Rob Dockins 465a84ee49 Update with changes flowing from GaloicInc/crucible#945.
This mostly deals with the splitting of the old `sym` type into
two: one for dealing with expression creation, and a new simulator
backend type for dealing with control-flow and assertions.
2022-01-24 16:24:07 -08:00

233 lines
10 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Main (main) where
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
import qualified Data.ElfEdit as Elf
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe ( mapMaybe )
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Classes as PC
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Nonce as PN
import Data.Parameterized.Some ( Some(..) )
import Data.Proxy ( Proxy(..) )
import GHC.TypeNats ( KnownNat, type (<=) )
import qualified Prettyprinter as PP
import System.FilePath ( (</>), (<.>) )
import qualified System.FilePath.Glob as SFG
import qualified System.IO as IO
import qualified Test.Tasty as TT
import qualified Test.Tasty.HUnit as TTH
import qualified Test.Tasty.Options as TTO
import qualified Test.Tasty.Runners as TTR
import qualified Dismantle.PPC as DP
import qualified Data.Macaw.Architecture.Info as MAI
import qualified Data.Macaw.BinaryLoader as MBL
import qualified Data.Macaw.BinaryLoader.PPC as MBLP
import qualified Data.Macaw.BinaryLoader.PPC.TOC as MBLP
import qualified Data.Macaw.CFG as MC
import qualified Data.Macaw.Discovery as M
import qualified Data.Macaw.Memory as MM
import qualified Data.Macaw.Memory.ElfLoader as MMEL
import qualified Data.Macaw.Symbolic as MS
import qualified Data.Macaw.Symbolic.Testing as MST
import qualified Data.Macaw.PPC as MP
import Data.Macaw.PPC.Symbolic ()
import qualified SemMC.Architecture.PPC as SAP
import qualified What4.Config as WC
import qualified What4.Expr.Builder as WEB
import qualified What4.Interface as WI
import qualified What4.ProblemFeatures as WPF
import qualified What4.Solver as WS
import qualified Lang.Crucible.Backend as CB
import qualified Lang.Crucible.Backend.Online as CBO
import qualified Lang.Crucible.Simulator as CS
import qualified Lang.Crucible.LLVM.MemModel as LLVM
-- | A Tasty option to tell us to save SMT queries and responses to /tmp for debugging purposes
data SaveSMT = SaveSMT Bool
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance TTO.IsOption SaveSMT where
defaultValue = SaveSMT False
parseValue v = SaveSMT <$> TTO.safeReadBool v
optionName = pure "save-smt"
optionHelp = pure "Save SMT sessions to files in /tmp for debugging"
-- | A tasty option to have the test suite save the macaw IR for each test case to /tmp for debugging purposes
data SaveMacaw = SaveMacaw Bool
instance TTO.IsOption SaveMacaw where
defaultValue = SaveMacaw False
parseValue v = SaveMacaw <$> TTO.safeReadBool v
optionName = pure "save-macaw"
optionHelp = pure "Save Macaw IR for each test case to /tmp for debugging"
ingredients :: [TTR.Ingredient]
ingredients = TT.includingOptions [ TTO.Option (Proxy @SaveSMT)
, TTO.Option (Proxy @SaveMacaw)
] : TT.defaultIngredients
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- These are pass/fail in that the assertions in the "pass" set are true (and
-- the solver returns Unsat), while the assertions in the "fail" set are false
-- (and the solver returns Sat).
passTestFilePaths <- SFG.glob "tests/pass/*.exe"
failTestFilePaths <- SFG.glob "tests/fail/*.exe"
let passRes = MST.SimulationResult MST.Unsat
let failRes = MST.SimulationResult MST.Sat
let passTests = TT.testGroup "True assertions" (map (mkSymExTest passRes) passTestFilePaths)
let failTests = TT.testGroup "False assertions" (map (mkSymExTest failRes) failTestFilePaths)
TT.defaultMainWithIngredients ingredients (TT.testGroup "Binary Tests" [passTests, failTests])
hasTestPrefix :: Some (M.DiscoveryFunInfo arch) -> Maybe (BS8.ByteString, Some (M.DiscoveryFunInfo arch))
hasTestPrefix (Some dfi) = do
bsname <- M.discoveredFunSymbol dfi
if BS8.pack "test_" `BS8.isPrefixOf` bsname
then return (bsname, Some dfi)
else Nothing
-- | PowerPC functions (at least in the common ABIs) with a single scalar return value return it in %r3
-- Since all test functions must return a value to assert as true, this is
-- straightforward to extract
ppcResultExtractor :: ( arch ~ MP.AnyPPC v
, CB.IsSymInterface sym
, MP.KnownVariant v
, MM.MemWidth (SAP.AddrWidth v)
, MC.ArchConstraints arch
, MS.ArchInfo arch
, KnownNat (SAP.AddrWidth v)
=> MS.ArchVals arch
-> MST.ResultExtractor sym arch
ppcResultExtractor archVals = MST.ResultExtractor $ \regs _sp _mem k -> do
let re = MS.lookupReg archVals regs (MP.PPC_GP (DP.GPR 3))
k PC.knownRepr (CS.regValue re)
-- | This helper is required because the mapping that comes back from the macaw
-- ELF loader doesn't account for the TOC in PowerPC64.
toPPCAddrNameMap :: ( w ~ SAP.AddrWidth v
, MBLP.HasTOC (MP.AnyPPC v) (Elf.ElfHeaderInfo w)
=> MBL.LoadedBinary (MP.AnyPPC v) (Elf.ElfHeaderInfo w)
-> MM.Memory w
-> [MMEL.MemSymbol w]
-> Map.Map (MM.MemSegmentOff w) BS8.ByteString
toPPCAddrNameMap loadedBinary mem elfSyms =
Map.fromList [ (realSegOff, name)
| (addr, name) <- Map.toList (MST.toAddrSymMap mem elfSyms)
, Just realAddr <- return (MBLP.mapTOCEntryAddress toc (MM.segoffAddr addr))
, Just realSegOff <- return (MM.asSegmentOff mem realAddr)
toc = MBLP.getTOC loadedBinary
mkSymExTest :: MST.SimulationResult -> FilePath -> TT.TestTree
mkSymExTest expected exePath = TT.askOption $ \saveSMT@(SaveSMT _) -> TT.askOption $ \saveMacaw@(SaveMacaw _) -> TTH.testCaseSteps exePath $ \step -> do
bytes <- BS.readFile exePath
case Elf.decodeElfHeaderInfo bytes of
Left (_, msg) -> TTH.assertFailure ("Error parsing ELF header from file '" ++ show exePath ++ "': " ++ msg)
Right (Elf.SomeElf ehi) -> do
case Elf.headerClass (Elf.header ehi) of
Elf.ELFCLASS32 -> TTH.assertFailure "PPC32 is not supported yet due to ABI differences"
Elf.ELFCLASS64 -> do
loadedBinary <- MBL.loadBinary MMEL.defaultLoadOptions ehi
symExTestSized expected exePath saveSMT saveMacaw step ehi loadedBinary (MP.ppc64_linux_info loadedBinary)
data MacawPPCSymbolicData t = MacawPPCSymbolicData
symExTestSized :: forall v w arch
. ( w ~ SAP.AddrWidth v
, 16 <= w
, 1 <= w
, SAP.KnownVariant v
, MM.MemWidth w
, MC.ArchConstraints arch
, arch ~ MP.AnyPPC v
, KnownNat w
, MS.ArchInfo arch
, MBLP.HasTOC (MP.AnyPPC v) (Elf.ElfHeaderInfo w)
=> MST.SimulationResult
-> FilePath
-> SaveSMT
-> SaveMacaw
-> (String -> IO ())
-> Elf.ElfHeaderInfo w
-> MBL.LoadedBinary arch (Elf.ElfHeaderInfo w)
-> MAI.ArchitectureInfo arch
-> TTH.Assertion
symExTestSized expected exePath saveSMT saveMacaw step ehi loadedBinary archInfo = do
(mem, funInfos) <- MST.runDiscovery ehi (toPPCAddrNameMap loadedBinary) archInfo
let testEntryPoints = mapMaybe hasTestPrefix funInfos
F.forM_ testEntryPoints $ \(name, Some dfi) -> do
step ("Testing " ++ BS8.unpack name ++ " at " ++ show (M.discoveredFunAddr dfi))
writeMacawIR saveMacaw (BS8.unpack name) dfi
Some (gen :: PN.NonceGenerator IO t) <- PN.newIONonceGenerator
sym <- WEB.newExprBuilder WEB.FloatRealRepr MacawPPCSymbolicData gen
CBO.withYicesOnlineBackend sym CBO.NoUnsatFeatures WPF.noFeatures $ \bak -> do
-- We are using the z3 backend to discharge proof obligations, so
-- we need to add its options to the backend configuration
let solver = WS.z3Adapter
let backendConf = WI.getConfiguration sym
WC.extendConfig (WS.solver_adapter_config_options solver) backendConf
execFeatures <- MST.defaultExecFeatures (MST.SomeOnlineBackend bak)
let Just archVals = MS.archVals (Proxy @(MP.AnyPPC v)) Nothing
let extract = ppcResultExtractor archVals
logger <- makeGoalLogger saveSMT solver name exePath
let ?memOpts = LLVM.defaultMemOptions
simRes <- MST.simulateAndVerify solver logger bak execFeatures archInfo archVals mem extract dfi
TTH.assertEqual "AssertionResult" expected simRes
writeMacawIR :: (MC.ArchConstraints arch) => SaveMacaw -> String -> M.DiscoveryFunInfo arch ids -> IO ()
writeMacawIR (SaveMacaw sm) name dfi
| not sm = return ()
| otherwise = writeFile (toSavedMacawPath name) (show (PP.pretty dfi))
toSavedMacawPath :: String -> FilePath
toSavedMacawPath testName = "/tmp" </> name <.> "macaw"
name = fmap escapeSlash testName
-- | Construct a solver logger that saves the SMT session for the goal solving
-- in /tmp (if requested by the save-smt option)
-- The adapter name is included so that, if the same test is solved with
-- multiple solvers, we can differentiate them.
makeGoalLogger :: SaveSMT -> WS.SolverAdapter st -> BS8.ByteString -> FilePath -> IO WS.LogData
makeGoalLogger (SaveSMT saveSMT) adapter funName p
| not saveSMT = return WS.defaultLogData
| otherwise = do
hdl <- IO.openFile (toSavedSMTSessionPath adapter funName p) IO.WriteMode
return (WS.defaultLogData { WS.logHandle = Just hdl })
-- | Construct a path in /tmp to save the SMT session to
-- Just take the original path name and turn all of the slashes into underscores to escape them
toSavedSMTSessionPath :: WS.SolverAdapter st -> BS8.ByteString -> FilePath -> FilePath
toSavedSMTSessionPath adapter funName p = "/tmp" </> filename <.> "smtlib2"
filename = concat [ fmap escapeSlash p
, "_"
, BS8.unpack funName
, "_"
, WS.solver_adapter_name adapter
escapeSlash :: Char -> Char
escapeSlash '/' = '_'
escapeSlash c = c