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The driver for creating SyscallInfo.Linux
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
module Main (main) where
import Control.Lens
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (Parser)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as P
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.Either (either)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, maybe, isNothing, listToMaybe)
import Language.C
import Language.C.Analysis.AstAnalysis
import Language.C.Analysis.SemRep
import Language.C.Analysis.TravMonad
import Language.C.Data.Ident
import Language.C.Data.Name (newNameSupply)
import Language.C.Data.Position (position)
import Language.C.System.GCC (newGCC)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import Text.PrettyPrint
import Text.Show.Pretty
import Debug.Trace
-- FIXME: clag from Data.Macaw.Architecture.Syscall
data SyscallArgType = VoidArgType | WordArgType | XMMFloatType
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
-- | The syscall_64.tbl file looks like (after pre-processing)
-- # comment1
-- ... more comments
-- # commentn
-- <syscall no.>\t+<abi>\t+<syscall name>\t<entry point>
-- for example
-- 5 common fstat sys_newfstat
-- entry point is optional -- if it is not present, syscall name is used.
data SyscallInfo =
SyscallInfo { syscallNo :: Integer
, syscallABI :: ByteString
, syscallName :: ByteString
, syscallProto :: Either ByteString IdentDecl
-- deriving Show
pp si = print $ integer (syscallNo si) <+> text (show $ syscallName si)
<+> text "->"
<+> either (const "???") pretty (syscallProto si)
-- A bit hacky, but no less than using TH to read in a text file
generateHSFile :: [SyscallInfo] -> Doc
generateHSFile sis =
vcat $ [ text "-- DO NOT EDIT. Generated from make_linux_syscalls/Main.hs"
, text "module Data.Macaw.X86.SyscallInfo.Linux (syscallInfo) where"
, text "import Data.Map (Map, fromList)"
, text "import Data.Word"
, text "import Data.Macaw.X86.SyscallInfo"
, text ""
, text "syscallInfo :: Map Word64 SyscallTypeInfo"
, text "syscallInfo =" <+> ppDoc syscallMap ]
++ unknownSyscalls
syscallMap = Map.fromList [ (syscallNo si, syscallInfo idecl)
| si <- sis
, Right idecl <- [ syscallProto si ] ]
unknownSyscalls =
text "-- Unknown system calls: " :
[ text "--" <+> integer (syscallNo si) <+> text (BS.unpack str)
| si <- sis
, Left str <- [ syscallProto si ] ]
-- syscallInfo :: CExtDecl -> Maybe (String, SyscallArgType, [SyscallArgType])
syscallInfo (getVarDecl -> VarDecl vname _ (FunctionType (FunType rettyp params _) _)) =
( identToString (identOfVarName vname)
, typeToArgType rettyp
, map (typeToArgType . declType) params )
-- syscallInfo (CDeclExt (CDecl [CTypeSpec spec] [(Just declr, _, _)] _))
-- | CDeclr (Just ident) [CFunDeclr (Right (decls, _)) _ _] _ _ _ <- declr
-- = Just (identToString ident, typeSpecToArgType spec, map declToArgType decls)
-- syscallInfo d = error ("unhandled decl" ++ show d)
-- declToArgType (CDecl [CTypeSpec spec] _) = typeSpecToArgType spec
-- declToArgType d = error ("unhandled decl (in type) " ++ show d)
typeToArgType :: Type -> SyscallArgType
typeToArgType typ =
case typ of
DirectType typ' _ _ ->
case typ' of
TyVoid -> VoidArgType
TyIntegral _ -> WordArgType
TyFloating TyLDouble -> unhandled
TyFloating _ -> XMMFloatType
TyComplex _ -> unhandled
TyComp comp -> unhandled -- compTypeToArgType comp
TyEnum _ -> WordArgType -- FIXME: ???
TyBuiltin _ -> unhandled
PtrType _ _ _ -> WordArgType
ArrayType _ _ _ _ -> WordArgType
FunctionType _ _ -> unhandled
TypeDefType (TypeDefRef _ typ _) _ _ -> typeToArgType typ
unhandled = error ("Unhandled type: " ++ show (pretty typ))
compTypeToArgType :: CompTypeRef -> SyscallArgType
compTypeToArgType ctyp = trace ("Comp type: " ++ show (pretty ctyp)) WordArgType
-- We support as little as possible here ...
-- typeSpecToArgType :: Show a => CTypeSpecifier a -> SyscallArgType
-- typeSpecToArgType tspec =
-- case tspec of
-- CVoidType _ -> VoidArgType
-- CCharType _ -> WordArgType
-- CShortType _ -> WordArgType
-- CIntType _ -> WordArgType
-- CLongType _ -> WordArgType
-- CFloatType _ -> XMMFloatType
-- CDoubleType _ -> XMMFloatType
-- CSignedType _ -> WordArgType
-- CUnsigType _ -> WordArgType
-- CBoolType _ -> WordArgType
-- CSUType _ _ -> unhandled
-- CEnumType _ _ -> WordArgType -- FIXME: does it fit in a word?
-- CComplexType _ -> unhandled
-- CTypeDef __dent _ -> unhandled
-- CTypeOfExpr _ _ -> unhandled
-- CTypeOfType _ _ -> unhandled
-- where
-- unhandled = error ("Unhandled type specifier: " ++ show tspec)
readOneCFile :: FilePath -> IO (Map ByteString IdentDecl)
readOneCFile f = do
r <- parseCFile (newGCC "gcc") Nothing [] f
tunit <- case r of
Right v -> return v
Left err -> error (show err)
let gdecls = case runTrav_ (analyseAST tunit) of
Left err -> error $ "Error: " ++ (show err)
Right (gdecls, _) -> gdecls
return (Map.mapKeys (\(Ident name _ _) -> BS.pack name) $ gObjs gdecls)
syscallLine :: Map ByteString IdentDecl -> Parser (Maybe SyscallInfo)
syscallLine idents = do
P.choice [ P.char '#' >> return Nothing
, P.endOfInput >> return Nothing
, parseLine
parseLine = do
num <- P.decimal
abi <- P.takeWhile (not . P.isSpace)
name <- P.takeWhile (not . P.isSpace)
ident <- P.choice [ P.takeWhile1 (not . P.isSpace)
, return name ]
if abi == "x32"
then return Nothing
else return (Just (SyscallInfo num abi name (findIdent ident)))
findIdent bytes =
case (Map.lookup bytes idents) of
Nothing -> Left bytes
Just v -> Right v
-- -- FIXME: we should maybe chain through newNameSupply? I don't think it is ever used ...
-- case execParser expressionP bytes (position 0 "" 0 0) idents newNameSupply of
-- Right (CVar ident _, _unusedNames) -> Just ident
-- Right (e, _) -> trace ("Unknown expr: " ++ show e) Nothing
-- _ -> trace ("Couldn't find '" ++ show bytes ++ "'") Nothing
showUsageAndExit :: IO a
showUsageAndExit = do
hPutStrLn stderr $ unlines
[ "This program generates the Haskell module that maps system call ids"
, "in Linux to the name, argument types, and result type."
, ""
, "Please specify the syscals_tbl file and header files arguments."
, "The resulting Haskell module will be written to standard out."
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
(syscalls_tbl_file, h_files) <-
case args of
tbl_file : h_files -> pure (tbl_file, h_files)
[] -> showUsageAndExit
syscalls <- BS.lines <$> BS.readFile syscalls_tbl_file
gdecls <- mconcat <$> mapM readOneCFile h_files
ms <- case mapM (P.parseOnly (syscallLine gdecls)) syscalls of
Left err -> error $ "Error: " ++ err
Right ms -> return ms
-- mapM_ pp (catMaybes ms)
print (generateHSFile $ catMaybes ms)