Merge branch 'LunaAmora-kind2-hvm2'

This commit is contained in:
Victor Taelin 2024-03-14 18:32:10 -03:00
commit 6726b552b3
8 changed files with 1101 additions and 49 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@

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@ -22,6 +22,15 @@ impl Book {
pub fn to_hvm2_checker(&self) -> String {
let mut code = String::new();
for (name, term) in &self.defs {
let expr = term.to_hvm2_checker(im::Vector::new(), &mut 0);
code.push_str(&format!("Book.{} = (Ref \"{}\" {})\n", name, name, expr));
pub fn to_hs_checker(&self) -> String {
let mut code = String::new();
for (name, term) in &self.defs {

View File

@ -40,15 +40,15 @@ impl Book {
// Creates a book, loading a term, its dependencies, and stdlib
pub fn boot(name: &str) -> Result<Self, String> {
pub fn boot(base: &str, name: &str) -> Result<Self, String> {
let mut book = Book::new();
book.load(base, name)?;
book.load(base, "String")?;
book.load(base, "String.cons")?;
book.load(base, "String.nil")?;
book.load(base, "Nat")?;
book.load(base, "Nat.succ")?;
book.load(base, "")?;
return Ok(book);
@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ impl Book {
// Same as load, mutably adding to a 'book'
pub fn load(&mut self, name: &str) -> Result<(), String> {
pub fn load(&mut self, base: &str, name: &str) -> Result<(), String> {
if !self.defs.contains_key(name) {
// Parses a file into a new book
let file = format!("./{}.kind2", name);
let file = format!("{}/{}.kind2", base, name);
let text = std::fs::read_to_string(&file).map_err(|_| format!("Could not read file: {}", file))?;
let fid = self.get_file_id(&file);
let defs = KindParser::new(&text).parse_book(name, fid)?;
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ impl Book {
let mut dependencies = BTreeSet::new();
def_term.get_free_vars(im::Vector::new(), &mut dependencies);
for ref_name in dependencies {
if let Err(_) = self.load(&ref_name) {
if let Err(_) = self.load(&base, &ref_name) {
self.handle_unbound(&file, &ref_name)?;

View File

@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ impl Info {
let mut parser = KindParser::new(line);
match parser.parse_info() {
Ok(info) => infos.push(info),
Err(_) => println!(">> {}", line),
Err(_) if line == "*" => {}
Err(_) => println!("{}", line),

src/kind2.hvm2 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,877 @@
// This is a Haskell implementation of Kind2's type checker. Since Kind2 isn't
// bootstrapped, we can't use Kind2 itself to type-check it, and developing a
// complex checker in an untyped language (like HVM) is hard. As such, this
// Haskell view helps me develop and debug the checker, and it is done in a way
// that makes it easy to manually compile it to HVM, keeping an HVM view. It can
// also be useful to let us benchmark all versions (GHC/HVM1/HVM2), giving us a
// good idea on how these compare in performance.
// Kind2 Types
// -----------
data Maybe
= (Some val)
| None
data Bool
= False
| True
data Oper
| MOD | EQ | NE | LT
| GT | LTE | GTE | AND
| OR | XOR | LSH | RSH
data Term
= (All nam inp bod) // All String Term (Term -> Term)
| (Lam nam bod) // Lam String (Term -> Term)
| (App fun arg) // App Term Term
| (Ann chk val typ) // Ann Bool Term Term
| (Slf nam typ bod) // Slf String Term (Term -> Term)
| (Ins val) // Ins Term
| (Ref nam val) // Ref String Term
| (Let nam val bod) // Let String Term (Term -> Term)
| (Use nam val bod) // Use String Term (Term -> Term)
| Set // Set
| U60 // U60
| (Num val) // Num U60
| (Op2 opr fst snd) // Op2 Oper Term Term
| (Swi nam x z s p) // Swi String Term Term (Term -> Term) (Term -> Term)
| (Hol nam ctx) // Hol String [Term]
| (Met uid spn) // Met U60 [Term]
| (Var nam idx) // Var String U60
| (Src src val) // Src U60 Term
| (Txt val) // Txt String
| (Nat val) // Nat Integer
data Info
= (Found name type ctx dep) // Found String Term [Term] Int
| (Solve name term dep) // Solve U60 Term U60
| (Error src detected expected value dep) // Error U60 Term Term Term Int
| (Vague name) // Vague String
| (Print value dep) // Print Term Int
data Check = (Check a t1 t2 b) // Check U60 Term Term U60
data State = (State map check info) // State (Map Term) [Check] [Info] -- state type
data Res = (Done state a) | (Fail state) // Done State a | Fail State -- result type
data Env = (Env env) // Env (State -> Res a) -- environment computation
data Bits = (O bits) | (I bits) | E
data Map = (Leaf) | (Node v lft rgt) // Leaf | Node (Maybe a) (Map a) (Map a)
// Prelude
// -------
// Note: many of these functions are present in Haskell, but we re-implement
// them here in order to have identical equivalents on HVM's view.
data Error
= Unreachable
| InvalidTopLevelDefinition
If True then else = then
If False then else = else
if 0 then else = else
if n then else = then
and True b = b
and False _ = False
not True = False
not False = True
eq lft rgt = (if (== lft rgt) True False)
// map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map f [] = []
map f (List.cons x xs) = (List.cons (f x) (map f xs))
// even :: U60 -> Bool
even n = (eq (% n 2) 0)
// reverse :: [a] -> [a]
reverse l = (reverseGo l [])
reverseGo [] a = a
reverseGo (List.cons x xs) a = (reverseGo xs (List.cons x a))
// elem :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> a -> [a] -> Bool
elem cmp a [] = False
elem cmp a (List.cons x xs) = (If (cmp a x) True (elem cmp a xs))
// u60Show :: U60 -> String
u60Show n = (u60ShowGo n "")
u60ShowGo n res = (u60ShowGoMatch (< n 10) n res)
u60ShowGoMatch 0 n res = (u60ShowGo (/ n 10) (String.cons (+ '0' (% n 10)) res))
u60ShowGoMatch _ n res = (String.cons (+ '0' n) res)
// u60Name :: U60 -> String
u60Name n = (u60NameGo (+ n 1))
u60NameGo 0 = ""
u60NameGo n = (String.cons (+ 'a' (% (- n 1) 26)) (u60NameGo (/ (- n 1) 26)))
// listFind :: Eq a => a -> [(a, b)] -> Maybe b
listFind _ [] = None
listFind name (List.cons (nam, val) tail) = (If (stringEqual name nam) (Some val) (listFind name tail))
// listMap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
listMap f [] = []
listMap f (List.cons x xs) = (List.cons (f x) (listMap f xs))
// listPush :: a -> [a] -> [a]
listPush x [] = [x]
listPush x (List.cons y ys) = (List.cons y (listPush x ys))
// newLine :: String
newLine = "\n"
// quote :: String
quote = "\""
// stringEqual :: String -> String -> Bool
stringEqual "" "" = True
stringEqual "" _ = False
stringEqual _ "" = False
stringEqual (String.cons x xs) (String.cons y ys) = (if (== x y) (stringEqual xs ys) False)
// stringConcat :: String -> String -> String
stringConcat "" ys = ys
stringConcat (String.cons x xs) ys = (String.cons x (stringConcat xs ys))
// stringJoin :: [String] -> String
stringJoin [] = ""
stringJoin (List.cons x xs) = (stringConcat x (stringJoin xs))
// stringTail :: String -> String
stringTail "" = ""
stringTail (String.cons _ xs) = xs
// pairFst :: (a, b) -> a
pairFst (fst, _) = fst
// pairSnd :: (a, b) -> b
pairSnd (_, snd) = snd
// pairGet :: (a, b) -> (a -> b -> c) -> c
pairGet (fst, snd) fun = (fun fst snd)
// maybeMatch :: Maybe a -> (a -> b) -> b -> b
maybeMatch (Some value) some _ = (some value)
maybeMatch None _ none = none
// maybePure :: a -> Maybe a
maybePure x = (Some x)
// maybeBind :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
maybeBind a b = (maybeMatch a b None)
// key :: U60 -> Bits
key 0 = E
key 1 = (I E)
key n = (If (even n)
(O (key (/ n 2)))
(I (key (/ n 2))))
// mapNew :: Map a
mapNew = Leaf
// mapHas :: Bits -> Map a -> Bool
mapHas E (Node (Some _) _ _) = True
mapHas (O bits) (Node _ lft _) = (mapHas bits lft)
mapHas (I bits) (Node _ _ rgt) = (mapHas bits rgt)
mapHas _ _ = False
// mapGet :: Bits -> Map a -> Maybe a
mapGet E (Node val _ _) = val
mapGet (O bits) (Node _ lft _) = (mapGet bits lft)
mapGet (I bits) (Node _ _ rgt) = (mapGet bits rgt)
mapGet _ Leaf = None
// mapSet :: Bits -> a -> Map a -> Map a
mapSet E val Leaf = (Node (Some val) Leaf Leaf)
mapSet E val (Node _ lft rgt) = (Node (Some val) lft rgt)
mapSet (O bits) val Leaf = (Node None (mapSet bits val Leaf) Leaf)
mapSet (O bits) val (Node v lft rgt) = (Node v (mapSet bits val lft) rgt)
mapSet (I bits) val Leaf = (Node None Leaf (mapSet bits val Leaf))
mapSet (I bits) val (Node v lft rgt) = (Node v lft (mapSet bits val rgt))
// Environment
// -----------
// infoIsSolve :: Info -> Bool
infoIsSolve (Solve _ _ _) = True
infoIsSolve _ = False
// Pattern matches on a computation result
// resMatch :: Res a -> (State -> a -> b) -> (State -> Info -> b) -> b
// resMatch (Done state value) done _ = (Done state value)
// resMatch (Fail state) _ fail = (Fail state)
// Monadic bind function
// envBind :: Env a -> (a -> Env b) -> Env b
envBind (Env a) b = (Env (λstate (match (a state) {
(Done state_ value): let (Env b_) = (b value); (b_ state_)
(Fail state_) : (Fail state_)
// envPure :: a -> Env a
envPure a = (Env λstate (Done state a))
// envFail :: Env a
envFail = (Env λstate (Fail state))
// envRun :: Env a -> Res a
envRun (Env chk) = (chk (State mapNew [] []))
// envLog :: Info -> Env U60
envLog log = (Env λstate let (State fill susp logs) = state; (Done (State fill susp (List.cons log logs)) 1))
// envSnapshot :: Env State
envSnapshot = (Env λstate (Done state state))
// envRewind :: State -> Env U60
envRewind state = (Env λ_ (Done state 0))
// envSusp :: Check -> Env *
envSusp chk = (Env λstate let (State fill susp logs) = state; (Done (State fill (listPush chk susp) logs) *))
// envFill :: U60 -> Term -> Env *
envFill k v = (Env λstate let (State fill susp logs) = state; (Done (State (mapSet (key k) v fill) susp logs) *))
// envGetFill :: Env (Map Term)
envGetFill = (Env λstate let (State fill susp logs) = state; (Done (State fill susp logs) fill))
// envTakeSusp :: Env [Check]
envTakeSusp = (Env λstate let (State fill susp logs) = state; (Done (State fill [] logs) susp))
// instance Functor Env where
// fmap f (Env chk) = Env λlogs -> case chk logs of
// Done logs' a -> Done logs' (f a)
// Fail logs' -> Fail logs'
// instance Applicative Env where
// pure = envPure
// (Env chkF) <*> (Env chkA) = Env λlogs -> case chkF logs of
// Done logs' f -> case chkA logs' of
// Done logs'' a -> Done logs'' (f a)
// Fail logs'' -> Fail logs''
// Fail logs' -> Fail logs'
// instance Monad Env where
// (Env a) >>= b = envBind (Env a) b
// Evaluation
// ----------
// Evaluation levels:
// - 0: reduces refs never
// - 1: reduces refs on redexes
// - 2: reduces refs always
// termReduce :: Map Term -> U60 -> Term -> Term
termReduce fill lv (App fun arg) = (termReduceApp fill lv (termReduce fill lv fun) arg)
termReduce fill lv (Ann chk val typ) = (termReduce fill lv val)
termReduce fill lv (Ins val) = (termReduce fill lv val)
termReduce fill lv (Ref nam val) = (termReduceRef fill lv nam (termReduce fill lv val))
termReduce fill lv (Let nam val bod) = (termReduce fill lv (bod val))
termReduce fill lv (Use nam val bod) = (termReduce fill lv (bod val))
termReduce fill lv (Op2 opr fst snd) = (termReduceOp2 fill lv opr (termReduce fill lv fst) (termReduce fill lv snd))
termReduce fill lv (Swi nam x z s p) = (termReduceSwi fill lv nam (termReduce fill lv x) z s p)
termReduce fill lv (Txt txt) = (termReduceTxt fill lv txt)
termReduce fill lv (Nat val) = (termReduceNat fill lv val)
termReduce fill lv (Src src val) = (termReduce fill lv val)
termReduce fill lv (Met uid spn) = (termReduceMet fill lv uid spn)
termReduce fill lv val = val
// termReduceApp :: Map Term -> U60 -> Term -> Term -> Term
termReduceApp fill 2 (Ref nam val) arg = (termReduceApp fill 2 val arg)
termReduceApp fill 1 (Ref nam val) arg = (termReduceApp fill 1 val arg)
termReduceApp fill lv (Met uid spn) arg = (termReduce fill lv (Met uid (listPush arg spn)))
termReduceApp fill lv (Lam nam bod) arg = (termReduce fill lv (bod (termReduce fill 0 arg)))
termReduceApp fill lv fun arg = (App fun arg)
// termReduceMet :: Map Term -> U60 -> U60 -> [Term] -> Term
termReduceMet fill lv uid spn = match (mapGet (key uid) fill) {
(Some val): (termReduce fill lv (termReduceMetSpine val spn))
(None) : (Met uid spn)
// termReduceMetSpine :: Term -> [Term] -> Term
termReduceMetSpine val [] = val
termReduceMetSpine val (List.cons x xs) = (termReduceMetSpine (App val x) xs)
// termReduceOp2 :: Map Term -> U60 -> Oper -> Term -> Term -> Term
termReduceOp2 fill 1 op (Ref _ x) (Num snd) = (termReduceOp2 fill 1 op x (Num snd))
termReduceOp2 fill 2 op (Ref _ x) (Num snd) = (termReduceOp2 fill 2 op x (Num snd))
termReduceOp2 fill 1 op (Num fst) (Ref _ x) = (termReduceOp2 fill 1 op (Num fst) x)
termReduceOp2 fill 2 op (Num fst) (Ref _ x) = (termReduceOp2 fill 2 op (Num fst) x)
termReduceOp2 fill lv ADD (Num fst) (Num snd) = (Num (+ fst snd))
termReduceOp2 fill lv SUB (Num fst) (Num snd) = (Num (- fst snd))
termReduceOp2 fill lv MUL (Num fst) (Num snd) = (Num (* fst snd))
termReduceOp2 fill lv DIV (Num fst) (Num snd) = (Num (/ fst snd))
termReduceOp2 fill lv MOD (Num fst) (Num snd) = (Num (% fst snd))
termReduceOp2 fill lv EQ (Num fst) (Num snd) = (Num (== fst snd))
termReduceOp2 fill lv NE (Num fst) (Num snd) = (Num (!= fst snd))
termReduceOp2 fill lv LT (Num fst) (Num snd) = (Num (< fst snd))
termReduceOp2 fill lv GT (Num fst) (Num snd) = (Num (> fst snd))
termReduceOp2 fill lv LTE (Num fst) (Num snd) = (Num (<= fst snd))
termReduceOp2 fill lv GTE (Num fst) (Num snd) = (Num (>= fst snd))
termReduceOp2 fill lv AND (Num fst) (Num snd) = (Num (& fst snd))
termReduceOp2 fill lv OR (Num fst) (Num snd) = (Num (| fst snd))
termReduceOp2 fill lv XOR (Num fst) (Num snd) = (Num (^ fst snd))
termReduceOp2 fill lv LSH (Num fst) (Num snd) = (Num (<< fst snd))
termReduceOp2 fill lv RSH (Num fst) (Num snd) = (Num (>> fst snd))
termReduceOp2 fill lv opr fst snd = (Op2 opr fst snd)
// termReduceSwi :: Map Term -> U60 -> String -> Term -> Term -> (Term -> Term) -> (Term -> Term) -> Term
termReduceSwi fill 2 nam (Ref _ x) z s p = (termReduceSwi fill 2 nam x z s p)
termReduceSwi fill 1 nam (Ref _ x) z s p = (termReduceSwi fill 1 nam x z s p)
termReduceSwi fill lv nam (Num 0) z s p = (termReduce fill lv z)
termReduceSwi fill lv nam (Num n) z s p = (termReduce fill lv (s (Num (- n 1))))
termReduceSwi fill lv nam (Op2 ADD (Num 1) k) z s p = (termReduce fill lv (s k))
termReduceSwi fill lv nam val z s p = (Swi nam val z s p)
// termReduceRef :: Map Term -> U60 -> String -> Term -> Term
termReduceRef fill 2 nam val = (termReduce fill 2 val)
termReduceRef fill 1 nam val = (Ref nam val)
termReduceRef fill lv nam val = (Ref nam val)
// termReduceTxt :: Map Term -> U60 -> String -> Term
termReduceTxt fill lv "" = (termReduce fill lv Book.String.nil)
termReduceTxt fill lv (String.cons x xs) = (termReduce fill lv (App (App Book.String.cons (Num x)) (Txt xs)))
// termReduceNat :: Map Term -> Int -> Integer -> Term
termReduceNat fill lv 0 =
termReduceNat fill lv n = (App Book.Nat.succ (termReduceNat fill lv (- n 1)))
// Normalization
// -------------
// termNormal :: Map Term -> U60 -> Term -> U60 -> Term
// termNormal fill lv term dep = termNormalGo fill lv (termNormalPrefer fill (termReduce fill 0 term) (termReduce fill lv term)) dep where
termNormal fill lv term dep = (termNormalGo fill lv (termReduce fill lv term) dep)
// termNormalPrefer fill soft (Lam _ _) = soft
// termNormalPrefer fill soft (Slf _ _ _) = soft
// termNormalPrefer fill soft (All _ _ _) = soft
// termNormalPrefer fill soft hard = hard
termNormalGo fill lv (All nam inp bod) dep = (All nam (termNormal fill lv inp dep) (λx (termNormal fill lv (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ dep 1))))
termNormalGo fill lv (Lam nam bod) dep = (Lam nam (λx (termNormal fill lv (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ dep 1))))
termNormalGo fill lv (App fun arg) dep = (App (termNormal fill lv fun dep) (termNormal fill lv arg dep))
termNormalGo fill lv (Ann chk val typ) dep = (Ann chk (termNormal fill lv val dep) (termNormal fill lv typ dep))
termNormalGo fill lv (Slf nam typ bod) dep = (Slf nam typ (λx (termNormal fill lv (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ dep 1))))
termNormalGo fill lv (Ins val) dep = (Ins (termNormal fill lv val dep))
termNormalGo fill lv (Ref nam val) dep = (Ref nam (termNormal fill lv val dep))
termNormalGo fill lv (Let nam val bod) dep = (Let nam (termNormal fill lv val dep) (λx (termNormal fill lv (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ dep 1))))
termNormalGo fill lv (Use nam val bod) dep = (Use nam (termNormal fill lv val dep) (λx (termNormal fill lv (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ dep 1))))
termNormalGo fill lv (Hol nam ctx) dep = (Hol nam ctx)
termNormalGo fill lv Set dep = (Set)
termNormalGo fill lv U60 dep = (U60)
termNormalGo fill lv (Num val) dep = (Num val)
termNormalGo fill lv (Op2 opr fst snd) dep = (Op2 opr (termNormal fill lv fst dep) (termNormal fill lv snd dep))
termNormalGo fill lv (Swi nam x z s p) dep = (Swi nam (termNormal fill lv x dep) (termNormal fill lv z dep) (λk (termNormal fill lv (s (Var (stringConcat nam "-1") dep)) dep)) (λk (termNormal fill lv (p (Var nam dep)) dep)))
termNormalGo fill lv (Txt val) dep = (Txt val)
termNormalGo fill lv (Nat val) dep = (Nat val)
termNormalGo fill lv (Var nam idx) dep = (Var nam idx)
termNormalGo fill lv (Src src val) dep = (Src src (termNormal fill lv val dep))
termNormalGo fill lv (Met uid spn) dep = (Met uid spn) // TODO: normalize spine
// Equality
// --------
// termEqual :: Term -> Term -> U60 -> Env Bool
termEqual a b dep =
// (trace (stringJoin ["equal:\n- ", (termShow a dep), "\n- ", (termShow b dep)])
(envBind envGetFill λfill
let a_ = (termReduce fill 2 a)
let b_ = (termReduce fill 2 b)
(termTryIdentical a_ b_ dep (termSimilar a_ b_ dep)))
// termTryIdentical :: Term -> Term -> U60 -> Env Bool -> Env Bool
termTryIdentical a b dep cont =
(envBind envSnapshot λstate
(envBind (termIdentical a b dep) λequal
(If equal
(envPure True)
(envBind (envRewind state) λ_ cont))))
// termSimilar :: Term -> Term -> U60 -> Env Bool
termSimilar (All aNam aInp aBod) (All bNam bInp bBod) dep =
(envBind (termEqual aInp bInp dep) λeInp
(envBind (termEqual (aBod (Var aNam dep)) (bBod (Var bNam dep)) (+ dep 1)) λeBod
(envPure (and eInp eBod))))
termSimilar (Lam aNam aBod) (Lam bNam bBod) dep =
(termEqual (aBod (Var aNam dep)) (bBod (Var bNam dep)) (+ dep 1))
termSimilar (App aFun aArg) (App bFun bArg) dep =
(envBind (termEqual aFun bFun dep) λeFun
(envBind (termEqual aArg bArg dep) λeArg
(envPure (and eFun eArg))))
termSimilar (Slf aNam aTyp aBod) (Slf bNam bTyp bBod) dep =
(termSimilar (termReduce mapNew 0 aTyp) (termReduce mapNew 0 bTyp) dep)
// termSimilar (Hol aNam aCtx) (Hol bNam bCtx) dep =
// (envPure (eq aNam bNam))
// termSimilar (Met aUid aSpn) (Met bUid bSpn) dep =
// (envPure (eq aUid bUid))
termSimilar (Op2 aOpr aFst aSnd) (Op2 bOpr bFst bSnd) dep =
(envBind (termEqual aFst bFst dep) λeFst
(envBind (termEqual aSnd bSnd dep) λeSnd
(envPure (and eFst eSnd))))
termSimilar (Swi aNam aX aZ aS aP) (Swi bNam bX bZ bS bP) dep =
(envBind (termEqual aX bX dep) λeX
(envBind (termEqual aZ bZ dep) λeZ
(envBind (termEqual (aS (Var (stringConcat aNam "-1") dep)) (bS (Var (stringConcat bNam "-1") dep)) dep) λeS
(envBind (termEqual (aP (Var aNam dep)) (bP (Var bNam dep)) dep) λeP
(envPure (and (and (and eX eZ) eS) eP))))))
termSimilar a b dep = (envPure False)
// termIdentical :: Term -> Term -> U60 -> Env Bool
termIdentical a b dep = (termIdenticalGo a b dep)
// termIdenticalGo :: Term -> Term -> U60 -> Env Bool
termIdenticalGo (All aNam aInp aBod) (All bNam bInp bBod) dep =
(envBind (termIdentical aInp bInp dep) (λiInp
(envBind (termIdentical (aBod (Var aNam dep)) (bBod (Var bNam dep)) (+ dep 1)) λiBod
(envPure (and iInp iBod)))))
termIdenticalGo (Lam aNam aBod) (Lam bNam bBod) dep =
(termIdentical (aBod (Var aNam dep)) (bBod (Var bNam dep)) (+ dep 1))
termIdenticalGo (App aFun aArg) (App bFun bArg) dep =
(envBind (termIdentical aFun bFun dep) λiFun
(envBind (termIdentical aArg bArg dep) λiArg
(envPure (and iFun iArg))))
termIdenticalGo (Slf aNam aTyp aBod) (Slf bNam bTyp bBod) dep =
(termIdentical aTyp bTyp dep)
termIdenticalGo (Ins aVal) b dep =
(termIdentical aVal b dep)
termIdenticalGo a (Ins bVal) dep =
(termIdentical a bVal dep)
termIdenticalGo (Let aNam aVal aBod) b dep =
(termIdentical (aBod aVal) b dep)
termIdenticalGo a (Let bNam bVal bBod) dep =
(termIdentical a (bBod bVal) dep)
termIdenticalGo (Use aNam aVal aBod) b dep =
(termIdentical (aBod aVal) b dep)
termIdenticalGo a (Use bNam bVal bBod) dep =
(termIdentical a (bBod bVal) dep)
termIdenticalGo Set Set dep =
(envPure True)
termIdenticalGo (Ann chk aVal aTyp) b dep =
(termIdentical aVal b dep)
termIdenticalGo a (Ann chk bVal bTyp) dep =
(termIdentical a bVal dep)
// termIdenticalGo (Met aUid aSpn) (Met bUid bSpn) dep =
// envPure (eq aUid bUid)
termIdenticalGo (Met aUid aSpn) b dep =
// traceShow (stringJoin ["unify: ", (u60Show aUid), " x=", (termShow (Met aUid aSpn) dep), " t=", (termShow b dep)])
(termUnify aUid aSpn b dep)
termIdenticalGo a (Met bUid bSpn) dep =
// traceShow (stringJoin ["unify: ", (u60Show bUid), " x=", (termShow (Met bUid bSpn) dep), " t=", (termShow a dep)])
(termUnify bUid bSpn a dep)
termIdenticalGo (Hol aNam aCtx) b dep =
(envPure True)
termIdenticalGo a (Hol bNam bCtx) dep =
(envPure True)
termIdenticalGo U60 U60 dep =
(envPure True)
termIdenticalGo (Num aVal) (Num bVal) dep =
(envPure (eq aVal bVal))
termIdenticalGo (Op2 aOpr aFst aSnd) (Op2 bOpr bFst bSnd) dep =
(envBind (termIdentical aFst bFst dep) λiFst
(envBind (termIdentical aSnd bSnd dep) λiSnd
(envPure (and iFst iSnd))))
termIdenticalGo (Swi aNam aX aZ aS aP) (Swi bNam bX bZ bS bP) dep =
(envBind (termIdentical aX bX dep) λiX
(envBind (termIdentical aZ bZ dep) λiZ
(envBind (termIdentical (aS (Var (stringConcat aNam "-1") dep)) (bS (Var (stringConcat bNam "-1") dep)) dep) λiS
(envBind (termIdentical (aP (Var aNam dep)) (bP (Var bNam dep)) dep) λiP
(envPure (and (and (and iX iZ) iS) iP))))))
termIdenticalGo (Txt aTxt) (Txt bTxt) dep =
(envPure (stringEqual aTxt bTxt))
termIdenticalGo (Nat aVal) (Nat bVal) dep =
(envPure (eq aVal bVal))
termIdenticalGo (Src aSrc aVal) b dep =
(termIdentical aVal b dep)
termIdenticalGo a (Src bSrc bVal) dep =
(termIdentical a bVal dep)
termIdenticalGo (Ref aNam aVal) (Ref bNam bVal) dep =
(envPure (stringEqual aNam bNam))
termIdenticalGo (Var aNam aIdx) (Var bNam bIdx) dep =
(envPure (eq aIdx bIdx))
termIdenticalGo a b dep =
(envPure False)
// Unification
// -----------
// The unification algorithm is a simple pattern unifier, based on smalltt:
// >
// The pattern unification problem provides a solution to the following problem:
// (?X x y z ...) = K
// When:
// 1. The LHS spine, `x y z ...`, consists of distinct variables.
// 2. Every free var of the RHS, `K`, occurs in the spine.
// 3. The LHS hole, `?A`, doesn't occur in the RHS, `K`.
// If these conditions are met, ?X is solved as:
// ?X = λx λy λz ... K
// In this implementation, checking condition `2` is not necessary, because we
// subst holes directly where they occur (rather than on top-level definitions),
// so, it is impossible for unbound variables to appear. We also don't check for
// condition 3, and just allow recursive solutions.
// If possible, solves a `(?X x y z ...) = K` problem, generating a subst.
// termUnify :: U60 -> [Term] -> Term -> U60 -> Env Bool
termUnify uid spn b dep =
(envBind envGetFill λfill
let unsolved = (not (mapHas (key uid) fill))
let solvable = (termUnifyValid fill spn [])
(If (and unsolved solvable)
let solution = (termUnifySolve fill uid spn b)
// (trace (stringJoin ["solve: ", (u60Show uid), " ", (termShow solution dep)])
(envBind (envFill uid solution) λ_
(envPure True))
(envPure False)))
// Checks if an problem is solveable by pattern unification.
// termUnifyValid :: Map Term -> [Term] -> [U60] -> Bool
termUnifyValid fill [] vars = True
termUnifyValid fill (List.cons x spn) vars = match (termReduce fill 0 x) {
(Var nam idx): (not (and (elem eq idx vars) (termUnifyValid fill spn (List.cons idx vars))))
otherwise : False
// Generates the solution, adding binders and renaming variables.
// termUnifySolve :: Map Term -> U60 -> [Term] -> Term -> Term
termUnifySolve fill uid [] b = b
termUnifySolve fill uid (List.cons x spn) b = match (termReduce fill 0 x) {
(Var nam idx): (Lam nam λx (termUnifySubst idx x (termUnifySolve fill uid spn b)))
otherwise : (trace "unreachable" Unreachable)
// Substitutes a Bruijn level variable by a `neo` value in `term`.
// termUnifySubst :: U60 -> Term -> Term -> Term
// termUnifySubst lvl neo term = term
termUnifySubst lvl neo (All nam inp bod) = (All nam (termUnifySubst lvl neo inp) (λx (termUnifySubst lvl neo (bod x))))
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Lam nam bod) = (Lam nam (λx (termUnifySubst lvl neo (bod x))))
termUnifySubst lvl neo (App fun arg) = (App (termUnifySubst lvl neo fun) (termUnifySubst lvl neo arg))
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Ann chk val typ) = (Ann chk (termUnifySubst lvl neo val) (termUnifySubst lvl neo typ))
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Slf nam typ bod) = (Slf nam (termUnifySubst lvl neo typ) (λx (termUnifySubst lvl neo (bod x))))
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Ins val) = (Ins (termUnifySubst lvl neo val))
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Ref nam val) = (Ref nam (termUnifySubst lvl neo val))
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Let nam val bod) = (Let nam (termUnifySubst lvl neo val) (λx (termUnifySubst lvl neo (bod x))))
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Use nam val bod) = (Use nam (termUnifySubst lvl neo val) (λx (termUnifySubst lvl neo (bod x))))
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Met uid spn) = (Met uid (map (termUnifySubst lvl neo) spn))
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Hol nam ctx) = (Hol nam (map (termUnifySubst lvl neo) ctx))
termUnifySubst lvl neo Set = Set
termUnifySubst lvl neo U60 = U60
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Num n) = (Num n)
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Op2 opr fst snd) = (Op2 opr (termUnifySubst lvl neo fst) (termUnifySubst lvl neo snd))
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Swi nam x z s p) = (Swi nam (termUnifySubst lvl neo x) (termUnifySubst lvl neo z) (λk (termUnifySubst lvl neo (s k))) (λk (termUnifySubst lvl neo (p k))))
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Txt txt) = (Txt txt)
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Nat val) = (Nat val)
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Var nam idx) = (if (== lvl idx) neo (Var nam idx))
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Src src val) = (Src src (termUnifySubst lvl neo val))
// Type-Checking
// -------------
// termIfAll :: Term -> (String -> Term -> (Term -> Term) -> a) -> a -> a
termIfAll (All nam inp bod) yep _ = (yep nam inp bod)
termIfAll _ _ nop = nop
// termIfSlf :: Term -> (String -> Term -> (Term -> Term) -> a) -> a -> a
termIfSlf (Slf nam typ bod) yep _ = (yep nam typ bod)
termIfSlf _ _ nop = nop
// termInfer :: Term -> U60 -> Env Term
termInfer term dep =
// trace (stringJoin ["infer: ", (termShow term dep)])
(termInferGo term dep)
// termInferGo :: Term -> U60 -> Env Term
termInferGo (All nam inp bod) dep =
(envBind (envSusp (Check 0 inp Set dep)) λ_
(envBind (envSusp (Check 0 (bod (Ann False (Var nam dep) inp)) Set (+ dep 1))) λ_
(envPure Set)))
termInferGo (App fun arg) dep =
(envBind (termInfer fun dep) λftyp
(envBind envGetFill λfill
match (termReduce fill 2 ftyp) {
(All ftyp_nam ftyp_inp ftyp_bod):
(envBind (envSusp (Check 0 arg ftyp_inp dep)) λ_
(envPure (ftyp_bod arg)))
(envBind (envLog (Error 0 (Hol "function" []) ftyp (App fun arg) dep)) λ_
termInferGo (Ann chk val typ) dep =
(envBind (If chk
(termCheck 0 val typ dep)
(envPure *)) λ_
(envPure typ))
termInferGo (Slf nam typ bod) dep =
(envBind (envSusp (Check 0 (bod (Ann False (Var nam dep) typ)) Set (+ dep 1))) λ_
(envPure Set))
termInferGo (Ins val) dep =
(envBind (termInfer val dep) λvtyp
(envBind envGetFill λfill
match (termReduce fill 2 vtyp) {
(Slf vtyp_nam vtyp_typ vtyp_bod):
(envPure (vtyp_bod (Ins val)))
(envBind (envLog (Error 0 (Hol "self-type" []) vtyp (Ins val) dep)) λ_
termInferGo (Ref nam val) dep =
(termInfer val dep)
termInferGo Set dep =
(envPure Set)
termInferGo U60 dep =
(envPure Set)
termInferGo (Num num) dep =
(envPure U60)
termInferGo (Txt txt) dep =
(envPure Book.String)
termInferGo (Nat val) dep =
(envPure Book.Nat)
termInferGo (Op2 opr fst snd) dep =
(envBind (envSusp (Check 0 fst U60 dep)) λ_
(envBind (envSusp (Check 0 snd U60 dep)) λ_
(envPure U60)))
termInferGo (Swi nam x z s p) dep =
(envBind (envSusp (Check 0 x U60 dep)) λ_
(envBind (envSusp (Check 0 (p (Ann False (Var nam dep) U60)) Set dep)) λ_
(envBind (envSusp (Check 0 z (p (Num 0)) dep)) λ_
(envBind (envSusp (Check 0 (s (Ann False (Var (stringConcat nam "-1") dep) U60)) (p (Op2 ADD (Num 1) (Var (stringConcat nam "-1") dep))) (+ dep 1))) λ_
(envPure (p x))))))
termInferGo (Let nam val bod) dep =
(envBind (termInfer val dep) λtyp
(termInfer (bod (Ann False (Var nam dep) typ)) dep))
termInferGo (Use nam val bod) dep =
(termInfer (bod val) dep)
termInferGo (Lam nam bod) dep =
(envBind (envLog (Error 0 (Hol "type_annotation" []) (Hol "untyped_lambda" []) (Lam nam bod) dep)) λ_
termInferGo (Hol nam ctx) dep =
(envBind (envLog (Error 0 (Hol "type_annotation" []) (Hol "untyped_hole" []) (Hol nam ctx) dep)) λ_
termInferGo (Met uid spn) dep =
(envBind (envLog (Error 0 (Hol "type_annotation" []) (Hol "untyped_meta" []) (Met uid spn) dep)) λ_
termInferGo (Var nam idx) dep =
(envBind (envLog (Error 0 (Hol "type_annotation" []) (Hol "untyped_variable" []) (Var nam idx) dep)) λ_
termInferGo (Src src val) dep =
(termInfer val dep)
// termCheck :: U60 -> Term -> Term -> U60 -> Env *
termCheck src val typ dep =
// (trace (stringJoin ["check: ", (termShow val dep), "\n :: ", (termShow typ dep)])
(termCheckGo src val typ dep)
// termCheckGo :: U60 -> Term -> Term -> U60 -> Env *
termCheckGo src (Lam termNam termBod) typx dep =
(envBind envGetFill λfill
match (termReduce fill 2 typx) {
(All typeNam typeInp typeBod):
let ann = (Ann False (Var termNam dep) typeInp)
let term = (termBod ann)
let typx = (typeBod ann)
(termCheck 0 term typx (+ dep 1))
(envBind (termInfer (Lam termNam termBod) dep) λ_
(envPure *))
termCheckGo src (Ins termVal) typx dep =
(envBind envGetFill λfill
match (termReduce fill 2 typx) {
(Slf typeNam typeTyp typeBod):
(termCheck 0 termVal (typeBod (Ins termVal)) dep)
(envBind (termInfer (Ins termVal) dep) λ_
(envPure *))
termCheckGo src (Let termNam termVal termBod) typx dep =
(envBind (termInfer termVal dep) λtermTyp
(termCheck 0 (termBod (Ann False (Var termNam dep) termTyp)) typx dep))
termCheckGo src (Use termNam termVal termBod) typx dep =
(termCheck 0 (termBod termVal) typx dep)
termCheckGo src (Hol termNam termCtx) typx dep =
(envBind (envLog (Found termNam typx termCtx dep)) λ_
(envPure *))
termCheckGo src (Met uid spn) typx dep =
(envPure *)
termCheckGo src (Ann chk val typ) typx dep =
(envBind (termCheckCompare src val typ typx dep) λ_
(If chk
(termCheck src val typ dep)
(envPure *)))
// termCheckGo src (Ref termNam (Ann termVal termTyp)) typx dep =
// (envBind (termEqual typx termTyp dep) λequal
// (termCheckReport src equal termTyp typx termVal dep)
termCheckGo src (Src termSrc termVal) typx dep =
(termCheck termSrc termVal typx dep)
termCheckGo src term typx dep =
(envBind (termInfer term dep) λinfer
(termCheckCompare src term typx infer dep))
termCheckCompare src term expected detected dep =
(envBind (termEqual expected detected dep) λequal
(If equal
(envBind envTakeSusp λsusp
(envBind (listCheck susp) λ_
(envPure *)))
(envBind (envLog (Error src expected detected term dep)) λ_
// listCheck :: [a] -> Env *
listCheck [] = (envPure *)
listCheck (List.cons x xs) =
let (Check src val typ dep) = x;
(envBind (termCheck src val typ dep) λ_ (listCheck xs))
// termCheckReport :: U60 -> Bool -> Term -> Term -> Term -> U60 -> Env *
// termCheckReport src False detected expected value dep =
// (envLog (Error src detected expected value dep)
// envFail)
// termCheckReport src True detected expected value dep =
// (envPure *)
// termCheckDef :: Term -> Env *
termCheckDef (Ref nam (Ann chk val typ)) = (envBind (termCheck 0 val typ 0) λ_ (envPure *))
termCheckDef (Ref nam val) = (envBind (termInfer val 0) λ_ (envPure *))
termCheckDef other = (trace "invalid top-level definition" InvalidTopLevelDefinition)
// Stringification
// ---------------
// termShow :: Term -> U60 -> String
termShow (All nam inp bod) dep =
let nam_ = nam
let inp_ = (termShow inp dep)
let bod_ = (termShow (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ dep 1))
(stringJoin ["∀(", nam_, ": ", inp_, ") ", bod_])
termShow (Lam nam bod) dep =
let nam_ = nam
let bod_ = (termShow (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ dep 1))
(stringJoin ["λ", nam_, " ", bod_])
termShow (App fun arg) dep =
let fun_ = (termShow fun dep)
let arg_ = (termShow arg dep)
(stringJoin ["(", fun_, " ", arg_, ")"])
termShow (Ann chk val typ) dep =
let val_ = (termShow val dep)
let typ_ = (termShow typ dep)
(stringJoin ["{", val_, ": ", typ_, "}"])
termShow (Slf nam typ bod) dep =
(termShow typ dep)
termShow (Ins val) dep =
let val_ = (termShow val dep)
(stringJoin ["~", val_])
termShow (Ref nam val) dep = nam
termShow (Let nam val bod) dep =
let nam_ = nam
let val_ = (termShow val dep)
let bod_ = (termShow (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ dep 1))
(stringJoin ["let ", nam_, " = ", val_, "; ", bod_])
termShow (Use nam val bod) dep =
let nam_ = nam
let val_ = (termShow val dep)
let bod_ = (termShow (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ dep 1))
(stringJoin ["use ", nam_, " = ", val_, "; ", bod_])
termShow Set dep = "*"
termShow U60 dep = "#U60"
termShow (Num val) dep =
let val_ = (u60Show val)
(stringJoin ["#", val_])
termShow (Op2 opr fst snd) dep =
let opr_ = (operShow opr)
let fst_ = (termShow fst dep)
let snd_ = (termShow snd dep)
(stringJoin ["#(", opr_, " ", fst_, " ", snd_, ")"])
termShow (Swi nam x z s p) dep =
let nam_ = nam
let x_ = (termShow x dep)
let z_ = (termShow z dep)
let s_ = (termShow (s (Var (stringConcat nam "-1") dep)) (+ dep 1))
let p_ = (termShow (p (Var nam dep)) dep)
(stringJoin ["#match ", nam_, " = ", x_, " { #0: ", z_, " #+: ", s_, " }: ", p_])
termShow (Txt txt) dep = (stringJoin [quote, txt, quote])
termShow (Nat val) dep = (u60Show val)
termShow (Hol nam ctx) dep = (stringJoin ["?", nam])
termShow (Met uid spn) dep = (stringJoin ["(_", (termShowSpn (reverse spn) dep), ")"])
termShow (Var nam idx) dep = nam
// termShow (Var nam idx) dep = stringJoin [nam, "^", (u60Show idx)]
termShow (Src src val) dep = (termShow val dep)
// termShow (Src src val) dep = stringJoin ["!", (termShow val dep)]
// termShowSpn :: [Term] -> U60 -> String
termShowSpn [] dep = ""
termShowSpn (List.cons x xs) dep = (stringJoin [" ", (termShow x dep), (termShowSpn xs dep)])
// operShow :: Oper -> String
operShow ADD = "+"
operShow SUB = "-"
operShow MUL = "*"
operShow DIV = "/"
operShow MOD = "%"
operShow EQ = "=="
operShow NE = "!="
operShow LT = "<"
operShow GT = ">"
operShow LTE = "<="
operShow GTE = ">="
operShow AND = "&"
operShow OR = "|"
operShow XOR = "^"
operShow LSH = "<<"
operShow RSH = ">>"
// contextShow :: Map Term -> [Term] -> U60 -> String
contextShow fill [] dep = ""
contextShow fill (List.cons x xs) dep = (stringJoin [" ", (contextShowAnn fill x dep), (contextShow fill xs dep)])
// contextShowAnn :: Map Term -> Term -> U60 -> String
contextShowAnn fill (Ann chk val typ) dep = (stringJoin ["{", (termShow (termNormal fill 0 val dep) dep), ": ", (termShow (termNormal fill 0 typ dep) dep), "}"])
contextShowAnn fill term dep = (termShow (termNormal fill 0 term dep) dep)
// infoShow :: Map Term -> Info -> String
infoShow fill (Found name typ ctx dep) =
let typ_ = (termShow (termNormal fill 1 typ dep) dep)
let ctx_ = (stringTail (contextShow fill ctx dep))
(stringJoin ["#found{", name, " ", typ_, " [", ctx_, "]}"])
infoShow fill (Error src expected detected value dep) =
let exp = (termShow (termNormal fill 1 expected dep) dep)
let det = (termShow (termNormal fill 1 detected dep) dep)
let val = (termShow (termNormal fill 0 value dep) dep)
(stringJoin ["#error{", exp, " ", det, " ", val, " ", (u60Show src), "}"])
infoShow fill (Solve name term dep) =
let term_ = (termShow (termNormal fill 1 term dep) dep)
(stringJoin ["#solve{", name, " ", term_, "}"])
infoShow fill (Vague name) =
(stringJoin ["#vague{", name, "}"])
infoShow fill (Print value dep) =
let val = (termShow (termNormal fill 0 value dep) dep)
(stringJoin ["#print{", val, "}"])
// API
// ---
// Normalizes a term
// apiNormal :: Term -> IO *
apiNormal term = (putStrLn (infoShow mapNew (Print (termNormal mapNew 2 term 0) 0)) *)
// apiCheck :: Term -> IO *
apiCheck term = match (envRun (termCheckDef term)) {
(Done state value): (apiPrintLogs state)
(Fail state) : (apiPrintLogs state)
// apiPrintLogs :: State -> IO *
apiPrintLogs (State fill susp (List.cons log logs)) =
(putStrLn (infoShow fill log)
(apiPrintLogs (State fill susp logs)))
apiPrintLogs (State fill susp []) =
putStrLn = HVM.print
trace = HVM.print

View File

@ -34,6 +34,18 @@ fn generate_check_hvm1(book: &Book, command: &str, arg: &str) -> String {
return hvm1_code;
fn generate_check_hvm2(book: &Book, command: &str, arg: &str) -> String {
let kind_hvm2 = include_str!("./kind2.hvm2");
let book_hvm2 = book.to_hvm2_checker();
let main_hvm2 = match command {
"check" => format!("main = (apiCheck Book.{})\n", arg),
"run" => format!("main = (apiNormal Book.{})\n", arg),
_ => panic!("invalid command"),
let hvm2_code = format!("{}\n{}\n{}", kind_hvm2, book_hvm2, main_hvm2);
return hvm2_code;
fn generate_check_hs(book: &Book, command: &str, arg: &str) -> String {
let kind_hs = include_str!("./kind2.hs");
let kind_hs = kind_hs.lines().filter(|line| !line.starts_with("xString")).collect::<Vec<_>>().join("\n");
@ -54,57 +66,79 @@ fn generate_hvm2(book: &Book, _command: &str, arg: &str) -> String {
return code_hvm2;
pub fn get_infos(book: &Book, cmd: &str, file: &str, runtime: &str) -> (Vec<Info>, String) {
// Auto-formats the definition.
// let defn = book.defs.get(file).unwrap();
// let form = book.format_def(file, defn).flatten(60);
// Overwrites the original file with the formatted version.
// File::create(&format!("./{}.kind2", file))
// .and_then(|mut file| file.write_all(form.as_bytes()))
// .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Failed to auto-format '{}.kind2'.", file));
let command = match runtime {
"--ghc" => {
// Generates the Haskell checker.
let check_hs = generate_check_hs(&book, cmd, file);
let mut file = File::create(".check.hs").expect("Failed to create '.check.hs'.");
file.write_all(check_hs.as_bytes()).expect("Failed to write '.check.hs'.");
// Calls GHC and get outputs.
Command::new("runghc").arg(".check.hs").output().expect("Failed to execute command")
"--hvm1" => {
// Generates the HVM1 checker.
let check_hvm1 = generate_check_hvm1(&book, cmd, file);
let mut file = File::create(".check.hvm1").expect("Failed to create '.check.hvm1'.");
file.write_all(check_hvm1.as_bytes()).expect("Failed to write '.check.hvm1'.");
// Calls HVM1 and get outputs.
Command::new("hvm1").arg("run").arg("-t").arg("1").arg("-c").arg("-f").arg(".check.hvm1").arg("(Main)").output().expect("Failed to execute command")
"--hvm2" => {
// Generates the hvm2 checker.
let check_hs = generate_check_hvm2(&book, cmd, file);
let mut file = File::create(".check.hvm2").expect("Failed to create '.check.hs'.");
file.write_all(check_hs.as_bytes()).expect("Failed to write '.check.hs'.");
// Calls HVMl and get outputs.
Command::new("hvml").arg("run").arg("-L").arg(".check.hvm2").output().expect("Failed to execute command")
_ => panic!("invalid command"),
let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&command.stdout);
let stderr = String::from_utf8_lossy(&command.stderr);
(Info::parse_infos(&stdout), stderr.to_string())
fn main() {
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
if args.len() < 3 {
if args.len() < 2 {
let cmd = &args[1];
let arg = &args[2];
match cmd.as_str() {
"check" | "run" => {
match Book::boot(arg) {
if args.len() < 3 {
let arg = &args[2];
let opt = &args.get(3).map(|x| x.as_str()).unwrap_or("--ghc");
match Book::boot(".", arg) {
Ok(book) => {
// Auto-formats the definition.
//let defn = book.defs.get(arg).unwrap();
//let form = book.format_def(arg, defn).flatten(60);
let (infos, stderr) = get_infos(&book, cmd, arg, opt);
// Overwrites the original file with the formatted version.
//File::create(&format!("./{}.kind2", arg))
//.and_then(|mut file| file.write_all(form.as_bytes()))
//.unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Failed to auto-format '{}.kind2'.", arg));
// Generates the HVM1 checker.
//let check_hvm1 = generate_check_hvm1(&book, cmd, arg);
//let mut file = File::create(".check.hvm1").expect("Failed to create '.check.hvm1'.");
//file.write_all(check_hvm1.as_bytes()).expect("Failed to write '.check.hvm1'.");
// Calls HVM1 and get outputs.
// FIXME: re-enable HVM version
//let output = Command::new("hvm1").arg("run").arg("-t").arg("1").arg("-c").arg("-f").arg(".check.hvm1").arg("(Main)").output().expect("Failed to execute command");
//let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout);
//let stderr = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr);
// Generates the Haskell checker.
let check_hs = generate_check_hs(&book, cmd, arg);
let mut file = File::create(".check.hs").expect("Failed to create '.check.hs'.");
file.write_all(check_hs.as_bytes()).expect("Failed to write '.check.hs'.");
// Calls GHC and get outputs.
let output = Command::new("runghc").arg(".check.hs").output().expect("Failed to execute command");
let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout);
let stderr = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr);
// Parses and print stdout infos.
let infos = Info::parse_infos(&stdout);
for info in &infos {
println!("{}", info.pretty(&book))
if infos.len() == 0 {
if stderr.is_empty() && infos.len() == 0 {
@ -117,6 +151,9 @@ fn main() {
"compare" => {
_ => {
@ -131,5 +168,36 @@ fn main() {
fn show_help() {
eprintln!("Usage: kind2 [check|run] <name>");
eprintln!(" kind2 compare");
fn test_runtime_compatibility() {
use std::fs;
let q = env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").to_owned() + "/book/";
let paths = fs::read_dir(&q).unwrap();
let mut paths: Vec<_> = paths.into_iter().map(|path| path.unwrap().path()).collect();
for path in paths {
let base = path.file_stem().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
let Ok(book) = Book::boot(&q, base) else {
print!("{:<30}: ", base);
for rt in ["--ghc", "--hvm2"] {
let _ = std::io::stdout().flush();
let (infos, stderr) = get_infos(&book, "check", base, rt);
if stderr.is_empty() {
if infos.len() == 0 {
print!("\x1b[32;1m+\x1b[0m ");
} else {
print!("\x1b[31;1m-\x1b[0m ");
} else {

View File

@ -662,7 +662,7 @@ impl ADT {
// Loads an ADT from its λ-encoded file.
pub fn load(name: &str) -> Result<ADT, String> {
let book = Book::boot(name)?;
let book = Book::boot(".", name)?;
if let Some(term) = book.defs.get(name) {
let mut term = term.clone();
// Skips Anns, Lams, Srcs

View File

@ -48,6 +48,10 @@ impl Oper {
pub fn to_hvm2_checker(&self) -> &'static str {
pub fn to_hs_checker(&self) -> &'static str {
@ -59,7 +63,99 @@ impl Term {
pub fn to_hvm1_checker(&self, _env: im::Vector<String>, _met: &mut usize) -> String {
pub fn to_hvm2_checker(&self, env: im::Vector<String>, met: &mut usize) -> String {
fn binder(name: &str) -> String {
format!("x{}", name.replace("-", "._."))
match self {
Term::All { nam, inp, bod } => {
let inp = inp.to_hvm2_checker(env.clone(), met);
let bod = bod.to_hvm2_checker(cons(&env, nam.clone()), met);
format!("(All \"{}\" {} λ{} {})", nam, inp, binder(nam), bod)
Term::Lam { nam, bod } => {
let bod = bod.to_hvm2_checker(cons(&env, nam.clone()), met);
format!("(Lam \"{}\" λ{} {})", nam, binder(nam), bod)
Term::App { fun, arg } => {
let fun = fun.to_hvm2_checker(env.clone(), met);
let arg = arg.to_hvm2_checker(env.clone(), met);
format!("(App {} {})", fun, arg)
Term::Ann { chk, val, typ } => {
let val = val.to_hvm2_checker(env.clone(), met);
let typ = typ.to_hvm2_checker(env.clone(), met);
format!("(Ann {} {} {})", if *chk { "True" } else { "False" }, val, typ)
Term::Slf { nam, typ, bod } => {
let typ = typ.to_hvm2_checker(env.clone(), met);
let bod = bod.to_hvm2_checker(cons(&env, nam.clone()), met);
format!("(Slf \"{}\" {} λ{} {})", nam, typ, binder(nam), bod)
Term::Ins { val } => {
let val = val.to_hvm2_checker(env.clone(), met);
format!("(Ins {})", val)
Term::Set => "(Set)".to_string(),
Term::U60 => "(U60)".to_string(),
Term::Num { val } => {
format!("(Num {})", val)
Term::Op2 { opr, fst, snd } => {
let fst = fst.to_hvm2_checker(env.clone(), met);
let snd = snd.to_hvm2_checker(env.clone(), met);
format!("(Op2 {} {} {})", opr.to_hvm2_checker(), fst, snd)
Term::Swi { nam, x, z, s, p } => {
let x = x.to_hvm2_checker(env.clone(), met);
let z = z.to_hvm2_checker(env.clone(), met);
let s = s.to_hvm2_checker(cons(&env, format!("{}-1", nam)), met);
let p = p.to_hvm2_checker(cons(&env, nam.clone()), met);
format!("(Swi \"{}\" {} {} λ{} {} λ{} {})", nam, x, z, binder(&format!("{}-1", nam)), s, binder(nam), p)
Term::Let { nam, val, bod } => {
let val = val.to_hvm2_checker(env.clone(), met);
let bod = bod.to_hvm2_checker(cons(&env, nam.clone()), met);
format!("(Let \"{}\" {} λ{} {})", nam, val, binder(nam), bod)
Term::Use { nam, val, bod } => {
let val = val.to_hvm2_checker(env.clone(), met);
let bod = bod.to_hvm2_checker(cons(&env, nam.clone()), met);
format!("(Use \"{}\" {} λ{} {})", nam, val, binder(nam), bod)
Term::Hol { nam } => {
let env_str = env.iter().map(|n| binder(n)).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(",");
format!("(Hol \"{}\" [{}])", nam, env_str)
Term::Met {} => {
let uid = *met;
*met += 1;
format!("(Met {} [])", uid)
Term::Var { nam } => {
if env.contains(nam) {
format!("{}", binder(nam))
} else {
format!("(Book.{})", nam)
Term::Src { src, val } => {
let val = val.to_hvm2_checker(env, met);
format!("(Src {} {})", src.to_u64(), val)
Term::Nat { nat } => {
format!("(Nat {})", nat)
Term::Txt { txt } => {
format!("(Txt \"{}\")", txt.replace("\n", "\\n"))
Term::Mch { .. } => {
pub fn to_hs_name(name: &str) -> String {
format!("x{}", name.replace("-", "_").replace(".","_"))