mirror of
synced 2024-12-28 08:34:23 +03:00
lay some groundwork for jump table detection on PPC
This commit is contained in:
@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ module Data.Macaw.CFG.Core
, valueAsRhs
, valueAsMemAddr
, valueAsSegmentOff
, valueAsArrayOffset
, valueAsStaticMultiplication
, asLiteralAddr
, asBaseOffset
, asInt64Constant
, IPAlignment(..)
, mkLit
, bvValue
, ppValueAssignments
@ -494,24 +494,6 @@ valueAsMemAddr (BVValue _ val) = Just $ absoluteAddr (fromInteger val)
valueAsMemAddr (RelocatableValue _ i) = Just i
valueAsMemAddr _ = Nothing
valueAsArrayOffset ::
Memory (ArchAddrWidth arch) ->
ArchAddrValue arch ids ->
Maybe (ArchSegmentOff arch, ArchAddrValue arch ids)
valueAsArrayOffset mem v
| Just (BVAdd w base offset) <- valueAsApp v
, Just Refl <- testEquality w (memWidth mem)
, Just ptr <- valueAsSegmentOff mem base
= Just (ptr, offset)
-- and with the other argument order
| Just (BVAdd w offset base) <- valueAsApp v
, Just Refl <- testEquality w (memWidth mem)
, Just ptr <- valueAsSegmentOff mem base
= Just (ptr, offset)
| otherwise = Nothing
valueAsStaticMultiplication ::
BVValue arch ids w ->
Maybe (Integer, BVValue arch ids w)
@ -519,6 +501,14 @@ valueAsStaticMultiplication v
| Just (BVMul _ (BVValue _ mul) v') <- valueAsApp v = Just (mul, v')
| Just (BVMul _ v' (BVValue _ mul)) <- valueAsApp v = Just (mul, v')
| Just (BVShl _ v' (BVValue _ sh)) <- valueAsApp v = Just (2^sh, v')
-- the PowerPC way to shift left is a bit obtuse...
| Just (BVAnd w v' (BVValue _ c)) <- valueAsApp v
, Just (BVOr _ l r) <- valueAsApp v'
, Just (BVShl _ l' (BVValue _ shl)) <- valueAsApp l
, Just (BVShr _ _ (BVValue _ shr)) <- valueAsApp r
, c == complement (2^shl-1) `mod` bit (fromInteger (natValue w))
, shr >= natValue w - shl
= Just (2^shl, l')
| otherwise = Nothing
asLiteralAddr :: MemWidth (ArchAddrWidth arch)
@ -545,6 +535,11 @@ asBaseOffset x
| Just (BVAdd _ x_base (BVValue _ x_off)) <- valueAsApp x = (x_base, x_off)
| otherwise = (x,0)
class IPAlignment arch where
-- | Take an aligned value and strip away the bits of the semantics that
-- align it, leaving behind a (potentially unaligned) value.
fromIPAligned :: ArchAddrValue arch ids -> Maybe (ArchAddrValue arch ids)
-- RegState
@ -720,6 +715,7 @@ type ArchConstraints arch
, IsArchStmt (ArchStmt arch)
, FoldableF (ArchStmt arch)
, PrettyF (ArchTermStmt arch)
, IPAlignment arch
-- | Pretty print an assignment right-hand side using operations parameterized
@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ This provides information about code discovered in binaries.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Data.Macaw.Discovery
( -- * DiscoveryInfo
@ -91,6 +93,7 @@ import Debug.Trace
import Data.Macaw.AbsDomain.AbsState
import qualified Data.Macaw.AbsDomain.JumpBounds as Jmp
import Data.Macaw.AbsDomain.Refine
import qualified Data.Macaw.AbsDomain.StridedInterval as SI
import Data.Macaw.Architecture.Info
import Data.Macaw.CFG
import Data.Macaw.CFG.DemandSet
@ -408,6 +411,8 @@ extendDyn (BVMemRepr size _) ext w = case ext of
| Just Refl <- testEquality size (knownNat :: NatRepr 8) -> Just (memWordSigned w)
_ -> Nothing
-- Beware: on some architectures, after reading from the jump table, the
-- resulting addresses must be aligned. See the IPAlignment class.
data JumpTable arch ids
-- the result of the array read gives the address to jump to
= Absolute (ArrayRead arch ids) (Maybe Extension)
@ -432,15 +437,65 @@ jumpTableExtension (Relative _ _ e) = e
ensure :: Alternative f => (a -> Bool) -> a -> f a
ensure p x = x <$ guard (p x)
matchArrayRead, matchReadOnlyArrayRead ::
MemWidth (ArchAddrWidth arch) =>
absValueAsSegmentOff ::
forall arch.
Memory (ArchAddrWidth arch) ->
ArchAbsValue arch (BVType (ArchAddrWidth arch)) ->
Maybe (ArchSegmentOff arch)
absValueAsSegmentOff mem av = case av of
FinSet s | Set.size s == 1 -> resolveAbsoluteIntegerAddr (shead s)
CodePointers s False | Set.size s == 1 -> Just (shead s)
CodePointers s True | Set.size s == 0 -> resolveAbsoluteIntegerAddr 0
StridedInterval si -> SI.isSingleton si >>= resolveAbsoluteIntegerAddr
_ -> Nothing
shead :: Set a -> a
shead = Set.findMin
resolveAbsoluteIntegerAddr :: Integer -> Maybe (ArchSegmentOff arch)
resolveAbsoluteIntegerAddr = resolveAbsoluteAddr mem . addrWidthClass (memAddrWidth mem) fromInteger
valueAsSegmentOffWithTransfer ::
forall arch ids.
RegisterInfo (ArchReg arch) =>
Memory (ArchAddrWidth arch) ->
AbsProcessorState (ArchReg arch) ids ->
BVValue arch ids (ArchAddrWidth arch) ->
Maybe (ArchSegmentOff arch)
valueAsSegmentOffWithTransfer mem aps v
= valueAsSegmentOff mem v
<|> absValueAsSegmentOff @arch mem (transferValue aps v)
valueAsArrayOffset ::
RegisterInfo (ArchReg arch) =>
Memory (ArchAddrWidth arch) ->
AbsProcessorState (ArchReg arch) ids ->
ArchAddrValue arch ids ->
Maybe (ArchSegmentOff arch, ArchAddrValue arch ids)
valueAsArrayOffset mem aps v
| Just (BVAdd w base offset) <- valueAsApp v
, Just Refl <- testEquality w (memWidth mem)
, Just ptr <- valueAsSegmentOffWithTransfer mem aps base
= Just (ptr, offset)
-- and with the other argument order
| Just (BVAdd w offset base) <- valueAsApp v
, Just Refl <- testEquality w (memWidth mem)
, Just ptr <- valueAsSegmentOffWithTransfer mem aps base
= Just (ptr, offset)
| otherwise = Nothing
matchArrayRead, matchReadOnlyArrayRead ::
(MemWidth (ArchAddrWidth arch), RegisterInfo (ArchReg arch)) =>
Memory (ArchAddrWidth arch) ->
AbsProcessorState (ArchReg arch) ids ->
BVValue arch ids w ->
Maybe (ArrayRead arch ids)
matchArrayRead mem val
matchArrayRead mem aps val
| Just (ReadMem addr size) <- valueAsRhs val
, Just (base, offset) <- valueAsArrayOffset mem addr
, Just (base, offset) <- valueAsArrayOffset mem aps addr
, Just (stride, ixVal) <- valueAsStaticMultiplication offset
= Just ArrayRead
{ arBase = base
@ -451,8 +506,8 @@ matchArrayRead mem val
| otherwise = Nothing
matchReadOnlyArrayRead mem val =
matchArrayRead mem val >>=
matchReadOnlyArrayRead mem aps val =
matchArrayRead mem aps val >>=
ensure (Perm.isReadonly . segmentFlags . msegSegment . arBase)
-- | Just like Some (BVValue arch ids), but doesn't run into trouble with
@ -466,26 +521,28 @@ matchExtension val
| otherwise = (Nothing, SomeBVValue val)
-- | Figure out if this is a jump table.
matchJumpTable :: MemWidth (ArchAddrWidth arch)
matchJumpTable :: (IPAlignment arch, MemWidth (ArchAddrWidth arch), RegisterInfo (ArchReg arch))
=> Memory (ArchAddrWidth arch)
-> AbsProcessorState (ArchReg arch) ids
-> ArchAddrValue arch ids -- ^ Value that's assigned to the IP.
-> Maybe (JumpTable arch ids)
matchJumpTable mem ip
matchJumpTable mem aps ip
-- Turn a plain read address into base + offset.
| (ext, SomeBVValue ipShort) <- matchExtension ip
, Just arrayRead <- matchReadOnlyArrayRead mem ipShort
, Just arrayRead <- matchReadOnlyArrayRead mem aps ipShort
= Just (Absolute arrayRead ext)
-- gcc-style PIC jump tables on x86 use, roughly,
-- ip = jmptbl + jmptbl[index]
-- where jmptbl is a pointer to the lookup table.
| Just (tgtBase, tgtOffset) <- valueAsArrayOffset mem ip
| Just unalignedIP <- fromIPAligned ip
, Just (tgtBase, tgtOffset) <- valueAsArrayOffset mem aps unalignedIP
, (ext, SomeBVValue shortOffset) <- matchExtension tgtOffset
, Just arrayRead <- matchReadOnlyArrayRead mem shortOffset
, Just arrayRead <- matchReadOnlyArrayRead mem aps shortOffset
= Just (Relative tgtBase arrayRead ext)
matchJumpTable _ _ = Nothing
matchJumpTable _ _ _ = Nothing
-- | This describes why we could not infer the bounds of code that looked like it
-- was accessing a jump table.
@ -514,7 +571,7 @@ showJumpTableBoundsError err =
getJumpTableBounds :: ArchitectureInfo a
-> AbsProcessorState (ArchReg a) ids -- ^ Current processor registers.
-> ArrayRead a ids
-> Either (JumpTableBoundsError a ids) (ArchAddrWord a)
-> Either String (ArchAddrWord a)
-- ^ One past last index in jump table or nothing
getJumpTableBounds info regs arrayRead = withArchConstraints info $
case Jmp.unsignedUpperBound (regs ^. indexBounds) (arIx arrayRead) of
@ -522,8 +579,10 @@ getJumpTableBounds info regs arrayRead = withArchConstraints info $
let arrayByteSize = maxIx * arStride arrayRead + arSizeBytes arrayRead in
if rangeInReadonlySegment (arBase arrayRead) (fromInteger arrayByteSize)
then Right $! fromInteger maxIx
else error $ "Jump table range is not in readonly memory"
Left msg -> Left (CouldNotFindBound msg (arIx arrayRead))
else Left $ "Jump table range is not in readonly memory: "
++ show maxIx ++ " entries/" ++ show arrayByteSize ++ " bytes"
++ " starting at " ++ show (arBase arrayRead)
Left msg -> Left (showJumpTableBoundsError (CouldNotFindBound msg (arIx arrayRead)))
-- ParseState
@ -700,11 +759,11 @@ parseFetchAndExecute ctx lbl_idx stmts regs s' = do
, stmtsAbsState = absProcState'
-- Block ends with what looks like a jump table.
| Just jt <- debug DCFG "try jump table" $ matchJumpTable mem (s'^.curIP) ->
| Just jt <- debug DCFG "try jump table" $ matchJumpTable mem absProcState' (s'^.curIP) ->
let arrayRead = jumpTableRead jt in
case getJumpTableBounds arch_info absProcState' arrayRead of
Left err ->
trace (show src ++ ": Could not compute bounds: " ++ showJumpTableBoundsError err) $ do
trace (show src ++ ": Could not compute bounds: " ++ err) $ do
mapM_ (recordWriteStmt arch_info mem absProcState') stmts
pure StatementList { stmtsIdent = lbl_idx
, stmtsNonterm = stmts
@ -827,7 +886,8 @@ parseFetchAndExecute ctx lbl_idx stmts regs s' = do
-- | this evalutes the statements in a block to expand the information known
-- about control flow targets of this block.
parseBlock :: ParseContext arch ids
parseBlock :: IPAlignment arch
=> ParseContext arch ids
-- ^ Context for parsing blocks.
-> Block arch ids
-- ^ Block to parse
@ -890,7 +950,7 @@ parseBlock ctx b regs = do
-- | This evalutes the statements in a block to expand the information known
-- about control flow targets of this block.
transferBlocks :: MemWidth (RegAddrWidth (ArchReg arch))
transferBlocks :: (MemWidth (RegAddrWidth (ArchReg arch)), IPAlignment arch)
=> ArchSegmentOff arch
-- ^ Address of theze blocks
-> FoundAddr arch
@ -941,7 +1001,7 @@ transferBlocks src finfo sz block_map =
mapM_ (\(addr, abs_state) -> mergeIntraJump src abs_state addr) (ps^.intraJumpTargets)
transfer :: ArchSegmentOff arch -> FunM arch s ids ()
transfer :: IPAlignment arch => ArchSegmentOff arch -> FunM arch s ids ()
transfer addr = do
s <- use curFunCtx
let ainfo = archInfo s
@ -997,7 +1057,8 @@ transfer addr = do
-- | Loop that repeatedly explore blocks until we have explored blocks
-- on the frontier.
analyzeBlocks :: (ArchSegmentOff arch -> ST s ())
analyzeBlocks :: IPAlignment arch
=> (ArchSegmentOff arch -> ST s ())
-- ^ Logging function to call when analyzing a new block.
-> FunState arch s ids
-> ST s (FunState arch s ids)
@ -1049,7 +1110,8 @@ mkFunInfo fs =
-- This returns the updated state and the discovered control flow
-- graph for this function.
analyzeFunction :: (ArchSegmentOff arch -> ST s ())
analyzeFunction :: IPAlignment arch
=> (ArchSegmentOff arch -> ST s ())
-- ^ Logging function to call when analyzing a new block.
-> ArchSegmentOff arch
-- ^ The address to explore
@ -1080,7 +1142,7 @@ analyzeFunction logFn addr rsn s =
-- If an exploreFnPred function exists in the DiscoveryState, then do not
-- analyze unexploredFunctions at addresses that do not satisfy this predicate.
analyzeDiscoveredFunctions :: DiscoveryState arch -> DiscoveryState arch
analyzeDiscoveredFunctions :: IPAlignment arch => DiscoveryState arch -> DiscoveryState arch
analyzeDiscoveredFunctions info =
case Map.lookupMin (exploreOK $ info^.unexploredFunctions) of
Nothing -> info
@ -1119,7 +1181,8 @@ exploreMemPointers mem_words info =
-- given set of function entry points
cfgFromAddrs ::
forall arch
. ArchitectureInfo arch
. IPAlignment arch
=> ArchitectureInfo arch
-- ^ Architecture-specific information needed for doing control-flow exploration.
-> Memory (ArchAddrWidth arch)
-- ^ Memory to use when decoding instructions.
@ -1134,7 +1197,8 @@ cfgFromAddrs arch_info mem symbols =
-- | Expand an initial discovery state by exploring from a given set of function
-- entry points.
cfgFromAddrsAndState :: forall arch
. DiscoveryState arch
. IPAlignment arch
=> DiscoveryState arch
-> [ArchSegmentOff arch]
-- ^ Initial function entry points.
-> [(ArchSegmentOff arch, ArchSegmentOff arch)]
@ -1153,7 +1217,7 @@ cfgFromAddrsAndState initial_state init_addrs mem_words =
-- Resolve functions with logging
resolveFuns :: MemWidth (RegAddrWidth (ArchReg arch))
resolveFuns :: (MemWidth (RegAddrWidth (ArchReg arch)), IPAlignment arch)
=> (ArchSegmentOff arch -> FunctionExploreReason (ArchAddrWidth arch) -> ST s Bool)
-- ^ Callback for discovered functions
@ -1248,7 +1312,8 @@ ppFunReason rsn =
-- This function is intended to make it easy to explore functions, and
-- can be controlled via 'DiscoveryOptions'.
completeDiscoveryState :: forall arch
. ArchitectureInfo arch
. IPAlignment arch
=> ArchitectureInfo arch
-> DiscoveryOptions
-- ^ Options controlling discovery
-> Memory (ArchAddrWidth arch)
@ -854,6 +854,9 @@ type instance ArchFn X86_64 = X86PrimFn
type instance ArchStmt X86_64 = X86Stmt
type instance ArchTermStmt X86_64 = X86TermStmt
-- x86 instructions can start at any byte
instance IPAlignment X86_64 where fromIPAligned = Just
rewriteX86PrimFn :: X86PrimFn (Value X86_64 src) tp
-> Rewriter X86_64 s src tgt (Value X86_64 tgt tp)
rewriteX86PrimFn f =
Reference in New Issue
Block a user