more applicative coding style.

This commit is contained in:
Julia Longtin 2019-12-31 17:18:25 +00:00
parent 8528cc416f
commit 6c1e0565bc
14 changed files with 46 additions and 49 deletions

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@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ object2 = squarePipe (10,10,10) 1 100
squarePipe :: 3 -> -> -> SymbolicObj3
squarePipe (x,y,z) diameter precision =
$ ((\start-> translate start
$ rect3R 0 (0,0,0) (diameter,diameter,diameter)
zip3 (fmap (\n->(fromIntegral n/precision)*x) [0..100])
((\start-> translate start
$ rect3R 0 (0,0,0) (diameter,diameter,diameter)
zip3 (fmap (\n->(fromIntegral n/precision)*x) [0..100])
(fmap (\n->(fromIntegral n/precision)*y) [0..100])
(fmap (\n->(fromIntegral n/precision)*z) [0..100]))

View File

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ dxf2 plines = toLazyText $ dxf2Header <> dxf2Tables <> dxf2Blocks <> dxf2Entitie
" 8\n" <> "0\n" <>
" 6\n" <> "CONTINUOUS\n" <>
" 66\n" <> "1\n" <>
" 62\n" <> (buildInt $ length singlePolyline) <> "\n" <>
" 62\n" <> buildInt (length singlePolyline) <> "\n" <>
" 10\n" <> "0.0\n" <>
" 20\n" <> "0.0\n" <>
" 30\n" <> "0.0000\n" <>

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
-- export getContour and getMesh, which returns the edge of a 2D object, or the surface of a 3D object, respectively.
module Graphics.Implicit.Export.Render (getMesh, getContour) where
import Prelude(ceiling, ($), (+), (*), max, div, tail, fmap, reverse, (.), foldMap, min, Int, (<>))
import Prelude(ceiling, ($), (+), (*), max, div, tail, fmap, reverse, (.), foldMap, min, Int, (<>), (<$>))
import Graphics.Implicit.Definitions (, , Fast, 2, 3, TriangleMesh, Obj2, Obj3, Polyline(Polyline), (/), both, allthree, fromto, from)
@ -129,21 +129,21 @@ getMesh p1@(x1,y1,z1) p2 res@(xres,yres,zres) obj =
-- (2) Calculate segments for each side
segsZ = [[[
fmap (injZ z0) $ getSegs (x0,y0) (x1',y1') (obj **$ z0) (objX0Y0Z0, objX1Y0Z0, objX0Y1Z0, objX1Y1Z0) (midA0, midA1, midB0, midB1)
injZ z0 <$> getSegs (x0,y0) (x1',y1') (obj **$ z0) (objX0Y0Z0, objX1Y0Z0, objX0Y1Z0, objX1Y1Z0) (midA0, midA1, midB0, midB1)
| x0<-pXs | x1'<-tail pXs |midB0<-mX'' | midB1<-mX'T | midA0<-mY'' | midA1<-tail mY'' | objX0Y0Z0<-objY0Z0 | objX1Y0Z0<- tail objY0Z0 | objX0Y1Z0<-objY1Z0 | objX1Y1Z0<-tail objY1Z0
]| y0<-pYs | y1'<-tail pYs |mX'' <-mX' | mX'T <-tail mX' | mY'' <-mY' | objY0Z0 <-objZ0 | objY1Z0 <-tail objZ0
]| z0<-pZs |mX' <-midsX | mY' <-midsY | objZ0 <-objV
] `using` parBuffer (max 1 $ div (from nz) forcesteps) rdeepseq
segsY = [[[
fmap (injY y0) $ getSegs (x0,z0) (x1',z1') (obj *$* y0) (objX0Y0Z0, objX1Y0Z0, objX0Y0Z1, objX1Y0Z1) (midA0, midA1, midB0, midB1)
injY y0 <$> getSegs (x0,z0) (x1',z1') (obj *$* y0) (objX0Y0Z0, objX1Y0Z0, objX0Y0Z1, objX1Y0Z1) (midA0, midA1, midB0, midB1)
| x0<-pXs | x1'<-tail pXs | midB0<-mB'' | midB1<-mBT' | midA0<-mA'' | midA1<-tail mA'' | objX0Y0Z0<-objY0Z0 | objX1Y0Z0<-tail objY0Z0 | objX0Y0Z1<-objY0Z1 | objX1Y0Z1<-tail objY0Z1
]| y0<-pYs | mB'' <-mB' | mBT' <-mBT | mA'' <-mA' | objY0Z0 <-objZ0 | objY0Z1 <-objZ1
]| z0<-pZs | z1'<-tail pZs | mB' <-midsX | mBT <-tail midsX | mA' <-midsZ | objZ0 <-objV | objZ1 <-tail objV
] `using` parBuffer (max 1 $ div (from ny) forcesteps) rdeepseq
segsX = [[[
fmap (injX x0) $ getSegs (y0,z0) (y1',z1') (obj $** x0) (objX0Y0Z0, objX0Y1Z0, objX0Y0Z1, objX0Y1Z1) (midA0, midA1, midB0, midB1)
injX x0 <$> getSegs (y0,z0) (y1',z1') (obj $** x0) (objX0Y0Z0, objX0Y1Z0, objX0Y0Z1, objX0Y1Z1) (midA0, midA1, midB0, midB1)
| x0<-pXs | midB0<-mB'' | midB1<-mBT' | midA0<-mA'' | midA1<-mA'T | objX0Y0Z0<-objY0Z0 | objX0Y1Z0<-objY1Z0 | objX0Y0Z1<-objY0Z1 | objX0Y1Z1<- objY1Z1
]| y0<-pYs | y1'<-tail pYs | mB'' <-mB' | mBT' <-mBT | mA'' <-mA' | mA'T <-tail mA' | objY0Z0 <-objZ0 | objY1Z0 <-tail objZ0 | objY0Z1 <-objZ1 | objY1Z1 <-tail objZ1
]| z0<-pZs | z1'<-tail pZs | mB' <-midsY | mBT <-tail midsY | mA' <-midsZ | objZ0 <- objV | objZ1 <- tail objV

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
-- output SCAD code, AKA an implicitcad to openscad converter.
module Graphics.Implicit.Export.SymbolicFormats (scad2, scad3) where
import Prelude(Either(Left, Right), ($), (*), ($!), (-), (/), pi, error, (+), (==), take, floor, (&&), const, pure, (<>), sequenceA, fmap)
import Prelude(Either(Left, Right), ($), (*), ($!), (-), (/), pi, error, (+), (==), take, floor, (&&), const, pure, (<>), sequenceA, fmap, (<$>))
import Graphics.Implicit.Definitions(, SymbolicObj2(RectR, Circle, PolygonR, Complement2, UnionR2, DifferenceR2, IntersectR2, Translate2, Scale2, Rotate2, Outset2, Shell2, EmbedBoxedObj2), SymbolicObj3(Rect3R, Sphere, Cylinder, Complement3, UnionR3, IntersectR3, DifferenceR3, Translate3, Scale3, Rotate3, Rotate3V, Outset3, Shell3, ExtrudeR, ExtrudeRotateR, ExtrudeRM, EmbedBoxedObj3, RotateExtrude, ExtrudeOnEdgeOf))
import Graphics.Implicit.Export.TextBuilderUtils(Text, Builder, toLazyText, fromLazyText, bf)
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ callToken :: (Text, Text) -> Builder -> [Builder] -> [Reader a Builder] -> Reade
callToken cs name args [] = pure $ name <> buildArgs cs args <> ";"
callToken cs name args [obj] = fmap ((name <> buildArgs cs args) <>) obj
callToken cs name args objs = do
objs' <- fmap (foldMap (<> "\n")) $ sequenceA objs
objs' <- foldMap (<> "\n") <$> sequenceA objs
pure $! name <> buildArgs cs args <> "{\n" <> objs' <> "}\n"
buildArgs :: (Text, Text) -> [Builder] -> Builder

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
module Graphics.Implicit.Export.SymbolicObj2 (symbolicGetOrientedContour, symbolicGetContour, symbolicGetContourMesh) where
import Prelude(fmap, ($), (-), (/), (+), (>), (*), reverse, cos, pi, sin, max, ceiling)
import Prelude(fmap, ($), (-), (/), (+), (>), (*), reverse, cos, pi, sin, max, ceiling, (<$>))
import Graphics.Implicit.Definitions (, 2, Fast, SymbolicObj2(RectR, Circle, Translate2, Scale2), Polyline(Polyline), Polytri(Polytri), (*), fromFastto)
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import Graphics.Implicit.Export.Render (getContour)
import Data.VectorSpace ((^/), magnitude)
symbolicGetOrientedContour :: -> SymbolicObj2 -> [Polyline]
symbolicGetOrientedContour res symbObj = fmap orient $ symbolicGetContour res symbObj
symbolicGetOrientedContour res symbObj = orient <$> symbolicGetContour res symbObj
obj = getImplicit2 symbObj
-- FIXME: cowardly case handling.
@ -56,10 +56,10 @@ appOpPolyline :: (2 -> 2) -> Polyline -> Polyline
appOpPolyline op (Polyline xs) = Polyline $ fmap op xs
symbolicGetContourMesh :: -> SymbolicObj2 -> [Polytri]
symbolicGetContourMesh res (Translate2 v obj) = fmap (\(Polytri (a,b,c)) -> Polytri (a + v, b + v, c + v) ) $
symbolicGetContourMesh res obj
symbolicGetContourMesh res (Scale2 s@(a,b) obj) = fmap (\(Polytri (c,d,e)) -> Polytri (c * s, d * s, e * s) ) $
symbolicGetContourMesh (res/sc) obj where sc = max a b
symbolicGetContourMesh res (Translate2 v obj) = (\(Polytri (a,b,c)) -> Polytri (a + v, b + v, c + v)) <$>
symbolicGetContourMesh res obj
symbolicGetContourMesh res (Scale2 s@(a,b) obj) = (\(Polytri (c,d,e)) -> Polytri (c * s, d * s, e * s)) <$>
symbolicGetContourMesh (res/sc) obj where sc = max a b
symbolicGetContourMesh _ (RectR 0 (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) = [Polytri ((x1,y1), (x2,y1), (x2,y2)), Polytri ((x2,y2), (x1,y2), (x1,y1)) ]
-- FIXME: magic number.
symbolicGetContourMesh res (Circle r) =

View File

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ cleanupTris tris =
-- | Generate an STL file is ASCII format.
stl :: TriangleMesh -> Text
stl triangles = toLazyText $ stlHeader <> (foldMap triangle $ unmesh $ cleanupTris triangles) <> stlFooter
stl triangles = toLazyText $ stlHeader <> foldMap triangle (unmesh $ cleanupTris triangles) <> stlFooter
stlHeader :: Builder
stlHeader = "solid ImplictCADExport\n"
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ float32LE = writeStorable . LE
-- | Generate an STL file in it's binary format.
binaryStl :: TriangleMesh -> ByteString
binaryStl triangles = toLazyByteString $ header <> lengthField <> (foldMap triangle $ unmesh $ cleanupTris triangles)
binaryStl triangles = toLazyByteString $ header <> lengthField <> foldMap triangle (unmesh $ cleanupTris triangles)
where header = fromByteString $ replicate 80 0
lengthField = fromWord32le $ toEnum $ length $ unmesh $ cleanupTris triangles
triangle (Triangle (a,b,c)) = normalV (a,b,c) <> point a <> point b <> point c <> fromWord16le 0

View File

@ -191,8 +191,8 @@ data SourcePosition = SourcePosition
deriving (Eq)
instance Show SourcePosition where
show (SourcePosition line col []) = "line " <> show ((fromFast line) :: Int) <> ", column " <> show ((fromFast col) :: Int)
show (SourcePosition line col filePath) = "line " <> show ((fromFast line) :: Int) <> ", column " <> show ((fromFast col) :: Int) <> ", file " <> filePath
show (SourcePosition line col []) = "line " <> show (fromFast line :: Int) <> ", column " <> show (fromFast col :: Int)
show (SourcePosition line col filePath) = "line " <> show (fromFast line :: Int) <> ", column " <> show (fromFast col :: Int) <> ", file " <> filePath
-- | The types of messages the execution engine can send back to the application.
data MessageType = TextOut -- text intetionally output by the ExtOpenScad program.

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@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ patMatch _ _ = Nothing
-- | Construct a VarLookup from the given Pattern and OVal, if possible.
matchPat :: Pattern -> OVal -> Maybe VarLookup
matchPat pat val = VarLookup . fromList . zip (fmap Symbol $ patVars pat) <$> patMatch pat val
matchPat pat val = VarLookup . fromList . zip (Symbol <$> patVars pat) <$> patMatch pat val
-- | The entry point from StateC. evaluates an expression, pureing the result, and moving any error messages generated into the calling StateC.
evalExpr :: SourcePosition -> Expr -> StateC OVal

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
module Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Eval.Statement (runStatementI) where
import Prelude(Maybe(Just, Nothing), Bool(True, False), Either(Left, Right), (.), ($), show, pure, (<>), reverse, fst, snd, readFile, filter, length, (&&), (==), (/=), fmap, notElem, elem, not, zip, init, last, null, String, (*>))
import Prelude(Maybe(Just, Nothing), Bool(True, False), Either(Left, Right), (.), ($), show, pure, (<>), reverse, fst, snd, readFile, filter, length, (&&), (==), (/=), fmap, notElem, elem, not, zip, init, last, null, String, (*>), (<$>))
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Definitions (
Statement(Include, (:=), If, NewModule, ModuleCall, DoNothing),
@ -195,22 +195,22 @@ runStatementI (StatementI sourcePos (ModuleCall (Symbol name) argsExpr suite)) =
valUnnamed = unnamedParameters argsExpr
mapFromUnnamed :: [(Symbol, Expr)]
mapFromUnnamed = zip notMappedNotDefaultable valUnnamed
missingNotDefaultable = filter (`notElem` (mappedDefaulted <> mappedNotDefaulted <> (fmap fst mapFromUnnamed))) valNotDefaulted
missingNotDefaultable = filter (`notElem` (mappedDefaulted <> mappedNotDefaulted <> fmap fst mapFromUnnamed)) valNotDefaulted
extraUnnamed = filter (`notElem` (valDefaulted <> valNotDefaulted)) $ namedParameters argsExpr
parameterReport = "Passed " <>
(if (null valNamed && null valUnnamed) then "no parameters" else "" ) <>
(if null valNamed && null valUnnamed then "no parameters" else "" ) <>
(if not (null valNamed) then show (length valNamed) <> (if length valNamed == 1 then " named parameter" else " named parameters") else "" ) <>
(if not (null valNamed) && not (null valUnnamed) then ", and " else "") <>
(if not (null valUnnamed) then show (length valUnnamed) <> (if length valUnnamed == 1 then " un-named parameter." else " un-named parameters.") else ".") <>
(if not (null missingNotDefaultable) then
(if length missingNotDefaultable == 1
then " Couldn't match one parameter: " <> showSymbol (last missingNotDefaultable)
else " Couldn't match " <> show (length missingNotDefaultable) <> " parameters: " <> intercalate ", " (fmap showSymbol $ init missingNotDefaultable) <> " and " <> showSymbol (last missingNotDefaultable) <> "."
else " Couldn't match " <> show (length missingNotDefaultable) <> " parameters: " <> intercalate ", " (showSymbol <$> init missingNotDefaultable) <> " and " <> showSymbol (last missingNotDefaultable) <> "."
) else "") <>
(if not (null extraUnnamed) then
(if length extraUnnamed == 1
then " Had one extra parameter: " <> showSymbol (last extraUnnamed)
else " Had " <> show (length extraUnnamed) <> " extra parameters. They are:" <> intercalate ", " (fmap showSymbol $ init extraUnnamed) <> " and " <> showSymbol (last extraUnnamed) <> "."
else " Had " <> show (length extraUnnamed) <> " extra parameters. They are:" <> intercalate ", " (showSymbol <$> init extraUnnamed) <> " and " <> showSymbol (last extraUnnamed) <> "."
) else "")
showSymbol :: Symbol -> String
showSymbol (Symbol sym) = show sym

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
module Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Util.ArgParser (argument, doc, defaultTo, example, test, eulerCharacteristic, argMap) where
-- imported twice, once qualified. null from Data.Map conflicts with null from Prelude.
import Prelude(String, Maybe(Just, Nothing), ($), (<>), show, error, return, fmap, snd, filter, (.), fst, foldl1, not, (&&))
import Prelude(String, Maybe(Just, Nothing), ($), (<>), show, error, return, fmap, snd, filter, (.), fst, foldl1, not, (&&), (<$>))
import qualified Prelude as P (null)
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Definitions (ArgParser(AP, APTest, APBranch, APTerminator, APFailIf, APExample), OVal (OError), TestInvariant(EulerCharacteristic), Symbol, VarLookup(VarLookup))
@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ argMap ::
-> ArgParser a -- ^ ArgParser to apply them to
-> (Maybe a, [String]) -- ^ (result, error messages)
argMap args = argMap2 unnamedArgs (VarLookup $ fromList namedArgs) where
unnamedArgs = fmap snd $ filter (isNothing . fst) args
namedArgs = fmap (first fromJust) $ filter (isJust . fst) args
unnamedArgs = snd <$> filter (isNothing . fst) args
namedArgs = first fromJust <$> filter (isJust . fst) args
argMap2 :: [OVal] -> VarLookup -> ArgParser a -> (Maybe a, [String])
argMap2 unnamedArgs namedArgs (APBranch branches) =

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
module Graphics.Implicit.ObjectUtil.GetImplicit3 (getImplicit3) where
import Prelude (Either(Left, Right), abs, (-), (/), (*), sqrt, (+), atan2, max, cos, fmap, minimum, ($), (**), sin, pi, (.), Bool(True, False), ceiling, floor, pure, error, head, tail, (>), (&&), (<), (==), otherwise)
import Prelude (Either(Left, Right), abs, (-), (/), (*), sqrt, (+), atan2, max, cos, fmap, minimum, ($), (**), sin, pi, (.), Bool(True, False), ceiling, floor, pure, error, head, tail, (>), (&&), (<), (==), otherwise, (<$>))
import Graphics.Implicit.Definitions (, , 2, 3, (/), Obj3,
SymbolicObj3(Shell3, UnionR3, IntersectR3, DifferenceR3, Translate3, Scale3, Rotate3,
@ -49,25 +49,21 @@ getImplicit3 (Complement3 symbObj) =
\p -> - obj p
getImplicit3 (UnionR3 r symbObjs) =
objs = fmap getImplicit3 symbObjs
\p -> rminimum r $ fmap ($p) objs
\p -> rminimum r $ fmap ($p) $ getImplicit3 <$> symbObjs
getImplicit3 (IntersectR3 r symbObjs) =
objs = fmap getImplicit3 symbObjs
\p -> rmaximum r $ fmap ($p) objs
\p -> rmaximum r $ fmap ($p) $ getImplicit3 <$> symbObjs
getImplicit3 (DifferenceR3 r symbObjs) =
tailObjs = fmap getImplicit3 $ tail symbObjs
tailObjs = getImplicit3 <$> tail symbObjs
headObj = getImplicit3 $ head symbObjs
complement :: Obj3 -> 3 ->
complement obj' p = - obj' p
\p -> do
maxTail = rmaximum r $ fmap ($p) $ fmap complement tailObjs
maxTail = rmaximum r $ fmap ($p) $ complement <$> tailObjs
if maxTail > -min && maxTail < min
then rmax r (headObj p) min
else rmax r (headObj p) maxTail

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- Let's be explicit about where things come from :)
import Prelude (($), (*), (/), String, IO, cos, pi, fmap, zip3, Either(Left, Right), fromIntegral, (<>))
import Prelude (($), (*), (/), String, IO, cos, pi, fmap, zip3, Either(Left, Right), fromIntegral, (<>), (<$>))
-- Use criterion for benchmarking. see <>
import Criterion.Main (Benchmark, bgroup, bench, nf, nfAppIO, defaultMain)
@ -48,12 +48,13 @@ object2 = squarePipe (10,10,10) 1 100
squarePipe :: (,,) -> -> -> SymbolicObj3
squarePipe (x,y,z) diameter precision =
$ fmap (\start-> translate start
((\start-> translate start
$ rect3R 0 (0,0,0) (diameter,diameter,diameter)
$ zip3 (fmap (\n->(fromIntegral n/precision)*x) [0..100::Fast])
zip3 (fmap (\n->(fromIntegral n/precision)*x) [0..100::Fast])
(fmap (\n->(fromIntegral n/precision)*y) [0..100::Fast])
(fmap (\n->(fromIntegral n/precision)*z) [0..100::Fast])
(fmap (\n->(fromIntegral n/precision)*z) [0..100::Fast]))
-- | A third 3d object to benchmark.
object3 :: SymbolicObj3

View File

@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ run rawargs = do
_ -> hPutStr stderr "ERROR: File contains a mixture of 2D and 3D objects, what do you want to render?\n"
-- | Always display our warnings, errors, and other non-textout messages on stderr.
hPutStr stderr $ unlines $ fmap show $ filter (not . isTextOut) messages
hPutStr stderr $ unlines $ show <$> filter (not . isTextOut) messages
let textOutHandler =
case () of
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ run rawargs = do
_ | rawEcho args -> textOutBare
_ -> show
hPutStr hMessageOutput $ unlines $ fmap textOutHandler $ filter isTextOut messages
hPutStr hMessageOutput $ unlines $ textOutHandler <$> filter isTextOut messages
-- | The entry point. Use the option parser then run the extended OpenScad code.
main :: IO ()

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@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ infixr 1 -->
-- | Types
-- | An even smaller wrapper which runs a program, and only returns the generated messages. for the test suite.
getOpenscadMessages :: ScadOpts -> [String] -> String -> IO ([Message])
getOpenscadMessages :: ScadOpts -> [String] -> String -> IO [Message]
getOpenscadMessages scadOpts constants source = do
(_, _, _, messages) <- runOpenscad scadOpts constants source
return messages