mirror of
synced 2024-12-29 17:17:05 +03:00
fixed merge conflicts
This commit is contained in:
@ -924,7 +924,7 @@ ppAbsStack m = vcat (pp <$> Map.toDescList m)
-- AbsBlockState
-- | State at beginning of a block.
-- | Processor/memory state after at beginning of a block.
data AbsBlockState r
= AbsBlockState { _absRegState :: !(RegState r (AbsValue (RegAddrWidth r)))
, _startAbsStack :: !(AbsBlockStack (RegAddrWidth r))
@ -1121,8 +1121,6 @@ transferValue :: forall a ids tp
-> Value a ids tp
-> ArchAbsValue a tp
transferValue c v = do
let amap = c^.absAssignments
aregs = c^.absInitialRegs
case v of
BoolValue b -> BoolConst b
BVValue w i
@ -1140,8 +1138,8 @@ transferValue c v = do
-- Invariant: v is in m
AssignedValue a ->
fromMaybe (error $ "Missing assignment for " ++ show (assignId a))
(MapF.lookup (assignId a) amap)
Initial r -> aregs ^. boundValue r
(MapF.lookup (assignId a) (c^.absAssignments))
Initial r -> c^.absInitialRegs ^. boundValue r
-- Operations
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ addUpperBound :: ( MapF.OrdF (ArchReg arch)
-> Either String (IndexBounds (ArchReg arch) ids)
addUpperBound v u bnds
-- Do nothing if upper bounds equals or exceeds function
| u >= maxUnsigned (valueWidth v) = Right bnds
| u >= maxUnsigned (typeWidth v) = Right bnds
| u < 0 = error "addUpperBound given negative value."
| otherwise =
case v of
@ -88,11 +88,17 @@ data ArchitectureInfo arch
-> AbsBlockState (ArchReg arch)
-- ^ Update the abstract state after a function call returns
, identifyCall :: forall ids
. Memory (ArchAddrWidth arch)
. Memory (ArchAddrWidth arch)
-> [Stmt arch ids]
-> RegState (ArchReg arch) (Value arch ids)
-> Maybe (Seq (Stmt arch ids), ArchSegmentOff arch)
-- ^ Function for recognizing call statements.
-- Given a memory state, list of statements, and final register
-- state, the should determine if this is a call, and if so,
-- return the statements with any action to push the return
-- value to the stack removed, and provide the explicit return
-- address that the function should return to.
, identifyReturn :: forall ids
. [Stmt arch ids]
-> RegState (ArchReg arch) (Value arch ids)
@ -123,7 +123,9 @@ data App (f :: Type -> *) (tp :: Type) where
-- @BVTestBit x i@ returns true iff bit @i@ of @x@ is true.
-- 0 is the index of the least-significant bit.
BVTestBit :: !(f (BVType n)) -> !(f (BVType log_n)) -> App f BoolType
-- If the value is larger than the width of n, then the result is false.
BVTestBit :: (1 <= n) => !(f (BVType n)) -> !(f (BVType log_n)) -> App f BoolType
-- Bitwise complement
BVComplement :: (1 <= n) => !(NatRepr n) -> !(f (BVType n)) -> App f (BVType n)
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ module Data.Macaw.CFG.Core
, Value(..)
, BVValue
, valueAsApp
, valueWidth
, asLiteralAddr
, asBaseOffset
, asInt64Constant
, mkLit
@ -105,7 +105,8 @@ import Numeric (showHex)
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as PP hiding ((<$>))
import Data.Macaw.CFG.App
import Data.Macaw.Memory (MemWord, MemWidth, MemAddr, MemSegmentOff, Endianness(..))
import Data.Macaw.Memory ( MemWord, MemWidth, MemAddr, MemSegmentOff, Endianness(..)
, absoluteAddr)
import Data.Macaw.Types
-- Note:
@ -323,13 +324,6 @@ instance ( HasRepr (ArchReg arch) TypeRepr
typeRepr (AssignedValue a) = typeRepr (assignRhs a)
typeRepr (Initial r) = typeRepr r
valueWidth :: ( HasRepr (ArchReg arch) TypeRepr
=> Value arch ids (BVType n) -> NatRepr n
valueWidth v =
case typeRepr v of
BVTypeRepr n -> n
-- Value equality
@ -395,6 +389,15 @@ valueAsApp :: Value arch ids tp -> Maybe (App (Value arch ids) tp)
valueAsApp (AssignedValue (Assignment _ (EvalApp a))) = Just a
valueAsApp _ = Nothing
-- | This returns a segmented address if the value can be interpreted as a literal memory
-- address, and returns nothing otherwise.
asLiteralAddr :: MemWidth (ArchAddrWidth arch)
=> BVValue arch ids (ArchAddrWidth arch)
-> Maybe (ArchMemAddr arch)
asLiteralAddr (BVValue _ val) = Just $ absoluteAddr (fromInteger val)
asLiteralAddr (RelocatableValue _ i) = Just i
asLiteralAddr _ = Nothing
asInt64Constant :: Value arch ids (BVType 64) -> Maybe Int64
asInt64Constant (BVValue _ o) = Just (fromInteger o)
asInt64Constant _ = Nothing
@ -147,6 +147,27 @@ rewriteApp app = do
UExt (BVValue _ x) w -> do
pure $ BVValue w x
BoolMux (BoolValue b) x y -> do
pure $! if b then x else y
-- ite c T y = (~c | T) & (c | y)
-- = c | y
BoolMux c (BoolValue True) y -> do
rewriteApp (OrApp c y)
-- ite c F y = (~c | F) & (c | y)
-- = ~c & y
BoolMux c (BoolValue False) y -> do
cn <- rewriteApp (NotApp c)
rewriteApp (AndApp cn y)
-- ite c x T = (~c | x) & (c | T)
-- = ~c | x
BoolMux c x (BoolValue True) -> do
cn <- rewriteApp (NotApp c)
rewriteApp (OrApp cn x)
-- ite c x F = (~c | x) & (c | F)
-- = c & x
BoolMux c x (BoolValue False) -> do
rewriteApp (AndApp c x)
AndApp (BoolValue xc) y -> do
if xc then
pure y
@ -161,7 +182,19 @@ rewriteApp app = do
pure y
OrApp x y@BoolValue{} -> rewriteApp (OrApp y x)
NotApp (BoolValue b) ->
pure $ boolLitValue (not b)
pure $! boolLitValue (not b)
NotApp (valueAsApp -> Just (NotApp c)) ->
pure $! c
XorApp (BoolValue b) x ->
if b then
rewriteApp (NotApp x)
pure x
XorApp x (BoolValue b) ->
if b then
rewriteApp (NotApp x)
pure x
BVAdd _ x (BVValue _ 0) -> do
pure x
@ -196,27 +229,53 @@ rewriteApp app = do
r <- rewriteApp (BVSignedLe y x)
rewriteApp (NotApp r)
BVSignedLe (BVValue w x) (BVValue _ y) -> do
pure $ boolLitValue $ toSigned w x <= toSigned w y
pure $ boolLitValue $ toSigned w x <= toSigned w y
BVTestBit (BVValue xw xc) (BVValue _ ic) | ic < min (natValue xw) (toInteger (maxBound :: Int)) -> do
let v = xc `testBit` fromInteger ic
pure $! boolLitValue v
-- If we test the greatest bit turn this to a signed equality
BVTestBit x (BVValue _ ic)
| w <- typeWidth x
, ic + 1 == natValue w -> do
rewriteApp (BVSignedLt x (BVValue w 0))
BVTestBit (valueAsApp -> Just (UExt x _)) i@(BVValue _ ic) -> do
let xw = typeWidth x
if ic < natValue xw then
rewriteApp (BVTestBit x i)
pure (BoolValue False)
BVTestBit (valueAsApp -> Just (BVXor _ x y@BVValue{})) i -> do
BVTestBit (valueAsApp -> Just (BVAnd _ x y)) i@BVValue{} -> do
xb <- rewriteApp (BVTestBit x i)
yb <- rewriteApp (BVTestBit y i)
rewriteApp (AndApp xb yb)
BVTestBit (valueAsApp -> Just (BVOr _ x y)) i@BVValue{} -> do
xb <- rewriteApp (BVTestBit x i)
yb <- rewriteApp (BVTestBit y i)
rewriteApp (OrApp xb yb)
BVTestBit (valueAsApp -> Just (BVXor _ x y)) i -> do
xb <- rewriteApp (BVTestBit x i)
yb <- rewriteApp (BVTestBit y i)
rewriteApp (XorApp xb yb)
BVTestBit (valueAsApp -> Just (BVComplement _ x)) i -> do
xb <- rewriteApp (BVTestBit x i)
rewriteApp (NotApp xb)
BVTestBit (valueAsApp -> Just (Mux _ c x y)) i -> do
xb <- rewriteApp (BVTestBit x i)
yb <- rewriteApp (BVTestBit y i)
rewriteApp (BoolMux c xb yb)
-- (x >> j) testBit i ~> x testBit (j+i)
BVTestBit (valueAsApp -> Just (BVShr w x (BVValue _ j))) (BVValue _ i)
| j + i < natValue w, j + i <= maxUnsigned w -> do
rewriteApp (BVTestBit x (BVValue w (j + i)))
BVComplement w (BVValue _ x) -> do
pure (BVValue w (toUnsigned w (complement x)))
BVAnd w (BVValue _ x) (BVValue _ y) -> do
pure (BVValue w (x .&. y))
-- Ensure constant with and is second argument.
BVAnd w x@BVValue{} y -> do
rewriteApp (BVAnd w y x)
BVAnd _ _ y@(BVValue _ 0) -> do
@ -272,9 +331,13 @@ rewriteApp app = do
Eq x@BVValue{} y -> do
rewriteApp (Eq y x)
-- x + o = y ~> x = (y - o)
Eq (valueAsApp -> Just (BVAdd w x (BVValue _ o))) (BVValue _ yc) -> do
rewriteApp (Eq x (BVValue w (toUnsigned w (yc - o))))
Eq (valueAsApp -> Just (BVSub _ x y)) (BVValue _ 0) -> do
rewriteApp (Eq x y)
Eq (valueAsApp -> Just (UExt x _)) (BVValue _ yc) -> do
let u = typeWidth x
if yc > maxUnsigned u then
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Maintainer : Joe Hendrix <jhendrix@galois.com>, Simon Winwood <sjw@galois.
This provides information about code discovered in binaries.
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
@ -77,7 +78,6 @@ import qualified Data.Macaw.AbsDomain.StridedInterval as SI
import Data.Macaw.Architecture.Info
import Data.Macaw.CFG
import Data.Macaw.CFG.DemandSet
import Data.Macaw.CFG.Rewriter
import Data.Macaw.DebugLogging
import Data.Macaw.Discovery.AbsEval
import Data.Macaw.Discovery.State as State
@ -85,6 +85,11 @@ import Data.Macaw.Memory
import qualified Data.Macaw.Memory.Permissions as Perm
import Data.Macaw.Types
#define USE_REWRITER 1
import Data.Macaw.CFG.Rewriter
-- Utilities
@ -152,9 +157,27 @@ cameFromUnsoundReason found_map rsn = do
CodePointerInMem{} -> True
-- | This uses an assertion about a given value being true or false to
-- refine the information in an abstract processor state.
refineProcStateBounds :: ( OrdF (ArchReg arch)
, HasRepr (ArchReg arch) TypeRepr
=> Value arch ids BoolType
-> Bool
-> AbsProcessorState (ArchReg arch) ids
-> AbsProcessorState (ArchReg arch) ids
refineProcStateBounds v isTrue ps =
case indexBounds (Jmp.assertPred v isTrue) ps of
Left{} -> ps
Right ps' -> ps'
-- Rewriting block
-- | Apply optimizations to a terminal statement.
rewriteTermStmt :: TermStmt arch src -> Rewriter arch src tgt (TermStmt arch tgt)
rewriteTermStmt tstmt = do
@ -167,7 +190,7 @@ rewriteTermStmt tstmt = do
_ | Just (NotApp cn) <- valueAsApp tgtCond -> do
Branch cn <$> pure f <*> pure t
| otherwise ->
Branch tgtCond <$> pure t <*> pure f
pure $ Branch tgtCond t f
Syscall regs ->
Syscall <$> traverseF rewriteValue regs
TranslateError regs msg ->
@ -187,6 +210,7 @@ rewriteBlock b = do
, blockStmts = tgtStmts
, blockTerm = tgtTermStmt
-- Demanded subterm utilities
@ -268,7 +292,7 @@ data FoundAddr arch
-- FunState
-- | The state for the function explroation monad
-- | The state for the function exploration monad (funM)
data FunState arch ids
= FunState { funNonceGen :: !(NonceGenerator (ST ids) ids)
, curFunAddr :: !(ArchSegmentOff arch)
@ -332,7 +356,7 @@ liftST = FunM . lift
mergeIntraJump :: ArchSegmentOff arch
-- ^ Source label that we are jumping from.
-> AbsBlockState (ArchReg arch)
-- ^ Block state after executing instructions.
-- ^ The state of the system after jumping to new block.
-> ArchSegmentOff arch
-- ^ Address we are trying to reach.
-> FunM arch ids ()
@ -368,7 +392,7 @@ mergeIntraJump src ab tgt = do
-- Jump table bounds
-- See if expression matches form expected by jump tables
-- | Figure out if this is a jump table.
matchJumpTable :: MemWidth (ArchAddrWidth arch)
=> Memory (ArchAddrWidth arch)
-> BVValue arch ids (ArchAddrWidth arch) -- ^ Memory address that IP is read from.
@ -386,11 +410,14 @@ matchJumpTable mem read_addr
matchJumpTable _ _ =
-- | This describes why we could not infer the bounds of code that looked like it
-- was accessing a jump table.
data JumpTableBoundsError arch ids
= CouldNotInterpretAbsValue !(AbsValue (ArchAddrWidth arch) (BVType (ArchAddrWidth arch)))
| UpperBoundMismatch !(Jmp.UpperBound (BVType (ArchAddrWidth arch))) !Integer
| CouldNotFindBound String !(ArchAddrValue arch ids)
-- | Show the jump table bounds
showJumpTableBoundsError :: ArchConstraints arch => JumpTableBoundsError arch ids -> String
showJumpTableBoundsError err =
case err of
@ -405,8 +432,8 @@ showJumpTableBoundsError err =
show "Could not find jump table: " ++ msg ++ "\n"
++ show (ppValueAssignments jump_index)
-- Returns the index bounds for a jump table of 'Nothing' if this is not a block
-- table.
-- | Returns the index bounds for a jump table of 'Nothing' if this is
-- not a block table.
getJumpTableBounds :: ArchitectureInfo a
-> AbsProcessorState (ArchReg a) ids -- ^ Current processor registers.
-> ArchMemAddr a -- ^ Base
@ -428,24 +455,11 @@ getJumpTableBounds info regs base jump_index = withArchConstraints info $
abs_value -> Left (CouldNotInterpretAbsValue abs_value)
refineProcStateBounds :: ( OrdF (ArchReg arch)
, HasRepr (ArchReg arch) TypeRepr
=> Value arch ids BoolType
-> Bool
-> AbsProcessorState (ArchReg arch) ids
-> AbsProcessorState (ArchReg arch) ids
refineProcStateBounds v isTrue ps =
case indexBounds (Jmp.assertPred v isTrue) ps of
Left{} -> ps
Right ps' -> ps'
-- ParseState
-- | This describes information learned when analyzing a block to look
-- for code pointers and classify exit.
data ParseState arch ids =
ParseState { _writtenCodeAddrs :: ![ArchSegmentOff arch]
-- ^ Addresses marked executable that were written to memory.
@ -454,9 +468,11 @@ data ParseState arch ids =
, _newFunctionAddrs :: ![ArchSegmentOff arch]
-- | Code addresses written to memory.
writtenCodeAddrs :: Simple Lens (ParseState arch ids) [ArchSegmentOff arch]
writtenCodeAddrs = lens _writtenCodeAddrs (\s v -> s { _writtenCodeAddrs = v })
-- | Intraprocedural jump targets.
intraJumpTargets :: Simple Lens (ParseState arch ids) [(ArchSegmentOff arch, AbsBlockState (ArchReg arch))]
intraJumpTargets = lens _intraJumpTargets (\s v -> s { _intraJumpTargets = v })
@ -483,6 +499,7 @@ recordWriteStmt arch_info mem regs stmt = do
-- ParseContext
-- | Information needed to parse the processor state
data ParseContext arch ids = ParseContext { pctxMemory :: !(Memory (ArchAddrWidth arch))
, pctxArchInfo :: !(ArchitectureInfo arch)
, pctxFunAddr :: !(ArchSegmentOff arch)
@ -498,6 +515,34 @@ addrMemRepr arch_info =
Addr32 -> BVMemRepr n4 (archEndianness arch_info)
Addr64 -> BVMemRepr n8 (archEndianness arch_info)
identifyCallTargets :: forall arch ids
. (RegisterInfo (ArchReg arch))
=> AbsProcessorState (ArchReg arch) ids
-- ^ Abstract processor state just before call.
-> BVValue arch ids (ArchAddrWidth arch)
-> [ArchSegmentOff arch]
identifyCallTargets absState ip = do
-- Code pointers from abstract domains.
let mem = absMem absState
let def = concretizeAbsCodePointers mem (transferValue absState ip)
let segOffAddrs :: Maybe (ArchSegmentOff arch) -> [ArchSegmentOff arch]
segOffAddrs (Just addr)
| segmentFlags (msegSegment addr) `Perm.hasPerm` Perm.execute =
segOffAddrs _ = []
case ip of
BVValue _ x -> segOffAddrs $ resolveAbsoluteAddr mem (fromInteger x)
RelocatableValue _ a -> segOffAddrs $ asSegmentOff mem a
AssignedValue a ->
case assignRhs a of
-- See if we can get a value out of a concrete memory read.
ReadMem addr (BVMemRepr _ end)
| Just laddr <- asLiteralAddr addr
, Right val <- readAddr mem end laddr ->
segOffAddrs (asSegmentOff mem val) ++ def
_ -> def
Initial _ -> def
-- | This parses a block that ended with a fetch and execute instruction.
parseFetchAndExecute :: forall arch ids
. ParseContext arch ids
@ -521,15 +566,17 @@ parseFetchAndExecute ctx lbl_idx stmts regs s' = do
-- The last statement was a call.
-- Note that in some cases the call is known not to return, and thus
-- this code will never jump to the return value.
_ | Just (prev_stmts, ret) <- identifyCall arch_info mem stmts s' -> do
_ | Just (prev_stmts, ret) <- identifyCall arch_info mem stmts s' -> do
mapM_ (recordWriteStmt arch_info mem absProcState') prev_stmts
let abst = finalAbsBlockState absProcState' s'
seq abst $ do
-- Merge caller return information
intraJumpTargets %= ((ret, postCallAbsState arch_info abst ret):)
-- Look for new ips.
let addrs = concretizeAbsCodePointers mem (abst^.absRegState^.curIP)
-- Use the abstract domain to look for new code pointers for the current IP.
let addrs = identifyCallTargets absProcState' (s'^.boundValue ip_reg)
newFunctionAddrs %= (++ addrs)
-- Use the call-specific code to look for new IPs.
pure StatementList { stmtsIdent = lbl_idx
, stmtsNonterm = toList prev_stmts
, stmtsTerm = ParsedCall s' (Just ret)
@ -546,14 +593,14 @@ parseFetchAndExecute ctx lbl_idx stmts regs s' = do
, stmtsAbsState = absProcState'
-- Jump to concrete offset.
-- Note, we disallow jumps back to function entry point thus forcing them to be treated
-- as tail calls or unclassified if the stack has changed size.
| Just tgt_addr <- asLiteralAddr (s'^.boundValue ip_reg)
, Just tgt_mseg <- asSegmentOff mem tgt_addr
-- Jump to a block within this function.
| Just tgt_mseg <- asSegmentOff mem =<< asLiteralAddr (s'^.boundValue ip_reg)
, segmentFlags (msegSegment tgt_mseg) `Perm.hasPerm` Perm.execute
-- The target address cannot be this function entry point.
-- This will result in the target being trated as a call or tail call.
, tgt_mseg /= pctxFunAddr ctx -> do
mapM_ (recordWriteStmt arch_info mem absProcState') stmts
-- Merge block state and add intra jump target.
let abst = finalAbsBlockState absProcState' s'
@ -634,7 +681,6 @@ parseFetchAndExecute ctx lbl_idx stmts regs s' = do
let addrs = concretizeAbsCodePointers mem (abst^.absRegState^.curIP)
newFunctionAddrs %= (++ addrs)
pure StatementList { stmtsIdent = lbl_idx
, stmtsNonterm = stmts
, stmtsTerm = ParsedCall s' Nothing
@ -800,12 +846,16 @@ transfer addr = do
curFunBlocks %= Map.insert addr pb
else do
-- Rewrite returned blocks to simplify expressions
let ctx = RewriteContext { rwctxNonceGen = nonceGen
, rwctxArchFn = rewriteArchFn ainfo
, rwctxArchStmt = rewriteArchStmt ainfo
, rwctxConstraints = \x -> x
bs1 <- liftST $ runRewriter ctx $ traverse rewriteBlock bs0
let bs1 = bs0
-- Comute demand set
let demandSet =
runDemandComp (archDemandContext ainfo) $ do
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import Data.Macaw.AbsDomain.AbsState
import Data.Macaw.Architecture.Info
import Data.Macaw.CFG
-- | Get the absolute value associated with an address.
-- | Get the abstract value associated with an address.
absEvalReadMem :: RegisterInfo (ArchReg a)
=> AbsProcessorState (ArchReg a) ids
-> ArchAddrValue a ids
@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ absEvalReadMem :: RegisterInfo (ArchReg a)
-- ^ Information about the memory layout for the value.
-> ArchAbsValue a tp
absEvalReadMem r a tp
-- If the value is a stack entry, then see if there is a stack
-- value associated with it.
| StackOffset _ s <- transferValue r a
, [o] <- Set.toList s
, Just (StackEntry v_tp v) <- Map.lookup o (r^.curAbsStack)
@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ module Data.Macaw.Discovery.State
, CodeAddrReason(..)
-- * DiscoveryState utilities
, RegConstraint
, asLiteralAddr
) where
import Control.Lens
@ -240,7 +239,7 @@ data StatementList arch ids
-- ^ The terminal statement in the block.
, stmtsAbsState :: !(AbsProcessorState (ArchReg arch) ids)
-- ^ The abstract state of the block just before terminal
deriving instance ArchConstraints arch
=> Show (StatementList arch ids)
@ -419,12 +418,3 @@ funInfo = lens _funInfo (\s v -> s { _funInfo = v })
-- | Constraint on architecture register values needed by code exploration.
type RegConstraint r = (OrdF r, HasRepr r TypeRepr, RegisterInfo r, ShowF r)
-- | This returns a segmented address if the value can be interpreted as a literal memory
-- address, and returns nothing otherwise.
asLiteralAddr :: MemWidth (ArchAddrWidth arch)
=> BVValue arch ids (ArchAddrWidth arch)
-> Maybe (ArchMemAddr arch)
asLiteralAddr (BVValue _ val) = Just $ absoluteAddr (fromInteger val)
asLiteralAddr (RelocatableValue _ i) = Just i
asLiteralAddr _ = Nothing
@ -561,7 +561,6 @@ resolveAbsoluteAddr mem addr = addrWidthClass (memAddrWidth mem) $
Just $! MemSegmentOff seg (addr - base)
_ -> Nothing
-- | Make a segment offset pair after ensuring the offset is valid
resolveSegmentOff :: MemWidth w => MemSegment w -> MemWord w -> Maybe (MemSegmentOff w)
resolveSegmentOff seg off
Reference in New Issue
Block a user