use bend::{ compile_book, desugar_book, diagnostics::{Diagnostics, DiagnosticsConfig, Severity}, fun::{load_book::do_parse_book, net_to_term::net_to_term, term_to_net::Labels, Book, Ctx, Name, Term}, hvm::hvm_book_show_pretty, net::hvm_to_net::hvm_to_net, run_book, AdtEncoding, CompileOpts, RunOpts, }; use insta::assert_snapshot; use itertools::Itertools; use std::{ collections::HashMap, fmt::Write, io::Read, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; use stdext::function_name; use walkdir::WalkDir; // Since running a program requires messing with stdout and stderr, // if we run multiple at the same time, their outputs can get mixed. // So we put a mutex to execute only one "run" test at a time. static RUN_MUTEX: std::sync::Mutex<()> = std::sync::Mutex::new(()); const TESTS_PATH: &str = "/tests/golden_tests/"; type RunFn = dyn Fn(&str, &Path) -> Result; fn run_single_golden_test(path: &Path, run: &[&RunFn]) -> Result<(), String> { println!("{}", path.display()); let code = std::fs::read_to_string(path).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?; let file_name = path.to_str().and_then(|path| path.rsplit_once(TESTS_PATH)).unwrap().1; // unfortunately we need to do this let file_path = format!("{}{}", &TESTS_PATH[1..], file_name); let file_path = Path::new(&file_path); let mut results: HashMap<&Path, Vec> = HashMap::new(); for fun in run { let result = fun(&code, file_path).unwrap_or_else(|err| err.to_string()); results.entry(file_path).or_default().push(result); } let results = results.into_values().map(|v| v.join("\n")).collect_vec(); let mut settings = insta::Settings::clone_current(); settings.set_prepend_module_to_snapshot(false); settings.set_omit_expression(true); settings.set_input_file(path); settings.bind(|| { for result in results { assert_snapshot!(file_name, result); } }); Ok(()) } fn run_golden_test_dir(test_name: &str, run: &RunFn) { run_golden_test_dir_multiple(test_name, &[run]) } fn run_golden_test_dir_multiple(test_name: &str, run: &[&RunFn]) { let root = PathBuf::from(format!( "{}{TESTS_PATH}{}", env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), test_name.rsplit_once(':').unwrap().1 )); let walker = WalkDir::new(&root).sort_by_file_name().max_depth(2).into_iter().filter_entry(|e| { let path = e.path(); path == root || path.is_dir() || (path.is_file() && path.extension().is_some_and(|x| x == "bend")) }); for entry in walker { let entry = entry.unwrap(); let path = entry.path(); if path.is_file() { eprintln!("Testing {}", path.display()); run_single_golden_test(path, run).unwrap(); } } } pub fn run_book_simple( book: Book, run_opts: RunOpts, compile_opts: CompileOpts, diagnostics_cfg: DiagnosticsConfig, args: Option>, ) -> Result<(Term, String, Diagnostics), Diagnostics> { run_book(book, run_opts, compile_opts, diagnostics_cfg, args, "run").map(Option::unwrap) } /* Snapshot/regression/golden tests Each tests runs all the files in tests/golden_tests/. The test functions decide how exactly to process the test programs and what to save as a snapshot. */ #[test] fn compile_file() { run_golden_test_dir(function_name!(), &|code, path| { let mut book = do_parse_book(code, path, Book::builtins())?; let compile_opts = CompileOpts::default(); let diagnostics_cfg = DiagnosticsConfig { unused_definition: Severity::Allow, ..Default::default() }; let res = compile_book(&mut book, compile_opts, diagnostics_cfg, None)?; Ok(format!("{}{}", res.diagnostics, hvm_book_show_pretty(&res.hvm_book))) }) } #[test] fn compile_file_o_all() { run_golden_test_dir(function_name!(), &|code, path| { let mut book = do_parse_book(code, path, Book::builtins())?; let opts = CompileOpts::default().set_all(); let diagnostics_cfg = DiagnosticsConfig { recursion_cycle: Severity::Warning, unused_definition: Severity::Allow, ..Default::default() }; let res = compile_book(&mut book, opts, diagnostics_cfg, None)?; Ok(format!("{}{}", res.diagnostics, hvm_book_show_pretty(&res.hvm_book))) }) } #[test] fn compile_file_o_no_all() { run_golden_test_dir(function_name!(), &|code, path| { let mut book = do_parse_book(code, path, Book::builtins())?; let compile_opts = CompileOpts::default().set_no_all(); let diagnostics_cfg = DiagnosticsConfig::default(); let res = compile_book(&mut book, compile_opts, diagnostics_cfg, None)?; Ok(hvm_book_show_pretty(&res.hvm_book).to_string()) }) } #[test] fn linear_readback() { run_golden_test_dir(function_name!(), &|code, path| { let _guard = RUN_MUTEX.lock().unwrap(); let book = do_parse_book(code, path, Book::builtins())?; let compile_opts = CompileOpts::default().set_all(); let diagnostics_cfg = DiagnosticsConfig::default(); let (term, _, diags) = run_book_simple( book, RunOpts { linear_readback: true, ..Default::default() }, compile_opts, diagnostics_cfg, None, )?; let res = format!("{diags}{term}"); Ok(res) }); } #[test] fn run_file() { run_golden_test_dir_multiple( function_name!(), &[(&|code, path| { let _guard = RUN_MUTEX.lock().unwrap(); let book = do_parse_book(code, path, Book::builtins())?; let diagnostics_cfg = DiagnosticsConfig { unused_definition: Severity::Allow, ..DiagnosticsConfig::new(Severity::Error, true) }; let run_opts = RunOpts::default(); let mut res = String::new(); for adt_encoding in [AdtEncoding::NumScott, AdtEncoding::Scott] { let compile_opts = CompileOpts { adt_encoding, ..CompileOpts::default() }; let (term, _, diags) = run_book_simple(book.clone(), run_opts.clone(), compile_opts, diagnostics_cfg, None)?; res.push_str(&format!("{adt_encoding}:\n{diags}{term}\n\n")); } Ok(res) })], ) } #[test] #[ignore = "while lazy execution is not implemented for hvm32"] fn run_lazy() { run_golden_test_dir(function_name!(), &|_code, _path| { todo!() /* let _guard = RUN_MUTEX.lock().unwrap(); let book = do_parse_book(code, path)?; let compile_opts = CompileOpts::default_lazy(); let diagnostics_cfg = DiagnosticsConfig { recursion_cycle: Severity::Allow, unused_definition: Severity::Allow, ..DiagnosticsConfig::new(Severity::Error, true) }; let run_opts = RunOpts::lazy(); let (term, _, diags) = run_book(book, run_opts, compile_opts, diagnostics_cfg, None)?; let res = format!("{diags}{term}"); Ok(res) */ }) } #[test] fn readback_hvm() { run_golden_test_dir(function_name!(), &|code, _| { let mut p = hvm::ast::CoreParser::new(code); let net = p.parse_net()?; let book = Book::default(); let compat_net = hvm_to_net(&net); let mut diags = Diagnostics::default(); let term = net_to_term(&compat_net, &book, &Labels::default(), false, &mut diags); Ok(format!("{}{}", diags, term)) }) } #[test] fn simplify_matches() { run_golden_test_dir(function_name!(), &|code, path| { let diagnostics_cfg = DiagnosticsConfig { irrefutable_match: Severity::Allow, ..DiagnosticsConfig::new(Severity::Error, true) }; let mut book = do_parse_book(code, path, Book::builtins())?; let mut ctx = Ctx::new(&mut book, diagnostics_cfg); ctx.check_shared_names(); ctx.set_entrypoint();; ctx.fix_match_defs()?; ctx.desugar_open()?;; ctx.resolve_refs()?; ctx.desugar_match_defs()?; ctx.fix_match_terms()?; ctx.desugar_bend()?; ctx.desugar_fold()?; ctx.desugar_with_blocks()?; ctx.check_unbound_vars()?;;;;; ctx.check_unbound_vars()?;;;; ctx.prune(false); Ok( }) } #[test] fn parse_file() { run_golden_test_dir(function_name!(), &|code, path| { let mut book = do_parse_book(code, path, Book::builtins())?; let mut ctx = Ctx::new(&mut book, Default::default()); ctx.set_entrypoint();;; ctx.resolve_refs().expect("Resolve refs"); ctx.desugar_match_defs().expect("Desugar match defs"); ctx.prune(false); Ok(book.to_string()) }) } #[test] fn encode_pattern_match() { run_golden_test_dir(function_name!(), &|code, path| { let mut result = String::new(); for adt_encoding in [AdtEncoding::Scott, AdtEncoding::NumScott] { let diagnostics_cfg = DiagnosticsConfig::default(); let mut book = do_parse_book(code, path, Book::builtins())?; let mut ctx = Ctx::new(&mut book, diagnostics_cfg); ctx.check_shared_names(); ctx.set_entrypoint();; ctx.fix_match_defs()?; ctx.desugar_open()?;; ctx.resolve_refs()?; ctx.desugar_match_defs()?; ctx.fix_match_terms()?; ctx.desugar_bend()?; ctx.desugar_fold()?; ctx.desugar_with_blocks()?; ctx.check_unbound_vars()?;;;;;; ctx.check_unbound_vars()?;;;;; ctx.prune(false); writeln!(result, "{adt_encoding}\n{}\n",; } Ok(result) }) } #[test] fn desugar_file() { run_golden_test_dir(function_name!(), &|code, path| { let compile_opts = CompileOpts::default(); let diagnostics_cfg = DiagnosticsConfig { unused_definition: Severity::Allow, ..DiagnosticsConfig::new(Severity::Error, true) }; let mut book = do_parse_book(code, path, Book::builtins())?; desugar_book(&mut book, compile_opts, diagnostics_cfg, None)?; Ok(book.to_string()) }) } #[test] #[ignore = "bug - the subprocess created by run_book leaks"] fn hangs() { let expected_normalization_time = 5; run_golden_test_dir(function_name!(), &move |code, path| { let _guard = RUN_MUTEX.lock().unwrap(); let book = do_parse_book(code, path, Book::builtins())?; let compile_opts = CompileOpts::default().set_all(); let diagnostics_cfg = DiagnosticsConfig::new(Severity::Allow, false); let thread = std::thread::spawn(move || { run_book_simple(book, RunOpts::default(), compile_opts, diagnostics_cfg, None) }); std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(expected_normalization_time)); if !thread.is_finished() { Ok("Hangs".into()) } else if let Err(diags) = thread.join().unwrap() { Err(format!("Doesn't hang. (Compilation failed)\n{diags}").into()) } else { Err("Doesn't hang. (Ran to the end)".to_string().into()) } }) } #[test] fn compile_entrypoint() { run_golden_test_dir(function_name!(), &|code, path| { let mut book = do_parse_book(code, path, Book::builtins())?; book.entrypoint = Some(Name::new("foo")); let diagnostics_cfg = DiagnosticsConfig { ..DiagnosticsConfig::new(Severity::Error, true) }; let res = compile_book(&mut book, CompileOpts::default(), diagnostics_cfg, None)?; Ok(format!("{}{}", res.diagnostics, hvm_book_show_pretty(&res.hvm_book))) }) } #[test] #[ignore = "while execution with different entrypoints is not implemented for hvm32"] fn run_entrypoint() { run_golden_test_dir(function_name!(), &|code, path| { let _guard = RUN_MUTEX.lock().unwrap(); let mut book = do_parse_book(code, path, Book::builtins())?; book.entrypoint = Some(Name::new("foo")); let compile_opts = CompileOpts::default().set_all(); let diagnostics_cfg = DiagnosticsConfig { ..DiagnosticsConfig::new(Severity::Error, true) }; let (term, _, diags) = run_book_simple(book, RunOpts::default(), compile_opts, diagnostics_cfg, None)?; let res = format!("{diags}{term}"); Ok(res) }) } #[test] fn cli() { run_golden_test_dir(function_name!(), &|_code, path| { let _guard = RUN_MUTEX.lock().unwrap(); let mut args_path = PathBuf::from(path); assert!(args_path.set_extension("args")); let mut args_buf = String::with_capacity(16); let mut args_file = std::fs::File::open(args_path).expect("File exists"); args_file.read_to_string(&mut args_buf).expect("Read args"); let args = args_buf.lines(); let output = std::process::Command::new(env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_bend")).args(args).output().expect("Run command"); let res = format!("{}{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr), String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout)); Ok(res) }) } #[test] fn mutual_recursion() { run_golden_test_dir(function_name!(), &|code, path| { let diagnostics_cfg = DiagnosticsConfig { recursion_cycle: Severity::Error, ..DiagnosticsConfig::new(Severity::Allow, true) }; let mut book = do_parse_book(code, path, Book::builtins())?; let opts = CompileOpts { merge: true, ..CompileOpts::default() }; let res = compile_book(&mut book, opts, diagnostics_cfg, None)?; Ok(format!("{}{}", res.diagnostics, hvm_book_show_pretty(&res.hvm_book))) }) } #[test] #[ignore = "while IO is not implemented for hvm32"] fn io() { run_golden_test_dir_multiple( function_name!(), &[ /* (&|code, path| { let _guard = RUN_MUTEX.lock().unwrap(); let book = do_parse_book(code, path)?; let compile_opts = CompileOpts::default_lazy(); let diagnostics_cfg = DiagnosticsConfig::default_lazy(); let Output { status, stdout, stderr } = run_book(book, None, RunOpts::lazy(), compile_opts, diagnostics_cfg, None)?; let stderr = String::from_utf8_lossy(&stderr); let status = if !status.success() { format!("\n{status}") } else { String::new() }; let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&stdout); Ok(format!("Lazy mode:\n{}{}{}", stderr, status, stdout)) }), */ (&|code, path| { let _guard = RUN_MUTEX.lock().unwrap(); let book = do_parse_book(code, path, Book::builtins())?; let compile_opts = CompileOpts::default(); let diagnostics_cfg = DiagnosticsConfig::default(); let (term, _, diags) = run_book_simple(book, RunOpts::default(), compile_opts, diagnostics_cfg, None)?; let res = format!("{diags}{term}"); Ok(format!("Strict mode:\n{res}")) }), ], ) } #[test] fn examples() -> Result<(), Diagnostics> { let examples_path = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).join("examples"); for entry in WalkDir::new(examples_path) .min_depth(1) .into_iter() .filter_map(|e| e.ok()) .filter(|e| e.path().extension().map_or(false, |ext| ext == "bend")) { let _guard = RUN_MUTEX.lock().unwrap(); let path = entry.path(); eprintln!("Testing {}", path.display()); let code = std::fs::read_to_string(path).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?; let book = do_parse_book(&code, path, Book::builtins()).unwrap(); let compile_opts = CompileOpts::default(); let diagnostics_cfg = DiagnosticsConfig::default(); let (term, _, diags) = run_book_simple(book, RunOpts::default(), compile_opts, diagnostics_cfg, None)?; let res = format!("{diags}{term}"); let mut settings = insta::Settings::clone_current(); settings.set_prepend_module_to_snapshot(false); settings.set_omit_expression(true); settings.set_input_file(path); settings.bind(|| { assert_snapshot!(format!("examples__{}", path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap()), res); }); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn scott_triggers_unused() { run_golden_test_dir(function_name!(), &|code, path| { let mut book = do_parse_book(code, path, Book::builtins())?; let opts = CompileOpts::default(); let diagnostics_cfg = DiagnosticsConfig { unused_definition: Severity::Error, ..DiagnosticsConfig::default() }; let res = compile_book(&mut book, opts, diagnostics_cfg, None)?; Ok(format!("{}{}", res.diagnostics, hvm_book_show_pretty(&res.hvm_book))) }) } // TODO: also run the long string file to test the readback #[test] fn compile_long() { run_golden_test_dir(function_name!(), &|code, path| { let mut book = do_parse_book(code, path, Book::builtins())?; let opts = CompileOpts::default().set_all(); let diagnostics_cfg = DiagnosticsConfig { recursion_cycle: Severity::Warning, unused_definition: Severity::Allow, ..Default::default() }; compile_book(&mut book, opts.clone(), diagnostics_cfg, None)?; Ok("Compiled".to_string()) }) }