eSCAD pretty-printing

Added a pretty printer for escad output.
Added a new pretty printing test for indentation and spacing.
Updating existing tests where needed to match the pretty printing.
This commit is contained in:
Owen Harvey 2024-01-04 12:54:09 +10:00 committed by sorki
parent 0c254d9044
commit 8f4b722d6e
11 changed files with 131 additions and 97 deletions

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
* Fixing `shell` so that it doesn't increase the outside dimentions of objects.
* Fixing an issue with bounding boxes for infinite functions. [#412](
* Making `torus` and `ellipsoid` primitive objects, rather than being defined implicitly. [#450](
* Improved formatting of ExtOpenSCAD code [#472](
# Version []( (2023-12-18)

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ module Graphics.Implicit.Export.NormedTriangleMeshFormats (obj) where
import Prelude(($), fmap, (+), (.), (*), length, (-), pure, (<>))
import Graphics.Implicit.Definitions (NormedTriangle(NormedTriangle), NormedTriangleMesh(getNormedTriangles), 3)
import Graphics.Implicit.Export.TextBuilderUtils (Text, Builder, toLazyText, bf, buildInt)
import Graphics.Implicit.Export.TextBuilderUtils (Text, Builder, toLazyText, bf, buildInt, fromLazyText)
import Data.Foldable (fold, foldMap)
import Linear (V3(V3))
@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ obj mesh = toLazyText $ vertcode <> normcode <> trianglecode
-- A vertex line; v (0.0, 0.0, 1.0) = "v 0.0 0.0 1.0\n"
v :: 3 -> Builder
v (V3 x y z) = "v " <> bf x <> " " <> bf y <> " " <> bf z <> "\n"
v (V3 x y z) = "v " <> fromLazyText (bf x) <> " " <> fromLazyText (bf y) <> " " <> fromLazyText (bf z) <> "\n"
-- A normal line; n (0.0, 0.0, 1.0) = "vn 0.0 0.0 1.0\n"
n :: 3 -> Builder
n (V3 x y z) = "vn " <> bf x <> " " <> bf y <> " " <> bf z <> "\n"
n (V3 x y z) = "vn " <> fromLazyText (bf x) <> " " <> fromLazyText (bf y) <> " " <> fromLazyText (bf z) <> "\n"
verts = do
-- Extract the vertices for each triangle.
-- recall that a normed triangle is of the form ((vert, norm), ...)

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import Prelude((.), ($), (-), (+), (/), minimum, maximum, unzip, show, unwords,
import Graphics.Implicit.Definitions (Polyline(Polyline), , 2)
import Graphics.Implicit.Export.TextBuilderUtils (Text, Builder, toLazyText, bf, buildInt, buildTruncFloat)
import Graphics.Implicit.Export.TextBuilderUtils (Text, Builder, toLazyText, bf, buildInt, buildTruncFloat, fromLazyText)
import Text.Blaze.Svg.Renderer.Text (renderSvg)
import Text.Blaze.Svg11 ((!),docTypeSvg,g,polyline,toValue,Svg)
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ svg plines = renderSvg . svg11 . svg' $ plines
svg' polylines = thinBlueGroup $ traverse_ poly polylines
poly (Polyline line) = polyline ! A.points pointList
where pointList = toValue $ toLazyText $ fold [bf (x-xmin) <> "," <> bf (ymax - y) <> " " | (V2 x y) <- line]
where pointList = toValue $ toLazyText $ fold [fromLazyText (bf $ x-xmin) <> "," <> fromLazyText (bf $ ymax - y) <> " " | (V2 x y) <- line]
-- Instead of setting styles on every polyline, we wrap the lines in a group element and set the styles on it:
thinBlueGroup = g ! A.stroke "rgb(0,0,255)" ! A.strokeWidth (stringValue $ show strokeWidth) ! A.fill "none" -- obj

View File

@ -10,55 +10,60 @@
-- output SCAD code, AKA an implicitcad to openscad converter.
module Graphics.Implicit.Export.SymbolicFormats (scad2, scad3) where
import Prelude((.), fmap, Either(Left, Right), ($), (*), ($!), (-), (/), pi, error, (+), (==), take, floor, (&&), const, pure, (<>), sequenceA, (<$>))
import Prelude((.), fmap, Either(Left, Right), ($), (*), (-), (/), pi, error, (+), (==), take, floor, (&&), const, (<>), (<$>))
import Graphics.Implicit.Definitions(, SymbolicObj2(Shared2, Square, Circle, Polygon, Rotate2, Transform2, Slice), SymbolicObj3(Shared3, Cube, Sphere, Cylinder, BoxFrame, Rotate3, Transform3, Extrude, ExtrudeM, RotateExtrude, ExtrudeOnEdgeOf, Torus, Ellipsoid, Link), isScaleID, SharedObj(Empty, Full, Complement, UnionR, IntersectR, DifferenceR, Translate, Scale, Mirror, Outset, Shell, EmbedBoxedObj, WithRounding), quaternionToEuler)
import Graphics.Implicit.Export.TextBuilderUtils(Text, Builder, toLazyText, fromLazyText, bf)
import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader, runReader, ask)
import Graphics.Implicit.Export.TextBuilderUtils(Text, bf)
-- For constructing vectors of s.
import Linear (V2(V2), V3(V3), V4(V4))
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Function (fix)
import Data.Foldable(fold, foldMap, toList)
import Data.Foldable(fold, toList)
import Graphics.Implicit.ObjectUtil.GetBoxShared (VectorStuff(elements))
import Prettyprinter (Doc, (<+>), vsep, layoutPretty, defaultLayoutOptions, Pretty (pretty), concatWith, nest, line)
import Prettyprinter.Render.Text (renderLazy)
default ()
scad2 :: -> SymbolicObj2 -> Text
scad2 res obj = toLazyText $ runReader (buildS2 obj) res
scad2 res obj = renderLazy . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions $ buildS2 res obj
scad3 :: -> SymbolicObj3 -> Text
scad3 res obj = toLazyText $ runReader (buildS3 obj) res
scad3 res obj = renderLazy . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions $ buildS3 res obj
-- used by rotate2 and rotate3
rad2deg :: ->
rad2deg r = r * (180/pi)
-- | Format an openscad call given that all the modified objects are in the Reader monad...
callToken :: (Text, Text) -> Builder -> [Builder] -> [Reader a Builder] -> Reader a Builder
callToken cs name args [] = pure $ name <> buildArgs cs args <> ";"
callToken cs name args [obj] = ((name <> buildArgs cs args) <>) <$> obj
callToken cs name args objs = do
objs' <- foldMap (<> "\n") <$> sequenceA objs
pure $! name <> buildArgs cs args <> "{\n" <> objs' <> "}\n"
callToken :: (Doc a, Doc a) -> Doc a -> [Doc a] -> [Doc a] -> Doc a
callToken cs name args [] = name <> buildArgs cs args <> ";"
callToken cs name args [obj] = name <> buildArgs cs args <+> obj
callToken cs name args objs = vsep
-- nest doesn't indent the first element in the Doc, so we can use the calling name
-- as our first line, and add an extra line break in to match the `vsep` layout.
[ nest 4 $
(name <> buildArgs cs args <+> "{") <> line
<> vsep objs
, "}"
buildArgs :: (Text, Text) -> [Builder] -> Builder
buildArgs :: (Doc a, Doc a) -> [Doc a] -> Doc a
buildArgs _ [] = "()"
buildArgs (c1, c2) args = "(" <> fromLazyText c1 <> fold (intersperse "," args) <> fromLazyText c2 <> ")"
buildArgs (c1, c2) args = "(" <> c1 <> concatWith (\a b -> a <> "," <+> b) args <> c2 <> ")"
call :: Builder -> [Builder] -> [Reader a Builder] -> Reader a Builder
call :: Doc a -> [Doc a] -> [Doc a] -> Doc a
call = callToken ("[", "]")
callNaked :: Builder -> [Builder] -> [Reader a Builder] -> Reader a Builder
callNaked :: Doc a -> [Doc a] -> [Doc a] -> Doc a
callNaked = callToken ("", "")
-- | Class which allows us to build the contained objects in 'buildShared'.
class Build obj where
build :: obj -> Reader Builder
build :: -> obj -> Doc ()
instance Build SymbolicObj2 where
build = buildS2
@ -68,127 +73,126 @@ instance Build SymbolicObj3 where
-- | Unpack a dimensionality-polymorphic vector into multiple arguments.
vectAsArgs :: VectorStuff vec => vec -> [Builder]
vectAsArgs = fmap bf . elements
vectAsArgs :: VectorStuff vec => vec -> [Doc a]
vectAsArgs = fmap (pretty . bf) . elements
-- | Unpack a dimensionality-polymorphic vector into a single argument.
bvect :: VectorStuff vec => vec -> Builder
bvect :: VectorStuff vec => vec -> Doc a
bvect v = "[" <> fold (intersperse "," $ vectAsArgs v) <> "]"
-- | Build the common combinators.
buildShared :: forall obj f a. (Build obj, VectorStuff (f a)) => SharedObj obj f a -> Reader Builder
buildShared :: forall obj f a. (Build obj, VectorStuff (f a)) => -> SharedObj obj f a -> Doc ()
buildShared Empty = call "union" [] []
buildShared _ Empty = call "union" [] []
buildShared Full = call "difference" [] [call "union" [] []]
buildShared _ Full = call "difference" [] [call "union" [] []]
buildShared (Complement obj) = call "complement" [] [build obj]
buildShared res (Complement obj) = call "complement" [] [build res obj]
buildShared (UnionR r objs) | r == 0 = call "union" [] $ build <$> objs
buildShared res (UnionR r objs) | r == 0 = call "union" [] $ build res <$> objs
buildShared (IntersectR r objs) | r == 0 = call "intersection" [] $ build <$> objs
buildShared res (IntersectR r objs) | r == 0 = call "intersection" [] $ build res <$> objs
buildShared (DifferenceR r obj objs) | r == 0 = call "difference" [] $ build <$> obj : objs
buildShared res (DifferenceR r obj objs) | r == 0 = call "difference" [] $ build res <$> obj : objs
buildShared (Translate v obj) = call "translate" (bf <$> elements v) [build obj]
buildShared res (Translate v obj) = call "translate" (pretty . bf <$> elements v) [build res obj]
buildShared (Scale v obj) = call "scale" (bf <$> elements v) [build obj]
buildShared res (Scale v obj) = call "scale" (pretty . bf <$> elements v) [build res obj]
buildShared (Mirror v obj) = callNaked "mirror" [ "v=" <> bvect v ] [build obj]
buildShared res (Mirror v obj) = callNaked "mirror" [ "v=" <> bvect v ] [build res obj]
-- NOTE(sandy): This @r == 0@ guard says we only emit "outset" if it has r = 0,
-- erroring otherwise saying "cannot provide roundness." But this is not
-- a roundness parameter!
buildShared (Outset r obj) | r == 0 = call "outset" [] [build obj]
buildShared res (Outset r obj) | r == 0 = call "outset" [] [build res obj]
-- NOTE(sandy): This @r == 0@ guard says we only emit "shell" if it has r = 0,
-- erroring otherwise saying "cannot provide roundness." But this is not
-- a roundness parameter!
buildShared (Shell r obj) | r == 0 = call "shell" [] [build obj]
buildShared res (Shell r obj) | r == 0 = call "shell" [] [build res obj]
buildShared (WithRounding r obj) | r == 0 = build obj
buildShared res (WithRounding r obj) | r == 0 = build res obj
buildShared(UnionR _ _) = error "cannot provide roundness when exporting openscad; unsupported in target format."
buildShared(IntersectR _ _) = error "cannot provide roundness when exporting openscad; unsupported in target format."
buildShared(DifferenceR {}) = error "cannot provide roundness when exporting openscad; unsupported in target format."
buildShared(Outset _ _) = error "cannot provide roundness when exporting openscad; unsupported in target format."
buildShared(Shell _ _) = error "cannot provide roundness when exporting openscad; unsupported in target format."
buildShared(EmbedBoxedObj _) = error "cannot provide roundness when exporting openscad; unsupported in target format."
buildShared (WithRounding _ _) = error "cannot provide roundness when exporting openscad; unsupported in target format."
buildShared _ (UnionR _ _) = error "cannot provide roundness when exporting openscad; unsupported in target format."
buildShared _ (IntersectR _ _) = error "cannot provide roundness when exporting openscad; unsupported in target format."
buildShared _ (DifferenceR {}) = error "cannot provide roundness when exporting openscad; unsupported in target format."
buildShared _ (Outset _ _) = error "cannot provide roundness when exporting openscad; unsupported in target format."
buildShared _ (Shell _ _) = error "cannot provide roundness when exporting openscad; unsupported in target format."
buildShared _ (EmbedBoxedObj _) = error "cannot provide roundness when exporting openscad; unsupported in target format."
buildShared _ (WithRounding _ _) = error "cannot provide roundness when exporting openscad; unsupported in target format."
-- | First, the 3D objects.
buildS3 :: SymbolicObj3 -> Reader Builder
buildS3 :: -> SymbolicObj3 -> Doc ()
buildS3 (Shared3 obj) = buildShared obj
buildS3 res (Shared3 obj) = buildShared res obj
buildS3 (Cube (V3 w d h)) = call "cube" [bf w, bf d, bf h] []
buildS3 _ (Cube (V3 w d h)) = call "cube" [pretty $ bf w, pretty $ bf d, pretty $ bf h] []
buildS3 (Sphere r) = callNaked "sphere" ["r = " <> bf r] []
buildS3 _ (Sphere r) = callNaked "sphere" ["r = " <> pretty (bf r)] []
buildS3 (Torus r1 r2) = callNaked "torus" ["r1 = " <> bf r1, "r2 = " <> bf r2] []
buildS3 _ (Torus r1 r2) = callNaked "torus" ["r1 = " <> pretty (bf r1), "r2 = " <> pretty (bf r2)] []
buildS3 (Ellipsoid a b c) = callNaked "ellipsoid" ["a = " <> bf a, "b = " <> bf b, "c = " <> bf c] []
buildS3 _ (Ellipsoid a b c) = callNaked "ellipsoid" ["a = " <> pretty (bf a), "b = " <> pretty (bf b), "c = " <> pretty (bf c)] []
buildS3 (BoxFrame (V3 w d h) e) = callNaked "boxFrame"
["w = " <> bf w, "d = " <> bf d, "h = " <> bf h, "e = " <> bf e]
buildS3 _ (BoxFrame (V3 w d h) e) = callNaked "boxFrame"
["w = " <> pretty (bf w), "d = " <> pretty (bf d), "h = " <> pretty (bf h), "e = " <> pretty (bf e)]
buildS3 (Link le r1 r2) = callNaked "link"
["le = " <> bf le, "r1 = " <> bf r1, "r2 = " <> bf r2]
buildS3 _ (Link le r1 r2) = callNaked "link"
["le = " <> pretty (bf le), "r1 = " <> pretty (bf r1), "r2 = " <> pretty (bf r2)]
buildS3 (Cylinder h r1 r2) = callNaked "cylinder" [
"r1 = " <> bf r1
,"r2 = " <> bf r2
, bf h
buildS3 _ (Cylinder h r1 r2) = callNaked "cylinder" [
"r1 = " <> pretty (bf r1)
,"r2 = " <> pretty (bf r2)
, pretty $ bf h
] []
buildS3 (Rotate3 q obj) =
buildS3 res (Rotate3 q obj) =
let (V3 x y z) = quaternionToEuler q
in call "rotate" [bf (rad2deg x), bf (rad2deg y), bf (rad2deg z)] [buildS3 obj]
in call "rotate" [pretty $ bf (rad2deg x), pretty $ bf (rad2deg y), pretty $ bf (rad2deg z)] [buildS3 res obj]
buildS3 (Transform3 m obj) =
buildS3 res (Transform3 m obj) =
call "multmatrix"
((\x -> "["<>x<>"]") . fold . intersperse "," . fmap bf . toList <$> toList m)
[buildS3 obj]
((\x -> "["<>x<>"]") . fold . intersperse "," . fmap (pretty . bf) . toList <$> toList m)
[buildS3 res obj]
buildS3 (Extrude h obj) = callNaked "linear_extrude" ["height = " <> bf h] [buildS2 obj]
buildS3 res (Extrude h obj) = callNaked "linear_extrude" ["height = " <> pretty (bf h)] [buildS2 res obj]
-- FIXME: handle scale, center.
buildS3 (ExtrudeM twist scale (Left translate) obj (Left height)) |isScaleID scale && translate == V2 0 0 = do
res <- ask
buildS3 res (ExtrudeM twist scale (Left translate) obj (Left height)) |isScaleID scale && translate == V2 0 0 =
twist' = case twist of
Left twval -> const twval
Right twfun -> twfun
call "union" [] [
call "rotate" ["0","0", bf $ twist' h] [
callNaked "linear_extrude" ["height = " <> bf res, "twist = " <> bf (twist' (h+res) - twist' h)][
buildS2 obj
in call "union" [] [
call "rotate" ["0","0", pretty $ bf $ twist' h] [
callNaked "linear_extrude" ["height = " <> pretty (bf res), "twist = " <> pretty (bf $ twist' (h+res) - twist' h)] [
buildS2 res obj
] | h <- take (floor (res / height)) $ fix (\f x -> x : f (x+res)) 0
-- FIXME: where are RotateExtrude, ExtrudeOnEdgeOf?
buildS3 ExtrudeM{} = error "cannot provide roundness when exporting openscad; unsupported in target format."
buildS3 RotateExtrude{} = error "cannot provide roundness when exporting openscad; unsupported in target format."
buildS3(ExtrudeOnEdgeOf _ _) = error "cannot provide roundness when exporting openscad; unsupported in target format."
buildS3 _ ExtrudeM{} = error "cannot provide roundness when exporting openscad; unsupported in target format."
buildS3 _ RotateExtrude{} = error "cannot provide roundness when exporting openscad; unsupported in target format."
buildS3 _ (ExtrudeOnEdgeOf _ _) = error "cannot provide roundness when exporting openscad; unsupported in target format."
-- Now the 2D objects/transforms.
buildS2 :: SymbolicObj2 -> Reader Builder
buildS2 :: -> SymbolicObj2 -> Doc ()
buildS2 (Shared2 obj) = buildShared obj
buildS2 res (Shared2 obj) = buildShared res obj
buildS2 (Circle r) = call "circle" [bf r] []
buildS2 _ (Circle r) = call "circle" [pretty $ bf r] []
buildS2 (Polygon points) = call "polygon" (fmap bvect points) []
buildS2 _ (Polygon points) = call "polygon" (fmap bvect points) []
buildS2 (Rotate2 r obj) = call "rotate" [bf (rad2deg r)] [buildS2 obj]
buildS2 res (Rotate2 r obj) = call "rotate" [pretty $ bf (rad2deg r)] [buildS2 res obj]
buildS2 (Transform2 m obj) =
buildS2 res (Transform2 m obj) =
let toM44 (V3 (V3 a b c) (V3 d e f) (V3 g h i)) =
V4 (V4 a b c 0)
(V4 d e f 0)
@ -196,9 +200,9 @@ buildS2 (Transform2 m obj) =
(V4 0 0 0 1)
call "multmatrix"
((\x -> "["<>x<>"]") . fold . intersperse "," . fmap bf . toList <$> toList (toM44 m))
[buildS2 obj]
((\x -> "["<>x<>"]") . fold . intersperse "," . fmap (pretty . bf) . toList <$> toList (toM44 m))
[buildS2 res obj]
buildS2 (Square (V2 w h)) = call "square" [bf w, bf h] []
buildS2 _ (Square (V2 w h)) = call "square" [pretty $ bf w, pretty $ bf h] []
buildS2 (Slice obj) = callNaked "projection" ["cut = true"] [buildS3 obj]
buildS2 res (Slice obj) = callNaked "projection" ["cut = true"] [buildS3 res obj]

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module Graphics.Implicit.Export.TextBuilderUtils (
) where
import Prelude (Maybe(Nothing, Just), Int, ($))
import Prelude (Maybe(Nothing, Just), Int, ($), (.))
import Graphics.Implicit.Definitions (, , fromtoFloat)
import Data.Text.Lazy as DTL (Text, pack)
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ toLazyText :: Builder -> Text
toLazyText = toLazyTextWith defaultChunkSize
-- | Serialize a value as a single precision float with an exponent attached.
bf :: -> Builder
bf value = formatRealFloat Exponent Nothing $ fromtoFloat value
bf :: -> Text
bf value = toLazyText . formatRealFloat Exponent Nothing $ fromtoFloat value
-- | Serialize a float with four decimal places
buildTruncFloat :: -> Builder

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ module Graphics.Implicit.Export.TriangleMeshFormats (stl, binaryStl, jsTHREE) wh
import Prelude ((-), Float, Eq, Bool, ($), (+), (.), toEnum, length, zip, pure, (==), (||), (&&), filter, not, (<>))
import Graphics.Implicit.Definitions (Triangle(Triangle), TriangleMesh(TriangleMesh, getTriangles), , 3, , fromtoFloat)
import Graphics.Implicit.Export.TextBuilderUtils (Text, Builder, toLazyText, bf, build)
import Graphics.Implicit.Export.TextBuilderUtils (Text, Builder, toLazyText, bf, build, fromLazyText)
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (toLazyByteString, fromByteString, fromWord32le, fromWord16le)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BI (Builder, floatLE)
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ stl triangles = toLazyText $ stlHeader <> foldMap triangle (getTriangles $ clean
stlFooter :: Builder
stlFooter = "endsolid ImplictCADExport\n"
vector :: 3 -> Builder
vector (V3 x y z) = bf x <> " " <> bf y <> " " <> bf z
vector (V3 x y z) = fromLazyText (bf x) <> " " <> fromLazyText (bf y) <> " " <> fromLazyText (bf z)
vertex :: 3 -> Builder
vertex v = "vertex " <> vector v
triangle :: Triangle -> Builder
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ jsTHREE triangles = toLazyText $ header <> vertcode <> facecode <> footer
<> "Shape.prototype.constructor = Shape;\n"
-- A vertex line; v (0.0, 0.0, 1.0) = "v(0.0,0.0,1.0);\n"
v :: 3 -> Builder
v (V3 x y z) = "v(" <> bf x <> "," <> bf y <> "," <> bf z <> ");\n"
v (V3 x y z) = "v(" <> fromLazyText (bf x) <> "," <> fromLazyText (bf y) <> "," <> fromLazyText (bf z) <> ");\n"
-- A face line
f :: -> -> -> Builder
f posa posb posc =

View File

@ -93,7 +93,8 @@ Library
@ -168,7 +169,8 @@ Executable extopenscad
optparse-applicative >= 0.10.0,
Executable docgen
Import: binstuff

View File

@ -185,6 +185,21 @@ spec = describe "golden tests" $ do
, translate (V3 0 0 10 )$ rotate3 (V3 0 (pi/2) 0) $ rotate3 (V3 (pi/2) 0 0) $ link 6.5 10 4.5
goldenAllFormats "pretty-printing" 2 $
[ torus 40 15
, ellipsoid 10 15 20
, translate (V3 0 0 25) $ union
[ cone 20 20
, cube False 10
, extrude 7 $
translate (V2 20 0) $
(circle 10)
[circle 10]
golden "closing-paths-1" 0.5 $
(Left 0)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
translate([2.5e0,2.5e0,5.0e0])cylinder(r1 = 2.0e0,r2 = 1.0e0,3.0e0);
union() {
cube([5.0e0, 5.0e0, 5.0e0]);
translate([2.5e0, 2.5e0, 5.0e0]) cylinder(r1 = 2.0e0, r2 = 1.0e0, 3.0e0);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
union() {
torus(r1 = 4.0e1, r2 = 1.5e1);
ellipsoid(a = 1.0e1, b = 1.5e1, c = 2.0e1);
translate([0.0e0, 0.0e0, 2.5e1]) union() {
cylinder(r1 = 0.0e0, r2 = 2.0e1, 2.0e1);
cube([1.0e1, 1.0e1, 1.0e1]);
linear_extrude(height = 7.0e0) translate([2.0e1, 0.0e0]) difference() {

Binary file not shown.