mirror of
synced 2024-12-29 17:17:05 +03:00
Merge pull request #13 from GaloisInc/floating-point
Add support for floating-point.
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ library
lens >= 4.7,
lens >= 4.7,
parameterized-utils >= 1.0.1,
parameterized-utils >= 1.0.1,
QuickCheck >= 2.7
QuickCheck >= 2.7
@ -6,15 +6,20 @@ The type of machine words, including bit vectors and floating point
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Data.Macaw.Types
module Data.Macaw.Types
@ -27,8 +32,10 @@ module Data.Macaw.Types
import Data.Parameterized.Classes
import Data.Parameterized.Classes
import qualified Data.Parameterized.List as P
import qualified Data.Parameterized.List as P
import Data.Parameterized.NatRepr
import Data.Parameterized.NatRepr
import Data.Parameterized.TH.GADT
import Data.Parameterized.TraversableFC
import Data.Parameterized.TraversableFC
import GHC.TypeLits
import GHC.TypeLits
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen hiding ((<$>))
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen hiding ((<$>))
-- FIXME: move
-- FIXME: move
@ -68,16 +75,8 @@ n256 = knownNat
data Type
data Type
= -- | A bitvector with the given number of bits.
= -- | A bitvector with the given number of bits.
BVType Nat
BVType Nat
-- | 64 bit binary IEE754
-- | A floating point in the given format.
| DoubleFloat
| FloatType FloatInfo
-- | 32 bit binary IEE754
| SingleFloat
-- | X86 80-bit extended floats
| X86_80Float
-- | 128 bit binary IEE754
| QuadFloat
-- | 16 bit binary IEE754
| HalfFloat
-- | A Boolean value
-- | A Boolean value
| BoolType
| BoolType
-- | A tuple of types
-- | A tuple of types
@ -86,29 +85,21 @@ data Type
-- Return number of bytes in the type.
-- Return number of bytes in the type.
type family TypeBytes (tp :: Type) :: Nat where
type family TypeBytes (tp :: Type) :: Nat where
TypeBytes (BVType 8) = 1
TypeBytes (BVType 8) = 1
TypeBytes (BVType 16) = 2
TypeBytes (BVType 16) = 2
TypeBytes (BVType 32) = 4
TypeBytes (BVType 32) = 4
TypeBytes (BVType 64) = 8
TypeBytes (BVType 64) = 8
TypeBytes HalfFloat = 2
TypeBytes (FloatType fi) = FloatInfoBytes fi
TypeBytes SingleFloat = 4
TypeBytes DoubleFloat = 8
TypeBytes QuadFloat = 16
TypeBytes X86_80Float = 10
-- Return number of bits in the type.
-- Return number of bits in the type.
type family TypeBits (tp :: Type) :: Nat where
type family TypeBits (tp :: Type) :: Nat where
TypeBits (BVType n) = n
TypeBits (BVType n) = n
TypeBits HalfFloat = 16
TypeBits (FloatType fi) = 8 * FloatInfoBytes fi
TypeBits SingleFloat = 32
TypeBits DoubleFloat = 64
TypeBits QuadFloat = 128
TypeBits X86_80Float = 80
type FloatType tp = BVType (8 * TypeBytes tp)
type BVType = 'BVType
type BVType = 'BVType
type FloatType = 'FloatType
type BoolType = 'BoolType
type BoolType = 'BoolType
type TupleType = 'TupleType
type TupleType = 'TupleType
@ -117,33 +108,16 @@ type TupleType = 'TupleType
data TypeRepr (tp :: Type) where
data TypeRepr (tp :: Type) where
BoolTypeRepr :: TypeRepr BoolType
BoolTypeRepr :: TypeRepr BoolType
BVTypeRepr :: (1 <= n) => !(NatRepr n) -> TypeRepr (BVType n)
BVTypeRepr :: (1 <= n) => !(NatRepr n) -> TypeRepr (BVType n)
FloatTypeRepr :: !(FloatInfoRepr fi) -> TypeRepr (FloatType fi)
TupleTypeRepr :: !(P.List TypeRepr ctx) -> TypeRepr (TupleType ctx)
TupleTypeRepr :: !(P.List TypeRepr ctx) -> TypeRepr (TupleType ctx)
type_width :: TypeRepr (BVType n) -> NatRepr n
type_width :: TypeRepr (BVType n) -> NatRepr n
type_width (BVTypeRepr n) = n
type_width (BVTypeRepr n) = n
instance TestEquality TypeRepr where
testEquality BoolTypeRepr BoolTypeRepr = do
return Refl
testEquality (BVTypeRepr m) (BVTypeRepr n) = do
Refl <- testEquality m n
return Refl
testEquality _ _ = Nothing
instance OrdF TypeRepr where
compareF BoolTypeRepr BoolTypeRepr = EQF
compareF BoolTypeRepr _ = LTF
compareF _ BoolTypeRepr = GTF
compareF (BVTypeRepr m) (BVTypeRepr n) = do
lexCompareF m n EQF
compareF BVTypeRepr{} _ = LTF
compareF _ BVTypeRepr{} = GTF
compareF (TupleTypeRepr x) (TupleTypeRepr y) =
lexCompareF x y EQF
instance Show (TypeRepr tp) where
instance Show (TypeRepr tp) where
show BoolTypeRepr = "bool"
show BoolTypeRepr = "bool"
show (BVTypeRepr w) = "[" ++ show w ++ "]"
show (BVTypeRepr w) = "[" ++ show w ++ "]"
show (FloatTypeRepr fi) = show fi ++ "_float"
show (TupleTypeRepr P.Nil) = "()"
show (TupleTypeRepr P.Nil) = "()"
show (TupleTypeRepr (h P.:< z)) =
show (TupleTypeRepr (h P.:< z)) =
"(" ++ show h ++ foldrFC (\tp r -> "," ++ show tp ++ r) ")" z
"(" ++ show h ++ foldrFC (\tp r -> "," ++ show tp ++ r) ")" z
@ -154,96 +128,123 @@ instance KnownRepr TypeRepr BoolType where
instance (KnownNat n, 1 <= n) => KnownRepr TypeRepr (BVType n) where
instance (KnownNat n, 1 <= n) => KnownRepr TypeRepr (BVType n) where
knownRepr = BVTypeRepr knownNat
knownRepr = BVTypeRepr knownNat
instance (KnownRepr FloatInfoRepr fi) => KnownRepr TypeRepr (FloatType fi) where
knownRepr = FloatTypeRepr knownRepr
instance (KnownRepr (P.List TypeRepr) l) => KnownRepr TypeRepr (TupleType l) where
instance (KnownRepr (P.List TypeRepr) l) => KnownRepr TypeRepr (TupleType l) where
knownRepr = TupleTypeRepr knownRepr
knownRepr = TupleTypeRepr knownRepr
-- Floating point sizes
-- Floating point sizes
data FloatInfo
= HalfFloat -- ^ 16 bit binary IEE754
| SingleFloat -- ^ 32 bit binary IEE754
| DoubleFloat -- ^ 64 bit binary IEE754
| QuadFloat -- ^ 128 bit binary IEE754
| X86_80Float -- ^ X86 80-bit extended floats
type HalfFloat = 'HalfFloat
type SingleFloat = 'SingleFloat
type SingleFloat = 'SingleFloat
type DoubleFloat = 'DoubleFloat
type DoubleFloat = 'DoubleFloat
type X86_80Float = 'X86_80Float
type QuadFloat = 'QuadFloat
type QuadFloat = 'QuadFloat
type HalfFloat = 'HalfFloat
type X86_80Float = 'X86_80Float
data FloatInfoRepr (flt::Type) where
data FloatInfoRepr (fi :: FloatInfo) where
DoubleFloatRepr :: FloatInfoRepr DoubleFloat
SingleFloatRepr :: FloatInfoRepr SingleFloat
X86_80FloatRepr :: FloatInfoRepr X86_80Float
QuadFloatRepr :: FloatInfoRepr QuadFloat
HalfFloatRepr :: FloatInfoRepr HalfFloat
HalfFloatRepr :: FloatInfoRepr HalfFloat
SingleFloatRepr :: FloatInfoRepr SingleFloat
DoubleFloatRepr :: FloatInfoRepr DoubleFloat
QuadFloatRepr :: FloatInfoRepr QuadFloat
X86_80FloatRepr :: FloatInfoRepr X86_80Float
deriving instance Show (FloatInfoRepr tp)
instance KnownRepr FloatInfoRepr HalfFloat where
knownRepr = HalfFloatRepr
instance KnownRepr FloatInfoRepr SingleFloat where
knownRepr = SingleFloatRepr
instance KnownRepr FloatInfoRepr DoubleFloat where
knownRepr = DoubleFloatRepr
instance KnownRepr FloatInfoRepr QuadFloat where
knownRepr = QuadFloatRepr
instance KnownRepr FloatInfoRepr X86_80Float where
knownRepr = X86_80FloatRepr
instance Show (FloatInfoRepr fi) where
show HalfFloatRepr = "half"
show SingleFloatRepr = "single"
show DoubleFloatRepr = "double"
show QuadFloatRepr = "quad"
show X86_80FloatRepr = "x87_80"
instance Pretty (FloatInfoRepr fi) where
pretty = text . show
deriving instance TH.Lift (FloatInfoRepr fi)
type family FloatInfoBytes (fi :: FloatInfo) :: Nat where
FloatInfoBytes HalfFloat = 2
FloatInfoBytes SingleFloat = 4
FloatInfoBytes DoubleFloat = 8
FloatInfoBytes QuadFloat = 16
FloatInfoBytes X86_80Float = 10
floatInfoBytes :: FloatInfoRepr fi -> NatRepr (FloatInfoBytes fi)
floatInfoBytes = \case
HalfFloatRepr -> knownNat
SingleFloatRepr -> knownNat
DoubleFloatRepr -> knownNat
QuadFloatRepr -> knownNat
X86_80FloatRepr -> knownNat
floatInfoBytesIsPos :: FloatInfoRepr fi -> LeqProof 1 (FloatInfoBytes fi)
floatInfoBytesIsPos = \case
HalfFloatRepr -> LeqProof
SingleFloatRepr -> LeqProof
DoubleFloatRepr -> LeqProof
QuadFloatRepr -> LeqProof
X86_80FloatRepr -> LeqProof
type FloatInfoBits (fi :: FloatInfo) = 8 * FloatInfoBytes fi
floatInfoBits :: FloatInfoRepr fi -> NatRepr (FloatInfoBits fi)
floatInfoBits = natMultiply (knownNat @8) . floatInfoBytes
floatInfoBitsIsPos :: FloatInfoRepr fi -> LeqProof 1 (FloatInfoBits fi)
floatInfoBitsIsPos = \case
HalfFloatRepr -> LeqProof
SingleFloatRepr -> LeqProof
DoubleFloatRepr -> LeqProof
QuadFloatRepr -> LeqProof
X86_80FloatRepr -> LeqProof
-- | The bitvector associted with the given floating-point format.
type FloatBVType (fi :: FloatInfo) = BVType (FloatInfoBits fi)
floatBVTypeRepr :: FloatInfoRepr fi -> TypeRepr (FloatBVType fi)
floatBVTypeRepr fi | LeqProof <- floatInfoBitsIsPos fi =
BVTypeRepr $ floatInfoBits fi
$(return [])
instance TestEquality TypeRepr where
testEquality = $(structuralTypeEquality [t|TypeRepr|]
[ (ConType [t|NatRepr|] `TypeApp` AnyType, [|testEquality|])
, (ConType [t|FloatInfoRepr|] `TypeApp` AnyType, [|testEquality|])
, ( ConType [t|P.List|] `TypeApp` AnyType `TypeApp` AnyType
, [|testEquality|]
instance OrdF TypeRepr where
compareF = $(structuralTypeOrd [t|TypeRepr|]
[ (ConType [t|NatRepr|] `TypeApp` AnyType, [|compareF|])
, (ConType [t|FloatInfoRepr|] `TypeApp` AnyType, [|compareF|])
, (ConType [t|P.List|] `TypeApp` AnyType `TypeApp` AnyType, [|compareF|])
instance TestEquality FloatInfoRepr where
instance TestEquality FloatInfoRepr where
testEquality x y = orderingF_refl (compareF x y)
testEquality = $(structuralTypeEquality [t|FloatInfoRepr|] [])
instance OrdF FloatInfoRepr where
instance OrdF FloatInfoRepr where
compareF DoubleFloatRepr DoubleFloatRepr = EQF
compareF = $(structuralTypeOrd [t|FloatInfoRepr|] [])
compareF DoubleFloatRepr _ = LTF
compareF _ DoubleFloatRepr = GTF
compareF SingleFloatRepr SingleFloatRepr = EQF
compareF SingleFloatRepr _ = LTF
compareF _ SingleFloatRepr = GTF
compareF X86_80FloatRepr X86_80FloatRepr = EQF
compareF X86_80FloatRepr _ = LTF
compareF _ X86_80FloatRepr = GTF
compareF QuadFloatRepr QuadFloatRepr = EQF
compareF QuadFloatRepr _ = LTF
compareF _ QuadFloatRepr = GTF
compareF HalfFloatRepr HalfFloatRepr = EQF
instance Pretty (FloatInfoRepr flt) where
pretty DoubleFloatRepr = text "double"
pretty SingleFloatRepr = text "single"
pretty X86_80FloatRepr = text "x87_80"
pretty QuadFloatRepr = text "quad"
pretty HalfFloatRepr = text "half"
floatInfoBytes :: FloatInfoRepr flt -> NatRepr (TypeBytes flt)
floatInfoBytes fir =
case fir of
HalfFloatRepr -> knownNat
SingleFloatRepr -> knownNat
DoubleFloatRepr -> knownNat
QuadFloatRepr -> knownNat
X86_80FloatRepr -> knownNat
floatInfoBytesIsPos :: FloatInfoRepr flt -> LeqProof 1 (TypeBytes flt)
floatInfoBytesIsPos fir =
case fir of
HalfFloatRepr -> LeqProof
SingleFloatRepr -> LeqProof
DoubleFloatRepr -> LeqProof
QuadFloatRepr -> LeqProof
X86_80FloatRepr -> LeqProof
floatInfoBits :: FloatInfoRepr flt -> NatRepr (8 * TypeBytes flt)
floatInfoBits fir = natMultiply (knownNat :: NatRepr 8) (floatInfoBytes fir)
floatTypeRepr :: FloatInfoRepr flt -> TypeRepr (BVType (8 * TypeBytes flt))
floatTypeRepr fir =
case fir of
HalfFloatRepr -> knownRepr
SingleFloatRepr -> knownRepr
DoubleFloatRepr -> knownRepr
QuadFloatRepr -> knownRepr
X86_80FloatRepr -> knownRepr
floatInfoBitsIsPos :: FloatInfoRepr flt -> LeqProof 1 (8 * TypeBytes flt)
floatInfoBitsIsPos fir =
case fir of
HalfFloatRepr -> LeqProof
SingleFloatRepr -> LeqProof
DoubleFloatRepr -> LeqProof
QuadFloatRepr -> LeqProof
X86_80FloatRepr -> LeqProof
@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ module Data.Macaw.Symbolic
, mkFunCFG
, mkFunCFG
, Data.Macaw.Symbolic.PersistentState.ArchRegContext
, Data.Macaw.Symbolic.PersistentState.ArchRegContext
, Data.Macaw.Symbolic.PersistentState.ToCrucibleType
, Data.Macaw.Symbolic.PersistentState.ToCrucibleType
, Data.Macaw.Symbolic.PersistentState.ToCrucibleFloatInfo
, Data.Macaw.Symbolic.PersistentState.floatInfoToCrucible
, Data.Macaw.Symbolic.PersistentState.macawAssignToCrucM
, Data.Macaw.Symbolic.PersistentState.macawAssignToCrucM
, Data.Macaw.Symbolic.CrucGen.ArchRegStruct
, Data.Macaw.Symbolic.CrucGen.ArchRegStruct
, Data.Macaw.Symbolic.CrucGen.MacawCrucibleRegTypes
, Data.Macaw.Symbolic.CrucGen.MacawCrucibleRegTypes
@ -52,6 +54,7 @@ import Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
import Data.Word
import Data.Word
import qualified What4.FunctionName as C
import qualified What4.FunctionName as C
import What4.InterpretedFloatingPoint
import What4.Interface
import What4.Interface
import qualified What4.ProgramLoc as C
import qualified What4.ProgramLoc as C
import What4.Symbol (userSymbol)
import What4.Symbol (userSymbol)
@ -459,6 +462,10 @@ freshValue sym str w ty =
offs <- freshConstant sym nm (C.BaseBVRepr y)
offs <- freshConstant sym nm (C.BaseBVRepr y)
return (MM.LLVMPointer base offs)
return (MM.LLVMPointer base offs)
M.FloatTypeRepr fi -> do
nm <- symName str
freshFloatConstant sym nm $ floatInfoToCrucible fi
M.BoolTypeRepr ->
M.BoolTypeRepr ->
do nm <- symName str
do nm <- symName str
freshConstant sym nm C.BaseBoolRepr
freshConstant sym nm C.BaseBoolRepr
@ -655,6 +655,7 @@ appToCrucible app = do
Just Refl -> evalMacawStmt (PtrEq rW xv yv)
Just Refl -> evalMacawStmt (PtrEq rW xv yv)
Nothing ->
Nothing ->
appAtom =<< C.BVEq n <$> toBits n xv <*> toBits n yv
appAtom =<< C.BVEq n <$> toBits n xv <*> toBits n yv
M.FloatTypeRepr _ -> appAtom $ C.FloatEq xv yv
M.TupleTypeRepr _ -> fail "XXX: Equality on tuples not yet done."
M.TupleTypeRepr _ -> fail "XXX: Equality on tuples not yet done."
@ -670,6 +671,8 @@ appToCrucible app = do
Just Refl -> evalMacawStmt (PtrMux rW cond tv fv)
Just Refl -> evalMacawStmt (PtrMux rW cond tv fv)
Nothing -> appBVAtom n =<<
Nothing -> appBVAtom n =<<
C.BVIte cond n <$> toBits n tv <*> toBits n fv
C.BVIte cond n <$> toBits n tv <*> toBits n fv
M.FloatTypeRepr fi ->
appAtom $ C.FloatIte (floatInfoToCrucible fi) cond tv fv
M.TupleTypeRepr _ -> fail "XXX: Mux on tuples not yet done."
M.TupleTypeRepr _ -> fail "XXX: Mux on tuples not yet done."
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ This defines the monad used to map Reopt blocks to Crucible.
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
@ -22,9 +23,13 @@ module Data.Macaw.Symbolic.PersistentState
, initCrucPersistentState
, initCrucPersistentState
-- * Types
-- * Types
, ToCrucibleType
, ToCrucibleType
, ToCrucibleFloatInfo
, FromCrucibleFloatInfo
, CtxToCrucibleType
, CtxToCrucibleType
, ArchRegContext
, ArchRegContext
, typeToCrucible
, typeToCrucible
, floatInfoToCrucible
, floatInfoFromCrucible
, typeCtxToCrucible
, typeCtxToCrucible
, macawAssignToCrucM
, macawAssignToCrucM
, memReprToCrucible
, memReprToCrucible
@ -59,9 +64,23 @@ type family ToCrucibleTypeList (l :: [M.Type]) :: Ctx C.CrucibleType where
type family ToCrucibleType (tp :: M.Type) :: C.CrucibleType where
type family ToCrucibleType (tp :: M.Type) :: C.CrucibleType where
ToCrucibleType (M.BVType w) = MM.LLVMPointerType w
ToCrucibleType (M.BVType w) = MM.LLVMPointerType w
ToCrucibleType (M.FloatType fi) = C.FloatType (ToCrucibleFloatInfo fi)
ToCrucibleType ('M.TupleType l) = C.StructType (ToCrucibleTypeList l)
ToCrucibleType ('M.TupleType l) = C.StructType (ToCrucibleTypeList l)
ToCrucibleType M.BoolType = C.BaseToType C.BaseBoolType
ToCrucibleType M.BoolType = C.BaseToType C.BaseBoolType
type family ToCrucibleFloatInfo (fi :: M.FloatInfo) :: C.FloatInfo where
ToCrucibleFloatInfo M.HalfFloat = C.HalfFloat
ToCrucibleFloatInfo M.SingleFloat = C.SingleFloat
ToCrucibleFloatInfo M.DoubleFloat = C.DoubleFloat
ToCrucibleFloatInfo M.QuadFloat = C.QuadFloat
ToCrucibleFloatInfo M.X86_80Float = C.X86_80Float
type family FromCrucibleFloatInfo (fi :: C.FloatInfo) :: M.FloatInfo where
FromCrucibleFloatInfo C.HalfFloat = M.HalfFloat
FromCrucibleFloatInfo C.SingleFloat = M.SingleFloat
FromCrucibleFloatInfo C.DoubleFloat = M.DoubleFloat
FromCrucibleFloatInfo C.QuadFloat = M.QuadFloat
FromCrucibleFloatInfo C.X86_80Float = M.X86_80Float
type family CtxToCrucibleType (mtp :: Ctx M.Type) :: Ctx C.CrucibleType where
type family CtxToCrucibleType (mtp :: Ctx M.Type) :: Ctx C.CrucibleType where
CtxToCrucibleType EmptyCtx = EmptyCtx
CtxToCrucibleType EmptyCtx = EmptyCtx
@ -92,8 +111,29 @@ typeToCrucible tp =
case tp of
case tp of
M.BoolTypeRepr -> C.BoolRepr
M.BoolTypeRepr -> C.BoolRepr
M.BVTypeRepr w -> MM.LLVMPointerRepr w
M.BVTypeRepr w -> MM.LLVMPointerRepr w
M.FloatTypeRepr fi -> C.FloatRepr $ floatInfoToCrucible fi
M.TupleTypeRepr a -> C.StructRepr (typeListToCrucible a)
M.TupleTypeRepr a -> C.StructRepr (typeListToCrucible a)
:: M.FloatInfoRepr fi -> C.FloatInfoRepr (ToCrucibleFloatInfo fi)
floatInfoToCrucible = \case
M.HalfFloatRepr -> knownRepr
M.SingleFloatRepr -> knownRepr
M.DoubleFloatRepr -> knownRepr
M.QuadFloatRepr -> knownRepr
M.X86_80FloatRepr -> knownRepr
:: C.FloatInfoRepr fi -> M.FloatInfoRepr (FromCrucibleFloatInfo fi)
floatInfoFromCrucible = \case
C.HalfFloatRepr -> knownRepr
C.SingleFloatRepr -> knownRepr
C.DoubleFloatRepr -> knownRepr
C.QuadFloatRepr -> knownRepr
C.X86_80FloatRepr -> knownRepr
fi ->
error $ "Unsupported Crucible floating-point format in Macaw: " ++ show fi
typeListToCrucible ::
typeListToCrucible ::
P.List M.TypeRepr ctx ->
P.List M.TypeRepr ctx ->
Assignment C.TypeRepr (ToCrucibleTypeList ctx)
Assignment C.TypeRepr (ToCrucibleTypeList ctx)
@ -210,8 +210,8 @@ sseOpName f =
-- | A single or double value for floating-point restricted to this types.
-- | A single or double value for floating-point restricted to this types.
data SSE_FloatType tp where
data SSE_FloatType tp where
SSE_Single :: SSE_FloatType (FloatType SingleFloat)
SSE_Single :: SSE_FloatType (FloatBVType SingleFloat)
SSE_Double :: SSE_FloatType (FloatType DoubleFloat)
SSE_Double :: SSE_FloatType (FloatBVType DoubleFloat)
instance Show (SSE_FloatType tp) where
instance Show (SSE_FloatType tp) where
show SSE_Single = "single"
show SSE_Single = "single"
@ -225,9 +225,9 @@ instance HasRepr SSE_FloatType TypeRepr where
-- X87 declarations
-- X87 declarations
data X87_FloatType tp where
data X87_FloatType tp where
X87_Single :: X87_FloatType (BVType 32)
X87_Single :: X87_FloatType (FloatBVType SingleFloat)
X87_Double :: X87_FloatType (BVType 64)
X87_Double :: X87_FloatType (FloatBVType DoubleFloat)
X87_ExtDouble :: X87_FloatType (BVType 80)
X87_ExtDouble :: X87_FloatType (FloatBVType X86_80Float)
instance Show (X87_FloatType tp) where
instance Show (X87_FloatType tp) where
show X87_Single = "single"
show X87_Single = "single"
@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ data X86PrimFn f tp where
-- Guaranteed to not throw exception or have side effects.
-- Guaranteed to not throw exception or have side effects.
X87_Extend :: !(SSE_FloatType tp)
X87_Extend :: !(SSE_FloatType tp)
-> !(f tp)
-> !(f tp)
-> X86PrimFn f (BVType 80)
-> X86PrimFn f (FloatBVType X86_80Float)
-- | This performs an 80-bit floating point add.
-- | This performs an 80-bit floating point add.
@ -529,9 +529,9 @@ data X86PrimFn f tp where
-- * @#U@ Result is too small for destination format.
-- * @#U@ Result is too small for destination format.
-- * @#O@ Result is too large for destination format.
-- * @#O@ Result is too large for destination format.
-- * @#P@ Value cannot be represented exactly in destination format.
-- * @#P@ Value cannot be represented exactly in destination format.
X87_FAdd :: !(f (FloatType X86_80Float))
X87_FAdd :: !(f (FloatBVType X86_80Float))
-> !(f (FloatType X86_80Float))
-> !(f (FloatBVType X86_80Float))
-> X86PrimFn f (TupleType [FloatType X86_80Float, BoolType])
-> X86PrimFn f (TupleType [FloatBVType X86_80Float, BoolType])
-- | This performs an 80-bit floating point subtraction.
-- | This performs an 80-bit floating point subtraction.
@ -547,9 +547,9 @@ data X86PrimFn f tp where
-- * @#U@ Result is too small for destination format.
-- * @#U@ Result is too small for destination format.
-- * @#O@ Result is too large for destination format.
-- * @#O@ Result is too large for destination format.
-- * @#P@ Value cannot be represented exactly in destination format.
-- * @#P@ Value cannot be represented exactly in destination format.
X87_FSub :: !(f (FloatType X86_80Float))
X87_FSub :: !(f (FloatBVType X86_80Float))
-> !(f (FloatType X86_80Float))
-> !(f (FloatBVType X86_80Float))
-> X86PrimFn f (TupleType [FloatType X86_80Float, BoolType])
-> X86PrimFn f (TupleType [FloatBVType X86_80Float, BoolType])
-- | This performs an 80-bit floating point multiply.
-- | This performs an 80-bit floating point multiply.
@ -565,9 +565,9 @@ data X86PrimFn f tp where
-- * @#U@ Result is too small for destination format.
-- * @#U@ Result is too small for destination format.
-- * @#O@ Result is too large for destination format.
-- * @#O@ Result is too large for destination format.
-- * @#P@ Value cannot be represented exactly in destination format.
-- * @#P@ Value cannot be represented exactly in destination format.
X87_FMul :: !(f (FloatType X86_80Float))
X87_FMul :: !(f (FloatBVType X86_80Float))
-> !(f (FloatType X86_80Float))
-> !(f (FloatBVType X86_80Float))
-> X86PrimFn f (TupleType [FloatType X86_80Float, BoolType])
-> X86PrimFn f (TupleType [FloatBVType X86_80Float, BoolType])
-- | This rounds a floating number to single or double precision.
-- | This rounds a floating number to single or double precision.
@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ data X86PrimFn f tp where
-- In the #P case, the C1 register will be set 1 if rounding up,
-- In the #P case, the C1 register will be set 1 if rounding up,
-- and 0 otherwise.
-- and 0 otherwise.
X87_FST :: !(SSE_FloatType tp)
X87_FST :: !(SSE_FloatType tp)
-> !(f (BVType 80))
-> !(f (FloatBVType X86_80Float))
-> X86PrimFn f tp
-> X86PrimFn f tp
-- | Unary operation on a vector. Should have no side effects.
-- | Unary operation on a vector. Should have no side effects.
@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ data Location addr (tp :: Type) where
-- top, so X87Register 0 is the top, X87Register 1 is the second,
-- top, so X87Register 0 is the top, X87Register 1 is the second,
-- and so forth.
-- and so forth.
X87StackRegister :: !Int
X87StackRegister :: !Int
-> Location addr (FloatType X86_80Float)
-> Location addr (FloatBVType X86_80Float)
-- Location
-- Location
@ -743,14 +743,13 @@ c2_loc = fullRegister R.X87_C2
c3_loc = fullRegister R.X87_C3
c3_loc = fullRegister R.X87_C3
-- | Maps float info repr to associated MemRepr.
-- | Maps float info repr to associated MemRepr.
floatMemRepr :: FloatInfoRepr flt -> MemRepr (FloatType flt)
floatMemRepr :: FloatInfoRepr fi -> MemRepr (FloatBVType fi)
floatMemRepr fir =
floatMemRepr fi | LeqProof <- floatInfoBytesIsPos fi =
case floatInfoBytesIsPos fir of
BVMemRepr (floatInfoBytes fi) LittleEndian
LeqProof -> BVMemRepr (floatInfoBytes fir) LittleEndian
-- | Tuen an address into a location of size @n
-- | Tuen an address into a location of size @n
mkFPAddr :: FloatInfoRepr flt -> addr -> Location addr (FloatType flt)
mkFPAddr :: FloatInfoRepr fi -> addr -> Location addr (FloatBVType fi)
mkFPAddr fir addr = MemoryAddr addr (floatMemRepr fir)
mkFPAddr fi addr = MemoryAddr addr (floatMemRepr fi)
-- | Return MMX register corresponding to x87 register.
-- | Return MMX register corresponding to x87 register.
@ -1629,7 +1628,7 @@ getSegmentBase seg =
-- | X87 support --- these both affect the register stack for the
-- | X87 support --- these both affect the register stack for the
-- x87 state.
-- x87 state.
x87Push :: Expr ids (FloatType X86_80Float) -> X86Generator st ids ()
x87Push :: Expr ids (FloatBVType X86_80Float) -> X86Generator st ids ()
x87Push e = do
x87Push e = do
v <- eval e
v <- eval e
topv <- getX87Top
topv <- getX87Top
@ -1549,9 +1549,9 @@ def_fstX mnem doPop = defUnary mnem $ \_ val -> do
type X87BinOp
type X87BinOp
= forall f
= forall f
. f (FloatType X86_80Float)
. f (FloatBVType X86_80Float)
-> f (FloatType X86_80Float)
-> f (FloatBVType X86_80Float)
-> X86PrimFn f (TupleType [FloatType X86_80Float, BoolType])
-> X86PrimFn f (TupleType [FloatBVType X86_80Float, BoolType])
execX87BinOp :: X87BinOp
execX87BinOp :: X87BinOp
-> Location (Addr ids) (BVType 80)
-> Location (Addr ids) (BVType 80)
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