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Victor Taelin 2024-05-15 00:53:58 -03:00
parent 3ac46e839e
commit 12ecbf8492
2 changed files with 145 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -8,10 +8,13 @@ feels like Python, but scales like CUDA. It runs on CPUs and GPUs, and you don't
have to do anything to make it parallel - as long as your code isn't "helplessly
sequential", it will use all threads! In a single thread, it is still not so
fast - our compiler is still on its infancy - but it will only improve, as
optimizations are added. If you want to be an early adopter of this interesting
paradigm, this guide will teach you how to apply Bend in practice, simple and
easy. If you're interested in a more in-depth tech dive, check HVM2's
[paper]( instead. Now, let's get started!
optimizations are added. If you want to be an early adopter of this tech, this
guide will teach you how to apply Bend in practice, simple and easy. If you're
interested in a more in-depth tech dive, check HVM2's
[paper]( instead. If you'd like an entertaining,
less deep explanation of how this is possible, check HVM1's classic
[]( But if
you just want to dive straight into action - this guide is for you. Let's go!
@ -54,6 +57,8 @@ def main():
print("Hello, world!")
TODO: IO will not be included this week. Adjust guide for this.
Damn - we wish it was as simple as Python. It isn't. But it isn't too bad
either, is it? So, why do we need that `with IO` block, there? Well, it is just
a way to separate parts of the program that can have *side-effects*, like
@ -411,11 +416,92 @@ bend idx = 0:
Of course, if you do it, Bend's devs will be very disappointed with you.
## Example: Parallel Bitonic Sort
## Example: Parallel Tree Sum
def gen(d, x):
switch d:
case 0:
return x
case _:
return (gen(d-1, x * 2 + 1), gen(d-1, x * 2))
def sum(d, t):
switch d:
case 0:
return t
case _:
(t.a, t.b) = t
return sum(d-1, t.a) + sum(d-1, t.b)
def main:
return sum(20, gen(20, 0))
TODO: explain
TODO: use bend/fold syntaxes
- 15.01s / 178 MIPS (Apple M3 Max, 1 thread)
- 1.35s / 1970 MIPS (Apple M3 Max, 16 threads) - 11x speedup
- 0.23s / 11823 MIPS (NVIDIA RTX 4090, 16k threads) - 65x speedup
# Example: Parallel Bitonic Sort
def swap(s, a, b):
switch s:
case 0:
return (a,b)
case _:
return (b,a)
def warp(d, s, a, b):
switch d:
case 0:
return swap(s + (a > b), a, b)
case _:
(a.a,a.b) = a
(b.a,b.b) = b
(A.a,A.b) = warp(d-1, s, a.a, b.a)
(B.a,B.b) = warp(d-1, s, a.b, b.b)
return ((A.a,B.a),(A.b,B.b))
def flow(d, s, t):
switch d:
case 0:
return t
case _:
(t.a, t.b) = t
return down(d, s, warp(d-1, s, t.a, t.b))
def down(d,s,t):
switch d:
case 0:
return t
case _:
(t.a, t.b) = t
return (flow(d-1, s, t.a), flow(d-1, s, t.b))
def sort(d, s, t):
switch d:
case 0:
return t
case _:
(t.a, t.b) = t
return flow(d, s, sort(d-1, 0, t.a), sort(d-1, 1, t.b))
TODO: explain
TODO: use fold/bend syntaxes
TODO: should run with N=20 (2x higher CUDA MIPS), but 1-thread OOM's
TODO: this requires editing the CUDA file to use 7x7 instead of 8x7
- 12.33s / 102 MIPS (Apple M3 Max, 1 thread)
- 0.96s / 1315 MIPS (Apple M3 Max, 16 threads) - 12x speedup
- 0.24s / 5334 MIPS (NVIDIA RTX 4090, 16k threads) - 51x speedup
## ...
TODO: conver IO and so many other aspects :')

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@ -1,45 +1,59 @@
data Tree = (Leaf val) | (Both lft rgt)
def gen(d, x):
switch d:
case 0:
return x
case _:
return (gen(d-1, x * 2 + 1), gen(d-1, x * 2))
(U60.swap 0 a b) = (Tree/Both a b)
(U60.swap n a b) = (Tree/Both b a)
def sum(d, t):
switch d:
case 0:
return t
case _:
(t.a, t.b) = t
return sum(d-1, t.a) + sum(d-1, t.b)
// Swaps distant values in parallel; corresponds to a Red Box
(Warp s (Tree/Leaf a) (Tree/Leaf b)) = (U60.swap (^ (> a b) s) (Tree/Leaf a) (Tree/Leaf b))
(Warp s (Tree/Both a b) (Tree/Both c d)) = (Join (Warp s a c) (Warp s b d))
(Warp s (Tree/Leaf a) (Tree/Both c d)) = (Tree/Both (Warp s (Tree/Leaf a) c) (Warp s (Tree/Leaf a) d))
(Warp s (Tree/Both a b) (Tree/Leaf c)) = (Tree/Both (Warp s a (Tree/Leaf c)) (Warp s b (Tree/Leaf c)))
def swap(s, a, b):
switch s:
case 0:
return (a,b)
case _:
return (b,a)
// Rebuilds the warped tree in the original order
(Join (Tree/Leaf a) (Tree/Leaf b)) = (Tree/Both a b)
(Join (Tree/Leaf a) (Tree/Both c d)) = (Tree/Both a (Tree/Both c d))
(Join (Tree/Both a b) (Tree/Leaf c)) = (Tree/Both (Tree/Both a b) c)
(Join (Tree/Both a b) (Tree/Both c d)) = (Tree/Both (Tree/Both a c) (Tree/Both b d))
def warp(d, s, a, b):
switch d:
case 0:
return swap(s + (a > b), a, b)
case _:
(a.a,a.b) = a
(b.a,b.b) = b
(A.a,A.b) = warp(d-1, s, a.a, b.a)
(B.a,B.b) = warp(d-1, s, a.b, b.b)
return ((A.a,B.a),(A.b,B.b))
// Recursively warps each sub-tree; corresponds to a Blue/Green Box
(Flow s (Tree/Leaf a)) = (Tree/Leaf a)
(Flow s (Tree/Both a b)) = (Down s (Warp s a b))
def flow(d, s, t):
switch d:
case 0:
return t
case _:
(t.a, t.b) = t
return down(d, s, warp(d-1, s, t.a, t.b))
// Propagates Flow downwards
(Down s (Tree/Leaf a)) = (Tree/Leaf a)
(Down s (Tree/Both a b)) = (Tree/Both (Flow s a) (Flow s b))
def down(d,s,t):
switch d:
case 0:
return t
case _:
(t.a, t.b) = t
return (flow(d-1, s, t.a), flow(d-1, s, t.b))
// Bitonic Sort
(Sort s (Tree/Leaf a)) = (Tree/Leaf a)
(Sort s (Tree/Both a b)) = (Flow s (Tree/Both (Sort 0 a) (Sort 1 b)))
def sort(d, s, t):
switch d:
case 0:
return t
case _:
(t.a, t.b) = t
return flow(d, s, sort(d-1, 0, t.a), sort(d-1, 1, t.b))
// Generates a tree of depth `n`
(Gen 0 x) = (Tree/Leaf x)
(Gen n x) = let m = (- n 1); (Tree/Both (Gen m (* x 2)) (Gen m (+ (* x 2) 1)))
// Reverses a tree
(Rev (Tree/Leaf x)) = (Tree/Leaf x)
(Rev (Tree/Both a b)) = (Tree/Both (Rev b) (Rev a))
// Sums a tree
(Sum (Tree/Leaf x)) = x
(Sum (Tree/Both a b)) = (+ (Sum a) (Sum b))
(Main) = (Sum (Sort 0 (Rev (Gen 18 0))))
// Use an argument from cli
// (Main n) = (Sum (Sort 0 (Rev (Gen n 0))))
def main:
return sum(18, sort(18, 0, gen(18, 0)))