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This is an old Scottish song.
I dislike people.
Layla went to prison again.
He sent me a letter.
He was a cruel man.
Edison invented the light bulb.
You aren't afraid, are you?
Layla wanted to have at least four children.
I'm having difficulties.
Mary is my type of woman.
Australia is smaller than South America.
It seems that he is interested in astronomy.
Can you close the windows, please?
I don't know what love is.
I was born in Tokyo in 1968.
You will find this lesson easy.
Where's your computer?
Accuracy is important in arithmetic.
My family are all athletic.
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
I need help.
Tom doesn't want to buy anything else.
What happened can't be undone.
A mirror reflects light.
He guessed the answers with great accuracy.
The summer grass covers the ground.
I love my wife.
They live in a great house.
The classroom was empty.
I have an uncle who does that.
The distance between stars is measured in light years.
"What time is it?" "It is ten-thirty."
U.S.S.R. stands for the "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics."
Happy New Year!
Tom and Mary became lifelong friends.
Sami can understand that.
Layla's plan was to apologize.
Tom didn't offer us anything to drink.
She advises him on how to stay healthy.
I can't talk to them.
Can someone open the door, please?
To which of these boys will you give the book?
Believe it or not, I'm not sarcastic this time.
I've seen you somewhere before.
This is not a toy!
I'm sure you're mistaken.
Tom isn't allowed to do just anything he wants.
Layla believed Sami was crazy.
They really loved me.
This dog isn't mine.
Where do you buy your dresses?
If anyone can do that, Tom can.
I want to be an astronaut.
We have three airplanes.
Layla looked at Sami.
I ordinarily don't drink coffee.
You may choose whichever you want.
Do you want to hear a joke?
Mary will pass the exam, if she prepares well.
Tom and Mary go to school together almost every morning.
The mother extended her hand to her baby, smiling brightly.
They call me Figaro because I eat so many figs everyday.
Tom and Mary are Canadians.
Why wasn't Tom here today?
I thought you were going to keep Tom here until I got back.
All right, we'll meet at five.
If geometry is the science of space, what is the science of time?
So, you're not too bored?
Aren't you free on Mondays?
His aunt has three cats.
Layla wore a long dress.
Is this important?
I have to stop them.
Do you know where I can buy one of those?
I'm learning the Basque language.
Tom dresses well.
Thank you very much!
Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.
The new milk commercial is an attack on human psychology.
Who else, other than you, knows about Tom's past?
Tom is a student, too.
I didn't know Tom did that.
If you'd known, you would have told me, wouldn't you?
What do chimpanzees eat?
I wanted to go to the concert.
Oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it.
Maybe Tom thinks I'm dead.
Who did you ask for help?
Listen to the birds.
Tom is in the laboratory now.
He is the last man to deceive me.
I'd love to dance with you.
There are many who won't agree with every decision or policy I make as president.
The singer has a beautiful voice.
"Trees haven't souls," said practical Diana.
He finally arrived!
Your French is good enough.
It is very cold here.
Doing that was unnecessary.
What will you drink?
Tom never seems to get angry.
I can get a gun for you within five hours.
Have you received an answer from Tom?
What is the exchange rate?
The train arrived on time.
The thought crossed my mind.
My name is Sally.
One learns by teaching.
I met too many people to remember all their names.
I don't know anything about Japan.
Tom has lost the will to live.
He's three years older than I am.
I'm teaching Basque.
You'll be able to notice.
You know what Tom said, don't you?
Bilbao is a city in the Basque Country
Is it January already?
His name is known all over the world.
Are those Tom's sons?
I guess that'll be OK.
What's that noise?
I declare Allan as our vice president.
Ask Tom.
I tried to cheer her up, but she did nothing but cry.
My beloved is crying.
Creationism is a pseudo-science.
Tom called Mary this morning.
Tom wants a telescope.
All that glitters is not gold.
I'm used to swimming in the lake.
I have never met my children.
I've got to see it.
It is raining today.
Seven policemen died.
I drank too much coffee today.
This won't hurt.
Aren't you finished?
This is my money.
I would have never met you if I hadn't broken my leg.
I know you're going to say no.
Let's speak English.
I'm sure it can be done.
This is my favorite shirt.
I do not like science.
Please do not enter the room without knocking.
I went to the hospital to have me checked so that they can find the cause of my disease.
Helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon are noble gases.
Look at the girl whose hair is long.
I imagine you must be very tired.
Another problem is where to stop the car.
She hates running.
Who wants hot chocolate?
Cleaning is necessary.
"Trees haven't souls," said practical Diana.
Tom would have been here if he knew he needed to be.
Dance with him!
I love my mom.
Layla doesn't remember anything from that night.
This isn't for me.
He assured me that I would be safe during the flood.
If I'd known we were going to take a photo, I'd have dressed better than this.
We don't want anything from you.
The sun is much bigger than the earth.
"What time is it now?" "It's 3:30."
I ask a lot of questions.
We don't really know Tom.
He is my king.
What is the cost of the cleaning?
Can someone tell me where the keyboard is?
What a beautiful Sunday to read in the sun.
Those girls over there are my sisters.
That's happening far too often.
I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
The boy throws a stone.
Shakespeare said: "Navarre shall be the wonder of the world."
Your daughter is a drug addict.
I didn't understand that.
Tom found this clock at a garage sale.
With a little more effort, Tom would have succeeded.
I don't speak Japanese.
You're going to hurt yourself if you aren't careful.
He worked hard at the risk of his health.
Who invented karaoke?
How will you spend the coming three-day holiday?
Tony has a nice voice.
What is the capital of Haiti?
I love Basque.
I like to study Spanish.
Sami and Layla are here to stay.
I think that thirty dollars is too high a price to pay for this.
Armin broke the window.
Her eyes were flooded with tears.
Don't hesitate to ask questions if you don't understand.
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
Some people are for the plan and others are against it.
She is crazy.
We need to find her.
I don't know exactly where I am.
They argue a lot.
Sami spent more time with Layla.
When I was your age, I walked to school every day.
Is he a doctor?
My brother will kill me.
That does not make sense.
Layla lied to protect Sami.
I took an airplane for the first time in my life.
Who did Tom go skiing with?
I studied English very hard day after day.
For today's match, Tom is the goalkeeper.
Tom doesn't ever come here by himself.
What inspires you most?
Where's the justice?
How have you come?
Come here and help me.
Which is the most populated continent in the world?
I have a lot of patients who are older than me.
I know Tom helped Mary.
That's how Tom likes it.
Alive or dead, I'll always love you.
Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.
This box is not as big as that one.
This is a complete waste of time.
If you don't have any money, I'll lend you some.
Tom sleeps with his mouth open.
So many people are talking, but I can't understand what they're saying.
You may choose any book you like.
I thought what Tom did was fantastic.
I will love you always.
Can you show me the definition?
We need to make a big decision.
Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit.
I'm not sure about who to give the present to - the boy, or the girl?
Ready for November?
We are different from animals in that we can speak.
There was no cloud up in the sky.
There's no reason to be afraid.
Tom went quickly up the stairs.
The president announced liberal reforms.
They could never do that.
This isn't my car.
I'm not sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
The shop is on the corner of the street.
You don't have to go with them.
Listen here!
I couldn't stop Tom.
Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.
I'll tell you later.
What's the matter, Jane? You look like you aren't feeling well.
Is there any space for one more person?
Sun and rain, rainbow.
I took a chance and accepted his challenge.
Who did Tom say was lying?
I think I can do that.
What does that person think about me?
The boy was lying on his stomach watching TV.
In China, there's a saying that you can't judge a person by appearance.
Was that another joke?
I'll try to do it as fast as I can.
I'll always love you.
He complained that the soup was too hot.
And that's how my mom met my dad.
I think that's exciting.
Tom said you were good-looking.
You might at least say "thank you."
He has much more money than I have.
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
I hope we don't miss it.
You know why.
He has learnt manners.
Does the bus stop here?
Tom slapped the baker. The baker slapped the butcher. The butcher slapped Mary. And, finally, Mary slapped Tom.
This is just what I wanted.
Was I wrong?
"What time is it?" "It's 3:20."
A life sentence in Indonesia means you're gonna die in prison.
I'll be home in about an hour.
It's important to be able to drive a car these days.
Tatoeba has no "Log Out" button.
Don't worry. Everything's under control.
What makes you think Tom hates you?
The cat was on the table.
The book was about quantum physics.
He's supposed to be dead.
They sweated gallons.
I'm angry about what happened.
All I know is that I was drunk.
I haven't bought any furniture yet.
Does Tom like his parents?
I'd like to find a job in Boston.
Excuse me, where is the library?
What was your first pet's name?
Japan is a beautiful country.
A doctor was sent immediately.
I have visited Kyoto three times.
I cannot hear anything.
That was cooked in oil.
Eleven students received the award.
I would have been late if Tom hadn't given me a ride.
She prefers staying home to going out.
You don't like it?
I thought I heard someone banging on the wall.
Where is your dog?
If anyone can do it, he can.
We always want what we don't have.
He handles horses well.
There is no freedom of religion in this country.
There is a church near my house.
Tom has to go to the hospital.
I've never seen him before.
My girlfriend is Chinese.
This is for keeps.
I've only spoken to Tom once since I got here.
The cat jumped on the table.
I hope this won't happen again.
You guys know me.
He'll die if we don't help him.
Open your mouth!
Layla was looking for her cellphone.
Tom's mother passed away last week.
Sami dressed up as Batman.
Thanks to you I've lost my appetite.
There is an apple on the desk.
Do you want another glass of wine?
He's very sexy.
I made them very angry.
It's already eleven o'clock. I must be leaving now.
The old man's narrative was punctuated by coughs.
Do you not see the problem here?
Barry already left.
Tom chose a hat.
I was born in Osaka, but brought up in Tokyo.
Rape is always a crime of violence.
I think it won't happen again.
That liquid is harmful.
I finally defeated Tom.
Sami admitted guilt.
My son went to Iran.
I live with my roommate.
Please correct it.
He was tempted to retort, but thought better of it.
I said I was tired.
You have to change the word order.
You're not going to give up, are you?
How do I change the language of a sentence?
A great crowd waited for the president to speak.
Thank you very much!
Tom didn't know what he should say.
Does Tom speak French, too?
He is learning new words.
If you don't have enough money to buy that, I'll lend you some.
I'll never drink again.
Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.
He didn't understand the concept of differential equations.
Does he have money?
I wish people could be more like you.
I think many people do that.
His name is known to everyone in our town.
The angry mob attacked the building.
Are you really going to drink that?
Stop, or I'll shoot.
I broke my finger.
Sami will lose everything.
Needless to say, he never came again.
I know where you live.
Sami didn't do anything wrong.
What do you like?
Layla realized that Sami was alive.
He has more than five dictionaries.
Would you like a dog?
Now, listen!
I lost my passport.
It can't wait until tomorrow.
Tom spent his thirtieth birthday in Boston.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Layla did have a daughter.
I will get in touch with you.
Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.
It's cold.
CO₂ has a lot to do with the so-called greenhouse effect.
Don't even think.
It was so boring that I almost yawned.
Does he have a son?
Tom bought a new house.
We'll have to try something else.
Galileo perfected the early telescope.
Tom speaks perfect German.
I like the same kind of music that Tom does.
If George doesn't stop smoking, he will run the risk of developing lung cancer.
Astronauts wear spacesuits.
Are you going to Australia?
What are your working hours?
Tatoeba was translated into basque in summer 2010.
I built a new house.
Let's discuss what happened last night.
Knowledge makes us free and better people.
I can understand why you don't like Tom.
We had lots of fun at the picnic.
Tom and Mary are doing that now.
This is the word I found in the dictionary.
Don't worry about others.
Please say it in English.
It's not going to be that bad.
Tom's grandfather couldn't read.
Sami spends much of the day alone in the house.
Layla loves her partner.
I'm at home.
Emily is writing a letter.
I don't need anything.
The game ended in a draw with a score 6-6.
He came by car instead of by train.
Sami knew it all.
I've met Tom several times.
What shall I add?
I'm addicted to chocolate and ice cream.
Where are you from?
I thought you said nobody liked Tom.
Tom wanted to do that last week.
Bob was looking for someone to talk with.
The word order has to be changed.
What's happening here is absurd.
Tell him what you know.
Those guys sing well.
Tom leaves his TV on all day.
That's the snag.
You know why.
What are you doing?
He is accustomed to hard work.
I live in Miami.
Layla's face was covered in blood.
Sami was leading two lives.
Tom and Mary won't go to Boston.
What will you drink?
I'm Mary's husband.
If Tom had known about the party, he would have come.
They don't always obey their parents.
They're awake.
There are too many ads on YouTube.
I was born in Boston, but I was brought up in Chicago.
I need to get more food.
The train's late.
They want it for tomorrow.
What happened in the meeting?
Culture destroys languages.
Here is the car.
Tom was amused by the joke.
Tom doesn't know what I do.
He made an important scientific discovery.
This was my fault.
That was ages ago.
I'm an old man.
What is that sound?
We'll all be here again tomorrow.
"May I help you?" "No, thank you. I'm just looking."
Sami kept punching Layla
Sport is good for your health.
That all happened before lunch.
I know Tom did that.
I speak Spanish.
Have you ever been to Paris?
I want to buy books.
We could not see the top of the mountain.
My dad has recently got a cerebral palsy.
I'll tell the truth.
It wasn't mine.
Emily is writing a letter.
Thanks, that's all.
She really loved me.
Sami, please don't let me die.
Mary's dog is very obedient.
This room is cold.
The fox is eating a hen.
This soup tastes good.
This is Tom's house.
We are not scared.
I was deceived by him.
He likes all animals except horses.
Tom is going to help us tomorrow.
Layla's shirt was on Sami's bed.
He ran away with the diamond.
Brains consume 25% of the body's energy.
Tom and Mary didn't complain.
How many brothers do you have?
The house was more expensive than I had expected.
Tom said that he was very busy.
Women's rights are human rights.
Does he drink coffee?
Why is your dog limping?
I would like to become a famous soccer player.
Tim is Tom's twin brother.
I started doing this job four years ago.
Prices seem to be going down.
I'll die if you don't help me.
I'll start my work on the first of July.
Italy is a very beautiful country.
Tom was killed in a car crash.
I study during the day, and in the evening I work.
All that glitters is not gold.
You can use the dictionary.
I killed her.
Tom used to be a cook and a chauffeur in Boston.
Usually Tom can get whatever he wants.
You sure have a lot of free time.
Layla can't have children.
John shall have a holiday one of these days.
Is it bad?
How many brothers do you have?
Layla didn't believe Sami.
It seemed like the whole school raised their hand to bid.
We're scared it'll happen again.
It has been ten years since he died.
I know that Tom wants to get married.
There is freedom of religion in this country.
I need you, Tom.
I never get tired of it.
Tom wasn't sure what happened.
Vienna is a beautiful city.
Europa is a moon of Jupiter.
Layla isn't in love anymore.
I'm not going to use it.
Today's Tom's 30th birthday.
Tom and Mary had fun at the concert.
Tom and Mary need to buy some things.
What did you think I'd do?
Smoking in the restaurant was forbidden.
It's been three years since Tom died.
Tom says he sings tenor.
I didn't think we could do that.
I'm not sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
Australia is a beautiful country.
I was born in Kyoto in 1980.
Do you need help with your homework?
The exam was too difficult for me.
I don't have a lot of patients.
Your French is good enough.
Which one of you two are coming with me?
I don't think I could do that kind of thing.
We won!
Layla had to go.
Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.
He reads a lot of science-fiction.
I don't know. It all happened in an instant.
The cat caught the mouse.
I really love what I do.
I don't care about them.
Do you still not understand what's going on?
Who did you see doing that?
Skin colors, languages, and religions are not genetic groupings.
You may give the ticket to whomever you like.
Is your dog hypoallergenic?
How many home runs has Tom hit?
Check up on the accuracy of this article.
I think I'll always love you.
Tom didn't tell us why we should come.
I've only spoken to Tom once since I got here.
I'll help you, on one condition.
You have beautiful eyes.
Tom likes country music.
There is less time than I thought.
Our relationship was perfect.
That's not what happened here.
Since he was injured in an accident, he could no longer walk.
Execute him.
His secret life came to light at last.
I have lost my wallet.
It's really coming down out there!
It's ideal weather for a picnic.
You should get ready.
Tom and Mary named their third son John.
I was there a year ago.
I'll definitely vote for Tom.
The cathedral is half a millennium old.
I'm at your place.
Am I gonna die?
Tom doesn't remember where he put his passport.
I've been able to read since I was five.
He is suffering from a serious illness.
The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.
Tom is the president of the local astronomy club.
Relax, it's just a scarecrow.
He was the first man to land on the moon.
I don't want to go to school.
Tom should've listened to Mary.
I'm glad to see you back.
They can speak Spanish.
No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.
It's outside your jurisdiction.
Where are the scissors?
Too expensive!
My boss just decided my work was no good.
I was roused by the sound of a bell.
I have a Chinese friend.
Tom was very scared.
Does it rain much in Germany?
I lost my points.
Who else is on the team?
This is a tragedy.
Is that the hat Tom gave you?
How do you say that in Italian?
Sami lived with a ghost.
Happy Independence Day!
Tom has a black cat.
The book is small.
I sat on the sofa.
I was born in Egypt.
Do you like to drink beer?
The game was excellent.
Am I going to see you tomorrow?
Sami still hasn't accepted responsibility.
I'll tell Tom to do that.
Where are you going?
Either Tom is lying or Mary is lying.
I'm waiting for my suitcase.
Will Tom do that?
Tom and Mary have spent a lot of time together.
I thought Tom wasn't nervous doing that.
When did Tom find out that Mary was seeing John?
Everyone has the right to a nationality.
Hire a minivan by the hour.
Neither of them was present at the meeting.
Beethoven was a great musician.
We reported the theft to the police.
I'm not angry about it.
They are Russian.
"Thank you." "You're welcome."
Clive wants to be an electronic engineer.
I didn't sleep well that night.
I don't know how to prove this math equation.
Tom and Mary finished doing that on their own.
My camera is the same as your camera.
Tom knows what he has to say.
I miss you!
The functions sine and cosine take values between -1 and 1 (-1 and 1 included).
Layla started to feel free again.
I wasn't able to understand Tom.
In the long run, you will have to practise more.
How many cars does Tom own?
If you have ever visited Rome, you must have seen the Coliseum.
Tom did that intentionally.
Do you know those men?
I haven't seen you for ages.
I'll wait here until she comes.
The book is too expensive.
He decided to quit smoking.
Would you please tell me how to do that?
Mary is a beautiful girl.
Who invented glasses?
David's sick, right?
It is said that "Hamlet" is the most interesting play ever written.
Sami stole Layla's boat.
I can't afford to go on holiday this year because I'm broke.
Lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, caesium and francium are alkali metals.
Layla just wants to be happy.
It'll take him two days to finish this work.
Have you ever failed an exam?
The bird has not returned.
I looked around me.
I'm writing this on Friday, June 2, 2017 at 10 AM.
Could you please tell me how to do that?
We don't know exactly how Layla died.
Tom should've arrived by now.
Your daughter is a drug addict.
He speaks French perfectly.
You've changed a lot since I've seen you.
The felines run in the savannah.
Tom doesn't know I'm Mary's boyfriend.
I'm very forgetful.
Layla can't open the jar. She only has one hand.
May I leave early?
Ever since I learned about the existence of the university, I wanted to go there.
I have a very small nose.
You are a very interesting interlocutor.
May I borrow your calculator?
Your wife is a very lucky woman.
I thought what Tom did was fantastic.
I think that'll happen.
She has two thousand books.
Tom and Mary are doing that with John.
I came yesterday.
His translation is faithful to the original.
Tom and Mary are doing that.
Layla wanted to go to heaven.
To floop the floop.
Tom's parents live in Boston.
Please make three copies of this page.
Layla cried with Sami.
Something incredible happened.
He got up early in order to attend the meeting.
He dozed off in history class.
Did you know I have a blog?
They can speak Spanish.
Damascus is a beautiful town.
These things aren't mine!
I think it's time to eat.
There are too many bridges in this city.
I love my wife, but I sometimes need to be alone.
I couldn't fall asleep because of the noise.
Call me!
Tom didn't want to leave his house.
Could you please give the baby a bath?
Who invented this machine?
What has actually happened here?
They agreed to look into the causes of the accident.
They forgot my birthday.
Tom is learning Mandarin.
I am learning Basque.
The term 'greenhouse effect' is often used when people talk about global changes of climate nowadays.
My sister has Lyme disease.
These plants are too small. I don't think that they'll grow.
I'll eat it here.
The quantity of stars in the sky is infinite.
Layla eats cockroaches.
If everyone exercised, doctors would be out of business in weeks.
Oh! Show it to me please.
The enemy attacked us at night.
It's very hot here.
Tom is married now.
Can you assure the safety of my children?
It is raining.
I know that Tom can't speak French.
She has a dog and six cats.
Forgive me because I can't accept your love.
You need to take your time.
Tom and Mary have canceled their appointments.
All of a sudden, the door shut with a bang.
Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.
Our people thirst for independence.
I'll respect any decision Tom makes.
I wish you a Happy New Year.
Switzerland is a beautiful country.
Don't you see the sign?
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Jim burned the midnight oil when he was preparing for the examination.
They wouldn't stop torturing me.
This is my money, not yours.
I was born in Osaka in 1977.
How old are you?
I'll be here all afternoon.
Sami was alone in the bathroom.
For example, this is a love song.
I live at home with my parents.
I was born in Hiroshima in 1945.
Tom always needs to have the last word.
Sami saw the story in the paper.
He went to Paris to study French.
Here's a tip for your trouble.
Does Tom know we can't speak French?
He was happy to have passed the examination.
Tell her what you just told me.
My father is out in the garden now.
I'll have to pay for it.
I know you think I'm stupid.
It was in Kyoto that I first met her.
Tom is ambidextrous, isn't he?
Please lend me your book.
That's a big fish.
She sat and lit a cigarette up.
Perhaps she will come tomorrow.
I'm sure Tom could do that.
I'm a teacher.
I live with my uncle.
Layla saved our lives.
Do I have two sisters? I have three sons.
Don't you think it's funny?
I'm at your place.
This bird can imitate the human voice.
Sami looked around and nothing was there.
Please ask Tom to wait in his office.
I have to repair it.
Do you want to continue doing this?
What does that girl think about me?
Is it here that the bus stops?
Tom wasn't ready to do that.
I bought a house in 2013.
We'll be hungry.
Nobody is perfect.
They weren't busy.
I always thought that having a heart attack was the way nature told you to die.
I hope you get one soon.
Do they frighten you?
This is a huge waste of time.
You'll be able to do that easily.
I was born in Kyoto in 1980.
Tom has two computers.
I'll tell the truth.
Tom says he just wants to be happy.
Tom has a son whose name is John.
He has a lot of books on history.
I'm not angry about it.
I have to fix it.
I had fun in Boston.
Differential equations are equations involving derivatives.
She always loves to learn new things.
You must've measured wrong.
We've seen that happen before.
I wanted to be a lawyer.
Those boys over there are my brothers.
If you wanna survive in this prison, you'll have to be a badass.
I didn't have enough money to pay my rent.
You really like comic books, don't you?
I have three sisters; one is a nurse and the others are students.
I'll love you always.
I knew Tom wouldn't be so busy today.
Uranium is used in the production of nuclear power.
He doesn't know how to swim.
Turkey is a beautiful country.
Tom has three cats.
Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.
He is probably running in the park.
He no longer works here.
I want to die with Getter Jaani.
You nailed it.
Tom and I sometimes work together.
Aren't you a singer?
Were you the one who poisoned Tom?
We have three airplanes.
Sami has something for me.
Layla counted to three.
I really hate dairy products.
I want to go to Europe someday.
Parking isn't allowed here.
Tom ate a donut.
He always works hard.
Why are you crying?
I speak English.
This text isn't easy to translate.
I'm utterly convinced of it.
Tom wasn't ready to do that.
I know Spanish, Basque and some English.
I used to try to do that.
I think I can do better.
She liked my jokes.
What is important is not which university you've graduated from but what you've learned in the university.
I don't know what happened that day.
Don't take any notice of what he says.
How about going on a picnic?
Would you like to dance with me?
Forgive me.
Have a nice day!
Will she make it in time?
There was a pink slip waiting for her at the office.
Sorry but I'm going to be late, I'm stuck in traffic!
You never know what to expect from Layla.
He is a doctor.
I am a vegetarian.
They will do what I tell them.
I'll tell you later.
Take this book back to him.
Layla realized what was happening.
I'm going to wash my car.
Love is never wasted.
I have two cats.
Your daughter is a drug addict.
Doing that was difficult.
I was really anxious.
Layla wanted to go to heaven to see her mother.
My camera is a Nikon.
Layla didn't want anyone to hear her.
Snow year, corn year
There can be more than one correct answer.
I like snowboarding.
I think I'll leave early today.
It wasn't my fault.
What are you going to do tonight?
I don't like chocolate.
Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.
There's no point going there.
The traveler stopped to ask me the way.
I like foreign languages!
Would you like to have dinner with us tonight?
Please turn off your electronic devices.
What qualities do you most admire in Tom?
Do you live in the city?
Tom could possibly come tomorrow.
We are going skiing in the Alps.
He likes tigers.
I'll see you at the hotel later.
Is it here?
Take a map with you in case you get lost.
I need to pee.
He prefers football to baseball.
I'm here now because I love you.
Tom didn't mention that he'd met Mary.
I hate dogs.
What songs are you best at singing?
I agree with him.
There's not much happening here.
Sami lost his car and house.
Do you want pizza or not?
I've only been here for a day and I already want to leave.
Where was it that you found this key?
I told you not to sing.
You seemed convinced that Tom wanted to do that.
I learn by reading books.
I built a new house.
I trust you completely.
Tom got married in Las Vegas.
Layla never worked.
Is it true?
Tomorrow is a holiday.
What did you think I would do?
I think that's an important point.
Calm down!
His dream came true.
What do they think about me?
She helped her father with the work in the garden.
The post office is closed.
What day is the fair?
You aren't Canadian.
I am afraid that he did not understand.
I began to doubt the accuracy of his statement.
What's happened in the meantime?
I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast.
Tom and Mary have never been to that restaurant.
Is he your teacher?
I have a wife and a kid.
People from China play another kind of chess.
He gave me a letter in his last moments of life.
Sami loves this children's TV show.
Could you come to tomorrow's meeting?
I've thought a lot about it.
Mary is a beautiful woman.
There are islands in the sea.
Napoleon needed money for a war with Britain.
Tom didn't sleep well for a multitude of reasons.
She is a beautiful woman.
What can I get you for drinking?
I'm really happy that this is happening.
I'm not very optimistic.
I do not have a Japanese friend.
Have you seen my magazine?
Is it a good material?
Sami started taking my clothes off.
The FBI came to arrest Layla.
Tom could come tomorrow.
I regret not having kept my promise.
Sami's boat was stolen.
He could not stop smiling.
I'd like to find a job in Boston.
Tel Aviv is a beautiful city.
I got a B in physics.
He is a good athlete.
It's not my fault!
Those girls over there are my sisters.
"Are you American?" "Texas." "Ohio." "Paul." "Ted. Nice to meet you."
He's nervous and gets scared easily.
Tom said his parents allow him to do what he wants.
Luis Bonfa is a great musician.
Sami was the victim of a murder.
The funeral was yesterday.
Did everybody hear that?
I think I can handle that.
Layla drives as if she owned the road.
It was extremely weird.
Sami watched the cartoons with his children.
I saw Tom in Boston.
I hear no sound.
How many years did Tom work here?
A big car flew off the road today.
U.S.S.R. stands for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
I will never drink again.
Donostia is a city in the Basque Country.
I'm not always late.
After he ate, Tom went to bed.
I killed him.
The game was called off because of the rain.
Bell invented the telephone.
Time's on my side.
Tom is in pretty bad shape.
I've made that same mistake.
I don't want to lose my deposit.
I truly believe he is a bad person.
I don't care about them.
Don't worry. Everything is under control.
In my spare time, I write articles for my blog.
Millie is eating an apple.
I should thank them.
Tom knew Mary needed to do that.
Today is a special day.
They're not my enemies.
I can't do it without somebody's help.
I told her it was a mistake.
I speak French with my parents.
Tom really likes to do that.
I speak French.
Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.
Layla is five now.
We still have three hours before we need to be at the airport.
You'll have to read between the lines.
He worked hard, so that he succeeded.
I'm at your place.
In addition to being a famous physicist, he is a great novelist.
Does your head still hurt?
Tom isn't able to do it.
Tell me all about your trip.
Tom is a lot older than Mary.
Where are you studying?
I have a lot of patients.
Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.
Who invented the first automobile?
Our children like the dog, but I like the cat.
How much time do you spend each week studying French?
A cat has two ears.
There are several cats that live near the pier.
Tom never seems to get tired.
I no longer need you
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
His father is a physicist.
You know something about this, don't you?
Who is your favorite author?
Tom wasn't in school today.
Have you found an apartment yet?
I eat.
Layla is a Cairo native.
You know why.
You know that Tom likes cars.
It won't just happen overnight.
What do chimpanzees eat?
None of that actually happened.
Many soldiers were killed here.
I thought Tom might ask Mary to help him.
Tom and Mary didn't do that alone.
You don't have to go with them.
Has he come yet?
Tom is in no mood for jokes.
I coughed up blood.
As long as I live, I won't let it happen.
He speaks fluent Russian, or at least that's what he told me.
Is it OK if I park my scooter here?
Tom and I did that together.
I'm a human who hates humans.
I'm a bad person.
Everyone watched her carefully.
We helped them.
Tom lives with his family.
My girlfriend is a good dancer.
Do you know who invented the telegraph?
Thank you for your interest.
I have to pee.
They did not get a chance to try.
Thank you for your advice.
He preferred playing the violin to singing.
My car is older than this tree.
I was born in Osaka, but was brought up in Tokyo.
Is it far from here?
Tom needs to do that today.
I really must buy that radio next time I am in New York.
You may choose whichever book you like.
Tom was thirteen when he died.
She is my queen.