2024-05-22 19:48:53 +02:00

17 lines
592 B

# This program is an example that shows how scopeless lambdas can be used.
Seq a b = a
# Create a program capable of using `callcc`
CC.lang = λprogram
let callcc = λcallback (λ$garbage($hole) (callback λ$hole(0)));
let result = (program callcc);
let garbage = $garbage; # Discard `$garbage`, which is the value returned by `callback`
(Seq result garbage)
main = (CC.lang λcallcc
# This code calls `callcc`, then calls `k` to fill the hole with `42`.
# This means that the call to callcc returns `42`, and the program returns `52`
(+ 10 (callcc λk(+ (k 42) 1729)))