update the README

This commit is contained in:
Victor Taelin 2024-03-14 16:46:00 -03:00
parent 65d9b7c6c4
commit 4d421106bd
2 changed files with 102 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -1,21 +1,107 @@
Kind2 WIP
# Kind2: a parallel proof & programming language
Kind1 has been developed in JavaScript, which wasn't meant to be a long-term
solution, but allowed us to explore self-types. Recently, we started developing
Kind2 for [HVM1](https://github.com/HigherOrderCO/HVM1), but it has been
discontinued when we started working on HVM2. In this repository, we'll remake
and continue Kind2's development, now targetting HVM2. Kind2 will be fully
implemented in itself. Temporarily, we're using `TypeScript+HVM1` to aid on the
bootstrapping process.
Kind2 is a general-purpose programming language made from scratch to harness
[HVM](https://github.com/HigherOrderCO/HVM)'s **massive parallelism** and
computational advantages (no garbage collection, optimal β-reduction). Its type
system is a minimal core based on the Calculus of Constructions, making it
inherently secure. In short, Kind2 aims to be:
- As *friendly* as **Python**
1. Install [NPM](https://www.npmjs.com/).
- As *efficient* as **Rust**
2. Install [HVM1](https://github.com/HigherOrderCO/HVM1).
- As *high-level* as **Haskell**
3. Install Kind2: `npm i -g` (from this directory)
- As *parallel* as **CUDA**
4. Enter `book/` and run with `kind2 [check|run] term_name`.
- As *formal* as **Lean**
And it seeks to accomplish that goal by relying on the solid foundations of [Interaction Combinators](https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Interaction-Combinators-Lafont/6cfe09aa6e5da6ce98077b7a048cb1badd78cc76).
## Usage
1. Install [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/) and (optionally) [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/) in your system.
2. Clone this repository and install it:
git clone https://github.com/HigherOrderCO/Kind2
cargo install --path .
3. Type-check a Kind2 definition:
kind2 check name_here
4. Test it with the interpreter:
kind2 run name
5. Compile and run in parallel, powered by HVM!
kind2 compile name
## Syntax
Kind2's syntax aims to be as friendly as Python's, while still exposing the
high-level functional idioms that result in fast, parallel HVM binaries.
Function application (`(f x y z ...)`) follows a Lisp-like style and
pattern-matching `(match x { ctr: .. })` feels like Haskell; but control-flow is
more Python-like. In short, it can be seen as *"Haskell inside, Python
outside"*: a friendly syntax on top of a powerful functional core.
### Functions:
// The Fibonacci function
fib (n: U60) : U60 =
switch n {
0: 0
1: 1
_: (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))
### Datatypes (ADTs):
// Polymorphic Lists
data List T
| cons (head: T) (tail: (List T))
| nil
// Applies a function to all elements of a list
map A B (f: ∀(x: A) B) (xs: (List A)) : (List B) =
match xs {
let head = (f xs.head)
let tail = (map _ _ f xs.tail)
(cons _ head tail)
### Theorems and Proofs:
use Nat.{succ,zero,half,double}
// Proof that `∀n. n*2/2 = n`
bft (n: Nat) : {(half (double n)) = n} =
match n {
succ: (Equal.apply _ _ succ _ _ (bft n.pred))
zero: {=}
### More Examples:
There are countless examples on the [`Book/`](book) directory. Check it!

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@ -2,9 +2,6 @@ use Nat.{succ,zero,half,double}
bft (n: Nat) : {(half (double n)) = n} =
match n {
let ind = (bft n.pred)
let prf = (Equal.apply _ _ succ _ _ ind)
succ: (Equal.apply _ _ succ _ _ (bft n.pred))
zero: {=}