# -*-makefile-*- # # settings of the environment # - essential tools and their paths # - system-specific settings # ## modules to be loaded in sbatch scripts CPU_MODULES = gcc/6.2.0 mkl GPU_MODULES = cuda-env/8 mkl # GPU_MODULES = python-env/3.5.3-ml cuda-env/8 mkl # job-specific settings (overwrite if necessary) # HPC_EXTRA: additional SBATCH commands NR_GPUS = 1 HPC_NODES = 1 HPC_DISK = 500 HPC_QUEUE = serial # HPC_MODULES = nlpl-opus python-env/3.4.1 efmaral moses # HPC_MODULES = nlpl-opus moses cuda-env marian python-3.5.3-ml HPC_MODULES = ${GPU_MODULES} HPC_EXTRA = MEM = 4g THREADS = 1 WALLTIME = 72 ## set variables with HPC prefix ifndef HPC_TIME HPC_TIME = ${WALLTIME}:00 endif ifndef HPC_CORES HPC_CORES = ${THREADS} endif ifndef HPC_MEM HPC_MEM = ${MEM} endif # GPU = k80 GPU = p100 DEVICE = cuda LOADCPU = module load ${CPU_MODULES} LOADGPU = module load ${GPU_MODULES} ifeq (${shell hostname},dx6-ibs-p2) APPLHOME = /opt/tools WORKHOME = ${shell realpath ${PWD}/work-spm} OPUSHOME = tiedeman@taito.csc.fi:/proj/nlpl/data/OPUS/ MOSESHOME = ${APPLHOME}/mosesdecoder MARIAN = ${APPLHOME}/marian/build LOADMODS = echo "nothing to load" else ifeq (${shell hostname},dx7-nkiel-4gpu) APPLHOME = /opt/tools WORKHOME = ${shell realpath ${PWD}/work-spm} OPUSHOME = tiedeman@taito.csc.fi:/proj/nlpl/data/OPUS/ MOSESHOME = ${APPLHOME}/mosesdecoder MARIAN = ${APPLHOME}/marian/build LOADMODS = echo "nothing to load" else ifneq ($(wildcard /wrk/tiedeman/research),) DATAHOME = /proj/OPUS/WMT19/data/${LANGPAIR} # APPLHOME = ${USERAPPL}/tools APPLHOME = /proj/memad/tools WORKHOME = /wrk/tiedeman/research/Opus-MT/work-spm OPUSHOME = /proj/nlpl/data/OPUS MOSESHOME = /proj/nlpl/software/moses/4.0-65c75ff/moses # MARIAN = /proj/nlpl/software/marian/1.2.0 # MARIAN = /appl/ling/marian MARIAN = ${HOME}/appl_taito/tools/marian/build-gpu MARIANCPU = ${HOME}/appl_taito/tools/marian/build-cpu LOADMODS = ${LOADGPU} else CSCPROJECT = project_2001194 # CSCPROJECT = project_2000309 DATAHOME = ${HOME}/work/opentrans/data/${LANGPAIR} WORKHOME = ${shell realpath ${PWD}/work-spm} APPLHOME = ${HOME}/projappl # OPUSHOME = /scratch/project_2000661/nlpl/data/OPUS OPUSHOME = /projappl/nlpl/data/OPUS MOSESHOME = ${APPLHOME}/mosesdecoder EFLOMAL_HOME = ${APPLHOME}/eflomal/ # MARIAN = ${APPLHOME}/marian/build # MARIANCPU = ${APPLHOME}/marian/build MARIAN = ${APPLHOME}/marian-dev/build-spm MARIANCPU = ${APPLHOME}/marian-dev/build-cpu MARIANSPM = ${APPLHOME}/marian-dev/build-spm # GPU_MODULES = cuda intel-mkl GPU = v100 GPU_MODULES = python-env # gcc/8.3.0 boost/1.68.0-mpi intel-mkl CPU_MODULES = python-env LOADMODS = echo "nothing to load" HPC_QUEUE = small endif ifdef LOCAL_SCRATCH TMPDIR = ${LOCAL_SCRATCH} endif ## other tools and their locations WORDALIGN = ${EFLOMAL_HOME}align.py ATOOLS = ${FASTALIGN_HOME}atools MULTEVALHOME = ${APPLHOME}/multeval MOSESSCRIPTS = ${MOSESHOME}/scripts TOKENIZER = ${MOSESSCRIPTS}/tokenizer SNMTPATH = ${APPLHOME}/subword-nmt/subword_nmt ## SentencePiece SPM_HOME = ${MARIANSPM}