pretty print purposes.
-> (CrucGenContext arch s
-> MacawMonad arch ids s [CR.Block s (MacawFunctionResult arch)])
-> MacawMonad arch ids s [CR.Block MacawExt s (MacawFunctionResult arch)])
-- ^ Action to run
-> ST s (UsedHandleSet arch, C.SomeCFG (EmptyCtx ::> ArchRegStruct arch) (ArchRegStruct arch))
-> ST s ( UsedHandleSet arch
, C.SomeCFG MacawExt (EmptyCtx ::> ArchRegStruct arch) (ArchRegStruct arch)
mkCrucCFG halloc archFns memBaseVarMap nm action = do
let regAssign = crucGenRegAssignment archFns
let crucRegTypes = typeCtxToCrucible (fmapFC M.typeRepr regAssign)
@ -183,7 +185,7 @@ mkCrucCFG halloc archFns memBaseVarMap nm action = do
(Left err, _) -> fail err
(Right blks, s) -> pure (blks, s)
-- Create control flow graph
let rg :: CR.CFG s (MacawFunctionArgs arch) (MacawFunctionResult arch)
let rg :: CR.CFG MacawExt s (MacawFunctionArgs arch) (MacawFunctionResult arch)
rg = CR.CFG { CR.cfgHandle = h
, CR.cfgBlocks = blks
@ -199,7 +201,7 @@ addBlocksCFG :: forall s arch ids
-- ^ Function that maps offsets from start of block to Crucible position.
-> [M.Block arch ids]
-- ^ List of blocks for this region.
-> MacawMonad arch ids s [CR.Block s (MacawFunctionResult arch)]
-> MacawMonad arch ids s [CR.Block MacawExt s (MacawFunctionResult arch)]
addBlocksCFG archFns ctx posFn macawBlocks = do
-- Map block map to Crucible CFG
let blockLabelMap :: Map Word64 (CR.Label s)
@ -223,7 +225,9 @@ mkBlocksCFG :: forall s arch ids
-- ^ Function that maps offsets from start of block to Crucible position.
-> [M.Block arch ids]
-- ^ List of blocks for this region.
-> ST s (UsedHandleSet arch, C.SomeCFG (EmptyCtx ::> ArchRegStruct arch) (ArchRegStruct arch))
-> ST s ( UsedHandleSet arch
, C.SomeCFG MacawExt (EmptyCtx ::> ArchRegStruct arch) (ArchRegStruct arch)
mkBlocksCFG halloc archFns memBaseVarMap nm posFn macawBlocks = do
mkCrucCFG halloc archFns memBaseVarMap nm $ \ctx -> do
addBlocksCFG archFns ctx posFn macawBlocks
@ -244,7 +248,9 @@ mkFunCFG :: forall s arch ids
-- ^ Function that maps function address to Crucible position
-> M.DiscoveryFunInfo arch ids
-- ^ List of blocks for this region.
-> ST s (UsedHandleSet arch, C.SomeCFG (EmptyCtx ::> ArchRegStruct arch) (ArchRegStruct arch))
-> ST s ( UsedHandleSet arch
, C.SomeCFG MacawExt (EmptyCtx ::> ArchRegStruct arch) (ArchRegStruct arch)
mkFunCFG halloc archFns memBaseVarMap nm posFn fn = do
mkCrucCFG halloc archFns memBaseVarMap nm $ \ctx -> do
let insSentences :: M.ArchSegmentOff arch
@ -272,12 +278,13 @@ runCodeBlock :: forall sym arch blocks
-> C.HandleAllocator RealWorld
-> UsedHandleSet arch
-- ^ Handle map
-> C.CFG blocks (EmptyCtx ::> ArchRegStruct arch) (ArchRegStruct arch)
-> C.CFG MacawExt blocks (EmptyCtx ::> ArchRegStruct arch) (ArchRegStruct arch)
-> Ctx.Assignment (C.RegValue' sym) (ArchCrucibleRegTypes arch)
-- ^ Register assignment
-> IO (C.ExecResult
(C.RegEntry sym (ArchRegStruct arch)))
runCodeBlock sym archFns halloc hmap g regStruct = do
let regAssign = crucGenRegAssignment archFns
@ -287,13 +294,14 @@ runCodeBlock sym archFns halloc hmap g regStruct = do
cfg <- C.initialConfig 0 []
let ptrWidth :: M.AddrWidthRepr (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)
ptrWidth = M.addrWidthRepr ptrWidth
let ctx :: C.SimContext MacawSimulatorState sym
let ctx :: C.SimContext MacawSimulatorState sym MacawExt
ctx = C.SimContext { C._ctxSymInterface = sym
, C.ctxSolverProof = \a -> a
, C.ctxIntrinsicTypes = MapF.empty
, C.simConfig = cfg
, C.simHandleAllocator = halloc
, C.printHandle = stdout
, C.extensionImpl = undefined
, C._functionBindings =
C.insertHandleMap (C.cfgHandle g) (C.UseCFG g (C.postdomInfo g)) $
createHandleMap ptrWidth hmap
@ -325,6 +333,7 @@ runBlocks :: forall sym arch ids
-> IO (C.ExecResult
(C.RegEntry sym (C.StructType (CtxToCrucibleType (ArchRegContext arch)))))
runBlocks sym archFns mem nm posFn macawBlocks regStruct = do
halloc <- C.newHandleAllocator
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ This defines the core operations for mapping from Reopt to Crucible.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Data.Macaw.Symbolic.CrucGen
( CrucGenArchFunctions(..)
, MacawExt
-- ** Operations for implementing new backends.
, CrucGen
, MacawMonad
@ -83,6 +84,8 @@ data CrucGenArchFunctions arch
-- ^ Generate crucible for architecture-specific terminal statement.
type MacawExt = ()
-- | State used for generating blocks
data CrucGenState arch ids s
= CrucGenState
@ -96,7 +99,7 @@ data CrucGenState arch ids s
-- ^ Label for this block we are translating
, codeOff :: !(M.ArchAddrWord arch)
-- ^ Offset
, prevStmts :: ![C.Posd (CR.Stmt s)]
, prevStmts :: ![C.Posd (CR.Stmt MacawExt s)]
-- ^ List of states in reverse order
@ -144,7 +147,7 @@ liftST m = CrucGen $ \s cont -> m >>= cont s
getPos :: CrucGen arch ids s C.Position
getPos = gets $ \s -> macawPositionFn s (codeOff s)
addStmt :: CR.Stmt s -> CrucGen arch ids s ()
addStmt :: CR.Stmt MacawExt s -> CrucGen arch ids s ()
addStmt stmt = seq stmt $ do
p <- getPos
s <- get
@ -174,7 +177,7 @@ freshValueIndex = do
pure $! cnt
-- | Evaluate the crucible app and return a reference to the result.
evalAtom :: CR.AtomValue s ctp -> CrucGen arch ids s (CR.Atom s ctp)
evalAtom :: CR.AtomValue MacawExt s ctp -> CrucGen arch ids s (CR.Atom s ctp)
evalAtom av = do
p <- getPos
i <- freshValueIndex
@ -188,7 +191,7 @@ evalAtom av = do
pure $! atom
-- | Evaluate the crucible app and return a reference to the result.
crucibleValue :: C.App (CR.Atom s) ctp -> CrucGen arch ids s (CR.Atom s ctp)
crucibleValue :: C.App MacawExt (CR.Atom s) ctp -> CrucGen arch ids s (CR.Atom s ctp)
crucibleValue app = evalAtom (CR.EvalApp app)
-- | Evaluate the crucible app and return a reference to the result.
@ -212,7 +215,7 @@ v2c :: M.Value arch ids tp
v2c = valueToCrucible
-- | Evaluate the crucible app and return a reference to the result.
appAtom :: C.App (CR.Atom s) ctp -> CrucGen arch ids s (CR.Atom s ctp)
appAtom :: C.App MacawExt (CR.Atom s) ctp -> CrucGen arch ids s (CR.Atom s ctp)
appAtom app = evalAtom (CR.EvalApp app)
-- | Create a crucible value for a bitvector literal.
@ -394,19 +397,19 @@ freshSymbolic repr = do
callFnHandle hndl Ctx.empty
-- | Read the given memory address
readMem :: M.ArchAddrValue arch ids
-> M.MemRepr tp
-> CrucGen arch ids s (CR.Atom s (ToCrucibleType tp))
readMem addr repr = do
callReadMem :: M.ArchAddrValue arch ids
-> M.MemRepr tp
-> CrucGen arch ids s (CR.Atom s (ToCrucibleType tp))
callReadMem addr repr = do
hndl <- mkHandleVal (ReadMemId repr)
caddr <- valueToCrucible addr
callFnHandle hndl (Empty :> caddr)
writeMem :: M.ArchAddrValue arch ids
-> M.MemRepr tp
-> M.Value arch ids tp
-> CrucGen arch ids s ()
writeMem addr repr val = do
callWriteMem :: M.ArchAddrValue arch ids
-> M.MemRepr tp
-> M.Value arch ids tp
-> CrucGen arch ids s ()
callWriteMem addr repr val = do
hndl <- mkHandleVal (WriteMemId repr)
caddr <- valueToCrucible addr
cval <- valueToCrucible val
@ -418,8 +421,9 @@ assignRhsToCrucible rhs =
case rhs of
M.EvalApp app -> appToCrucible app
M.SetUndefined mrepr -> freshSymbolic mrepr
M.ReadMem addr repr -> readMem addr repr
M.CondReadMem repr c addr def -> undefined repr c addr def
M.ReadMem addr repr -> callReadMem addr repr
M.CondReadMem repr c addr def -> do
undefined repr c addr def
M.EvalArchFn f _ -> do
fns <- translateFns <$> get
crucGenArchFn fns f
@ -433,7 +437,7 @@ addMacawStmt stmt =
a <- assignRhsToCrucible (M.assignRhs asgn)
crucPStateLens . assignValueMapLens %= MapF.insert idx (MacawCrucibleValue a)
M.WriteMem addr repr val -> do
writeMem addr repr val
callWriteMem addr repr val
M.PlaceHolderStmt _vals msg -> do
cmsg <- crucibleValue (C.TextLit (Text.pack msg))
addTermStmt (CR.ErrorStmt cmsg)
@ -518,7 +522,7 @@ runCrucGen :: CrucGenArchFunctions arch
-- ^ Offset
-> CR.Label s
-> CrucGen arch ids s ()
-> MacawMonad arch ids s (CR.Block s (MacawFunctionResult arch), M.ArchAddrWord arch)
-> MacawMonad arch ids s (CR.Block MacawExt s (MacawFunctionResult arch), M.ArchAddrWord arch)
runCrucGen tfns ctx posFn off lbl action = do
ps <- get
let s0 = CrucGenState { translateFns = tfns
@ -546,7 +550,7 @@ addMacawBlock :: M.MemWidth (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)
-> (M.ArchAddrWord arch -> C.Position)
-- ^ Function for generating position from offset from start of this block.
-> M.Block arch ids
-> MacawMonad arch ids s (CR.Block s (MacawFunctionResult arch))
-> MacawMonad arch ids s (CR.Block MacawExt s (MacawFunctionResult arch))
addMacawBlock tfns ctx blockLabelMap posFn b = do
let idx = M.blockLabel b
lbl <-
@ -588,8 +592,8 @@ addStatementList :: M.MemWidth (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)
-> (M.ArchAddrWord arch -> C.Position)
-- ^ Function for generating position from offset from start of this block.
-> [(M.ArchAddrWord arch, M.StatementList arch ids)]
-> [CR.Block s (MacawFunctionResult arch)]
-> MacawMonad arch ids s [CR.Block s (MacawFunctionResult arch)]
-> [CR.Block MacawExt s (MacawFunctionResult arch)]
-> MacawMonad arch ids s [CR.Block MacawExt s (MacawFunctionResult arch)]
addStatementList _ _ _ _ _ [] rlist =
pure (reverse rlist)
addStatementList tfns ctx blockLabelMap addr posFn ((off,stmts):rest) r = do
@ -616,7 +620,7 @@ addParsedBlock :: forall arch ids s
-> (M.ArchSegmentOff arch -> C.Position)
-- ^ Function for generating position from offset from start of this block.
-> M.ParsedBlock arch ids
-> MacawMonad arch ids s [CR.Block s (MacawFunctionResult arch)]
-> MacawMonad arch ids s [CR.Block MacawExt s (MacawFunctionResult arch)]
addParsedBlock tfns ctx blockLabelMap posFn b = do
let base = M.pblockAddr b
let thisPosFn :: M.ArchAddrWord arch -> C.Position
Reference in New Issue
Block a user