2019-11-21 21:43:43 +00:00

142 lines
5.4 KiB

# ImplicitCAD Makefile. Build and test Implicitcad.
# This is the Makefile for when you are running a version of cabal-install less than version 1.24.
## Locations of binaries used when running tests, or generating the images to go along with our
# The location of stl2ps, from stltools, available from
# The location of convert, from imagemagick
# The location of GHC, used to compile .hs examples.
# The location of the created extopenscad binary, for running shell based test cases.
# The location of the implicitsnap binary, which listens for requests via http. The backend of the website.
# The location of the benchmark binary, for benchmarking some implicitcad internals.
# The location of the parser benchmark binary, specifically for benchmarking implicitcad's parser.
# The location of the created test binary, for running haskell test cases.
# The location of it's source.
TESTFILES=$(shell find tests/ -name '*.hs')
# The location of the documentation generator. for documenting (some of) the extopenscad language.
## Options used when calling ImplicitCAD. for testing, and for image generation.
# Enable multiple CPU usage.
# Use the parallel garbage collector.
# spit out some performance statistics.
RTSOPTS=+RTS -N -qg -t
# The resolution to generate objects at. FIXME: what does this mean in human terms?
# Uncomment for profiling support. Note that you will need to recompile all of the libraries, as well.
#PROFILING= --enable-profiling
## FIXME: escape this right
# Uncomment for valgrind on the examples.
#VALGRIND=valgrind --tool=cachegrind --cachegrind-out-file=$$each.cachegrind.`date +%s`
LIBFILES=$(shell find Graphics -name '*.hs')
# Mark the below fake targets as unreal, so make will not get choked up if a file with one of these names is created.
.PHONY: build install clean distclean nukeclean docs dist examples tests
# Empty out the default suffix list, to make debugging output cleaner.
# Allow for us to (ab)use $$* in dependencies of rules.
# Disable make's default builtin rules, to make debugging output cleaner.
MAKEFLAGS += --no-builtin-rules
# Build implicitcad binaries.
build: $(TARGETS)
# Install implicitcad.
install: build
cabal install
# Cleanup from using the rules in this file.
clean: Setup
rm -f Examples/*.stl
rm -f Examples/*.svg
rm -f Examples/*.ps
rm -f Examples/*.png
rm -f Examples/example[0-9][0-9]
rm -f Examples/*.hi
rm -f Examples/*.o
rm -f tests/*.stl
rm -rf docs/
rm -f $(TARGETS)
rm -rf dist/build/Graphics
rm -f dist/build/libHS*
rm -f Examples/example*.cachegrind.*
# Clean up before making a release.
distclean: clean Setup
./Setup clean
rm -f Setup Setup.hi Setup.o
rm -rf dist/
rm -f `find ./ -name *~`
rm -f `find ./ -name \#*\#`
# Destroy the current user's cabal/ghc environment.
nukeclean: distclean
rm -rf ~/.cabal/ ~/.ghc/
# Generate documentation.
docs: $(DOCGEN)
./Setup haddock
$(DOCGEN) > docs/
# Upload to hackage?
dist: $(TARGETS)
./Setup sdist
# Generate examples.
examples: $(EXTOPENSCAD)
cd Examples && for each in `find ./ -name '*scad' -type f | sort`; do { echo $$each ; ../$(EXTOPENSCAD) $(SCADOPTS) $$each $(RTSOPTS); } done
cd Examples && for each in `find ./ -name '*.hs' -type f | sort`; do { filename=$(basename "$$each"); filename="$${filename%.*}"; cd ..; $(GHC) Examples/$$filename.hs -o Examples/$$filename; cd Examples; echo $$filename; $$filename +RTS -t ; } done
# Generate images from the examples, so we can upload the images to our website.
images: examples
cd Examples && for each in `find ./ -name '*.stl' -type f | sort`; do { filename=$(basename "$$each"); filename="$${filename%.*}"; if [ -e $$filename.transform ] ; then echo ${stl2ps} $$each $$ `cat $$filename.transform`; else ${stl2ps} $$each $$; fi; ${convert} $$ $$filename.png; } done
# Hspec parser tests.
# cd tests && for each in `find ./ -name '*scad' -type f | sort`; do { ../$(EXTOPENSCAD) $$each ${RESOPTS} ${RTSOPTS}; } done
# The ImplicitCAD library.
cabal build implicit
# The parser test suite, since it's source is stored in a different location than the other binaries we build:
dist/build/test-implicit/test-implicit: $(TESTFILES) Setup dist/setup-config $(LIBTARGET) $(LIBFILES)
cabal build test-implicit
# Build a binary target with cabal.
dist/build/%: programs/$$(word 2,$$(subst /, ,%)).hs Setup dist/setup-config $(LIBTARGET) $(LIBFILES)
cabal build $(word 2,$(subst /, ,$*))
# Prepare to build.
dist/setup-config: Setup implicit.cabal
cabal update
cabal install --only-dependencies --upgrade-dependencies $(PROFILING)
cabal configure --enable-tests --enable-benchmarks $(PROFILING)
# The setup command, used to perform administrative tasks (haddock, upload to hackage, clean, etc...).
Setup: Setup.*hs
$(GHC) -O2 -Wall --make Setup