add let() statements to the parser, and test suite.

This commit is contained in:
Julia Longtin 2019-05-11 22:58:13 +01:00
parent bd3a4daad7
commit aded0809ac
4 changed files with 53 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -5,12 +5,12 @@
-- a parser for a numeric expression.
module Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Parser.Expr(expr0) where
import Prelude (Char, Maybe(Nothing, Just), fmap, ($), (.), (>>), return, Bool(True, False), read, (++), (*), (**), (/), id, foldl, map, foldl1, unzip, tail, zipWith3)
import Prelude (Char, Maybe(Nothing, Just), fmap, ($), (.), (>>), return, Bool(True, False), read, (++), (*), (**), (/), id, foldl, map, foldl1, unzip, tail, zipWith3, foldr)
-- The parsec parsing library.
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (GenParser, string, many1, digit, char, many, noneOf, sepBy, sepBy1, optionMaybe, try)
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Definitions (Expr(Var, LitE, ListE, (:$)), OVal(ONum, OString, OBool, OUndefined), collector)
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Definitions (Expr(Var, LamE, LitE, ListE, (:$)), OVal(ONum, OString, OBool, OUndefined), collector, Pattern(Name))
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Parser.Util (variableSymb, (?:), (*<|>), genSpace, padString)
@ -80,6 +80,27 @@ literal = ("literal" ?:) $
_ <- string "\""
return . LitE $ OString strlit
letExpr :: GenParser Char st Expr
letExpr = "let expression" ?: do
_ <- string "let"
_ <- genSpace
_ <- string "("
_ <- genSpace
bindingPairs <- sepBy ( do
_ <- genSpace
boundName <- variableSymb
_ <- genSpace
_ <- string "="
_ <- genSpace
boundExpr <- expr0
return $ ListE [Var boundName, boundExpr])
(char ',')
_ <- string ")"
expr <- expr0
let bindLets (ListE [Var boundName, boundExpr]) nestedExpr = (LamE [Name boundName] nestedExpr) :$ [boundExpr]
bindLets _ e = e
return $ foldr bindLets expr bindingPairs
-- We represent the priority or 'fixity' of different types of expressions
-- by the ExprIdx argument, with A0 as the highest.
@ -93,6 +114,7 @@ exprN :: ExprIdx -> GenParser Char st Expr
exprN A12 =
*<|> letExpr
*<|> variable
*<|> "bracketed expression" ?: do
-- eg. ( 1 + 5 )

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@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ import Prelude (Bool(True, False), ($))
import Test.Hspec (describe, Expectation, Spec, it, pendingWith, specify)
-- Parsed expression components.
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Definitions (Expr(Var, ListE, (:$)))
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Definitions (Expr(Var, ListE, (:$)), Pattern(Name))
-- The type used for variables, in ImplicitCAD.
import Graphics.Implicit.Definitions ()
-- Our utility library, for making these tests easier to read.
import ParserSpec.Util ((-->), fapp, num, bool, stringLiteral, plus, minus, mult, modulo, power, divide, negate, and, or, not, gt, lt, ternary, append, index, parseWithLeftOver)
import ParserSpec.Util ((-->), fapp, num, bool, stringLiteral, plus, minus, mult, modulo, power, divide, negate, and, or, not, gt, lt, ternary, append, index, lambda, parseWithLeftOver)
-- Default all numbers in this file to being of the type ImplicitCAD uses for values.
default ()
@ -64,6 +64,17 @@ literalSpec = do
it "accepts true" $ "true" --> bool True
it "accepts false" $ "false" --> bool False
letBindingSpec :: Spec
letBindingSpec = do
it "handles let with integer binding and spaces" $ do
"let ( a = 1 ) a" --> lambda [Name "a"] (Var "a") [num 1]
it "handles multiple variable let" $ do
"let (a = x, b = y) a + b" --> lambda [Name "a"] ((lambda [Name "b"] (plus [Var "a", Var "b"])) [Var "y"]) [Var "x"]
it "handles empty let" $ do
"let () a" --> (Var "a")
it "handles nested let" $ do
"let(a=x) let(b = y) a + b" --> lambda [Name "a"] ((lambda [Name "b"] (plus [Var "a", Var "b"])) [Var "y"]) [Var "x"]
exprSpec :: Spec
exprSpec = do
describe "literals" literalSpec
@ -152,6 +163,7 @@ exprSpec = do
it "handles append" $
"foo ++ bar ++ baz" --> append [Var "foo", Var "bar", Var "baz"]
describe "logical operators" logicalSpec
describe "let expressions" letBindingSpec
describe "application" $ do
specify "base case" $ "foo(x)" --> Var "foo" :$ [Var "x"]
specify "multiple arguments" $

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@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import Prelude (String, Maybe(Just), Bool(True), ($))
import Test.Hspec (Spec, Expectation, shouldBe, shouldSatisfy, it, pendingWith, describe)
import ParserSpec.Util (bool, num, minus, mult, index)
import ParserSpec.Util (bool, num, minus, plus, mult, index)
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Definitions (StatementI(StatementI), Symbol, Expr(ListE, LamE, Var), Statement(NewModule, ModuleCall, If, (:=)), Pattern(Name, ListP))
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Definitions (StatementI(StatementI), Symbol, Expr(ListE, LamE, Var, (:$)), Statement(NewModule, ModuleCall, If, (:=)), Pattern(Name, ListP))
-- Parse an ExtOpenScad program.
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Parser.Statement (parseProgram)
@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ assignmentSpec = do
"[x, y] = [1, 2];" --> single (ListP [Name "x", Name "y"] := ListE [num 1, num 2])
it "handles the function keyword and definitions" $
"function foo(x, y) = x * y;" --> single fooFunction
it "handles function with let expression" $
"function withlet(b) = let (c = 5) b + c;" -->
(single $ (Name "withlet" := LamE [Name "b"] (LamE [Name "c"] (plus [Var "b", Var "c"]) :$ [num 5])))
it "handles nested indexing" $
"x = [y[0] - z * 2];" -->
single ( Name "x" := ListE [minus [index [Var "y", num 0],
@ -92,5 +95,3 @@ statementSpec = do
describe "empty module definition" $
it "parses correctly" $
"module foo_bar() {}" --> single (NewModule "foo_bar" [] [])

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@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ module ParserSpec.Util
, ternary
, append
, index
, lambda
, parseWithLeftOver
) where
@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ import Prelude (Bool, String, Either, (<), ($), (.), (<*), otherwise)
import Graphics.Implicit.Definitions ()
-- The datatype of expressions, symbols, and values in the OpenScad language.
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Definitions (Expr(LitE, (:$), Var, ListE), OVal(ONum, OBool, OString))
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Definitions (Expr(LitE, (:$), Var, ListE, LamE), OVal(ONum, OBool, OString), Pattern)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (Parser, ParseError, parse, manyTill, anyChar, eof)
@ -64,6 +65,8 @@ infixr 1 -->+
(-->+) source (result, leftover) =
parseWithLeftOver expr0 source `shouldBe` Right (result, leftover)
-- | Types
num :: -> Expr
num x
-- FIXME: the parser should handle negative number literals
@ -77,6 +80,8 @@ bool = LitE . OBool
stringLiteral :: String -> Expr
stringLiteral = LitE . OString
-- | Operators
plus,minus,mult,modulo,power,divide,negate,and,or,not,gt,lt,ternary,append,index :: [Expr] -> Expr
minus = oapp "-"
modulo = oapp "%"
@ -94,11 +99,14 @@ plus = fapp "+"
mult = fapp "*"
append = fapp "++"
-- we need two different kinds of application functions
-- | we need two different kinds of application functions
oapp,fapp :: String -> [Expr] -> Expr
oapp name args = Var name :$ args
fapp name args = Var name :$ [ListE args]
lambda :: [Pattern] -> Expr -> [Expr] -> Expr
lambda params expr args = LamE params expr :$ args
parseWithLeftOver :: Parser a -> String -> Either ParseError (a, String)
parseWithLeftOver p = parse ((,) <$> p <*> leftOver) ""