2020-05-20 23:19:48 +03:00
README.md fixed testset names and backtranslation sentence splitting 2020-05-20 23:19:48 +03:00



testset BLEU chr-F
bible-uedin.cmn.fi 21.6 0.497



testset BLEU chr-F
bible-uedin.cmn.fi 21.6 0.497


  • dataset: opus
  • model: transformer
  • source language(s): cmn cn yue ze_zh zh_cn zh_CN zh_HK zh_tw zh_TW zh_yue zhs zht zh
  • target language(s): fi
  • model: transformer
  • pre-processing: normalization + SentencePiece (spm32k,spm32k)
  • download: opus-2020-05-20.zip
  • test set translations: opus-2020-05-20.test.txt
  • test set scores: opus-2020-05-20.eval.txt

Training data: opus

  • cmn-fi: Tatoeba
  • cmn-fi: Tatoeba
  • fi-yue: Tatoeba wikimedia
  • fi-yue: Tatoeba wikimedia
  • fi-ze_zh: OpenSubtitles
  • fi-ze_zh: OpenSubtitles
  • fi-zh_cn: OpenSubtitles
  • fi-zh_cn: OpenSubtitles
  • fi-zh_CN: GNOME KDE4 Ubuntu
  • fi-zh_CN: GNOME KDE4 Ubuntu
  • fi-zh_HK: GNOME KDE4 Ubuntu
  • fi-zh_HK: GNOME KDE4 Ubuntu
  • fi-zh_tw: OpenSubtitles
  • fi-zh_tw: OpenSubtitles
  • fi-zh_TW: GNOME KDE4 PHP Ubuntu
  • fi-zh_TW: GNOME KDE4 PHP Ubuntu
  • fi-zh: bible-uedin EUbookshop PHP QED Ubuntu wikimedia
  • unused dev/test data is added to training data
  • fi-zh: bible-uedin EUbookshop PHP QED Ubuntu wikimedia
  • unused dev/test data is added to training data

Validation data

  • cmn-fi: bible-uedin

  • cn-fi: bible-uedin

  • cmn-fi: bible-uedin

  • cmn-fi: bible-uedin

  • cn-fi: bible-uedin

  • cn-fi: bible-uedin

  • fi-yue: bible-uedin

  • fi-yue: bible-uedin

  • fi-yue: bible-uedin

  • fi-ze_zh: bible-uedin

  • fi-ze_zh: bible-uedin

  • fi-ze_zh: bible-uedin

  • fi-zh_cn: bible-uedin

  • fi-zh_cn: bible-uedin

  • fi-zh_cn: bible-uedin

  • fi-zh_CN: bible-uedin

  • fi-zh_CN: bible-uedin

  • fi-zh_CN: bible-uedin

  • fi-zh_HK: bible-uedin

  • fi-zh_HK: bible-uedin

  • fi-zh_HK: bible-uedin

  • fi-zh_tw: bible-uedin

  • fi-zh_tw: bible-uedin

  • fi-zh_tw: bible-uedin

  • fi-zh_TW: bible-uedin

  • fi-zh_TW: bible-uedin

  • fi-zh_TW: bible-uedin

  • fi-zh_yue: bible-uedin

  • fi-zh_yue: bible-uedin

  • fi-zh_yue: bible-uedin

  • fi-zhs: bible-uedin

  • fi-zhs: bible-uedin

  • fi-zhs: bible-uedin

  • fi-zht: bible-uedin

  • fi-zht: bible-uedin

  • fi-zht: bible-uedin

  • fi-zh: infopankki

  • fi-zh: infopankki

  • fi-zh: infopankki

  • devset = top 56220 lines of opus-dev.src.shuffled!

  • testset = next 2500 lines of opus-dev.src.shuffled!

  • remaining lines are added to traindata

  • devset = top 2500 lines of opus-dev.src.shuffled!

  • testset = next 2500 lines of opus-dev.src.shuffled!

  • remaining lines are added to traindata

  • devset = top 2500 lines of opus-dev.src.shuffled!

  • testset = next 2500 lines of opus-dev.src.shuffled!

  • remaining lines are added to traindata


testset BLEU chr-F
opus-test.cmn.fi 64.3 0.693