Whitespace cleanup

This commit is contained in:
Jonas Claeson 2018-08-07 17:25:59 +02:00
parent 8478f7346c
commit 9c1bfc77c4
19 changed files with 78 additions and 80 deletions

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@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ out = union [
translate (40,40) (circle 30) ]
main = writeSVG 2 "example11.svg" out

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@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ import Graphics.Implicit
out = unionR 14 [
rectR 0 (-40,-40) (40,40),
translate (40,40) (circle 30) ]
main = writeSVG 2 "example12.svg" out

View File

@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ data SymbolicObj2 =
deriving Show
-- | A symbolic 3D format!
data SymbolicObj3 =
data SymbolicObj3 =
-- Primitives
Rect3R 3 3
| Sphere

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@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ import Graphics.Implicit.ObjectUtil (getImplicit3, getImplicit2, getBox3, getBox
import Graphics.Implicit.Export.SymbolicObj3 (symbolicGetMesh)
import Graphics.Implicit.Export.SymbolicObj2 (symbolicGetContour)
import Graphics.Implicit.Export.Util (normTriangle)
import Graphics.Implicit.Export.Util (normTriangle)
import Graphics.Implicit.Export.RayTrace (dynamicImage, Color, average, Camera(Camera), Light(Light), Scene(Scene), traceRay, cameraRay)
import Codec.Picture (DynamicImage, generateImage, PixelRGBA8(PixelRGBA8))
@ -56,21 +56,21 @@ instance DiscreteAproxable SymbolicObj3 DynamicImage where
lights = [Light (x1-deviation*(1.5::), y1 - (0.4::)*(y2-y1), avZ) ((0.03::)*deviation) ]
scene = Scene obj (PixelRGBA8 200 200 230 255) lights (PixelRGBA8 255 255 255 0)
pixelRenderer :: Fast -> Fast -> Color
pixelRenderer a b = renderScreen
pixelRenderer a b = renderScreen
((fromIntegral a :: )/w - (0.5::)) ((fromIntegral b :: )/h - (0.5 ::))
renderScreen :: -> -> Color
renderScreen a b =
average [
(cameraRay camera ((a,b) ^+^ ( 0.25/w, 0.25/h)))
2 box scene,
(cameraRay camera ((a,b) ^+^ (-0.25/w, 0.25/h)))
0.5 box scene,
(cameraRay camera ((a,b) ^+^ (0.25/w, -0.25/h)))
0.5 box scene,
(cameraRay camera ((a,b) ^+^ (-0.25/w,-0.25/h)))
0.5 box scene
@ -102,4 +102,4 @@ instance DiscreteAproxable SymbolicObj2 DynamicImage where

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ svg plines = renderSvg . svg11 . svg' $ plines
(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) = (minimum xs - margin, maximum xs + margin, minimum ys - margin, maximum ys + margin)
where margin = strokeWidth / 2
(xs,ys) = unzip (concat plines)
svg11 = docTypeSvg ! A.version "1.1"
! A.width (stringValue $ show (xmax-xmin) ++ "mm")
! A.height (stringValue $ show (ymax-ymin) ++ "mm")
@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ svg plines = renderSvg . svg11 . svg' $ plines
-- The reason this isn't totally straightforwards is that svg has different coordinate system
-- and we need to compute the requisite translation.
svg' [] = mempty
svg' [] = mempty
-- When we have a known point, we can compute said transformation:
svg' polylines = thinBlueGroup $ mapM_ poly polylines
poly line = polyline ! A.points pointList
poly line = polyline ! A.points pointList
where pointList = toValue $ toLazyText $ mconcat [bf (x-xmin) <> "," <> bf (ymax - y) <> " " | (x,y) <- line]
-- Instead of setting styles on every polyline, we wrap the lines in a group element and set the styles on it:
@ -87,4 +87,4 @@ hacklabLaserGCode polylines = toLazyText $ gcodeHeader <> mconcat (map interpret
,mconcat [ "G01 " <> gcodeXY point <> "\n" | point <- others]
,"M63 P0 (laser off)\n\n"
interpretPolyline [] = mempty
interpretPolyline [] = mempty

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@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ s `colorMult` (PixelRGBA8 a b c d) = color (s `mult` a) (s `mult` b) (s `mult` c
mult x y = round . bound . toRational $ x * y
average :: [Color] -> Color
average l =
average l =
((rs, gs), (bs, as)) = (unzip *** unzip) . unzip $ map
(\(PixelRGBA8 r g b a) -> ((fromIntegral r, fromIntegral g), (fromIntegral b, fromIntegral a)))
l :: (([], []), ([],[]))
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ intersection r@(Ray p v) ((a, aval),b) res obj =
a' = a + step
a'val = obj (p ^+^ a'*^v)
in if a'val < 0
let a'' = refine (a,a') (\s -> obj (p ^+^ s*^v))
in Just (p ^+^ a''*^v)
else if a' < b
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ intersection r@(Ray p v) ((a, aval),b) res obj =
else Nothing
refine :: 2 -> ( -> ) ->
refine (a, b) obj =
refine (a, b) obj =
(aval, bval) = (obj a, obj b)
in if bval < aval
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ refine (a, b) obj =
refine' :: -> 2 -> 2 -> ( -> ) ->
refine' 0 (a, _) _ _ = a
refine' n (a, b) (aval, bval) obj =
refine' n (a, b) (aval, bval) obj =
mid = (a+b)/(2::)
midval = obj mid
@ -160,12 +160,12 @@ traceRay ray@(Ray cameraP cameraV) step box (Scene obj objColor lights defaultCo
proj a' b' = (a'b')*^b'
dist = vectorDistance p lightPos
illumination = max 0 (normal unitV) * lightIntensity * (25 /dist)
rV =
rV =
normalComponent = proj v' normal
parComponent = v' - normalComponent
normalComponent - parComponent
normalComponent - parComponent
return $ illumination*(3 + 0.3*abs(rV cameraV)*abs(rV cameraV))
Nothing -> defaultColor

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@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ getMesh p1@(x1,y1,z1) p2 res obj =
-- (5) merge squares, etc
cleanupTris . mergedSquareTris . concat . concat $ concat sqTris
cleanupTris . mergedSquareTris . concat . concat $ concat sqTris
-- Removes triangles that are empty, when converting their positions to Float resolution.
-- NOTE: this will need to be disabled for AMF, and other triangle formats that can handle Double.

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@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader, runReader, return, fmap, sequence, ask)
import Data.List (intersperse)
scad2 :: -> SymbolicObj2 -> Text
scad2 :: -> SymbolicObj2 -> Text
scad2 res obj = toLazyText $ runReader (buildS2 obj) res
scad3 :: -> SymbolicObj3 -> Text
scad3 :: -> SymbolicObj3 -> Text
scad3 res obj = toLazyText $ runReader (buildS3 obj) res
-- used by rotate2 and rotate3
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ buildS3 (ExtrudeRM r (Just twist) Nothing Nothing obj (Left height)) | r == 0 =
call "rotate" ["0","0", bf $ twist h] [
callNaked "linear_extrude" ["height = " <> bf res, "twist = " <> bf (twist (h+res) - twist h)][
buildS2 obj
] | h <- init [0, res .. height]

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@ -197,13 +197,13 @@ symbolicGetMesh res (ExtrudeRM r twist scale translate obj2 h) =
map transformTriangle (side_tris ++ bottom_tris ++ top_tris)
symbolicGetMesh res inputObj@(UnionR3 r objs) =
symbolicGetMesh res inputObj@(UnionR3 r objs) =
boxes = map getBox3 objs
boxedObjs = zip boxes objs
sepFree :: forall a. [((3, 3), a)] -> ([a], [a])
sepFree ((box,obj):others) =
sepFree ((box,obj):others) =
if length (filter (box3sWithin r box) boxes) > 1
then first ((:) obj) $ sepFree others
else second ((:) obj) $ sepFree others
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ symbolicGetMesh res inputObj@(UnionR3 r objs) =
(dependants, independents) = sepFree boxedObjs
in if null independents
then case rebound3 (getImplicit3 inputObj, getBox3 inputObj) of
(obj, (a,b)) -> getMesh a b res obj
(obj, (a,b)) -> getMesh a b res obj
else if null dependants
then concatMap (symbolicGetMesh res) independents
else concatMap (symbolicGetMesh res) independents

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@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ jsTHREE triangles = toLazyText $ header <> vertcode <> facecode <> footer
v (x,y,z) = "v(" <> bf x <> "," <> bf y <> "," <> bf z <> ");\n"
-- A face line
f :: Fast -> Fast -> Fast -> Builder
f posa posb posc =
f posa posb posc =
"f(" <> buildInt posa <> "," <> buildInt posb <> "," <> buildInt posc <> ");"
verts = do
-- extract the vertices for each triangle

View File

@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ defaultFunctionsSpecial =
("map", toOObj $ flip
(map :: (OVal -> OVal) -> [OVal] -> [OVal] )
defaultModules :: [(String, OVal)]

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@ -24,9 +24,8 @@ import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Eval.Expr (evalExpr, matchPat)
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Parser.Statement (parseProgram)
import Data.Maybe(fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad (forM_, forM, mapM_)
import Control.Monad (forM_, forM, mapM_)
import Control.Monad.State (get, liftIO, mapM, runStateT, (>>))
import qualified System.FilePath as FilePath

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import Graphics.Implicit.Definitions ()
-- The parsec parsing library.
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (GenParser, string, many1, digit, char, many, noneOf, sepBy, sepBy1, optionMaybe, try)
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Definitions (Expr(Var, LitE, ListE, (:$)), OVal(ONum, OString, OBool, OUndefined), collector)
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Definitions (Expr(Var, LitE, ListE, (:$)), OVal(ONum, OString, OBool, OUndefined), collector)
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Parser.Util (variableSymb, (?:), (*<|>), genSpace, padString)

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@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ cylinder = moduleWithoutSuite "cylinder" $ do
circle :: (String, [OVal] -> ArgParser (IO [OVal]))
circle = moduleWithoutSuite "circle" $ do
example "circle(r=10); // circle"
example "circle(r=5, $fn=6); //hexagon"
@ -223,9 +223,9 @@ circle = moduleWithoutSuite "circle" $ do
polygon :: (String, [OVal] -> ArgParser (IO [OVal]))
polygon = moduleWithoutSuite "polygon" $ do
example "polygon ([(0,0), (0,10), (10,0)]);"
points :: [2] <- argument "points"
`doc` "vertices of the polygon"
paths :: [] <- argument "paths"
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ translate = moduleWithSuite "translate" $ \children -> do
Left x -> (x,0,0)
Right (Left (x,y) ) -> (x,y,0)
Right (Right (x,y,z)) -> (x,y,z)
return $ return $
objMap (Prim.translate (x,y)) (Prim.translate (x,y,z)) children
@ -327,11 +327,11 @@ scale = moduleWithSuite "scale" $ \children -> do
v <- argument "v"
`doc` "vector or scalar to scale by"
scaleObjs stretch2 stretch3 =
objMap (Prim.scale stretch2) (Prim.scale stretch3) children
return $ return $ case v of
Left x -> scaleObjs (x,1) (x,1,1)
Right (Left (x,y)) -> scaleObjs (x,y) (x,y,1)
@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ extrude = moduleWithSuite "linear_extrude" $ \children -> do
`doc` "translate according to this funciton as we extrude..."
r :: <- argument "r" `defaultTo` 0
`doc` "round the top?"
heightn = case height of
Left h -> h
@ -372,11 +372,11 @@ extrude = moduleWithSuite "linear_extrude" $ \children -> do
funcify :: (VectorSpace a, Fractional (Scalar a)) => Either a ( -> a) -> -> a
funcify (Left val) h = realToFrac (h/heightn) *^ val
funcify (Right f ) h = f h
twist' = fmap funcify twist
scale' = fmap funcify scaleArg
translate' = fmap funcify translateArg
return $ return $ obj2UpMap (
\obj -> case height of
Left constHeight | isNothing twist && isNothing scaleArg && isNothing translateArg ->

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@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ getImplicit3 (RotateExtrude totalRotation round translate rotate symbObj) =
_ -> False
\(x,y,z) -> minimum $ do
r = sqrt (x*x + y*y)
θ = atan2 y x

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@ -138,12 +138,12 @@ polygonR = PolygonR
-- $ Shared Operations
class Object obj vec | obj -> vec where
-- | Complement an Object
complement ::
obj -- ^ Object to complement
-> obj -- ^ Result
-- | Rounded union
unionR ::
-- ^ The radius of rounding
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ class Object obj vec | obj -> vec where
-- ^ The radius of rounding
-> [obj] -- ^ Objects to intersect
-> obj -- ^ Resulting object
-- | Translate an object by a vector of appropriate dimension.
translate ::
vec -- ^ Vector to translate by (Also: a is a vector, blah, blah)
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ class Object obj vec | obj -> vec where
(vec -> ) -- ^ Implicit function
-> (vec, vec) -- ^ Bounding box
-> obj -- ^ Resulting object
instance Object SymbolicObj2 2 where
translate = Translate2

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@ -17,34 +17,34 @@ isArgument (ArgumentDoc _ _ _) = True
isArgument _ = False
main = do
let names = map fst primitives
docs <- sequence $ map (getArgParserDocs.($ []).snd) primitives
let names = map fst primitives
docs <- sequence $ map (getArgParserDocs.($ []).snd) primitives
forM_ (zip names docs) $ \(moduleName, moduleDocList) -> do
examples = filter isExample moduleDocList
arguments = filter isArgument moduleDocList
putStrLn moduleName
putStrLn (map (const '-') moduleName)
putStrLn ""
if not $ null examples then putStrLn "**Examples:**\n" else return ()
forM_ examples $ \(ExampleDoc example) -> do
putStrLn $ " * `" ++ example ++ "`"
putStrLn ""
putStrLn "**Arguments:**\n"
forM_ arguments $ \(ArgumentDoc name posfallback description) ->
case (posfallback, description) of
(Nothing, "") -> do
putStrLn $ " * `" ++ name ++ "`"
(Just fallback, "") -> do
putStrLn $ " * `" ++ name ++ " = " ++ fallback ++ "`"
(Nothing, _) -> do
putStrLn $ " * `" ++ name ++ "`"
putStrLn $ " " ++ description
(Just fallback, _) -> do
putStrLn $ " * `" ++ name ++ " = " ++ fallback ++ "`"
putStrLn $ " " ++ description
putStrLn ""
forM_ (zip names docs) $ \(moduleName, moduleDocList) -> do
examples = filter isExample moduleDocList
arguments = filter isArgument moduleDocList
putStrLn moduleName
putStrLn (map (const '-') moduleName)
putStrLn ""
if not $ null examples then putStrLn "**Examples:**\n" else return ()
forM_ examples $ \(ExampleDoc example) -> do
putStrLn $ " * `" ++ example ++ "`"
putStrLn ""
putStrLn "**Arguments:**\n"
forM_ arguments $ \(ArgumentDoc name posfallback description) ->
case (posfallback, description) of
(Nothing, "") -> do
putStrLn $ " * `" ++ name ++ "`"
(Just fallback, "") -> do
putStrLn $ " * `" ++ name ++ " = " ++ fallback ++ "`"
(Nothing, _) -> do
putStrLn $ " * `" ++ name ++ "`"
putStrLn $ " " ++ description
(Just fallback, _) -> do
putStrLn $ " * `" ++ name ++ " = " ++ fallback ++ "`"
putStrLn $ " " ++ description
putStrLn ""
-- | We need a format to extract documentation into
data Doc = Doc String [DocPart]

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@ -242,6 +242,6 @@ main = execParser opts >>= run
opts= info (helper <*> extOpenScadOpts)
( fullDesc
<> progDesc "ImplicitCAD: Extended OpenSCAD interpreter."
<> progDesc "ImplicitCAD: Extended OpenSCAD interpreter."
<> header "extopenscad - Extended OpenSCAD"

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@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ call name args stmts = StatementI 1 (ModuleCall name args stmts)
-- test a simple if block.
ifSpec :: Spec
ifSpec = it "parses" $
"if (true) { a(); } else { b(); }" -->
"if (true) { a(); } else { b(); }" -->
single ( If (bool True) [call "a" [] []] [call "b" [] []])
-- test assignments.
@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ statementSpec = do
describe "empty file" $
it "returns an empty list" $
emptyFileIssue $ "" --> []
describe "line comment" $
describe "line comment" $
it "parses as empty" $ emptyFileIssue $ "// foish bar\n" --> []
describe "module call" $
describe "module call" $
it "parses" $ "foo();" --> single (ModuleCall "foo" [] [])
describe "difference of two cylinders" $
it "parses correctly" $