JS compiler, initial book

This commit is contained in:
Victor Taelin 2024-08-28 12:21:49 -03:00
parent bbe41ed23c
commit 367f611116
16 changed files with 245 additions and 57 deletions

book/Nat.kind Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Nat : * = #[]{
#zero{} : Nat
#succ{ pred: Nat } : Nat

book/Nat/double.kind Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
: ∀(n: Nat)
= λ{
#zero: #zero{}
#succ: λpred #succ{#succ{(Nat/double pred)}}

book/U32/double.kind Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
: ∀(x: U32)
= λx (* x 2)

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
: ∀(x: U48)
= λx (* x 2)

book/main.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
function APPLY(f, x) {
switch (x.length) {
case 0: return f;
case 1: console.log("a"); return f(x.x0);
case 2: return f(x.x0)(x.x1);
case 3: return f(x.x0)(x.x1)(x.x2);
case 4: return f(x.x0)(x.x1)(x.x2)(x.x3);
case 5: return f(x.x0)(x.x1)(x.x2)(x.x3)(x.x4);
case 6: return f(x.x0)(x.x1)(x.x2)(x.x3)(x.x4)(x.x5);
case 7: return f(x.x0)(x.x1)(x.x2)(x.x3)(x.x4)(x.x5)(x.x6);
case 8: return f(x.x0)(x.x1)(x.x2)(x.x3)(x.x4)(x.x5)(x.x6)(x.x7);
for (let i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
f = f(x['x' + i]);
return f;
Nat = null;
Nat_double = (x => {
switch (x.$) {
case "zero":
return APPLY({$: "zero", length: 0}, x);
case "succ":
return APPLY((pred$0 => ({$: "succ", length: 1, x0: {$: "succ", length: 1, x0: (Nat_double)(pred$0)}})), x);
main = (Nat_double)({$: "succ", length: 1, x0: {$: "succ", length: 1, x0: {$: "zero", length: 0}}});

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
: U48
= (U48/double 20);
: Nat
= (Nat/double #succ{#succ{#zero{}}})

View File

@ -15,14 +15,15 @@ common warnings
import: warnings
exposed-modules: Kind
, Kind.Type
, Kind.Env
, Kind.Reduce
, Kind.Equal
, Kind.Check
, Kind.Show
, Kind.Parse
, Kind.API
, Kind.Check
, Kind.Compile
, Kind.Env
, Kind.Equal
, Kind.Parse
, Kind.Reduce
, Kind.Show
, Kind.Type
build-depends: base ^>=
, containers ==0.7

View File

@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
module Kind (
module Kind.Type,
module Kind.Env,
module Kind.Reduce,
module Kind.Equal,
module Kind.API,
module Kind.Check,
module Kind.Show,
module Kind.Env,
module Kind.Equal,
module Kind.Parse,
module Kind.API
module Kind.Reduce,
module Kind.Show,
module Kind.Type,
) where
import Kind.Type
import Kind.Env
import Kind.Reduce
import Kind.Equal
import Kind.Check
import Kind.Show
import Kind.Parse
import Kind.API
import Kind.Check
import Kind.Compile
import Kind.Env
import Kind.Equal
import Kind.Parse
import Kind.Reduce
import Kind.Show
import Kind.Type

View File

@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
-- //./Type.hs//
-- //./Compile.hs//
module Kind.API where
import Control.Monad (forM_, foldM)
@ -8,6 +16,7 @@ import Kind.Parse
import Kind.Reduce
import Kind.Show
import Kind.Type
import Kind.Compile
import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory, doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
@ -81,6 +90,12 @@ apiShow book name = case M.lookup name book of
Just term -> putStrLn $ termShow term
Nothing -> putStrLn $ "Error: Definition '" ++ name ++ "' not found."
-- Compiles the whole book to JS
apiToJS :: Book -> String -> IO ()
apiToJS book name = do
let jsCode = compileJS book
putStrLn jsCode
-- Prints logs from the type-checker
apiPrintLogs :: State -> IO ()
apiPrintLogs (State book fill susp logs) =
@ -138,6 +153,7 @@ main = do
["check", input] -> runCommand basePath apiCheck input
["run", input] -> runCommand basePath apiNormal input
["show", input] -> runCommand basePath apiShow input
["to-js", input] -> runCommand basePath apiToJS input
["deps", input] -> runDeps basePath input
["help"] -> printHelp
[] -> printHelp
@ -162,5 +178,6 @@ printHelp = do
putStrLn " kind check <name|path> # Type-checks the specified definition"
putStrLn " kind run <name|path> # Normalizes the specified definition"
putStrLn " kind show <name|path> # Stringifies the specified definition"
putStrLn " kind to-js <name|path> # Compiles the specified definition to JavaScript"
putStrLn " kind deps <name|path> # Shows dependencies of the specified definition"
putStrLn " kind help # Shows this help message"

View File

@ -108,16 +108,16 @@ infer term dep = {-trace ("infer: " ++ termShower True term dep) $-} go term dep
return Set
-- ...
-- --------- U48-type
-- U48 : Set
go U48 dep = do
-- --------- U32-type
-- U32 : Set
go U32 dep = do
return Set
-- ...
-- ----------- U48-value
-- <num> : U48
-- ----------- U32-value
-- <num> : U32
go (Num num) dep = do
return U48
return U32
-- ...
-- -------------- String-literal
@ -131,26 +131,26 @@ infer term dep = {-trace ("infer: " ++ termShower True term dep) $-} go term dep
go (Nat val) dep = do
return (Ref "Nat")
-- fst : U48
-- snd : U48
-- ----------------- U48-operator
-- (+ fst snd) : U48
-- fst : U32
-- snd : U32
-- ----------------- U32-operator
-- (+ fst snd) : U32
go (Op2 opr fst snd) dep = do
envSusp (Check Nothing fst U48 dep)
envSusp (Check Nothing snd U48 dep)
return U48
envSusp (Check Nothing fst U32 dep)
envSusp (Check Nothing snd U32 dep)
return U32
-- x : U48
-- p : U48 -> Set
-- x : U32
-- p : U32 -> Set
-- z : (p 0)
-- s : (n: U48) -> (p (+ 1 n))
-- ------------------------------------- U48-elim
-- s : (n: U32) -> (p (+ 1 n))
-- ------------------------------------- U32-elim
-- (switch x { 0: z ; _: s }: p) : (p x)
go (Swi nam x z s p) dep = do
envSusp (Check Nothing x U48 dep)
envSusp (Check Nothing (p (Ann False (Var nam dep) U48)) Set dep)
envSusp (Check Nothing x U32 dep)
envSusp (Check Nothing (p (Ann False (Var nam dep) U32)) Set dep)
envSusp (Check Nothing z (p (Num 0)) dep)
envSusp (Check Nothing (s (Ann False (Var (nam ++ "-1") dep) U48)) (p (Op2 ADD (Num 1) (Var (nam ++ "-1") dep))) (dep + 1))
envSusp (Check Nothing (s (Ann False (Var (nam ++ "-1") dep) U32)) (p (Op2 ADD (Num 1) (Var (nam ++ "-1") dep))) (dep + 1))
return (p x)
-- val : typ

src/Kind/Compile.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
module Kind.Compile where
import Kind.Type
import Kind.Reduce
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM
import Prelude hiding (EQ, LT, GT)
nameToJS :: String -> String
nameToJS = map (\c -> if c == '/' || c == '.' then '$' else c)
termToJS :: Term -> Int -> String
termToJS term dep = case term of
All _ _ _ ->
Lam nam bod ->
let nam' = nameToJS nam ++ "$" ++ show dep
bod' = termToJS (bod (Var nam dep)) (dep + 1)
in concat ["(", nam', " => ", bod', ")"]
App fun arg ->
let fun' = termToJS fun dep
arg' = termToJS arg dep
in concat ["(", fun', ")(", arg', ")"]
Ann _ val _ ->
termToJS val dep
Slf _ _ _ ->
Ins val ->
termToJS val dep
Dat _ _ ->
Con nam arg ->
let arg' = map (\x -> termToJS x dep) arg
fds' = concat (zipWith (\i x -> concat [", x", show i, ": ", x]) [0..] arg')
in concat ["{$: \"", nameToJS nam, "\", length: ", show (length arg), fds', "}"]
Mat cse ->
let cse' = map (\(cnam, cbod) -> concat ["case \"", nameToJS cnam, "\": return APPLY(", termToJS cbod dep, ", x);"]) cse
in concat ["(x => ({ switch (x.$) { ", unwords cse', " } }))"]
Ref nam ->
nameToJS nam
Let nam val bod ->
let nam' = nameToJS nam ++ "$" ++ show dep
val' = termToJS val dep
bod' = termToJS (bod (Var nam dep)) (dep + 1)
in concat ["((", nam', " => ", bod', ")(", val', "))"]
Use nam val bod ->
let val' = termToJS val dep
bod' = termToJS (bod val) dep
in concat ["((", val', ") => ", bod', ")"]
Set ->
U32 ->
Num val ->
show val
Op2 opr fst snd ->
let opr' = operToJS opr
fst' = termToJS fst dep
snd' = termToJS snd dep
in concat ["((", fst', " ", opr', " ", snd', ") >>> 0)"]
Swi nam x z s p ->
let x' = termToJS x dep
z' = termToJS z dep
s' = termToJS (s (Var (nam ++ "-1") dep)) (dep + 1)
p' = termToJS (p (Var nam dep)) dep
in concat ["((", x', " === 0) ? ", z', " : ", s', ")"]
Txt txt ->
show txt
Nat val ->
show val
Hol _ _ ->
Met _ _ ->
Var nam idx ->
nameToJS nam ++ "$" ++ show idx
Src _ val ->
termToJS val dep
operToJS :: Oper -> String
operToJS ADD = "+"
operToJS SUB = "-"
operToJS MUL = "*"
operToJS DIV = "/"
operToJS MOD = "%"
operToJS EQ = "==="
operToJS NE = "!=="
operToJS LT = "<"
operToJS GT = ">"
operToJS LTE = "<="
operToJS GTE = ">="
operToJS AND = "&"
operToJS OR = "|"
operToJS XOR = "^"
operToJS LSH = "<<"
operToJS RSH = ">>"
bookToJS :: Book -> String
bookToJS book = unlines $ map (\(nm, tm) -> concat [nameToJS nm, " = ", termToJS tm 0, ";"]) (M.toList book)
compileJS :: Book -> String
compileJS book =
let prelude = unlines [
"function APPLY(f, x) {",
" switch (x.length) {",
" case 0: return f;",
" case 1: return f(x.x0);",
" case 2: return f(x.x0)(x.x1);",
" case 3: return f(x.x0)(x.x1)(x.x2);",
" case 4: return f(x.x0)(x.x1)(x.x2)(x.x3);",
" case 5: return f(x.x0)(x.x1)(x.x2)(x.x3)(x.x4);",
" case 6: return f(x.x0)(x.x1)(x.x2)(x.x3)(x.x4)(x.x5);",
" case 7: return f(x.x0)(x.x1)(x.x2)(x.x3)(x.x4)(x.x5)(x.x6);",
" case 8: return f(x.x0)(x.x1)(x.x2)(x.x3)(x.x4)(x.x5)(x.x6)(x.x7);",
" default:",
" for (let i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {",
" f = f(x['x' + i]);",
" }",
" return f;",
" }",
bookJS = bookToJS book
in concat [prelude, "\n\n", bookJS]

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@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ identical a b dep = go a b dep where
return True
go a (Hol bNam bCtx) dep =
return True
go U48 U48 dep =
go U32 U32 dep =
return True
go (Num aVal) (Num bVal) dep =
return (aVal == bVal)

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@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ parseMat = withSrc $ do
parseRef = withSrc $ do
name <- parseName
return $ case name of
"U48" -> U48
"U32" -> U32
_ -> Ref name
parseUse = withSrc $ do

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@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ normal book fill lv term dep = go (reduce book fill lv term) dep where
Use nam nf_val nf_bod
go (Hol nam ctx) dep = Hol nam ctx
go Set dep = Set
go U48 dep = U48
go U32 dep = U32
go (Num val) dep = Num val
go (Op2 opr fst snd) dep =
let nf_fst = normal book fill lv fst dep in
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ bind (Use nam val bod) ctx =
let bod' = \x -> bind (bod (Var nam 0)) ((nam, x) : ctx) in
Use nam val' bod'
bind Set ctx = Set
bind U48 ctx = U48
bind U32 ctx = U32
bind (Num val) ctx = Num val
bind (Op2 opr fst snd) ctx =
let fst' = bind fst ctx in
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ subst lvl neo term = go term where
go (Met uid spn) = Met uid (map go spn)
go (Hol nam ctx) = Hol nam (map go ctx)
go Set = Set
go U48 = U48
go U32 = U32
go (Num n) = Num n
go (Op2 opr fst snd) = Op2 opr (go fst) (go snd)
go (Swi nam x z s p) = Swi nam (go x) (go z) (\k -> go (s k)) (\k -> go (p k))

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@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ termShower small term dep = case term of
bod' = termShower small (bod (Var nam dep)) (dep + 1)
in concat ["use " , nam' , " = " , val' , "; " , bod']
Set -> "*"
U48 -> "U48"
U32 -> "U32"
Num val ->
let val' = show val
in concat [val']

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@ -44,16 +44,16 @@ data Term
-- Type : Type
| Set
-- U48 Type
| U48
-- U32 Type
| U32
-- U48 Value
-- U32 Value (FIXME: this is wrong, should be Word32)
| Num Int
-- U48 Binary Operation
-- U32 Binary Operation
| Op2 Oper Term Term
-- U48 Elimination
-- U32 Elimination
| Swi String Term Term (Term -> Term) (Term -> Term)
-- Inspection Hole