Update to changes in language-sally.

This commit is contained in:
Valentin Robert 2021-03-22 18:09:06 -07:00
parent 95a514fba2
commit f74d8eaa4e
6 changed files with 249 additions and 246 deletions

.gitmodules vendored
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@ -7,9 +7,6 @@
[submodule "dependencies/blt"]
path = dependencies/blt
url = https://github.com/GaloisInc/blt
[submodule "dependencies/parameterized-utils"]
path = dependencies/parameterized-utils
url = https://github.com/GaloisInc/parameterized-utils
[submodule "dependencies/language-sally"]
path = dependencies/language-sally
url = https://github.com/GaloisInc/language-sally.git

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit a52404a9d3f2ff88809f0ad2832ffa518b7ac89b
Subproject commit 2ed17f2e5522bf3b2abcca79ce00b6e4567a681d

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@ -1,195 +1,141 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-- | TODO
-- |
-- Module : What4.TransitionSystem
-- Description : Definition of a transition system made of What4 expressions
-- Copyright : (c) Galois Inc, 2020-2021
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer : val@galois.com
-- |
module What4.TransitionSystem
( CtxState,
TransitionSystem (..),
-- stateField,
import qualified Control.Lens as L
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Identity (forM)
import Data.Functor.Const (Const (..))
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
import qualified Language.Sally as S
import What4.BaseTypes
import What4.Expr
import qualified What4.BaseTypes as BaseTypes
import What4.Expr (ExprBuilder)
import qualified What4.Interface as What4
import Prelude hiding (init)
-- | Convenient wrapper around @What4.userSymbol@ for when we're willing to fail
-- on error.
userSymbol' :: String -> What4.SolverSymbol
userSymbol' s = case What4.userSymbol s of
Left e -> error $ show e
Right symbol -> symbol
-- | @TransitionSystem@ can be used to describe a transition system, which can
-- then be elaborated into a set of SMT formulas. We try to have this type
-- **not** depend on Sally.
-- then be elaborated into a set of SMT formulas.
data TransitionSystem sym state = TransitionSystem
{ -- | representations for the fields of the state type, can be computed
-- automatically using @knownRepr@ for a concrete value of @state@
stateReprs :: Ctx.Assignment BaseTypeRepr state,
-- | names of the field accessor for each state field
{ -- | Representations for the fields of the state type, can be computed
-- automatically using @knownRepr@ for a concrete type parameter @state@.
stateReprs :: Ctx.Assignment BaseTypes.BaseTypeRepr state,
-- | Names of the field accessor for each state field.
stateNames :: Ctx.Assignment (Const What4.SolverSymbol) state,
-- | initial state predicate
-- | Initial state predicate.
initialStatePredicate ::
What4.SymStruct sym state ->
IO (What4.Pred sym),
-- | Binary relations over states for the transition, parameterized by
-- the current state and the next state. Returns a name for each
-- | Binary relations over states for the transition, parameterized by the
-- current state and the next state. Should return a name for each
-- transition, and their boolean formula.
-- NOTE: it is now important that each transition receives its own,
-- fresh copy of the state structs, so that What4 knows not to try and
-- share them, and to declare them in each Sally transition.
stateTransitions ::
What4.SymStruct sym state ->
What4.SymStruct sym state ->
IO [(S.Name, What4.Pred sym)],
-- | Sally queries that must hold at all states
-- It may seem surprising that it receives a state, since Sally queries are
-- not namespaced. The issue is, if we don't namespace the fields
-- corresponding to the arguments of the block that the query refers to,
-- they will be anonymized by the SMTWriter.
-- By creating the "query" state struct, the fields will be namespaced as
-- "query.field". We can detect those fields in the writer (just as we do
-- for the "init" namespace, that must exist for What4 but must be erased
-- for Sally), and remove the field access as we print.
IO [(What4.SolverSymbol, What4.Pred sym)],
-- | Queries that must hold at all states.
queries ::
What4.SymStruct sym state ->
IO [What4.Pred sym]
data SallyNames = SallyNames
{ -- | name of the initial state predicate
initialName :: S.Name,
-- | name of the main transition
mainTransitionName :: S.Name,
-- | name of the state type
stateName :: S.Name,
-- | name of the transition system
systemName :: S.Name
createStateStruct ::
What4.IsSymExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
-- | Namespace of the state structure.
String ->
Ctx.Assignment BaseTypes.BaseTypeRepr state ->
IO (What4.SymStruct sym state)
createStateStruct sym namespace stateType =
What4.freshConstant sym (userSymbol' namespace) (What4.BaseStructRepr stateType)
-- | @mySallyNames@ has some default names since we currently don't care too
-- much about changing them
mySallyNames :: SallyNames
mySallyNames =
{ initialName = userSymbol' "InitialState",
mainTransitionName = userSymbol' "MainTransition",
stateName = userSymbol' "State",
systemName = userSymbol' "System"
-- Actually I think it'll be better to have a fresh struct rather than having fields
-- What4.mkStruct sym =<< freshStateVars sym namespace stateType
sallyState ::
SallyNames ->
TransitionSystem sym stateType ->
S.SallyState stateType Ctx.EmptyCtx
{ stateName
{ stateNames,
} =
{ S.sallyStateName = stateName,
S.sallyStateVars = stateReprs,
S.sallyStateVarsNames = stateNames,
S.sallyStateInputs = Ctx.Empty,
S.sallyStateInputsNames = Ctx.Empty
-- | A context with just one field, a struct type for the state.
type CtxState state = Ctx.EmptyCtx Ctx.::> BaseTypes.BaseStructType state
-- | Computes a set of side conditions we must add to state formulas to account
-- for the mismatch between What4 types and sally types. For instance, a What4
-- @Nat@ must be translated as a Sally @Int@ (since Sally does not have natural
-- numbers), with a side condition of positivity.
sideConditions ::
forall t st fs state.
ExprBuilder t st fs ->
forall sym t st fs state.
sym ~ ExprBuilder t st fs =>
sym ->
-- | state type
Ctx.Assignment BaseTypeRepr state ->
Ctx.Assignment BaseTypes.BaseTypeRepr state ->
-- | state on which to operate
What4.SymStruct (ExprBuilder t st fs) state ->
IO (S.SallyPred t)
sideConditions sym stateReprs state =
What4.SymStruct sym state ->
IO (What4.Pred sym)
sideConditions sym stateReprs _state =
preds <- Ctx.traverseAndCollect sideConditionsForIndex stateReprs
What4.andAllOf sym L.folded preds
sideConditionsForIndex :: Ctx.Index state tp -> BaseTypeRepr tp -> IO [S.SallyPred t]
sideConditionsForIndex _ BaseBoolRepr = return []
sideConditionsForIndex _ BaseIntegerRepr = return []
sideConditionsForIndex _ BaseRealRepr = return []
sideConditionsForIndex _ (BaseBVRepr _) = return []
sideConditionsForIndex _ bt = error $ "sideConditions: Not implemented for base type " ++ show bt ++ ". Please report."
sideConditionsForIndex ::
Ctx.Index state tp ->
BaseTypes.BaseTypeRepr tp ->
IO [What4.Pred sym]
sideConditionsForIndex _ BaseTypes.BaseBoolRepr = return []
sideConditionsForIndex _ BaseTypes.BaseIntegerRepr = return []
sideConditionsForIndex _ BaseTypes.BaseRealRepr = return []
sideConditionsForIndex _ (BaseTypes.BaseBVRepr _) = return []
sideConditionsForIndex _ bt =
error $ "sideConditions: Not implemented for base type " ++ show bt ++ ". Please report."
createStateStruct ::
What4.IsSymExprBuilder sym =>
makeInitialState ::
sym ~ ExprBuilder t st fs =>
sym ->
String ->
Ctx.Assignment BaseTypeRepr state ->
IO (What4.SymStruct sym state)
createStateStruct sym namespace stateType =
What4.freshConstant sym (userSymbol' namespace) (What4.BaseStructRepr stateType)
TransitionSystem sym state ->
IO (What4.Pred sym)
makeInitialState sym (TransitionSystem {initialStatePredicate, stateReprs}) =
init <- createStateStruct sym "init" stateReprs
initP <- initialStatePredicate init
sideP <- sideConditions sym stateReprs init
What4.andPred sym initP sideP
-- actually I think it'll be better to have a fresh struct rather than having fields
-- What4.mkStruct sym =<< freshStateVars sym namespace stateType
sallyInitialState ::
ExprBuilder t st fs ->
TransitionSystem (ExprBuilder t st fs) state ->
IO (S.SallyPred t)
makeTransitions ::
sym ~ ExprBuilder t st fs =>
sym ->
-- | Name to use for the "main" transition.
What4.SolverSymbol ->
-- | Exporter-specific transition builder of transition, receiving as input
-- the name of that transition and the transition predicate.
(What4.SolverSymbol -> What4.Pred sym -> transition) ->
TransitionSystem sym state ->
IO [transition]
{ initialStatePredicate,
} =
init <- createStateStruct sym "init" stateReprs
initP <- initialStatePredicate init
sideP <- sideConditions sym stateReprs init
What4.andPred sym initP sideP
makeSallyTransitions ::
ExprBuilder t st fs ->
SallyNames ->
TransitionSystem (ExprBuilder t st fs) state ->
IO [S.SallyTransition t]
( SallyNames
{ mainTransitionName,
( TransitionSystem
{ stateReprs,
) =
(TransitionSystem {stateReprs, stateTransitions}) =
state <- createStateStruct sym "state" stateReprs
next <- createStateStruct sym "next" stateReprs
@ -199,92 +145,30 @@ makeSallyTransitions
stateSideP <- sideConditions sym stateReprs state
nextSideP <- sideConditions sym stateReprs next
transitionRelation <- What4.andAllOf sym L.folded [transitionP, stateSideP, nextSideP]
return $
{ S.transitionName = name,
S.transitionDomain = stateName,
-- traLet = [],
return $ makeTransition name transitionRelation
-- the main transition is the conjunction of all transitions
-- FIXME: turn the name of the transition into an expression
transitionsPreds <- forM (S.transitionName <$> allTransitions) $ \transitionName ->
What4.freshConstant sym transitionName BaseBoolRepr
transitionsPreds <- forM (fst <$> transitions) $ \transitionName ->
What4.freshConstant sym transitionName BaseTypes.BaseBoolRepr
transitionRelation <- What4.orOneOf sym L.folded transitionsPreds
let mainTransition =
{ S.transitionName = mainTransitionName,
S.transitionDomain = stateName,
-- traLet = [],
-- a transition may only refer to previously-defined transitions, so
-- @mainTransition@ must be last
let mainTransition = makeTransition mainTransitionName transitionRelation
-- A transition may only refer to previously-defined transitions, so
-- @mainTransition@ must be last.
return (allTransitions ++ [mainTransition])
makeSallyQueries ::
makeQueries ::
sym ~ ExprBuilder t st fs =>
sym ->
SallyNames ->
(What4.Pred sym -> query) ->
TransitionSystem sym state ->
IO [S.SallyQuery t]
makeSallyQueries sym
SallyNames {systemName }
TransitionSystem { queries, stateReprs }
= do
queryState <- createStateStruct sym "query" stateReprs
map (sallyQuery systemName) <$> queries queryState
sallyQuery :: S.Name -> What4.Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> S.SallyQuery t
sallyQuery systemName sallyQueryPredicate =
{ S.sallyQuerySystemName = systemName,
-- sqLet = [],
S.sallyQueryComment = ""
transitionSystemToSally ::
ExprBuilder t st fs ->
SallyNames ->
TransitionSystem (ExprBuilder t st fs) stateType ->
IO (S.Sally t stateType Ctx.EmptyCtx Ctx.EmptyCtx)
IO [query]
{ initialName,
ts =
(TransitionSystem {queries, stateReprs}) =
sallyStateFormulaPredicate <- sallyInitialState sym ts
sallyTransitions <- makeSallyTransitions sym sn ts
sallyQueries <- makeSallyQueries sym sn ts
let sallyInitialFormula =
{ S.sallyStateFormulaName = initialName,
S.sallyStateFormulaDomain = stateName,
let sallySystem =
{ S.sallySystemName = systemName,
S.sallySystemStateName = stateName,
S.sallySystemInitialStateName = initialName,
S.sallySystemTransitionName = mainTransitionName
return $
{ S.sallyState = sallyState sn ts,
S.sallyFormulas = [],
S.sallyConstants = Ctx.Empty,
-- | A context with just one field, a struct type for the state
type CtxState state = Ctx.EmptyCtx Ctx.::> BaseStructType state
-- NOTE: Event though some backend queries do not use a namespace, we need
-- to use a "query" namespace here, as it forces the What4 backend to
-- treat those fields as different from the "state"/"next" ones.
queryState <- createStateStruct sym "query" stateReprs
(makeQuery <$>) <$> queries queryState

View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
-- |
-- Module : What4.TransitionSystem.Exporter.Sally
-- Description : Export What4 transition system to the Sally format
-- Copyright : (c) Galois Inc, 2020-2021
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer : val@galois.com
module What4.TransitionSystem.Exporter.Sally
( exportTransitionSystem,
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
import qualified Language.Sally as S
import What4.Expr (ExprBuilder)
import qualified What4.Interface as What4
import qualified What4.TransitionSystem as TS
import Prelude hiding (init)
data SallyNames = SallyNames
{ -- | Name of the initial state predicate
initialName :: S.Name,
-- | Name of the main transition
mainTransitionName :: S.Name,
-- | Name of the state type
stateName :: S.Name,
-- | Name of the transition system
systemName :: S.Name
-- | @mySallyNames@ has some default names since we currently don't care too
-- much about changing them
mySallyNames :: SallyNames
mySallyNames =
{ initialName = TS.userSymbol' "InitialState",
mainTransitionName = TS.userSymbol' "MainTransition",
stateName = TS.userSymbol' "State",
systemName = TS.userSymbol' "System"
sallyState ::
SallyNames ->
TS.TransitionSystem sym stateType ->
S.SallyState stateType Ctx.EmptyCtx
(SallyNames {stateName})
(TS.TransitionSystem {TS.stateNames, TS.stateReprs}) =
{ S.sallyStateName = stateName,
S.sallyStateVars = stateReprs,
S.sallyStateVarsNames = stateNames,
S.sallyStateInputs = Ctx.Empty,
S.sallyStateInputsNames = Ctx.Empty
sallyQuery :: S.Name -> What4.Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> S.SallyQuery t
sallyQuery systemName sallyQueryPredicate =
{ S.sallyQuerySystemName = systemName,
-- sqLet = [],
S.sallyQueryComment = ""
exportTransitionSystem ::
ExprBuilder t st fs ->
SallyNames ->
TS.TransitionSystem (ExprBuilder t st fs) stateType ->
IO (S.Sally t stateType Ctx.EmptyCtx Ctx.EmptyCtx)
(sn@SallyNames {initialName, mainTransitionName, stateName, systemName})
ts =
sallyStateFormulaPredicate <- TS.makeInitialState sym ts
sallyTransitions <-
(S.SallyTransition stateName)
sallyQueries <- TS.makeQueries sym (sallyQuery systemName) ts
let sallyInitialFormula =
{ S.sallyStateFormulaName = initialName,
S.sallyStateFormulaDomain = stateName,
let sallySystem =
{ S.sallySystemName = systemName,
S.sallySystemStateName = stateName,
S.sallySystemInitialStateName = initialName,
S.sallySystemTransitionName = mainTransitionName
return $
{ S.sallyState = sallyState sn ts,
S.sallyFormulas = [],
S.sallyConstants = Ctx.Empty,

View File

@ -10,23 +10,29 @@
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- |
-- Module : TransitionSystemTest
-- Copyright : (c) Galois Inc, 2020
-- Module : Main
-- Copyright : (c) Galois Inc, 2020-2021
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer : valentin.robert.42@gmail.com
-- Maintainer : val@galois.com
-- |
module Main where
import qualified Control.Lens as L
import Control.Monad (join)
import Data.Parameterized (knownRepr)
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
import Data.Parameterized.Nonce
import Language.Sally
import What4.BaseTypes
import Data.Parameterized.Nonce (withIONonceGenerator)
import Language.Sally (Name, sexpOfSally, sexpToCompactDoc)
import qualified What4.BaseTypes as BaseTypes
import What4.Expr
import What4.Expr.Builder
( ExprBuilder,
FloatModeRepr (FloatIEEERepr),
import What4.Expr.Builder (SymbolBinding (..))
import qualified What4.Interface as What4
import What4.TransitionSystem
import What4.TransitionSystem (TransitionSystem (..), userSymbol')
import qualified What4.TransitionSystem.Exporter.Sally as Sally
import Prelude hiding (init)
showBinding :: SymbolBinding t -> String
@ -40,7 +46,7 @@ displayTransitionSystem ::
IO ()
displayTransitionSystem sym transitionSystem =
sts <- transitionSystemToSally sym mySallyNames transitionSystem
sts <- Sally.exportTransitionSystem sym Sally.mySallyNames transitionSystem
sexp <- sexpOfSally sym sts
print . sexpToCompactDoc $ sexp
@ -62,7 +68,7 @@ data State t = State
makeFieldNames ::
forall stateType.
[What4.SolverSymbol] ->
Ctx.Assignment BaseTypeRepr stateType ->
Ctx.Assignment BaseTypes.BaseTypeRepr stateType ->
Ctx.Assignment (L.Const What4.SolverSymbol) stateType
makeFieldNames fields rep = Ctx.generate (Ctx.size rep) generator
@ -72,7 +78,7 @@ makeFieldNames fields rep = Ctx.generate (Ctx.size rep) generator
-- Example 1: a simple counter
type CounterStateType = Ctx.EmptyCtx Ctx.::> BaseBoolType Ctx.::> BaseNatType
type CounterStateType = Ctx.EmptyCtx Ctx.::> BaseTypes.BaseBoolType Ctx.::> BaseTypes.BaseIntegerType
counterStateFields :: [What4.SolverSymbol]
counterStateFields = userSymbol' <$> ["counterIsEven", "counter"]
@ -80,10 +86,10 @@ counterStateFields = userSymbol' <$> ["counterIsEven", "counter"]
counterFieldNames :: Ctx.Assignment (L.Const What4.SolverSymbol) CounterStateType
counterFieldNames = makeFieldNames counterStateFields knownRepr
counterIsEven :: Ctx.Index CounterStateType BaseBoolType
counterIsEven :: Ctx.Index CounterStateType BaseTypes.BaseBoolType
counterIsEven = Ctx.natIndex @0
counter :: Ctx.Index CounterStateType BaseNatType
counter :: Ctx.Index CounterStateType BaseTypes.BaseIntegerType
counter = Ctx.natIndex @1
-- | Example initial state predicate, this one constrains the `bool` field to be
@ -98,8 +104,8 @@ counterInitial sym init =
initCounterIsEven <- What4.structField sym init counterIsEven
initCounter <- What4.structField sym init counter
nZero <- What4.natLit sym 0
natCond <- What4.natEq sym initCounter nZero
nZero <- What4.intLit sym 0
natCond <- What4.intEq sym initCounter nZero
andCond <- What4.andPred sym initCounterIsEven natCond
return andCond
@ -122,9 +128,9 @@ counterTransitions sym state next =
nextCounterIsEven <- What4.structField sym next counterIsEven
nextCounter <- What4.structField sym next counter
-- (= next.counter (+ 1 state.counter))
nOne <- What4.natLit sym 1
nStatePlusOne <- What4.natAdd sym nOne stateCounter
natCond <- What4.natEq sym nextCounter nStatePlusOne
nOne <- What4.intLit sym 1
nStatePlusOne <- What4.intAdd sym nOne stateCounter
natCond <- What4.intEq sym nextCounter nStatePlusOne
-- (= next.counterIsEven (not state.counterIsEven))
bStateNeg <- What4.notPred sym stateCounterIsEven
boolCond <- What4.eqPred sym nextCounterIsEven bStateNeg
@ -154,9 +160,9 @@ counterTransitionSystem sym =
type RealsStateType =
Ctx.::> BaseRealType
Ctx.::> BaseRealType
Ctx.::> BaseRealType
Ctx.::> BaseTypes.BaseRealType
Ctx.::> BaseTypes.BaseRealType
Ctx.::> BaseTypes.BaseRealType
realsStateFields :: [What4.SolverSymbol]
realsStateFields = userSymbol' <$> ["P", "x", "n"]
@ -164,13 +170,13 @@ realsStateFields = userSymbol' <$> ["P", "x", "n"]
realsFieldNames :: Ctx.Assignment (L.Const What4.SolverSymbol) RealsStateType
realsFieldNames = makeFieldNames realsStateFields knownRepr
pReals :: Ctx.Index RealsStateType BaseRealType
pReals :: Ctx.Index RealsStateType BaseTypes.BaseRealType
pReals = Ctx.natIndex @0
xReals :: Ctx.Index RealsStateType BaseRealType
xReals :: Ctx.Index RealsStateType BaseTypes.BaseRealType
xReals = Ctx.natIndex @1
nReals :: Ctx.Index RealsStateType BaseRealType
nReals :: Ctx.Index RealsStateType BaseTypes.BaseRealType
nReals = Ctx.natIndex @2
realsInitial ::

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ synopsis: Generates transition systems from What4 descriptions
description: Generates transition systems from What4 descriptions
author: Valentin Robert <val@galois.com>
maintainer: Valentin Robert <val@galois.com>
copyright: Galois, Inc. 2020
copyright: Galois, Inc. 2020-2021
license: BSD-3-Clause
license-file: LICENSE
build-type: Simple
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ build-type: Simple
common dependencies
, ansi-wl-pprint ^>=0.6
, base >=4.13 && <4.15
, base >=4.12 && <4.15
, bytestring
, containers ^>=0.6
, io-streams
@ -22,11 +22,14 @@ common dependencies
, mtl
, parameterized-utils >=2.0 && <2.2
, text
, what4
, what4 ^>=1.1
import: dependencies
exposed-modules: What4.TransitionSystem
other-modules: Paths_what4_transition_system
hs-source-dirs: src
@ -35,14 +38,15 @@ library
default-language: Haskell2010
test-suite transition-system-tests
test-suite what4-transition-system-tests
import: dependencies
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: TransitionSystemTest.hs
main-is: Main.hs
other-modules: Paths_what4_transition_system
hs-source-dirs: test
-Wall -Werror=incomplete-patterns -Werror=missing-methods
build-depends: what4-transition-system
default-language: Haskell2010