Progress on macaw-symbolic and macaw-x86-symbolic.

This commit is contained in:
Joe Hendrix 2018-01-16 15:06:31 -08:00
parent eebc94cbe8
commit b7e06e64ee
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 8DFA5FF784098C4F
15 changed files with 557 additions and 333 deletions

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@ -885,20 +885,17 @@ mkFunState :: NonceGenerator (ST s) ids
-> ArchSegmentOff arch
-> FunState arch s ids
mkFunState gen s rsn addr = do
let info = archInfo s
let mem = memory s
let faddr = FoundAddr { foundReason = rsn
, foundAbstractState = mkInitialAbsState info mem addr
, foundAbstractState = mkInitialAbsState (archInfo s) (memory s) addr
let fs0 = FunState { funNonceGen = gen
, curFunAddr = addr
, _curFunCtx = s
, _curFunBlocks = Map.empty
, _foundAddrs = Map.singleton addr faddr
, _reverseEdges = Map.empty
, _frontier = Set.singleton addr
in FunState { funNonceGen = gen
, curFunAddr = addr
, _curFunCtx = s
, _curFunBlocks = Map.empty
, _foundAddrs = Map.singleton addr faddr
, _reverseEdges = Map.empty
, _frontier = Set.singleton addr
mkFunInfo :: FunState arch s ids -> DiscoveryFunInfo arch ids
mkFunInfo fs =
@ -929,7 +926,7 @@ analyzeFunction :: (ArchSegmentOff arch -> ST s ())
-> DiscoveryState arch
-- ^ The current binary information.
-> ST s (DiscoveryState arch, Some (DiscoveryFunInfo arch))
analyzeFunction logFn addr rsn s = do
analyzeFunction logFn addr rsn s =
case Map.lookup addr (s^.funInfo) of
Just finfo -> pure (s, finfo)
Nothing -> do

View File

@ -21,9 +21,6 @@ module Data.Macaw.Memory.ElfLoader
, LoadStyle(..)
, LoadOptions(..)
, memoryForElf
-- * High-level exports
, readElf
, loadExecutable
-- * Symbol resolution utilities
, resolveElfFuncSymbols
, ppElfUnresolvedSymbols
@ -39,10 +36,8 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.Either
import Data.ElfEdit
( SomeElf(..)
, ElfIntType
( ElfIntType
, ElfWordType
, ElfGetResult(..)
, Elf
, elfSections
@ -54,7 +49,6 @@ import Data.ElfEdit
, elfMachine
, ElfData(..)
, ElfParseError
, ElfSection
, ElfSectionIndex(..)
, elfSectionIndex
@ -81,10 +75,8 @@ import qualified Data.IntervalMap.Strict as IMap
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Parameterized.Some
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Numeric (showHex)
import System.IO
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen hiding ((<$>))
import Data.Macaw.Memory
@ -476,67 +468,35 @@ memoryForElf opt e =
LoadBySection -> memoryForElfSections e
LoadBySegment -> memoryForElfSegments e
-- | Pretty print parser errors to stderr.
ppErrors :: (Integral (ElfWordType w), Show (ElfWordType w))
=> FilePath
-> [ElfParseError w]
-> IO ()
ppErrors path errl = do
when (not (null errl)) $ do
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Non-fatal errors during parsing " ++ path
forM_ errl $ \e -> do
hPutStrLn stderr $ " " ++ show e
-- | This reads the elf file from the given path.
-- As a side effect it may print warnings for errors encountered during parsing
-- to stderr.
readElf :: FilePath -> IO (SomeElf Elf)
readElf path = do
bs <- BS.readFile path
case Elf.parseElf bs of
ElfHeaderError _ msg -> do
fail $ "Could not parse Elf header: " ++ msg
Elf32Res errl e -> do
ppErrors path errl
return (Elf32 e)
Elf64Res errl e -> do
ppErrors path errl
return (Elf64 e)
loadExecutable :: LoadOptions -> FilePath -> IO (Some Memory)
loadExecutable opt path = do
se <- readElf path
case se of
Elf64 e -> either fail (return . Some . snd) $ memoryForElf opt e
Elf32 e -> either fail (return . Some . snd) $ memoryForElf opt e
-- Elf symbol utilities
-- | Error when resolving symbols.
data SymbolResolutionError
= EmptySymbolName
= EmptySymbolName !Int !Elf.ElfSymbolType
-- ^ Symbol names must be non-empty
| CouldNotResolveAddr !BSC.ByteString
-- ^ Symbol address could not be resolved.
| MultipleSymbolTables
-- ^ The elf file contained multiple symbol tables
instance Show SymbolResolutionError where
show EmptySymbolName = "Found empty symbol name"
show (EmptySymbolName idx tp ) = "Symbol Num " ++ show idx ++ " " ++ show tp ++ " has an empty name."
show (CouldNotResolveAddr sym) = "Could not resolve address of " ++ BSC.unpack sym ++ "."
show MultipleSymbolTables = "Elf contains multiple symbol tables."
resolveEntry :: Memory w
-> SectionIndexMap w
-> ElfSymbolTableEntry (ElfWordType w)
-> (Int,ElfSymbolTableEntry (ElfWordType w))
-> Maybe (Either SymbolResolutionError
(BS.ByteString, MemSegmentOff w))
resolveEntry mem secMap ste
resolveEntry mem secMap (idx,ste)
-- Check this is a defined function symbol
| (Elf.steType ste `elem` [ Elf.STT_FUNC, Elf.STT_NOTYPE ]) == False = Nothing
-- Check symbol is defined
| Elf.steIndex ste == Elf.SHN_UNDEF = Nothing
-- Check symbol name is non-empty
| Elf.steName ste /= "" = Just (Left EmptySymbolName)
| Elf.steName ste == "" = Just $ Left $ EmptySymbolName idx (Elf.steType ste)
-- Lookup absolute symbol
| Elf.steIndex ste == Elf.SHN_ABS = reprConstraints (memAddrWidth mem) $ do
let val = Elf.steValue ste
@ -563,12 +523,17 @@ resolveElfFuncSymbols
:: forall w
. Memory w
-> SectionIndexMap w
-> [ElfSymbolTableEntry (ElfWordType w)]
-> Elf w
-> ( [SymbolResolutionError]
, [(BS.ByteString, MemSegmentOff w)]
resolveElfFuncSymbols mem secMap entries = reprConstraints (memAddrWidth mem) $
partitionEithers (mapMaybe (resolveEntry mem secMap) entries)
resolveElfFuncSymbols mem secMap e =
case Elf.elfSymtab e of
[] -> ([], [])
[tbl] ->
let entries = V.toList (Elf.elfSymbolTableEntries tbl)
in partitionEithers (mapMaybe (resolveEntry mem secMap) (zip [0..] entries))
_ -> ([MultipleSymbolTables], [])
ppElfUnresolvedSymbols :: forall w
. MemWidth w

View File

@ -10,8 +10,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Data.Macaw.Symbolic
( Data.Macaw.Symbolic.CrucGen.CrucGenArchFunctions(..)
( Data.Macaw.Symbolic.CrucGen.MacawSymbolicArchFunctions(..)
, Data.Macaw.Symbolic.CrucGen.CrucGen
, Data.Macaw.Symbolic.CrucGen.MemSegmentMap
, MacawSimulatorState
, freshVarsForRegs
, runCodeBlock
@ -20,6 +21,9 @@ module Data.Macaw.Symbolic
, mkFunCFG
, Data.Macaw.Symbolic.PersistentState.ArchRegContext
, Data.Macaw.Symbolic.PersistentState.ToCrucibleType
, Data.Macaw.Symbolic.PersistentState.macawAssignToCrucM
, Data.Macaw.Symbolic.CrucGen.ArchRegStruct
, Data.Macaw.Symbolic.CrucGen.MacawCrucibleRegTypes
) where
import Control.Lens ((^.))
@ -30,7 +34,6 @@ import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as MapF
import Data.Parameterized.TraversableFC
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Word
@ -103,32 +106,22 @@ mkMemBaseVarMap halloc mem = do
-- | Create a Crucible CFG from a list of blocks
mkCrucCFG :: forall s arch ids
. M.ArchConstraints arch
=> C.HandleAllocator s
-- ^ Handle allocator to make function handles
-> CrucGenArchFunctions arch
=> MacawSymbolicArchFunctions arch
-- ^ Crucible architecture-specific functions.
-> MemSegmentMap (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)
-- ^ Map from region indices to their address
-> C.HandleAllocator s
-- ^ Handle allocator to make function handles
-> C.FunctionName
-- ^ Name of function for pretty print purposes.
-> (CrucGenContext arch s
-> MacawMonad arch ids s [CR.Block (MacawExt arch) s (MacawFunctionResult arch)])
-> MacawMonad arch ids s [CR.Block (MacawExt arch) s (MacawFunctionResult arch)]
-- ^ Action to run
-> ST s (C.SomeCFG (MacawExt arch) (EmptyCtx ::> ArchRegStruct arch) (ArchRegStruct arch))
mkCrucCFG halloc archFns memBaseVarMap nm action = do
let regAssign = crucGenRegAssignment archFns
let crucRegTypes = typeCtxToCrucible (fmapFC M.typeRepr regAssign)
mkCrucCFG archFns halloc nm action = do
let crucRegTypes = crucArchRegTypes archFns
let macawStructRepr = C.StructRepr crucRegTypes
let argTypes = Empty :> macawStructRepr
h <- C.mkHandle' halloc nm argTypes macawStructRepr
let genCtx = CrucGenContext { archConstraints = \x -> x
, macawRegAssign = regAssign
, regIndexMap = mkRegIndexMap regAssign (Ctx.size crucRegTypes)
, handleAlloc = halloc
, memBaseAddrMap = memBaseVarMap
let ps0 = initCrucPersistentState 1
blockRes <- runMacawMonad ps0 (action genCtx)
blockRes <- runMacawMonad ps0 action
blks <-
case blockRes of
(Left err, _) -> fail err
@ -143,29 +136,30 @@ mkCrucCFG halloc archFns memBaseVarMap nm action = do
-- | Create a Crucible CFG from a list of blocks
addBlocksCFG :: forall s arch ids
. M.ArchConstraints arch
=> CrucGenArchFunctions arch
=> MacawSymbolicArchFunctions arch
-- ^ Crucible specific functions.
-> CrucGenContext arch s
-> (M.ArchAddrWord arch -> C.Position)
-- ^ Function that maps offsets from start of block to Crucible position.
-> MemSegmentMap (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)
-- ^ Base address map
-> (M.ArchAddrWord arch -> C.Position)
-- ^ Function that maps offsets from start of block to Crucible position.
-> [M.Block arch ids]
-- ^ List of blocks for this region.
-> MacawMonad arch ids s [CR.Block (MacawExt arch) s (MacawFunctionResult arch)]
addBlocksCFG archFns ctx posFn macawBlocks = do
addBlocksCFG archFns baseAddrMap posFn macawBlocks = do
-- Map block map to Crucible CFG
let blockLabelMap :: Map Word64 (CR.Label s)
blockLabelMap = Map.fromList [ (w, CR.Label (fromIntegral w))
| w <- M.blockLabel <$> macawBlocks ]
forM macawBlocks $ \b -> do
addMacawBlock archFns ctx blockLabelMap posFn b
addMacawBlock archFns baseAddrMap blockLabelMap posFn b
-- | Create a Crucible CFG from a list of blocks
mkBlocksCFG :: forall s arch ids
. M.ArchConstraints arch
=> C.HandleAllocator s
-- ^ Handle allocator to make the blocks
-> CrucGenArchFunctions arch
=> MacawSymbolicArchFunctions arch
-- ^ Crucible specific functions.
-> C.HandleAllocator s
-- ^ Handle allocator to make the blocks
-> MemSegmentMap (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)
-- ^ Map from region indices to their address
-> C.FunctionName
@ -175,18 +169,18 @@ mkBlocksCFG :: forall s arch ids
-> [M.Block arch ids]
-- ^ List of blocks for this region.
-> ST s (C.SomeCFG (MacawExt arch) (EmptyCtx ::> ArchRegStruct arch) (ArchRegStruct arch))
mkBlocksCFG halloc archFns memBaseVarMap nm posFn macawBlocks = do
mkCrucCFG halloc archFns memBaseVarMap nm $ \ctx -> do
addBlocksCFG archFns ctx posFn macawBlocks
mkBlocksCFG archFns halloc memBaseVarMap nm posFn macawBlocks = do
mkCrucCFG archFns halloc nm $ do
addBlocksCFG archFns memBaseVarMap posFn macawBlocks
type FunBlockMap arch s = Map (M.ArchSegmentOff arch, Word64) (CR.Label s)
mkFunCFG :: forall s arch ids
. M.ArchConstraints arch
=> C.HandleAllocator s
=> MacawSymbolicArchFunctions arch
-- ^ Architecture specific functions.
-> C.HandleAllocator s
-- ^ Handle allocator to make the blocks
-> CrucGenArchFunctions arch
-- ^ Crucible specific functions.
-> MemSegmentMap (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)
-- ^ Map from region indices to their address
-> C.FunctionName
@ -196,8 +190,8 @@ mkFunCFG :: forall s arch ids
-> M.DiscoveryFunInfo arch ids
-- ^ List of blocks for this region.
-> ST s (C.SomeCFG (MacawExt arch) (EmptyCtx ::> ArchRegStruct arch) (ArchRegStruct arch))
mkFunCFG halloc archFns memBaseVarMap nm posFn fn = do
mkCrucCFG halloc archFns memBaseVarMap nm $ \ctx -> do
mkFunCFG archFns halloc memBaseVarMap nm posFn fn = do
mkCrucCFG archFns halloc nm $ do
let insSentences :: M.ArchSegmentOff arch
-> (FunBlockMap arch s,Int)
-> [M.StatementList arch ids]
@ -211,9 +205,14 @@ mkFunCFG halloc archFns memBaseVarMap nm posFn fn = do
insBlock m b = insSentences (M.pblockAddr b) m [M.blockStatementList b]
let blockLabelMap :: FunBlockMap arch s
blockLabelMap = fst $ foldl' insBlock (Map.empty,0) (Map.elems (fn^.M.parsedBlocks))
let regReg = CR.Reg { CR.regPosition = posFn (M.discoveredFunAddr fn)
, CR.regId = 0
, CR.typeOfReg = C.StructRepr (crucArchRegTypes archFns)
fmap concat $
forM (Map.elems (fn^.M.parsedBlocks)) $ \b -> do
addParsedBlock archFns ctx blockLabelMap posFn b
-- TODO: Initialize regReg
addParsedBlock archFns memBaseVarMap blockLabelMap posFn regReg b
macawExecApp :: sym
-> (forall utp . f utp -> IO (C.RegValue sym utp))
@ -227,8 +226,10 @@ macawExecStmt :: C.CrucibleState MacawSimulatorState sym (MacawExt arch) rtp blo
macawExecStmt _st s0 =
case s0 of
MacawReadMem{} -> undefined
MacawCondReadMem{} -> undefined
MacawWriteMem{} -> undefined
MacawFreshSymbolic{} -> undefined
MacawCall{} -> undefined
-- | Return macaw extension evaluation functions.
macawExtensions :: sym -> C.ExtensionImpl MacawSimulatorState sym (MacawExt arch)
@ -241,10 +242,10 @@ macawExtensions sym =
runCodeBlock :: forall sym arch blocks
. (IsSymInterface sym, M.ArchConstraints arch)
=> sym
-> CrucGenArchFunctions arch
-> MacawSymbolicArchFunctions arch
-> C.HandleAllocator RealWorld
-> C.CFG (MacawExt arch) blocks (EmptyCtx ::> ArchRegStruct arch) (ArchRegStruct arch)
-> Ctx.Assignment (C.RegValue' sym) (ArchCrucibleRegTypes arch)
-> Ctx.Assignment (C.RegValue' sym) (MacawCrucibleRegTypes arch)
-- ^ Register assignment
-> IO (C.ExecResult
@ -252,8 +253,7 @@ runCodeBlock :: forall sym arch blocks
(MacawExt arch)
(C.RegEntry sym (ArchRegStruct arch)))
runCodeBlock sym archFns halloc g regStruct = do
let regAssign = crucGenRegAssignment archFns
let crucRegTypes = typeCtxToCrucible (fmapFC M.typeRepr regAssign)
let crucRegTypes = crucArchRegTypes archFns
let macawStructRepr = C.StructRepr crucRegTypes
-- Run the symbolic simulator.
cfg <- C.initialConfig 0 []
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ runCodeBlock sym archFns halloc g regStruct = do
runBlocks :: forall sym arch ids
. (IsSymInterface sym, M.ArchConstraints arch)
=> sym
-> CrucGenArchFunctions arch
-> MacawSymbolicArchFunctions arch
-- ^ Crucible specific functions.
-> M.Memory (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)
-- ^ Memory image for executable
@ -301,6 +301,6 @@ runBlocks :: forall sym arch ids
runBlocks sym archFns mem nm posFn macawBlocks regStruct = do
halloc <- C.newHandleAllocator
memBaseVarMap <- stToIO $ mkMemBaseVarMap halloc mem
C.SomeCFG g <- stToIO $ mkBlocksCFG halloc archFns memBaseVarMap nm posFn macawBlocks
C.SomeCFG g <- stToIO $ mkBlocksCFG archFns halloc memBaseVarMap nm posFn macawBlocks
-- Run the symbolic simulator.
runCodeBlock sym archFns halloc g regStruct

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@ -19,9 +19,15 @@ This defines the core operations for mapping from Reopt to Crucible.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Data.Macaw.Symbolic.CrucGen
( CrucGenArchFunctions(..)
( MacawSymbolicArchFunctions(..)
, crucArchRegTypes
, MacawExt
, MacawStmtExtension(..)
, MacawFunctionArgs
, MacawFunctionResult
, ArchAddrCrucibleType
, MacawCrucibleRegTypes
, ArchRegStruct
-- ** Operations for implementing new backends.
, CrucGen
, MacawMonad
@ -29,6 +35,7 @@ module Data.Macaw.Symbolic.CrucGen
, addMacawBlock
, addParsedBlock
, nextStatements
, MemSegmentMap
) where
import Control.Lens hiding (Empty, (:>))
@ -43,6 +50,7 @@ import qualified Data.Macaw.Memory as M
import qualified Data.Macaw.Types as M
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
import Data.Parameterized.Map (MapF)
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as MapF
@ -61,13 +69,24 @@ import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen hiding ((<$>))
import Data.Macaw.Symbolic.PersistentState
-- | List of crucible types for architecture.
type MacawCrucibleRegTypes (arch :: *) = CtxToCrucibleType (ArchRegContext arch)
type ArchRegStruct (arch :: *) = C.StructType (MacawCrucibleRegTypes arch)
type ArchAddrCrucibleType arch = C.BVType (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)
type MacawFunctionArgs arch = EmptyCtx ::> ArchRegStruct arch
type MacawFunctionResult arch = ArchRegStruct arch
-- CrucPersistentState
-- | Architecture-specific information needed to translate from Macaw to Crucible
data CrucGenArchFunctions arch
= CrucGenArchFunctions
{ crucGenArchConstraints :: !(forall a . (M.MemWidth (M.ArchAddrWidth arch) => a) -> a)
data MacawSymbolicArchFunctions arch
= MacawSymbolicArchFunctions
{ crucGenArchConstraints :: !(forall a . (M.RegisterInfo (M.ArchReg arch) => a) -> a)
, crucGenRegAssignment :: !(Ctx.Assignment (M.ArchReg arch) (ArchRegContext arch))
-- ^ Map from indices in the ArchRegContext to the associated register.
, crucGenArchRegName :: !(forall tp . M.ArchReg arch tp -> C.SolverSymbol)
@ -86,6 +105,13 @@ data CrucGenArchFunctions arch
-- ^ Generate crucible for architecture-specific terminal statement.
-- | Return types of registers in Crucible
crucArchRegTypes :: MacawSymbolicArchFunctions arch
-> Assignment C.TypeRepr (CtxToCrucibleType (ArchRegContext arch))
crucArchRegTypes archFns = crucGenArchConstraints archFns $
typeCtxToCrucible (fmapFC M.typeRepr regAssign)
where regAssign = crucGenRegAssignment archFns
-- MacawStmtExtension
@ -93,12 +119,22 @@ data MacawStmtExtension (arch :: *) (f :: C.CrucibleType -> *) (tp :: C.Crucible
MacawReadMem :: !(M.MemRepr tp)
-> !(f (ArchAddrCrucibleType arch))
-> MacawStmtExtension arch f (ToCrucibleType tp)
MacawCondReadMem :: !(M.MemRepr tp)
-> !(f C.BoolType)
-> !(f (ArchAddrCrucibleType arch))
-> !(f (ToCrucibleType tp))
-> MacawStmtExtension arch f (ToCrucibleType tp)
MacawWriteMem :: !(M.MemRepr tp)
-> !(f (ArchAddrCrucibleType arch))
-> !(f (ToCrucibleType tp))
-> MacawStmtExtension arch f C.UnitType
MacawFreshSymbolic :: !(M.TypeRepr tp)
-> MacawStmtExtension arch f (ToCrucibleType tp)
MacawCall :: !(Assignment C.TypeRepr (CtxToCrucibleType (ArchRegContext arch)))
-- ^ Types of fields in register struct
-> !(f (ArchRegStruct arch))
-- ^ Arguments to call.
-> MacawStmtExtension arch f (ArchRegStruct arch)
instance FunctorFC (MacawStmtExtension arch) where
fmapFC = fmapFCDefault
@ -110,8 +146,10 @@ instance TraversableFC (MacawStmtExtension arch) where
traverseFC f a0 =
case a0 of
MacawReadMem r a -> MacawReadMem r <$> f a
MacawCondReadMem r c a d -> MacawCondReadMem r <$> f c <*> f a <*> f d
MacawWriteMem r a v -> MacawWriteMem r <$> f a <*> f v
MacawFreshSymbolic r -> pure (MacawFreshSymbolic r)
MacawCall regTypes regs -> MacawCall regTypes <$> f regs
sexpr :: String -> [Doc] -> Doc
sexpr s [] = text s
@ -120,14 +158,18 @@ sexpr s l = parens (text s <+> hsep l)
instance C.PrettyApp (MacawStmtExtension arch) where
ppApp f a0 =
case a0 of
MacawReadMem r a -> sexpr "macawReadMem" [pretty r, f a]
MacawWriteMem r a v -> sexpr "macawWriteMem" [pretty r, f a, f v]
MacawReadMem r a -> sexpr "macawReadMem" [pretty r, f a]
MacawCondReadMem r c a d -> sexpr "macawCondReadMem" [pretty r, f c, f a, f d ]
MacawWriteMem r a v -> sexpr "macawWriteMem" [pretty r, f a, f v]
MacawFreshSymbolic r -> sexpr "macawFreshSymbolic" [ text (show r) ]
MacawCall _ regs -> sexpr "macawCall" [ f regs ]
instance C.TypeApp (MacawStmtExtension arch) where
appType (MacawReadMem r _) = memReprToCrucible r
appType (MacawCondReadMem r _ _ _) = memReprToCrucible r
appType (MacawWriteMem _ _ _) = C.knownRepr
appType (MacawFreshSymbolic r) = typeToCrucible r
appType (MacawCall regTypes _) = C.StructRepr regTypes
-- MacawExt
@ -139,20 +181,32 @@ type instance C.StmtExtension (MacawExt arch) = MacawStmtExtension arch
instance C.IsSyntaxExtension (MacawExt arch)
-- | Map from indices of segments without a fixed base address to a
-- global variable storing the base address.
-- This uses a global variable so that we can do the translation, and then
-- decide where to locate it without requiring us to also pass the values
-- around arguments.
type MemSegmentMap w = Map M.RegionIndex (CR.GlobalVar (C.BVType w))
-- | State used for generating blocks
data CrucGenState arch ids s
= CrucGenState
{ translateFns :: !(CrucGenArchFunctions arch)
, crucCtx :: !(CrucGenContext arch s)
, crucPState :: !(CrucPersistentState ids s)
{ translateFns :: !(MacawSymbolicArchFunctions arch)
, crucMemBaseAddrMap :: !(MemSegmentMap (M.ArchAddrWidth arch))
-- ^ Map from memory region to base address
, crucRegIndexMap :: !(RegIndexMap arch)
-- ^ Map from architecture register to Crucible/Macaw index pair.
, crucPState :: !(CrucPersistentState ids s)
-- ^ State that persists across blocks.
, crucRegisterReg :: !(CR.Reg s (ArchRegStruct arch))
, macawPositionFn :: !(M.ArchAddrWord arch -> C.Position)
-- ^ Map from offset to Crucible position.
, blockLabel :: (CR.Label s)
-- ^ Label for this block we are translating
, codeOff :: !(M.ArchAddrWord arch)
, codeOff :: !(M.ArchAddrWord arch)
-- ^ Offset
, prevStmts :: ![C.Posd (CR.Stmt (MacawExt arch) s)]
, prevStmts :: ![C.Posd (CR.Stmt (MacawExt arch) s)]
-- ^ List of states in reverse order
@ -190,9 +244,6 @@ instance MonadState (CrucGenState arch ids s) (CrucGen arch ids s) where
get = CrucGen $ \s cont -> cont s s
put s = CrucGen $ \_ cont -> cont s ()
getCtx :: CrucGen arch ids s (CrucGenContext arch s)
getCtx = gets crucCtx
-- | Get current position
getPos :: CrucGen arch ids s C.Position
getPos = gets $ \s -> macawPositionFn s (codeOff s)
@ -244,21 +295,20 @@ evalAtom av = do
crucibleValue :: C.App (MacawExt arch) (CR.Atom s) ctp -> CrucGen arch ids s (CR.Atom s ctp)
crucibleValue app = evalAtom (CR.EvalApp app)
-- | Evaluate the crucible app and return a reference to the result.
getRegInput :: Ctx.Assignment (M.ArchReg arch) (ArchRegContext arch)
-> IndexPair (ArchRegContext arch) tp
-- | Return the value associated with the given register
getRegValue :: M.ArchReg arch tp
-> CrucGen arch ids s (CR.Atom s (ToCrucibleType tp))
getRegInput regAssign idx = do
ctx <- getCtx
archConstraints ctx $ do
-- Make atom
let regStruct = CR.Atom { CR.atomPosition = C.InternalPos
, CR.atomId = 0
, CR.atomSource = CR.FnInput
, CR.typeOfAtom = regStructRepr ctx
let tp = M.typeRepr (regAssign Ctx.! macawIndex idx)
crucibleValue (C.GetStruct regStruct (crucibleIndex idx) (typeToCrucible tp))
getRegValue r = do
archFns <- gets translateFns
idxMap <- gets crucRegIndexMap
crucGenArchConstraints archFns $ do
case MapF.lookup r idxMap of
Nothing -> fail $ "internal: Register is not bound."
Just idx -> do
reg <- gets crucRegisterReg
regStruct <- evalAtom (CR.ReadReg reg)
let tp = M.typeRepr (crucGenRegAssignment archFns Ctx.! macawIndex idx)
crucibleValue (C.GetStruct regStruct (crucibleIndex idx) (typeToCrucible tp))
v2c :: M.Value arch ids tp
-> CrucGen arch ids s (CR.Atom s (ToCrucibleType tp))
@ -304,8 +354,8 @@ bvAdc w x y c = do
appToCrucible :: M.App (M.Value arch ids) tp
-> CrucGen arch ids s (CR.Atom s (ToCrucibleType tp))
appToCrucible app = do
ctx <- getCtx
archConstraints ctx $ do
archFns <- gets translateFns
crucGenArchConstraints archFns $ do
case app of
M.Eq x y -> do
let btp = typeToCrucibleBase (M.typeRepr x)
@ -383,18 +433,18 @@ appToCrucible app = do
valueToCrucible :: M.Value arch ids tp
-> CrucGen arch ids s (CR.Atom s (ToCrucibleType tp))
valueToCrucible v = do
ctx <- getCtx
archConstraints ctx $ do
case v of
archFns <- gets translateFns
crucGenArchConstraints archFns $ do
case v of
M.BVValue w c -> bvLit w c
M.BoolValue b -> crucibleValue (C.BoolLit b)
-- In this case,
M.RelocatableValue w addr
| M.addrBase addr == 0 ->
crucibleValue (C.BVLit w (toInteger (M.addrOffset addr)))
| M.addrBase addr == 0 -> do
crucibleValue (C.BVLit w (toInteger (M.addrOffset addr)))
| otherwise -> do
let idx = M.addrBase addr
segMap <- memBaseAddrMap <$> getCtx
segMap <- gets crucMemBaseAddrMap
case Map.lookup idx segMap of
Just g -> do
a <- evalAtom (CR.ReadGlobal g)
@ -403,10 +453,7 @@ valueToCrucible v = do
Nothing ->
fail $ "internal: No Crucible address associated with segment."
M.Initial r -> do
case MapF.lookup r (regIndexMap ctx) of
Just idx -> do
getRegInput (macawRegAssign ctx) idx
Nothing -> fail $ "internal: Register is not bound."
getRegValue r
M.AssignedValue asgn -> do
let idx = M.assignId asgn
amap <- use $ crucPStateLens . assignValueMapLens
@ -422,33 +469,20 @@ freshSymbolic repr = evalMacawStmt (MacawFreshSymbolic repr)
evalMacawStmt :: MacawStmtExtension arch (CR.Atom s) tp -> CrucGen arch ids s (CR.Atom s tp)
evalMacawStmt s = evalAtom (CR.EvalExt s)
-- | Read the given memory address
callReadMem :: M.ArchAddrValue arch ids
-> M.MemRepr tp
-> CrucGen arch ids s (CR.Atom s (ToCrucibleType tp))
callReadMem addr repr = do
caddr <- valueToCrucible addr
evalMacawStmt (MacawReadMem repr caddr)
callWriteMem :: M.ArchAddrValue arch ids
-> M.MemRepr tp
-> M.Value arch ids tp
-> CrucGen arch ids s ()
callWriteMem addr repr val = do
caddr <- valueToCrucible addr
cval <- valueToCrucible val
_ <- evalMacawStmt (MacawWriteMem repr caddr cval)
pure ()
assignRhsToCrucible :: M.AssignRhs arch (M.Value arch ids) tp
-> CrucGen arch ids s (CR.Atom s (ToCrucibleType tp))
assignRhsToCrucible rhs =
case rhs of
M.EvalApp app -> appToCrucible app
M.SetUndefined mrepr -> freshSymbolic mrepr
M.ReadMem addr repr -> callReadMem addr repr
M.CondReadMem repr c addr def -> do
undefined repr c addr def
M.ReadMem addr repr -> do
caddr <- valueToCrucible addr
evalMacawStmt (MacawReadMem repr caddr)
M.CondReadMem repr cond addr def -> do
ccond <- valueToCrucible cond
caddr <- valueToCrucible addr
cdef <- valueToCrucible def
evalMacawStmt (MacawCondReadMem repr ccond caddr cdef)
M.EvalArchFn f _ -> do
fns <- translateFns <$> get
crucGenArchFn fns f
@ -462,7 +496,9 @@ addMacawStmt stmt =
a <- assignRhsToCrucible (M.assignRhs asgn)
crucPStateLens . assignValueMapLens %= MapF.insert idx (MacawCrucibleValue a)
M.WriteMem addr repr val -> do
callWriteMem addr repr val
caddr <- valueToCrucible addr
cval <- valueToCrucible val
void $ evalMacawStmt (MacawWriteMem repr caddr cval)
M.PlaceHolderStmt _vals msg -> do
cmsg <- crucibleValue (C.TextLit (Text.pack msg))
addTermStmt (CR.ErrorStmt cmsg)
@ -490,9 +526,9 @@ createRegStruct :: forall arch ids s
. M.RegState (M.ArchReg arch) (M.Value arch ids)
-> CrucGen arch ids s (CR.Atom s (ArchRegStruct arch))
createRegStruct regs = do
ctx <- getCtx
archConstraints ctx $ do
let regAssign = macawRegAssign ctx
archFns <- gets translateFns
crucGenArchConstraints archFns $ do
let regAssign = crucGenRegAssignment archFns
let tps = fmapFC M.typeRepr regAssign
let a = fmapFC (\r -> regs ^. M.boundValue r) regAssign
fields <- macawAssignToCrucM valueToCrucible a
@ -539,20 +575,29 @@ runMacawMonad s (MacawMonad m) = runStateT (runExceptT m) s
mmExecST :: ST s a -> MacawMonad arch ids s a
mmExecST = MacawMonad . lift . lift
runCrucGen :: CrucGenArchFunctions arch
-> CrucGenContext arch s
runCrucGen :: forall arch ids s
. MacawSymbolicArchFunctions arch
-> MemSegmentMap (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)
-- ^ Base address map
-> (M.ArchAddrWord arch -> C.Position)
-- ^ Function for generating position from offset from start of this block.
-> M.ArchAddrWord arch
-- ^ Offset
-- ^ Offset of this block
-> CR.Label s
-- ^ Label for this block
-> CR.Reg s (ArchRegStruct arch)
-- ^ Crucible register for struct containing all Macaw registers.
-> CrucGen arch ids s ()
-> MacawMonad arch ids s (CR.Block (MacawExt arch) s (MacawFunctionResult arch), M.ArchAddrWord arch)
runCrucGen tfns ctx posFn off lbl action = do
runCrucGen archFns baseAddrMap posFn off lbl regReg action = crucGenArchConstraints archFns $ do
ps <- get
let s0 = CrucGenState { translateFns = tfns
, crucCtx = ctx
let regAssign = crucGenRegAssignment archFns
let crucRegTypes = crucArchRegTypes archFns
let s0 = CrucGenState { translateFns = archFns
, crucMemBaseAddrMap = baseAddrMap
, crucRegIndexMap = mkRegIndexMap regAssign (Ctx.size crucRegTypes)
, crucPState = ps
, crucRegisterReg = regReg
, macawPositionFn = posFn
, blockLabel = lbl
, codeOff = off
@ -561,22 +606,23 @@ runCrucGen tfns ctx posFn off lbl action = do
let cont _s () = fail "Unterminated crucible block"
(s, tstmt) <- mmExecST $ unCrucGen action s0 cont
put (crucPState s)
let termPos = macawPositionFn s (codeOff s)
let termPos = posFn (codeOff s)
let stmts = Seq.fromList (reverse (prevStmts s))
let term = C.Posd termPos tstmt
let blk = CR.mkBlock (CR.LabelID lbl) Set.empty stmts term
pure (blk, codeOff s)
addMacawBlock :: M.MemWidth (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)
=> CrucGenArchFunctions arch
-> CrucGenContext arch s
=> MacawSymbolicArchFunctions arch
-> MemSegmentMap (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)
-- ^ Base address map
-> Map Word64 (CR.Label s)
-- ^ Map from block index to Crucible label
-> (M.ArchAddrWord arch -> C.Position)
-- ^ Function for generating position from offset from start of this block.
-> M.Block arch ids
-> MacawMonad arch ids s (CR.Block (MacawExt arch) s (MacawFunctionResult arch))
addMacawBlock tfns ctx blockLabelMap posFn b = do
addMacawBlock archFns baseAddrMap blockLabelMap posFn b = do
let idx = M.blockLabel b
lbl <-
case Map.lookup idx blockLabelMap of
@ -584,19 +630,59 @@ addMacawBlock tfns ctx blockLabelMap posFn b = do
pure lbl
Nothing ->
throwError $ "Internal: Could not find block with index " ++ show idx
fmap fst $ runCrucGen tfns ctx posFn 0 lbl $ do
let archRegStructRepr = C.StructRepr (crucArchRegTypes archFns)
let regReg = CR.Reg { CR.regPosition = posFn 0
, CR.regId = 0
, CR.typeOfReg = archRegStructRepr
let regStruct = CR.Atom { CR.atomPosition = C.InternalPos
, CR.atomId = 0
, CR.atomSource = CR.FnInput
, CR.typeOfAtom = archRegStructRepr
fmap fst $ runCrucGen archFns baseAddrMap posFn 0 lbl regReg $ do
addStmt $ CR.SetReg regReg regStruct
mapM_ addMacawStmt (M.blockStmts b)
addMacawTermStmt blockLabelMap (M.blockTerm b)
addMacawParsedTermStmt :: M.ParsedTermStmt arch ids
parsedBlockLabel :: (Ord addr, Show addr)
=> Map (addr, Word64) (CR.Label s)
-- ^ Map from block addresses to starting label
-> addr
-> Word64
-> CR.Label s
parsedBlockLabel blockLabelMap addr idx =
fromMaybe (error $ "Could not find entry point: " ++ show addr) $
Map.lookup (addr, idx) blockLabelMap
addMacawParsedTermStmt :: Map (M.ArchSegmentOff arch, Word64) (CR.Label s)
-- ^ Map from block addresses to starting label
-> M.ArchSegmentOff arch
-- ^ Address of this block
-> M.ParsedTermStmt arch ids
-> CrucGen arch ids s ()
addMacawParsedTermStmt tstmt =
addMacawParsedTermStmt blockLabelMap thisAddr tstmt = do
archFns <- translateFns <$> get
crucGenArchConstraints archFns $ do
case tstmt of
M.ParsedCall{} -> undefined
M.ParsedCall regs mret -> do
curRegs <- createRegStruct regs
newRegs <- evalMacawStmt (MacawCall (crucArchRegTypes archFns) curRegs)
case mret of
Just nextAddr -> do
regReg <- gets crucRegisterReg
addStmt $ CR.SetReg regReg newRegs
addTermStmt $ CR.Jump (parsedBlockLabel blockLabelMap nextAddr 0)
Nothing ->
addTermStmt $ CR.Return newRegs
M.ParsedJump{} -> undefined
M.ParsedLookupTable{} -> undefined
M.ParsedReturn{} -> undefined
M.ParsedIte{} -> undefined
M.ParsedIte c t f -> do
crucCond <- valueToCrucible c
let tlbl = parsedBlockLabel blockLabelMap thisAddr (M.stmtsIdent t)
let flbl = parsedBlockLabel blockLabelMap thisAddr (M.stmtsIdent f)
addTermStmt $! CR.Br crucCond tlbl flbl
M.ParsedArchTermStmt{} -> undefined
M.ParsedTranslateError{} -> undefined
M.ClassifyFailure{} -> undefined
@ -608,47 +694,53 @@ nextStatements tstmt =
_ -> []
addStatementList :: M.MemWidth (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)
=> CrucGenArchFunctions arch
-> CrucGenContext arch s
=> MacawSymbolicArchFunctions arch
-> MemSegmentMap (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)
-- ^ Base address map
-> Map (M.ArchSegmentOff arch, Word64) (CR.Label s)
-- ^ Map from block index to Crucible label
-> M.ArchSegmentOff arch
-- ^ Address of statements
-- ^ Address of block that starts statements
-> (M.ArchAddrWord arch -> C.Position)
-- ^ Function for generating position from offset from start of this block.
-> CR.Reg s (ArchRegStruct arch)
-- ^ Register that stores Macaw registers
-> [(M.ArchAddrWord arch, M.StatementList arch ids)]
-> [CR.Block (MacawExt arch) s (MacawFunctionResult arch)]
-> MacawMonad arch ids s [CR.Block (MacawExt arch) s (MacawFunctionResult arch)]
addStatementList _ _ _ _ _ [] rlist =
addStatementList _ _ _ _ _ _ [] rlist =
pure (reverse rlist)
addStatementList tfns ctx blockLabelMap addr posFn ((off,stmts):rest) r = do
addStatementList archFns baseAddrMap blockLabelMap startAddr posFn regReg ((off,stmts):rest) r = do
let idx = M.stmtsIdent stmts
lbl <-
case Map.lookup (addr, idx) blockLabelMap of
case Map.lookup (startAddr, idx) blockLabelMap of
Just lbl ->
pure lbl
Nothing ->
throwError $ "Internal: Could not find block with address " ++ show addr ++ " index " ++ show idx
throwError $ "Internal: Could not find block with address " ++ show startAddr ++ " index " ++ show idx
(b,off') <-
runCrucGen tfns ctx posFn off lbl $ do
runCrucGen archFns baseAddrMap posFn off lbl regReg $ do
mapM_ addMacawStmt (M.stmtsNonterm stmts)
addMacawParsedTermStmt (M.stmtsTerm stmts)
addMacawParsedTermStmt blockLabelMap startAddr (M.stmtsTerm stmts)
let new = (off',) <$> nextStatements (M.stmtsTerm stmts)
addStatementList tfns ctx blockLabelMap addr posFn (new ++ rest) (b:r)
addStatementList archFns baseAddrMap blockLabelMap startAddr posFn regReg (new ++ rest) (b:r)
addParsedBlock :: forall arch ids s
. M.MemWidth (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)
=> CrucGenArchFunctions arch
-> CrucGenContext arch s
=> MacawSymbolicArchFunctions arch
-> MemSegmentMap (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)
-- ^ Base address map
-> Map (M.ArchSegmentOff arch, Word64) (CR.Label s)
-- ^ Map from block index to Crucible label
-> (M.ArchSegmentOff arch -> C.Position)
-- ^ Function for generating position from offset from start of this block.
-> CR.Reg s (ArchRegStruct arch)
-- ^ Register that stores Macaw registers
-> M.ParsedBlock arch ids
-> MacawMonad arch ids s [CR.Block (MacawExt arch) s (MacawFunctionResult arch)]
addParsedBlock tfns ctx blockLabelMap posFn b = do
addParsedBlock tfns baseAddrMap blockLabelMap posFn regReg b = do
let base = M.pblockAddr b
let thisPosFn :: M.ArchAddrWord arch -> C.Position
thisPosFn off = posFn r
where Just r = M.incSegmentOff base (toInteger off)
addStatementList tfns ctx blockLabelMap (M.pblockAddr b) thisPosFn [(0, M.blockStatementList b)] []
addStatementList tfns baseAddrMap blockLabelMap (M.pblockAddr b) thisPosFn regReg [(0, M.blockStatementList b)] []

View File

@ -23,23 +23,13 @@ module Data.Macaw.Symbolic.PersistentState
-- * Types
, ToCrucibleBaseType
, ToCrucibleType
, ArchAddrCrucibleType
, CtxToCrucibleType
, ArchRegContext
, ArchCrucibleRegTypes
, ArchRegStruct
, MacawFunctionArgs
, MacawFunctionResult
, typeToCrucibleBase
, typeToCrucible
, typeCtxToCrucible
, regStructRepr
, macawAssignToCrucM
, memReprToCrucible
-- * CrucGenContext
, CrucGenContext(..)
, archWidthRepr
, MemSegmentMap
-- * Register index map
, RegIndexMap
, mkRegIndexMap
@ -49,19 +39,14 @@ module Data.Macaw.Symbolic.PersistentState
) where
import qualified Data.Macaw.CFG as M
import qualified Data.Macaw.Memory as M
import qualified Data.Macaw.Types as M
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Parameterized.Classes
import Data.Parameterized.Context
import qualified Data.Parameterized.List as P
import Data.Parameterized.Map (MapF)
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as MapF
import Data.Parameterized.TraversableF
import Data.Parameterized.TraversableFC
import qualified Lang.Crucible.CFG.Common as C
import qualified Lang.Crucible.CFG.Reg as CR
import qualified Lang.Crucible.FunctionHandle as C
import qualified Lang.Crucible.Types as C
@ -105,18 +90,6 @@ macawAssignToCrucM f a =
Empty -> pure empty
b :> x -> (:>) <$> macawAssignToCrucM f b <*> f x
-- | Type family for arm registers
type family ArchRegContext (arch :: *) :: Ctx M.Type
-- | List of crucible types for architecture.
type ArchCrucibleRegTypes (arch :: *) = CtxToCrucibleType (ArchRegContext arch)
type ArchRegStruct (arch :: *) = C.StructType (ArchCrucibleRegTypes arch)
type MacawFunctionArgs arch = EmptyCtx ::> ArchRegStruct arch
type MacawFunctionResult arch = ArchRegStruct arch
type ArchAddrCrucibleType arch = C.BVType (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)
typeToCrucibleBase :: M.TypeRepr tp -> C.BaseTypeRepr (ToCrucibleBaseType tp)
typeToCrucibleBase tp =
case tp of
@ -142,6 +115,9 @@ memReprToCrucible = typeToCrucible . M.typeRepr
-- RegIndexMap
-- | Type family for architecture registers
type family ArchRegContext (arch :: *) :: Ctx M.Type
-- | This relates an index from macaw to Crucible.
data IndexPair ctx tp = IndexPair { macawIndex :: !(Index ctx tp)
, crucibleIndex :: !(Index (CtxToCrucibleType ctx) (ToCrucibleType tp))
@ -166,61 +142,6 @@ mkRegIndexMap (a :> r) csz =
idx = IndexPair (nextIndex (size a)) (nextIndex csz0)
in MapF.insert r idx m
-- CrucGenContext
type ArchConstraints arch
= ( M.MemWidth (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)
, OrdF (M.ArchReg arch)
, M.HasRepr (M.ArchReg arch) M.TypeRepr
-- | Map from indices of segments without a fixed base address to a
-- global variable storing the base address.
-- This uses a global variable so that we can do the translation, and then
-- decide where to locate it without requiring us to also pass the values
-- around arguments.
type MemSegmentMap w = Map M.RegionIndex (C.GlobalVar (C.BVType w))
--- | Information that does not change during generating Crucible from MAcaw
data CrucGenContext arch s
= CrucGenContext
{ archConstraints :: !(forall a . (ArchConstraints arch => a) -> a)
-- ^ Typeclass constraints for architecture
, macawRegAssign :: !(Assignment (M.ArchReg arch) (ArchRegContext arch))
-- ^ Assignment from register index to the register identifier.
, regIndexMap :: !(RegIndexMap arch)
-- ^ Map from register identifier to the index in Macaw/Crucible.
, handleAlloc :: !(C.HandleAllocator s)
-- ^ Handle allocator
, memBaseAddrMap :: !(MemSegmentMap (M.ArchAddrWidth arch))
-- ^ Map from indices of segments without a fixed base address to a global
-- variable storing the base address.
archWidthRepr :: forall arch s . CrucGenContext arch s -> M.AddrWidthRepr (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)
archWidthRepr ctx = archConstraints ctx $ M.addrWidthRepr (archWidthRepr ctx)
regStructRepr :: CrucGenContext arch s -> C.TypeRepr (ArchRegStruct arch)
regStructRepr ctx = archConstraints ctx $
C.StructRepr (typeCtxToCrucible (fmapFC M.typeRepr (macawRegAssign ctx)))
typeName :: M.TypeRepr tp -> String
typeName M.BoolTypeRepr = "Bool"
typeName (M.BVTypeRepr w) = "BV" ++ show w
typeName (M.TupleTypeRepr ctx) = "(" ++ intercalate "," (toListFC typeName ctx) ++ ")"
endName :: M.Endianness -> String
endName M.LittleEndian = "le"
endName M.BigEndian = "be"
widthTypeRepr :: M.AddrWidthRepr w -> C.TypeRepr (C.BVType w)
widthTypeRepr M.Addr32 = C.knownRepr
widthTypeRepr M.Addr64 = C.knownRepr
-- Misc types

View File

@ -277,14 +277,15 @@ disassembleBlock mem nonce_gen loc max_size = do
-- | The abstract state for a function begining at a given address.
initialX86AbsState :: MemSegmentOff 64 -> AbsBlockState X86Reg
initialX86AbsState addr =
top & setAbsIP addr
& absRegState . boundValue sp_reg .~ concreteStackOffset (relativeSegmentAddr addr) 0
-- x87 top register points to top of stack.
& absRegState . boundValue X87_TopReg .~ FinSet (Set.singleton 7)
-- Direction flag is initially zero.
& absRegState . boundValue DF .~ BoolConst False
& startAbsStack .~ Map.singleton 0 (StackEntry (BVMemRepr n8 LittleEndian) ReturnAddr)
initialX86AbsState addr
= top
& setAbsIP addr
& absRegState . boundValue sp_reg .~ concreteStackOffset (relativeSegmentAddr addr) 0
-- x87 top register points to top of stack.
& absRegState . boundValue X87_TopReg .~ FinSet (Set.singleton 7)
-- Direction flag is initially zero.
& absRegState . boundValue DF .~ BoolConst False
& startAbsStack .~ Map.singleton 0 (StackEntry (BVMemRepr n8 LittleEndian) ReturnAddr)
preserveFreeBSDSyscallReg :: X86Reg tp -> Bool
preserveFreeBSDSyscallReg r
@ -504,7 +505,7 @@ x86_64_info preservePred =
, archEndianness = LittleEndian
, jumpTableEntrySize = 8
, disassembleFn = disassembleBlockFromAbsState
, mkInitialAbsState = \_ -> initialX86AbsState
, mkInitialAbsState = \_ addr -> initialX86AbsState addr
, absEvalArchFn = transferAbsValue
, absEvalArchStmt = \s _ -> s
, postCallAbsState = x86PostCallAbsState

View File

@ -199,10 +199,9 @@ getSomeBVLocation v =
F.FPMem32 ar -> getBVAddress ar >>= mk . (`MemoryAddr` (floatMemRepr SingleFloatRepr))
F.FPMem64 ar -> getBVAddress ar >>= mk . (`MemoryAddr` (floatMemRepr DoubleFloatRepr))
F.FPMem80 ar -> getBVAddress ar >>= mk . (`MemoryAddr` (floatMemRepr X86_80FloatRepr))
F.ByteReg r
| Just r64 <- F.is_low_reg r -> mk (reg_low8 $ X86_GP r64)
| Just r64 <- F.is_high_reg r -> mk (reg_high8 $ X86_GP r64)
| otherwise -> fail "unknown r8"
F.ByteReg (F.LowReg8 r) -> mk $ reg_low8 $ X86_GP $ F.Reg64 r
F.ByteReg (F.HighReg8 r) -> mk $ reg_high8 $ X86_GP $ F.Reg64 r
F.ByteReg _ -> error "internal: getSomeBVLocation illegal ByteReg"
F.WordReg r -> mk (reg16Loc r)
F.DWordReg r -> mk (reg32Loc r)
F.QWordReg r -> mk (reg64Loc r)
@ -267,10 +266,8 @@ getSignExtendedValue v out_w =
F.Mem64 ar -> mk =<< getBV64Addr ar
F.Mem128 ar -> mk =<< getBV128Addr ar
F.ByteReg r
| Just r64 <- F.is_low_reg r -> mk (reg_low8 $ X86_GP r64)
| Just r64 <- F.is_high_reg r -> mk (reg_high8 $ X86_GP r64)
| otherwise -> fail "unknown r8"
F.ByteReg (F.LowReg8 r) -> mk $ reg_low8 $ X86_GP $ F.Reg64 r
F.ByteReg (F.HighReg8 r) -> mk $ reg_high8 $ X86_GP $ F.Reg64 r
F.WordReg r -> mk (reg16Loc r)
F.DWordReg r -> mk (reg32Loc r)
F.QWordReg r -> mk (reg64Loc r)
@ -332,10 +329,8 @@ getAddrRegOrSegment v =
F.Mem32 ar -> Some . HasRepSize DWordRepVal <$> getBV32Addr ar
F.Mem64 ar -> Some . HasRepSize QWordRepVal <$> getBV64Addr ar
F.ByteReg r
| Just r64 <- F.is_low_reg r -> pure $ Some $ HasRepSize ByteRepVal (reg_low8 $ X86_GP r64)
| Just r64 <- F.is_high_reg r -> pure $ Some $ HasRepSize ByteRepVal (reg_high8 $ X86_GP r64)
| otherwise -> fail "unknown r8"
F.ByteReg (F.LowReg8 r) -> pure $ Some $ HasRepSize ByteRepVal $ reg_low8 $ X86_GP $ F.Reg64 r
F.ByteReg (F.HighReg8 r) -> pure $ Some $ HasRepSize ByteRepVal $ reg_high8 $ X86_GP $ F.Reg64 r
F.WordReg r -> pure $ Some $ HasRepSize WordRepVal (reg16Loc r)
F.DWordReg r -> pure $ Some $ HasRepSize DWordRepVal (reg32Loc r)
F.QWordReg r -> pure $ Some $ HasRepSize QWordRepVal (reg64Loc r)

View File

@ -713,8 +713,8 @@ exec_sh lw l val val_setter cf_setter of_setter = do
case val of
F.ByteImm i ->
pure (bvLit n8 (toInteger i))
F.ByteReg r | Just r64 <- F.is_low_reg r -> do
get (reg_low8 $ R.X86_GP r64)
F.ByteReg (F.LowReg8 r) -> do
get $ reg_low8 $ R.X86_GP $ F.Reg64 r
_ -> fail "Count could not be interpreted."
v <- get l
-- The intel manual says that the count is masked to give an upper

View File

@ -23,22 +23,25 @@ module Data.Macaw.X86.X86Flag
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Word
-- | X86 flag
-- | A bit in an x86_64 flag register.
-- We only model a subset of the full 64 bits in RFLAGS. The supported
-- registers have pattern synonyms, and the full list is in `flagList`.
newtype X86Flag = X86Flag { flagIndex :: Word8 }
deriving (Eq, Ord)
flagNames :: V.Vector String
flagNames = V.fromList
[ "cf", "RESERVED", "pf", "RESERVED", "af", "RESERVED"
, "zf", "sf", "tf", "if", "df", "of"
, "iopl", "nt", "SBZ", "rf", "vm", "ac", "vif", "vip", "id"
[ "cf", "RESERVED_1", "pf", "RESERVED_3", "af", "RESERVED_5", "zf", "sf"
, "tf", "if", "df", "of", "iopl1", "iopl2", "nt", "RESERVED_15"
, "rf", "vm", "ac", "vif", "vip", "id"
instance Show X86Flag where
show (X86Flag i) =
case flagNames V.!? fromIntegral i of
Just nm -> nm
Nothing -> "Unknown" ++ show i
Nothing -> "RESERVED_" ++ show i
pattern CF :: X86Flag
pattern CF = X86Flag 0
@ -69,4 +72,4 @@ pattern OF = X86Flag 11
-- | Return list of x86 flags
flagList :: [X86Flag]
flagList = X86Flag <$> [0,2,4,6,7,8,9,10,11]
flagList = [ CF, PF, AF, ZF, SF, TF, IF, DF, OF ]

View File

@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ x86SyscallArgumentRegs :: [ X86Reg (BVType 64) ]
x86SyscallArgumentRegs = X86_GP <$> [ F.RDI, F.RSI, F.RDX, F.R10, F.R8, F.R9 ]
gpRegList :: [X86Reg (BVType 64)]
gpRegList = [X86_GP (F.reg64 i) | i <- [0..15]]
gpRegList = [X86_GP (F.Reg64 i) | i <- [0..15]]
flagRegList :: [X86Reg BoolType]
flagRegList = X86_FlagReg <$> R.flagList

View File

@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ license: BSD3
license-file: LICENSE
base >= 4,
build-depends: base >= 4,
hs-source-dirs: src
@ -22,3 +22,23 @@ library
ghc-options: -Wall -Werror
ghc-prof-options: -O2 -fprof-auto-top
test-suite macaw-x86-symbolic-tests
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -Wall
main-is: Main.hs
hs-source-dirs: tests
base >= 4,

View File

@ -1,43 +1,131 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Data.Macaw.X86.Symbolic
( x86TranslateFunctions
( x86_64MacawSymbolicFns
) where
import Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
import GHC.TypeLits
import qualified Data.Macaw.CFG as M
import Data.Macaw.Symbolic
import qualified Data.Macaw.Types as M
import qualified Data.Macaw.X86 as M
import Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
import qualified Data.Macaw.X86.X86Reg as M
import qualified Flexdis86.Register as F
import qualified Lang.Crucible.CFG.Reg as C
import qualified Lang.Crucible.Solver.Symbol as C
-- Utilities for generating a type-level context with repeated elements.
type family CtxRepeat (n :: Nat) (c :: k) :: Ctx k where
CtxRepeat 0 c = EmptyCtx
CtxRepeat 1 c = CtxRepeat 0 c ::> c
CtxRepeat 2 c = CtxRepeat 1 c ::> c
CtxRepeat 3 c = CtxRepeat 2 c ::> c
CtxRepeat 4 c = CtxRepeat 3 c ::> c
CtxRepeat 5 c = CtxRepeat 4 c ::> c
CtxRepeat 6 c = CtxRepeat 5 c ::> c
CtxRepeat 7 c = CtxRepeat 6 c ::> c
CtxRepeat 8 c = CtxRepeat 7 c ::> c
CtxRepeat 9 c = CtxRepeat 8 c ::> c
CtxRepeat 10 c = CtxRepeat 9 c ::> c
CtxRepeat 11 c = CtxRepeat 10 c ::> c
CtxRepeat 12 c = CtxRepeat 11 c ::> c
CtxRepeat 13 c = CtxRepeat 12 c ::> c
CtxRepeat 14 c = CtxRepeat 13 c ::> c
CtxRepeat 15 c = CtxRepeat 14 c ::> c
CtxRepeat 16 c = CtxRepeat 15 c ::> c
class RepeatAssign (tp :: k) (ctx :: Ctx k) where
repeatAssign :: (Int -> f tp) -> Assignment f ctx
instance RepeatAssign tp EmptyCtx where
repeatAssign _ = Empty
instance RepeatAssign tp ctx => RepeatAssign tp (ctx ::> tp) where
repeatAssign f =
let r = repeatAssign f
in r :> f (sizeInt (Ctx.size r))
-- X86 Registers
type instance ArchRegContext M.X86_64
= EmptyCtx -- TODO: Fix this
= (EmptyCtx ::> M.BVType 64)
<+> CtxRepeat 16 (M.BVType 64)
<+> CtxRepeat 9 M.BoolType
<+> CtxRepeat 16 M.BoolType
<+> (EmptyCtx ::> M.BVType 3)
<+> CtxRepeat 8 (M.BVType 2)
<+> CtxRepeat 8 (M.BVType 80)
<+> CtxRepeat 16 (M.BVType 128)
x86RegName :: M.X86Reg tp -> C.SolverSymbol
x86RegName = undefined
x86RegName M.X86_IP = C.systemSymbol "!ip"
x86RegName (M.X86_GP r) = C.systemSymbol $ "!" ++ show r
x86RegName (M.X86_FlagReg r) = C.systemSymbol $ "!" ++ show r
x86RegName (M.X87_StatusReg r) = C.systemSymbol $ "!x87Status" ++ show r
x86RegName M.X87_TopReg = C.systemSymbol $ "!x87Top"
x86RegName (M.X87_TagReg r) = C.systemSymbol $ "!x87Tag" ++ show r
x86RegName (M.X87_FPUReg r) = C.systemSymbol $ "!" ++ show r
x86RegName (M.X86_XMMReg r) = C.systemSymbol $ "!" ++ show r
gpReg :: Int -> M.X86Reg (M.BVType 64)
gpReg = M.X86_GP . F.Reg64 . fromIntegral
-- | The x86 flag registers that are directly supported by Macw.
flagRegs :: Assignment M.X86Reg (CtxRepeat 9 M.BoolType)
flagRegs =
Empty :> M.CF :> M.PF :> M.AF :> M.ZF :> M.SF :> M.TF :> M.IF :> M.DF :> M.OF
-- | This contains an assignment that stores the register associated with each index in the
-- X86 register structure.
x86RegAssignment :: Assignment M.X86Reg (ArchRegContext M.X86_64)
x86RegAssignment = undefined
x86RegAssignment =
Empty :> M.X86_IP
<++> (repeatAssign gpReg :: Assignment M.X86Reg (CtxRepeat 16 (M.BVType 64)))
<++> flagRegs
<++> (repeatAssign (M.X87_StatusReg . fromIntegral) :: Assignment M.X86Reg (CtxRepeat 16 M.BoolType))
<++> (Empty :> M.X87_TopReg)
<++> (repeatAssign (M.X87_TagReg . fromIntegral) :: Assignment M.X86Reg (CtxRepeat 8 (M.BVType 2)))
<++> (repeatAssign (M.X87_FPUReg . F.mmxReg . fromIntegral) :: Assignment M.X86Reg (CtxRepeat 8 (M.BVType 80)))
<++> (repeatAssign (M.X86_XMMReg . F.xmmReg . fromIntegral) :: Assignment M.X86Reg (CtxRepeat 16 (M.BVType 128)))
-- Other X86 specific
crucGenX86Fn :: M.X86PrimFn (M.Value M.X86_64 ids) tp
-> CrucGen M.X86_64 ids s (C.Atom s (ToCrucibleType tp))
crucGenX86Fn = undefined
crucGenX86Fn fn =
case fn of
_ -> undefined fn
crucGenX86Stmt :: M.X86Stmt (M.Value M.X86_64 ids)
-> CrucGen M.X86_64 ids s ()
crucGenX86Stmt = undefined
crucGenX86Stmt stmt =
case stmt of
_ -> undefined stmt
crucGenX86TermStmt :: M.X86TermStmt ids
-> M.RegState M.X86Reg (M.Value M.X86_64 ids)
-> CrucGen M.X86_64 ids s ()
crucGenX86TermStmt = undefined
crucGenX86TermStmt tstmt regs =
case tstmt of
_ -> undefined regs
-- | The symbolic tra
x86TranslateFunctions :: CrucGenArchFunctions M.X86_64
x86TranslateFunctions =
x86_64MacawSymbolicFns :: MacawSymbolicArchFunctions M.X86_64
x86_64MacawSymbolicFns =
{ crucGenArchConstraints = \x -> x
, crucGenRegAssignment = x86RegAssignment
, crucGenArchRegName = x86RegName

x86_symbolic/tests/Main.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main (main) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ElfEdit as Elf
import Data.Parameterized.Nonce
import Data.Parameterized.Some
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import System.IO
import GHC.IO (ioToST)
import qualified Data.Macaw.Architecture.Info as M
import qualified Data.Macaw.CFG.Core as M
import qualified Data.Macaw.Discovery as M
import qualified Data.Macaw.Memory as M
import qualified Data.Macaw.Memory.ElfLoader as Elf
import qualified Data.Macaw.Symbolic as MS
import qualified Data.Macaw.Types as M
import qualified Data.Macaw.X86 as MX
import qualified Data.Macaw.X86.Symbolic as MX
import qualified Lang.Crucible.CFG.Core as C
import qualified Lang.Crucible.FunctionHandle as C
import qualified Lang.Crucible.ProgramLoc as C
import qualified Lang.Crucible.Simulator.ExecutionTree as C
import qualified Lang.Crucible.Simulator.RegValue as C
import qualified Lang.Crucible.Solver.Interface as C
import qualified Lang.Crucible.Solver.SimpleBackend as C
mkReg :: (C.IsSymInterface sym, M.HasRepr (M.ArchReg arch) M.TypeRepr)
=> MS.MacawSymbolicArchFunctions arch
-> sym
-> M.ArchReg arch tp
-> IO (C.RegValue' sym (MS.ToCrucibleType tp))
mkReg archFns sym r =
case M.typeRepr r of
M.BoolTypeRepr ->
C.RV <$> C.freshConstant sym (MS.crucGenArchRegName archFns r) C.BaseBoolRepr
M.BVTypeRepr w ->
C.RV <$> C.freshConstant sym (MS.crucGenArchRegName archFns r) (C.BaseBVRepr w)
M.TupleTypeRepr{} ->
error "macaw-symbolic do not support tuple types."
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Start test case"
Some gen <- newIONonceGenerator
halloc <- C.newHandleAllocator
sym <- C.newSimpleBackend gen
let x86ArchFns :: MS.MacawSymbolicArchFunctions MX.X86_64
x86ArchFns = MX.x86_64MacawSymbolicFns
let posFn :: M.MemSegmentOff 64 -> C.Position
posFn = C.OtherPos . Text.pack . show
let loadOpt :: Elf.LoadOptions
loadOpt = Elf.LoadOptions { Elf.loadRegionIndex = 1
, Elf.loadStyle = Elf.LoadBySection
, Elf.includeBSS = False
putStrLn "Read elf"
elfContents <- BS.readFile "tests/add_ubuntu64.o"
elf <-
case Elf.parseElf elfContents of
Elf.Elf64Res errs e -> do
unless (null errs) $
fail "Error parsing Elf file"
pure e
_ -> fail "Expected 64-bit elf file"
(secIdxMap, mem) <-
case Elf.memoryForElf loadOpt elf of
Left err -> fail err
Right r -> pure r
let (symErrs, nameAddrList) = Elf.resolveElfFuncSymbols mem secIdxMap elf
forM_ symErrs $ \err -> do
hPutStrLn stderr $ show err
putStrLn "Lookup addr"
addAddr <-
case [ addr | ("add", addr) <- nameAddrList ] of
[addr] -> pure $! addr
[] -> fail "Could not find add function"
_ -> fail "Found multiple add functions"
putStrLn $ "Addr " ++ show addAddr
memBaseVar <- stToIO $ C.freshGlobalVar halloc "add_mem_base" C.knownRepr
let memBaseVarMap :: MS.MemSegmentMap 64
memBaseVarMap = Map.singleton 1 memBaseVar
let addrSymMap :: M.AddrSymMap 64
addrSymMap = Map.fromList [ (addr,nm) | (nm,addr) <- nameAddrList ]
let archInfo :: M.ArchitectureInfo MX.X86_64
archInfo = MX.x86_64_linux_info
let ds0 :: M.DiscoveryState MX.X86_64
ds0 = M.emptyDiscoveryState mem addrSymMap archInfo
putStrLn "Analyze a function"
let logFn addr = ioToST $ do
putStrLn $ "Analyzing " ++ show addr
(_, Some funInfo) <- stToIO $ M.analyzeFunction logFn addAddr M.UserRequest ds0
putStrLn "Make CFG"
C.SomeCFG g <- stToIO $ MS.mkFunCFG x86ArchFns halloc memBaseVarMap "add" posFn funInfo
regs <- MS.macawAssignToCrucM (mkReg x86ArchFns sym) (MS.crucGenRegAssignment x86ArchFns)
putStrLn "Run code block"
execResult <- MS.runCodeBlock sym x86ArchFns halloc g regs
case execResult of
C.FinishedExecution _ (C.TotalRes _pair) -> do
putStrLn "Done"
_ -> do
fail "Partial execution returned."
-- Steps:
-- Load up Elf file.
-- Call symbolic simulator
-- Check Result

x86_symbolic/tests/add.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
This is a small file designed to create a minimal test of the symbolic simulator.
It can be compiled with:
clang -o test_add.o -O2 -c -momit-leaf-frame-pointer test_add.c
#include <stdint.h>
uint64_t add(uint64_t x, uint64_t y) {
return x + y;

Binary file not shown.