Cleanup and documentation pass

This commit is contained in:
Tristan Ravitch 2017-11-07 22:46:06 -08:00
parent 599a357515
commit b9835b9767
4 changed files with 120 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ module Data.Macaw.PPC.Arch (
@ -26,7 +25,6 @@ import GHC.TypeLits
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as PP
import qualified Data.Parameterized.TraversableFC as FC
import qualified Data.Parameterized.TraversableF as TF
import Data.Parameterized.Some ( Some(..) )
import qualified Data.Macaw.CFG as MC
import Data.Macaw.CFG.Rewriter ( Rewriter, rewriteValue, evalRewrittenArchFn )
import qualified Data.Macaw.Memory as MM
@ -143,9 +141,6 @@ instance FC.TraversableFC (PPCPrimFn ppc) where
type instance MC.ArchFn PPC64.PPC = PPCPrimFn PPC64.PPC
type instance MC.ArchFn PPC32.PPC = PPCPrimFn PPC32.PPC
valuesInPPCStmt :: PPCStmt ppc (MC.Value ppc ids) -> [Some (MC.Value ppc ids)]
valuesInPPCStmt s = TF.foldMapF (\x -> [Some x]) s
type PPCArchConstraints ppc = ( MC.ArchReg ppc ~ PPCReg ppc
, MC.ArchFn ppc ~ PPCPrimFn ppc
, MC.ArchStmt ppc ~ PPCStmt ppc

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@ -41,9 +41,6 @@ import Data.Macaw.PPC.Generator
import Data.Macaw.PPC.PPCReg
import Data.Macaw.PPC.Simplify ( simplifyValue )
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as PP hiding ((<$>))
-- | Read one instruction from the 'MM.Memory' at the given segmented offset.
-- Returns the instruction and number of bytes consumed /or/ an error.
@ -75,13 +72,31 @@ readInstruction mem addr = MM.addrWidthClass (MM.memAddrWidth mem) $ do
Just insn -> return (insn, fromIntegral bytesRead)
Nothing -> ET.throwError (MM.InvalidInstruction (MM.relativeSegmentAddr addr) contents)
-- | Disassemble an instruction and terminate the current block if we run out of
-- instructions to disassemble. We can run out if:
-- 1) We exceed the offset that macaw has told us to disassemble to
-- 2) We can't decode the IP (i.e., it isn't a constant)
-- 3) The IP after executing the semantics transformer is not equal to the
-- expected next IP value, which indicates a jump to another block or
-- function
-- In most of those cases, we end the block with a simple terminator. If the IP
-- becomes a mux, we split execution using 'conditionalBranch'.
disassembleBlock :: forall ppc ids s
. PPCArchConstraints ppc
=> (Value ppc ids (BVType (ArchAddrWidth ppc)) -> D.Instruction -> Maybe (PPCGenerator ppc ids s ()))
-- ^ A function to look up the semantics for an instruction that we disassemble
-> MM.Memory (ArchAddrWidth ppc)
-> GenState ppc ids s
-> MM.MemSegmentOff (ArchAddrWidth ppc)
-- ^ The current instruction pointer
-> MM.MemWord (ArchAddrWidth ppc)
-- ^ The maximum offset into the bytestring that we should
-- disassemble to; in principle, macaw can tell us to limit our
-- search with this.
-> DisM ppc ids s (MM.MemWord (ArchAddrWidth ppc), BlockSeq ppc ids)
disassembleBlock lookupSemantics mem gs curIPAddr maxOffset = do
let seg = MM.msegSegment curIPAddr
@ -110,9 +125,13 @@ disassembleBlock lookupSemantics mem gs curIPAddr maxOffset = do
addStmt (Comment (T.pack lineStr))
-- Check to see if the IP has become conditionally-defined (by e.g.,
-- a mux). If it has, we need to split execution using a primitive
-- provided by the PPCGenerator monad.
nextIPExpr <- getRegValue PPC_IP
case matchConditionalBranch nextIPExpr of
Just (cond, t_ip, f_ip) -> conditionalBranch cond (setRegVal PPC_IP t_ip) (setRegVal PPC_IP f_ip)
Just (cond, t_ip, f_ip) ->
conditionalBranch cond (setRegVal PPC_IP t_ip) (setRegVal PPC_IP f_ip)
Nothing -> return ())
case egs1 of
Left genErr -> failAt gs off curIPAddr (GenerationError i genErr)
@ -121,9 +140,8 @@ disassembleBlock lookupSemantics mem gs curIPAddr maxOffset = do
Just preBlock
| Seq.null (resBlockSeq gs1 ^. frontierBlocks)
, v <- preBlock ^. (pBlockState . curIP)
, trace ("raw ip = " ++ show (pretty v)) True
, Just simplifiedIP <- simplifyValue v
, trace ("v = " ++ show (pretty simplifiedIP) ++ "\nnextIPVal = " ++ show nextIPVal ++ "\n") $ simplifiedIP == nextIPVal
, simplifiedIP == nextIPVal
, nextIPOffset < maxOffset
, Just nextIPSegAddr <- MM.asSegmentOff mem nextIP -> do
let preBlock' = (pBlockState . curIP .~ simplifiedIP) preBlock
@ -137,6 +155,8 @@ disassembleBlock lookupSemantics mem gs curIPAddr maxOffset = do
_ -> return (nextIPOffset, finishBlock FetchAndExecute gs1)
-- | Examine a value and see if it is a mux; if it is, break the mux up and
-- return its component values (the condition and two alternatives)
matchConditionalBranch :: (PPCArchConstraints arch)
=> Value arch ids tp
-> Maybe (Value arch ids BoolType, Value arch ids tp, Value arch ids tp)
@ -161,7 +181,7 @@ tryDisassembleBlock lookupSemantics mem nonceGen startAddr maxSize = do
let gs0 = initGenState nonceGen mem startAddr (initRegState startAddr)
let startOffset = MM.msegOffset startAddr
(nextIPOffset, blocks) <- disassembleBlock lookupSemantics mem gs0 startAddr (startOffset + maxSize)
traceShow blocks $ unless (nextIPOffset > startOffset) $ do
unless (nextIPOffset > startOffset) $ do
let reason = InvalidNextIP (fromIntegral nextIPOffset) (fromIntegral startOffset)
failAt gs0 nextIPOffset startAddr reason
return (F.toList (blocks ^. frontierBlocks), nextIPOffset - startOffset)
@ -194,7 +214,7 @@ disassembleFn _ lookupSemantics mem nonceGen startAddr maxSize _ = do
mr <- ET.runExceptT (unDisM (tryDisassembleBlock lookupSemantics mem nonceGen startAddr maxSize))
case mr of
Left (blocks, off, exn) -> return (blocks, off, Just (show exn))
Right (blocks, bytes) -> traceShow blocks $ return (blocks, bytes, Nothing)
Right (blocks, bytes) -> return (blocks, bytes, Nothing)
type LocatedError ppc ids = ([Block ppc ids], MM.MemWord (ArchAddrWidth ppc), TranslationError (ArchAddrWidth ppc))
-- | This is a monad for error handling during disassembly

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@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ import Data.Macaw.CFG.Block
import Data.Macaw.Types ( BVType, BoolType )
import qualified Data.Macaw.Memory as MM
import Data.Parameterized.Classes
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as MapF
import qualified Data.Parameterized.NatRepr as NR
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Nonce as NC
import qualified Lang.Crucible.BaseTypes as S
@ -116,23 +115,36 @@ frontierBlocks = lens _frontierBlocks (\s v -> s { _frontierBlocks = v })
-- PreBlock
data PreBlock ppc ids = PreBlock { pBlockIndex :: !Word64
-- | A basic block that is under construction; when we get to the end of a block
-- (by reaching a terminator statement), we turn this into a full 'Block' (added
-- to the 'BlockSeq').
data PreBlock ppc ids =
PreBlock { pBlockIndex :: !Word64
-- ^ The index of the block we are currently constructing
, pBlockAddr :: !(MM.MemSegmentOff (ArchAddrWidth ppc))
-- ^ Starting address of function in preblock.
, _pBlockStmts :: !(Seq.Seq (Stmt ppc ids))
-- ^ The list of statements that we have constructed so far. We
-- append to the right.
, _pBlockState :: !(RegState (PPCReg ppc) (Value ppc ids))
, pBlockApps :: !(MapF.MapF (App (Value ppc ids)) (Assignment ppc ids))
-- ^ The current register state, which is updated as we simulate
-- instructions
-- | An accessor for the current statements in the 'PreBlock'
pBlockStmts :: Simple Lens (PreBlock ppc ids) (Seq.Seq (Stmt ppc ids))
pBlockStmts = lens _pBlockStmts (\s v -> s { _pBlockStmts = v })
-- | An accessor for the current register state held in the 'PreBlock'
pBlockState :: Simple Lens (PreBlock ppc ids) (RegState (PPCReg ppc) (Value ppc ids))
pBlockState = lens _pBlockState (\s v -> s { _pBlockState = v })
-- GenState
-- | The state held in our state monad. It tracks the current model of the
-- machine state as well as a collection of discovered blocks and the current
-- block we are constructing.
data GenState ppc ids s =
GenState { assignIdGen :: !(NC.NonceGenerator (ST s) ids)
, _blockSeq :: !(BlockSeq ppc ids)
@ -141,6 +153,11 @@ data GenState ppc ids s =
, genMemory :: !(MM.Memory (ArchAddrWidth ppc))
-- | Initialize a fresh 'GenState'
-- This does most of what you would expect. Note that the next block ID is set
-- to 1, since we use ID 0 for the first block (assigned to the initial
-- 'PreBlock'.
initGenState :: NC.NonceGenerator (ST s) ids
-> MM.Memory (ArchAddrWidth ppc)
-> MM.MemSegmentOff (ArchAddrWidth ppc)
@ -154,16 +171,20 @@ initGenState nonceGen mem addr st =
, genMemory = mem
initRegState :: ( KnownNat (RegAddrWidth (PPCReg ppc))
, ArchReg ppc ~ PPCReg ppc
, 1 <= RegAddrWidth (PPCReg ppc)
, MM.MemWidth (RegAddrWidth (PPCReg ppc))
, ArchWidth ppc)
-- | Create an initial register state.
-- All of the register values are set to the special 'Initial' value, which
-- indicates that the values are not known precisely, but are some abstract
-- initial values.
-- Aside from that, we set the initial IP to the given value (@startIP@).
initRegState :: ( PPCArchConstraints ppc)
=> ArchSegmentOff ppc
-> RegState (PPCReg ppc) (Value ppc ids)
initRegState startIP = mkRegState Initial
& curIP .~ RelocatableValue NR.knownNat (MM.relativeSegmentAddr startIP)
-- | Set up an empty initial block with a provided state, address, and block ID.
emptyPreBlock :: RegState (PPCReg ppc) (Value ppc ids)
-> Word64
-> MM.MemSegmentOff (RegAddrWidth (ArchReg ppc))
@ -173,7 +194,6 @@ emptyPreBlock s0 idx addr =
, pBlockAddr = addr
, _pBlockStmts = Seq.empty
, _pBlockState = s0
, pBlockApps = MapF.empty
blockSeq :: Simple Lens (GenState ppc ids s) (BlockSeq ppc ids)
@ -189,7 +209,7 @@ curPPCState = blockState . pBlockState
-- Factored-out Operations for PPCGenerator
-- | Set a register to a value after attempting to simplify the value as much as
-- possible.
-- possible (using 'simplifyValue').
setRegVal :: (PPCArchConstraints ppc, RegAddrWidth (PPCReg ppc) ~ w)
=> PPCReg ppc tp
-> Value ppc ids tp
@ -218,6 +238,9 @@ bvconcat bv1Val bv2Val repV repU repW = do
bv1Shf <- addExpr (AppExpr (BVShl repW bv1Ext bv1Shifter))
return $ AppExpr (BVOr repW bv1Shf bv2Ext)
-- | Select @n@ bits from a @w@ bit bitvector starting at index @i@
-- This code is factored out of the TH module to improve compilation times.
bvselect :: (ArchConstraints ppc, 1 <= w, 1 <= n, 1 <= i, (i+n) <= w)
=> Value ppc ids (BVType w)
-> NR.NatRepr n
@ -234,7 +257,7 @@ bvselect bvVal repN repI repW = do
bvShf <- addExpr (AppExpr (BVShr repW bvVal (mkLit repW (NR.natValue repI))))
return (AppExpr (Trunc bvShf repN))
-- Add an expression in the PPCGenerator monad. This returns a Macaw value
-- | Add an expression in the PPCGenerator monad. This returns a Macaw value
-- corresponding to the added expression.
addExpr :: (ArchConstraints ppc) => Expr ppc ids tp -> PPCGenerator ppc ids s (Value ppc ids tp)
addExpr expr = do
@ -252,6 +275,19 @@ data GeneratorError = InvalidEncoding
| GeneratorMessage String
deriving (Show)
-- | This is a state monad (with error termination via 'ET.ExceptT') built on
-- top of 'Ct.ContT' and 'Rd.ReaderT'.
-- We use the 'Ct.ContT' for early termination when dealing with control flow
-- terminators (e.g., syscall) and to split for dealing with conditional
-- branches.
-- The state is managed by explicitly passing it through the continuation.
-- The most important operation provided is the primitive 'shiftGen', which is
-- used to build 'conditionalBranch'.
-- The base monad is 'ST', which is used for nonce generation.
newtype PPCGenerator ppc ids s a =
PPCGenerator { runG :: Ct.ContT (GenResult ppc ids)
(Rd.ReaderT (GenState ppc ids s)
@ -261,6 +297,8 @@ newtype PPCGenerator ppc ids s a =
Rd.MonadReader (GenState ppc ids s),
-- | The 'Monad' instance is manually-specified so that calls to 'fail' actually
-- use our 'ET.ExceptT' 'ET.throwError' for nicer error behavior.
instance Monad (PPCGenerator ppc ids s) where
return v = PPCGenerator (return v)
PPCGenerator m >>= h = PPCGenerator (m >>= \v -> runG (h v))
@ -284,14 +322,19 @@ instance ET.MonadError GeneratorError (PPCGenerator ppc ids s) where
-- Right res -> return res
-- Right res -> return res
-- | The type of continuations provided by 'shiftGen'
type GenCont ppc ids s a = a -> GenState ppc ids s -> ET.ExceptT GeneratorError (ST s) (GenResult ppc ids)
-- | Given a final continuation to call, run the generator (and produce a final
-- result with the given continuation @k@). Also takes an initial state.
runGenerator :: GenCont ppc ids s a
-> GenState ppc ids s
-> PPCGenerator ppc ids s a
-> ET.ExceptT GeneratorError (ST s) (GenResult ppc ids)
runGenerator k st (PPCGenerator m) = Rd.runReaderT (Ct.runContT m (Rd.ReaderT . k)) st
-- | Capture the current continuation and execute an action that gets that
-- continuation as an argument (it can be invoked as many times as desired).
shiftGen :: (GenCont ppc ids s a -> GenState ppc ids s -> ET.ExceptT GeneratorError (ST s) (GenResult ppc ids))
-> PPCGenerator ppc ids s a
shiftGen f =
@ -303,19 +346,25 @@ genResult _ s = do
, resState = Just (s ^. blockState)
-- | Append a statement (on the right) to the list of statements in the current
-- 'PreBlock'.
addStmt :: (ArchConstraints ppc) => Stmt ppc ids -> PPCGenerator ppc ids s ()
addStmt stmt = (blockState . pBlockStmts) %= (Seq.|> stmt)
-- | Generate the next unique ID for an assignment using the nonce generator
newAssignId :: PPCGenerator ppc ids s (AssignId ids tp)
newAssignId = do
nonceGen <- St.gets assignIdGen
n <- liftST $ NC.freshNonce nonceGen
return (AssignId n)
-- | Lift an 'ST' action into 'PPCGenerator'
liftST :: ST s a -> PPCGenerator ppc ids s a
liftST = PPCGenerator . lift . lift . lift
addAssignment :: ArchConstraints ppc
-- | Append an assignment statement to the list of statements in the current
-- 'PreBlock'
addAssignment :: (ArchConstraints ppc)
=> AssignRhs ppc ids tp
-> PPCGenerator ppc ids s (Assignment ppc ids tp)
addAssignment rhs = do
@ -324,6 +373,11 @@ addAssignment rhs = do
addStmt $ AssignStmt a
return a
-- | Get all of the current register values
-- This is meant to be used to snapshot the register state at the beginning of
-- an instruction transformer so that we can perform atomic updates to the
-- machine state (by reading values from the captured initial state).
getRegs :: PPCGenerator ppc ids s (RegState (PPCReg ppc) (Value ppc ids))
getRegs = do
genState <- St.get
@ -341,10 +395,22 @@ getRegValue r = do
genState <- St.get
return (genState ^. blockState ^. pBlockState ^. boundValue r)
-- | A primitive for splitting execution in the presence of conditional
-- branches.
-- This function uses the underlying continuation monad to split execution. It
-- captures the current continuation and builds a block for the true branch and
-- another block for the false branch. It manually threads the state between
-- the two branches and makes updates to keep them consistent. It also joins
-- the two exploration frontiers after processing the true and false branches so
-- that the underlying return value contains all discovered blocks.
conditionalBranch :: (PPCArchConstraints ppc)
=> Value ppc ids BoolType
-- ^ The conditional guarding the branch
-> PPCGenerator ppc ids s ()
-- ^ The action to take on the true branch
-> PPCGenerator ppc ids s ()
-- ^ The action to take on the false branch
-> PPCGenerator ppc ids s ()
conditionalBranch condExpr t f =
go (fromMaybe condExpr (simplifyValue condExpr))

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@ -17,7 +17,13 @@ import Data.Macaw.PPC.Simplify ( simplifyValue )
import Debug.Trace (trace)
-- | Our current heuristic is that we are issuing a (potentially conditional)
-- call if we see an address in the link register.
-- This seems reasonable, as the only time the link register would be populated
-- with a constant is at a call site. This might be a problem if we see a
-- @mtlr@ and put a stack value into the link register. That might look like a
-- call...
identifyCall :: (PPCArchConstraints ppc)
=> proxy ppc
-> MM.Memory (MC.ArchAddrWidth ppc)
@ -27,8 +33,7 @@ identifyCall :: (PPCArchConstraints ppc)
identifyCall _ mem stmts0 rs
| trace ("Identify call: " ++ unlines (map show stmts0)) False = undefined
| not (null stmts0)
, MC.AssignedValue (MC.Assignment { MC.assignRhs = MC.EvalApp app }) <- rs ^. MC.boundValue PPC_LNK
, MC.BVAdd _ (MC.RelocatableValue {}) (MC.BVValue _ 0x4) <- app
, MC.RelocatableValue {} <- rs ^. MC.boundValue PPC_LNK
, Just retVal <- simplifyValue (rs ^. MC.boundValue PPC_LNK)
, Just retAddrVal <- MC.asLiteralAddr retVal
, Just retAddr <- MM.asSegmentOff mem retAddrVal =