Add realTrunc and realRoundEven operations to fill out the

standard rounding modes.

Add test cases that prove the rounding operations satisfy their specifications.

Fixes #46
This commit is contained in:
Rob Dockins 2020-06-12 17:07:04 -07:00 committed by robdockins
parent 43516c6a32
commit 72d105fd4e
7 changed files with 118 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -540,6 +540,7 @@ bitblastExpr h ae = do
SBVToInteger{} -> intFail
RoundReal{} -> realFail
RoundEvenReal{} -> realFail
FloorReal{} -> realFail
CeilReal{} -> realFail
RealToInteger{} -> intFail

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@ -208,6 +208,7 @@ appTheory a0 =
SBVToInteger{} -> LinearArithTheory
RoundReal{} -> LinearArithTheory
RoundEvenReal{} -> LinearArithTheory
FloorReal{} -> LinearArithTheory
CeilReal{} -> LinearArithTheory
RealToInteger{} -> LinearArithTheory

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@ -823,6 +823,7 @@ data App (e :: BaseType -> Type) (tp :: BaseType) where
IntegerToBV :: (1 <= w) => !(e BaseIntegerType) -> NatRepr w -> App e (BaseBVType w)
RoundReal :: !(e BaseRealType) -> App e BaseIntegerType
RoundEvenReal :: !(e BaseRealType) -> App e BaseIntegerType
FloorReal :: !(e BaseRealType) -> App e BaseIntegerType
CeilReal :: !(e BaseRealType) -> App e BaseIntegerType
@ -1244,6 +1245,7 @@ appType a =
RealSqrt{} -> knownRepr
RoundReal{} -> knownRepr
RoundEvenReal{} -> knownRepr
FloorReal{} -> knownRepr
CeilReal{} -> knownRepr
@ -1657,6 +1659,7 @@ abstractEval f a0 = do
SBVToInteger x -> valueRange (Inclusive lx) (Inclusive ux)
where (lx, ux) = BVD.sbounds (bvWidth x) (f x)
RoundReal x -> mapRange roundAway (ravRange (f x))
RoundEvenReal x -> mapRange round (ravRange (f x))
FloorReal x -> mapRange floor (ravRange (f x))
CeilReal x -> mapRange ceiling (ravRange (f x))
IntegerToNat x -> intRangeToNatRange (f x)
@ -1987,6 +1990,7 @@ ppApp' a0 = do
SBVToInteger x -> ppSExpr "sbvToInteger" [x]
RoundReal x -> ppSExpr "round" [x]
RoundEvenReal x -> ppSExpr "roundEven" [x]
FloorReal x -> ppSExpr "floor" [x]
CeilReal x -> ppSExpr "ceil" [x]
@ -3289,6 +3293,7 @@ reduceApp sym a0 = do
IntegerToBV x w -> integerToBV sym x w
RoundReal x -> realRound sym x
RoundEvenReal x -> realRoundEven sym x
FloorReal x -> realFloor sym x
CeilReal x -> realCeil sym x
@ -5527,6 +5532,17 @@ instance IsExprBuilder (ExprBuilder t st fs) where
-- Unsimplified case
| otherwise = sbMakeExpr sym (RoundReal x)
realRoundEven sym x
-- Ground case
| SemiRingLiteral SR.SemiRingRealRepr r l <- x = return $ SemiRingLiteral SR.SemiRingIntegerRepr (round r) l
-- Match integerToReal
| Just (IntegerToReal xi) <- asApp x = return xi
-- Static case
| Just True <- ravIsInteger (exprAbsValue x) =
sbMakeExpr sym (RealToInteger x)
-- Unsimplified case
| otherwise = sbMakeExpr sym (RoundEvenReal x)
realFloor sym x
-- Ground case
| SemiRingLiteral SR.SemiRingRealRepr r l <- x = return $ SemiRingLiteral SR.SemiRingIntegerRepr (floor r) l

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@ -497,6 +497,7 @@ evalGroundApp f0 a0 = do
SBVToInteger x -> BV.asSigned (bvWidth x) <$> f x
RoundReal x -> roundAway <$> f x
RoundEvenReal x -> round <$> f x
FloorReal x -> floor <$> f x
CeilReal x -> ceiling <$> f x

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@ -1345,16 +1345,29 @@ class ( IsExpr (SymExpr sym), HashableF (SymExpr sym)
-- | Round a real number to an integer.
-- Numbers are rounded to the nearest representable number, with rounding away from
-- Numbers are rounded to the nearest integer, with rounding away from
-- zero when two integers are equi-distant (e.g., 1.5 rounds to 2).
realRound :: sym -> SymReal sym -> IO (SymInteger sym)
-- | Round a real number to an integer.
-- Numbers are rounded to the neareset integer, with rounding toward
-- even values when two integers are equi-distant (e.g., 2.5 rounds to 2).
realRoundEven :: sym -> SymReal sym -> IO (SymInteger sym)
-- | Round down to the nearest integer that is at most this value.
realFloor :: sym -> SymReal sym -> IO (SymInteger sym)
-- | Round up to the nearest integer that is at least this value.
realCeil :: sym -> SymReal sym -> IO (SymInteger sym)
-- | Round toward zero. This is @floor(x)@ when x is positive
-- and @celing(x)@ when @x@ is negative.
realTrunc :: sym -> SymReal sym -> IO (SymInteger sym)
realTrunc sym x =
do pneg <- realLt sym x =<< realLit sym 0
iteM intIte sym pneg (realCeil sym x) (realFloor sym x)
-- | Convert an integer to a bitvector. The result is the unique bitvector
-- whose value (signed or unsigned) is congruent to the input integer, modulo @2^w@.

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@ -2630,6 +2630,19 @@ appSMTExpr ae = do
addSideCondition "round" $ x .>= 0 .|| negExpr
return nm
RoundEvenReal xe -> do
checkIntegerSupport i
x <- mkBaseExpr xe
nm <- asBase <$> freshConstant "roundEven" IntegerTypeMap
r <- asBase <$> freshBoundTerm RealTypeMap (termIntegerToReal nm)
-- Assert that `x` is in the interval `[r, r+1]`
addSideCondition "roundEven" $ (r .<= x) .&& (x .<= r+1)
diff <- asBase <$> freshBoundTerm RealTypeMap (x - r)
freshBoundTerm IntegerTypeMap $
ite (diff .< rationalTerm 0.5) nm $
ite (diff .> rationalTerm 0.5) (nm+1) $
ite (intDivisible nm 2) nm (nm+1)
FloorReal xe -> do
checkIntegerSupport i
x <- mkBaseExpr xe

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@ -477,6 +477,74 @@ testBoundVarAsFree = testCase "boundvarasfree" $ withOnlineZ3 $ \sym s -> do
expectFailure $ checkSatisfiable s "test" px
expectFailure $ checkSatisfiable s "test" py
roundingTest ::
OnlineSolver t solver =>
SimpleExprBuilder t fs ->
SolverProcess t solver ->
IO ()
roundingTest sym solver =
do r <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "r") BaseRealRepr
let runErrTest nm op errOp =
do diff <- realAbs sym =<< realSub sym r =<< integerToReal sym =<< op sym r
p' <- notPred sym =<< errOp diff
res <- checkSatisfiable solver nm p'
isUnsat res @? nm
runErrTest "floor" realFloor (\diff -> realLt sym diff =<< realLit sym 1)
runErrTest "ceiling" realCeil (\diff -> realLt sym diff =<< realLit sym 1)
runErrTest "trunc" realTrunc (\diff -> realLt sym diff =<< realLit sym 1)
runErrTest "rna" realRound (\diff -> realLe sym diff =<< realLit sym 0.5)
runErrTest "rne" realRoundEven (\diff -> realLe sym diff =<< realLit sym 0.5)
-- floor test
do ri <- integerToReal sym =<< realFloor sym r
p <- realLe sym ri r
res <- checkSatisfiable solver "floorTest" =<< notPred sym p
isUnsat res @? "floorTest"
-- ceiling test
do ri <- integerToReal sym =<< realCeil sym r
p <- realLe sym r ri
res <- checkSatisfiable solver "ceilingTest" =<< notPred sym p
isUnsat res @? "ceilingTest"
-- truncate test
do ri <- integerToReal sym =<< realTrunc sym r
rabs <- realAbs sym r
riabs <- realAbs sym ri
p <- realLe sym riabs rabs
res <- checkSatisfiable solver "truncateTest" =<< notPred sym p
isUnsat res @? "truncateTest"
-- round away test
do ri <- integerToReal sym =<< realRound sym r
diff <- realAbs sym =<< realSub sym r ri
ptie <- realEq sym diff =<< realLit sym 0.5
rabs <- realAbs sym r
iabs <- realAbs sym ri
plarge <- realGt sym iabs rabs
res <- checkSatisfiable solver "rnaTest" =<<
andPred sym ptie =<< notPred sym plarge
isUnsat res @? "rnaTest"
-- round-to-even test
do i <- realRoundEven sym r
ri <- integerToReal sym i
diff <- realAbs sym =<< realSub sym r ri
ptie <- realEq sym diff =<< realLit sym 0.5
ieven <- intDivisible sym i 2
res <- checkSatisfiable solver "rneTest" =<<
andPred sym ptie =<< notPred sym ieven
isUnsat res @? "rneTest"
zeroTupleTest ::
OnlineSolver t solver =>
SimpleExprBuilder t fs ->
@ -886,4 +954,8 @@ main = defaultMain $ testGroup "Tests"
, testCase "CVC4 binder tuple1" $ withCVC4 binderTupleTest1
, testCase "CVC4 binder tuple2" $ withCVC4 binderTupleTest2
, testCase "Z3 rounding" $ withOnlineZ3 roundingTest
, testCase "Yices rounding" $ withYices roundingTest
, testCase "CVC4 rounding" $ withCVC4 roundingTest