attempt to repair rendering to javascript.

This commit is contained in:
Julia Longtin 2020-03-01 19:42:41 +00:00
parent f56cd2182a
commit 16570167a7
2 changed files with 34 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -174,12 +174,14 @@ Executable implicitsnap
Default-Language: Haskell2010
Hs-source-dirs: programs

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import Prelude (IO, Maybe(Just, Nothing), String, Bool(True, False), ($), (<>),
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Snap.Core (Snap, route, writeText, method, Method(GET), modifyResponse, setContentType, setTimeout, getRequest, rqParam)
import Snap.Core (Snap, route, writeText, writeBS, method, Method(GET), modifyResponse, setContentType, setTimeout, getRequest, rqParam)
import Snap.Http.Server (quickHttpServe)
import Snap.Util.GZip (withCompression)
@ -51,9 +51,14 @@ import Data.List (intercalate)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (unpack)
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 (fromString)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import Data.Text.Lazy (toStrict)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL (toStrict)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text (pack)
import Data.Text.Lazy as TL (toStrict)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Data.Aeson (encode)
-- | The entry point. uses snap to serve a website.
main :: IO ()
@ -74,12 +79,12 @@ renderHandler = method GET $ withCompression $ do
request <- getRequest
case (rqParam "source" request, rqParam "callback" request, rqParam "format" request) of
(Just [source], Just [callback], Nothing) ->
writeText $ executeAndExport
writeBS $ executeAndExport
(unpack source)
(Just [source], Just [callback], Just [format]) ->
writeText $ executeAndExport
writeBS $ executeAndExport
(unpack source)
(Just format)
@ -119,17 +124,17 @@ getWidth (_, obj:objs, _, _) = max (x2-x1) (y2-y1)
where ((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) = getBox2 $ UnionR2 0 (obj:objs)
getWidth (_, [], [], _) = 0
getOutputHandler2 :: ByteString -> ([Polyline] -> Text)
getOutputHandler2 :: ByteString -> [Polyline] -> Text
getOutputHandler2 name
| name == "SVG" = toStrict.svg
| name == "gcode/hacklab-laser" = toStrict.hacklabLaserGCode
| otherwise = toStrict.dxf2
| name == "SVG" = TL.toStrict.svg
| name == "gcode/hacklab-laser" = TL.toStrict.hacklabLaserGCode
| otherwise = TL.toStrict.dxf2
-- FIXME: OBJ support
getOutputHandler3 :: ByteString -> (TriangleMesh -> Text)
getOutputHandler3 :: ByteString -> TriangleMesh -> Text
getOutputHandler3 name
| name == "STL" = toStrict.stl
| otherwise = toStrict.jsTHREE
| name == "STL" = TL.toStrict.stl
| otherwise = TL.toStrict.jsTHREE
isTextOut :: Message -> Bool
isTextOut (Message TextOut _ _ ) = True
@ -144,22 +149,22 @@ generateScadOpts = ScadOpts compat_flag import_flag
-- | Give an openscad object to run and the basename of
-- the target to write to... write an object!
executeAndExport :: String -> ByteString -> Maybe ByteString -> Text
executeAndExport :: String -> ByteString -> Maybe ByteString -> ByteString
executeAndExport content callback maybeFormat =
showB :: Bool -> Text
showB :: Bool -> ByteString
showB True = "true"
showB False = "false"
show :: -> Text
show val = pack $ show val
callbackF :: Bool -> Bool -> -> Text -> Text
show :: -> ByteString
show val = fromString $ show val
callbackF :: Bool -> Bool -> -> Text -> ByteString
callbackF False is2D w msg =
(pack $ unpack callback) <> "([null," <> msg <> "," <> showB is2D <> "," <> show w <> "]);"
callback <> "([null," <> (BSL.toStrict $ encode msg) <> "," <> showB is2D <> "," <> show w <> "]);"
callbackF True is2D w msg =
(pack $ unpack callback) <> "([new Shape()," <> msg <> "," <> showB is2D <> "," <> show w <> "]);"
callbackS :: Text -> Text -> Text
callback <> "([new Shape()," <> (BSL.toStrict $ encode msg) <> "," <> showB is2D <> "," <> show w <> "]);"
callbackS :: Text -> Text -> ByteString
callbackS str msg =
(pack $ unpack callback) <> "([" <> str <> "," <> msg <> ",null,null]);"
callback <> "([" <> (BSL.toStrict $ encode str) <> "," <> (BSL.toStrict $ encode msg) <> ",null,null]);"
scadOptions = generateScadOpts
openscadProgram = runOpenscad scadOptions [] content
@ -187,9 +192,10 @@ executeAndExport content callback maybeFormat =
unionWarning = if null objs
then ""
else " \nWARNING: Multiple objects detected. Adding a Union around them."
output3d = maybe (toStrict.jsTHREE) getOutputHandler3 maybeFormat $ discreteAprox res target
output3d :: Text
output3d = maybe (TL.toStrict.jsTHREE) getOutputHandler3 maybeFormat $ discreteAprox res target
if fromMaybe "jsTHREE" maybeFormat == "jsTHREE"
then output3d <> callbackF True False w (scadMessages <> unionWarning)
then (encodeUtf8 output3d) <> callbackF True False w (scadMessages <> unionWarning)
else callbackS output3d (scadMessages <> unionWarning)
(obj:objs, [] , _) -> do
let target = if null objs
@ -199,10 +205,10 @@ executeAndExport content callback maybeFormat =
unionWarning = if null objs
then ""
else " \nWARNING: Multiple objects detected. Adding a Union around them."
output3d = maybe (toStrict.jsTHREE) getOutputHandler3 maybeFormat $ discreteAprox res $ extrudeR 0 target res
output2d = maybe (toStrict.svg) getOutputHandler2 maybeFormat $ discreteAprox res target
output3d = maybe (TL.toStrict.jsTHREE) getOutputHandler3 maybeFormat $ discreteAprox res $ extrudeR 0 target res
output2d = maybe (TL.toStrict.svg) getOutputHandler2 maybeFormat $ discreteAprox res target
if fromMaybe "jsTHREE" maybeFormat == "jsTHREE"
then output3d <> callbackF True True w (scadMessages <> unionWarning)
then (encodeUtf8 output3d) <> callbackF True True w (scadMessages <> unionWarning)
else callbackS output2d (scadMessages <> unionWarning)
([], [] , _) -> callbackF False False 1 $ scadMessages <> "\n" <> "Nothing to render."
_ -> callbackF False False 1 $ scadMessages <> "\n" <> "ERROR: File contains a mixture of 2D and 3D objects, what do you want to render?"