2020-11-26 12:57:46 +02:00
README.md updated model list 2020-11-26 12:57:46 +02:00


Training data: opus+bt

  • en-wo: Tatoeba (3) Ubuntu (126)
  • en-wo: total size = 129
  • unused dev/test data is added to training data
  • total size (opus+bt): 10931

Validation data

  • en-wo: bible-uedin

  • devset = top 2500 lines of bible-uedin.src.shuffled!

  • testset = next 2500 lines of bible-uedin.src.shuffled!

  • remaining lines are added to traindata


testset BLEU chr-F
bible-uedin.en.wo 46.6 0.604