Langston Barrett ecb2a3650c symbolic: Remove redundant unwrapping/rewrapping of register struct
There was a lot of redundant unwrapping and re-wrapping of the
assignment of `TypeRepr`s to the architecture register context into and
out of a `StructRepr`. Remove this.

Also, add an hlint configuration file to help avoid this in the future,
and a Github Actions workflow to enforce this in CI.
2024-09-11 16:26:10 -07:00

10 lines
360 B

# HLint's default suggestions are opinionated, so we disable all of them by
# default and enable just a small subset we can agree on.
- ignore: {} # ignore all
- error:
name: Use crucGenRegStructType
lhs: "Lang.Crucible.Types.StructRepr (Data.Macaw.Symbolic.CrucGen.crucArchRegTypes x)"
rhs: 'Data.Macaw.Symbolic.CrucGen.crucGenRegStructType x'