A massively parallel, high-level programming language
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2024-05-06 14:36:54 +02:00
.github/workflows Simplify for hvm32, add net size check 2024-04-26 22:37:36 +02:00
docs Update docs and examples for hvm32 2024-04-26 22:35:42 +02:00
examples [sc-548] Add support for i24 and f24 2024-05-06 14:36:54 +02:00
src [sc-548] Add support for i24 and f24 2024-05-06 14:36:54 +02:00
tests [sc-548] Add support for i24 and f24 2024-05-06 14:36:54 +02:00
.clippy.toml Fix parsing and conversion to hvm core. Tidy up 2023-09-01 16:52:58 +02:00
.gitignore [sc-517] Use kind2-like pattern matching terms, remove nested lets and adt lets 2024-03-29 10:49:36 +01:00
.rustfmt.toml Initial commit of hvm-lang with basic parser 2023-08-29 22:43:01 +02:00
Cargo.lock [sc-609] Update for fixed version of TSPL 2024-04-29 20:31:42 +02:00
Cargo.toml [sc-609] Update for fixed version of TSPL 2024-04-29 20:31:42 +02:00
cspell.json [sc-548] Add support for i24 and f24 2024-05-06 14:36:54 +02:00
justfile [sc-627] Initial update for hvm32 2024-04-22 19:03:56 +02:00
README.md [sc-501] Use TSPL for the parser 2024-04-10 20:33:47 +02:00
rust-toolchain.toml Make hvm lang compatible with ptr refactor [sc-362] 2024-02-22 15:00:29 -03:00


HVM-Lang is a lambda-calculus based language and serves as an Intermediate Representation for HVM-Core, offering a higher level syntax for writing programs based on the Interaction-Calculus.

Compilers that want to target the HVM should compile the source language to HVM-lang, which takes care of converting interaction calculus into the underlying interaction networks.

Note that HVM-lang is untyped and does not guarantee correctness or soundness. Compilers that don't want to implement the necessary check can instead transpile to the Kind language, which compiles to HVM-lang and implements type-level checking.

Programmers looking for an HVM-based programming language should also use Kind, which is designed to be user-interfacing.


With the nightly version of rust installed, clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/HigherOrderCO/hvm-lang.git

cd hvm-lang

Install using cargo:

cargo install --path . --locked


First things first, let's write a basic program that adds the numbers 3 and 2.

main = (+ 3 2)

HVM-Lang searches for the main | Main definitions as entrypoint of the program.

To run a program, use the run argument:

hvml run <file>

It will show the number 5. Adding the --stats option displays some runtime stats like time and rewrites.

To limit the runtime memory, use the --mem <size> option. The default is 1GB:

hvml --mem 65536 run <file>

You can specify the memory size in bytes (default), kilobytes (k), megabytes (m), or gigabytes (g), e.g., --mem 200m.

To compile a program use the compile argument:

hvml compile <file>

This will output the compiled file to stdout.

There are compiler options through the CLI. Click here to learn about them.


HVM-Lang files consists of a series of definitions, which bind a name to a term. Terms include lambda-calculus abstractions and applications, numbers, tuples, among others.

Here's a lambda where the body is the variable x:

id = λx x

Lambdas can also be defined using @. To discard the variable and not bind it to any name, use *:

True  = @t @* t
False = λ* λf f

Applications are enclosed by ( ).

(λx x λx x λx x)

This term is the same as:

(((λx x) (λx x)) (λx x))

Parentheses around lambdas are optional. Lambdas have a high precedence

(λx a b) == ((λx a) b) != (λx (a b))

* can also be used to define an eraser term. It compiles to an inet node with only one port that deletes anything thats plugged into it.

era = *

A let term binds some value to the next term, in this case (* result 2):

let result = (+ 1 2); (* result 2)

The use term inlines clones of some value to the next term:

use result = (+ 1 2); (* result result)

// Equivalent to
(* (+ 1 2) (+ 1 2))

The same term with let duplicates the value:

let result = (+ 1 2); (* result result)

// Equivalent to
let {result_1 result_2} = (+ 1 2); (* result_1 result_2)

Duplications efficiently share the same value between two locations, only cloning a value when it's actually needed, but their exact behaviour is slightly more complicated than that and escapes normal lambda-calculus rules. You can read more about it in Dups and sups.

It is possible to define tuples:

tup = (2, 2)

And destructuring tuples with let:

let (x, y) = tup; (+ x y)

Strings are delimited by " " and support Unicode characters.

main = "Hello, 🌎"

A string is desugared to a String data type containing two constructors, String.cons and String.nil.

// These two are equivalent
StrEx1 = "Hello"

data String = (String.cons head tail) | String.nil
StrEx2 = (String.cons 'H' (String.cons 'e', (String.cons 'l' (String.cons 'l', (String.cons 'o' String.nil)))))

Characters are delimited by ' ' and support Unicode escape sequences. They have a numeric value associated with them.

main = '\u{4242}'

Lists are delimited by [ ] and elements can be optionally separated by ,.

ids = [3, 6, 9 12 16]

A list is desugared to a List data type containing two constructors, List.cons and List.nil.

// These two are equivalent
ListEx1 = [1, 2, 3]

data List = (List.cons head tail) | (List.nil)
ListEx2 = (List.cons 1 (List.cons 2 (List.cons 3 List.nil)))

Hvm-lang supports pattern matching through match and switch terms. match pattern matches on constructors declared with data.

data Option = (Some val) | None
// 'match' implicitly binds a variable for each field in the constructor.
// The name of the bound variable depends on the name of the argument.
map f x = match x {
  Some:  (Some (f x.val))
  None:  None

// You can give a name to the match argument to access its fields.
TakeErr fallible_fn x errs =
  match res = (fallible_fn x) {
    // We can now access res.val.
    // If no name is given, it will be inaccessible.
    Result.ok: ((Some res.val), errs)
    Result.err: (None, (List.cons res.val errs))

switch pattern matches on native numbers:

match x = 4 {
  // From '0' to n, ending with the default case '_'.
  0:  "zero"
  1:  "one"
  2:  "two"
  // The default case binds the name <arg>-<n>
  // where 'arg' is the name of the argument and 'n' is the next number.
  // In this case, it's 'x-3', which will have value (4 - 3) = 1
  _:  (String.concat "other: " (String.from_num x-3))

Which is the equivalent of nesting match terms:

match x = 4 {
  0: "zero"
  _: match x-1 {
    0: "one"
    _:  use x-2 = x-1-1; match x-2 {
      0: "two"
      _: use x-3 = x-2-1; (String.concat "other: " (String.from_num x-3))

More features


  • 📗: Basic resources
  • 📙: Intermediate resources
  • 📕: Advanced resources

Other features are described in the following documentation files:

Further reading