2024-06-05 16:00:43 +02:00

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type MyTree = Leaf | (Node lft val rgt)
# Parallel QuickSort
(Sort List/Nil) = MyTree/Leaf
(Sort (List/Cons head tail)) =
((Part head tail) λmin λmax
let lft = (Sort min)
let rgt = (Sort max)
(MyTree/Node lft head rgt))
# Partitions a list in two halves, less-than-p and greater-than-p
(Part p List/Nil) = λt (t List/Nil List/Nil)
(Part p (List/Cons head tail)) = (Push (> head p) head (Part p tail))
# Pushes a value to the first or second list of a pair
(Push 0 x pair) = (pair λmin λmax λp (p (List/Cons x min) max))
(Push _ x pair) = (pair λmin λmax λp (p min (List/Cons x max)))
# Generates a random list with xorshift
(Rnd 0 state) = List/Nil
(Rnd n state) =
let state = (^ state (<< state 13))
let state = (^ state (>> state 17))
let state = (^ state (<< state 5))
(List/Cons state (Rnd (- n 1) state))
# Sums all elements in a concatenation tree
(Sum MyTree/Leaf) = 0
(Sum (MyTree/Node lft val rgt)) = (+ val (+ (Sum lft) (Sum rgt)))
# Sorts and sums n random numbers
(Main) =
(Sum (Sort (Rnd 0x100 1)))
# Use an argument from cli
# (Main n) = (Sum (Sort (Rnd (<< 1 n) 1)))