# # backtranslate wiki data # # only works with sentencepiece models! # PWD := ${shell pwd} REPOHOME := ${PWD}/../ TOOLSDIR := ${REPOHOME}tools include ${REPOHOME}lib/env.mk include ${REPOHOME}lib/config.mk include ${REPOHOME}lib/slurm.mk SRC ?= af TRG ?= en ## various sources are available ## can be general wikipedia, wikinews, wikibooks, ... WIKISOURCE ?= wiki ## split size in nr-of-lines ## default part to be selected = aa SPLIT_SIZE ?= 1000000 PART ?= aa ## maximum input length (number sentence piece segments) ## maximum number of sentences to be translated (top N lines) MAX_LENGTH ?= 100 MAX_SENTENCES ?= ${SPLIT_SIZE} LANGPAIR = ${SRC}-${TRG} PWD := $(shell pwd) MODELSDIR ?= ../models MODELHOME ?= ${MODELSDIR}/${LANGPAIR} ## standard sort is different from UTF8-based sort ## --> prefer models with augmented data sets (separated by +) ## we need the UTF8 sort order ## --> use bash sort and UTF8 locale # MODELZIP = ${lastword ${sort ${wildcard ${MODELHOME}/*-20*.zip}}} ifneq (${wildcard ${MODELHOME}},) MODELZIP = ${lastword ${shell ls ${MODELHOME}/*-20*.zip 2>/dev/null | LANG=en_US.UTF-8 sort}} MODELNAME = ${patsubst %.zip,%,${notdir ${MODELZIP}}} endif ifeq (${MODELNAME},) ifneq (${wildcard ${WORKHOME/models/${LANGPAIR}}},) MODELHOME = ../${notdir ${WORKHOME}}/models/${LANGPAIR} # MODELZIP = ${lastword ${sort ${wildcard ${MODELHOME}/*-20*.zip}}} # MODELZIP = ${lastword ${sort ${wildcard ${MODELHOME}/opus-20*.zip}}} MODELZIP = ${lastword ${shell ls ${MODELHOME}/*-20*.zip 2>/dev/null | LANG=en_US.UTF-8 sort}} MODELNAME = ${patsubst %.zip,%,${notdir ${MODELZIP}}} endif endif ## set to 1 if the model for backtranslation is a multi-target model ## --> need to use pre-processing script differently ifeq ($(words $(subst +, ,$(lastword $(subst -, ,$(notdir ${MODELHOME}))))),1) MULTI_TARGET_MODEL = 0 else MULTI_TARGET_MODEL = 1 endif ifdef LOCAL_SCRATCH TMPDIR = ${LOCAL_SCRATCH} endif ifeq (${shell hostname --domain 2>/dev/null},bullx) LOAD_MODULES = module use -a /projappl/nlpl/software/modules/etc/ && \ module load nlpl-udpipe nlpl-opus && endif ifneq (${wildcard index.html},) WIKILANGS = ${sort $(patsubst >%${WIKISOURCE}-,%,${shell grep -o '>..${WIKISOURCE}-' index.html})} \ ${sort $(patsubst >%${WIKISOURCE}-,%,${shell grep -o '>...${WIKISOURCE}-' index.html})} endif LANGID = ${SRC} WIKI_HOME = wiki WIKIDOC_HOME = wikidoc WIKI_DIR = ${WIKI_HOME}/${LANGID} OUTPUT_DIR = ${LANGPAIR} WIKI_TXT = ${WIKI_DIR}/${WIKISOURCE}.${LANGID}.${PART}.gz WIKI_DOC = ${WIKIDOC_HOME}/${LANGID}/${WIKISOURCE}.${LANGID}.gz WIKI_SRC = ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${WIKISOURCE}.${PART}_${MODELNAME}.${LANGPAIR}.${SRC}.gz WIKI_PRE = ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${WIKISOURCE}.${PART}_${MODELNAME}.${LANGPAIR}.${SRC}.spm.gz WIKI_TRG = ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${WIKISOURCE}.${PART}_${MODELNAME}.${LANGPAIR}.${TRG}.gz WIKI_LATEST_SRC = ${OUTPUT_DIR}/latest/${WIKISOURCE}.${PART}.${LANGPAIR}.${SRC}.gz WIKI_LATEST_TRG = ${OUTPUT_DIR}/latest/${WIKISOURCE}.${PART}.${LANGPAIR}.${TRG}.gz ## all parts of this wiki PARTS = ${sort ${patsubst ${WIKI_DIR}/${WIKISOURCE}.${LANGID}.%.gz,%,${wildcard ${WIKI_DIR}/${WIKISOURCE}.${LANGID}.*.gz}}} ## don't delete translated text if the process crashes .PRECIOUS: ${WIKI_TRG} ## find wiki downloads ifneq (${wildcard index.html},) WIKI_JSON = $(shell grep -o '${LANGID}${WIKISOURCE}-[0-9]*-cirrussearch-content.json.gz' index.html | head -1) endif ## we don't need to keep the json file .INTERMEDIATE: ${WIKI_JSON} ${WIKI_PRE} ## find UDPipe model ifndef UDPIPE_MODELS UDPIPE_MODELS=/projappl/nlpl/software/modules/udpipe/1.2.1-devel/models endif LANGNAME = ${shell ${LOAD_MODULES} ${ISO639} -n ${LANGID} | sed 's/"//g' | \ cut -f1 -d';' | tr ' ' '-' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'} ifeq (${LANGNAME},) LANGNAME = xx endif ifneq (${wildcard ${UDPIPE_MODELS}},) UDPIPE_MODEL = ${notdir $(shell ${LOAD_MODULES} find ${UDPIPE_MODELS}/ -name "${LANGNAME}*.udpipe" | head -1)} endif all: index.html ${MAKE} ${WIKI_LATEST_TRG} ${MAKE} ${WIKI_LATEST_SRC} ## store wikidata on allas to make them accessible for everyone ## requires configuration for allas project OPUS-MT store-wikidocs: cd wikidoc && a-put -b OPUS-MT-bt-wikidoc --nc --follow-links --override * swift post OPUS-MT-bt-wikidoc --read-acl ".r:*" store-wiki: cd wiki && a-put -b OPUS-MT-bt-wiki --nc --follow-links --override * swift post OPUS-MT-bt-wiki --read-acl ".r:*" fetch-wiki fetch: mkdir -p wiki ${WGET} -O wiki/${SRC}.tar https://object.pouta.csc.fi/OPUS-MT-bt-wiki/${SRC}.tar tar -C wiki -xf wiki/${SRC}.tar rm -f wiki/${SRC}.tar fetch-wikidoc: mkdir -p wikidoc ${WGET} -O wikidoc/${SRC}.tar https://object.pouta.csc.fi/OPUS-MT-bt-wikidoc/${SRC}.tar tar -C wikidoc -xf wikidoc/${SRC}.tar rm -f wikidoc/${SRC}.tar ## tatoeba = tatoeba-monolingual data and tatoeba-models ## TODO: should we loop over all labels? %-tatoeba: ${MAKE} WIKI_HOME=../work-tatoeba/data/mono \ WIKISOURCES="wikipedia wikibooks wikinews wikiquote wikisource" \ MODELSDIR=../models-tatoeba \ ${@:-tatoeba=} # %-tatoeba: # ${MAKE} WIKI_HOME=wiki-iso639-3 \ # WIKIDOC_HOME=wikidoc-iso639-3 \ # MODELSDIR=../models-tatoeba \ # ${@:-tatoeba=} ## make ISO639-3 conform file links wiki-iso639: for l in ${WIKILANGS}; do \ i=`iso639 -3 -n $$l`; \ mkdir -p wiki-iso639-3/$$i; \ for d in `ls wiki/$$l/*.gz`; do \ ln -s ${PWD}/$$d wiki-iso639-3/$$i/`basename $$d | sed "s/\.$$l\.\(..\.gz\)/.$$i.\1/"`; \ done \ done wiki-iso639-doc: for l in ${WIKILANGS}; do \ i=`iso639 -3 -n $$l`; \ mkdir -p wikidoc-iso639-3/$$i; \ for d in `ls wikidoc/$$l/*.gz`; do \ ln -s ${PWD}/$$d wikidoc-iso639-3/$$i/`basename $$d | sed "s/\.$$l\.\(..\.gz\)/.$$i.\1/"`; \ done \ done # WIKISOURCES = wiki wikibooks wikinews wikiquote wikisource wiktionary WIKISOURCES = wiki wikibooks wikinews wikiquote wikisource .PHONY: translate-all-wikis translate-all-wikis: ${LANGPAIR}/${MODELNAME}/decoder.yml for w in ${WIKISOURCES}; do \ ${MAKE} WIKISOURCE=$$w extract-text; \ echo "find ${WIKI_DIR} -name '$$w.${LANGID}.${PART}.gz'"; \ if [ `find ${WIKI_DIR} -name "$$w.${LANGID}.${PART}.gz" | wc -l` -gt 0 ]; then \ echo "${MAKE} WIKISOURCE=$$w translate"; \ ${MAKE} WIKISOURCE=$$w translate; \ fi \ done .PHONY: translate-all-wikiparts translate-all-wikiparts: ${LANGPAIR}/${MODELNAME}/decoder.yml for w in ${WIKISOURCES}; do \ ${MAKE} WIKISOURCE=$$w extract-text; \ echo "find ${WIKI_DIR} -name '$$w.${LANGID}.${PART}.gz'"; \ if [ `find ${WIKI_DIR} -name "$$w.${LANGID}.${PART}.gz" | wc -l` -gt 0 ]; then \ echo "${MAKE} WIKISOURCE=$$w translate-all-parts"; \ ${MAKE} WIKISOURCE=$$w translate-all-parts; \ fi \ done translate-all-wikis-jobs: ${LANGPAIR}/${MODELNAME}/decoder.yml for w in ${WIKISOURCES}; do \ ${MAKE} WIKISOURCE=$$w extract-text; \ echo "find ${WIKI_DIR} -name '$$w.${LANGID}.${PART}.gz'"; \ if [ `find ${WIKI_DIR} -name "$$w.${LANGID}.${PART}.gz" | wc -l` -gt 0 ]; then \ echo "${MAKE} WIKISOURCE=$$w translate"; \ ${MAKE} WIKISOURCE=$$w HPC_MEM=4g HPC_CORES=1 WALLTIME=72 translate.submit; \ fi \ done translate-all-wikiparts-jobs: ${LANGPAIR}/${MODELNAME}/decoder.yml for w in ${WIKISOURCES}; do \ ${MAKE} WIKISOURCE=$$w extract-text; \ echo "find ${WIKI_DIR} -name '$$w.${LANGID}.${PART}.gz'"; \ if [ `find ${WIKI_DIR} -name "$$w.${LANGID}.${PART}.gz" | wc -l` -gt 0 ]; then \ echo "${MAKE} WIKISOURCE=$$w translate-all-parts"; \ ${MAKE} WIKISOURCE=$$w HPC_MEM=4g HPC_CORES=1 WALLTIME=72 translate-all-parts-jobs; \ fi \ done all-wikitext: for w in ${WIKISOURCES}; do \ ${MAKE} WIKISOURCE=$$w extract-text; \ done all-wikilangs: index.html for l in ${WIKILANGS}; do \ ${MAKE} LANGID=$$l extract-text; \ done all-wikilangs-fast: index.html for l in ${WIKILANGS}; do \ ${MAKE} SENTSPLITTER="${MOSESSCRIPTS}/ems/support/split-sentences.perl -l $$l" \ LANGID=$$l extract-text; \ done all-wikis-all-langs: index.html for l in ${WIKILANGS}; do \ for w in ${WIKISOURCES}; do \ ${MAKE} WIKISOURCE=$$w LANGID=$$l extract-text; \ done \ done ## aux function to print the selected modelname .PHONY: print-modelname print-modelname: @echo ${MODELNAME} @echo ${MODELZIP} @echo "${sort ${wildcard ${MODELHOME}/*-20*.zip}}" all-wikidocs-all-langs: index.html for l in ${WIKILANGS}; do \ for w in ${WIKISOURCES}; do \ ${MAKE} SRC=$$l WIKISOURCE=$$w extract-doc; \ done \ done ## nordic language wikis all-nordic-wikidocs: for l in da et fi fo is nn no sv; do \ for w in ${WIKISOURCES}; do \ ${MAKE} SRC=$$l WIKISOURCE=$$w extract-doc; \ done \ done # ar: Arabic # bg: Bulgarian # de: German # el: Greek # en: English # es: Spanish # fr: French # hi: Hindi # ru: Russian # sw: Swahili # th: Thai # tr: Turkish # ur: Urdu # vi: Vietnamese # zh: Chinese (Simplified) xnli-wikidocs: for l in ar bg de el en es fr hi ru sw th tr ur vi zh; do \ for w in ${WIKISOURCES}; do \ ${MAKE} SRC=$$l WIKISOURCE=$$w extract-doc; \ done \ done ## en and es are too big to run through udpipe .... big-wikidocs: for l in en es; do \ ${MAKE} SENTSPLITTER="${MOSESSCRIPTS}/ems/support/split-sentences.perl -l $$l" \ SRC=$$l WIKISOURCE=wiki extract-doc; \ done big-fr-wikidocs: for l in fr; do \ ${MAKE} SENTSPLITTER="${MOSESSCRIPTS}/ems/support/split-sentences.perl -l $$l" \ SRC=$$l WIKISOURCE=wiki extract-doc; \ done #big-wikidocs: # for l in ca cs el en es; do \ # ${MAKE} SENTSPLITTER="${MOSESSCRIPTS}/ems/support/split-sentences.perl -l $$l" \ # SRC=$$l WIKISOURCE=wiki extract-doc; \ # done translate-thl: ${MAKE} WIKI_DIR=thl/${SRC} \ OUTPUT_DIR=thl/${SRC}-${TRG} \ WIKISOURCE=thl \ HPC_MEM=4g HPC_CORES=1 WALLTIME=72 \ translate.submit fetch-celtic: for l in ga cy br gd kw gv; do \ ${MAKE} SRC=$$l TRG=en MODELHOME=../models/ga+cy+br+gd+kw+gv-en all-wikitext; \ done ## translate celtic languages using our multilingual model ## in both directions translate-celtic-english: for l in ga cy br gd kw gv; do \ ${MAKE} SRC=$$l TRG=en MODELHOME=../models/ga+cy+br+gd+kw+gv-en all-wikis; \ done translate-english-celtic: for l in ga cy br gd kw gv; do \ ${MAKE} TRG=$$l SRC=en \ MODELHOME=../models/en-ga+cy+br+gd+kw+gv \ MULTI_TARGET_MODEL=1 \ HPC_MEM=4g HPC_CORES=1 WALLTIME=72 translate.submit; \ done translate-english-celtic-missing: for l in gd; do \ ${MAKE} TRG=$$l SRC=en \ MODELHOME=../models/en-ga+cy+br+gd+kw+gv \ MULTI_TARGET_MODEL=1 \ HPC_MEM=4g HPC_CORES=1 WALLTIME=72 translate.submit; \ done # test-celtic: # for l in ga cy br gd kw gv; do \ # ${MAKE} SRC=$$l TRG=en MODELHOME=../models/ga+cy+br+gd+kw+gv-en print-modelname; \ # done ## for Breton: use the multilingual celtic model to backtranslate breton: ${MAKE} SRC=br TRG=en MODELHOME=../models/ga+cy+br+gd+kw+gv-en all-wikis assamese-english: ${MAKE} SRC=as TRG=en MODELHOME=${HOME}/research/Opus-MT-train/work/models/as-en all-wikis english-assamese: ${MAKE} SRC=en TRG=as MODELHOME=${HOME}/research/Opus-MT-train/work/models/en-as translate.submit small-romance: for l in wa frp oc ca rm lld fur lij lmo gl lad an mwl co nap scn vec sc la; do \ ${MAKE} SRC=$$l TRG=en MODELHOME=../models/fr+fr_BE+fr_CA+fr_FR+wa+frp+oc+ca+rm+lld+fur+lij+lmo+es+es_AR+es_CL+es_CO+es_CR+es_DO+es_EC+es_ES+es_GT+es_HN+es_MX+es_NI+es_PA+es_PE+es_PR+es_SV+es_UY+es_VE+pt+pt_br+pt_BR+pt_PT+gl+lad+an+mwl+it+it_IT+co+nap+scn+vec+sc+ro+la-en all-wikis; \ done # Tagalog (tl, tgl), Central Bikol (bcl), Malayalam (ml, mal), Bengali (bn, ben), and Mongolian (mn, mon) wikimedia-focus-wikis: for l in tl bcl ml bn mn; do \ ${MAKE} SRC=$$l TRG=en all-wikis; \ done finland-focus-wikis: for l in ru et so ku fa sq vi th pl tr es ar; do \ ${MAKE} SRC=$$l TRG=fi all-wikitext; \ done uralic-wiki-texts: for l in se kv vep; do \ ${MAKE} SRC=$$l TRG=en all-wikitext; \ done # should be included: vep uralic-wikis: for s in se kv vep; do \ for t in se sma smn sms smj vep et fi kv krl nb no nn ru sv en; do \ if [ "$$s" != "$$t" ]; then \ ${MAKE} SRC=$$s TRG=$$t \ MULTI_TARGET_MODEL=1 \ MODELHOME=${HOME}/research/Opus-MT-train/work/models/se+sma+smj+smn+sms+vep+et+fi+kv+krl+nb+no+nn+ru+sv+en-se+sma+smj+smn+sms+vep++et+fi+kv+krl+nb+no+nn+ru+sv+en \ all-wikis; \ fi \ done \ done # fetch sami corpora from giellatekno sami-corp: for l in sme sma smn sms smj; do \ ${MAKE} SRC=$$l giellatekno/$$l/corp.$$l.aa.gz; \ done giellatekno/${SRC}/corp.${SRC}.aa.gz: ${MAKE} victorio.uit.no/biggies/trunk/langs/${SRC} mkdir -p ${dir $@} find victorio.uit.no/biggies/trunk/langs/${SRC}/corp -type f -regex '.*/[^.]*.txt' |\ xargs cat | grep . | sed 's/ ¶//' |\ $(TOKENIZER)/detokenizer.perl -l fi | \ split -l ${SPLIT_SIZE} - giellatekno/${SRC}/corp.${SRC}. gzip -f giellatekno/${SRC}/corp.${SRC}.* victorio.uit.no/biggies/trunk/langs/${SRC}: ${WGET} -r -np https://victorio.uit.no/biggies/trunk/langs/${SRC}/corp giellatekno/se: giellatekno/sme -cd giellatekno && ln -s sme se -cd giellatekno/sme && ln -s corp.sme.aa.gz corp.se.aa.gz # cleanup-uralic: # for s in se sma smn sms smj kv krl vep; do \ # rm -fr $$s-$$s; \ # done translate-sami: translate-sami-wiki translate-sami-corp translate-sami-corp: sami-corp giellatekno/se for s in se sma smn sms smj; do \ for t in se sma smn sms smj et fi kv krl nb no nn ru sv en; do \ if [ "$$s" != "$$t" ]; then \ ${MAKE} SRC=$$s TRG=$$t \ WIKI_DIR=giellatekno/$$s \ WIKISOURCE=corp \ MULTI_TARGET_MODEL=1 \ MODELHOME=${HOME}/research/Opus-MT-train/work/models/se+sma+smj+smn+sms+vep+et+fi+kv+krl+nb+no+nn+ru+sv+en-se+sma+smj+smn+sms+vep+et+fi+kv+krl+nb+no+nn+ru+sv+en \ HPC_MEM=4g HPC_CORES=1 WALLTIME=72 \ translate.submit; \ fi \ done \ done translate-sami-wiki: for s in se; do \ for t in se sma smn sms smj vep et fi kv krl nb no nn ru sv en; do \ if [ "$$s" != "$$t" ]; then \ ${MAKE} SRC=$$s TRG=$$t \ MULTI_TARGET_MODEL=1 \ MODELHOME=${HOME}/research/Opus-MT-train/work/models/se+sma+smj+smn+sms+vep+et+fi+kv+krl+nb+no+nn+ru+sv+en-se+sma+smj+smn+sms+vep+et+fi+kv+krl+nb+no+nn+ru+sv+en \ HPC_MEM=4g HPC_CORES=1 WALLTIME=72 \ translate.submit; \ fi \ done \ done for s in no nn ru sv en; do \ for t in se sma smn sms smj; do \ if [ "$$s" != "$$t" ]; then \ ${MAKE} SRC=$$s TRG=$$t \ MULTI_TARGET_MODEL=1 \ MODELHOME=${HOME}/research/Opus-MT-train/work/models/se+sma+smj+smn+sms+vep+et+fi+kv+krl+nb+no+nn+ru+sv+en-se+sma+smj+smn+sms+vep+et+fi+kv+krl+nb+no+nn+ru+sv+en \ HPC_MEM=4g HPC_CORES=1 WALLTIME=72 \ translate.submit; \ fi \ done \ done ### NEWNEWNEW translate-sami-xx-wiki: for s in se; do \ for t in sma smn sms smj fi no sv; do \ ${MAKE} SRC=$$s TRG=$$t \ MULTI_TARGET_MODEL=1 \ MODELHOME=${HOME}/research/Opus-MT-train/models/se+sma+smj+smn+sms-fi+nb+no+nn+ru+sv+en \ HPC_MEM=4g HPC_CORES=1 WALLTIME=72 \ translate.submit; \ done \ done translate-sami-xx-corp: sami-corp giellatekno/se for s in se sma smn sms smj; do for t in fi no sv; do \ if [ "$$s" != "$$t" ]; then \ ${MAKE} SRC=$$s TRG=$$t \ WIKI_DIR=giellatekno/$$s \ WIKISOURCE=corp \ MULTI_TARGET_MODEL=1 \ MODELHOME=${HOME}/research/Opus-MT-train/models/se+sma+smj+smn+sms-fi+nb+no+nn+ru+sv+en \ HPC_MEM=4g HPC_CORES=1 WALLTIME=72 \ translate.submit; \ fi \ done \ done translate-xx-sami-wiki: for s in fi no nn sv; do \ for t in se sma smn sms smj; do \ ${MAKE} SRC=$$s TRG=$$t \ MULTI_TARGET_MODEL=1 \ MODELHOME=${HOME}/research/Opus-MT-train/models/fi+nb+no+nn+ru+sv+en-se+sma+smj+smn+sms \ HPC_MEM=4g HPC_CORES=1 WALLTIME=72 \ translate.submit; \ done \ done get-data: ${WIKI_JSON} extract-text: ${WIKI_TXT} extract-doc: ${WIKI_DOC} prepare-model: ${LANGPAIR}/${MODELNAME}/decoder.yml prepare-data: ${WIKI_PRE} translate: ${WIKI_LATEST_TRG} ${MAKE} ${WIKI_LATEST_SRC} ## translate all parts translate-all-parts: ${LANGPAIR}/${MODELNAME}/decoder.yml for p in ${PARTS}; do \ ${MAKE} PART=$$p translate; \ done ## create jobs for translating all parts translate-all-parts-jobs: ${LANGPAIR}/${MODELNAME}/decoder.yml for p in ${PARTS}; do \ ${MAKE} PART=$$p translate.submit; \ done print-names: echo ${LANGNAME} echo ${UDPIPE_MODEL} echo ${WIKI_JSON} echo ${MODELNAME} ## fetch the latest model ## ---> TODO: should we fetch from ObjectStorage instead? ${LANGPAIR}/${MODELNAME}/decoder.yml: ifneq (${MODELZIP},) mkdir -p ${dir $@} cp ${MODELZIP} ${dir $@} cd ${dir $@} && unzip *.zip endif ## pre-process data ## ---> TODO: does that work for multilingual data that need prefix? ifeq (${MULTI_TARGET_MODEL},1) PREPROCESS_ARGS = ${SRC} ${TRG} ${LANGPAIR}/${MODELNAME}/source.spm else PREPROCESS_ARGS = ${SRC} ${LANGPAIR}/${MODELNAME}/source.spm endif ${OUTPUT_DIR}/%.${PART}_${MODELNAME}.${LANGPAIR}.${SRC}.spm.gz: ${WIKI_DIR}/%.${SRC}.${PART}.gz ifneq (${MODELZIP},) mkdir -p ${dir $@} ${MAKE} ${LANGPAIR}/${MODELNAME}/decoder.yml ${GZCAT} $< |\ grep -v '[<>{}]' |\ ${LANGPAIR}/${MODELNAME}/preprocess.sh ${PREPROCESS_ARGS} |\ perl -e 'while (<>){next if (split(/\s+/)>${MAX_LENGTH});print;}' |\ head -${MAX_SENTENCES} |\ gzip -c > $@ endif ## merge SentencePiece segments in the source text ## (Why? because we filter out some data from the original wiki text, see above) ${WIKI_SRC}: ${WIKI_PRE} ifneq (${MODELZIP},) mkdir -p ${dir $@} ${GZCAT} $< |\ sed 's/ //g;s/▁/ /g' | \ sed 's/^ *//;s/ *$$//' |\ sed 's/^>>[a-z]*<< //' |\ gzip -c > $@ endif ## remove prefix from latest translation files ALL_LATEST = ${wildcard */latest/*.gz} fix-prefix: for d in ${ALL_LATEST}; do \ echo "fix $$d"; \ ${ZCAT} $$d | sed 's/^>>[a-z]*<< //' > $$d.fixed; \ cat $$d.fixed | gzip -c > $$d; \ rm -f $$d.fixed; \ done ## overwrite the file with the latest translations ## --> this allows multiple translation iterations ## without duplicating the data we want to use in MT training ${WIKI_LATEST_SRC}: ${WIKI_SRC} mkdir -p ${dir $@} cp $< $@ ${WIKI_LATEST_TRG}: ${WIKI_TRG} mkdir -p ${dir $@} cp $< $@ ## translate %.${LANGPAIR}.${TRG}.gz: %.${LANGPAIR}.${SRC}.spm.gz ifneq (${MODELZIP},) mkdir -p ${dir $@} ${MAKE} ${LANGPAIR}/${MODELNAME}/decoder.yml ${LOAD_ENV} && cd ${LANGPAIR}/${MODELNAME} && ${MARIAN_DECODER} \ -i ${PWD}/$< \ -c decoder.yml \ -d ${MARIAN_GPUS} \ ${MARIAN_DECODER_FLAGS} |\ sed 's/ //g;s/▁/ /g' | sed 's/^ *//;s/ *$$//' |\ gzip -c > ${PWD}/$@ #ifneq (${LANGPAIR},) #ifneq (${MODELNAME},) # rm -fr ${LANGPAIR}/${MODELNAME} #endif #endif endif ## index of all downloadable files index.html: ${WGET} -nv -O $@ https://dumps.wikimedia.org/other/cirrussearch/current ## wiki in json format ${WIKI_JSON}: ${WGET} -nv https://dumps.wikimedia.org/other/cirrussearch/current/${WIKI_JSON} ## languages with nonbreaking prefix files ## (i.e. support for the Moses sentence splitter) # ca cs de el en es fi fr ga hu is it lt lv nl pl pt ro ru sk sl sv ta yue zh # MOSES_LANGS = ca cs de el en es fi fr ga hu is it lt lv nl pl pt ro ru sk sl sv ta yue zh MOSES_LANGS = ca cs de el en es fi fr ga hu is it lt lv nl pl pt ro ru sk sl sv ta ## check whether there is a UDPipe model ## and LANGID is not supported by moses tools (they are much faster!) ifneq (${UDPIPE_MODEL},) ifneq ($(filter-out ${MOSES_LANGS},${LANGID}),) SENTSPLITTER = udpipe --input=horizontal --tokenize \ ${UDPIPE_MODELS}/${UDPIPE_MODEL} |\ grep '^\# *text *= *\|\# newpar' |\ sed 's/^\# *text *= *//' endif endif ## fallback = moses tools SENTSPLITTER ?= sed 's/^ *$$/\# newpar/' | \ ${MOSESSCRIPTS}/ems/support/split-sentences.perl -l ${LANGID} |\ sed -e "s/\# newpar/\n\# newpar\n/g" ## extract sentences and normalize ## - requires jq, udpipe, and moses-scripts ${WIKI_TXT}: ${WIKI_JSON} mkdir -p ${dir $@} ${LOAD_MODULES} \ ${GZCAT} $< | ${JQ} -r '.text' | \ grep -v 'null' |\ grep -v '[<>{}]' |\ ${SENTSPLITTER} |\ $(TOKENIZER)/replace-unicode-punctuation.perl |\ $(TOKENIZER)/remove-non-printing-char.perl |\ sed 's/ */ /g;s/^ *//g;s/ *$$//g' |\ python3 ../scripts/filter/mono-match-lang.py -l ${LANGID} |\ ${SORT} -u | ${SHUFFLE} |\ split -l ${SPLIT_SIZE} - ${patsubst %${PART}.gz,%,$@} gzip -f ${patsubst %${PART}.gz,%,$@}* # $(TOKENIZER)/normalize-punctuation.perl |\ ${WIKI_DOC}: ${WIKI_JSON} mkdir -p ${dir $@} ${LOAD_MODULES} \ ${GZCAT} $< | ${JQ} -r '.text' | \ sed 's/^ *null *$$//' |\ grep -v '[<>{}]' |\ ${SENTSPLITTER} |\ $(TOKENIZER)/replace-unicode-punctuation.perl |\ $(TOKENIZER)/remove-non-printing-char.perl |\ sed 's/ */ /g;s/^ *//g;s/ *$$//g' |\ sed 's/^# newpar$$//' |\ python3 ../scripts/filter/mono-match-lang.py -l ${LANGID} |\ gzip -c > $@ check-length: for d in `find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -name '*-*' -printf "%f "`; do \ s=`echo $$d | cut -f1 -d'-'`; \ t=`echo $$d | cut -f2 -d'-'`; \ echo "check $$d"; \ for S in `ls $$d/*.$$s.gz`; do \ T=`echo $$S | sed 's/.$$s.gz/.$$t.gz/'`; \ echo "$$S -- $$T"; \ ${GZCAT} $$S | wc -l; \ ${GZCAT} $$T | wc -l; \ if [ `${GZCAT} $$S | wc -l` != `${GZCAT} $$T | wc -l` ]; then \ echo "$$S != $$T"; \ fi \ done \ done ## OLD: without splitting into parts # # ${WIKI_TXT}: ${WIKI_JSON} # ${LOAD_MODULES} \ # ${ZCAT} $< | ${JQ} -r '.text' | \ # grep -v 'null' |\ # ${SENTSPLITTER} |\ # $(TOKENIZER)/replace-unicode-punctuation.perl |\ # $(TOKENIZER)/remove-non-printing-char.perl |\ # $(TOKENIZER)/normalize-punctuation.perl |\ # sed 's/ */ /g;s/^ *//g;s/ *$$//g' |\ # gzip -c > $@ # afrikaans-afribooms-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe af # ancient_greek-perseus-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe # ancient_greek-proiel-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe # arabic-padt-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe ar # armenian-armtdp-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe # basque-bdt-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe eo # belarusian-hse-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe # bulgarian-btb-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe bg # catalan-ancora-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe ca # chinese-gsd-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe zh # classical_chinese-kyoto-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe zh_tw # coptic-scriptorium-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe # croatian-set-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe hr # czech-cac-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe cs # czech-cltt-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe cs # czech-fictree-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe cs # czech-pdt-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe cs # danish-ddt-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe da # dutch-alpino-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe nl # dutch-lassysmall-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe nl # english-ewt-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe en # english-gum-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe en # english-lines-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe en # english-partut-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe en # estonian-edt-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe et # estonian-ewt-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe et # finnish-ftb-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe fi # finnish-tdt-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe fi # french-gsd-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe fr # french-partut-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe fr # french-sequoia-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe fr # french-spoken-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe fr # galician-ctg-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe gl # galician-treegal-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe gl # german-gsd-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe de # gothic-proiel-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe # greek-gdt-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe el # hebrew-htb-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe he # hindi-hdtb-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe hi # hungarian-szeged-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe hu # indonesian-gsd-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe id # irish-idt-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe cy # italian-isdt-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe it # italian-partut-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe it # italian-postwita-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe it # italian-vit-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe it # japanese-gsd-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe ja # korean-gsd-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe ko # korean-kaist-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe ko # latin-ittb-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe la # latin-perseus-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe la # latin-proiel-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe la # latvian-lvtb-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe lv # lithuanian-alksnis-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe lt # lithuanian-hse-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe lt # maltese-mudt-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe mt # marathi-ufal-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe # north_sami-giella-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe # norwegian-bokmaal-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe nb # norwegian-nynorsklia-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe nn # norwegian-nynorsk-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe nn # old_church_slavonic-proiel-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe # old_french-srcmf-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe # old_russian-torot-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe # persian-seraji-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe fa # polish-lfg-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe pl # polish-pdb-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe pl # portuguese-bosque-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe pt # portuguese-gsd-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe pt # romanian-nonstandard-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe ro # romanian-rrt-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe ro # russian-gsd-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe ru # russian-syntagrus-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe ru # russian-taiga-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe ru # serbian-set-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe sr # slovak-snk-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe sk # slovenian-ssj-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe sl # slovenian-sst-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe sl # spanish-ancora-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe es # spanish-gsd-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe es # swedish-lines-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe sv # swedish-talbanken-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe sv # tamil-ttb-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe # telugu-mtg-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe # turkish-imst-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe tr # ukrainian-iu-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe # urdu-udtb-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe # uyghur-udt-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe # vietnamese-vtb-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe vi # wolof-wtb-ud-2.4-190531.udpipe # https://dumps.wikimedia.org/other/cirrussearch/current/afwiki-20191209-cirrussearch-content.json.gz # https://dumps.wikimedia.org/other/cirrussearch/current/afwiki-20191209-cirrussearch-general.json.gz # https://dumps.wikimedia.org/other/cirrussearch/current/afwikibooks-20191209-cirrussearch-content.json.gz # https://dumps.wikimedia.org/other/cirrussearch/current/afwikibooks-20191209-cirrussearch-general.json.gz # https://dumps.wikimedia.org/other/cirrussearch/current/afwikiquote-20191209-cirrussearch-content.json.gz # https://dumps.wikimedia.org/other/cirrussearch/current/afwikiquote-20191209-cirrussearch-general.json.gz # https://dumps.wikimedia.org/other/cirrussearch/current/afwiktionary-20191209-cirrussearch-content.json.gz # https://dumps.wikimedia.org/other/cirrussearch/current/afwiktionary-20191209-cirrussearch-general.json.gz # 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