documentation of low-resource languages

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Jörg Tiedemann 2020-09-06 23:56:16 +03:00
parent 909e525a2d
commit 3367ad2e34
2 changed files with 91 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ MODELNAME = ${patsubst,%,${notdir ${MODELZIP}}}
ifeq (${MODELNAME},)
MODELHOME = ../${notdir ${WORKHOME}}/models/${LANGPAIR}
# MODELZIP = ${lastword ${sort ${wildcard ${MODELHOME}/*-20*.zip}}}
MODELZIP = ${lastword ${sort ${wildcard ${MODELHOME}/opus-20*.zip}}}
# MODELZIP = ${lastword ${sort ${wildcard ${MODELHOME}/opus-20*.zip}}}
MODELZIP = ${lastword ${shell ls ${MODELHOME}/*-20*.zip | LANG=en_US.UTF-8 sort}}
MODELNAME = ${patsubst,%,${notdir ${MODELZIP}}}

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@ -102,19 +102,38 @@ The quality of the translations in the opposite direction are still poor but let
The next step is to fetch some monolingual data to be back-translated. OPUS-MT is prepared to use Wiki data from various Wikimedia wikis (Wikipedia, Wikiquote, Wikisource, Wikibooks, Wikinews). You can fetch the prepared data sets by running:
make -C backtranslation SRC=br fetch-wiki
make -C backtranslate SRC=br fetch-wiki
Finally, we can translate the Breton Wikipedia to English using the br-en model we have trained above. We set the maximum to 10,000 in this example to reduce the time we need for translating. The default is 1 million sentences to be translated. Run this on a GPU machine and it should take about 20 minutes:
Finally, we can translate the Breton Wikipedia to English using the br-en model we have trained above. We set the maximum to 50,000 in this example to reduce the time we need for translating. The default is 1 million sentences to be translated. Run this on a GPU machine and it should take about 1-2 hours:
make -C backtranslation SRC=br TRG=en MAX_SENTENCES=10000 translate
make -C backtranslate SRC=br TRG=en MAX_SENTENCES=50000 translate
The translations are most probably really bad as the back-translation model is very poor (around 4 BLEU).
The translations will be stored in the current directory in a sub-folder `br-en` together with the model that has been used to translate. A copy of the latest translations is kept in `br-en/latest`. Those will be overwritten in case you re-translate the same data.
The translations are most probably really bad as the back-translation model is very poor (ca. 4 BLEU).
The translations will be stored in the `backtranslate` directory in a sub-folder `br-en` together with the model that has been used to translate. A copy of the latest translations is kept in `backtranslate/br-en/latest`. Those will be overwritten in case you re-translate the same data.
* the model used for back-translation:
* the back-translated data from Wikipedia
Translating 50,000 sentences from Breton to English took about 50 minutes in our experiment.
## Generate pivot-based translations
@ -140,7 +159,31 @@ make -C pivoting SRC=en TRG=br PIVOT=fr print-modelname
make -C pivoting SRC=en TRG=br PIVOT=fr all
Pivot-based translations are stored in `pivoting/en-br` together with the model that has been used for pivot translation between French and English, in this case for OpenSubtitles and OfisPublik data in Breton-French (`br-fr`):
* translation model:
* pivot-based translations:
@ -162,14 +205,51 @@ make SRCLANGS=en TRGLANGS=br eval-bt
make SRCLANGS=en TRGLANGS=br compare-bt
The results is not good as the back-translations are of poor quality. Note also that the test set is much too small to have reliable scores:
The results is still not much better as the back-translations are of poor quality. Note also that the test set is much too small to have reliable scores:
| testset | BLEU | chr-F |
| opus | 3.9 | 0.1763 |
| opus+bt | 3.5 | 0.1949 |
| opus+bt | 4.3 | 0.1827 |
In summary, the translations are still useless, chrF2 goes up and BLEU goes down but on that data set and with those performance level this does not say anything.
In summary, the translations are still useless, BLEU and chrF2 go slightly up but on that data set and with those performance level this does not say anything.
We can do the same with adding pivot-based translation produced above from Breton-French data.The principle is the same that we can simply add a suffix (`-pivot`) to the build targets to change the setup:
make SRCLANGS=en TRGLANGS=br data-pivot
make SRCLANGS=en TRGLANGS=br train-pivot
make SRCLANGS=en TRGLANGS=br eval-pivot
make SRCLANGS=en TRGLANGS=br compare-pivot
This will add all bitexts that can be found in `pivoting/en-br/latest` (and `pivoting/br-en/latest` if it exists) to the training data and re-uses the sentence-piece models and vocabulary from the base model. The pivot-based translations are substantially better than the back-translations with the poor reverse translation model.
| testset | BLEU | chr-F |
| opus | 3.9 | 0.1763 |
| opus+bt | 4.3 | 0.1827 |
| opus+pivot | 4.8 | 0.2304 |
Finally, we can also combine back-translations and pivot-based translations and train models that include all of the extra data sets. This is simply done by combining the suffix codes:
make SRCLANGS=en TRGLANGS=br train-pivot-bt
make SRCLANGS=en TRGLANGS=br eval-pivot-bt
make SRCLANGS=en TRGLANGS=br compare-pivot-bt
Note that the order is important here to determine, which one of the models will be used as a base model to continue training on. In the example above, the model that includes back-translations (`opus+bt`) will be used as a starting point for training the new model with combined data sets. Calling `train-bt-pivot` will start with the pivot-augmented model (`opus+pivot`).
| testset | BLEU | chr-F |
| opus | 3.9 | 0.1763 |
| opus+bt | 4.3 | 0.1827 |
| opus+pivot | 4.8 | 0.2304 |
| opus+bt+pivot | 5.6 | 0.2187 |