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synced 2024-11-05 04:51:40 +03:00
Fix unused dup var linearization
This commit is contained in:
@ -111,11 +111,6 @@ fn count_var_uses_in_term(term: &Term, uses: &mut HashMap<Name, Val>) {
/// We use a special named variable to only count the number of actual var uses on the resulting term
fn used_var_counter(var_name: &Name) -> Name {
/// Var-declaring terms
fn term_with_bind_to_affine(
term: &mut Term,
@ -123,17 +118,10 @@ fn term_with_bind_to_affine(
var_uses: &mut HashMap<Name, Val>,
let_bodies: &mut HashMap<Name, Term>,
) {
if let Some(nam_some) = nam {
if let Some(mut uses) = var_uses.get(nam_some).copied() {
if let Some(name) = nam {
if let Some(_) = var_uses.get(name).copied() {
term_to_affine(term, var_uses, let_bodies);
// When a term is removed, the number of uses of a variable can change inside the term_to_affine call.
// We check the updated count instead of using the one we caulculated initially
if uses != 0 {
let name = used_var_counter(nam_some);
uses = var_uses.get(&name).copied().unwrap_or(0)
let uses = actual_var_use(var_uses, name);
duplicate_lam(nam, term, uses);
@ -181,13 +169,23 @@ fn term_to_affine(term: &mut Term, var_uses: &mut HashMap<Name, Val>, let_bodies
uses => {
term_to_affine(val, var_uses, let_bodies);
term_to_affine(nxt, var_uses, let_bodies);
duplicate_let(nam, nxt, uses, val);
let mut new_uses = actual_var_use(var_uses, nam);
// If the number of uses changed (because a term was linearized out):
// We could redo the whole pass on the term.
// Or we can just create extra half-erased-dups `let {nam_n *} = nam_m_dup; nxt` to match the correct labels
if uses != new_uses {
new_uses += 1
duplicate_let(nam, nxt, new_uses, val)
*term = std::mem::take(nxt.as_mut());
Term::Let { pat: Pattern::Var(None), val, nxt, .. } => {
Term::Let { pat: Pattern::Var(None), val, nxt } => {
if val.has_unscoped() {
term_to_affine(val, var_uses, let_bodies);
term_to_affine(nxt, var_uses, let_bodies);
@ -211,17 +209,16 @@ fn term_to_affine(term: &mut Term, var_uses: &mut HashMap<Name, Val>, let_bodies
// Var-using terms
Term::Var { nam } => {
let uses = var_uses[nam];
*var_uses.get_mut(nam).unwrap() -= 1;
if let Some(subst) = let_bodies.remove(nam) {
*term = subst.clone();
} else {
let used_counter = used_var_counter(nam);
*nam = dup_name(nam, uses);
let actual_uses = var_uses.entry(used_counter).or_default();
*actual_uses += 1;
// Updates de actual var uses on the resulting term
*var_uses.entry(used_counter).or_default() += 1;
*nam = dup_name(nam, *actual_uses);
@ -255,25 +252,56 @@ fn get_var_uses(nam: Option<&Name>, var_uses: &HashMap<Name, Val>) -> Val {
if let Some(nam) = nam { *var_uses.get(nam).unwrap() } else { 0 }
fn make_dup_tree(nam: &Name, nxt: &mut Term, uses: Val, dup_body: Option<&mut Term>) {
// TODO: Is there a difference between a list of dups and a complete binary tree of dups
// Creates this: "dup x1 x1_dup = body; dup x2 x2_dup = x1_dup; dup x3 x4 = x2_dup; nxt"
// TODO: Is it really necessary to `count_var_uses_in_term` before `term_to_affine`?
// Can't it be unified in the same function? (given that the actual var uses in a term is already dynamic)
/// When a term is removed, the number of uses of a variable can change inside the term_to_affine call.
/// This returns the updated count instead of using the one we calculated initially
fn actual_var_use(var_uses: &HashMap<Name, Val>, name: &Name) -> Val {
/// We use a special named variable to only count the number of actual var uses on the resulting term
fn used_var_counter(var_name: &Name) -> Name {
// TODO: Is there a difference between a list of dups and a complete binary tree of dups?
/// # Example
/// ```txt
/// let {x1 x1_dup} = body;
/// let {x2 x2_dup} = x1_dup;
/// let {x3 x4} = x2_dup;
/// nxt
/// ```
fn make_dup_tree(nam: &Name, nxt: &mut Term, uses: Val, mut dup_body: Option<&mut Term>) {
let free_vars = &mut nxt.free_vars();
if let Some(ref body) = dup_body {
let make_name = |uses| {
let dup_name = dup_name(nam, uses);
free_vars.contains_key(&dup_name).then(|| dup_name)
for i in (1 .. uses).rev() {
let old_nxt = std::mem::replace(nxt, Term::Era);
*nxt = Term::Dup {
tag: Tag::Auto,
fst: Some(dup_name(nam, i)),
snd: if i == uses - 1 { Some(dup_name(nam, uses)) } else { Some(internal_dup_name(nam, uses)) },
fst: make_name(i),
snd: if i == uses - 1 { make_name(uses) } else { Some(internal_dup_name(nam, uses)) },
val: if i == 1 {
if let Some(dup_body) = &dup_body {
Box::new((*dup_body).clone()) // TODO: don't clone here
} else {
Box::new(Term::Var { nam: nam.clone() })
match dup_body.as_deref_mut() {
Some(body) => Box::new(std::mem::take(body)),
None => Box::new(Term::Var { nam: nam.clone() }),
} else {
Box::new(Term::Var { nam: internal_dup_name(nam, uses) })
nxt: Box::new(old_nxt),
nxt: Box::new(std::mem::take(nxt)),
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Main =
let var = @x x
let copy = var
let copy2 = var
let copy3 = var
let copy_copy = copy
let copy_copy2 = copy
let copy_copy3 = copy2
let copy_copy4 = copy2
(var copy_copy3)
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
source: tests/golden_tests.rs
input_file: tests/golden_tests/compile_file/unused_dup_var_linearization.hvm
@main = (a a)
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
source: tests/golden_tests.rs
input_file: tests/golden_tests/compile_file_o_all/exp.hvm
@main = ({5 ({5 a b} c) (c {5 b d})} (a d))
@main = ({5 (a {5 b c}) ({5 c d} a)} (d b))
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ input_file: tests/golden_tests/compile_file_o_all/list_merge_sort.hvm
@F = (a (* a))
@G = (* (a a))
@J = (* @Nil)
@L = {8 a {6 {4 @L {4 @J (b c)}} ({3 b (a d)} {4 {8 d {6 c e}} {4 * e}})}}
@L = {8 a {6 {4 @L {4 @J (b c)}} ({3 (a d) b} {4 {8 d {6 c e}} {4 * e}})}}
@Map = ({4 @L {4 @J a}} a)
@Nil = {4 * {4 a a}}
@Pure = (a {4 {8 a {6 @Nil b}} {4 * b}})
@ -14,16 +14,16 @@ input_file: tests/golden_tests/compile_file_o_all/list_merge_sort.hvm
@S = (a ({4 @Q {4 @R (a b)}} b))
@V = {8 a {6 {4 @o {4 @p (b (a c))}} (b c)}}
@W = (* @Nil)
@b = {8 {15 a {17 b c}} {6 {19 {4 @b {4 @c (d (e (f g)))}} h} ({5 d {7 i (j (c {2 @F {2 @G ({4 {8 k {6 l m}} {4 * m}} ({4 {8 a {6 g n}} {4 * n}} o))}}))}} ({9 e {11 k j}} ({13 f {4 @d {4 @e (i ({4 {8 b {6 h p}} {4 * p}} l))}}} o)))}}
@b = {8 {15 a {17 b c}} {6 {19 d {4 @b {4 @c (e (f (g h)))}}} ({5 (i (a {2 @F {2 @G ({4 {8 j {6 k l}} {4 * l}} ({4 {8 c {6 h m}} {4 * m}} n))}})) {7 o e}} ({9 i {11 j f}} ({13 {4 @d {4 @e (o ({4 {8 b {6 d p}} {4 * p}} k))}} g} n)))}}
@c = (* @s)
@d = {8 a {6 b (c ({4 @b {4 @c (c (a (b d)))}} d))}}
@e = (* (a a))
@i = {8 a {6 {4 @V {4 @W (b {4 @i {4 @j (c (d e))}})}} ({21 {23 b f} c} ({4 @d {4 @e (f (a d))}} e))}}
@i = {8 a {6 {4 @V {4 @W (b {4 @i {4 @j (c (d e))}})}} ({21 c {23 f b}} ({4 @d {4 @e (f (a d))}} e))}}
@j = (* (a a))
@main = (a (b c))
& @S ~ (a (d c))
& @Map ~ (b (@Pure d))
@o = {8 a {6 {4 @V {4 @W (b c)}} ({23 b d} ({4 @d {4 @e (d (a e))}} {4 {8 e {6 c f}} {4 * f}}))}}
@o = {8 a {6 {4 @V {4 @W (b c)}} ({23 d b} ({4 @d {4 @e (d (a e))}} {4 {8 e {6 c f}} {4 * f}}))}}
@p = (* @t)
@s = (a (b {4 {8 a {6 b c}} {4 * c}}))
@t = (a {4 {8 a {6 @Nil b}} {4 * b}})
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ input_file: tests/golden_tests/compile_file_o_all/match_dup_and_reconstruction.h
@6 = {4 a (b [b a])}
@Boxed = (a {2 {4 a b} b})
@Got = ({3 a {2 @6 (a b)}} b)
@Got = ({3 {2 @6 (a b)} a} b)
@main = a
& @Got ~ (b a)
& @Boxed ~ (#10 b)
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ input_file: tests/golden_tests/compile_file_o_all/scrutinee_reconstruction.hvm
@8 = {4 * @A}
@A = (a (* a))
@None = {2 * {2 a a}}
@Option.or = ({3 a {2 @8 {2 @7 (a b)}}} b)
@Option.or = ({3 {2 @8 {2 @7 (a b)}} a} b)
@Some = (a {2 {4 a b} {2 * b}})
@main = a
& @Option.or ~ (b (@None a))
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
source: tests/golden_tests.rs
input_file: tests/golden_tests/compile_file_o_all/spacing.hvm
@main = ({3 a (a b)} b)
@main = ({3 (a b) a} b)
@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
source: tests/golden_tests.rs
input_file: tests/golden_tests/compile_term/infer_dup.hvm
({3 a (a b)} b)
({3 (a b) a} b)
@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
source: tests/golden_tests.rs
input_file: tests/golden_tests/compile_term/let_substitution.hvm
({3 a (a b)} b)
({3 (a b) a} b)
@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ input_file: tests/golden_tests/compile_term/lets.hvm
& (b b) ~ (c (d (e a)))
& (f f) ~ {9 g {11 h {13 i (i (h (g e)))}}}
& (j j) ~ {5 k {7 l (l (k d))}}
& (m m) ~ {3 n (n c)}
& (f f) ~ {9 (g (h (i e))) {11 g {13 h i}}}
& (j j) ~ {5 (k (l d)) {7 k l}}
& (m m) ~ {3 (n c) n}
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