Improve some error messages, add radixsort example

This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Abril 2024-05-01 16:23:50 +02:00
parent b7bea772d5
commit cad606671a
19 changed files with 315 additions and 158 deletions

examples/radix_sort.hvm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
data Map = Free | Used | (Both a b)
data Arr = Null | (Leaf x) | (Node a b)
(Swap s a b) = switch s {
0: (Both a b)
_: (Both b a)
// Sort : Arr -> Arr
(Sort t) = (ToArr 0 (ToMap t))
// ToMap : Arr -> Map
(ToMap Null) = Free
(ToMap (Leaf a)) = (Radix a)
(ToMap (Node a b)) = (Merge (ToMap a) (ToMap b))
// ToArr : U60 -> Map -> Arr
(ToArr x Free) = Null
(ToArr x Used) = (Leaf x)
(ToArr x (Both a b)) =
let a = (ToArr (+ (* x 2) 0) a)
let b = (ToArr (+ (* x 2) 1) b)
(Node a b)
// Merge : Map -> Map -> Map
(Merge Free Free) = Free
(Merge Free Used) = Used
(Merge Used Free) = Used
(Merge Used Used) = Used
(Merge Free (Both c d)) = (Both c d)
(Merge (Both a b) Free) = (Both a b)
(Merge (Both a b) (Both c d)) = (Both (Merge a c) (Merge b d))
(Merge (Both a b) Used) = *
(Merge Used (Both a b)) = *
// Radix : U60 -> Map
(Radix n) =
let r = Used
let r = (Swap (& n 1) r Free)
let r = (Swap (& n 2) r Free)
let r = (Swap (& n 4) r Free)
let r = (Swap (& n 8) r Free)
let r = (Swap (& n 16) r Free)
(Radix2 n r)
(Radix2 n r) =
let r = (Swap (& n 32) r Free)
let r = (Swap (& n 64) r Free)
let r = (Swap (& n 128) r Free)
let r = (Swap (& n 256) r Free)
let r = (Swap (& n 512) r Free)
(Radix3 n r)
(Radix3 n r) =
let r = (Swap (& n 1024) r Free)
let r = (Swap (& n 2048) r Free)
let r = (Swap (& n 4096) r Free)
let r = (Swap (& n 8192) r Free)
let r = (Swap (& n 16384) r Free)
(Radix4 n r)
(Radix4 n r) =
let r = (Swap (& n 32768) r Free)
let r = (Swap (& n 65536) r Free)
let r = (Swap (& n 131072) r Free)
let r = (Swap (& n 262144) r Free)
let r = (Swap (& n 524288) r Free)
(Radix5 n r)
(Radix5 n r) =
let r = (Swap (& n 1048576) r Free)
let r = (Swap (& n 2097152) r Free)
let r = (Swap (& n 4194304) r Free)
let r = (Swap (& n 8388608) r Free)
// Reverse : Arr -> Arr
(Reverse Null) = Null
(Reverse (Leaf a)) = (Leaf a)
(Reverse (Node a b)) = (Node (Reverse b) (Reverse a))
// Sum : Arr -> U60
(Sum Null) = 0
(Sum (Leaf x)) = x
(Sum (Node a b)) = (+ (Sum a) (Sum b))
// Gen : U60 -> Arr
(Gen n) = (Gen.go n 0)
(Gen.go n x) = switch n {
0: (Leaf x)
let a = (* x 2)
let b = (| (* x 2) 1)
(Node (Gen.go n-1 a) (Gen.go n-1 b))
Main = (Sum (Sort (Reverse (Gen 4))))

View File

@ -1,24 +1,21 @@
Seems like you're trying to run some recursive function(s) on strict-mode.
The following recursive cycles are not compatible with strict-mode the way these functions were written:
Seems like you're trying to run some recursive function(s).
The following functions were written in a way that create recursive cycles that are not compatible with the strict evaluation of HVM.
Due to the ultra-greedy nature of strict-mode, that might result in infinite loops.
If the float-combinators optimization is not on, we recommend activating it.
You have to refactor these function to use lazy references.
You have 2 options:
The float-combinators and linearize-matches-extra options can help with doing this automatically.
They are turned on by default, but if you deactivated them, consider re-enabling.
1. Easy Fix: use lazy-mode.
When a function reference is in head position of an application it will be greedly expanded, leading to an infinite loop.
This for example doesn't work: 'Foo = λa λb (b (λc (Foo a c)) a)'
If the application is written as a combinator, it will automatically lifted to a lazy reference, which usually breaks the recursion cycle.
The example as combinators: 'Foo = λa λb (b (λc λa (Foo a c)) (λa a) a)
Alternatively, by using the built-in `data` and `match` syntax, hvm-lang will try to do this automatically.
Just append the `-L` option to `HVM-Lang`, and it will run in lazy-mode. It has the advantage of not doing wasteful work, having an improved complexity class, and being compatible with unrestricted recursion. It has a small overhead though, and isn't compatible with GPU.
2. Hard Fix: refactor the program to use lazy references.
When a function reference is in head position of an application or is duplicated by the non-linear use of a `let` expression it will be greedly expanded, leading to an infinite loop.
If the application is used written as a combinator, it will automatically lifted to a lazy reference, which usually breaks the recursion cycle. Alternatively, by using the built-in `data` and `match` syntax, hvm-lang will try to do this automatically.
(e.g. If pattern matching on scott-encoded ADTs, write '@a @x(x @a (Foo a) a)' instead of '@a @x(x (Foo a))')
For let expressions where the variable is non-linear (used more than once), you can instead employ `use` expressions to statically duplicate the offending recursive term.
(e.g. write 'Foo = @f use x = Foo; (f x x)' instead of 'Foo = @f let x = Foo; (f x x)')
For let expressions where the variable is non-linear, you can instead employ `use` expressions to statically duplicate the offending recursive term.
(e.g. write 'Foo = λf use x = Foo; (f x x)' instead of 'Foo = λf let x = Foo; (f x x)')
See here for more info:

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
use crate::{
diagnostics::{Diagnostics, WarningType},
diagnostics::{Diagnostics, WarningType, ERR_INDENT_SIZE},
term::{Adts, Constructors, Ctx, MatchRule, Name, NumType, Term},
@ -248,11 +248,24 @@ impl std::fmt::Display for FixMatchErr {
FixMatchErr::NonExhaustiveMatch { typ, missing } => {
write!(f, "Non-exhaustive 'match' expression of type '{typ}'. Case '{missing}' not covered.")
FixMatchErr::IrrefutableMatch { var } => write!(
"Irrefutable 'match' expression. All cases after '{}' will be ignored. If this is not a mistake, consider using a 'let' expression instead.",
FixMatchErr::IrrefutableMatch { var } => {
"Irrefutable 'match' expression. All cases after variable pattern '{}' will be ignored.",
"{:ERR_INDENT_SIZE$}Note that to use a 'match' expression, the matched constructors need to be defined in a 'data' definition.",
"{:ERR_INDENT_SIZE$}If this is not a mistake, consider using a 'let' expression instead.",
FixMatchErr::UnreachableMatchArms { var } => write!(
"Unreachable arms in 'match' expression. All cases after '{}' will be ignored.",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
tail_recursive = @a (a @x (+ 1 (tail_recursive x)) 0)
fold = @bm (bm
@lft @rgt (add (fold lft) (fold rgt))
@s @z (s @s @z z)
add = @a (a
@p @b (add p @s @z (s b))
@b b
main = *

View File

@ -3,8 +3,27 @@
foo = @x (a (b (c x)))
foo2 = (a (b (c 0)))
bar = (a (b (c 0) (c (d 1))) (b (c (d 2)) (c 3)))
//bar = (
// (
// a
// (
// (b (c 0))
// (c (d 1))
// )
// )
// (
// (
// b
// (c (d 2))
// )
// (c 3)
// )
a = @x x
b = @x x
c = @x x
d = @x x
main = (foo foo2)

View File

@ -96,4 +96,3 @@ data Arr = Null | (Leaf x) | (Node a b)
Main = (Sum (Sort (Reverse (Gen 4))))
//Main = (Sort 0)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
source: tests/
input_file: tests/golden_tests/compile_file/redex_order_recursive.hvm
@add = ((@add__C0 ((a a) b)) b)
@add__C0 = (a (b d))
& @add ~ (a (((b c) (* c)) d))
@fold = ((@fold__C1 (@fold__C0 a)) a)
@fold__C0 = (((* (a a)) b) (* b))
@fold__C1 = (a (c e))
& @add ~ (b (d e))
& @fold ~ (a b)
& @fold ~ (c d)
@main = *
@tail_recursive = ((@tail_recursive__C0 (0 a)) a)
@tail_recursive__C0 = (a c)
& $(b c) ~ [+1]
& @tail_recursive ~ (a b)

View File

@ -3,27 +3,24 @@ source: tests/
input_file: tests/golden_tests/compile_file_o_all/repeated_name_trucation.hvm
Seems like you're trying to run some recursive function(s) on strict-mode.
The following recursive cycles are not compatible with strict-mode the way these functions were written:
Seems like you're trying to run some recursive function(s).
The following functions were written in a way that create recursive cycles that are not compatible with the strict evaluation of HVM.
* long_name_that_truncates -> long_name_that_truncates
Due to the ultra-greedy nature of strict-mode, that might result in infinite loops.
If the float-combinators optimization is not on, we recommend activating it.
You have to refactor these function to use lazy references.
You have 2 options:
The float-combinators and linearize-matches-extra options can help with doing this automatically.
They are turned on by default, but if you deactivated them, consider re-enabling.
1. Easy Fix: use lazy-mode.
When a function reference is in head position of an application it will be greedly expanded, leading to an infinite loop.
This for example doesn't work: 'Foo = λa λb (b (λc (Foo a c)) a)'
If the application is written as a combinator, it will automatically lifted to a lazy reference, which usually breaks the recursion cycle.
The example as combinators: 'Foo = λa λb (b (λc λa (Foo a c)) (λa a) a)
Alternatively, by using the built-in `data` and `match` syntax, hvm-lang will try to do this automatically.
Just append the `-L` option to `HVM-Lang`, and it will run in lazy-mode. It has the advantage of not doing wasteful work, having an improved complexity class, and being compatible with unrestricted recursion. It has a small overhead though, and isn't compatible with GPU.
2. Hard Fix: refactor the program to use lazy references.
When a function reference is in head position of an application or is duplicated by the non-linear use of a `let` expression it will be greedly expanded, leading to an infinite loop.
If the application is used written as a combinator, it will automatically lifted to a lazy reference, which usually breaks the recursion cycle. Alternatively, by using the built-in `data` and `match` syntax, hvm-lang will try to do this automatically.
(e.g. If pattern matching on scott-encoded ADTs, write '@a @x(x @a (Foo a) a)' instead of '@a @x(x (Foo a))')
For let expressions where the variable is non-linear (used more than once), you can instead employ `use` expressions to statically duplicate the offending recursive term.
(e.g. write 'Foo = @f use x = Foo; (f x x)' instead of 'Foo = @f let x = Foo; (f x x)')
For let expressions where the variable is non-linear, you can instead employ `use` expressions to statically duplicate the offending recursive term.
(e.g. write 'Foo = λf use x = Foo; (f x x)' instead of 'Foo = λf let x = Foo; (f x x)')
See here for more info:

View File

@ -3,27 +3,24 @@ source: tests/
input_file: tests/golden_tests/compile_file_o_all/self_ref.hvm
Seems like you're trying to run some recursive function(s) on strict-mode.
The following recursive cycles are not compatible with strict-mode the way these functions were written:
Seems like you're trying to run some recursive function(s).
The following functions were written in a way that create recursive cycles that are not compatible with the strict evaluation of HVM.
* Foo -> Foo
Due to the ultra-greedy nature of strict-mode, that might result in infinite loops.
If the float-combinators optimization is not on, we recommend activating it.
You have to refactor these function to use lazy references.
You have 2 options:
The float-combinators and linearize-matches-extra options can help with doing this automatically.
They are turned on by default, but if you deactivated them, consider re-enabling.
1. Easy Fix: use lazy-mode.
When a function reference is in head position of an application it will be greedly expanded, leading to an infinite loop.
This for example doesn't work: 'Foo = λa λb (b (λc (Foo a c)) a)'
If the application is written as a combinator, it will automatically lifted to a lazy reference, which usually breaks the recursion cycle.
The example as combinators: 'Foo = λa λb (b (λc λa (Foo a c)) (λa a) a)
Alternatively, by using the built-in `data` and `match` syntax, hvm-lang will try to do this automatically.
Just append the `-L` option to `HVM-Lang`, and it will run in lazy-mode. It has the advantage of not doing wasteful work, having an improved complexity class, and being compatible with unrestricted recursion. It has a small overhead though, and isn't compatible with GPU.
2. Hard Fix: refactor the program to use lazy references.
When a function reference is in head position of an application or is duplicated by the non-linear use of a `let` expression it will be greedly expanded, leading to an infinite loop.
If the application is used written as a combinator, it will automatically lifted to a lazy reference, which usually breaks the recursion cycle. Alternatively, by using the built-in `data` and `match` syntax, hvm-lang will try to do this automatically.
(e.g. If pattern matching on scott-encoded ADTs, write '@a @x(x @a (Foo a) a)' instead of '@a @x(x (Foo a))')
For let expressions where the variable is non-linear (used more than once), you can instead employ `use` expressions to statically duplicate the offending recursive term.
(e.g. write 'Foo = @f use x = Foo; (f x x)' instead of 'Foo = @f let x = Foo; (f x x)')
For let expressions where the variable is non-linear, you can instead employ `use` expressions to statically duplicate the offending recursive term.
(e.g. write 'Foo = λf use x = Foo; (f x x)' instead of 'Foo = λf let x = Foo; (f x x)')
See here for more info:

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ source: tests/
input_file: tests/golden_tests/compile_file_o_no_all/bitonic_sort.hvm
Seems like you're trying to run some recursive function(s) on strict-mode.
The following recursive cycles are not compatible with strict-mode the way these functions were written:
Seems like you're trying to run some recursive function(s).
The following functions were written in a way that create recursive cycles that are not compatible with the strict evaluation of HVM.
* Down -> Flow -> Down
* Warp -> Warp
* Gen -> Gen
@ -13,22 +13,19 @@ The following recursive cycles are not compatible with strict-mode the way these
* ...
Due to the ultra-greedy nature of strict-mode, that might result in infinite loops.
If the float-combinators optimization is not on, we recommend activating it.
You have to refactor these function to use lazy references.
You have 2 options:
The float-combinators and linearize-matches-extra options can help with doing this automatically.
They are turned on by default, but if you deactivated them, consider re-enabling.
1. Easy Fix: use lazy-mode.
When a function reference is in head position of an application it will be greedly expanded, leading to an infinite loop.
This for example doesn't work: 'Foo = λa λb (b (λc (Foo a c)) a)'
If the application is written as a combinator, it will automatically lifted to a lazy reference, which usually breaks the recursion cycle.
The example as combinators: 'Foo = λa λb (b (λc λa (Foo a c)) (λa a) a)
Alternatively, by using the built-in `data` and `match` syntax, hvm-lang will try to do this automatically.
Just append the `-L` option to `HVM-Lang`, and it will run in lazy-mode. It has the advantage of not doing wasteful work, having an improved complexity class, and being compatible with unrestricted recursion. It has a small overhead though, and isn't compatible with GPU.
2. Hard Fix: refactor the program to use lazy references.
When a function reference is in head position of an application or is duplicated by the non-linear use of a `let` expression it will be greedly expanded, leading to an infinite loop.
If the application is used written as a combinator, it will automatically lifted to a lazy reference, which usually breaks the recursion cycle. Alternatively, by using the built-in `data` and `match` syntax, hvm-lang will try to do this automatically.
(e.g. If pattern matching on scott-encoded ADTs, write '@a @x(x @a (Foo a) a)' instead of '@a @x(x (Foo a))')
For let expressions where the variable is non-linear (used more than once), you can instead employ `use` expressions to statically duplicate the offending recursive term.
(e.g. write 'Foo = @f use x = Foo; (f x x)' instead of 'Foo = @f let x = Foo; (f x x)')
For let expressions where the variable is non-linear, you can instead employ `use` expressions to statically duplicate the offending recursive term.
(e.g. write 'Foo = λf use x = Foo; (f x x)' instead of 'Foo = λf let x = Foo; (f x x)')
See here for more info:

View File

@ -3,28 +3,25 @@ source: tests/
input_file: tests/golden_tests/compile_file_o_no_all/list_reverse.hvm
Seems like you're trying to run some recursive function(s) on strict-mode.
The following recursive cycles are not compatible with strict-mode the way these functions were written:
Seems like you're trying to run some recursive function(s).
The following functions were written in a way that create recursive cycles that are not compatible with the strict evaluation of HVM.
* concat -> concat
* reverse -> reverse
Due to the ultra-greedy nature of strict-mode, that might result in infinite loops.
If the float-combinators optimization is not on, we recommend activating it.
You have to refactor these function to use lazy references.
You have 2 options:
The float-combinators and linearize-matches-extra options can help with doing this automatically.
They are turned on by default, but if you deactivated them, consider re-enabling.
1. Easy Fix: use lazy-mode.
When a function reference is in head position of an application it will be greedly expanded, leading to an infinite loop.
This for example doesn't work: 'Foo = λa λb (b (λc (Foo a c)) a)'
If the application is written as a combinator, it will automatically lifted to a lazy reference, which usually breaks the recursion cycle.
The example as combinators: 'Foo = λa λb (b (λc λa (Foo a c)) (λa a) a)
Alternatively, by using the built-in `data` and `match` syntax, hvm-lang will try to do this automatically.
Just append the `-L` option to `HVM-Lang`, and it will run in lazy-mode. It has the advantage of not doing wasteful work, having an improved complexity class, and being compatible with unrestricted recursion. It has a small overhead though, and isn't compatible with GPU.
2. Hard Fix: refactor the program to use lazy references.
When a function reference is in head position of an application or is duplicated by the non-linear use of a `let` expression it will be greedly expanded, leading to an infinite loop.
If the application is used written as a combinator, it will automatically lifted to a lazy reference, which usually breaks the recursion cycle. Alternatively, by using the built-in `data` and `match` syntax, hvm-lang will try to do this automatically.
(e.g. If pattern matching on scott-encoded ADTs, write '@a @x(x @a (Foo a) a)' instead of '@a @x(x (Foo a))')
For let expressions where the variable is non-linear (used more than once), you can instead employ `use` expressions to statically duplicate the offending recursive term.
(e.g. write 'Foo = @f use x = Foo; (f x x)' instead of 'Foo = @f let x = Foo; (f x x)')
For let expressions where the variable is non-linear, you can instead employ `use` expressions to statically duplicate the offending recursive term.
(e.g. write 'Foo = λf use x = Foo; (f x x)' instead of 'Foo = λf let x = Foo; (f x x)')
See here for more info:

View File

@ -6,8 +6,21 @@ input_file: tests/golden_tests/compile_file_o_no_all/redex_order.hvm
@b = (a a)
@bar = i
& @a ~ (d (h i))
& @b ~ (a (c d))
& @c ~ (0 a)
& @c ~ (b c)
& @d ~ (1 b)
& @b ~ (f (g h))
& @c ~ (e f)
& @d ~ (2 e)
& @c ~ (3 g)
@c = (a a)
@d = (a a)
@foo = (a d)
& @a ~ (c d)
& @b ~ (b c)

View File

@ -3,28 +3,25 @@ source: tests/
input_file: tests/golden_tests/compile_file_o_no_all/sum_tree.hvm
Seems like you're trying to run some recursive function(s) on strict-mode.
The following recursive cycles are not compatible with strict-mode the way these functions were written:
Seems like you're trying to run some recursive function(s).
The following functions were written in a way that create recursive cycles that are not compatible with the strict evaluation of HVM.
* gen -> gen
* sum -> sum
Due to the ultra-greedy nature of strict-mode, that might result in infinite loops.
If the float-combinators optimization is not on, we recommend activating it.
You have to refactor these function to use lazy references.
You have 2 options:
The float-combinators and linearize-matches-extra options can help with doing this automatically.
They are turned on by default, but if you deactivated them, consider re-enabling.
1. Easy Fix: use lazy-mode.
When a function reference is in head position of an application it will be greedly expanded, leading to an infinite loop.
This for example doesn't work: 'Foo = λa λb (b (λc (Foo a c)) a)'
If the application is written as a combinator, it will automatically lifted to a lazy reference, which usually breaks the recursion cycle.
The example as combinators: 'Foo = λa λb (b (λc λa (Foo a c)) (λa a) a)
Alternatively, by using the built-in `data` and `match` syntax, hvm-lang will try to do this automatically.
Just append the `-L` option to `HVM-Lang`, and it will run in lazy-mode. It has the advantage of not doing wasteful work, having an improved complexity class, and being compatible with unrestricted recursion. It has a small overhead though, and isn't compatible with GPU.
2. Hard Fix: refactor the program to use lazy references.
When a function reference is in head position of an application or is duplicated by the non-linear use of a `let` expression it will be greedly expanded, leading to an infinite loop.
If the application is used written as a combinator, it will automatically lifted to a lazy reference, which usually breaks the recursion cycle. Alternatively, by using the built-in `data` and `match` syntax, hvm-lang will try to do this automatically.
(e.g. If pattern matching on scott-encoded ADTs, write '@a @x(x @a (Foo a) a)' instead of '@a @x(x (Foo a))')
For let expressions where the variable is non-linear (used more than once), you can instead employ `use` expressions to statically duplicate the offending recursive term.
(e.g. write 'Foo = @f use x = Foo; (f x x)' instead of 'Foo = @f let x = Foo; (f x x)')
For let expressions where the variable is non-linear, you can instead employ `use` expressions to statically duplicate the offending recursive term.
(e.g. write 'Foo = λf use x = Foo; (f x x)' instead of 'Foo = λf let x = Foo; (f x x)')
See here for more info:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
source: tests/
input_file: examples/radix_sort.hvm

View File

@ -3,27 +3,24 @@ source: tests/
input_file: tests/golden_tests/mutual_recursion/a_b_c.hvm
Seems like you're trying to run some recursive function(s) on strict-mode.
The following recursive cycles are not compatible with strict-mode the way these functions were written:
Seems like you're trying to run some recursive function(s).
The following functions were written in a way that create recursive cycles that are not compatible with the strict evaluation of HVM.
* A -> B -> C -> A
Due to the ultra-greedy nature of strict-mode, that might result in infinite loops.
If the float-combinators optimization is not on, we recommend activating it.
You have to refactor these function to use lazy references.
You have 2 options:
The float-combinators and linearize-matches-extra options can help with doing this automatically.
They are turned on by default, but if you deactivated them, consider re-enabling.
1. Easy Fix: use lazy-mode.
When a function reference is in head position of an application it will be greedly expanded, leading to an infinite loop.
This for example doesn't work: 'Foo = λa λb (b (λc (Foo a c)) a)'
If the application is written as a combinator, it will automatically lifted to a lazy reference, which usually breaks the recursion cycle.
The example as combinators: 'Foo = λa λb (b (λc λa (Foo a c)) (λa a) a)
Alternatively, by using the built-in `data` and `match` syntax, hvm-lang will try to do this automatically.
Just append the `-L` option to `HVM-Lang`, and it will run in lazy-mode. It has the advantage of not doing wasteful work, having an improved complexity class, and being compatible with unrestricted recursion. It has a small overhead though, and isn't compatible with GPU.
2. Hard Fix: refactor the program to use lazy references.
When a function reference is in head position of an application or is duplicated by the non-linear use of a `let` expression it will be greedly expanded, leading to an infinite loop.
If the application is used written as a combinator, it will automatically lifted to a lazy reference, which usually breaks the recursion cycle. Alternatively, by using the built-in `data` and `match` syntax, hvm-lang will try to do this automatically.
(e.g. If pattern matching on scott-encoded ADTs, write '@a @x(x @a (Foo a) a)' instead of '@a @x(x (Foo a))')
For let expressions where the variable is non-linear (used more than once), you can instead employ `use` expressions to statically duplicate the offending recursive term.
(e.g. write 'Foo = @f use x = Foo; (f x x)' instead of 'Foo = @f let x = Foo; (f x x)')
For let expressions where the variable is non-linear, you can instead employ `use` expressions to statically duplicate the offending recursive term.
(e.g. write 'Foo = λf use x = Foo; (f x x)' instead of 'Foo = λf let x = Foo; (f x x)')
See here for more info:

View File

@ -3,30 +3,27 @@ source: tests/
input_file: tests/golden_tests/mutual_recursion/merged.hvm
Seems like you're trying to run some recursive function(s) on strict-mode.
The following recursive cycles are not compatible with strict-mode the way these functions were written:
Seems like you're trying to run some recursive function(s).
The following functions were written in a way that create recursive cycles that are not compatible with the strict evaluation of HVM.
* Rec -> X -> Rec
* Rec -> Y -> Rec
* Rec2 -> X -> Rec2
* Rec2 -> Y -> Rec2
Due to the ultra-greedy nature of strict-mode, that might result in infinite loops.
If the float-combinators optimization is not on, we recommend activating it.
You have to refactor these function to use lazy references.
You have 2 options:
The float-combinators and linearize-matches-extra options can help with doing this automatically.
They are turned on by default, but if you deactivated them, consider re-enabling.
1. Easy Fix: use lazy-mode.
When a function reference is in head position of an application it will be greedly expanded, leading to an infinite loop.
This for example doesn't work: 'Foo = λa λb (b (λc (Foo a c)) a)'
If the application is written as a combinator, it will automatically lifted to a lazy reference, which usually breaks the recursion cycle.
The example as combinators: 'Foo = λa λb (b (λc λa (Foo a c)) (λa a) a)
Alternatively, by using the built-in `data` and `match` syntax, hvm-lang will try to do this automatically.
Just append the `-L` option to `HVM-Lang`, and it will run in lazy-mode. It has the advantage of not doing wasteful work, having an improved complexity class, and being compatible with unrestricted recursion. It has a small overhead though, and isn't compatible with GPU.
2. Hard Fix: refactor the program to use lazy references.
When a function reference is in head position of an application or is duplicated by the non-linear use of a `let` expression it will be greedly expanded, leading to an infinite loop.
If the application is used written as a combinator, it will automatically lifted to a lazy reference, which usually breaks the recursion cycle. Alternatively, by using the built-in `data` and `match` syntax, hvm-lang will try to do this automatically.
(e.g. If pattern matching on scott-encoded ADTs, write '@a @x(x @a (Foo a) a)' instead of '@a @x(x (Foo a))')
For let expressions where the variable is non-linear (used more than once), you can instead employ `use` expressions to statically duplicate the offending recursive term.
(e.g. write 'Foo = @f use x = Foo; (f x x)' instead of 'Foo = @f let x = Foo; (f x x)')
For let expressions where the variable is non-linear, you can instead employ `use` expressions to statically duplicate the offending recursive term.
(e.g. write 'Foo = λf use x = Foo; (f x x)' instead of 'Foo = λf let x = Foo; (f x x)')
See here for more info:

View File

@ -3,30 +3,27 @@ source: tests/
input_file: tests/golden_tests/mutual_recursion/multiple.hvm
Seems like you're trying to run some recursive function(s) on strict-mode.
The following recursive cycles are not compatible with strict-mode the way these functions were written:
Seems like you're trying to run some recursive function(s).
The following functions were written in a way that create recursive cycles that are not compatible with the strict evaluation of HVM.
* A -> B -> C -> A
* H -> I -> H
* M -> M
* N -> N
Due to the ultra-greedy nature of strict-mode, that might result in infinite loops.
If the float-combinators optimization is not on, we recommend activating it.
You have to refactor these function to use lazy references.
You have 2 options:
The float-combinators and linearize-matches-extra options can help with doing this automatically.
They are turned on by default, but if you deactivated them, consider re-enabling.
1. Easy Fix: use lazy-mode.
When a function reference is in head position of an application it will be greedly expanded, leading to an infinite loop.
This for example doesn't work: 'Foo = λa λb (b (λc (Foo a c)) a)'
If the application is written as a combinator, it will automatically lifted to a lazy reference, which usually breaks the recursion cycle.
The example as combinators: 'Foo = λa λb (b (λc λa (Foo a c)) (λa a) a)
Alternatively, by using the built-in `data` and `match` syntax, hvm-lang will try to do this automatically.
Just append the `-L` option to `HVM-Lang`, and it will run in lazy-mode. It has the advantage of not doing wasteful work, having an improved complexity class, and being compatible with unrestricted recursion. It has a small overhead though, and isn't compatible with GPU.
2. Hard Fix: refactor the program to use lazy references.
When a function reference is in head position of an application or is duplicated by the non-linear use of a `let` expression it will be greedly expanded, leading to an infinite loop.
If the application is used written as a combinator, it will automatically lifted to a lazy reference, which usually breaks the recursion cycle. Alternatively, by using the built-in `data` and `match` syntax, hvm-lang will try to do this automatically.
(e.g. If pattern matching on scott-encoded ADTs, write '@a @x(x @a (Foo a) a)' instead of '@a @x(x (Foo a))')
For let expressions where the variable is non-linear (used more than once), you can instead employ `use` expressions to statically duplicate the offending recursive term.
(e.g. write 'Foo = @f use x = Foo; (f x x)' instead of 'Foo = @f let x = Foo; (f x x)')
For let expressions where the variable is non-linear, you can instead employ `use` expressions to statically duplicate the offending recursive term.
(e.g. write 'Foo = λf use x = Foo; (f x x)' instead of 'Foo = λf let x = Foo; (f x x)')
See here for more info:

View File

@ -3,27 +3,24 @@ source: tests/
input_file: tests/golden_tests/mutual_recursion/odd_even.hvm
Seems like you're trying to run some recursive function(s) on strict-mode.
The following recursive cycles are not compatible with strict-mode the way these functions were written:
Seems like you're trying to run some recursive function(s).
The following functions were written in a way that create recursive cycles that are not compatible with the strict evaluation of HVM.
* isEven -> isOdd -> isEven
Due to the ultra-greedy nature of strict-mode, that might result in infinite loops.
If the float-combinators optimization is not on, we recommend activating it.
You have to refactor these function to use lazy references.
You have 2 options:
The float-combinators and linearize-matches-extra options can help with doing this automatically.
They are turned on by default, but if you deactivated them, consider re-enabling.
1. Easy Fix: use lazy-mode.
When a function reference is in head position of an application it will be greedly expanded, leading to an infinite loop.
This for example doesn't work: 'Foo = λa λb (b (λc (Foo a c)) a)'
If the application is written as a combinator, it will automatically lifted to a lazy reference, which usually breaks the recursion cycle.
The example as combinators: 'Foo = λa λb (b (λc λa (Foo a c)) (λa a) a)
Alternatively, by using the built-in `data` and `match` syntax, hvm-lang will try to do this automatically.
Just append the `-L` option to `HVM-Lang`, and it will run in lazy-mode. It has the advantage of not doing wasteful work, having an improved complexity class, and being compatible with unrestricted recursion. It has a small overhead though, and isn't compatible with GPU.
2. Hard Fix: refactor the program to use lazy references.
When a function reference is in head position of an application or is duplicated by the non-linear use of a `let` expression it will be greedly expanded, leading to an infinite loop.
If the application is used written as a combinator, it will automatically lifted to a lazy reference, which usually breaks the recursion cycle. Alternatively, by using the built-in `data` and `match` syntax, hvm-lang will try to do this automatically.
(e.g. If pattern matching on scott-encoded ADTs, write '@a @x(x @a (Foo a) a)' instead of '@a @x(x (Foo a))')
For let expressions where the variable is non-linear (used more than once), you can instead employ `use` expressions to statically duplicate the offending recursive term.
(e.g. write 'Foo = @f use x = Foo; (f x x)' instead of 'Foo = @f let x = Foo; (f x x)')
For let expressions where the variable is non-linear, you can instead employ `use` expressions to statically duplicate the offending recursive term.
(e.g. write 'Foo = λf use x = Foo; (f x x)' instead of 'Foo = λf let x = Foo; (f x x)')
See here for more info:

View File

@ -4,4 +4,6 @@ input_file: tests/golden_tests/run_file/match_vars.hvm
In definition 'main':
Irrefutable 'match' expression. All cases after 'true' will be ignored. If this is not a mistake, consider using a 'let' expression instead.
Irrefutable 'match' expression. All cases after variable pattern 'true' will be ignored.
Note that to use a 'match' expression, the matched constructors need to be defined in a 'data' definition.
If this is not a mistake, consider using a 'let' expression instead.