change from passing around separate line and column, into passing around a type containing line, column, and source file.

This commit is contained in:
Julia Longtin 2019-06-26 20:11:25 +01:00
parent 29ca418177
commit 4c335ae967
11 changed files with 122 additions and 119 deletions

View File

@ -294,4 +294,3 @@ data SymbolicObj3 =
| ExtrudeOnEdgeOf SymbolicObj2 SymbolicObj2
deriving Show

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import Prelude(String, Either(Left, Right), IO, ($), fmap)
import Graphics.Implicit.Definitions (SymbolicObj2, SymbolicObj3)
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Definitions (VarLookup)
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Parser.Statement (parseProgram)
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Parser.Util (sourcePosition)
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Eval.Statement (runStatementI)
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Default (defaultObjects)
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Util.StateC (CompState(CompState))
@ -29,10 +30,10 @@ runOpenscad :: String -> Either ParseError (IO (VarLookup, [SymbolicObj2], [Symb
runOpenscad source =
initial = defaultObjects
rearrange :: forall t. (t, CompState) -> (VarLookup, [SymbolicObj2], [SymbolicObj3])
rearrange :: (t, CompState) -> (VarLookup, [SymbolicObj2], [SymbolicObj3])
rearrange (_, (CompState (varlookup, ovals, _))) = (varlookup, obj2s, obj3s) where
(obj2s, obj3s, _ ) = divideObjs ovals
in case parseProgram source of
in case parseProgram "" source of
Left e -> Left e
Right sts -> Right
$ fmap rearrange

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Default (defaultObjects) where
import Prelude (String, Bool(True, False), Maybe(Just, Nothing), ($), (++), map, pi, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh, abs, signum, fromInteger, (.), floor, ceiling, round, exp, log, sqrt, max, min, atan2, (**), flip, (<), (>), (<=), (>=), (==), (/=), (&&), (||), not, show, foldl, (*), (/), mod, (+), zipWith, (-), otherwise)
import Graphics.Implicit.Definitions (, )
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Definitions(VarLookup(VarLookup), OVal(OList, ONum, OString, OUndefined, OError, OModule, OFunc), Symbol(Symbol))
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Definitions(VarLookup(VarLookup), OVal(OList, ONum, OString, OUndefined, OError, OModule, OFunc), Symbol(Symbol), SourcePosition)
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Util.OVal (toOObj, oTypeStr)
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Primitives (primitives)
import Data.Map (fromList)
@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ defaultObjects = VarLookup $ fromList $
defaultConstants :: [(Symbol, OVal)]
defaultConstants = map (\(a,b) -> (a, toOObj (b::) ))
[((Symbol "pi"), pi)]
[((Symbol "pi"), pi),
((Symbol "PI"), pi)]
defaultFunctions :: [(Symbol, OVal)]
defaultFunctions = map (\(a,b) -> (a, toOObj ( b :: -> )))

View File

@ -11,13 +11,14 @@ module Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Definitions (ArgParser(AP, APTest, APBranch
OVal(ONum, OBool, OString, OList, OFunc, OUndefined, OModule,OError, OObj2, OObj3),
collector) where
import Prelude(Eq, Show, Ord, String, Maybe, Bool(True, False), IO, (==), show, map, ($), (++), undefined, and, zipWith, foldl1)
import Prelude(Eq, Show, Ord, String, Maybe, Bool(True, False), IO, FilePath, (==), show, map, ($), (++), undefined, and, zipWith, foldl1)
-- Resolution of the world, Integer type, and symbolic languages for 2D and 3D objects.
import Graphics.Implicit.Definitions (, , SymbolicObj2, SymbolicObj3)
import Graphics.Implicit.Definitions (, , Fast, SymbolicObj2, SymbolicObj3)
import Control.Applicative (Applicative, Alternative((<|>), empty), pure, (<*>))
import Control.Monad (Functor, Monad, fmap, (>>=), mzero, mplus, MonadPlus, liftM, ap, return, (>=>))
@ -95,8 +96,8 @@ data Expr = Var Symbol
| Expr :$ [Expr]
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- a statement, along with the line and column number it is found on.
data StatementI = StatementI Line Column (Statement StatementI)
-- | A statement, along with the line and column number it is found on.
data StatementI = StatementI SourcePosition (Statement StatementI)
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Statement st = Include String Bool
@ -109,8 +110,6 @@ data Statement st = Include String Bool
| DoNothing
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Objects for our OpenSCAD-like language
data OVal = OUndefined
| OError [String]
@ -142,6 +141,18 @@ instance Show OVal where
show (OObj2 obj) = "<obj2: " ++ show obj ++ ">"
show (OObj3 obj) = "<obj3: " ++ show obj ++ ">"
-- In order to not propagate Parsec or other modules around, create our own source position type for the AST.
data SourcePosition = SourcePosition
{ sourceLine :: Fast
, sourceColumn :: Fast
, sourceName :: FilePath
deriving (Eq)
instance Show SourcePosition where
show (SourcePosition line col []) = "line " ++ show line ++ ", column " ++ show col
show (SourcePosition line col filePath) = "line " ++ show line ++ ", column " ++ show col ++ ", file " ++ filePath
-- | Apply a symbolic operator to a list of expressions, returning one big expression.
-- Accepts a string for the operator, to simplify callers.
collector :: String -> [Expr] -> Expr
@ -155,4 +166,3 @@ lookupVarIn target (VarLookup vars) = lookup (Symbol target) vars
newtype TestInvariant = EulerCharacteristic
deriving (Show)

View File

@ -42,27 +42,27 @@ varUnion (VarLookup a) (VarLookup b) = VarLookup $ union a b
-- Run statements out of the OpenScad file.
runStatementI :: StatementI -> StateC ()
runStatementI (StatementI lineN columnN (pat := expr)) = do
runStatementI (StatementI sourcePos (pat := expr)) = do
val <- evalExpr expr
let posMatch = matchPat pat val
case (getErrors val, posMatch) of
(Just err, _ ) -> errorC lineN columnN err
(Just err, _ ) -> errorC sourcePos err
(_, Just match) -> modifyVarLookup $ varUnion match
(_, Nothing ) -> errorC lineN columnN "pattern match failed in assignment"
(_, Nothing ) -> errorC sourcePos "pattern match failed in assignment"
runStatementI (StatementI lineN columnN (Echo exprs)) = do
runStatementI (StatementI sourcePos (Echo exprs)) = do
show2 (OString s) = s
show2 x = show x
vals <- mapM evalExpr exprs
case getErrors (OList vals) of
Nothing -> liftIO . putStrLn $ concatMap show2 vals
Just err -> errorC lineN columnN err
Just err -> errorC sourcePos err
runStatementI (StatementI lineN columnN (For pat expr loopContent)) = do
runStatementI (StatementI sourcePos (For pat expr loopContent)) = do
val <- evalExpr expr
case (getErrors val, val) of
(Just err, _) -> errorC lineN columnN err
(Just err, _) -> errorC sourcePos err
(_, OList vals) -> forM_ vals $ \v ->
case matchPat pat v of
Just match -> do
@ -71,21 +71,21 @@ runStatementI (StatementI lineN columnN (For pat expr loopContent)) = do
Nothing -> return ()
_ -> return ()
runStatementI (StatementI lineN columnN (If expr a b)) = do
runStatementI (StatementI sourcePos (If expr a b)) = do
val <- evalExpr expr
case (getErrors val, val) of
(Just err, _ ) -> errorC lineN columnN ("In conditional expression of if statement: " ++ err)
(Just err, _ ) -> errorC sourcePos ("In conditional expression of if statement: " ++ err)
(_, OBool True ) -> runSuite a
(_, OBool False) -> runSuite b
_ -> return ()
runStatementI (StatementI lineN columnN (NewModule name argTemplate suite)) = do
runStatementI (StatementI sourcePos (NewModule name argTemplate suite)) = do
argTemplate' <- forM argTemplate $ \(name', defexpr) -> do
defval <- mapMaybeM evalExpr defexpr
return (name', defval)
(CompState (VarLookup varlookup, _, path)) <- get
-- FIXME: \_? really?
runStatementI . StatementI lineN columnN $ (Name name :=) $ LitE $ OModule $ \_ -> do
runStatementI . StatementI sourcePos $ (Name name :=) $ LitE $ OModule $ \_ -> do
newNameVals <- forM argTemplate' $ \(name', maybeDef) -> do
val <- case maybeDef of
Just def -> argument name' `defaultTo` def
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ runStatementI (StatementI lineN columnN (NewModule name argTemplate suite)) = do
suiteVals = runSuiteCapture (VarLookup varlookup') path suite
return suiteVals
runStatementI (StatementI lineN columnN (ModuleCall (Symbol name) argsExpr suite)) = do
runStatementI (StatementI sourcePos (ModuleCall (Symbol name) argsExpr suite)) = do
maybeMod <- lookupVar (Symbol name)
(CompState (varlookup, _, path)) <- get
childVals <- fmap reverse . liftIO $ runSuiteCapture varlookup path suite
@ -125,18 +125,18 @@ runStatementI (StatementI lineN columnN (ModuleCall (Symbol name) argsExpr suite
ioNewVals = fromMaybe (return []) (fst $ argMap argsVal argparser)
Just foo -> do
case getErrors foo of
Just err -> errorC lineN columnN err
Nothing -> errorC lineN columnN "Object called not module!"
Just err -> errorC sourcePos err
Nothing -> errorC sourcePos "Object called not module!"
return []
Nothing -> do
errorC lineN columnN $ "Module " ++ name ++ " not in scope."
errorC sourcePos $ "Module " ++ name ++ " not in scope."
return []
pushVals newVals
runStatementI (StatementI _ _ (Include name injectVals)) = do
runStatementI (StatementI _ (Include name injectVals)) = do
name' <- getRelPath name
content <- liftIO $ readFile name'
case parseProgram content of
case parseProgram name' content of
Left e -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Error parsing " ++ name ++ ":" ++ show e
Right sts -> withPathShiftedBy (takeDirectory name) $ do
vals <- getVals
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ runStatementI (StatementI _ _ (Include name injectVals)) = do
vals' <- getVals
if injectVals then putVals (vals' ++ vals) else putVals vals
runStatementI (StatementI _ _ DoNothing) = liftIO $ putStrLn "Do Nothing?"
runStatementI (StatementI _ DoNothing) = liftIO $ putStrLn "Do Nothing?"
runSuite :: [StatementI] -> StateC ()
runSuite = mapM_ runStatementI

View File

@ -23,14 +23,14 @@ import Data.Functor.Identity(Identity)
import Data.Kind (Type)
-- We use parsec to parse.
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (try, sepBy, sourceLine, sourceColumn, GenParser, oneOf, space, char, getPosition, parse, many1, eof, string, ParseError, many, noneOf, Line, Column, (<|>), (<?>))
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (SourceName, try, sepBy, GenParser, oneOf, space, char, getPosition, parse, many1, eof, string, ParseError, many, noneOf, Line, Column, (<|>), (<?>))
import Text.Parsec.Prim (ParsecT)
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Definitions (Statement(DoNothing, NewModule, Include, Echo, If, For, ModuleCall, (:=)), Expr(LamE), StatementI(StatementI), Symbol(Symbol))
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Definitions (Statement(DoNothing, NewModule, Include, Echo, If, For, ModuleCall, (:=)), Expr(LamE), StatementI(StatementI), Symbol(Symbol), SourcePosition)
import qualified Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Definitions as GIED (Pattern(Name))
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Parser.Util (genSpace, tryMany, stringGS, (*<|>), (?:), patternMatcher, variableSymb)
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Parser.Util (genSpace, tryMany, stringGS, (*<|>), (?:), patternMatcher, variableSymb, sourcePosition)
-- the top level of the expression parser.
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Parser.Expr (expr0)
@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Parser.Expr (expr0)
-- Let us use the old syntax when defining Names.
pattern Name n = GIED.Name (Symbol n)
parseProgram :: String -> Either ParseError [StatementI]
parseProgram = parse program "" where -- "" is our program name.
parseProgram :: SourceName -> String -> Either ParseError [StatementI]
parseProgram name s = parse program name s where
program :: ParsecT String u Identity [StatementI]
program = do
sts <- many1 computation
@ -104,115 +104,102 @@ suite = (fmap return computation <|> do
-- | commenting out a comuptation: use % or * before the statement, and it will not be run.
throwAway :: GenParser Char st StatementI
throwAway = do
line <- lineNumber
column <- columnNumber
pos <- sourcePos
_ <- genSpace
_ <- oneOf "%*"
_ <- genSpace
_ <- computation
return $ StatementI line column DoNothing
return $ StatementI pos DoNothing
-- | An include! Basically, inject another extopenscad file here...
include :: GenParser Char st StatementI
include = (do
line <- lineNumber
column <- columnNumber
pos <- sourcePos
injectVals <- (string "include" >> return True )
<|> (string "use" >> return False)
_ <- stringGS " < "
filename <- many (noneOf "<> ")
_ <- stringGS " > "
return $ StatementI line column $ Include filename injectVals
return $ StatementI pos $ Include filename injectVals
) <?> "include "
-- | An assignment (parser)
assignment :: GenParser Char st StatementI
assignment = ("assignment " ?:) $
line <- lineNumber
column <- columnNumber
lvalue <- patternMatcher
_ <- stringGS " = "
valExpr <- expr0
return $ StatementI line column $ lvalue := valExpr
assignment = ("assignment " ?:) $ do
pos <- sourcePos
lvalue <- patternMatcher
_ <- stringGS " = "
valExpr <- expr0
return $ StatementI pos $ lvalue := valExpr
-- | A function declaration (parser)
function :: GenParser Char st StatementI
function = ("function " ?:) $
line <- lineNumber
column <- columnNumber
varSymb <- string "function" >> space >> genSpace >> variableSymb
_ <- stringGS " ( "
argVars <- sepBy patternMatcher (stringGS " , ")
_ <- stringGS " ) = "
valExpr <- expr0
return $ StatementI line column $ Name varSymb := LamE argVars valExpr
function = ("function " ?:) $ do
pos <- sourcePos
varSymb <- string "function" >> space >> genSpace >> variableSymb
_ <- stringGS " ( "
argVars <- sepBy patternMatcher (stringGS " , ")
_ <- stringGS " ) = "
valExpr <- expr0
return $ StatementI pos $ Name varSymb := LamE argVars valExpr
-- | An echo (parser)
echo :: GenParser Char st StatementI
echo = do
line <- lineNumber
column <- columnNumber
pos <- sourcePos
_ <- stringGS "echo ( "
exprs <- expr0 `sepBy` stringGS " , "
_ <- stringGS " ) "
return $ StatementI line column $ Echo exprs
return $ StatementI pos $ Echo exprs
ifStatementI :: GenParser Char st StatementI
ifStatementI =
"if " ?: do
line <- lineNumber
column <- columnNumber
_ <- stringGS "if ( "
bexpr <- expr0
_ <- stringGS " ) "
sTrueCase <- suite
_ <- genSpace
sFalseCase <- (stringGS "else " >> suite ) *<|> return []
return $ StatementI line column $ If bexpr sTrueCase sFalseCase
ifStatementI = "if " ?: do
pos <- sourcePos
_ <- stringGS "if ( "
bexpr <- expr0
_ <- stringGS " ) "
sTrueCase <- suite
_ <- genSpace
sFalseCase <- (stringGS "else " >> suite ) *<|> return []
return $ StatementI pos $ If bexpr sTrueCase sFalseCase
forStatementI :: GenParser Char st StatementI
forStatementI =
"for " ?: do
line <- lineNumber
column <- columnNumber
-- a for loop is of the form:
-- for ( vsymb = vexpr ) loops
-- eg. for ( a = [1,2,3] ) {echo(a); echo "lol";}
-- eg. for ( [a,b] = [[1,2]] ) {echo(a+b); echo "lol";}
_ <- stringGS "for ( "
lvalue <- patternMatcher
_ <- stringGS " = "
vexpr <- expr0
_ <- stringGS " ) "
loopContent <- suite
return $ StatementI line column $ For lvalue vexpr loopContent
forStatementI = "for " ?: do
pos <- sourcePos
-- a for loop is of the form:
-- for ( vsymb = vexpr ) loops
-- eg. for ( a = [1,2,3] ) {echo(a); echo "lol";}
-- eg. for ( [a,b] = [[1,2]] ) {echo(a+b); echo "lol";}
_ <- stringGS "for ( "
lvalue <- patternMatcher
_ <- stringGS " = "
vexpr <- expr0
_ <- stringGS " ) "
loopContent <- suite
return $ StatementI pos $ For lvalue vexpr loopContent
-- | parse a call to a module.
userModule :: GenParser Char st StatementI
userModule = do
line <- lineNumber
column <- columnNumber
pos <- sourcePos
name <- variableSymb
_ <- genSpace
args <- moduleArgsUnit
_ <- genSpace
s <- suite *<|> (stringGS " ; " >> return [])
return $ StatementI line column $ ModuleCall (Symbol name) args s
return $ StatementI pos $ ModuleCall (Symbol name) args s
-- | declare a module.
userModuleDeclaration :: GenParser Char st StatementI
userModuleDeclaration = do
line <- lineNumber
column <- columnNumber
pos <- sourcePos
_ <- stringGS "module "
newModuleName <- variableSymb
_ <- genSpace
args <- moduleArgsUnitDecl
_ <- genSpace
s <- suite
return $ StatementI line column $ NewModule (Symbol newModuleName) args s
return $ StatementI pos $ NewModule (Symbol newModuleName) args s
-- | parse the arguments passed to a module.
moduleArgsUnit :: GenParser Char st [(Maybe Symbol, Expr)]
@ -266,13 +253,8 @@ moduleArgsUnitDecl = do
_ <- stringGS " ) "
return argTemplate
-- | Find the line number. Used when generating errors.
lineNumber :: forall s u (m :: Type -> Type).
Monad m => ParsecT s u m Line
lineNumber = fmap sourceLine getPosition
-- | Find the column number. Used when generating errors.
columnNumber :: forall s u (m :: Type -> Type).
Monad m => ParsecT s u m Column
columnNumber = fmap sourceColumn getPosition
-- | Find the source position. Used when generating errors.
sourcePos :: ParsecT s u Identity SourcePosition
sourcePos = do
pos <- getPosition
return $ sourcePosition pos

View File

@ -8,17 +8,21 @@
-- FIXME: required. why?
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures, FlexibleContexts #-}
module Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Parser.Util (genSpace, pad, (*<|>), (?:), stringGS, padString, padChar, tryMany, variableSymb, patternMatcher) where
module Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Parser.Util (genSpace, pad, (*<|>), (?:), stringGS, padString, padChar, tryMany, variableSymb, patternMatcher, sourcePosition) where
import Prelude (String, Char, ($), (++), foldl1, map, (>>), (.), return)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (GenParser, many, oneOf, noneOf, (<|>), try, string, manyTill, anyChar, (<?>), char, many1, sepBy)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (GenParser, SourcePos, many, oneOf, noneOf, (<|>), try, string, manyTill, anyChar, (<?>), char, many1, sepBy)
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as P (sourceLine, sourceColumn, sourceName)
import Text.Parsec.Prim (ParsecT, Stream)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity)
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Definitions (Pattern(Wild, Name, ListP), Symbol(Symbol))
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Definitions (Pattern(Wild, Name, ListP), SourcePosition(SourcePosition), Symbol(Symbol))
import Graphics.Implicit.Definitions (toFast)
import Data.Kind (Type)
@ -108,3 +112,6 @@ patternMatcher =
_ <- char ']'
return $ ListP components
sourcePosition :: SourcePos -> SourcePosition
sourcePosition pos = SourcePosition (toFast $ P.sourceLine pos) (toFast $ P.sourceColumn pos) (P.sourceName pos)

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Util.StateC (getVarLookup, modifyVarLookup,
import Prelude(FilePath, IO, String, Maybe(Just, Nothing), Show, Monad, fmap, (.), ($), (++), return, putStrLn, show)
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Definitions(VarLookup(VarLookup), OVal, Symbol)
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Definitions(VarLookup(VarLookup), OVal, Symbol, SourcePosition)
import Data.Map (lookup)
import Control.Monad.State (StateT, get, put, modify, liftIO)
@ -71,8 +71,9 @@ getRelPath relPath = do
path <- getPath
return $ path </> relPath
errorC :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. (Show a, MonadIO m) => a -> a -> String -> m ()
errorC lineN columnN err = liftIO $ putStrLn $ "On line " ++ show lineN ++ ", column " ++ show columnN ++ ": " ++ err
errorC :: SourcePosition -> String -> StateC()
errorC sourcePos err =
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "At " ++ show sourcePos ++ ": " ++ err
{-# INLINABLE errorC #-}
mapMaybeM :: forall t (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => (t -> m a) -> Maybe t -> m (Maybe a)

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ parseExpr s = case parse expr0 "src" s of
Right e -> e
parseStatements :: String -> [StatementI]
parseStatements s = case parseProgram s of
parseStatements s = case parseProgram "noname" s of
Left err -> error (show err)
Right e -> e

View File

@ -132,9 +132,9 @@ exprSpec = do
it "handles multiple function calls" $
"foo(1)(2)(3)" --> ((Var "foo" :$ [num 1]) :$ [num 2]) :$ [num 3]
describe "arithmetic" $ do
it "handles unary -" $ do
it "handles unary -" $
"-42" --> num (-42)
it "handles unary +" $ do
it "handles unary +" $
"+42" --> num 42
it "handles unary - with extra spaces" $
"- 42" --> num (-42)

View File

@ -14,13 +14,15 @@ import Test.Hspec (Spec, Expectation, shouldBe, shouldSatisfy, it, pendingWith,
import ParserSpec.Util (bool, num, minus, plus, mult, index)
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Definitions (StatementI(StatementI), Symbol(Symbol), Expr(ListE, LamE, (:$)), Statement(NewModule, ModuleCall, If, (:=)), Pattern(ListP))
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Definitions (StatementI(StatementI), Symbol(Symbol), Expr(ListE, LamE, (:$)), Statement(NewModule, ModuleCall, If, (:=)), Pattern(ListP), SourcePosition(SourcePosition))
import qualified Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Definitions as GIED (Expr(Var), Pattern(Name))
-- Parse an ExtOpenScad program.
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Parser.Statement (parseProgram)
import Graphics.Implicit.Definitions (Fast)
import Data.Either (Either(Right), isLeft)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (Line, Column)
@ -33,19 +35,19 @@ pattern Name n = GIED.Name (Symbol n)
infixr 1 -->
(-->) :: String -> [StatementI] -> Expectation
(-->) source stmts =
parseProgram source `shouldBe` Right stmts
parseProgram "noname" source `shouldBe` Right stmts
-- | an expectation that a string generates an error.
parsesAsError :: String -> Expectation
parsesAsError source = parseProgram source `shouldSatisfy` isLeft
parsesAsError source = parseProgram "noname" source `shouldSatisfy` isLeft
-- | A single statement.
single :: Statement StatementI -> [StatementI]
single st = [StatementI 1 1 st]
single st = [StatementI (SourcePosition 1 1 "noname") st]
-- | A function call.
call :: String -> Column -> [(Maybe Symbol, Expr)] -> [StatementI] -> StatementI
call name position args stmts = StatementI 1 position (ModuleCall (Symbol name) args stmts)
call :: String -> Fast -> [(Maybe Symbol, Expr)] -> [StatementI] -> StatementI
call name column args stmts = StatementI (SourcePosition 1 column "noname") (ModuleCall (Symbol name) args stmts)
-- | Test a simple if block.
ifSpec :: Spec