diff --git a/docs/native-numbers.md b/docs/native-numbers.md index 42491d47..db6233b6 100644 --- a/docs/native-numbers.md +++ b/docs/native-numbers.md @@ -85,7 +85,9 @@ Operation | Description | Accepted types | Return type \== | Equality | U24, I24, F24 | U24 \!= | Inequality | U24, I24, F24 | U24 \< | Less than | U24, I24, F24 | U24 +\<= | Less than or equal to | U24, I24, F24 | U24 \> | Greater than | U24, I24, F24 | U24 +\>= | Greater than or equal to | U24, I24, F24 | U24 \& | Bitwise and | U24, I24 | Same as arguments \| | Bitwise or | U24, I24 | Same as arguments \^ | Bitwise xor | U24, I24 | Same as arguments