2024-05-22 19:48:53 +02:00

67 lines
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# Implements bitonic sort on a list of numbers encoded as a tree of pairs.
# Because we can't know when a tree of pairs is a leaf or a node, we pass the depth everywhere.
# Generates a tree of pairs with depth 'd' with numbers from 2^d to 0 at the leaves
def gen(d):
bend d, x=0:
when d:
return (fork(d - 1, x * 2 + 1), fork(d - 1, x * 2))
return x
# Adds all the numbers in a tree of pairs of depth 'd'
def sum(d, t):
switch d:
case 0:
return t
case _:
(t.a, t.b) = t
return sum(d-1, t.a) + sum(d-1, t.b)
# Conditionally swaps the values of a pair
def swap(s, a, b):
if s:
return (b,a)
return (a,b)
def warp(d, s, a, b):
switch d:
case 0:
return swap(s + (a > b), a, b)
case _:
(a.a,a.b) = a
(b.a,b.b) = b
(A.a,A.b) = warp(d-1, s, a.a, b.a)
(B.a,B.b) = warp(d-1, s, a.b, b.b)
return ((A.a,B.a),(A.b,B.b))
def flow(d, s, t):
switch d:
case 0:
return t
case _:
(t.a, t.b) = t
return down(d, s, warp(d-1, s, t.a, t.b))
def down(d,s,t):
switch d:
case 0:
return t
case _:
(t.a, t.b) = t
return (flow(d-1, s, t.a), flow(d-1, s, t.b))
# Bitonic sort
def sort(d, s, t):
switch d:
case 0:
return t
case _:
(t.a, t.b) = t
return flow(d, s, (sort(d-1, 0, t.a), sort(d-1, 1, t.b)))
def main:
# Generate a reverse sorted tree of numbers, sort them and then add them up
return sum(18, sort(18, 0, gen(18)))