mirror of
synced 2024-12-29 17:17:05 +03:00
Update for parameterized-utils compat.
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ library
hs-source-dirs: src
@ -1,14 +1,19 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Data.Macaw.Symbolic
( ArchTranslateFunctions(..)
( Data.Macaw.Symbolic.CrucGen.CrucGenArchFunctions(..)
, Data.Macaw.Symbolic.CrucGen.CrucGen
, MacawSimulatorState
, stepBlocks
, Data.Macaw.Symbolic.PersistentState.ArchRegContext
, Data.Macaw.Symbolic.PersistentState.ToCrucibleType
) where
import Control.Monad.Except
@ -16,8 +21,7 @@ import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Parameterized.Ctx
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
import Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as MapF
import Data.Parameterized.TraversableFC
import qualified Data.Set as Set
@ -42,7 +46,7 @@ import qualified Data.Macaw.CFG.Core as M
import qualified Data.Macaw.Memory as M
import qualified Data.Macaw.Types as M
import Data.Macaw.Symbolic.App
import Data.Macaw.Symbolic.CrucGen
import Data.Macaw.Symbolic.PersistentState
data MacawSimulatorState sym = MacawSimulatorState
@ -54,16 +58,19 @@ regVars :: (IsSymInterface sym, M.HasRepr reg M.TypeRepr)
-> Ctx.Assignment reg ctx
-> IO (Ctx.Assignment (C.RegValue' sym) (CtxToCrucibleType ctx))
regVars sym nameFn a =
case Ctx.view a of
Ctx.AssignEmpty -> pure Ctx.empty
Ctx.AssignExtend b reg -> do
case a of
Empty -> pure Ctx.empty
b :> reg -> do
varAssign <- regVars sym nameFn b
c <- freshConstant sym (nameFn reg) (typeToCrucibleBase (M.typeRepr reg))
pure (varAssign Ctx.%> C.RV c)
pure (varAssign :> C.RV c)
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,10,0)
_ -> error "internal: regVars encountered case non-exhaustive pattern"
runFreshSymOverride :: M.TypeRepr tp
-> C.OverrideSim MacawSimulatorState sym ret
(ToCrucibleType tp)
(C.RegValue sym (ToCrucibleType tp))
runFreshSymOverride = undefined
@ -135,7 +142,7 @@ mkMemBaseVarMap halloc mem = do
stepBlocks :: forall sym arch ids
. (IsSymInterface sym, M.ArchConstraints arch)
=> sym
-> ArchTranslateFunctions arch
-> CrucGenArchFunctions arch
-> M.Memory (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)
-- ^ Memory image for executable
-> Text
@ -151,11 +158,11 @@ stepBlocks :: forall sym arch ids
(C.RegEntry sym (C.StructType (CtxToCrucibleType (ArchRegContext arch)))))
stepBlocks sym sinfo mem binPath nm addr macawBlocks = do
let regAssign = archRegAssignment sinfo
let regAssign = crucGenRegAssignment sinfo
let crucRegTypes = typeCtxToCrucible (fmapFC M.typeRepr regAssign)
let macawStructRepr = C.StructRepr crucRegTypes
halloc <- C.newHandleAllocator
let argTypes = Ctx.empty Ctx.%> macawStructRepr
let argTypes = Empty :> macawStructRepr
h <- stToIO $ C.mkHandle' halloc nm argTypes macawStructRepr
-- Map block map to Crucible CFG
let blockLabelMap :: Map Word64 (CR.Label RealWorld)
@ -197,7 +204,7 @@ stepBlocks sym sinfo mem binPath nm addr macawBlocks = do
let s = C.initSimState ctx C.emptyGlobals C.defaultErrorHandler
-- Define the arguments to call the Reopt CFG with.
-- This should be a symbolic variable for each register in the architecture.
regStruct <- regVars sym (archRegNameFn sinfo) regAssign
regStruct <- regVars sym (crucGenArchRegName sinfo) regAssign
let args :: C.RegMap sym (MacawFunctionArgs arch)
args = C.RegMap (Ctx.singleton (C.RegEntry macawStructRepr regStruct))
-- Run the symbolic simulator.
@ -16,13 +16,14 @@ This defines the core operations for mapping from Reopt to Crucible.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wwarn #-}
module Data.Macaw.Symbolic.App
( ArchTranslateFunctions(..)
, MacawMonad
module Data.Macaw.Symbolic.CrucGen
( CrucGenArchFunctions(..)
-- ** Operations for implementing new backends.
, CrucGen
, addMacawBlock
) where
import Control.Lens
import Control.Lens hiding (Empty, (:>))
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ import qualified Data.Macaw.CFG.Block as M
import qualified Data.Macaw.Memory as M
import qualified Data.Macaw.Types as M
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
import Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
import Data.Parameterized.Map (MapF)
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as MapF
import Data.Parameterized.NatRepr
@ -54,34 +55,38 @@ import Data.Macaw.Symbolic.PersistentState
-- CrucPersistentState
-- | Architecture-specific information needed to translate from Macaw to Crucible
data ArchTranslateFunctions arch
= ArchTranslateFunctions
{ archRegNameFn :: !(forall tp . M.ArchReg arch tp -> C.SolverSymbol)
, archRegAssignment :: !(Ctx.Assignment (M.ArchReg arch) (ArchRegContext arch))
data CrucGenArchFunctions arch
= CrucGenArchFunctions
{ crucGenArchConstraints :: !(forall a . (M.MemWidth (M.ArchAddrWidth arch) => a) -> a)
, crucGenRegAssignment :: !(Ctx.Assignment (M.ArchReg arch) (ArchRegContext arch))
-- ^ Map from indices in the ArchRegContext to the associated register.
, archTranslateFn :: !(forall ids s tp
, crucGenArchRegName :: !(forall tp . M.ArchReg arch tp -> C.SolverSymbol)
-- ^ Provides a solver name to use for referring to register.
, crucGenArchFn :: !(forall ids s tp
. M.ArchFn arch (M.Value arch ids) tp
-> CrucGen arch ids s (CR.Atom s (ToCrucibleType tp)))
-- ^ Function for translating an architecture specific function
, archTranslateStmt :: !(forall ids s . M.ArchStmt arch (M.Value arch ids) -> CrucGen arch ids s ())
, archTranslateTermStmt :: !(forall ids s
-- ^ Generate crucible for architecture-specific function.
, crucGenArchStmt
:: !(forall ids s . M.ArchStmt arch (M.Value arch ids) -> CrucGen arch ids s ())
-- ^ Generate crucible for architecture-specific statement.
, crucGenArchTermStmt :: !(forall ids s
. M.ArchTermStmt arch ids
-> M.RegState (M.ArchReg arch) (M.Value arch ids)
-> CrucGen arch ids s ())
-- ^ Generate crucible for architecture-specific terminal statement.
-- | State used for generating blocks
data CrucGenState arch ids s
= CrucGenState
{ translateFns :: !(ArchTranslateFunctions arch)
{ translateFns :: !(CrucGenArchFunctions arch)
, crucCtx :: !(CrucGenContext arch ids s)
, crucPState :: !(CrucPersistentState arch ids s)
-- ^ State that persists across blocks.
, blockLabel :: (CR.Label s)
-- ^ Label for this block we are translating
, macawBlockIndex :: !Word64
, codeAddr :: !Word64
-- ^ Address of this code
, crucPos :: !C.Position
-- ^ Position in the crucible file.
, prevStmts :: ![C.Posd (CR.Stmt s)]
-- ^ List of states in reverse order
@ -89,28 +94,30 @@ data CrucGenState arch ids s
crucPStateLens :: Simple Lens (CrucGenState arch ids s) (CrucPersistentState arch ids s)
crucPStateLens = lens crucPState (\s v -> s { crucPState = v })
assignValueMapLens :: Simple Lens (CrucGenState arch ids s)
assignValueMapLens :: Simple Lens (CrucPersistentState arch ids s)
(MapF (M.AssignId ids) (MacawCrucibleValue (CR.Atom s)))
assignValueMapLens = crucPStateLens . lens assignValueMap (\s v -> s { assignValueMap = v })
assignValueMapLens = lens assignValueMap (\s v -> s { assignValueMap = v })
newtype CrucGen arch ids s r
= CrucGen { unContGen
= CrucGen { unCrucGen
:: CrucGenState arch ids s
-> (CrucGenState arch ids s -> r -> ST s (CrucPersistentState arch ids s))
-> ST s (CrucPersistentState arch ids s)
-> (CrucGenState arch ids s
-> r
-> ST s (CrucPersistentState arch ids s, CR.Block s (MacawFunctionResult arch)))
-> ST s (CrucPersistentState arch ids s, CR.Block s (MacawFunctionResult arch))
instance Functor (CrucGen arch ids s) where
fmap f m = CrucGen $ \s0 cont -> unContGen m s0 $ \s1 v -> cont s1 (f v)
fmap f m = CrucGen $ \s0 cont -> unCrucGen m s0 $ \s1 v -> cont s1 (f v)
instance Applicative (CrucGen arch ids s) where
pure r = CrucGen $ \s cont -> cont s r
mf <*> ma = CrucGen $ \s0 cont -> unContGen mf s0
$ \s1 f -> unContGen ma s1
mf <*> ma = CrucGen $ \s0 cont -> unCrucGen mf s0
$ \s1 f -> unCrucGen ma s1
$ \s2 a -> cont s2 (f a)
instance Monad (CrucGen arch ids s) where
m >>= h = CrucGen $ \s0 cont -> unContGen m s0 $ \s1 r -> unContGen (h r) s1 cont
m >>= h = CrucGen $ \s0 cont -> unCrucGen m s0 $ \s1 r -> unCrucGen (h r) s1 cont
instance MonadState (CrucGenState arch ids s) (CrucGen arch ids s) where
get = CrucGen $ \s cont -> cont s s
@ -122,12 +129,9 @@ getCtx = gets crucCtx
liftST :: ST s r -> CrucGen arch ids s r
liftST m = CrucGen $ \s cont -> m >>= cont s
-- | Get current position
getPos :: CrucGen arch ids s C.Position
getPos = do
ctx <- getCtx
C.BinaryPos (binaryPath ctx) <$> gets codeAddr
getPos = gets crucPos
addStmt :: CR.Stmt s -> CrucGen arch ids s ()
addStmt stmt = seq stmt $ do
@ -142,11 +146,11 @@ addTermStmt :: CR.TermStmt s (MacawFunctionResult arch)
addTermStmt tstmt = do
termPos <- getPos
CrucGen $ \s _ -> do
let lbl = CR.LabelID (blockLabel s)
let lbl = blockLabel s
let stmts = Seq.fromList (reverse (prevStmts s))
let term = C.Posd termPos tstmt
let blk = CR.mkBlock lbl Set.empty stmts term
pure $! crucPState s & seenBlockMapLens %~ Map.insert (macawBlockIndex s) blk
let blk = CR.mkBlock (CR.LabelID lbl) Set.empty stmts term
pure $ (crucPState s, blk)
freshValueIndex :: CrucGen arch ids s Int
freshValueIndex = do
@ -337,11 +341,12 @@ valueToCrucible v = do
Nothing -> fail $ "internal: Register is not bound."
M.AssignedValue asgn -> do
let idx = M.assignId asgn
amap <- use assignValueMapLens
amap <- use $ crucPStateLens . assignValueMapLens
case MapF.lookup idx amap of
Just (MacawCrucibleValue r) -> pure r
Nothing -> fail "internal: Assignment id is not bound."
-- |
mkHandleVal :: HandleId arch '(args,ret)
-> CrucGen arch ids s (C.FnHandle args ret)
mkHandleVal hid = do
@ -380,7 +385,7 @@ readMem :: M.ArchAddrValue arch ids
readMem addr repr = do
hndl <- mkHandleVal (ReadMemId repr)
caddr <- valueToCrucible addr
callFnHandle hndl (Ctx.empty Ctx.%> caddr)
callFnHandle hndl (Empty :> caddr)
writeMem :: M.ArchAddrValue arch ids
-> M.MemRepr tp
@ -390,8 +395,7 @@ writeMem addr repr val = do
hndl <- mkHandleVal (WriteMemId repr)
caddr <- valueToCrucible addr
cval <- valueToCrucible val
let args = Ctx.empty Ctx.%> caddr Ctx.%> cval
void $ callFnHandle hndl args
void $ callFnHandle hndl (Empty :> caddr :> cval)
assignRhsToCrucible :: M.AssignRhs arch (M.Value arch ids) tp
-> CrucGen arch ids s (CR.Atom s (ToCrucibleType tp))
@ -402,7 +406,7 @@ assignRhsToCrucible rhs =
M.ReadMem addr repr -> readMem addr repr
M.EvalArchFn f _ -> do
fns <- translateFns <$> get
archTranslateFn fns f
crucGenArchFn fns f
addMacawStmt :: M.Stmt arch ids -> CrucGen arch ids s ()
addMacawStmt stmt =
@ -410,20 +414,22 @@ addMacawStmt stmt =
M.AssignStmt asgn -> do
let idx = M.assignId asgn
a <- assignRhsToCrucible (M.assignRhs asgn)
assignValueMapLens %= MapF.insert idx (MacawCrucibleValue a)
crucPStateLens . assignValueMapLens %= MapF.insert idx (MacawCrucibleValue a)
M.WriteMem addr repr val -> do
writeMem addr repr val
M.PlaceHolderStmt _vals msg -> do
cmsg <- crucibleValue (C.TextLit (Text.pack msg))
addTermStmt (CR.ErrorStmt cmsg)
M.InstructionStart _addr _ -> do
-- TODO: Fix this
pure ()
M.InstructionStart addr _ -> do
-- Update the position
modify $ \s ->
crucGenArchConstraints (translateFns s) $
s { crucPos = C.BinaryPos (binaryPath (crucCtx s)) (fromIntegral addr) }
M.Comment _txt -> do
pure ()
M.ExecArchStmt astmt -> do
fns <- translateFns <$> get
archTranslateStmt fns astmt
crucGenArchStmt fns astmt
lookupCrucibleLabel :: Word64 -> CrucGen arch ids s (CR.Label s)
lookupCrucibleLabel idx = do
@ -458,15 +464,17 @@ addMacawTermStmt tstmt =
addTermStmt (CR.Br p t f)
M.ArchTermStmt ts regs -> do
fns <- translateFns <$> get
archTranslateTermStmt fns ts regs
crucGenArchTermStmt fns ts regs
M.TranslateError _regs msg -> do
cmsg <- crucibleValue (C.TextLit msg)
addTermStmt (CR.ErrorStmt cmsg)
-- | Type level monad for building blocks.
-- | Monad for adding new blocks to a state.
type MacawMonad arch ids s = ExceptT String (StateT (CrucPersistentState arch ids s) (ST s))
addMacawBlock :: ArchTranslateFunctions arch
addMacawBlock :: CrucGenArchFunctions arch
-> CrucGenContext arch ids s
-> Word64
-- ^ Code address
@ -479,17 +487,17 @@ addMacawBlock tfns ctx addr b = do
case Map.lookup idx (macawIndexToLabelMap ctx) of
Just lbl -> pure lbl
Nothing -> throwError $ "Internal: Could not find block with index " ++ show idx
let s0 = CrucGenState { translateFns = tfns
, crucCtx = ctx
, crucPState = pstate
, blockLabel = lbl
, macawBlockIndex = idx
, codeAddr = addr
, prevStmts = []
, crucPos = C.BinaryPos (binaryPath ctx) addr
, prevStmts = []
let cont _s () = fail "Unterminated crucible block"
let action = do
mapM_ addMacawStmt (M.blockStmts b)
addMacawTermStmt (M.blockTerm b)
r <- lift $ lift $ unContGen action s0 cont
put r
(ps, blk) <- lift $ lift $ unCrucGen action s0 cont
put $ ps & seenBlockMapLens %~ Map.insert idx blk
@ -58,15 +58,14 @@ module Data.Macaw.Symbolic.PersistentState
, CrucSeenBlockMap
) where
import Control.Lens
import Control.Lens hiding (Index, (:>), Empty)
import qualified Data.Macaw.CFG as M
import qualified Data.Macaw.Memory as M
import qualified Data.Macaw.Types as M
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Parameterized.Classes
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
import Data.Parameterized.Ctx
import Data.Parameterized.Context
import Data.Parameterized.Map (MapF)
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as MapF
import Data.Parameterized.NatRepr
@ -94,6 +93,25 @@ type family CtxToCrucibleType (mtp :: Ctx M.Type) :: Ctx C.CrucibleType where
CtxToCrucibleType EmptyCtx = EmptyCtx
CtxToCrucibleType (c ::> tp) = CtxToCrucibleType c ::> ToCrucibleType tp
-- | Create the variables from a collection of registers.
macawAssignToCruc :: (forall tp . f tp -> g (ToCrucibleType tp))
-> Assignment f ctx
-> Assignment g (CtxToCrucibleType ctx)
macawAssignToCruc f a =
case a of
Empty -> empty
b :> x -> macawAssignToCruc f b :> f x
-- | Create the variables from a collection of registers.
macawAssignToCrucM :: Applicative m
=> (forall tp . f tp -> m (g (ToCrucibleType tp)))
-> Assignment f ctx
-> m (Assignment g (CtxToCrucibleType ctx))
macawAssignToCrucM f a =
case a of
Empty -> pure empty
b :> x -> (:>) <$> macawAssignToCrucM f b <*> f x
-- | Type family for arm registers
type family ArchRegContext (arch :: *) :: Ctx M.Type
@ -109,36 +127,16 @@ type ArchAddrCrucibleType arch = C.BVType (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)
typeToCrucibleBase :: M.TypeRepr tp -> C.BaseTypeRepr (ToCrucibleBaseType tp)
typeToCrucibleBase tp =
case tp of
M.BoolTypeRepr -> C.BaseBoolRepr
M.BVTypeRepr w -> C.BaseBVRepr w
M.BoolTypeRepr -> C.BaseBoolRepr
M.BVTypeRepr w -> C.BaseBVRepr w
-- M.TupleTypeRepr a -> C.BaseStructRepr (macawAssignToCruc tpyeToCrucibleBase a)
typeToCrucible :: M.TypeRepr tp -> C.TypeRepr (ToCrucibleType tp)
typeToCrucible = C.baseToType . typeToCrucibleBase
-- | Create the variables from a collection of registers.
macawAssignToCruc :: (forall tp . f tp -> g (ToCrucibleType tp))
-> Ctx.Assignment f ctx
-> Ctx.Assignment g (CtxToCrucibleType ctx)
macawAssignToCruc f a =
case Ctx.view a of
Ctx.AssignEmpty -> Ctx.empty
Ctx.AssignExtend b x -> macawAssignToCruc f b Ctx.%> f x
-- | Create the variables from a collection of registers.
macawAssignToCrucM :: Applicative m
=> (forall tp . f tp -> m (g (ToCrucibleType tp)))
-> Ctx.Assignment f ctx
-> m (Ctx.Assignment g (CtxToCrucibleType ctx))
macawAssignToCrucM f a =
case Ctx.view a of
Ctx.AssignEmpty -> pure Ctx.empty
Ctx.AssignExtend b x -> (Ctx.%>) <$> macawAssignToCrucM f b <*> f x
-- Return the types associated with a register assignment.
typeCtxToCrucible :: Ctx.Assignment M.TypeRepr ctx
-> Ctx.Assignment C.TypeRepr (CtxToCrucibleType ctx)
typeCtxToCrucible :: Assignment M.TypeRepr ctx
-> Assignment C.TypeRepr (CtxToCrucibleType ctx)
typeCtxToCrucible = macawAssignToCruc typeToCrucible
memReprToCrucible :: M.MemRepr tp -> C.TypeRepr (ToCrucibleType tp)
@ -148,27 +146,27 @@ memReprToCrucible = typeToCrucible . M.typeRepr
-- RegIndexMap
-- | This relates an index from macaw to Crucible.
data IndexPair ctx tp = IndexPair { macawIndex :: !(Ctx.Index ctx tp)
, crucibleIndex :: !(Ctx.Index (CtxToCrucibleType ctx) (ToCrucibleType tp))
data IndexPair ctx tp = IndexPair { macawIndex :: !(Index ctx tp)
, crucibleIndex :: !(Index (CtxToCrucibleType ctx) (ToCrucibleType tp))
-- | This extends the indices in the pair.
extendIndexPair :: IndexPair ctx tp -> IndexPair (ctx::>utp) tp
extendIndexPair (IndexPair i j) = IndexPair (Ctx.extendIndex i) (Ctx.extendIndex j)
extendIndexPair (IndexPair i j) = IndexPair (extendIndex i) (extendIndex j)
type RegIndexMap arch = MapF (M.ArchReg arch) (IndexPair (ArchRegContext arch))
mkRegIndexMap :: OrdF r
=> Ctx.Assignment r ctx
-> Ctx.Size (CtxToCrucibleType ctx)
=> Assignment r ctx
-> Size (CtxToCrucibleType ctx)
-> MapF r (IndexPair ctx)
mkRegIndexMap r0 csz =
case (Ctx.view r0, Ctx.viewSize csz) of
(Ctx.AssignEmpty, _) -> MapF.empty
(Ctx.AssignExtend a r, Ctx.IncSize csz0) ->
case (r0, viewSize csz) of
(Empty, _) -> MapF.empty
(a :> r, IncSize csz0) ->
let m = fmapF extendIndexPair (mkRegIndexMap a csz0)
idx = IndexPair (Ctx.nextIndex (Ctx.size a)) (Ctx.nextIndex csz0)
idx = IndexPair (nextIndex (size a)) (nextIndex csz0)
in MapF.insert r idx m
@ -189,7 +187,7 @@ data CrucGenContext arch ids s
= CrucGenContext
{ archConstraints :: !(forall a . (ArchConstraints arch => a) -> a)
-- ^ Typeclass constraints for architecture
, macawRegAssign :: !(Ctx.Assignment (M.ArchReg arch) (ArchRegContext arch))
, macawRegAssign :: !(Assignment (M.ArchReg arch) (ArchRegContext arch))
-- ^ Assignment from register to the context
, regIndexMap :: !(RegIndexMap arch)
, handleAlloc :: !(C.HandleAllocator s)
@ -266,17 +264,17 @@ handleIdName h =
handleIdArgTypes :: CrucGenContext arch ids s
-> HandleId arch '(args, ret)
-> Ctx.Assignment C.TypeRepr args
-> Assignment C.TypeRepr args
handleIdArgTypes ctx h =
case h of
MkFreshSymId _repr -> Ctx.empty
MkFreshSymId _repr -> empty
ReadMemId _repr -> archConstraints ctx $
Ctx.empty Ctx.%> C.BVRepr (archWidthRepr ctx)
empty :> C.BVRepr (archWidthRepr ctx)
WriteMemId repr -> archConstraints ctx $
Ctx.empty Ctx.%> C.BVRepr (archWidthRepr ctx)
Ctx.%> memReprToCrucible repr
empty :> C.BVRepr (archWidthRepr ctx)
:> memReprToCrucible repr
SyscallId ->
Ctx.empty Ctx.%> regStructRepr ctx
empty :> regStructRepr ctx
handleIdRetType :: CrucGenContext arch ids s
-> HandleId arch '(args, ret)
@ -326,11 +324,11 @@ data CrucPersistentState arch ids s
initCrucPersistentState :: forall arch ids s . CrucPersistentState arch ids s
initCrucPersistentState =
-- Infer number of arguments to function so that we have values skip inputs.
let argCount :: Ctx.Size (MacawFunctionArgs arch)
argCount = Ctx.knownSize
let argCount :: Size (MacawFunctionArgs arch)
argCount = knownSize
in CrucPersistentState
{ handleMap = MapF.empty
, valueCount = Ctx.sizeInt argCount
, valueCount = sizeInt argCount
, assignValueMap = MapF.empty
, seenBlockMap = Map.empty
@ -30,6 +30,10 @@ module Data.Macaw.X86
, rootLoc
, disassembleBlock
, X86TranslateError(..)
, Data.Macaw.X86.ArchTypes.X86_64
, Data.Macaw.X86.ArchTypes.X86PrimFn(..)
, Data.Macaw.X86.ArchTypes.X86Stmt(..)
, Data.Macaw.X86.ArchTypes.X86TermStmt(..)
, Data.Macaw.X86.X86Reg.X86Reg(..)
, Data.Macaw.X86.X86Reg.x86ArgumentRegs
, Data.Macaw.X86.X86Reg.x86ResultRegs
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit f0d85b41cbcd68871b9f7557e49fdeb89c95419e
Subproject commit 0d7a19fdbcefc4d7e97edb623bec549504d4f4d0
Reference in New Issue
Block a user