mirror of
synced 2024-12-27 16:15:12 +03:00
Support defined functions in TH
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,8 +36,10 @@ import Control.Lens ( (^.) )
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as Async
import qualified Data.Functor.Const as C
import Data.Functor.Product
import Data.Proxy ( Proxy(..) )
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map -- no abbreviation; Map already used
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Language.Haskell.TH
@ -51,6 +53,7 @@ import qualified Data.Parameterized.List as SL
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Parameterized.NatRepr as NR
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Nonce as PN
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Pair as Pair
import Data.Parameterized.Some ( Some(..) )
import qualified Data.Parameterized.TraversableFC as FC
import qualified Lang.Crucible.Backend.Simple as S
@ -94,17 +97,19 @@ instructionMatcher :: (OrdF a, LF.LiftF a, A.Architecture arch)
=> (forall tp . L.Location arch tp -> Q Exp)
-> (forall tp . BoundVarInterpretations arch t -> S.NonceApp t (S.Expr t) tp -> Maybe (MacawQ arch t Exp))
-> (forall tp . BoundVarInterpretations arch t -> S.App (S.Expr t) tp -> Maybe (MacawQ arch t Exp))
-> Library (Sym t)
-> Name
-- ^ The name of the architecture-specific instruction
-- matcher to run before falling back to the generic one
-> Map.MapF a (Product (ParameterizedFormula (Sym t) arch) (DT.CaptureInfo a))
-> (Q Type, Q Type)
-> Q Exp
instructionMatcher ltr ena ae archSpecificMatcher formulas operandResultType = do
instructionMatcher ltr ena ae lib archSpecificMatcher formulas operandResultType = do
ipVarName <- newName "ipVal"
opcodeVar <- newName "opcode"
operandListVar <- newName "operands"
(normalCases, bodyDefs) <- unzip <$> mapM (mkSemanticsCase ltr ena ae ipVarName operandListVar operandResultType) (Map.toList formulas)
(libDefs, df) <- libraryDefinitions ltr ena ae (snd operandResultType) lib
(normalCases, bodyDefs) <- unzip <$> mapM (mkSemanticsCase ltr ena ae df ipVarName operandListVar operandResultType) (Map.toList formulas)
(fallthruNm, unimp) <- unimplementedInstruction
fallthroughCase <- match wildP (normalB (appE (varE fallthruNm) (varE opcodeVar))) []
let allCases :: [Match]
@ -116,7 +121,7 @@ instructionMatcher ltr ena ae archSpecificMatcher formulas operandResultType = d
matcherRes <- appE (varE archSpecificMatcher) (varE instrVar)
actionVar <- newName "action"
let instrCase = LetE (unimp : fullDefs) $ CaseE (VarE opcodeVar) allCases
fullDefs = concatMap (\(t,i) -> [t,i]) bodyDefs
fullDefs = libDefs ++ concatMap (\(t,i) -> [t,i]) bodyDefs
return $ LamE [(VarP ipVarName), instrArg] $
CaseE matcherRes
[ Match (ConP 'Just [VarP actionVar])
@ -137,6 +142,30 @@ unimplementedInstruction = do
return (fname, fdecl)
-- | Create a function declaration for each function in the library.
-- Generates the declarations and a lookup function to use to generate
-- calls.
libraryDefinitions :: (A.Architecture arch)
=> (forall tp . L.Location arch tp -> Q Exp)
-> (forall tp . BoundVarInterpretations arch t -> S.NonceApp t (S.Expr t) tp -> Maybe (MacawQ arch t Exp))
-> (forall tp . BoundVarInterpretations arch t -> S.App (S.Expr t) tp -> Maybe (MacawQ arch t Exp))
-> Q Type
-> Library (Sym t)
-> Q ([Dec], String -> Maybe (MacawQ arch t Exp))
libraryDefinitions ltr ena ae archType lib = do
(decs, pairs) :: ([[Dec]], [(String, Name)])
<- unzip <$> mapM translate (Map.toList lib)
let varMap :: Data.Map.Map String Name
-- Would use a MapF (Const String) (Const Name), but there's no
-- OrdF instance for Const
varMap = Data.Map.fromList pairs
look name = (liftQ . varE) <$> Data.Map.lookup name varMap
return (concat decs, look)
translate (Pair.Pair _ ff@(FunctionFormula { ffName = name })) = do
(var, sig, def) <- translateFunction ltr ena ae archType ff
return ([sig, def], (name, var))
-- | Generate a single case for one opcode of the case expression.
-- Generates two parts: the case match, which calls a function to
-- handle the match, and the function definition for handling the
@ -152,12 +181,13 @@ mkSemanticsCase :: (LF.LiftF a, A.Architecture arch)
=> (forall tp . L.Location arch tp -> Q Exp)
-> (forall tp . BoundVarInterpretations arch t -> S.NonceApp t (S.Expr t) tp -> Maybe (MacawQ arch t Exp))
-> (forall tp . BoundVarInterpretations arch t -> S.App (S.Expr t) tp -> Maybe (MacawQ arch t Exp))
-> (String -> Maybe (MacawQ arch t Exp))
-> Name
-> Name
-> (Q Type, Q Type)
-> Map.Pair a (Product (ParameterizedFormula (Sym t) arch) (DT.CaptureInfo a))
-> Q (Match, (Dec, Dec))
mkSemanticsCase ltr ena ae ipVarName operandListVar operandResultType (Map.Pair opc (Pair semantics capInfo)) =
mkSemanticsCase ltr ena ae df ipVarName operandListVar operandResultType (Map.Pair opc (Pair semantics capInfo)) =
do arg1Nm <- newName "operands"
ofname <- newName $ "opc_" <> (filter ((/=) '"') $ nameBase $ DT.capturedOpcodeName capInfo)
lTypeVar <- newName "l"
@ -169,7 +199,7 @@ mkSemanticsCase ltr ena ae ipVarName operandListVar operandResultType (Map.Pair
$(varT sTypeVar) ()) |]
ofdef <- funD ofname
[clause [varP arg1Nm]
(normalB (mkOperandListCase ltr ena ae ipVarName arg1Nm opc semantics capInfo))
(normalB (mkOperandListCase ltr ena ae df ipVarName arg1Nm opc semantics capInfo))
mtch <- match (conP (DT.capturedOpcodeName capInfo) []) (normalB (appE (varE ofname) (varE operandListVar))) []
return (mtch, (ofsig, ofdef))
@ -202,14 +232,15 @@ mkOperandListCase :: (A.Architecture arch)
=> (forall tp0 . L.Location arch tp0 -> Q Exp)
-> (forall tp0 . BoundVarInterpretations arch t -> S.NonceApp t (S.Expr t) tp0 -> Maybe (MacawQ arch t Exp))
-> (forall tp0 . BoundVarInterpretations arch t -> S.App (S.Expr t) tp0 -> Maybe (MacawQ arch t Exp))
-> (String -> Maybe (MacawQ arch t Exp))
-> Name
-> Name
-> a tp
-> ParameterizedFormula (Sym t) arch tp
-> DT.CaptureInfo a tp
-> Q Exp
mkOperandListCase ltr ena ae ipVarName operandListVar opc semantics capInfo = do
body <- genCaseBody ltr ena ae ipVarName opc semantics (DT.capturedOperandNames capInfo)
mkOperandListCase ltr ena ae df ipVarName operandListVar opc semantics capInfo = do
body <- genCaseBody ltr ena ae df ipVarName opc semantics (DT.capturedOperandNames capInfo)
DT.genCase capInfo operandListVar body
-- | This is the function that translates formulas (semantics) into expressions
@ -228,14 +259,15 @@ genCaseBody :: forall a sh t arch
=> (forall tp . L.Location arch tp -> Q Exp)
-> (forall tp . BoundVarInterpretations arch t -> S.NonceApp t (S.Expr t) tp -> Maybe (MacawQ arch t Exp))
-> (forall tp . BoundVarInterpretations arch t -> S.App (S.Expr t) tp -> Maybe (MacawQ arch t Exp))
-> (String -> Maybe (MacawQ arch t Exp))
-> Name
-> a sh
-> ParameterizedFormula (Sym t) arch sh
-> SL.List (C.Const Name) sh
-> Q Exp
genCaseBody ltr ena ae ipVarName _opc semantics varNames = do
genCaseBody ltr ena ae df ipVarName _opc semantics varNames = do
regsName <- newName "_regs"
translateFormula ltr ena ae ipVarName semantics (BoundVarInterpretations locVarsMap opVarsMap regsName) varNames
translateFormula ltr ena ae df ipVarName semantics (BoundVarInterpretations locVarsMap opVarsMap argVarsMap regsName) varNames
locVarsMap :: Map.MapF (SI.BoundVar (Sym t)) (L.Location arch)
locVarsMap = Map.foldrWithKey (collectVarForLocation (Proxy @arch)) Map.empty (pfLiteralVars semantics)
@ -243,6 +275,9 @@ genCaseBody ltr ena ae ipVarName _opc semantics varNames = do
opVarsMap :: Map.MapF (SI.BoundVar (Sym t)) (C.Const Name)
opVarsMap = SL.ifoldr (collectOperandVars varNames) Map.empty (pfOperandVars semantics)
argVarsMap :: Map.MapF (SI.BoundVar (Sym t)) (C.Const Name)
argVarsMap = Map.empty
collectVarForLocation :: forall tp arch proxy t
. proxy arch
-> L.Location arch tp
@ -315,11 +350,14 @@ genExecInstruction :: forall arch (a :: [Symbol] -> *) (proxy :: * -> *)
-- ^ Extra information for each opcode to let us generate
-- some TH to match them. This comes from the semantics
-- definitions in semmc.
-> [(String, BS.ByteString)]
-- ^ A list of defined function names paired with the
-- bytestrings containing their definitions.
-> (Q Type, Q Type)
-> Q Exp
genExecInstruction _ ltr ena ae archInsnMatcher semantics captureInfo operandResultType = do
genExecInstruction _ ltr ena ae archInsnMatcher semantics captureInfo functions operandResultType = do
logCfg <- runIO $ U.mkNonLogCfg
r <- genExecInstructionLogging (Proxy @arch) ltr ena ae archInsnMatcher semantics captureInfo operandResultType logCfg
r <- genExecInstructionLogging (Proxy @arch) ltr ena ae archInsnMatcher semantics captureInfo functions operandResultType logCfg
runIO $ U.logEndWith logCfg
return r
@ -359,12 +397,15 @@ genExecInstructionLogStdErr :: forall arch (a :: [Symbol] -> *) (proxy :: * -> *
-- ^ Extra information for each opcode to let us generate
-- some TH to match them. This comes from the semantics
-- definitions in semmc.
-> [(String, BS.ByteString)]
-- ^ A list of defined function names paired with the
-- bytestrings containing their definitions.
-> (Q Type, Q Type)
-> Q Exp
genExecInstructionLogStdErr _ ltr ena ae archInsnMatcher semantics captureInfo operandResultType = do
genExecInstructionLogStdErr _ ltr ena ae archInsnMatcher semantics captureInfo functions operandResultType = do
logCfg <- runIO $ U.mkLogCfg "genExecInstruction"
logThread <- runIO $ U.asyncLinked (U.stdErrLogEventConsumer (const True) logCfg)
r <- genExecInstructionLogging (Proxy @arch) ltr ena ae archInsnMatcher semantics captureInfo operandResultType logCfg
r <- genExecInstructionLogging (Proxy @arch) ltr ena ae archInsnMatcher semantics captureInfo functions operandResultType logCfg
runIO $ U.logEndWith logCfg
runIO $ Async.wait logThread
return r
@ -411,6 +452,9 @@ genExecInstructionLogging :: forall arch (a :: [Symbol] -> *) (proxy :: * -> *)
-- ^ Extra information for each opcode to let us generate
-- some TH to match them. This comes from the semantics
-- definitions in semmc.
-> [(String, BS.ByteString)]
-- ^ A list of defined function names paired with the
-- bytestrings containing their definitions.
-> (Q Type, Q Type)
-> U.LogCfg
-- ^ Logging configuration (explicit rather than
@ -418,14 +462,15 @@ genExecInstructionLogging :: forall arch (a :: [Symbol] -> *) (proxy :: * -> *)
-- know how to pass implicits to TH splices
-- invocations.
-> Q Exp
genExecInstructionLogging _ ltr ena ae archInsnMatcher semantics captureInfo operandResultType logcfg =
genExecInstructionLogging _ ltr ena ae archInsnMatcher semantics captureInfo functions operandResultType logcfg =
U.withLogCfg logcfg $ do
Some ng <- runIO PN.newIONonceGenerator
sym <- runIO (S.newSimpleBackend ng)
runIO (S.startCaching sym)
formulas <- runIO (loadFormulas sym semantics)
lib <- runIO (loadLibrary (Proxy @arch) sym functions)
formulas <- runIO (loadFormulas sym lib semantics)
let formulasWithInfo = foldr (attachInfo formulas) Map.empty captureInfo
instructionMatcher ltr ena ae archInsnMatcher formulasWithInfo operandResultType
instructionMatcher ltr ena ae lib archInsnMatcher formulasWithInfo operandResultType
attachInfo m0 (Some ci) m =
let co = DT.capturedOpcode ci
@ -449,14 +494,15 @@ translateFormula :: forall arch t sh .
=> (forall tp . L.Location arch tp -> Q Exp)
-> (forall tp . BoundVarInterpretations arch t -> S.NonceApp t (S.Expr t) tp -> Maybe (MacawQ arch t Exp))
-> (forall tp . BoundVarInterpretations arch t -> S.App (S.Expr t) tp -> Maybe (MacawQ arch t Exp))
-> (String -> Maybe (MacawQ arch t Exp))
-> Name
-> ParameterizedFormula (Sym t) arch sh
-> BoundVarInterpretations arch t
-> SL.List (C.Const Name) sh
-> Q Exp
translateFormula ltr ena ae ipVarName semantics interps varNames = do
translateFormula ltr ena ae df ipVarName semantics interps varNames = do
let preamble = [ bindS (varP (regsValName interps)) [| G.getRegs |] ]
exps <- runMacawQ ltr ena ae (mapM_ translateDefinition (Map.toList (pfDefs semantics)))
exps <- runMacawQ ltr ena ae df (mapM_ translateDefinition (Map.toList (pfDefs semantics)))
[| Just $(doSequenceQ preamble exps) |]
where translateDefinition :: Map.Pair (Parameter arch sh) (S.SymExpr (Sym t))
-> MacawQ arch t ()
@ -482,6 +528,58 @@ translateFormula ltr ena ae ipVarName semantics interps varNames = do
Nothing -> error ("Invalid instruction form at " ++ show $(varE ipVarName))
translateFunction :: forall arch t args ret .
(A.Architecture arch)
=> (forall tp . L.Location arch tp -> Q Exp)
-> (forall tp . BoundVarInterpretations arch t -> S.NonceApp t (S.Expr t) tp -> Maybe (MacawQ arch t Exp))
-> (forall tp . BoundVarInterpretations arch t -> S.App (S.Expr t) tp -> Maybe (MacawQ arch t Exp))
-> Q Type
-> FunctionFormula (Sym t) '(args, ret)
-> Q (Name, Dec, Dec)
translateFunction ltr ena ae archType ff = do
var <- newName ("_df_" ++ (ffName ff))
argVars :: [Name]
<- sequence $ FC.toListFC (\bv -> newName (bvarName bv)) (ffArgVars ff)
let argVarMap :: Map.MapF (SI.BoundVar (Sym t)) (C.Const Name)
argVarMap = Map.fromList $ zipWith pair bvs argVars
bvs :: [Some (SI.BoundVar (Sym t))]
bvs = FC.toListFC Some (ffArgVars ff)
pair (Some bv) v = Pair.Pair bv (C.Const v)
interps = BoundVarInterpretations { locVars = Map.empty
, regsValName = mkName "<invalid>"
-- only used for loc vars; we have none
, opVars = Map.empty
, valVars = argVarMap }
expr = case S.symFnInfo (ffDef ff) of
S.DefinedFnInfo _ e _ -> e
_ -> error $ "expected a defined function; found " ++ show (ffDef ff)
stmts <- runMacawQ ltr ena ae (const Nothing) $ do
val <- addEltTH interps expr
appendStmt [| return $(return val) |]
idsTy <- varT <$> newName "ids"
sTy <- varT <$> newName "s"
let translate :: forall tp. CT.BaseTypeRepr tp -> Q Type
translate tp =
[t| M.Value $(archType) $(idsTy) $(translateBaseType tp) |]
argHsTys = FC.toListFC translate (ffArgTypes ff)
retHsTy = [t| G.Generator $(archType) $(idsTy) $(sTy)
$(translate (ffRetType ff)) |]
ty = foldr (\a r -> [t| $(a) -> $(r) |]) retHsTy argHsTys
body = doE (map return stmts)
sig <- sigD var ty
def <- funD var [clause (map varP argVars) (normalB body) []]
return (var, sig, def)
translateBaseType :: CT.BaseTypeRepr tp -> Q Type
translateBaseType tp =
case tp of
CT.BaseBoolRepr -> [t| M.BoolType |]
CT.BaseBVRepr n -> appT [t| M.BVType |] (litT (numTyLit (natValue n)))
-- S.BaseStructRepr -> -- hard because List versus Assignment
_ -> fail $ "unsupported base type: " ++ show tp
addEltTH :: forall arch t ctp .
(A.Architecture arch)
=> BoundVarInterpretations arch t
@ -498,14 +596,15 @@ addEltTH interps elt = do
S.AppExpr appElt -> do
translatedExpr <- appToExprTH (S.appExprApp appElt) interps
bindExpr elt [| G.addExpr =<< $(return translatedExpr) |]
S.BoundVarExpr bVar ->
case Map.lookup bVar (locVars interps) of
Just loc -> withLocToReg $ \ltr -> do
S.BoundVarExpr bVar
| Just loc <- Map.lookup bVar (locVars interps) ->
withLocToReg $ \ltr -> do
bindExpr elt [| return ($(varE (regsValName interps)) ^. M.boundValue $(ltr loc)) |]
Nothing ->
case Map.lookup bVar (opVars interps) of
Just (C.Const name) -> bindExpr elt [| O.extractValue $(varE name) |]
Nothing -> fail $ "bound var not found: " ++ show bVar
| Just (C.Const name) <- Map.lookup bVar (opVars interps) ->
bindExpr elt [| O.extractValue $(varE name) |]
| Just (C.Const name) <- Map.lookup bVar (valVars interps) ->
bindExpr elt [| return $(varE name) |]
| otherwise -> fail $ "bound var not found: " ++ show bVar
S.NonceAppExpr n -> do
translatedExpr <- evalNonceAppTH interps (S.nonceExprApp n)
bindExpr elt (return translatedExpr)
@ -514,6 +613,9 @@ addEltTH interps elt = do
symFnName :: S.ExprSymFn t args ret -> String
symFnName = T.unpack . Sy.solverSymbolAsText . S.symFnName
bvarName :: S.ExprBoundVar t tp -> String
bvarName = T.unpack . Sy.solverSymbolAsText . S.bvarName
writeMemTH :: forall arch t tp
. (A.Architecture arch)
=> BoundVarInterpretations arch t
@ -537,7 +639,7 @@ writeMemTH bvi expr =
-- | Match a "write_mem" intrinsic and return the number of bytes written
matchWriteMemWidth :: String -> Maybe Int
matchWriteMemWidth s = do
suffix <- L.stripPrefix "write_mem_" s
suffix <- L.stripPrefix "uf_write_mem_" s
(`div` 8) <$> readMaybe suffix
evalNonceAppTH :: forall arch t tp
@ -558,81 +660,89 @@ defaultNonceAppEvaluator :: forall arch t tp
-> MacawQ arch t Exp
defaultNonceAppEvaluator bvi nonceApp =
case nonceApp of
S.FnApp symFn args -> do
let fnName = symFnName symFn
case fnName of
"test_bit_dynamic" ->
case FC.toListFC Some args of
[Some bitNum, Some loc] -> do
bitNumExp <- addEltTH bvi bitNum
locExp <- addEltTH bvi loc
liftQ [| G.addExpr (G.AppExpr (M.BVTestBit $(return bitNumExp) $(return locExp))) |]
_ -> fail ("Unsupported argument list for test_bit_dynamic: " ++ showF args)
-- For count leading zeros, we don't have a SimpleBuilder term to reduce
-- it to, so we have to manually transform it to macaw here (i.e., we
-- can't use the more general substitution method, since that is in
-- terms of rewriting simplebuilder).
"clz_32" ->
case FC.toListFC Some args of
[Some loc] -> do
locExp <- addEltTH bvi loc
liftQ [| G.addExpr (G.AppExpr (M.Bsr (NR.knownNat @32) $(return locExp))) |]
_ -> fail ("Unsupported argument list for clz: " ++ showF args)
"clz_64" ->
case FC.toListFC Some args of
[Some loc] -> do
locExp <- addEltTH bvi loc
liftQ [| G.addExpr (G.AppExpr (M.Bsr (NR.knownNat @64) $(return locExp))) |]
_ -> fail ("Unsupported argument list for clz: " ++ showF args)
"popcnt_32" ->
case FC.toListFC Some args of
[Some loc] -> do
locExp <- addEltTH bvi loc
liftQ [| G.addExpr (G.AppExpr (M.PopCount (NR.knownNat @32) $(return locExp))) |]
_ -> fail ("Unsupported argument list for popcnt: " ++ showF args)
"popcnt_64" ->
case FC.toListFC Some args of
[Some loc] -> do
locExp <- addEltTH bvi loc
liftQ [| G.addExpr (G.AppExpr (M.PopCount (NR.knownNat @64) $(return locExp))) |]
_ -> fail ("Unsupported argument list for popcnt: " ++ showF args)
"undefined" -> do
case S.nonceAppType nonceApp of
CT.BaseBVRepr n ->
liftQ [| M.AssignedValue <$> G.addAssignment (M.SetUndefined (M.BVTypeRepr $(natReprTH n))) |]
nt -> fail ("Invalid type for undefined: " ++ show nt)
_ | Just nBytes <- readMemBytes fnName -> do
case FC.toListFC Some args of
[_, Some addrElt] -> do
-- read_mem has a shape such that we expect two arguments; the
-- first is just a stand-in in the semantics to represent the
-- memory.
addr <- addEltTH bvi addrElt
liftQ [| let memRep = M.BVMemRepr (NR.knownNat :: NR.NatRepr $(litT (numTyLit (fromIntegral nBytes)))) M.BigEndian
in M.AssignedValue <$> G.addAssignment (M.ReadMem $(return addr) memRep)
_ -> fail ("Unexpected arguments to read_mem: " ++ showF args)
| otherwise ->
case lookup fnName (A.locationFuncInterpretation (Proxy @arch)) of
Nothing -> error ("Unsupported UF: " ++ show fnName)
Just fi -> do
-- args is an assignment that contains elts; we could just generate
-- expressions that evaluate each one and then splat them into new names
-- that we apply our name to.
case FC.toListFC (asName fnName bvi) args of
[] -> fail ("zero-argument uninterpreted functions are not supported: " ++ fnName)
argNames -> do
let call = appE (varE (A.exprInterpName fi)) $ foldr1 appE (map varE argNames)
liftQ [| O.extractValue ($(call)) |]
S.FnApp symFn args
| S.DefinedFnInfo {} <- S.symFnInfo symFn -> do
let fnName = symFnName symFn
funMaybe <- definedFunction fnName
case funMaybe of
Just fun -> do
argExprs <- sequence $ FC.toListFC (addEltTH bvi) args
return $ foldl AppE fun argExprs
Nothing -> fail ("Unknown defined function: " ++ fnName)
| otherwise -> do
let fnName = symFnName symFn
case fnName of
"uf_test_bit_dynamic" ->
case FC.toListFC Some args of
[Some bitNum, Some loc] -> do
bitNumExp <- addEltTH bvi bitNum
locExp <- addEltTH bvi loc
liftQ [| G.addExpr (G.AppExpr (M.BVTestBit $(return bitNumExp) $(return locExp))) |]
_ -> fail ("Unsupported argument list for test_bit_dynamic: " ++ showF args)
-- For count leading zeros, we don't have a SimpleBuilder term to reduce
-- it to, so we have to manually transform it to macaw here (i.e., we
-- can't use the more general substitution method, since that is in
-- terms of rewriting simplebuilder).
"uf_clz_32" ->
case FC.toListFC Some args of
[Some loc] -> do
locExp <- addEltTH bvi loc
liftQ [| G.addExpr (G.AppExpr (M.Bsr (NR.knownNat @32) $(return locExp))) |]
_ -> fail ("Unsupported argument list for clz: " ++ showF args)
"uf_clz_64" ->
case FC.toListFC Some args of
[Some loc] -> do
locExp <- addEltTH bvi loc
liftQ [| G.addExpr (G.AppExpr (M.Bsr (NR.knownNat @64) $(return locExp))) |]
_ -> fail ("Unsupported argument list for clz: " ++ showF args)
"uf_popcnt_32" ->
case FC.toListFC Some args of
[Some loc] -> do
locExp <- addEltTH bvi loc
liftQ [| G.addExpr (G.AppExpr (M.PopCount (NR.knownNat @32) $(return locExp))) |]
_ -> fail ("Unsupported argument list for popcnt: " ++ showF args)
"uf_popcnt_64" ->
case FC.toListFC Some args of
[Some loc] -> do
locExp <- addEltTH bvi loc
liftQ [| G.addExpr (G.AppExpr (M.PopCount (NR.knownNat @64) $(return locExp))) |]
_ -> fail ("Unsupported argument list for popcnt: " ++ showF args)
"uf_undefined" -> do
case S.nonceAppType nonceApp of
CT.BaseBVRepr n ->
liftQ [| M.AssignedValue <$> G.addAssignment (M.SetUndefined (M.BVTypeRepr $(natReprTH n))) |]
nt -> fail ("Invalid type for undefined: " ++ show nt)
_ | Just nBytes <- readMemBytes fnName -> do
case FC.toListFC Some args of
[_, Some addrElt] -> do
-- read_mem has a shape such that we expect two arguments; the
-- first is just a stand-in in the semantics to represent the
-- memory.
addr <- addEltTH bvi addrElt
liftQ [| let memRep = M.BVMemRepr (NR.knownNat :: NR.NatRepr $(litT (numTyLit (fromIntegral nBytes)))) M.BigEndian
in M.AssignedValue <$> G.addAssignment (M.ReadMem $(return addr) memRep)
_ -> fail ("Unexpected arguments to read_mem: " ++ showF args)
| let interp = A.locationFuncInterpretation (Proxy @arch)
, Just fi <- lookup fnName interp -> do
-- args is an assignment that contains elts; we could just generate
-- expressions that evaluate each one and then splat them into new names
-- that we apply our name to.
case FC.toListFC (asName fnName bvi) args of
[] -> fail ("zero-argument uninterpreted functions are not supported: " ++ fnName)
argNames -> do
let call = appE (varE (A.exprInterpName fi)) $ foldr1 appE (map varE argNames)
liftQ [| O.extractValue ($(call)) |]
| otherwise -> error $ "Unsupported function: " ++ show fnName
_ -> error "Unsupported NonceApp case"
-- | Parse the name of a memory read intrinsic and return the number of bytes
-- that it reads. For example
-- > readMemBytes "read_mem_8" == Just 1
readMemBytes :: String -> Maybe Int
readMemBytes s = do
nBitsStr <- L.stripPrefix "read_mem_" s
nBitsStr <- L.stripPrefix "uf_read_mem_" s
nBits <- readMaybe nBitsStr
return (nBits `div` 8)
@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ module Data.Macaw.SemMC.TH.Monad (
) where
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict as St
@ -34,6 +35,9 @@ type Sym t = S.SimpleBackend t
data BoundVarInterpretations arch t =
BoundVarInterpretations { locVars :: Map.MapF (SI.BoundVar (Sym t)) (L.Location arch)
, opVars :: Map.MapF (SI.BoundVar (Sym t)) (C.Const Name)
, valVars :: Map.MapF (SI.BoundVar (Sym t)) (C.Const Name)
-- TODO If there's no worry about name conflicts,
-- combine all three into one map.
, regsValName :: Name
@ -56,18 +60,22 @@ data QState arch t = QState { accumulatedStatements :: !(Seq.Seq Stmt)
. BoundVarInterpretations arch t
-> S.App (S.Expr t) tp
-> Maybe (MacawQ arch t Exp)
, definedFunctionEvaluator :: String
-> Maybe (MacawQ arch t Exp)
emptyQState :: (forall tp . L.Location arch tp -> Q Exp)
-> (forall tp . BoundVarInterpretations arch t -> S.NonceApp t (S.Expr t) tp -> Maybe (MacawQ arch t Exp))
-> (forall tp . BoundVarInterpretations arch t -> S.App (S.Expr t) tp -> Maybe (MacawQ arch t Exp))
-> (String -> Maybe (MacawQ arch t Exp))
-> QState arch t
emptyQState ltr ena ae = QState { accumulatedStatements = Seq.empty
, expressionCache = M.empty
, locToReg = ltr
, nonceAppEvaluator = ena
, appEvaluator = ae
emptyQState ltr ena ae df = QState { accumulatedStatements = Seq.empty
, expressionCache = M.empty
, locToReg = ltr
, nonceAppEvaluator = ena
, appEvaluator = ae
, definedFunctionEvaluator = df
newtype MacawQ arch t a = MacawQ { unQ :: St.StateT (QState arch t) Q a }
deriving (Functor,
@ -78,9 +86,10 @@ newtype MacawQ arch t a = MacawQ { unQ :: St.StateT (QState arch t) Q a }
runMacawQ :: (forall tp . L.Location arch tp -> Q Exp)
-> (forall tp . BoundVarInterpretations arch t -> S.NonceApp t (S.Expr t) tp -> Maybe (MacawQ arch t Exp))
-> (forall tp . BoundVarInterpretations arch t -> S.App (S.Expr t) tp -> Maybe (MacawQ arch t Exp))
-> (String -> Maybe (MacawQ arch t Exp))
-> MacawQ arch t ()
-> Q [Stmt]
runMacawQ ltr ena ea act = (F.toList . accumulatedStatements) <$> St.execStateT (unQ act) (emptyQState ltr ena ea)
runMacawQ ltr ena ea df act = (F.toList . accumulatedStatements) <$> St.execStateT (unQ act) (emptyQState ltr ena ea df)
-- | Lift a TH computation (in the 'Q' monad) into the monad.
liftQ :: Q a -> MacawQ arch t a
@ -136,3 +145,11 @@ bindExpr elt eq = do
, expressionCache = M.insert (Some elt) res (expressionCache s)
return res
definedFunction :: String -> MacawQ arch t (Maybe Exp)
definedFunction name = do
df <- St.gets definedFunctionEvaluator
case df name of
Just expr -> Just <$> expr
Nothing -> return Nothing
@ -1 +1 @@
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