Remove some functions from kind2.hs prelude, update kind2.hvm2

This commit is contained in:
LunaAmora 2024-03-21 12:27:15 -03:00
parent 8f498bf1b9
commit 1988935b87
2 changed files with 48 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -9,9 +9,8 @@
-- will reimplement Prelude functions, and will use a primitive coding style.
import Data.Char (chr, ord)
import Prelude hiding (LT, GT, EQ)
import Prelude hiding (LT, GT, EQ, map, even, reverse, elem)
import Debug.Trace
import Control.Monad (forM_)
-- Kind2 Types
-- -----------
@ -107,6 +106,18 @@ data Map a = Leaf | Node (Maybe a) (Map a) (Map a) deriving Show
-- Prelude
-- -------
even :: Int -> Bool
even n = mod n 2 == 0
reverse :: [a] -> [a]
reverse l = reverseGo l [] where
reverseGo [] a = a
reverseGo (x:xs) a = reverseGo xs (x:a)
elem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool
elem a [] = False
elem a (x:xs) = if a == x then True else elem a xs
u60Show :: Int -> String
u60Show n = u60ShowGo n "" where
u60ShowGo n res = u60ShowGoMatch (n < 10) n res
@ -571,8 +582,8 @@ termUnifySubst lvl neo (Ins val) = Ins (termUnifySubst lvl neo val)
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Ref nam val) = Ref nam (termUnifySubst lvl neo val)
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Let nam val bod) = Let nam (termUnifySubst lvl neo val) (\x -> termUnifySubst lvl neo (bod x))
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Use nam val bod) = Use nam (termUnifySubst lvl neo val) (\x -> termUnifySubst lvl neo (bod x))
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Met uid spn) = Met uid (map (termUnifySubst lvl neo) spn)
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Hol nam ctx) = Hol nam (map (termUnifySubst lvl neo) ctx)
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Met uid spn) = Met uid (listMap (termUnifySubst lvl neo) spn)
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Hol nam ctx) = Hol nam (listMap (termUnifySubst lvl neo) ctx)
termUnifySubst lvl neo Set = Set
termUnifySubst lvl neo U60 = U60
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Num n) = Num n
@ -842,13 +853,20 @@ termCheckCompare src term expected detected dep = do
equal <- termEqual expected detected dep
if equal then do
susp <- envTakeSusp
forM_ susp $ \(Check src val typ dep) -> do
termCheckGo src val typ dep
listCheck susp
return ()
else do
envLog (Error src expected detected term dep)
listCheck :: [Check] -> Env ()
listCheck [] = do
return ()
listCheck (x:xs) = do
let (Check src val typ dep) = x;
termCheck src val typ dep
listCheck xs
termCheckDef :: Term -> Env ()
termCheckDef (Ref nam (Ann chk val typ)) = termCheck 0 val typ 0 >> return ()
termCheckDef (Ref nam val) = termInfer val 0 >> return ()

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@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ data Bool
| True
data Maybe
= (Some val)
| None
= (Just val)
| Nothing
data Error
= Unreachable
@ -141,10 +141,6 @@ not False = True
// eq :: U60 -> U60 -> Bool
eq lft rgt = (if (== lft rgt) True False)
// map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map f [] = []
map f (List.cons x xs) = (List.cons (f x) (map f xs))
// even :: U60 -> Bool
even n = (eq (% n 2) 0)
@ -168,9 +164,9 @@ u60Name n = (u60NameGo (+ n 1))
u60NameGo 0 = ""
u60NameGo n = (String.cons (+ 'a' (% (- n 1) 26)) (u60NameGo (/ (- n 1) 26)))
// listFind :: Eq a => a -> [(a, b)] -> Maybe b
listFind _ [] = None
listFind name (List.cons (nam, val) tail) = (If (stringEqual name nam) (Some val) (listFind name tail))
// listFind :: String -> [(String, b)] -> Maybe b
listFind _ [] = Nothing
listFind name (List.cons (nam, val) tail) = (If (stringEqual name nam) (Just val) (listFind name tail))
// listMap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
listMap f [] = []
@ -214,14 +210,14 @@ pairSnd (_, snd) = snd
pairGet (fst, snd) fun = (fun fst snd)
// maybeMatch :: Maybe a -> (a -> b) -> b -> b
maybeMatch (Some value) some _ = (some value)
maybeMatch None _ none = none
maybeMatch (Just value) just _ = (just value)
maybeMatch Nothing _ nothing = nothing
// maybePure :: a -> Maybe a
maybePure x = (Some x)
maybePure x = (Just x)
// maybeBind :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
maybeBind a b = (maybeMatch a b None)
maybeBind a b = (maybeMatch a b Nothing)
// key :: U60 -> Bits
key 0 = E
@ -234,7 +230,7 @@ key n = (If (even n)
mapNew = Leaf
// mapHas :: Bits -> Map a -> Bool
mapHas E (Node (Some _) _ _) = True
mapHas E (Node (Just _) _ _) = True
mapHas (O bits) (Node _ lft _) = (mapHas bits lft)
mapHas (I bits) (Node _ _ rgt) = (mapHas bits rgt)
mapHas _ _ = False
@ -243,14 +239,14 @@ mapHas _ _ = False
mapGet E (Node val _ _) = val
mapGet (O bits) (Node _ lft _) = (mapGet bits lft)
mapGet (I bits) (Node _ _ rgt) = (mapGet bits rgt)
mapGet _ Leaf = None
mapGet _ Leaf = Nothing
// mapSet :: Bits -> a -> Map a -> Map a
mapSet E val Leaf = (Node (Some val) Leaf Leaf)
mapSet E val (Node _ lft rgt) = (Node (Some val) lft rgt)
mapSet (O bits) val Leaf = (Node None (mapSet bits val Leaf) Leaf)
mapSet E val Leaf = (Node (Just val) Leaf Leaf)
mapSet E val (Node _ lft rgt) = (Node (Just val) lft rgt)
mapSet (O bits) val Leaf = (Node Nothing (mapSet bits val Leaf) Leaf)
mapSet (O bits) val (Node v lft rgt) = (Node v (mapSet bits val lft) rgt)
mapSet (I bits) val Leaf = (Node None Leaf (mapSet bits val Leaf))
mapSet (I bits) val Leaf = (Node Nothing Leaf (mapSet bits val Leaf))
mapSet (I bits) val (Node v lft rgt) = (Node v lft (mapSet bits val rgt))
// Environment
@ -344,8 +340,8 @@ termReduceApp fill lv fun arg = (App fun arg)
// termReduceMet :: Map Term -> U60 -> U60 -> [Term] -> Term
termReduceMet fill lv uid spn = match (mapGet (key uid) fill) {
(Some val): (termReduce fill lv (termReduceMetSpine val spn))
(None) : (Met uid spn)
(Just val): (termReduce fill lv (termReduceMetSpine val spn))
(Nothing) : (Met uid spn)
// termReduceMetSpine :: Term -> [Term] -> Term
@ -631,8 +627,8 @@ termUnifySubst lvl neo (Ins val) = (Ins (termUnifySubst lvl neo val))
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Ref nam val) = (Ref nam (termUnifySubst lvl neo val))
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Let nam val bod) = (Let nam (termUnifySubst lvl neo val) (λx (termUnifySubst lvl neo (bod x))))
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Use nam val bod) = (Use nam (termUnifySubst lvl neo val) (λx (termUnifySubst lvl neo (bod x))))
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Met uid spn) = (Met uid (map (termUnifySubst lvl neo) spn))
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Hol nam ctx) = (Hol nam (map (termUnifySubst lvl neo) ctx))
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Met uid spn) = (Met uid (listMap (termUnifySubst lvl neo) spn))
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Hol nam ctx) = (Hol nam (listMap (termUnifySubst lvl neo) ctx))
termUnifySubst lvl neo Set = Set
termUnifySubst lvl neo U60 = U60
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Num n) = (Num n)
@ -904,11 +900,13 @@ termCheckCompare src term expected detected dep =
(envBind (envLog (Error src expected detected term dep)) λ_
// listCheck :: [a] -> Env *
listCheck [] = (envPure *)
// listCheck :: [Check] -> Env *
listCheck [] =
(envPure *)
listCheck (List.cons x xs) =
let (Check src val typ dep) = x;
(envBind (termCheck src val typ dep) λ_ (listCheck xs))
(envBind (termCheck src val typ dep) λ_
(listCheck xs))
// termCheckDef :: Term -> Env *
termCheckDef (Ref nam (Ann chk val typ)) = (envBind (termCheck 0 val typ 0) λ_ (envPure *))