Traubert 21433867ab If we include lib/config.mk before prerequisites are made, make fails
Therefore, the install target needs to come first (though this is not
necessarily sufficient).
2020-09-24 12:25:24 +03:00

376 lines
12 KiB

# -*-makefile-*-
# train and test Opus-MT models using MarianNMT
# make all
# make data ............... create training data
# make train .............. train NMT model
# make translate .......... translate test set
# make eval ............... evaluate
# make all-job ............ create config, data and submit training job
# make train-job .......... submit training job
# general parameters / variables (see lib/config.mk)
# * most essential parameters (language IDs used in OPUS):
# SRCLANGS ................ set of source languages
# TRGLANGS ................ set of target languages
# * other important parameters (can leave defaults)
# MODELTYPE ............... transformer|transformer-align
# TRAINSET ................ set of corpora used for training (default = all of OPUS)
# TESTSET ................. test set corpus (default - subset of Tatoeba with some fallbacks)
# DEVSET .................. validation corpus (default - another subset of TESTSET)
# DEVSIZE ................. nr of sentences in validation data
# TESTSIZE ................ nr of sentences in test data
# TESTSMALLSIZE ........... reduced size for low-resource settings
# DEVSMALLSIZE ............ reduced size for low-resource settings
# DEVMINSIZE .............. minimum size for validation data
# lib/generic.mk
# There are implicit targets that define certain frequent tasks
# They typically modify certain settings and make another target
# with those modifiction. They can be used by adding a suffix to
# the actual target that needs to be done. For example,
# adding -RL triggers right-to-left models:
# make train-RL
# make eval-RL
# Another example would be to run something over a number of models,
# for example, translate and evaluate with those models:
# make eval-allmodels.submit
# make eval-allbilingual.submit # only bilingual models
# make eval-allmultlingual.submit # only multilingual models
# lib/slurm.mk
# Defines generic targets for submitting jobs. They work in the
# same way as the generic targets in lib/generic.mk but submit a
# job using SLURM sbatch. This only works if the SLURM parameters
# are correctly set. Check lib/env.mk, lib/config.mk and lib/slurm.mk
# %.submit ........ job on GPU nodes (for train and translate)
# %.submitcpu ..... job on CPU nodes (for translate and eval)
# They can be combined with any other target, even with generic
# extensions described above. For exaple, subkit a job to train
# an en-ru right-to-left model for 24 hours you can run
# make WALLTIME=24 SRCLANGS=en TRGLANGS=ru train-RL.submit
# Other extensions can be added to modify the SLURM job, for example
# to submit the same job to run on multiple GPUs on one node:
# make WALLTIME=24 SRCLANGS=en TRGLANGS=ru train-RL.submit-multigpu
# There can also be targets that submit jobs via SLURM, for exampl
# the train-job target. This can be combined with starting a CPU
# job to create the data sets, which will then submit the train
# job on GPUs once the training data are ready. For example, to
# submit a job with 4 threads (using make -j 4) that will run
# the train-job target on a CPU node allocating 4 CPU cores you
# can do:
# make HPC_CORES=4 SRCLANGS=en TRGLANGS=ru train-job-RL.submitcpu
# lib/dist.mk
# Targets to create and upload packages of trained models
# There are various special targets for specific and generic tasks.
# Look into the makefiles in lib/generic.mk and lib/models/*.mk
# Many of those targets can be further adjusted by setting certain variables
# Some examples are below but all of those things are subject to change ....
# * submit job to train a model in one specific translation direction
# (make data on CPU and then start a job on a GPU node with 4 GPUs)
# make SRCLANGS=en TRGLANGS=de unidrectional.submitcpu
# * submit jobs to train a model in both translation directions
# (make data on CPU, reverse data and start 2 jobs on a GPU nodes with 4 GPUs each)
# make SRCLANGS=en TRGLANGS=de bilingual.submitcpu
# * same as bilingual but guess some HPC settings based on data size
# make SRCLANGS=en TRGLANGS=de bilingual-dynamic.submitcpu
# * submit jobs for all OPUS languages to PIVOT language in both directions using bilingual-dynamic
# make PIVOT=en allopus2pivot # run loop on command line
# make PIVOT=en allopus2pivot.submitcpu # submit the same as CPU-based job
# make all2en.submitcpu # short form of the same
# * submit jobs for all combinations of OPUS languages (this is huge!)
# (only if there is no train.submit in the workdir of the language pair)
# make PIVOT=en allopus.submitcpu
# * submit a job to train a multilingual model with the same languages on both sides
# make LANGS="en de fr" multilingual.submitcpu
# Ensembles: One can train a number of models and ensemble them.
# NOTE: make sure that the data files and vocabularies exist before
# training models. Otherwise, thete could be a racing situation
# when those jobs start simultaneously!!!
# make data
# make vocab
# make NR=1 train.submit
# make NR=2 train.submit
# make NR=3 train.submit
# make NR=1 eval.submit
# make NR=2 eval.submit
# make NR=3 eval.submit
# make eval-ensemble.submit
# check and adjust lib/env.mk and lib/config.mk
include lib/env.mk
.PHONY: install
install: install-prerequisites
# If we need prerequisites, that has to happen before including eg. config.mk
include lib/config.mk
# load model-specific configuration parameters
# if they exist in the work directory
ifneq ($(wildcard ${WORKDIR}/config.mk),)
include ${WORKDIR}/config.mk
include lib/data.mk
include lib/train.mk
include lib/test.mk
include lib/misc.mk
include lib/dist.mk
include lib/slurm.mk
include lib/allas.mk
include lib/generic.mk
include lib/langsets.mk
include lib/projects.mk
.PHONY: all
all: ${WORKDIR}/config.mk
${MAKE} data
${MAKE} train
${MAKE} eval
${MAKE} compare
# run everything including backtranslation of wiki-data
## TODO: need to refrehs backtranslate/index.html from time to time!
## ---> necessary for fetching latest wikidump with the correct link
.PHONY: all-and-backtranslate
all-and-backtranslate: ${WORKDIR}/config.mk
${MAKE} data
${MAKE} train
${MAKE} eval
${MAKE} compare
${MAKE} local-dist
-for t in ${TRGLANGS}; do \
for s in ${SRCLANGS}; do \
if [ "$$s" != "$$t" ]; then \
${MAKE} -C backtranslate \
SRC=$$s TRG=$$t \
MAX_SENTENCES=${shell zcat ${TRAIN_SRC}.clean.${PRE_SRC}.gz | head -1000000 | wc -l} \
all; \
fi \
done \
.PHONY: all-and-backtranslate-allwikis
all-and-backtranslate-allwikis: ${WORKDIR}/config.mk
${MAKE} data
${MAKE} train
${MAKE} eval
${MAKE} compare
${MAKE} local-dist
-for t in ${TRGLANGS}; do \
for s in ${SRCLANGS}; do \
if [ "$$s" != "$$t" ]; then \
${MAKE} -C backtranslate SRC=$$s TRG=$$t all-wikitext; \
${MAKE} -C backtranslate \
SRC=$$s TRG=$$t \
MAX_SENTENCES=${shell zcat ${TRAIN_SRC}.clean.${PRE_SRC}.gz | head -1000000 | wc -l} \
translate-all-wikis; \
fi \
done \
.PHONY: all-and-backtranslate-allwikiparts
all-and-backtranslate-allwikiparts: ${WORKDIR}/config.mk
${MAKE} data
${MAKE} train
${MAKE} eval
${MAKE} compare
${MAKE} local-dist
-for t in ${TRGLANGS}; do \
for s in ${SRCLANGS}; do \
if [ "$$s" != "$$t" ]; then \
${MAKE} -C backtranslate SRC=$$s TRG=$$t all-wikitext; \
${MAKE} -C backtranslate \
SRC=$$s TRG=$$t \
MAX_SENTENCES=${shell zcat ${TRAIN_SRC}.clean.${PRE_SRC}.gz | head -1000000 | wc -l} \
translate-all-wikiparts; \
fi \
done \
## train a model with backtranslations of wikipedia data
## (1) train a model in the opposite direction and backtranslate wikipedia data
## (2) train a model with backtranslated data
.PHONY: all-with-bt
${MAKE} SRCLANGS="${TRGLANGS}" TRGLANGS="${SRCLANGS}" all-and-backtranslate
${MAKE} all-bt
## train a model with backtranslations of ALL wikimedia wiki data
.PHONY: all-with-bt-all
${MAKE} SRCLANGS="${TRGLANGS}" TRGLANGS="${SRCLANGS}" all-and-backtranslate-allwikis
${MAKE} all-bt
## and now with all parts of all wikis
.PHONY: all-with-bt-allparts
${MAKE} SRCLANGS="${TRGLANGS}" TRGLANGS="${SRCLANGS}" all-and-backtranslate-allwikiparts
${MAKE} all-bt
## job1: submit jobs to create data, train models, backtranslate all, and train again
job1: ${WORKDIR}/config.mk
${MAKE} HPC_MEM=12g HPC_CORES=4 job1-step1.submitcpu
${MAKE} data
${MAKE} reverse-data
-for t in ${TRGLANGS}; do \
${MAKE} -C backtranslate SRC=${SRC} TRG=$$t all-wikitext; \
MAX_SENTENCES=${shell zcat ${TRAIN_SRC}.clean.${PRE_SRC}.gz | head -1000000 | wc -l} \
${MAKE} all-bt
# create slurm jobs
.PHONY: all-job
all-job: ${WORKDIR}/config.mk
${MAKE} data
${MAKE} train-and-eval-job
.PHONY: train-job
.PHONY: train-and-eval-job
# make various data sets (and word alignment)
.PHONY: data
data: ${TRAIN_SRC}.clean.${PRE_SRC}.gz ${TRAIN_TRG}.clean.${PRE_TRG}.gz \
ifeq (${MODELTYPE},transformer-align)
traindata: ${TRAIN_SRC}.clean.${PRE_SRC}.gz ${TRAIN_TRG}.clean.${PRE_TRG}.gz
testdata: ${TEST_SRC}.${PRE_SRC} ${TEST_TRG}
devdata: ${DEV_SRC}.${PRE_SRC} ${DEV_TRG}.${PRE_TRG}
devdata-raw: ${DEV_SRC} ${DEV_TRG}
wordalign: ${TRAIN_ALG}
# train, translate and evaluate
## other model types
train: ${WORKDIR}/${MODEL}.${MODELTYPE}.model${NR}.done
compare: ${WORKDIR}/${TESTSET_NAME}.${MODEL}${NR}.${MODELTYPE}.${SRC}.${TRG}.compare
## ensemble of models (assumes to find them in subdirs of the WORKDIR)
translate-ensemble: ${WORKDIR}/${TESTSET_NAME}.${MODEL}${NR}.${MODELTYPE}.ensemble.${SRC}.${TRG}
eval-ensemble: ${WORKDIR}/${TESTSET_NAME}.${MODEL}${NR}.${MODELTYPE}.ensemble.${SRC}.${TRG}.eval
## combined tasks:
## train and evaluate
train-and-eval: ${WORKDIR}/${MODEL}.${MODELTYPE}.model${NR}.done
${MAKE} eval-testsets
## train model and start back-translation jobs once the model is ready
## (requires to create a dist package)
train-and-start-bt-jobs: ${WORKDIR}/${MODEL}.${MODELTYPE}.model${NR}.done
${MAKE} local-dist
${MAKE} -C backtranslate MODELHOME=${MODELDIR} translate-all-wikis-jobs